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Theory predicts that stability should increase with diversity via several mechanisms. We tested predictions in a 5‐year experiment that compared low‐diversity exotic to high‐diversity native plant mixtures under two irrigation treatments. The study included both wet and dry years. Variation in biomass across years (CV) was 50% lower in mixtures than monocultures of both native and exotic species. Growth among species was more asynchronous and overyielding values were greater during and after a drought in native than exotic mixtures. Mean‐variance slopes indicated strong portfolio effects in both community types, but the intercept was higher for exotics than for natives, suggesting that exotics were inherently more variable than native species. However, this failed to result in higher CV's in exotic communities because species that heavily dominated plots tended to have lower than expected variance. Results indicate that diversity‐stability mechanisms are altered in invaded systems compared to native ones they replaced.  相似文献   

The past two decades have seen great progress in understanding the mechanisms of ecosystem stability in local ecological systems. There is, however, an urgent need to extend existing knowledge to larger spatial scales to match the scale of management and conservation. Here, we develop a general theoretical framework to study the stability and variability of ecosystems at multiple scales. Analogously to the partitioning of biodiversity, we propose the concepts of alpha, beta and gamma variability. Gamma variability at regional (metacommunity) scale can be partitioned into local alpha variability and spatial beta variability, either multiplicatively or additively. On average, variability decreases from local to regional scales, which creates a negative variability–area relationship. Our partitioning framework suggests that mechanisms of regional ecosystem stability can be understood by investigating the influence of ecological factors on alpha and beta variability. Diversity can provide insurance effects at the various levels of variability, thus generating alpha, beta and gamma diversity–stability relationships. As a consequence, the loss of biodiversity and habitat impairs ecosystem stability at the regional scale. Overall, our framework enables a synthetic understanding of ecosystem stability at multiple scales and has practical implications for landscape management.  相似文献   

Biodiversity may regulate the temporal variability of ecological systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of biodiversity on natural communities has recently emerged as a topic of considerable ecological interest. We review studies that explicitly test whether the number of species in a community (species richness) regulates the temporal variability of aggregate community (total biomass, productivity, nutrient cycling) and population (density, biomass) properties. Theoretical studies predict that community variability should decline with increasing species richness, while population variability should increase. Many, but not all, empirical studies support these expectations. However, a closer look reveals that several empirical studies have either imperfect experimental designs or biased methods of calculating variability. Furthermore, most theoretical studies rely on highly unrealistic assumptions. We conclude that evidence to support the claim that biodiversity regulates temporal variability is accumulating, but not unequivocal. More research, in a broader array of ecosystem types and with careful attention to methodological considerations, is needed before we can make definitive statements regarding richness‐variability relationships.  相似文献   

Both theory and evidence suggest that diversity stabilises productivity in herbaceous plant communities through a combination of overyielding, species asynchrony and favourable species interactions. However, whether these same processes also promote stability in forest ecosystems has never been tested. Using tree ring data from permanent forest plots across Europe, we show that aboveground wood production is inherently more stable through time in mixed‐species forests. Faster rates of wood production (i.e. overyielding), decreased year‐to‐year variation in productivity through asynchronous responses of species to climate, and greater temporal stability in the growth rates of individual tree species all contributed strongly to stabilising productivity in mixed stands. Together, these findings reveal the central role of diversity in stabilising productivity in forests, and bring us closer to understanding the processes which enable diverse forests to remain productive under a wide range of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Biodiversity can buffer ecosystem functioning against extreme climatic events, but few experiments have explicitly tested this. Here, we present the first multisite biodiversity × drought manipulation experiment to examine drought resistance and recovery at five temperate and Mediterranean grassland sites. Aboveground biomass production declined by 30% due to experimental drought (standardised local extremity by rainfall exclusion for 72–98 consecutive days). Species richness did not affect resistance but promoted recovery. Recovery was only positively affected by species richness in low‐productive communities, with most diverse communities even showing overcompensation. This positive diversity effect could be linked to asynchrony of species responses. Our results suggest that a more context‐dependent view considering the nature of the climatic disturbance as well as the productivity of the studied system will help identify under which circumstances biodiversity promotes drought resistance or recovery. Stability of biomass production can generally be expected to decrease with biodiversity loss and climate change.  相似文献   

Yang H  Jiang L  Li L  Li A  Wu M  Wan S 《Ecology letters》2012,15(6):619-626
Anthropogenic perturbations may affect biodiversity and ecological stability as well as their relationships. However, diversity-stability patterns and associated mechanisms under human disturbances have rarely been explored. We conducted a 7-year field experiment examining the effects of mowing and nutrient addition on the diversity and temporal stability of herbaceous plant communities in a temperate steppe in northern China. Mowing increased population and community stability, whereas nutrient addition had the opposite effects. Stability exhibited positive relationships with species richness at population, functional group and community levels. Treatments did not alter these positive diversity-stability relationships, which were associated with the stabilising effect of species richness on component populations, species asynchrony and portfolio effects. Despite the difficulty of pinpointing causal mechanisms of diversity-stability patterns observed in nature, our results suggest that diversity may still be a useful predictor of the stability of ecosystems confronted with anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

The relationship between community diversity and biomass variability remains a crucial ecological topic, with positive, negative and neutral diversity–stability relationships reported from empirical studies. Theory highlights the relative importance of Species–Species or Species–Environment interactions in driving diversity–stability patterns. Much previous work is based on an assumption of identical (stable) species‐level dynamics. We studied ecosystem models incorporating stable, cyclic and more complex species‐level dynamics, with either linear or non‐linear density dependence, within a locally stable community framework. Species composition varies with increasing diversity, interacting with the correlation of species' environmental responses to drive either positive or negative diversity–stability patterns, which theory based on communities with only stable species‐level dynamics fails to predict. Including different dynamics points to new mechanisms that drive the full range of diversity–biomass stability relationships in empirical systems where a wider range of dynamical behaviours are important.  相似文献   

Abundances and distributions of species are usually associated. This implies that as a species declines in abundance so does the number of sites it occupies. Conversely, when there is an increase in a species' range size, it is usually followed by an increase in population size (Gaston et al. 2000 ). This ecological phenomenon, also known as the abundance–occupancy relationship (AOR), is well documented in several species of animals and plants (Gaston et al. 2000 ) but has been little investigated in parasites. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Drovetski et al. ( 2014 ) investigated the AOR in avian haemosporidians (vector‐borne blood parasites) using data from four well‐sampled bird communities. In support of the AOR, the research group found that the abundance of parasite cytochrome b lineages (a commonly used proxy for species identification within this group of parasites) was positively linked with the abundance of susceptible avian host species and that the most abundant haemospordian lineages were those with larger ranges. Drovetski et al. ( 2014 ) also found evidence for both hypotheses proposed to explain the AOR in parasites: the trade‐off hypothesis (TOH) and the niche‐breadth hypothesis (NBH). Interestingly, the main predictor of the AOR was the number of susceptible hosts (i.e. number of infected birds) and not the number of host species the parasites were able to exploit.  相似文献   

Biodiversity generally promotes ecosystem stability. To assess whether the diversity–stability relationship observed under ambient nitrogen (N) conditions still holds under N enriched conditions, we designed a 6‐year field experiment to test whether the magnitude and frequency of N enrichment affects ecosystem stability and its relationship with species diversity in a temperate grassland. Results of this experiment showed that the frequency of N addition had no effect on either the temporal stability of ecosystem and population or the relationship between diversity and stability. Nitrogen addition decreased ecosystem stability significantly through decreases in species asynchrony and population stability. Species richness was positively associated with ecosystem stability, but no significant relationship between diversity and the residuals of ecosystem stability was detected after controlling for the effects of the magnitude of N addition, suggesting collinearity between the effects of N addition and species richness on ecosystem stability, with the former prevailing over the latter. Both population stability and the residuals of population stability after controlling for the effects of the magnitude of N addition were positively associated with ecosystem stability, indicating that the stabilizing effects of component populations were still present after N enrichment. Our study supports the theory predicting that the effects of environmental factors on ecosystem functioning are stronger than those of biodiversity. Understanding such mechanisms is important and urgent to protect biodiversity in mediating ecosystem functioning and services in the face of global changes.  相似文献   

Abstract In exploring the relationship between multivariate abundance data and environmental variables, a rarely used approach is to graph raw data separately for each different taxon. It is proposed that such raw data graphs become part of the standard toolset for graphing and analysing multivariate abundances. The key advantage of this approach is that axis scales have quantitative interpretations, enabling quantitative interpretation of patterns in abundance. In contrast, ordinations only present qualitative information. Ordinations are useful for inferring overall, qualitative patterns and raw data graphing is a complementary tool of greater use for answering more specific questions, aimed at a deeper understanding the ecology of a community. It is demonstrated using some well‐known examples that our understanding of the nature of associations can be considerably improved by using raw data graphs, even when only plotting a subset of variables. One example describes how an often‐cited dataset has been misinterpreted in key methodological papers, because data were interpreted from ordinations alone, with no consideration of plots of the raw data.  相似文献   

Identifying the drivers of ecological stability is critical for ensuring the maintenance of ecosystem functioning and services, particularly in a changing world. Different ecological mechanisms by which biological communities stabilize ecosystem functions (i.e. “stabilizing effects”) have been proposed, yet with various theoretical expectations and debated conclusions. Here we propose a unified framework that aims at reconciling, and combining, different approaches to reliably test the strength of three stabilizing effects on the temporal constancy of ecosystem functions: the effects of (a) dominant species, (b) species asynchrony, and (c) diversity.  相似文献   

Setting optimal significance levels that minimize Type I and Type II errors allows for more transparent and well‐considered statistical decision making compared to the traditional α = 0.05 significance level. We use the optimal α approach to re‐assess conclusions reached by three recently published tests of the pace‐of‐life syndrome hypothesis, which attempts to unify occurrences of different physiological, behavioral, and life history characteristics under one theory, over different scales of biological organization. While some of the conclusions reached using optimal α were consistent to those previously reported using the traditional α = 0.05 threshold, opposing conclusions were also frequently reached. The optimal α approach reduced probabilities of Type I and Type II errors, and ensured statistical significance was associated with biological relevance. Biologists should seriously consider their choice of α when conducting null hypothesis significance tests, as there are serious disadvantages with consistent reliance on the traditional but arbitrary α = 0.05 significance level.  相似文献   

Why don’t asexual females replace sexual females in most natural populations of eukaryotes? One promising explanation is that parasites could counter the reproductive advantages of asexual reproduction by exerting frequency‐dependent selection against common clones (the Red Queen hypothesis). One apparent limitation of the Red Queen theory, however, is that parasites would seem to be required by theory to be highly virulent. In the present study, I present a population‐dynamic view of competition between sexual females and asexual females that interact with co‐evolving parasites. The results show that asexual populations have higher carrying capacities, and more unstable population dynamics, than sexual populations. The results also suggest that the spread of a clone into a sexual population could increase the effective parasite virulence as population density increases. This combination of parasite‐mediated frequency‐dependent selection, and density‐dependent virulence, could lead to the coexistence of sexual and asexual reproductive strategies and the long‐term persistence of sex.  相似文献   

Species–area curves from islands and other isolates often differ in shape from sample‐area curves generated from mainlands or sections of isolates (or islands), especially at finer scales. We examine two explanations for this difference: (1) the small‐island effect (SIE), which assumes the species–area curve is composed of two distinctly different curve patterns; and (2) a sigmoid or depressed isolate species–area curve with no break‐points (in arithmetic space). We argue that the application of Ockham’s razor – the principle that the simplest, most economical explanation for a hypothesis should be accepted over less parsimonious alternatives – leads to the conclusion that the latter explanation is preferable. We hold that there is no reason to assume the ecological factors or patterns that affect the shapes of isolate (or island) curves cause two distinctly different patterns. This assumption is not required for the alternative, namely that these factors cause a single (though depressed) isolate species–area curve with no break‐points. We conclude that the theory of the small‐island effect, despite its present standing as an accepted general pattern in nature, should be abandoned.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the strength of evidence for hypotheses explaining the relationship between climate and species richness in forest plots. We focused on the effect of energy availability which has been hypothesized to influence species richness: (1) via the effect of productivity on the total number of individuals (the more individuals hypothesis, MIH); (2) through the effect of temperature on metabolic rate (metabolic theory of biodiversity, MTB); or (3) by imposing climatic limits on species distributions. Location Global. Methods We utilized a unique ‘Gentry‐style’ 370 forest plots data set comprising tree counts and individual stem measurements, covering tropical and temperate forests across all six forested continents. We analysed variation in plot species richness and species richness controlled for the number of individuals by using rarefaction. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression and spatial regressions were used to explore the relative performance of different sets of environmental variables. Results Species richness patterns do not differ whether we use raw number of species or number of species controlled for number of individuals, indicating that number of individuals is not the proximate driver of species richness. Productivity‐related variables (actual evapotranspiration, net primary productivity, normalized difference vegetation index) perform relatively poorly as correlates of tree species richness. The best predictors of species richness consistently include the minimum temperature and precipitation values together with the annual means of these variables. Main conclusion Across the world's forests there is no evidence to support the MIH, and a very limited evidence for a prominent role of productivity as a driver of species richness patterns. The role of temperature is much more important, although this effect is more complex than originally assumed by the MTB. Variation in forest plot diversity appears to be mostly affected by variation in the minimum climatic values. This is consistent with the ‘climatic tolerance hypothesis’ that climatic extremes have acted as a strong constraint on species distribution and diversity.  相似文献   

Quantitative prediction of protein–protein binding affinity is essential for understanding protein–protein interactions. In this article, an atomic level potential of mean force (PMF) considering volume correction is presented for the prediction of protein–protein binding affinity. The potential is obtained by statistically analyzing X‐ray structures of protein–protein complexes in the Protein Data Bank. This approach circumvents the complicated steps of the volume correction process and is very easy to implement in practice. It can obtain more reasonable pair potential compared with traditional PMF and shows a classic picture of nonbonded atom pair interaction as Lennard‐Jones potential. To evaluate the prediction ability for protein–protein binding affinity, six test sets are examined. Sets 1–5 were used as test set in five published studies, respectively, and set 6 was the union set of sets 1–5, with a total of 86 protein–protein complexes. The correlation coefficient (R) and standard deviation (SD) of fitting predicted affinity to experimental data were calculated to compare the performance of ours with that in literature. Our predictions on sets 1–5 were as good as the best prediction reported in the published studies, and for union set 6, R = 0.76, SD = 2.24 kcal/mol. Furthermore, we found that the volume correction can significantly improve the prediction ability. This approach can also promote the research on docking and protein structure prediction.  相似文献   

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