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Aspects of a possible involvement of hydrogen ions in the electrophysiological responses to light of Limulus ventral photoreceptors were investigated. A 1 M solution of either a zwitter-ionic pH buffer or a weakly-buffering control substance was pressure injected through a micropipette into a ventral photoreceptor cell. To estimate the amount injected, 35SO4 was included in the solution. Membrane currents induced by light flashes were measured by a voltage-clamp technique. The buffer-filled micropipette passed current and a 3M KCl filled micropipette monitored membrane voltage. The sensitivity (peak light-induced current/stimulus energy) was measured, after dark adaptation, before and after injection. Injections of buffers, pH 6.3-7.2, to intracellular concentrations of at least 40-200 mM produced only a small mean decrease in sensitivity, approximately equal to that caused by injections of control substances. Excitation, therefore, apparently is not mediated by a change in intracellular pH. Buffers with pH values 5.4-8.4 were also injected. The time to peak of the response depended on pH, being shortened by up to 20% at pH values below 7.7 and lengthened at higher pH values. The time to peak of the response appeared to be shortened by an increase in intracellular pH-buffering capacity even when there was no change in intracellular pH.  相似文献   

(1) The amounts of orthophosphate, bicarbonate and tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane found inside the thylakoid are almost exactly the amounts predicted by assuming that the buffers equilibrate across the membrane. Since imidazole and pyridine delay the development of post-illumination ATP formation while increasing the maximum amount of ATP formed, it follows that such relatively permeant buffers must also enter the inner aqueous space of the thylakoid.(2) Photophosphorylation begins abruptly at full steady-state efficiency and full steady-state rate as soon as the illumination time exceeds about 5 ms when permeant ions are absent or as soon as the time exceeds about 50 ms if valinomycin and KCl are present. In either case, permeant buffers have little or no effect on the time of illumination required to initiate phosphorylation. A concentration of bicarbonate which would delay acidification of the bulk of the inner aqueous phase for at least 350 ms has no effect at all on the time of initiation of phosphorylation. In somewhat swollen chloroplasts, the combined buffering by the tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane and orthophosphate inside would delay acidification of the inside by 1500 ms but, even in the presence of valinomycin and KCl, the total delay in the initiation of phosphorylation is then only 65 ms. Similar discrpancies occur with all of the other buffers mentioned.(3) Since these discrepancies between internal acidification and phosphorylation are found in the presence of saturating amounts of valinomycin and KCl, it seems that photophosphorylation can occur when there are no proton concentration gradients and no electrical potential differences across the membranes which separate the medium from the greater part of the internal aqueous phase.(4) We suggest that the protons produced by electron transport may be used directly for phosophorylation without ever entering the bulk of the inner aqueous phase of the lamellar system. If so, phosphorylation could proceed long before the internal pH reflected the proton activity gradients within the membrane.  相似文献   

Minoru Hoshino 《BBA》1977,462(1):49-62
The ATPase (EC activity of 30 S dynein from Tetrahymena cilia was remarkably stimulated by porcine brain tubulin at pH 10. The activity increased with increasing concentration of tubulin until the molar ratio of tubulin dimer to 30 S dynein reached approx. 10. The optimum of the ATPase activity of 30 S dynein in the presence of tubulin was 1?2 mM for MgCl2 and 2 mM for CaCl2. Increasing ionic strength gradually inhibited the stimulation effects of tubulin. Activation energies of 30 S dynein in the presence and absence of tubulin were almost the same. At the temperatures beyond 25 °C stimulation effects of tubulin disappeared. ATP was a specific substrate even in the presence of tubulin. In kinetic investigations parallel reciprocal plots were observed in a constant ratio of divalent cations to ATP of 2, indicating that tubulin was less tightly bound to 30 S dynein in the presence of ATP than in the absence. The similar results were obtained at pH 8.2. 14 S dynein and the 12 S fragment which have poor ability to recombine with outer fibers were also activated with brain tubulin.  相似文献   

Light-induced Na+ efflux was observed in sub-bacterial particles of Halobacterium halobium loaded and suspended in 4 M NaCl solution. The Na+ efflux was not ATP driven, since ATPase inhibitors were without effect or even enhanced efflux at low light intensity. Uncouplers, on the other hand, inhibited Na+ efflux, the inhibition being complete at low light intensity. The Na+ efflux was accompanied by proton influx. Both processes were dependent on light intensity, unaffected or enhanced by ATPase inhibitors and similarly affected by uncouplers. Proton influx was not observed in particles loaded with 4 M KCl instead of 4 M NaCl. Na+ transport in the dark could be induced by artificial formation of a pH difference across the membrane; changing the sign of the pH difference reversed the direction of the Na+ transport. Proton influx in the dark followed the artificial formation of a sodium gradient ([Na+]in > [Na+]out). These results may be explained by a Na+/H+ antiport mechanism. The fluxes of Na+ and H+ were of comparable magnitude, but the initial rate of Cl? efflux in the same experiment was one-third of the initial rate of Na+ efflux. Consequently Cl? is not regarded as a participant in the Na+ efflux mechanism.  相似文献   

d-β-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase of beef heart mitochondria is a lipid-requiring enzyme, bound to the inner membrane. The orientation of this enzyme in the membrane has been studied by comparing the characteristics of the enzyme in mitochondria and ‘inside-out’ submitochondrial vesicles. We observe that the enzymic activity is (1) latent in intact mitochondria; (2) relatively stable to trypsin digestion in mitochondria but rapidly inactivated in submitochondrial vesicles by this treatment; and (3) released more rapidly from submitochondrial vesicles by phospholipase A2 digestion than from mitochondria. Conclusive evidence that d-β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase is localized on the matrix face of the mitochondrial inner membrane is provided by the correlation that the enzyme is released from submitochondrial vesicles before the membrane becomes leaky to cytochrome c. The arrangement of d-β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase in the membrane is discussed within a generalized classification of the orientation of proteins in membranes. The evidence indicates that d-β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase is an amphipathic molecule and as such is inlaid in the membrane, i.e. the enzyme is partially inserted into the hydrophobic milieu of the membrane, with the polar, functional end extending into the aqueous milieu.  相似文献   

M.-E. Koller  I. Romslo  T. Flatmark 《BBA》1976,449(3):480-490
The mitochondrial ferrochelatase activity has been studied in coupled rat liver mitochondria using deuteroporphyrin IX (incorporated into liposomes of lecithin) and Fe(III) or Co(II) as the substrates.

1. 1. It was found that respiring mitochondria catalyze the insertion of Fe(II) and Co(II) into deuteroporphyrin. When Fe(III) was used as the metal donor, the reaction revealed an absolute requirement for a supply of reducing equivalents supported by the respiratory chain.

2. 2. A close correlation was found between the disappearance of porphyrin and the formation of heme which allows an accurate estimate of the extinction coefficient for the porphyrin to heme conversion. The value Δ (mM−1 · cm−1) = 3.5 for the wavelength pair 498 509 nm, is considerably lower than previously reported.

3. 3. The maximal rate of deuteroheme synthesis was found to be approx. 1 nM · min−1 · mg−1 of protein at 37 °C, pH 7.4 and optimal substrate concentrations, i.e. 75 μM Fe(III) and 50 μM deuteroporphyrin.

4. 4. Provided the mitochondria are supplemented with an oxidizable substrate, the presence of oxygen has no effect on the rate of deuteroheme synthesis.

Abbreviations: EPPS, (4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine propane sulphonic acid); HEPES, N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N′-2-ethanesulphonic acid; PIPES, piperazine-N,N′-2-bis(2-ethanesulphonic acid)  相似文献   


1. 1. A soluble, alkaline, Mg2+-dependent inorganic pyrophosphatase (EC has been isolated from the stroma of intact spinach and pea chloroplasts and purified some 100-fold. The enzyme has a high specificity for inorganic pyrophosphate and Mg2+, and exhibits maximal activity at pH 8.2–8.6. The enzyme shows allosteric characteristics with Mg2+ as activator and optimal rates are obtained with a ratio of Mg2+ to PPi of approximately 4 to 1. The enzyme is inhibited by anionic PPi and by its own reaction product, orthophosphate.

2. 2. If Mg2+ is excluded from the medium in which isolated chloroplasts are assayed, active photosynthetic oxygen evolution can still be observed. The addition of Pi, but not PPi, will then offset a phosphate deficiency. If external Mg2+ is present PPi will also offset a phosphate deficiency and in these circumstances the rapidity and nature of the response is related to the external pyrophosphatase activity.

3. 3. Evidence is presented that the chloroplast envelope is relatively impermeable to PPi and that the response to added PPi is due to external hydrolysis followed by entry of Pi to the chloroplast. These results have significance concerning proposed mechanisms for control of photosynthesis.

Abbreviations: HEPES, N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N′-ethanesulphonic acid; MES, 2-(N-morpholino)-ethanesulphonic acid  相似文献   

The question addressed in the title was examined by measuring fluorescence emission spectra and light-induced fluorescence-yield changes of chloroplasts which had been frozen to ?196 °C rapidly, as very thin samples adsorbed into substrates which were plunged directly into liquid nitrogen, or slowly by the cooling action of liquid nitrogen through the wall of the cuvette. Contrary to previous reports, we found that the rate of cooling had no influence on the shape of the emission spectrum, the extent of the variable fluorescence or the fraction of the absorbed quanta which are delivered initially to Photosystem I.  相似文献   

A comparative study has been made of the effects of a variety of inhibitors on the plasma membrane ATPase and mitochondrial ATPase of Neurospora crassa. The most specific inhibitors proved to be vanadate and diethylstilbestrol for the plasma membrane ATPase and azide, oligomycin, venturicidin, and leucinostatin for mitochondrial ATPase. N,N′-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, octylguanidine, triphenylsulfonium chloride, and quercetin and related bioflavonoids inhibited both enzymes, although with different concentration dependences. Other compounds that were tested (phaseolin, fusicoccin, deoxycorticosterone, alachlor, salicyclic acid, N-1-napthylphthalamate, triiodobenzoic acid, cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP, theobromine, theophylline, and histamine) had no significant effect on either enzyme. Overall, the results indicate that the plasma membrane and mitochondrial ATPases are distinct enzymes, in spite of the fact that they may play related roles in H+ transport across their respective membranes.  相似文献   

The transport of purine derivatives into vacuoles isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied. Vacuoles which conserved their ability to take up purine compounds were prepared by a modification of the method of polybase-induced lysis of spheroplasts.Guanosine > inosine = hypoxanthine > adenosine were taken up with decreasing initial velocities, respectively; adenine was not transported.Guanosine and adenosine transporting systems were saturable, with apparent Km values 0.63 mM and 0.15 mM respectively, while uptake rates of inosine and of hypoxanthine were linear functions of their concentrations.Adenosine transport in vacuoles appeared strongly dependent on the growth phase of the cell culture.The system transporting adenosine was further characterized by its pH dependency optimum of 7.1 and its sensitivity to inhibition by S-adenosyl-l-methionine.In the absence of adenosine in the external medium, [14C]adenosine did not flow out from preloaded vacuoles. However, in the presence of external adenosine, a very rapid efflux of radioactivity was observed, indicating an exchange mechanism for the observed adenosine transport in the vacuoles.In isolated vacuoles the only purine derivative accumulated was found to be S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine.  相似文献   

The calcium sequestering agent, EGTA, was injected into Limulus ventral photoreceptors. Before injection, the inward membrane current induced by a long stimulus had a large initial transient which declined to a smaller plateau. Iontophoretic injection of EGTA tended to prevent the decline from transient to plateau. Before injection the plateau response was a nonlinear function of light intensity. After EGTA injection the response-intensity curves tended to become linear. Before injection, bright lights lowered the sensitivity as determined with subsequent test flashes. EGTA injection decreased the light-induced changes in sensitivity. Ca-EGTA buffers having different levels of free calcium were pressure-injected into ventral photoreceptors; the higher the level of free calcium, the lower the sensitivity measured after injection. The effects of inotophoretic injection of EGTA were not mimicked by injection or similar amounts of sulfate and the effects of pressure injection of EGTA buffer solutions were not mimicked by injection of similar volumes of pH buffer or mannitol. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that light adaptation is mediated by a rise of the intracellular free calcium concentration.  相似文献   

The light-dependent uptake of triphenylmethylphosphonium (TPMP+) and of 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione (DMO) by starved purple cells of Halobacterium halobium was investigated. DMO uptake was used to calculate the pH difference (ΔpH) across the membrane, and TPMP+ was used as an index of the electrical potential difference, Δψ.Under most conditions, both in the light and in the dark, the cells are more alkaline than the medium. In the light at pH 6.6, ΔpH amounts to 0.6–0.8 pH unit. Its value can be increased to 1.5–2.0 by either incubating the cells with TPMP+ (10?3 M) or at low external pH (5.5). — ΔpH can be lowered by uncoupler or by nigericin. The TPMP+ uptake by the cells indicates a large Δψ across the membrane, negative inside. It was estimated that in the light, at pH 6.6, Δψ might reach a value of about 100 mV and that consequently the electrical equivalent of the proton electrochemical potential difference, ΔuH+F, amounts under these conditions to about 140 mV.The effects of different ionophores on the light-driven proton extrusion by the cells were in agreement with the effects of these compounds on — ΔpH.  相似文献   

J.Peter Kusel  Bayard T. Storey 《BBA》1973,314(2):164-177
CO-difference absorbance spectra of both intact cells and of mitochondrial preparations isolated from Crithidia fasciculata were obtained after anaerobiosis was attained either with substrates or with dithionite. Under both sets of conditions, the CO-difference spectrum of cytochrome a3, with difference absorbance maxima at 430 and 589 nm and minima at 443 and 612 nm, was readily identified in both the intact cells and in the mitochondria. In addition to the difference absorbance bands of cytochrome a3-CO, three difference absorbance maxima at 417, 538 and 570 nm and a minimum at 556 nm were observed. The magnitude of the maximum at 570 nm relative to the maximum of cytochrome a3-CO at 589 nm was less for mitochondria rendered anaerobic with substrate than for mitochondria rendered anaerobic with dithionite. This difference was taken to define operationally two groups of mitochondrial CO-binding pigments: Group I is that group observed on anaerobiosis with substrate: Group II is the additional group observed on anaerobiosis with dithionite. The Group I CO-binding pigments were virtually absent from submitochondrial particles derived by sonication, but the Group II pigments remained.Photochemical action spectra were obtained with isolated mitochondria and intact cells to ascertain if cytochrome o was present. These action spectra, obtained in CO plus O2 atmospheres, had maxima only at 432, 550 and 588 nm, attributable to the photodissociation of cytochrome a3-CO. Even after suppression of cytochrome a3 activity to 10% of the normal value, no contribution of cytochrome o activity to the photochemical action spectrum was observed. Cytochrome a3 is therefore the only functional terminal oxidase present in the mitochondria of Crithidia fasciculata.  相似文献   

During intracellular iontophoretic injection of Ca++ into Limulus ventral photoreceptor cells, there is a progressive diminution of the light response. Following Ca++ injection, the size of the light response slowly recovers. Similarly, there is a progressive diminution of the light response during intracellular injection of Na+ and recovery after the injection is stopped. The rate of diminution during Na+ injection is greater for higher [Ca++]out. In solutions which contain 0.1 mM Ca++, there is nearly no progressive decrease in the size of the light response during Na+ injection. Intracellular injections of Li+ or K+ do not progressively decrease the size of the light response. We propose that an increase in [Na+]in leads to an increase in [Ca++]in and that an increase in [Ca++]in by any means leads to a reduction in responsiveness to light.  相似文献   

We have studied the on-transient of the receptor potential of the barnacle photoreceptor. Its amplitude has previously been shown to depend on light intensity and state of light-dark adaptation. We have examined its dependence on 1) the presence of a prolonged depolarizing afterpotential (PDA), 2) a background light, 3) added alcohol, or 4) decreased K+ concentration in the bath. We find that the relative on-transient amplitude tends to increase initially with increasing depolarization arising from 1)–4) and then to decrease again at higher depolarization. This behavior is qualitatively explainable by the cell's currentvoltage characteristics and by the adapting effect of the stimulus on the conductances arising from the PDA, the background light and the alcohol.Based on material presented at the European Neurosciences Meeting, Florence, September 1978  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis that excitation in Drosophila photoreceptors is mediated by Ca2+ released from internal stores, the Ca2+ buffers EGTA, BAPTA and di-bromo-BAPTA (DBB) were introduced into dissociated photoreceptors via whole-cell recording pipettes. All buffers were preloaded with Ca2+ to provide the same free Ca2+ concentration (250 nM). EGTA (up to 18 mM free buffer) had only weak effects upon voltage-clamped flash responses in normal Ringer's solution (1.5 mM Ca 0 2+ ), and no effect in Ca2+-free solution. The maximum BAPTA concentration tested (14.4 mM free BAPTA) reduced the initial rate of rise by ca. 5000-fold in normal Ringer's solution; by ca. 500-fold in Ca2+free solution; and only ca. 60-fold in the absence of Mg2+, which preferentially blocks one component of the light-sensitive current. Although BAPTA delayed the time-to-peak in normal Ringer's solution, responses in Ca2+ free Ringer's solution were accelerated. These results support the role of Ca2+ influx in regulating sensitivity and response kinetics; however, in view of the high concentrations required to attenuate responses in Ca2+ free Ringer's solution, the role of Ca2+ release in excitation remains unclear. DBB was ca. 2–3 fold more potent than BAPTA, and at concentrations > 5 mM had a qualitatively different action, greatly delaying the time-to-peak. This suggests DBB may have distinct pharmacological actions or access to compartments inaccessible to BAPTA.The only current activated by introducing 5–500 M Ca2+ (buffered with nitrilo-triacetic acid) was electrogenic Na+/Ca2+ exchange. When this was blocked by removing Nao 0 + , a novel cationic conductance was activated. However, its properties did not resemble those the light-activated conductance, and thus do not support the hypothesis that Ca2+ is sufficient for excitation.Abbreviations BAPTA bis-(o-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N-tetracetic acid - DBB Di-bromo-bapta - NTA nitrilo-triacetic acid - InsP 3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate  相似文献   

The study of cell surface cyclic adenosine 3′:5′-monophosphate binding to Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae indicates that Ca2+ increases the number of binding sites without significantly affecting their affinity constant(s). The effects of the ion are observed immmediately (within 4 s after addition) and appear to be readily reversible. Ca2+ effects are observed at various temperatures and pH values and are not blocked by the presence of various metabolic inhibitors. Increases, and decreases, in the apparent number of cyclic nucleotide binding sites could also be effected by concanavalin A treatments which respectively stimulate, and inhibit cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Labelling with ferritin-conjugated antibody shows that Pseudomonas cytochrome cd1 is associated with the inner surface of the cytoplasmic membrane. Cytochrome cd1 is, however, enriched to the soluble fraction obtained after destruction of Pseudomonas spheroplasts. Comparison of the respiratory nitrite reductase activities, due to this cytochrome, between different cellular fractions and the purified enzyme shows that while the kinetic pattern and the temperature dependence of the activity remain almost the same the molecular activity is enhanced when the enzyme is released from cells.A new assay of respiratory nitrite reductase was developed in this study. The method is based on determination of the stoichiometrical proton consumption accompanying nitrite reduction.  相似文献   

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