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We show that variation in an intronic length polymorphism in the CHD1‐Z gene in Black‐tailed Godwits Limosa l. limosa is associated with fitness correlates. This is the second example of the CHDZ‐1 gene being correlated with fitness, a previous study having established that Moorhens Gallinula chloropus carrying the rare Z* allele have reduced survival. In Godwits, however, carriers of the Z* allele (374 bp) fared better than those with the more frequent Z allele (378 bp) with respect to body mass, plumage ornamentation, reproductive parameters and habitat quality. The Z* allele was found in 14% of 251 adult birds from nature reserves, but was absent from 33 birds breeding in intensively managed agricultural lands. Males and females with the Z* allele had less extensive breeding plumage, and females had a higher body mass, bred earlier and had larger eggs. There were no significant differences in annual survival between birds with and without the Z* allele. DNA isolated from museum skins demonstrated that this polymorphism was present at low frequency in 1929. We speculate that strong asymmetrical overdominance may explain the low frequency of the Z* allele and that genetic linkage to causal genes might be an explanation for the phenotypic correlations. Our findings suggest a degree of cryptic genetic population structuring in the Dutch Godwit population.  相似文献   

The sexes of non‐ratite birds can be determined routinely by PCR amplification of the CHD‐Z and CHD‐W genes. CHD‐based molecular sexing of four species of auklets revealed the presence of a polymorphism in the Z chromosome. No deviation from a 1:1 sex ratio was observed among the chicks, though the analyses were of limited power. Polymorphism in the CHD‐Z gene has not been reported previously in any bird, but if undetected it could lead to the incorrect assignment of sex. We discuss the potential difficulties caused by a polymorphism such as that identified in auklets and the merits of alternative CHD‐based sexing protocols and primers.  相似文献   

In birds with asynchronous hatching, hatching order is an important factor in determining offspring phenotype. Many previous studies have demonstrated that later‐hatched offspring show reduced growth and survival during development. However, few studies have followed individuals from hatching to adulthood to test whether the effects of hatching order persist into later life. Here, we explore patterns of hatching order and fitness‐related traits in the Pukeko Porphyrio melanotus melanotus, a cooperatively breeding bird that lives in stable social groups that form linear dominance hierarchies. Pukeko groups sometimes contain two breeding females that lay eggs in the same nest (joint‐laying). Thus, competition between nest‐mates can influence the relative fitness of each laying female. We show that in both single‐clutch and joint‐clutch nests, earlier‐hatched Pukeko chicks grow faster and survive better than later‐hatched brood‐mates. Moreover, earlier‐hatched chicks achieve higher dominance ranks as adults, making this study one of the first to find a relationship between hatching order and adult dominance in wild birds. Finally, we show that in groups with two breeding females, the chicks of the primary female hatch earlier than the chicks of the secondary female. As a result, the offspring of the primary female may be at a competitive advantage, which could have important implications for social dynamics in this species.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to explore the correlation of intercellular adhesion molecule‐1 (ICAM‐1) K469E and megakaryoblastic leukaemia factor‐1 (MKL‐1) ?184C/T polymorphisms with the susceptibility to coronary heart disease (CHD) in the Chinese Han population. 100 CHD patients and 91 healthy people that had no blood connection with each other were enrolled in this case‐control study. ICAM‐1 and MKL‐1 polymorphisms were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP) approach. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyse the correlation between polymorphisms of ICAM‐1 and MKL‐1 and CHD susceptibility. Differences of genotype and allele frequencies of the two SNPs between case and control groups were analysed by chi‐square test. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were indicated relative susceptibility of CHD. The distributions of ICAM‐1 and MKL‐1 polymorphisms in each group conformed to Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). After adjusting for traditional risk factors, the TT genotype frequency of MKL‐1 ?184C/T polymorphism was found significantly higher in case group than in control group (P < .05). Meanwhile, T allele frequency increased in case group compared with control group, and the differences had statistical significance (P = .04, OR = 2.34, 95% CI = 1.34‐5.26). Logistic regression analysis in this study proved that smoking, hypertension, diabetes and triglyceride (TG) were all risk factors for CHD ICAM‐1 K469E polymorphism has no association with the onset of CHD. But MKL‐1 ?184C/T polymorphism is associated with the risk of CHD and T allele might be a susceptibility factor for CHD.  相似文献   

Females of some cooperative‐breeding species can decrease their egg investment without costs for their offspring because helpers‐at‐the‐nest compensate for this reduction either by feeding more or by better protecting offspring from predation. We used the southern lapwing (Vanellus chilensis) to evaluate the effects of the presence of helpers on maternal investment. Southern lapwings are cooperative (some breeding pairs are aided by helpers), chick development is precocial, thus adults do not feed the chicks, and adults offer protection from predators through mobbing behaviors. We tested whether southern lapwing females reduced their reproductive investment (i.e. load‐lightening [LL] hypothesis) or increased their investment (i.e. differential allocation hypothesis) when breeding in groups when compared with females that bred in pairs. We found that increased group size was associated with lower egg volume. A significant negative association between the combined egg nutritional investment (yolk, protein, and lipid mass) and group size was observed. Chicks that hatched from eggs laid in nests of groups were also smaller than chicks hatched in nests of pairs. However, there was no relationship between the body mass index of chicks, or clutch size and group size, which suggests that such eggs are, simply, proportionally smaller. Our results support the LL hypothesis even in a situation where adults do not feed the chicks, allowing females to reduce investment in eggs without incurring a cost to their offspring.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Red‐faced Cormorants (Phalacrocorax urile) are North Pacific endemics recognized as a vulnerable species, but little is known about their breeding ecology. We studied Red‐faced Cormorants on St. Paul Island, Alaska, from 1975 to 2009, with more detailed data collected in 2004 and 2005. Mean clutch sizes in 2004 (3.2 ± 0.8 [SD] eggs) and 2005 (3.1 ± 0.8 eggs) were similar to the long‐term average (2.9 ± 0.3 eggs from 1976 to 2009). The mean laying interval in 2004 and 2005 was 2.15 ± 0.80 d (N= 407), and the mean egg period (number of days between laying of an egg and hatching) was 31.1 ± 1.4 d (N= 158). Approximately 64 ± 17% of eggs hatched during the period from 1975 to 2009. The mean number of chicks per nest in 2004 and 2005 was 2.8 ± 0.8 (N= 232), and the mean number of fledglings per initiated nest in all years was 1.22 ± 0.52. Chicks fledged 46 to 66 d posthatching. In 2004 and 2005, the primary causes of egg loss were predation by Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) and destruction of eggs and abandonment of nests due to storms. Starvation was the primary cause of nestling mortality in both years. Because chicks are dependent on parents to provide food for over 45 d, consistent near‐shore foraging opportunities must be available. From 1975 to 2009, Red‐faced Cormorants experienced only 1 yr of complete reproductive failure (1984). The consistent reproductive success of Red‐faced Cormorants suggests that conditions may be relatively stable for this species on St. Paul Island, or that the variability in their breeding ecology (e.g., phenology, clutch sizes, and incubation strategies) provides the flexibility needed to successfully fledge some chicks nearly every year.  相似文献   

Whether to disperse, and where to, are two of the most prominent decisions in an individual's life, with major consequences for reproductive success. We studied natal and breeding dispersal in the monogamous black‐tailed godwit Limosa limosa limosa in the Netherlands, where they breed in agricultural grasslands. The majority of these grasslands recently changed from wet herb‐rich meadows into well‐drained grassland monocultures, on which godwits have a lower reproductive success. Here we examine habitat selection with a multistate mark–recapture analysis. Habitat transition probabilities between meadows and monocultures were estimated on the basis of 1810 marked chicks and 531 adults during seven years in a 8500 ha study area. Young and adult godwits may differ in habitat selection because: 1) adults may have gained experience from previous nest success where to settle, 2) younger individuals may find it harder to compete for the best territories. Both young and adults moved at a higher rate from the predominant monocultures to meadows than the other way around, thus actively selecting the habitat with better quality. However, dispersal distance of adults was not affected by previous nest success. The average dispersal distance from place of birth of godwits breeding for the first time was ten times larger than that of adult godwits. That godwits breeding in their second calendar year arrived and laid at similar dates and were equally able to select territories in areas with high breeding densities, suggests that young birds were not competitively inferior to adults. Although on monocultures reproduction is insufficient to maintain constant populations, birds sometimes moved from meadows to monocultures. This explains why even after 30 years of land‐use intensification, godwits still breed in low‐quality habitat. The adjustment to changing habitat conditions at the population level appears to be a slow process.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology and ecology of a wild population of white‐winged trumpeters (Psophia leucoptera) were studied in southeastern Peru from 1983 to 1987. Because little information is available about any of the trumpeter species and because trumpeters have proven difficult to breed in captivity, information relevant to breeding and management of captive trumpeters is reported in this paper. White‐winged trumpeters lived in territorial social groups that ranged in size from four to 13 individuals. A typical territorial group contained three adult males, two adult females, and several sexually immature offspring, but smaller temporary groups sometimes formed for the duration of the breeding season. Only the dominant female contributed eggs to the clutch, and all adult males in the group competed to obtain copulations with her. Eggs were laid in elevated nesting cavities and no nest was constructed. The average clutch size was three eggs and incubation was not begun until the final egg was laid. The dominant male and female shared most of the incubation duties, but subordinate males covered approximately 15% of the incubation shifts. Eggs hatched approximately 27 days after incubation was begun and chicks left the nesting cavity the day after they hatched. Chicks were completely dependent on older birds to feed them for their first 3 weeks and then gradually began to feed themselves more and more food. The subordinate adult males fed chicks the most food, the dominant male and female and older offspring fed chicks an intermediate amount, and the subordinate adult female fed chicks the least. Young chicks behaved aggressively toward each other but were separated by adults before they injured each other. If at least one chick from the clutch survived, trumpeters did not breed again until the beginning of the next breeding season the following year. Zoo Biol 19:65–84, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Dissecting phenotypic variance in life history traits into its genetic and environmental components is at the focus of evolutionary studies and of pivotal importance to identify the mechanisms and predict the consequences of human‐driven environmental change. The timing of recurrent life history events (phenology) is under strong selection, but the study of the genes that control potential environmental canalization in phenological traits is at its infancy. Candidate genes for circadian behaviour entrained by photoperiod have been screened as potential controllers of phenological variation of breeding and moult in birds, with inconsistent results. Despite photoperiodic control of migration is well established, no study has reported on migration phenology in relation to polymorphism at candidate genes in birds. We analysed variation in spring migration dates within four trans‐Saharan migratory species (Luscinia megarhynchos; Ficedula hypoleuca; Anthus trivialis; Saxicola rubetra) at a Mediterranean island in relation to Clock and Adcyap1 polymorphism. Individuals with larger number of glutamine residues in the poly‐Q region of Clock gene migrated significantly later in one or, respectively, two species depending on sex and whether the within‐individual mean length or the length of the longer Clock allele was considered. The results hinted at dominance of the longer Clock allele. No significant evidence for migration date to covary with Adcyap1 polymorphism emerged. This is the first evidence that migration phenology is associated with Clock in birds. This finding is important for evolutionary studies of migration and sheds light on the mechanisms that drive bird phenological changes and population trends in response to climate change.  相似文献   

Temporal heterogeneity in the effects of food supply during the breeding season on the productivity of the Common Buzzard Buteo buteo was investigated in a supplementary feeding experiment. Pairs were fed artificially (1) before egg‐laying, (2) after chicks hatched and (3) continuously throughout the season, and compared with (4) unfed controls. Pairs fed before egg‐laying had marginally larger clutches than those not fed, but lay date, egg volume and weight, brood size and hatching success were unaffected. Territorial quality had far greater effects, with pairs nesting in low‐quality habitats (bog, scrub and semi‐natural grassland) laying later and having lower hatching success, smaller broods and fewer fledglings than those in more productive agricultural landscapes. Supplementary feeding after egg hatching neutralized the negative effect of poor habitat, resulting in fed birds having significantly more fledglings. This study emphasizes the importance of food availability when provisioning chicks in suboptimal habitats and has implications for the success of diversionary feeding in reducing game losses to Buzzards.  相似文献   

Molecular methods are a necessary tool for sexing monomorphic birds. These molecular approaches are usually reliable, but sexing protocols should be evaluated carefully because biochemical interactions may lead to errors. We optimized laboratory protocols for genetic sexing of a monomorphic shorebird, the upland sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda), using two independent sets of primers, P2/P8 and 2550F/2718R, to amplify regions of the sex‐linked CHD‐Z and CHD‐W genes. We discovered polymorphisms in the region of the CHD‐Z intron amplified by the primers P2/P8 which caused four males to be misidentified as females (n = 90 mated pairs). We cloned and sequenced one CHD‐W allele (370 bp) and three CHD‐Z alleles in our population: Z° (335 bp), Z (331 bp) and Z″ (330 bp). Normal (Z°Z°) males showed one band in agarose gel analysis and were easily differentiated from females (Z°W), which showed two bands. However, males heterozygous for CHD‐Z alleles (Z′Z″) unexpectedly showed two bands in a pattern similar to females. While the Z′ and Z″ fragments contained only short deletions, they annealed together during the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process and formed heteroduplex molecules that were similar in size to the W fragment. Errors previously reported for molecular sex‐assignment have usually been due to allelic dropout, causing females to be misidentified as males. Here, we report evidence that events in PCRs can lead to the opposite error, with males misidentified as females. We recommend use of multiple primer sets and large samples of known‐sex birds for validation when designing protocols for molecular sex analysis.  相似文献   

Variation in the phenology of avian taxa has long been studied to understand how a species reacts to environmental changes over both space and time. Penguins (Sphenicidae) serve as an important example of how biotic and abiotic factors influence certain stages of seabird phenology because of their large ranges and the extreme, dynamic conditions present in their Southern Ocean habitats. Here, we examined the phenology of gentoo (Pygoscelis papua) and chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) at 17 sites across the Scotia arc, including the first documented monitoring of phenology on the South Sandwich Islands, to determine which breeding phases are intrinsic, or rather vary across a species range and between years. We used a novel method to measure seabird breeding phenology and egg and chick survival: time‐lapse cameras. Contrary to the long‐standing theory that these phases are consistent between colonies, we found that latitude and season had a predominant influence on the length of the nest establishment, incubation, and guard durations. We observe a trend toward longer incubation times occurring farther south, where ambient temperatures are colder, which may indicate that exposure to cold slows embryo growth. Across species, in colonies located farther south, parents abandoned nests later when eggs were lost or chicks died and the latest record of eggs or chicks in the nest occurred earlier during the breeding period. The variation in both space and time observed in penguin phenology provides evidence that the duration of phases within the annual cycle of birds is not fundamental, or genetic, as previously understood. Additionally, the recorded phenology dates should inform field researchers on the best timing to count colonies at the peak of breeding, which is poorly understood.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is common in birds and has been linked to various selective forces. Nevertheless, the question of how and when the sexes start to differentiate from each other is poorly studied. This is a critical knowledge gap, as sex differences in growth may cause different responses to similar ecological conditions. In this study, we describe the sex‐specific growth – based on body mass and five morphometric measurements – of 56 captive Black‐tailed Godwit Limosa limosa limosa chicks raised under ad libitum food conditions, and conclude that all six growth curves are sex‐specific. Females are the larger sex in terms of body mass and skeletal body size. To test whether sex‐specific growth leads to sex‐specific susceptibility to environmental conditions, we compared the age‐specific sizes of male and female chicks in the wild with those of Black‐tailed Godwits reared in captivity. We then tested for a relationship between residual growth and relative hatching date, age, sex and habitat type in which the wild chicks were born. Early‐hatched chicks were relatively bigger and in better condition than late‐hatched chicks, but body condition and size were not affected by natal habitat type. Female chicks deviated more negatively from the sex‐specific growth curves than male chicks for body mass and total‐head length. This suggests that the growth of the larger females is more susceptible to limiting environmental conditions. On average, the deviations of wild chicks from the predicted growth curves were negative for all measurements, which suggests that conditions are limiting in the current agricultural landscape. We argue that in estimating growth curves for sexually dimorphic species, it is critical first to make accurate sex and age determinations.  相似文献   

Female birds may adjust their offspring phenotype to the specific requirements of the environment by differential allocation of physiologically active substances into yolks, such as androgens. Yolk androgens have been shown to accelerate embryonic development, growth rate and competitive ability of nestlings, but they can also entail immunological costs. The balance between costs and benefits of androgen allocation is expected to depend on nestling environment. We tested this hypothesis in a multibrooded passerine, the spotless starling, Sturnus unicolor. We experimentally manipulated yolk androgen levels using a between‐brood design and evaluated its effects on nestling development, survival and immune function. Both in first and replacement broods, the embryonic development period was shorter for androgen‐treated chicks than controls, but there were no differences in second broods. In replacement broods, androgen‐treated chicks were heavier and larger than those hatched from control eggs, but this effect was not observed in the other breeding attempts. Androgen exposure reduced survival with respect to controls only in second broods. Regarding immune function, we detected nonsignificant trends for androgen treatment to activate two important components of innate and adaptive immunity (IL‐6 and Ig‐A levels, respectively). Similarly, androgen‐treated chicks showed greater lymphocyte proliferation than controls in the first brood and an opposite trend in the second brood. Our results indicate that yolk androgen effects on nestling development and immunity depend on the environmental conditions of each breeding attempt. Variation in maternal androgen allocation to eggs could be explained as the result of context‐dependent optimal strategies to maximize offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Some opportunistic vertebrates exploit, and may largely rely upon, food generated by human activities. Better understanding the influence of this additional anthropogenic food on species' ecology would inform sustainable waste management. In the Balearic Archipelago of Spain, closure of an open‐air landfill site provided an experimental setting to measure the effect of removing anthropogenic food on the average body mass, breeding parameters and body condition of opportunistic Yellow‐legged Gulls Larus michahellis. After landfill closure there was a significant decline in the average body mass of breeding females and males (?10.4 and ?7.8%, respectively), in average egg volume (?4.8%), and a shift in the modal clutch size from three to two eggs. Body condition decreased after landfill closure in both sexes. In breeding females, the drop in body weight was greater for birds with a low body size index. The differential response to a reduction of anthropogenic food between small and large birds suggests that food of anthropogenic origin contributes to tempering the effects of natural selection, making the long‐term demographic effects of changes in food supply difficult to predict.  相似文献   

In migrant birds, survival estimates for the different life‐history stages between fledging and first breeding are scarce. First‐year survival is shown to be strongly reduced compared with annual survival of adult birds. However, it remains unclear whether the main bottleneck in juvenile long‐distant migrants occurs in the postfledging period within the breeding ranges or en route. Quantifying survival rates during different life‐history stages and during different periods of the migration cycle is crucial to understand forces driving the evolution of optimal life histories in migrant birds. Here, we estimate survival rates of adult and juvenile barn swallows (Hirundo rustica L.) in the breeding and nonbreeding areas using a population model integrating survival estimates in the breeding ranges based on a large radio‐telemetry data set and published estimates of demographic parameters from large‐scale population‐monitoring projects across Switzerland. Input parameters included the country‐wide population trend, annual productivity estimates of the double‐brooded species, and year‐to‐year survival corrected for breeding dispersal. Juvenile survival in the 3‐week postfledging period was low (S = 0.32; SE = 0.05), whereas in the rest of the annual cycle survival estimates of adults and juveniles were similarly high (S > 0.957). Thus, the postfledging period was the main survival bottleneck, revealing the striking result that nonbreeding period mortality (including migration) is not higher for juveniles than for adult birds. Therefore, focusing future research on sources of variation in postfledging mortality can provide new insights into determinants of population dynamics and life‐history evolution of migrant birds.  相似文献   

We examined the brood sex ratio and offspring body mass in relation to the timing of breeding and brood size in the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis. The brood sex ratio was not related to brood size but it was significantly related to the hatching date, with a decreasing proportion of males in the brood in the course of the season. Male chicks had significantly lower body mass if they hatched later in the season, whereas there was no such relationship for female offspring. Assuming that environmental conditions deteriorate with progress of the breeding season, and male offspring may be more vulnerable to poor environmental conditions, the observed decline in the proportion of male offspring late in the season may be adaptive.  相似文献   

Population limitation models of migratory birds have sought to include impacts from events across the full annual cycle. Previous work has shown that events occurring in winter result in some individuals transitioning to the breeding grounds earlier or in better physical condition than others, thereby affecting reproductive success (carry‐over effects). However, evidence for carry‐over effects from breeding to wintering grounds has been shown less often. We used feather corticosterone (CORTf) levels of the migratory Louisiana Waterthrush Parkesia motacilla as a measure of the physiological state of birds at the time of moult on the breeding territory to investigate whether carry‐over effects provide linkages across the annual cycle of this stream‐obligate bird. We show that birds arriving on wintering grounds with lower CORTf scores, indicating reduced energetic challenges or stressors at the time of moult, occupied higher quality territories, and that these birds then achieved a better body condition during the overwinter period. Body condition, in turn, was important in determining whether adult birds returned the following winter, with birds in better condition returning at higher rates. Together these data suggest a carry‐over effect from the breeding grounds to the wintering grounds that is further extended with respect to annual return rates. Very few other studies have linked conditions during the previous breeding season with latent effects during the subsequent overwintering period or with annual survival. This study shows that the effects of variation in energetic challenges or stressors can potentially carry over from the natal stream and accumulate over more than one life‐history period before being manifested in reduced survival. This is of particular relevance to models of population limitation in migratory birds.  相似文献   

Anouk Spelt  Lorien Pichegru 《Ibis》2017,159(2):272-284
Biased offspring sex ratio is relatively rare in birds and sex allocation can vary with environmental conditions, with the larger and more costly sex, which can be either the male or female depending on species, favoured during high food availability. Sex‐specific parental investment may lead to biased mortality and, coupled with unequal production of one sex, may result in biased adult sex ratio, with potential grave consequences on population stability. The African Penguin Spheniscus demersus, endemic to southern Africa, is an endangered monogamous seabird with bi‐parental care. Female adult African Penguins are smaller, have a higher foraging effort when breeding and higher mortality compared with adult males. In 2015, a year in which environmental conditions were favourable for breeding, African Penguin chick production on Bird Island, Algoa Bay, South Africa, was skewed towards males (1.5 males to 1 female). Males also had higher growth rates and fledging mass than females, with potentially higher post‐fledging survival. Female, but not male, parents had higher foraging effort and lower body condition with increasing number of male chicks in their brood, thereby revealing flexibility in their parental strategy, but also the costs of their investment in their current brood. The combination of male‐biased chick production and higher female mortality, possibly at the juvenile stage as a result of lower parental investment in female chicks, and/or at the adult stage as a result of higher parental investment, may contribute to a biased adult sex ratio (ASR) in this species. While further research during years of contrasting food availability is needed to confirm this trend, populations with male‐skewed ASRs have higher extinction risks and conservation strategies aiming to benefit female African Penguin might need to be developed.  相似文献   

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