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为了探讨千岛湖岛屿景观参数对地表蚂蚁群落物种α和β多样性空间格局的影响, 作者分别于2017和2018年的5-8月, 采用陷阱法、凋落物分拣法和手捡法调查了千岛湖33个岛屿上的地表蚂蚁群落, 并依据食性将其划分为捕食性蚂蚁和杂食性蚂蚁。利用回归模型分析了全部蚂蚁、捕食性蚂蚁和杂食性蚂蚁群落α和β多样性与岛屿景观参数的关系。结果表明, 岛屿面积对全部蚂蚁、捕食性蚂蚁和杂食性蚂蚁的物种丰富度均有显著的正向影响, 而隔离度则无显著作用。蚂蚁群落的β多样性由空间周转组分主导。岛屿面积差对全部蚂蚁、捕食性蚂蚁和杂食性蚂蚁群落β多样性的嵌套组分有正向影响, 隔离度差只对杂食性蚂蚁的总体β多样性有正向影响。因此, 岛屿面积是影响千岛湖地表蚂蚁群落物种丰富度的主要因素, 并且岛屿面积通过嵌套组分来影响蚂蚁群落的β多样性, 表现出选择性灭绝过程。此外, 不同食性蚂蚁可能因为扩散能力的差异对岛屿景观参数产生不同的响应。  相似文献   

Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are eaten by a number of bird species in southern Africa. Our database contained 545 species (excluding waterbirds and raptors), of which 179 species have been observed feeding on ants, or had ants in their stomachs. Ants are eaten by birds in all ecosystems, but the consumption of ants is disproportionately high in species that occur in arid ecosystems. The number of bird species eating ants increases in proportion to the number of bird species in any ecosystem, but it increases disproportionately with decreasing mean annual rainfall. There was a small, but not significant, difference in the proportion of ant-eating bird species between 502 resident species, of which 154 (30.6%) eat ants, and 47 nomadic species, of which 18 (38.2%) eat ants. Foraging behaviour and substrate, i.e. whether foraging in the air, from a perch or on the ground, significantly influenced the probability that ants would be included in the diet.  相似文献   

Human  K. G.  Gordon  D. M. 《Insectes Sociaux》1999,46(2):159-163
Summary: The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, has invaded many areas of the world, displacing native ants. Its behavior may contribute to its competitive success. Staged and natural encounters were observed at food resources in the field, between Argentine ants and eight ant species native to northern California. There was no relation between the frequency of aggression by any ant species and the outcome of encounters, though Argentine ants were more likely than ants of native species to behave aggressively. When an ant of one species initiated an encounter of any kind with an ant of another species, the ant that did not initiate was likely to retreat. This was true of all species studied. Most encounters between ants were initiated by Argentine ants. Thus the native species tended to retreat more frequently than Argentine ants. Interactions between Argentine ants and native species at food resources, causing ants of native species to retreat, may help Argentine ants to displace native species from invaded areas.  相似文献   

Interactions between the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, and native ant species were studied in a 450-ha biological reserve in northern California. Along the edges of the invasion, the presence of Argentine ants significantly reduced the foraging success of native ant species, and vice versa. Argentine ants were consistently better than native ants at exploiting food sources: Argentine ants found and recruited to bait more consistently and in higher numbers than native ant species, and they foraged for longer periods throughout the day. Native ants and Argentine ants frequently fought when they recruited to the same bait, and native ant species were displaced from bait during 60% of these encounters. In introduction experiments, Argentine ants interfered with the foraging of native ant species, and prevented the establishment of new colonies of native ant species by preying upon winged native ant queens. The Argentine ants' range within the preserve expanded by 12 ha between May 1993 and May 1994, and 13 between September 1993 and September 1994, with a corresponding reduction of the range of native ant species. Although some native ants persist locally at the edges of the invasion of Argentine ants, most eventually disappear from invaded areas. Both interference and exploitation competition appear to be important in the displacement of native ant species from areas invaded by Argentine ants.  相似文献   

  • 1 In a given ant species, the number of ants collecting honeydew in an aphid colony or extrafloral nectar on a plant is proportional to the productivity of the colony or plant. Thus, the number of ants per resource unit and the ingestion rate per ant are constant for a species.
  • 2 Mean number of ants per resource unit and ingestion rate per ant differed considerably between the investigated species. The ingestion rate increases with the body size of the species and decreases with an increase of the mean number of ants per resource unit.
  • 3 Ingestion rates were higher in ants foraging singly at the resource than in ants foraging in the normal way in a group.
  • 4 It is suggested that the ingestion rate per ant is reduced below a maximum level by the number of ants present per resource unit because a certain number of ants is needed to defend the resource against alien ants. Small species need more individuals for this purpose than large species, and consequently suffer a larger reduction of their ingestion rate.

Field data suggest that ants may be important predators of mantises which, in turn, may be important predators of jumping spiders (Salticidae). Using a tropical fauna from the Philippines as a case study, the reactions of mantises to ants, myrmecomorphic salticids (i.e. jumping spiders that resemble ants) and ordinary salticids (i.e. jumping spiders that do not resemble ants) were investigated in the laboratory. Three mantis species ( Loxomantis sp., Orthodera sp., and Statilia sp.) were tested with ten ant species, five species of Myrmarachne (i.e. myrmecomorphic salticids), and 23 ordinary salticid species. Two categories of the myrmecomorphic salticids were recognized: (1) 'typical Myrmarachne ' (four species with a strong resemblance to ants) and (2) Myrmarachne bakeri (a species with less strong resemblance to ants). Ants readily killed mantises in the laboratory, confirming that, for the mantises studied, ants are dangerous. In alternate-day testing, the mantises routinely preyed on the ordinary salticids, but avoided ants. The mantises reacted to myrmecomorphic salticids similarly to how they reacted to ants (i.e. myrmecomorphic salticids appear to be, for mantises, Batesian mimics of ants). Although myrmecomorphic salticids were rarely eaten, M . bakeri was eaten more often than typical Myrmarachne . Because the mantises had no prior experience with ants, ant mimics or ordinary salticids, our findings suggest that mantises have an innate aversion to attacking ants and that this aversion is generalized to myrmecomorphic salticids even in the absence of prior experience with ants. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 23–32.  相似文献   

Aim This is the first comprehensive account of the biogeography of ants transferred and at least temporarily established outside their native habitat. Location Using museum and literature records, I established the distributions of transferred ant species. Methods I used taxonomic and functional groups to assess how geographical spread as a transferred species is affected by taxonomy and life history. Results 147 ant species in forty-nine genera have been recorded outside of their native habitat. The proportion of transferred ants is similar to the number of genera and species in each subfamily. The species-rich subfamily Myrmicinae contains nearly 50% of all transferred species, while many of the species-poor subfamilies have absolutely no transferred species. A disproportionate high number of transferred ants originate from the Neotropical and Oriental biogeographic regions. The Pacific Islands are the recipients of the most transferred ant species. Most transferred ants belong to the CRYPTIC, OPPORTUNIST, and GENERALIZED MYRMICINE functional groups, while there are no recorded transfers of army ants or leaf-cutting ants. Both invasive and human commensal ‘tramp’ ant species are nonrandom subsets of transferred ants. Main conclusions ‘Tramp’ species and invasive species tend to have widespread geographical distributions, and share life history characteristics including queen number, nest structure, and foraging behaviour. Combining observations of functional groups and biogeography may lead to a better understanding of the factors contributing to the spread of transferred species.  相似文献   

Invasive ants threaten native communities, in part, through their potential to disrupt mutualisms, yet invasive species may also facilitate native species. The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) is one of the most conspicuous invasive ants in North America and its high densities, combined with its potential to displace native ants, have led to concerns that it may disrupt ant-plant seed dispersal mutualisms. We examined the potential of fire ants to disperse seeds in the longleaf pine ecosystem by comparing the removal of elaiosome-bearing seeds by fire ants versus native ants. A total of 14 ant species were observed removing seeds, with fire ants responsible for more than half of all removals. While fire ants were the dominant seed remover in this system, they did not remove significantly more seeds than would be expected based on their population density (46% of ground-dwelling ants). Moreover, red imported fire ants were similar to native ants with respect to distance of seed movement and frequency of moving seeds back to the nest. Areas of higher fire ant densities were found to have greater rates of seed removal by ants without a subsequent drop in seed dispersal by native ants, suggesting that fire ant-invaded areas may experience overall higher levels of seed dispersal. Thus, fire ants may actually facilitate dispersal of elaiosome-bearing plant species in the longleaf pine ecosystem.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Ants (Myrmica spp. and Formica lemani) visiting the extrafloral nectaries of bracken, Pteridium aquilinum, imposed heavy mortality on caterpillars of a novel moth species experimentally introduced onto bracken fronds. However, the exclusion of ants from bracken fronds had no significant effect on adapted bracken-feeding herbivores in Britain.
2. The feeding stages of British bracken-feeding insects are immune to, or can largely avoid, predation by ants in a variety of ways. Gall formers and miners cannot be attacked by these ants. Two other species hide, one inside tied leaves, the other in a mass of 'spittle'. Another group of species jumps away from, or falls off the plant when touched by ants. Sawfly caterpillars in the genera Strongylogaster, Aneugmenus and Tenthredo have viscous, distasteful haemolymph that repels ants.
3. No species of bracken herbivore has an absolute temporal refuge from ants; during their development they all overlap with ants to some degree.
4. Ant predation appears to have played a significant role in determining the contemporary structure of British bracken-feeding insect communities. Distasteful haemolymph in sawfly caterpillars may have evolved in response to selection from ant predation. Other species may fortuitously possess characteristics, evolved in response to a variety of selective forces, that also reduce the impact of ants; without such characteristics, however, we postulate that they would be unable to live on this plant. An absence of external, foliage feeding Lepidoptera early in the spring, a high proportion of sawfly species, and a high proportion of gall-formers and miners may all be characteristics of the bracken herbivore community which have been influenced by ant predation.  相似文献   

It has been commonly suggested that ants negatively affect plant pollination, particularly in the tropics. We studied ant–flower–pollinator interactions in a lowland rainforest in Borneo. Frequency and duration of pollinator visits were compared between flowers attended by ants and flowers from which ants were excluded. In all four plant species studied, the activity of ants decreased the rate and/or duration of the pollinators’ floral visits. For this and other reasons it is expected that plants repel ants from flowers during anthesis. We tested this prediction for a different set of plant species in which we observed the behaviour of Dolichoderus thoracicus ants when encountering flowers. In eight out of 18 plant species studied, ants showed a significantly higher rejection rate when they encountered flowers than when they encountered controls. Our results are thus consistent with the hypothesis that ants may negatively affect plant fitness by reduced intensity of pollinator visits and that ants are repelled from flowers of many tropical plant species, although this repellence is clearly not ubiquitous.  相似文献   

The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is an invasive species that disrupts the balance of natural ecosystems by displacing indigenous ant species throughout its introduced range. Previous studies that examined the mechanisms by which Argentine ants attain ecological dominance showed that superior interference and exploitation competition are key to the successful displacement of native ant species. The objective of this research was to test the hypothesis that effective interference competition by Argentine ants may also be detrimental to the survival of Argentine ant colonies where Argentine ants and native ants compete at toxic baits used to slow the spread of Argentine ants. To study this hypothesis, we examined the competitive interactions between Argentine ants and native odorous house ants, Tapinoma sessile, in the presence and absence of toxic baits. Results showed that Argentine ants aggressively outcompete T. sessile from toxic baits through efficient interference competition and monopolize bait resources. This has severe negative consequences for the survival of Argentine ants as colonies succumb to the toxic effects of the bait. In turn, T. sessile avoid areas occupied by Argentine ants, give up baits, and consequently suffer minimal mortality. Our results provide experimental evidence that highly efficient interference competition may have negative consequences for Argentine ants in areas where toxic baits are used and may provide a basis for designing innovative management programs for Argentine ants. Such programs would have the double benefit of selectively eliminating the invasive species while simultaneously protecting native ants from the toxic effects of baits.  相似文献   

As possibly two of the last true naturalists, Carl Rettenmeyer and his wife Marian dedicated their lives to the study of army ants and their associates. Over the course of 55 years, the Rettenmeyers went on numerous field trips mainly to the Central American tropics and analyzed hundreds of self-collected samples and those sent by a multitude of other scientists, who were inspired by Carl’s enthusiasm. It comes as no surprise that Carl Rettenmeyer became the world’s leading expert on army ant associates. This paper, which the Rettenmeyers nearly completed before Carl’s death in 2009, gives the first comprehensive list of animals known to be found in the company of a single army ant species: Eciton burchellii. The 557 recorded associates range from birds to insects and mites and comprise the largest described animal association centering around one particular species. Although some of these associates may be opportunistic encounters, we are confident that approximately 300 of the recorded species depend on the ants, at least in part, for their existence. The extinction of E. burchellii from any habitat over its vast area of distribution is likely to cause the extinction of numerous associated animals at that site. This overview will hopefully inspire researchers throughout the world to follow in the Rettenmeyers’ footsteps and continue the investigation of army ants and their associates.  相似文献   

Mechanisms that allow for the coexistence of two competing species that share a trophic level can be broadly divided into those that prevent competitive exclusion of one species within a local area, and those that allow for coexistence only at a regional level. While the presence of aphid‐tending ants can change the distribution of aphids among host plants, the role of mutualistic ants has not been fully explored to understand coexistence of multiple aphid species in a community. The tansy plant (Tanacetum vulgare) hosts three common and specialized aphid species, with only one being tended by ants. Often, these aphids species will not coexist on the same plant but will coexist across multiple plant hosts in a field. In this study, we aim to understand how interactions with mutualistic ants and predators affect the coexistence of multiple species of aphid herbivores on tansy. We show that the presence of ants drives community assembly at the level of individual plant, that is, the local community, by favoring one ant‐tended species, Metopeurum fuscoviride, while preying on the untended Macrosiphoniella tanacetaria and, to a lesser extent, Uroleucon tanaceti. Competitive hierarchies without ants were very different from those with ants. At the regional level, multiple tansy plants provide a habitat across which all aphid species can coexist at the larger spatial scale, while being competitively excluded at the local scale. In this case, ant mutualist‐dependent reversal of the competitive hierarchy can drive community dynamics in a plant–aphid system.  相似文献   

In protective ant–plant mutualisms, plants offer ants food (such as extrafloral nectar and/or food bodies) and ants protect plants from herbivores. However, ants often negatively affect plant reproduction by deterring pollinators. The aggressive protection that mutualistic ants provide to some myrmecophytes may enhance this negative effect in comparison to plant species that are facultatively protected by ants. Because little is known about the processes by which myrmecophytes are pollinated in the presence of ant guards, we examined ant interactions with herbivores and pollinators on plant reproductive organs. We examined eight myrmecophytic and three nonmyrmecophytic Macaranga species in Borneo. Most of the species studied are pollinated by thrips breeding in the inflorescences. Seven of eight myrmecophytic species produced food bodies on young inflorescences and/or immature fruits. Food body production was associated with increased ant abundance on inflorescences of the three species observed. The exclusion of ants from inflorescences of one species without food rewards resulted in increased herbivory damage. In contrast, ant exclusion had no effect on the number of pollinator thrips. The absence of thrips pollinator deterrence by ants may be due to the presence of protective bracteoles that limit ants, but not pollinators, from accessing flowers. This unique mechanism may account for simultaneous thrips pollination and ant defense of inflorescences.  相似文献   

Biotic interactions are often important in the establishment and spread of invasive species. In particular, competition between introduced and native species can strongly influence the distribution and spread of exotic species and in some cases competition among introduced species can be important. The Caribbean crazy ant, Nylanderia fulva, was recently introduced to the Gulf Coast of Texas, and appears to be spreading inland. It has been hypothesized that competition with the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, may be an important factor in the spread of crazy ants. We investigated the potential of interspecific competition among these two introduced ants by measuring interspecific aggression between Caribbean crazy ant workers and workers of Solenopsis invicta. Specifically, we examined the effect of body size and diet on individual-level aggressive interactions among crazy ant workers and fire ants. We found that differences in diet did not alter interactions between crazy ant workers from different nests, but carbohydrate level did play an important role in antagonistic interactions with fire ants: crazy ants on low sugar diets were more aggressive and less likely to be killed in aggressive encounters with fire ants. We found that large fire ants engaged in fewer fights with crazy ants than small fire ants, but fire ant size affected neither fire ant nor crazy ant mortality. Overall, crazy ants experienced higher mortality than fire ants after aggressive encounters. Our findings suggest that fire ant workers might outcompete crazy ant workers on an individual level, providing some biotic resistance to crazy ant range expansion. However, this resistance may be overcome by crazy ants that have a restricted sugar intake, which may occur when crazy ants are excluded from resources by fire ants.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. This correlational study examines the relationship between the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) and native ants in a longleaf pine savanna. Fire ants are frequently associated with a decline in native ants throughout the invaded range, but fire ant invasion is often coupled with habitat disturbance. Invasion of fire ants into the longleaf pine savanna provides an opportunity to examine the structure of the ant community in the absence of habitat disturbance. 2. Pitfall trapping was conducted within the longleaf pine savanna as well as across a naturally occurring soil moisture gradient, in plots that had been artificially watered. 3. Species richness did not vary as a function of fire ant density. There was an inverse relationship between native ant density and fire ant density, but this abundance pattern does not necessarily imply a causal link between fire ant invasion and native ant decline. For individual species, fire ant densities were negatively correlated with the densities of only two native ant species, including Solenopsis carolinensis, a native species that potentially limits the invasion of fire ants. Additionally, fire ants and native ants respond differently to soil moisture, with native ants favouring drier conditions than fire ants. 4. The possible exclusion of fire ants by some native ants, as well as differences in habitat preferences, provide alternative explanations for the frequently observed negative correlation between fire ants and native ants.  相似文献   

In this survey conducted in southern Cameroon, we compared ant-Hemiptera associations on plantations treated with insecticides, on plantations 2 years after insecticide treatments ceased, and on control lots that never received insecticide treatments. By eliminating arboreal-nesting ants, insecticides favored the presence of "ecologically dominant" ground-nesting, arboreal-foraging species that occupied the tree crowns. The reinstallation of arboreal ants was slow as 2 yr after insecticide treatment ceased differences with the control lots were significant. This intermediary period also illustrated that arboreal ants can found and develop colonies on trees occupied by ground-nesting species. Certain arboreal species were more frequent during this intermediary period than on the control lots, showing that the period of installation in the trees was followed by competition between arboreal ants. We confirm that ground-nesting ants tend a wide range of hemipteran families, including well known agricultural pests, whereas arboreal ants, particularly dominant species, were mostly associated with Coccidae and Stictococcidae that do not pose problems to the supporting trees. A tree effect was also noted for both ant and hemipteran distribution. We concluded that because of insecticide use, ground-nesting ants pose problems through their associated Hemiptera. On the contrary, dominant arboreal ants, strong predators, benefit their supporting trees by excluding ground-nesting species and tending mostly nonpest Hemiptera. Nevertheless, certain of them, carpenter species or species likely to tend Pseudococcidae, have to be eliminated through integrated management.  相似文献   

紫胶虫蜜露对地表蚂蚁多样性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009年12月至2010年5月,采用陷阱法在云南省墨江县雅邑乡调查了紫胶林地表蚂蚁群落多样性,分析了紫胶虫蜜露对地表蚂蚁多样性的影响.结果表明:紫胶虫蜜露资源的有无及变动对地表蚂蚁群落物种组成、多度及多样性均产生影响.在紫胶林样地共采集蚂蚁标本4953头,隶属5亚科23属34种,在对照样地共采集蚂蚁标本2416头,隶属5亚科20属30种;紫胶林地表蚂蚁相对多度、物种丰富度(S)及ACE估计值均高于对照样地,地表蚂蚁常见种和指示种均与对照样地不同,表明放养紫胶虫改变了地表蚂蚁群落结构;紫胶虫成虫期蜜露分泌量高于幼虫期,其地表蚂蚁相对多度、S及ACE估计值也高于幼虫期,且两阶段的蚂蚁常见种和指示种显著不同.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The strength or density dependence of pairwise species interactions can depend on the presence or absence of other species, especially potential mutualists.
2. The gall wasp Disholcaspis eldoradensis induces plant galls that secrete a sweet honeydew from their top surfaces while the wasp larvae are active. These galls are actively tended by Argentine ants, which collect the honeydew and drive off parasitoids attempting to attack the gall wasp.
3. When ants were excluded, the total rate of parasitism by seven species of parasitoids increased by 36%, and the rate of gall-wasp emergence decreased by 54%.
4. The total percentage parasitism was affected by gall density when ants were excluded but not when ants were unmanipulated, suggesting a change in parasitoid functional responses due to ant tending.
5. In addition, excluding ants significantly altered the proportions of different parasitoid species that emerged from galls; one parasitoid species increased from 1% to 34%, and another decreased from 46% to 19%.
6. The invasive Argentine ants studied are capable of maintaining the mutualism with the gall wasps that evolved in the presence of different ant species and also act as a selective filter for the local community of generalist parasitoids trying to attack this gall species.  相似文献   

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