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1. In most birds and mammals, larger individuals of the same species tend to be found at higher latitudes, but in insects, body size–latitude relationships are highly variable. 2. Recent studies have shown that larger‐bodied insect species are more likely to decrease in size when reared at increased temperature, compared with smaller‐sized species. These findings have led to the prediction that a positive relationship between body size and latitude should be more prevalent in larger‐bodied insect species. 3. This study measured the body size of > 4000 beetle specimens (12 species) collected throughout North America. Some beetle species increased in size with latitude, while others decreased. Importantly, mean species body size explained c. 30% of the interspecific variation in the size–latitude response. 4. As predicted, larger‐bodied beetle species were more likely to show a positive relationship between body size and latitude (Bergmann's rule), and smaller‐bodied species were more likely to show a negative body size–latitude relationship (inverse Bergmann's rule). 5. These body size–latitude patterns suggest that size‐specific responses to temperature may underlie global latitudinal distributions of body size in Coleoptera, as well as other insects.  相似文献   

Geographic gradients in body size: a clarification of Bergmann's rule   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1997 marked the sesquicentenary of the publication by Carl Bergmann of the observation that, in general, large-bodied animal species tend to live further north than their small-bodied relatives. This has been dubbed Bergmann's rule in his honour. However, more than 150 years on, we appear to be little closer to a general understanding of the rule, or even to any consensus as to whether it exists. This is due in large part to confusion about the taxonomic level at which the rule is considered to operate, and to the conflation of pattern and mechanism. In this paper, we attempt to resolve this confusion by highlighting its sources, and by providing a definition of Bergmann's rule that is practical and useful, yet that retains the essential features of its original formulation. We conclude by briefly reviewing the mechanisms proposed to explain Bergmann's rule as we define it.  相似文献   

  • 1 The size–grain hypothesis ( Kaspari & Weiser, 1999 ) states that (1) as organisms decrease in size, they perceive their environment as being more rugose; (2) long legs allow organisms to step over obstacles but hinder them from entering small gaps; and (3) as the size of an organism decreases, the benefits of long legs begin to be outweighed by the costs of construction. Natural selection should therefore favour proportionally longer legs in larger organisms, thereby leading to a positive allometry between leg and body length (scaling exponent b > 1).
  • 2 Here we compare the scaling exponent of leg‐to‐body length relationships among insects that walk, walk and fly, and predominantly fly. We measured the lengths of the hind tibia, hind femur, and body length of each species.
  • 3 The taxa varied considerably in the scaling exponent b. In seven out of ten groups (Formicidae, Isoptera, Carabidae, Pentatomidae, Apidae, Lepidoptera, Odonata adult), b was significantly greater than one. However, there was no gradual decrease in b from walking to walking/flying to flying insects.
  • 4 The results of the present study provide no support for the size–grain hypothesis. We propose that leg length is not only affected by the rugosity of the environment, but also by (1) functional adaptations, (2) phylogeny, (3) lifestyle, (4) the type of insect development (hemimetabolism or holometabolism), and (5) constraints of gas exchange.

The optimal division of resources into offspring size vs. number is one of the classic problems in life‐history evolution. Importantly, models that take into account the discrete nature of resource division at low clutch sizes suggest that the variance in offspring size should decline with increasing clutch size according to an invariant relationship. We tested this prediction in 12 species of lizard with small clutch sizes. Contrary to expectations, not all species showed a negative relationship between variance in offspring size and clutch size, and the pattern significantly deviated from quantitative predictions in five of the 12 species. We suggest that the main limitation of current size–number models for small clutch sizes is that they rely on assumptions of hierarchical allocation strategies with independence between allocation decisions. Indeed, selection may favour alternative mechanisms of reproductive allocation that avoid suboptimal allocation imposed by the indivisible fraction at low clutch sizes.  相似文献   

1. The evolution of host range and preference in phytophagous insects is driven by a female's oviposition choice impacting her offspring's fitness. Analysis of the fitness of progeny on different host plants has commonly been restricted to the performance of immature stages. However, since host use can affect adult size, it is important to measure the ongoing effects of host choice on the resulting imagines. 2. The orange‐tip butterfly, Anthocharis cardamines, shows a strong preference for two host plants in Britain, Alliaria petiolata and Cardamine pratensis, which affect body size. Whilst females exhibit a strong positive size–fecundity relation, the impact of body‐size alteration is unknown in males. In this study, fitness effects of host plant choice for male A. cardamines were examined. 3. Males reared on C. pratensis were smaller and emerged earlier than those reared on A. petiolata, and early‐season males were smaller than late‐season ones in the field. Interestingly, regression analysis indicated that the earlier emergence of small males was a host‐mediated rather than a size‐mediated effect. Small size was associated with reduced male dispersal in a semi‐isolated wild population over a 3‐year period. 4. It is proposed that the earlier emergence associated with C. pratensis has evolved in response to depressed dispersal in isolated/semi‐isolated populations associated with this patchily distributed host. We suggest that adult life‐history traits are important for the maintenance of host range in this species, and offer a critique of Courtney's earlier hypothesis that host range is maintained by time‐limited oviposition behaviour.  相似文献   

Aim Geographic variation in body size and heterozygosity were surveyed for discrete populations of the ant lion, Myrmeleon immaculatus DeGeer, collected from the central and northeastern United States. Location Collection sites were located in the central and eastern United States ranging from western Oklahoma to northern New York. Methods We collected 872 M. immaculatus larvae from thirty-four collecting sites. At each site, we randomly sampled ant lion pits and collected between fifteen and fifty-two larvae in total. Larvae were preserved in 95% ETOH for morphological analysis and frozen in a ?80°C freezer for protein electrophoresis. We measured the body size of eighty-five preserved adult M. immaculatus obtained from museum collections using head width as an indicator of body size. Five enzymes [GPI (glucose phosphate isomerase), MDH (malate dehydrogenase), PEP (peptidase), DIA (diaphorase) and SOD (superoxide dismutase)] were used in the heterozygosity analyses. Results Larval and adult body size increased with latitude, but decreased with elevation. Average heterozygosity, measured at five polymorphic loci, also increased significantly with latitude. Minimum temperature variance was the best predictor of body size, whereas precipitation and maximum temperature were the best predictors of heterozygosity. Populations were genetically differentiated from one another and showed a pattern of isolation by distance, as measured by Wright's Fst values and Nei's genetic distances. Main conclusions Sampling artifacts, heat conservation, character displacement, cell-size variation, density-dependent mortality, and differential dispersal probably cannot account for latitudinal variation in ant lion body size. Our results implicate the importance of diurnal photoperiod, which varies with latitude, but not with elevation. Because photoperiod often controls growth, diapause, and metamorphosis, it may be an important determinant of latitudinal clines in body size and life history of insects.  相似文献   

Size‐assortative mating is a nonrandom association of body size between members of mating pairs and is expected to be common in species with mutual preferences for body size. In this study, we investigated whether there is direct evidence for size‐assortative mating in two species of pipefishes, Syngnathus floridae and S. typhle, that share the characteristics of male pregnancy, sex‐role reversal, and a polygynandrous mating system. We take advantage of microsatellite‐based “genetic‐capture” techniques to match wild‐caught females with female genotypes reconstructed from broods of pregnant males and use these data to explore patterns of size‐assortative mating in these species. We also develop a simulation model to explore how positive, negative, and antagonistic preferences of each sex for body size affect size‐assortative mating. Contrary to expectations, we were unable to find any evidence of size‐assortative mating in either species at different geographic locations or at different sampling times. Furthermore, two traits that potentially confer a fitness advantage in terms of reproductive success, female mating order and number of eggs transferred per female, do not affect pairing patterns in the wild. Results from model simulations demonstrate that strong mating preferences are unlikely to explain the observed patterns of mating in the studied populations. Our study shows that individual mating preferences, as ascertained by laboratory‐based mating trials, can be decoupled from realized patterns of mating in the wild, and therefore, field studies are also necessary to determine actual patterns of mate choice in nature. We conclude that this disconnect between preferences and assortative mating is likely due to ecological constraints and multiple mating that may limit mate choice in natural populations.  相似文献   

Bergmann's rule is the propensity for species‐mean body size to decrease with increasing temperature. Temperature‐dependent oxygen limitation has been hypothesized to help drive temperature–size relationships among ectotherms, including Bergmann's rule, where organisms reduce body size under warm oxygen‐limited conditions, thereby maintaining aerobic scope. Temperature‐dependent oxygen limitation should be most pronounced among aquatic ectotherms that cannot breathe aerially, as oxygen solubility in water decreases with increasing temperature. We use phylogenetically explicit analyses to show that species‐mean adult size of aquatic salamanders with branchial or cutaneous oxygen uptake becomes small in warm environments and large in cool environments, whereas body size of aquatic species with lungs (i.e., that respire aerially), as well as size of semiaquatic and terrestrial species do not decrease with temperature. We argue that oxygen limitation drives the evolution of small size in warm aquatic environments for species with aquatic respiration. More broadly, the stronger decline in size with temperature observed in aquatic versus terrestrial salamander species mirrors the relatively strong plastic declines in size observed previously among aquatic versus terrestrial invertebrates, suggesting that temperature‐dependent oxygen availability can help drive patterns of plasticity, micro‐ and macroevolution.  相似文献   

Large‐scale patterns of body size variation are described by well‐known generalizations such as Bergmann’s rule; the generality and underlying causes of these patterns have been much debated. Intraspecific extension of this rule was tested in various ectotherms, and evidence was found for both Bergmann and converse Bergmann clines. In this study, we explored spatial patterns of variation in a widespread amphibian, the Common toad (Bufo bufo), along a 2240 km latitudinal gradient across Europe. We tested for covariation of adult body size, age and growth parameters with latitude, altitude, length of activity period and mean temperature during this period using both original and literature data. We selected 13 European populations, representing a latitudinal range from 43 to 63°N and altitudinal range from 15 to 1850 m a.s.l. The length of activity period (12–33 weeks) and Tmean (6.6–15.6°C) significantly decreased as latitude and altitude of these populations increased. Mean body size decreased as latitude increased (not with altitude), and increased with Tmean (not with length of activity period). Mean and minimal adult age increased with latitude and altitude, longevity increased with altitude only. Age increased as length of activity period decreased (not with Tmean). The growth coefficient (0.32–0.92 in males, 0.18–0.74 in females, available for six populations) decreased as altitude increased, and increased as both length of activity period and Tmean increased; latitudinal trend was non‐significant. Our analysis shows that B. bufo clearly exhibited a converse Bergmann cline along latitudinal gradient, but not along altitudinal gradient; the main effect of elevation was on age. The effects of ecological conditions also differed: body size increased with Tmean, while age parameters were related to the length of activity period. This study highlights that, to identify causal factors underlying general ecogeographical rules, we have to take into account different phases of the life cycle, co‐variation among life history traits and ecological factors acting on each of these traits. In amphibians with complex life cycles, lack of appropriate demographical or ecological data may affect our understanding of the variety of observed body size patterns.  相似文献   

The observation that ectotherm size decreases with increasing temperature (temperature‐size rule; TSR) has been widely supported. This phenomenon intrigues researchers because neither its adaptive role nor the conditions under which it is realized are well defined. In light of recent theoretical and empirical studies, oxygen availability is an important candidate for understanding the adaptive role behind TSR. However, this hypothesis is still undervalued in TSR studies at the geographical level. We reanalyzed previously published data about the TSR pattern in diatoms sampled from Icelandic geothermal streams, which concluded that diatoms were an exception to the TSR. Our goal was to incorporate oxygen as a factor in the analysis and to examine whether this approach would change the results. Specifically, we expected that the strength of size response to cold temperatures would be different than the strength of response to hot temperatures, where the oxygen limitation is strongest. By conducting a regression analysis for size response at the community level, we found that diatoms from cold, well‐oxygenated streams showed no size‐to‐temperature response, those from intermediate temperature and oxygen conditions showed reverse TSR, and diatoms from warm, poorly oxygenated streams showed significant TSR. We also distinguished the roles of oxygen and nutrition in TSR. Oxygen is a driving factor, while nutrition is an important factor that should be controlled for. Our results show that if the geographical or global patterns of TSR are to be understood, oxygen should be included in the studies. This argument is important especially for predicting the size response of ectotherms facing climate warming.  相似文献   

  1. Selective logging dominates forested landscapes across the tropics. Despite the structural damage incurred, selectively logged forests typically retain more biodiversity than other forest disturbances. Most logging impact studies consider conventional metrics, like species richness, but these can conceal subtle biodiversity impacts. The mass–abundance relationship is an integral feature of ecological communities, describing the negative relationship between body mass and population abundance, where, in a system without anthropogenic influence, larger species are less abundant due to higher energy requirements. Changes in this relationship can indicate community structure and function changes.
  2. We investigated the impacts of selective logging on the mass–abundance scaling of avian communities by conducting a meta‐analysis to examine its pantropical trend. We divide our analysis between studies using mist netting, sampling the understory avian community, and point counts, sampling the entire community.
  3. Across 19 mist‐netting studies, we found no consistent effects of selective logging on mass–abundance scaling relative to primary forests, except for the omnivore guild where there were fewer larger‐bodied species after logging. In eleven point‐count studies, we found a more negative relationship in the whole community after logging, likely driven by the frugivore guild, showing a similar pattern.
  4. Limited effects of logging on mass–abundance scaling may suggest high species turnover in logged communities, with like‐for‐like replacement of lost species with similar‐sized species. The increased negative mass–abundance relationship found in some logged communities could result from resource depletion, density compensation, or increased hunting; potentially indicating downstream impacts on ecosystem functions.
  5. Synthesis and applications. Our results suggest that size distributions of avian communities in logged forests are relatively robust to disturbance, potentially maintaining ecosystem processes in these forests, thus underscoring the high conservation value of logged tropical forests, indicating an urgent need to focus on their protection from further degradation and deforestation.

A challenge facing ecologists trying to predict responses to climate change is the few recent analogous conditions to use for comparison. For example, negative relationships between ectotherm body size and temperature are common both across natural thermal gradients and in small‐scale experiments. However, it is unknown if short‐term body size responses are representative of long‐term responses. Moreover, to understand population responses to warming, we must recognize that individual responses to temperature may vary over ontogeny. To enable predictions of how climate warming may affect natural populations, we therefore ask how body size and growth may shift in response to increased temperature over life history, and whether short‐ and long‐term growth responses differ. We addressed these questions using a unique setup with multidecadal artificial heating of an enclosed coastal bay in the Baltic Sea and an adjacent reference area (both with unexploited populations), using before‐after control‐impact paired time‐series analyses. We assembled individual growth trajectories of ~13,000 unique individuals of Eurasian perch and found that body growth increased substantially after warming, but the extent depended on body size: Only among small‐bodied perch did growth increase with temperature. Moreover, the strength of this response gradually increased over the 24 year warming period. Our study offers a unique example of how warming can affect fish populations over multiple generations, resulting in gradual changes in body growth, varying as organisms develop. Although increased juvenile growth rates are in line with predictions of the temperature–size rule, the fact that a larger body size at age was maintained over life history contrasts to that same rule. Because the artificially heated area is a contemporary system mimicking a warmer sea, our findings can aid predictions of fish responses to further warming, taking into account that growth responses may vary both over an individual's life history and over time.  相似文献   

Carnivore kill frequency is a fundamental part of predator–prey interactions, which are important shapers of ecosystems. Current field kill frequency data are rare and existing models are insufficiently adapted to carnivore functional groups. We developed a kill frequency model accounting for carnivore mass, prey mass, pack size, partial consumption of prey and carnivore gut capacity. Two main carnivore functional groups, small prey‐feeders versus large prey‐feeders, were established based on the relationship between stomach capacity (C) and pack corrected prey mass (iMprey). Although the majority of small prey‐feeders is below, and of large prey‐feeders above a body mass of 10–20 kg, both occur across the whole body size spectrum, indicating that the dichotomy is rather linked to body size‐related ecology than physiology. The model predicts a negative relationship between predator size and kill frequency for large prey‐feeders. However, for small prey‐feeders, this negative relationship was absent. When comparing carnivore prey requirements to estimated stomach capacity, small carnivores may have to eat to their full capacity repeatedly per day, requiring fast digestion and gut clearance. Large carnivores do not necessarily have to eat to full gastric capacity per day, or do not need to eat every day, which in turn reduces kill frequencies or drives other ecological processes such as scavenging, kleptoparasitism, and partial carcass consumption. Where ecological conditions allow, large prey‐feeding appears attractive for carnivores, which can thus reduce activities related to hunting. This is particularly so for large carnivores, who can achieve distinct reductions in hunting activity due to their relatively large gut capacity.  相似文献   

Harvesting wild animals may exert size‐independent selection pressures on a range of morphological, life history, and behavioral traits. Most work so far has focused on selection pressures on life history traits and body size as morphological trait. We studied here how recreational fishing selects for morphological traits related to body shape, which may correlate with underlying swimming behavior. Using landmark‐based geometric morphometrics, we found consistent recreational fishing‐induced selection pressures on body shape in two recreationally exploited marine fish species. We show that individuals with larger‐sized mouths and more streamlined and elongated bodies were more vulnerable to passively operated hook‐and‐line fishing independent of the individual's body size or condition. While the greater vulnerability of individuals with larger mouth gapes can be explained by the direct physical interaction with hooks, selection against streamlined and elongated individuals could either involve a specific foraging mode or relate to underlying elevated swimming behavior. Harvesting using passive gear is common around the globe, and thus, size‐independent selection on body shape is expected to be widespread potentially leaving behind individuals with smaller oral gapes and more compact bodies. This might have repercussions for food webs by altering foraging and predation.  相似文献   

Summary The impact of water diversion on fish populations is a global issue. Many countries have invested substantial funding into research and implementation strategies to ensure fish are protected at diversions that take water out of rivers for agriculture and other human uses. The most common management action is the installation of fish screens, and a wide range of designs are presently available that suit a large range of diversions. The Murray–Darling Basin is the largest catchment in Australia and has been substantially developed over the past 100 years to store and divert water for that protect fish from escaping into the irrigation systems. Recent studies have determined that water diversions have substantial impacts on native fish populations, but there are presently no coordinated efforts for mitigation strategies. The purpose of this review is to highlight aspects of successful screening programmes worldwide and identify those that could be directly applied to the Murray–Darling Basin. The development of similar programmes in the United States, New Zealand and the United Kingdom has identified that sufficient information and technology exists to inform the development of fish screening programmes. There is no need to commence implementation from first principles, and substantial progress can be achieved by applying successful aspects of other programmes. By identifying existing designs, defining ecological targets, developing generalised guidelines appropriate for local conditions and engaging the community, a co‐ordinated and successful fish screening programme could be directly applied to the Murray–Darling Basin. This would have substantial benefits for the long‐term sustainability of native fish without compromising water supply requirements.  相似文献   

Body size determination requires a mechanism for sensing size and a mechanism for linking size information to the termination of growth. Although the hormonal mechanisms that terminate growth are well elucidated, the mechanisms by which a body senses its own size are only partially understood; most of this understanding has come from the study of the mechanisms that control insect moulting and metamorphosis. We first review and discuss advances in our understanding of the physiological mechanisms by which insect larvae sense their size. Second, we present new findings on how larvae in which the size‐sensing mechanism has been disrupted eventually terminate growth (in a size‐independent manner). We synthesize recent insights into the genetic and molecular mechanisms of ecdysteroid regulation in Drosophila melanogaster with developmental physiology findings in Manduca sexta, paving the way for an integrated understanding of the mechanisms of body size regulation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Body size is a common focus of macroevolutionary, macroecological and palaeontological investigations. Here, we document body‐size evolution in 19 species‐level ostracod lineages from the deep Indian Ocean (Deep Sea Drilling Program Site 253) over the past 40 myr. Body‐size trajectories vary across taxa and time intervals, but most lineages (16/19) show net gains in body size. Because many modern ostracod taxa are larger in colder parts of their geographical range, we compared the timing and magnitude of these size changes to established Cenozoic deep‐water cooling patterns confirmed through δ18O measurements of benthic foraminifera in the samples studied. These data show a significant negative correlation between size changes and temperature changes (ostracods get larger as temperatures get colder), and that systematic size increases only occur during intervals of sustained cooling. In addition, statistical support for an explicit temperature‐tracking model exceeds that of purely directional evolution. We argue that this Cope’s Rule pattern is driven by secular changes in the environment, rather than any universal or intrinsic advantages to larger body sizes, and we note some difficulties in the attempts to link Cope’s Rule to observations made within a single generation.  相似文献   

Over the past 3 decades, North Sea Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) have exhibited variable length‐at‐age along with declines in spawning stock biomass and timing of maturity. Multiple factors affecting growth and development in fish acted on this economically important stock over the same period including warming waters and an intensive fishery. Here, we employ North Sea cod as a model population, exploring how a physiologically relevant temperature metric (the growing degree‐day, GDD; °C day) can be used to compare year‐classes on a physiologically relevant time‐scale, disentangling influences of climate (thermal history) on observed length‐at‐age trends. We conclude that the trends in North Sea cod length‐at‐age observed during the last three decades can be explained by a combination of temperature‐dependent growth increases and a trend toward earlier maturation, the latter likely induced by the intensive fishing pressure, and possibly evidence of fisheries‐induced evolution.  相似文献   

Environmental sequencing shows that plants harbor complex communities of microbes that vary across environments. However, many approaches for mapping plant genetic variation to microbe‐related traits were developed in the relatively simple context of binary host–microbe interactions under controlled conditions. Recent advances in sequencing and statistics make genome‐wide association studies (GWAS) an increasingly promising approach for identifying the plant genetic variation associated with microbes in a community context. This review discusses early efforts on GWAS of the plant phyllosphere microbiome and the outlook for future studies based on human microbiome GWAS. A workflow for GWAS of the phyllosphere microbiome is then presented, with particular attention to how perspectives on the mechanisms, evolution and environmental dependence of plant–microbe interactions will influence the choice of traits to be mapped.  相似文献   

1. Variation in thermal conditions and season length along latitudinal gradients affect body size‐related traits over different life stages. Selection is expected to optimise these size traits in response to the costs and benefits. 2. Egg, hatchling, larval and adult size in males and females were estimated along a latitudinal gradient of 2730 km across Europe in the univoltine damselfly Lestes sponsa, using a combination of field‐collection and laboratory‐rearing experiments. In the laboratory, individuals were grown in temperatures and photoperiod simulating those at the latitude of origin, and in common‐garden conditions. 3. The size of adults sampled in nature was negatively correlated with latitude. In all populations the females were larger than the males. Results from simulated and common‐garden rearing experiments supported this pattern of size difference across latitudes and between sexes, suggesting a genetic component for the latitudinal size trend and female‐biased size dimorphism. In contrast, hatchling size showed a positive relationship with latitude, but egg size, although differing between latitudes, showed no such relationship. 4. The results support a converse Bergmann cline, i.e. a negative body size cline towards the north. This negative cline in body size is probably driven by progressively stronger seasonal time and temperature constraints towards the higher latitudes and by the obligate univoltine life cycle of L. sponsa. As egg size showed no relationship with latitude, other environmental factors besides temperature, such as desiccation risk, probably affect this trait.  相似文献   

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