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Plants mount defense responses during pathogen attacks, and robust host defense suppression by pathogen effector proteins is essential for infection success. 4E02 is an effector of the sugar beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii. Arabidopsis thaliana lines expressing the effector‐coding sequence showed altered expression levels of defense response genes, as well as higher susceptibility to both the biotroph H. schachtii and the necrotroph Botrytis cinerea, indicating a potential suppression of defenses by 4E02. Yeast two‐hybrid analyses showed that 4E02 targets A. thaliana vacuolar papain‐like cysteine protease (PLCP) ‘Responsive to Dehydration 21A’ (RD21A), which has been shown to function in the plant defense response. Activity‐based protein profiling analyses documented that the in planta presence of 4E02 does not impede enzymatic activity of RD21A. Instead, 4E02 mediates a re‐localization of this protease from the vacuole to the nucleus and cytoplasm, which is likely to prevent the protease from performing its defense function and at the same time, brings it in contact with novel substrates. Yeast two‐hybrid analyses showed that RD21A interacts with multiple host proteins including enzymes involved in defense responses as well as carbohydrate metabolism. In support of a role in carbohydrate metabolism of RD21A after its effector‐mediated re‐localization, we observed cell wall compositional changes in 4E02 expressing A. thaliana lines. Collectively, our study shows that 4E02 removes RD21A from its defense‐inducing pathway and repurposes this enzyme by targeting the active protease to different cell compartments.  相似文献   

The effect of host plant dissimilarity on insect preference and performance was tested using two morphological forms of Chromolaena odorata (L.) King & Robinson (Asteraceae) (one from Florida, USA, another from South Africa), and a specialist herbivore, Pareuchaetes insulata (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae) from Florida, USA, that was introduced as a biological control agent in South Africa. Although this insect did establish at one site, of some 21 sites at which over 800 000 individuals were released, its population level in the field has remained low after an initial outbreak in 2006. To explain the poor performance of P. insulata, we hypothesised that P. insulata larvae prefer Floridian C. odorata to the southern African C. odorata, which is morphologically and probably genetically distinct, and that larvae reared on Floridian C. odorata should have higher fitness and performance. We tested this by comparing insect performance metrics on each of the two plant forms in laboratory experiments. Apart from pupal mass, which was significantly greater on southern African C. odorata, P. insulata performance metrics were similar on both plant forms; there were no significant differences in total leaf area consumed, egg and larval development, immature survival rates, feeding index, host suitability index, growth index, and fecundity between the Floridian and southern African C. odorata plants. In sum, we could not demonstrate that differences in plant forms in C. odorata are responsible for the poor performance of P. insulata in South Africa.  相似文献   

Plants face various abiotic and biotic environmental factors and therefore need to adjust their phenotypic traits on several levels. UV‐B radiation is believed to impact herbivorous insects via host plant changes. Plant responses to abiotic challenges (UV‐B radiation) and their interaction with two aphid species were explored in a multifactor approach. Broccoli plants [Brassica oleracea L. convar. botrytis (L.), Brassicaceae] were grown in two differently covered greenhouses, transmitting either 80% (high UV‐B) or 4% (low UV‐B) of ambient UV‐B. Three‐week‐old plants were infested with either specialist cabbage aphids [Brevicoryne brassicae (L.), Sternorrhyncha, Aphididae] or generalist green peach aphids [Myzus persicae (Sulzer), Sternorrhyncha, Aphididae]. Plants grown under high‐UV‐B intensities were smaller and had higher flavonoid concentrations. Furthermore, these plants had reduced cuticular wax coverage, whereas amino acid concentrations of the phloem sap were little influenced by different UV‐B intensities. Cabbage aphids reproduced less on plants grown under high UV‐B than on plants grown under low UV‐B, whereas reproduction of green peach aphids in both plant light sources was equally poor. These results are likely related to the different specialisation‐dependent sensitivities of the two species. The aphids also affected plant chemistry. High numbers of cabbage aphid progeny on low‐UV‐B plants led to decreased indolyl glucosinolate concentrations. The induced change in these glucosinolates may depend on an infestation threshold. UV‐B radiation considerably impacts plant traits and subsequently affects specialist phloem‐feeding aphids, whereas aphid growth forces broccoli to generate specific defence responses.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B) portion of the solar radiation functions as an environmental signal for which plants have evolved specific and sensitive UV‐B perception systems. The UV‐B‐specific UV RESPONSE LOCUS 8 (UVR8) and the multifunctional E3 ubiquitin ligase CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1) are key regulators of the UV‐B response. We show here that uvr8‐null mutants are deficient in UV‐B‐induced photomorphogenesis and hypersensitive to UV‐B stress, whereas overexpression of UVR8 results in enhanced UV‐B photomorphogenesis, acclimation and tolerance to UV‐B stress. By using sun simulators, we provide evidence at the physiological level that UV‐B acclimation mediated by the UV‐B‐specific photoregulatory pathway is indeed required for survival in sunlight. At the molecular level, we demonstrate that the wild type but not the mutant UVR8 and COP1 proteins directly interact in a UV‐B‐dependent, rapid manner in planta. These data collectively suggest that UV‐B‐specific interaction of COP1 and UVR8 in the nucleus is a very early step in signalling and responsible for the plant's coordinated response to UV‐B ensuring UV‐B acclimation and protection in the natural environment.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Hosts experiencing frequent variation in density are thought to benefit from allocating more resources to parasite defence when density is high (‘density‐dependent prophylaxis’). However, high density conditions can increase intra‐specific competition and induce physiological stress, hence increasing host susceptibility to infection (‘crowding‐stress hypothesis’). 2. We studied monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) and quantified the effects of larval rearing density on susceptibility to the protozoan parasite Ophryocystis elektroscirrha. Larvae were inoculated with parasite spores and reared at three density treatments: low, moderate, and high. We examined the effects of larval density on parasite loads, host survival, development rates, body size, and wing melanism. 3. Results showed an increase in infection probability with greater larval density. Monarchs in the moderate and high density treatments also suffered the greatest negative effects of parasite infection on body size, development rate, and adult longevity. 4. We observed greater body sizes and shorter development times for monarchs reared at moderate densities, and this was true for both unparasitised and parasite‐treated monarchs. We hypothesise that this effect could result from greater larval feeding rates at moderate densities, combined with greater physiological stress at the highest densities. 5. Although monarch larvae are assumed to occur at very low densities in the wild, an analysis of continent‐wide monarch larval abundance data showed that larval densities can reach high levels in year‐round resident populations and during the late phase of the breeding season. Treatment levels used in our experiment captured ecologically‐relevant variation in larval density observed in the wild.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of ants as secondary seed dispersers of six primarily bird‐dispersed Miconia species in the cerrados of southeastern Brazil. Vertebrate exclosure and seed germination experiments were performed for M. albicans, M. alborufescens, M. corallina, M. ferruginata, M. ibaguensis, and M. irwinii. Excluding vertebrates did not significantly alter fruit removal rate for any of the Miconia species relative to open controls. Fruits on stalks and fallen fruits were removed and transported to nests mainly by species of Atta, Acromyrmex, and Ectatomma (dispersal distance ranging from 0.1 to 45.2 m), while Camponotus ants tended to be observed removing the fruit pulp (seed cleaning) where the fruits were found. Seed manipulation by Atta decreased germination of M. irwinii, but not M. ferruginata. Germination did not occur in intact fruits, and thus seed cleaning was an important service provided by the ants. Ant nest soils did not inhibit germination of any of the Miconia species, suggesting they are a good substrate for long‐lived Miconia seeds. We conclude that ant activity could have important effects on the fate of Miconia seeds adapted for bird dispersal.  相似文献   

In their technical comment, Janz et al. take issue with our recent study examining the association between host breadth and diversification rates in the brush‐footed butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) (Hamm and Fordyce 2015). Specifically, they are concerned that we misrepresent their “oscillation hypothesis” (OH) (Janz et al. 2006; Janz and Nylin 2008) and that one of our models was inadequate to test hypotheses regarding host breadth and diversification rate. Given our mutual interests in the macroevolutionary patterns of herbivorous insects, we appreciate the opportunity to respond to their concerns.  相似文献   

1. Crown architecture remains one of the least studied plant traits that influence plant–herbivore interactions. The hypotheses that dense crown architecture of mountain birches from open habitats favours leaf‐tying caterpillars through bottom‐up and/or top‐down effects associated with high leaf connectivity were tested. 2. Population densities of leaf‐tying herbivores in open (industrial barren and seashore) habitats were three times as high as in the shaded (forest) habitats. An experimental increase in leaf density by branch binding did not affect foliar consumption by free‐living herbivores but increased consumption by leaf‐tiers. 3. The specific leaf weight was lower in shaded habitats and in bound branches, but branch binding did not influence either the foliar concentrations of carbon and nitrogen or the pupal weight of the most abundant leaf‐tier, Carpatolechia proximella Hbn. (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). 4. Caterpillars of C. proximella build several shelters during their lifetime and spend a considerable amount of time outside the shelter, where they excrete most of their faeces. In bound branches, caterpillars built new shelters more frequently than in control branches, and consumed less foliar biomass per shelter. 5. Mortality from parasitoids in bound branches was half that in the control, presumably because the complex environment disrupted parasitoid searching behaviour and/or because of lower damage to leaves from which the shelters were built. 6. It is concluded that the crown architecture associated with high leaf connectivity decreases mortality risks from natural enemies both outside and inside the shelter. Compact and dense crowns of host plants may at least partly explain high population densities of leaf‐tiers in open habitats.  相似文献   

Global warming is enabling many plant species to expand their range to higher latitudes and altitudes, where they may suffer less from natural aboveground and belowground enemies. Reduced control by natural enemies can enable climate warming‐induced range expanders to gain an advantage in competition with natives and become disproportionally abundant in their new range. However, so far studies have only examined individual growth of range expanders, which have common congeneric plant species in their new range. Thus it is not known how general is this reduced effect of above‐ and belowground enemies and how it operates in communities, where multiple plant species also interact with each other. Here we show that range‐expanding plant species with and without congenerics in the invaded habitats differ in their ecological interactions in the new range. In a community‐level experiment, range‐expanding plant species, both with and without congenerics, suppressed the growth of a herbivore. However, only range expanders without congenerics reduced biomass production of the native plant species. In the present study, range expanders without congenerics allocated more biomass aboveground compared to native plant species, which can explain their competitive advantage. Competitive interaction and also biomass allocation of native plants and their congeneric range expanders were similar. Our results highlight that information about species phylogenetic relatedness with native flora can be crucial for improving predictions about the consequences of climate warming‐induced range expansions.  相似文献   

Herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) are important cues for female parasitic wasps to find hosts. Here, we investigated the possibility that HIPVs may also serve parasitoids as cues to locate mates. To test this, the odour preferences of four braconid wasps – the gregarious parasitoid Cotesia glomerata (L.) and the solitary parasitoids Cotesia marginiventris (Cresson), Microplitis rufiventris Kokujev and Microplitis mediator (Haliday) – were studied in olfactometers. Each species showed attraction to pheromones but in somewhat different ways. Males of the two Cotesia species were attracted to virgin females, whereas females of M. rufiventris were attracted to virgin males. Male and female M. mediator exhibited attraction to both sexes. Importantly, female and male wasps of all four species were strongly attracted by HIPVs, independent of mating status. In most cases, male wasps were also attracted to intact plants. The wasps preferred the combination of HIPVs and pheromones over plant odours alone, except M. mediator, which appears to mainly use HIPVs for mate location. We discuss the ecological contexts in which the combined use of pheromones and HIPVs by parasitoids can be expected. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that braconid parasitoids use HIPVs and pheromones in combination to locate mates.  相似文献   

Take‐all disease is caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis, (Sacc.) Arx & D. Olivier, a soil‐borne fungus, which colonizes the root and crown tissue of many members of the Poaceae plant family. This fungus is able to grow along the surface of roots as darkly pigmented runner hyphae, which has the ability to penetrate the root. Here, we describe a genetic transformation of Ggraminis var. graminis by using polyethylene glycol (PEG)‐based protoplast transformation. Fungus cells were transformed with a plasmid, pHPG, containing the gusA reporter gene that codes for β‐glucuronidase (GUS) and the hph gene for hygromycin resistance as the selectable marker. A de novo transformant selection assay was developed to identify the putative transformants that were expressing the hph gene. In addition, the transformed cells maintained the ability to infect the plant tissues. The GUS‐expressing fungus can be used to study fungal infection processes including fungal penetration, colonization and the role(s) of melanin during pathogenesis. Thus, this study is the first report of Ggraminis var. graminis transformed with a visibly detectable reporter gene that provides a useful tool to a better understanding of host–Gaeumannomyces interactions.  相似文献   

Studying antagonistic coevolution between host plants and herbivores is particularly relevant for polyphagous species that can experience a great diversity of host plants with a large range of defenses. Here, we performed experimental evolution with the polyphagous spider mite Tetranychus urticae to detect how mites can exploit host plants. We thus compared on a same host the performance of replicated populations from an ancestral one reared for hundreds of generations on cucumber plants that were shifted to either tomato or cucumber plants. We controlled for maternal effects by rearing females from all replicated populations on either tomato or cucumber leaves, crossing this factor with the host plant in a factorial design. About 24 generations after the host shift and for all individual mites, we measured the following fitness components on tomato leaf fragments: survival at all stages, acceptance of the host plant by juvenile and adult mites, longevity, and female fecundity. The host plant on which mite populations had evolved did not affect the performance of the mites, but only affected their sex ratio. Females that lived on tomato plants for circa 24 generations produced a higher proportion of daughters than did females that lived on cucumber plants. In contrast, maternal effects influenced juvenile survival, acceptance of the host plant by adult mites and female fecundity. Independently of the host plant species on which their population had evolved, females reared on the tomato maternal environment produced offspring that survived better on tomato as juveniles, but accepted less this host plant as adults and had a lower fecundity than did females reared on the cucumber maternal environment. We also found that temporal blocks affected mite dispersal and both female longevity and fecundity. Taken together, our results show that the host plant species can affect critical parameters of population dynamics, and most importantly that maternal and environmental conditions can facilitate colonization and exploitation of a novel host in the polyphagous T. urticae, by affecting dispersal behavior (host acceptance) and female fecundity.  相似文献   

1. When herbivores of distinct feeding guilds, such as phloem feeders and leaf chewers, interact, the outcome of these interactions often shows facilitation. However, whether this facilitation turns into competition at stronger herbivory pressure remains unknown. 2. Using an integrative approach that links ecological processes (behavioural choices of insects) with physiological plant mechanisms (nutrient and phytohormone levels) for the wild crucifer Brassica nigra (L.) Koch., this study evaluates preferences of leaf chewers for plants previously infested with several densities of the specialist aphid Brevicoryne brassicae L. (Hemiptera, Aphididae). As leaf chewers, four species of caterpillars (Lepidoptera) were selected that differ in their degree of specialisation in crucifers. 3. These results show that, whereas at low and medium aphid densities caterpillars displayed a preference for aphid‐infested plants or no preference, at high aphid infestation density, all four species of caterpillar preferred uninfested plants, with a significant difference for Pieris rapae and Mamestra brassicae. 4. In contrast to our expectation, the consistent preference for uninfested plants at a high aphid density could not be associated with a decrease in plant nutrition. However, while jasmonate concentrations [i.e. 12‐oxo‐phytodienoic acid and jasmonic acid (JA)] at medium aphid‐density infestation decreased compared with low levels of infestation, at high infestation level, the jasmonates JA as well as JA conjugated with the amino acid isoleucine were present at higher levels compared with low‐infestation treatments. 5. This work provides evidence that positive interactions observed in herbivore communities can be transient, leading to negative interactions mediated by changes in plant defences rather than in plant nutrition.  相似文献   

1. The impact of herbivores on plant fitness depends on multiple ecological mechanisms, including interactions between herbivore guilds. 2. This study assessed the effects of a specialist aphid (Aphis echinaceae) on performance and foliar herbivore damage of a long‐lived perennial plant (Echinacea angustifolia) native to the North American tallgrass prairie. A 2‐year field experiment manipulating aphid infestation on 100 plants was compared with concurrent and past observations of unmanipulated plants in the same outdoor experimental plot. Because ants co‐occur with aphids, the experiment tested the combined effects of aphids and ants. 3. Neither manipulated nor naturally‐occurring aphid infestations led to measurable declines in plant performance. Results for foliar herbivore damage differed between experimental and observational studies: the occurrence of foliar herbivore damage decreased with aphid infestation in the first year of the experiment and increased with aphid infestation over 5 years in unmanipulated plants. 4. While the experimental results concur with other experiments of ant–hemipteran–herbivore relationships, the observational results suggest that ant–aphid interactions do not naturally play a major role in determining patterns of foliar herbivory in this system. This result demonstrates the value of using field observations to interpret the relevance of experimental results.  相似文献   

Plant‐soil feedback (PSF) theory provides a powerful framework for understanding plant dynamics by integrating growth assays into predictions of whether soil communities stabilise plant–plant interactions. However, we lack a comprehensive view of the likelihood of feedback‐driven coexistence, partly because of a failure to analyse pairwise PSF, the metric directly linked to plant species coexistence. Here, we determine the relative importance of plant evolutionary history, traits, and environmental factors for coexistence through PSF using a meta‐analysis of 1038 pairwise PSF measures. Consistent with eco‐evolutionary predictions, feedback is more likely to mediate coexistence for pairs of plant species (1) associating with similar guilds of mycorrhizal fungi, (2) of increasing phylogenetic distance, and (3) interacting with native microbes. We also found evidence for a primary role of pathogens in feedback‐mediated coexistence. By combining results over several independent studies, our results confirm that PSF may play a key role in plant species coexistence, species invasion, and the phylogenetic diversification of plant communities.  相似文献   

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