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The white‐fronted chat (Epthianura albifrons) is a small, insectivorous passerine that is threatened with extinction in the north‐eastern part of its range, partially due to loss and degradation of its saltmarsh habitat. Food availability is a potential limiting factor for the disjunct populations that survive in saltmarsh refugia, surrounded by urbanized land, because the anthropogenic matrix reduces the capacity of birds to commute to alternative grassland habitat to exploit temporary insect outbreaks. This limitation is likely to be exacerbated during the winter months when local arthropod abundance in saltmarsh is reduced. This study measured temporal and spatial variation in the abundance of saltmarsh arthropods to determine whether patch switching by foraging flocks can be explained by variation in food availability. Arthropods in the size range known to be important in the diet of white‐fronted chats were vacuum‐sampled from six patches within a continuous area of Sarcocornia‐dominated saltmarsh over a four‐month period. The location of foraging birds was recorded during the same period. Despite superficial similarity in vegetation composition and structure, there was significant variation in arthropod biomass among sites through time, such that the patches with the highest food abundance changed from month to month. There was little evidence, however, to suggest that white‐fronted chats foraged in saltmarsh patches with the highest overall food abundance. During the course of the study, birds were discovered flying 2 km from the saltmarsh to a development site where they foraged in weedy grassland. Arthropod samples collected from this site contained an extremely high abundance of Hemiptera and Neuroptera larvae, supporting previous research indicating that white‐fronted chats forage on irruptions of particular arthropod taxa. These findings indicate that food abundance is unlikely to be the main determinant of foraging site selection within saltmarsh, but highlights the potential importance of alternative foraging habitat types for this species.  相似文献   

Intensification of agriculture since the 1950s has enhanced the availability, competitive ability, crude protein content, digestibility and extended growing seasons of forage grasses. Spilled cereal grain also provides a rich food source in autumn and in winter. Long‐distance migratory herbivorous geese have rapidly exploited these feeding opportunities and most species have shown expansions in range and population size in the last 50 years. Results of long‐term studies are presented from two Arctic‐breeding populations, the Svalbard pink‐footed goose and the Greenland white‐fronted goose (GWFG). GWFGs have shown major habitat shifts since the 1950s from winter use of plant storage organs in natural wetlands to feeding on intensively managed farmland. Declines in local density on, and abandonment of, unmodified traditional wintering habitat and increased reproductive success among those birds wintering on farmland suggest that density‐dependent processes were not the cause of the shift in this winter‐site‐faithful population. Based on enhanced nutrient and energy intake rates, we argue that observed shifts in both species from traditionally used natural habitats to intensively managed farmland on spring staging and wintering areas have not necessarily been the result of habitat destruction. Increased food intake rates and potential demographic benefits resulting from shifts to highly profitable foraging opportunities on increasingly intensively managed farmland, more likely explain increases in goose numbers in these populations. The geographically exploratory behaviour of subdominant individuals enables the discovery and exploitation of new winter feeding opportunities and hence range expansion. Recent destruction of traditional habitats and declines in farming at northern latitudes present fresh challenges to the well being of both populations. More urgently, Canada geese colonizing breeding and moulting habitats of white‐fronted geese in Greenland are further affecting their reproductive output.  相似文献   

1. As the climate changes, species are expected to shift to higher latitudes and altitudes where suitable habitat is available if dispersal is not constrained by geographic barriers. We analyse patterns of turnover in freshwater macroinvertebrate assemblages to identify which communities are most likely to be at risk from climate change, and the location of geographic barriers that could impede such adaptive range shifts. 2. We analysed macroinvertebrate data from standard biological assessments at the family level, from surveys of all coastal basins of New South Wales, Australia, covering a latitudinal gradient of more than 1000 km. We used variance partitioning to separate the variation in composition explained by climate, among‐site distance, human disturbance and other stream factors. 3. Montane stream assemblages showed high turnover in response to climatic variation. Turnover in coastal‐fringe streams was least affected by climate, but strongly correlated with distance and stream variables. Significant shifts in assemblage composition occurred between habitats within catchments and across catchment boundaries. 4. Montane stream assemblages are most vulnerable to climate change because their distribution is most responsive to climatic factors, and elevated sites are isolated from one another, reducing the scope for altitudinal migration. Dispersal limitations in coastal‐fringe assemblages will also increase their vulnerability to habitat loss from sea‐level rise. For all stream classes, the separation of many neighbouring catchment assemblages, owing to either limited dispersal or the lack of suitable habitat, is likely to constrain adaptive range shifts. This would lead to an overall reduction in beta diversity among reaches and subsequently to a reduction in landscape‐level gamma diversity.  相似文献   

African boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum Solanaceae) is a Weed of National Significance in Australia. It is particularly problematic in Victoria and is thought to not only threaten native wildlife but also provide important habitat, particularly to birds, when there is no native alternative. In a wetland ecosystem such as a saltmarsh, boxthorn has the potential to increase structural complexity because it can stand as an emergent above surrounding vegetation. We compared bird assemblages and behaviour in saltmarsh vegetation with and without boxthorn in a coastal wetland in south‐east Australia. Species assemblage, but not richness, changed with the presence of boxthorn. The presence of singing honeyeaters (Lichenostomus virescens) and white‐fronted chats (Epthianura albifrons), the two most common native bird species (based on numerical and spatial dominance), appeared to drive these differences; singing honeyeaters preferred boxthorn while white‐fronted chats avoided it. The presence of boxthorn increased the seasonal availability of fruit and flowers, which was reflected by a high frequency of foraging for fruit and nectar where boxthorn was present. In saltmarshes without boxthorn, there was a higher frequency of foraging for insects. Some, but not all, species responded to increased structural complexity and fruit/floral resources provided by boxthorn. Consequently, management by reducing boxthorn is likely to alter bird communities and the usage of sites by some native species, thus management success should consider fine‐scale biodiversity objectives, such as managing for particular types or species of birds.  相似文献   

Summary Littoral rainforest in northern New South Wales, Australia, has been severely reduced in area and is now extremely limited in extent. Factors influencing the floristics, species richness and abundance, and relationship of this coastal rainforest community type to other lowland rainforests are explored. The purpose of the study was to provide ecological information to support (i) the development of management recommendations and assist habitat expansion and restoration planning for a coastal site at Lennox Head, in northern New South Wales, and (ii) the implementation of recovery actions for an endangered ecological community and an endangered tree species. Multivariate analysis techniques were used to classify and ordinate sampled sites relative to environmental variables to provide an explanation for current floristic assemblages. Eight locations at varying distances to the coast, and representing a range of soil types, were chosen to test the influence of selected environmental variables. At the broad scale, the results show that proximity to the coast and altitude were generally correlated and represented the most influential variables; soil depth, topographic position and slope were broadly correlated but markedly less influential; disturbance was a significant but independent influence on floristics; and soil type and aspect had the least influence. The study provided insight into the ecological parameters of a range of species suited to the habitat rehabilitation and restoration project, and identified finer‐scale floristic patterns at the Lennox site that appear to reflect the influence of environmental variables. In that case, areas in closer proximity to the ocean are dominated by several littoral rainforest and disturbance‐related species, and species richness increases relative to distance from the ocean. This highlights the need to be sensitive to landscape variation, and the influence of environmental variables on plant species distributions, and population dynamics and structure, to guide final selection of appropriate plant material for littoral rainforest restoration projects.  相似文献   

Identification of habitat features that are strongly associated with the occurrence of threatened species is important in terms of predicting impacts of habitat change and identifying key habitats for conservation. In this paper, we apply habitat‐based statistical models to predict occupancy patterns of the endangered southern bell frog (Litoria raniformis) across inland New South Wales (Australia). Litoria raniformis previously occupied a wide range of natural and man‐made waterbodies across a large geographic range, including flood plain wetlands, oxbow lagoons, irrigation canals and rice bays. Alteration of natural flooding regimes has affected a large proportion of habitats within the historical range of Litoria raniformis, but it is not clear how these changes have influenced habitat occupancy patterns. Fifty‐two waterbodies were surveyed for presence/absence of Litoria raniformis in 2001 and 2004. Stepwise logistic regression models were generated to select a subset of variables that best predicted occupancy. Using three predictor variables, vacant and occupied habitats could be predicted with an accuracy of 90% and 70%, respectively. The predictor variables were: the interaction between wetland hydrology and complexity of aquatic vegetation, complexity of fringing vegetation and water temperature. While this study demonstrated that a range of waterbody types were occupied by Litoria raniformis, these habitats shared common hydrological conditions and vegetation characteristics. Altered flooding regimes and reductions in the complexity of aquatic and fringing vegetation are likely to increase the probability of localized extinctions of Litoria raniformis populations.  相似文献   

Summary A major management decision in an ecological restoration or rehabilitation project is whether supplementary planting or natural vegetation regeneration is the better alternative or if a combination can be applied. Management decisions are further complicated when the project involves saltmarsh as tidal cycles, the effects of salinity and sea level rise add to the complexity of decisions. The ecological values of the saltmarsh community in Australia were only recognized relatively recently but the endangered ecological community listing in 1994 (under the New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995) highlighted the need to protect, rehabilitate and restore saltmarsh. This project measured vegetation change after soil profile reconstruction in saltmarsh surrounding Sponsors Lagoon, Fingal Peninsula in north coastal New South Wales, Australia. Restored sites (planted and non‐planted) were compared with nearby disturbed (control) and reference sites. The dominant species in the community to be restored were Saltwater Couch (Sporobolus virginicus), Suaeda (Suaeda australis), Sarcocornia (Sarcocornia quinqueflora ssp. quinqueflora and Sea Rush (Juncus kraussii ssp. australiensis). Changes in percentage cover of the species in the first three years after soil reconstruction work showed that the dominant Saltwater Couch established only from vegetative growth arising from remnant vegetation but there was strong seedling regeneration of several other species. It was concluded that planting is important for species that are less vagile, in larger, denuded parts of this site where their resilience is lower and natural regeneration potential is limited. An understanding of the biology of the individual species is therefore likely to be essential in saltmarsh restoration projects. A combination of techniques, incorporating planting of slower establishing species and encouragement of seed‐germinated colonizers is useful for initial site stabilization and progressive ecological recovery at this site. The inclusion of migration zones in the planning phase will allow for the long‐term viability of this restoration project.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Species would be expected to shift northwards in response to current climate warming, but many are failing to do so because of fragmentation of breeding habitats. Dispersal is important for colonisation and an individual‐based spatially explicit model was developed to investigate impacts of habitat availability on the evolution of dispersal in expanding populations. Model output was compared with field data from the speckled wood butterfly Pararge aegeria, which currently is expanding its range in Britain. 2. During range expansion, models simulated positive linear relationships between dispersal and distance from the seed location. This pattern was observed regardless of quantity (100% to 10% habitat availability) or distribution (random vs. gradient distribution) of habitat, although higher dispersal evolved at expanding range margins in landscapes with greater quantity of habitat and in gradient landscapes. Increased dispersal was no longer evident in any landscape once populations had reached equilibrium; dispersal values returned to those of seed populations. However, in landscapes with the least quantity of habitat, reduced dispersal (below that of seed populations) was observed at equilibrium. 3. Evolutionary changes in adult flight morphology were examined in six populations of P. aegeria along a transect from the distribution core to an expanding range margin in England (spanning a latitudinal distance of >200 km). Empirical data were in agreement with model output and showed increased dispersal ability (larger and broader thoraxes, smaller abdomens, higher wing aspect ratios) with increasing distance from the distribution core. Increased dispersal ability was evident in populations from areas colonised >30 years previously, although dispersal changes were generally evident only in females. 4. Evolutionary increases in dispersal ability in expanding populations may help species track future climate changes and counteract impacts of habitat fragmentation by promoting colonisation. However, at the highest levels of habitat loss, increased dispersal was less evident during expansion and reduced dispersal was observed at equilibrium indicating that, for many species, continued habitat fragmentation is likely to outweigh any benefits from dispersal.  相似文献   

Tidal marshes present profound adaptive challenges to terrestrial vertebrates. For example, North American sparrows have relatively longer and thinner bills and darker dorsal plumage in coastal saltmarshes than in interior marshes. Bay‐capped wren‐spinetail (Furnariidae; Spartonoica maluroides) show a strong association with South American saltmarshes. We hypothesized that bay‐capped wren‐spinetail have similar morphological adaptations to North American sparrows to the saltmarsh environment, which would be indicative of the generality of selection on these traits in the coastal saltmarsh ecosystem. We captured individuals of S. maluroides from coastal saltmarshes and interior marshes. Populations were compared based on morphology and molecular markers. We found significant phenotypic differences in bill shape and plumage coloration (melanism) between S. maluroides populations from coastal and inland marshes. The low levels of genetic variation, weak geographical structure and shallow divergences, based on mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite data, suggest that coastal populations had a recent demographic expansion. Our results are consistent with the pattern of morphological divergence found between North American Emberizids. The possibility of convergent evolutionary adaptations between saltmarsh North American Emberizids and South American Furnariids suggests that there are strong selective pressures associated with saltmarsh environments on the beak, leading to adaptations for food acquisition, and on plumage coloration for better camouflage for predator avoidance (melanism). © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 78–91.  相似文献   

Shallow-water vegetated estuarine habitats, notably seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh, are known to be important habitats for many species of small or juvenile fish in temperate Australia. However, the movement of fish between these habitats is poorly understood, and yet critical to the management of the estuarine fisheries resource. We installed a series of buoyant pop nets in adjacent stands of seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh in order to determine how relative abundance of fishes varied through lunar cycles. Nets were released in all habitats at the peak of the monthly spring tide for 12 months, and in the seagrass habitat at the peak of the neap tide also. The assemblage of fish in each habitat differed during the spring tides. The seagrass assemblage differed between spring and neap tide, with the neap tide assemblage showing greater abundances of fish, particularly those species which visited the adjacent habitats when inundated during spring tides. The result supports the hypothesis that fish move from the seagrass to the adjacent mangrove and saltmarsh during spring tides, taking advantage of high abundances of zooplankton, and use seagrass as a refuge during lower tides. The restoration and preservation of mangrove and saltmarsh utility as fish habitat may in some situations be linked to the proximity of available seagrass.  相似文献   

Surveys of colonial‐nesting waterbirds are needed to assess population trends and gain insight into the health of wetland ecosystems. Use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for such surveys has increased over the past decade, but possible sources of bias in surveys conducted with UAS have not been examined. We examined possible visibility biases associated with using a UAS to survey waterbird colonies in cypress‐tupelo watersheds and coastal island habitats in Texas in 2016. We used known numbers of four waterbird decoy types, including Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger), terns, and white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons, to estimate their detectability in each habitat. Six observers independently counted decoys from aerial imagery mosaics taken with a consumer‐grade, off‐the‐shelf quadcopter drone. We used generalized linear mixed‐effects models to estimate detection probabilities of each decoy type. Black Skimmers at the coastal island had a detection probability of just 53%. Detectability of both white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons was lower in the canopied cypress‐tupelo habitat than the coastal island. In addition, cloud cover > 50% further reduced detectability of white heron decoys in cypress‐tupelo habitat. Use of the double‐count method yielded biased‐low abundance estimates for white‐ and dark‐plumaged herons in canopied sites, suggesting that habitat differences were a greater source of bias than observer error. Black Skimmers were the only decoy type to be imperfectly detected at the coastal island, a surprising result given the stark contrast of their plumage with their sand and shell nesting substrate. Our results indicate that UAS‐derived photographic surveys are prone to low detection probabilities at sites where vegetation occludes nests. In habitats without canopy, however, UAS surveys show promise for obtaining accurate counts of terns, white herons, and dark herons.  相似文献   

Linkages between estuarine nursery areas and coastal reefs are thought to be important for sustaining populations of some reef fishes. Patterns of abundance and size structure in the blue groper, Achoerodus viridis (Pisces: Labridae), were documented at sites extending from sheltered reefs and seagrass, Zostera capricorni, habitats, in shallows of estuaries, to adjacent exposed reefs in New South Wales, Australia. Numbers of juvenile fish (< 200 mm SL) decreased from shallow to deep areas of reef within a site and from inner to outer estuarine sites within two estuaries. Increased numbers of large fish (> 400 mm SL) were found on the more exposed coastal reefs. These patterns were consistent over the 21/2 year study (May 1991–December 1993). Recruits were found in both seagrass and rocky reef habitat, and showed similar patterns of abundance to juveniles. Recruitment of A. viridis to seagrass habitat occurred in distinct seasonal pulses each year; peak recruitment occurred in September and October of each year. Patterns of abundance and size structure were consistent with a model of estuarine recruitment and movement to the open coast, but alternatives, such as differential mortality, could not be discounted.  相似文献   

Thick‐billed Parrots (Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha) and Maroon‐fronted Parrots (Rhynchopsitta terrisi) are the only parrots in Mexico found in high‐elevation coniferous forests. Both species are critically endangered due to logging, and climate change is expected to further reduce their available habitat. Our objectives were to assess the present and future availability of a suitable habitat for these parrots using ecological niche models. Future climatic scenarios were estimated by overlaying the present distributions of these parrots on maps of projected biome distributions generated using a North American vegetation model. Our climatic scenarios revealed that the distribution of key habitats for both parrots will likely be affected as the climate becomes more suitable for xeric biomes. The climate associated with coniferous forests in the current range of Maroon‐fronted Parrots is predicted to disappear by 2090, and the climate associated with the key coniferous habitats of Thick‐billed Parrots may contract. However, our results also indicate that suitable climatic conditions will prevail for the high‐elevation coniferous biomes where Thick‐billed Parrots nest. The degree to which both species of parrots will be able to adapt to the new scenarios is uncertain. Some of their life history traits may allow them to respond with a combination of adaptive and spatial responses to climatic change and, in addition, suitable climatic conditions will prevail in some portions of their ranges. Actions needed to ensure the conservation of these parrots include strict control of logging and integration of rapid response teams for fire management within the potential foraging ranges of nesting pairs. A landscape with a greater proportion of restored forests would also aid in the recovery of current populations of Thick‐billed and Maroon‐fronted parrots and facilitate their responses to climate change.  相似文献   

S. Hooson  & I. G. Jamieson 《Ibis》2004,146(3):417-426
South Island Saddlebacks Philesturnus carunculatus carunculatus were once found throughout the South Island of New Zealand, but by the early 1960s were confined to the island of Big South Cape, in the extreme south of the country. All subsequent reintroduced populations of South Island Saddlebacks are derived from 36 surviving birds from this relict population. The aim of this study was to compare the breeding success of three recently reintroduced populations of Saddlebacks relative to their distance from, and habitat similarity to, the relict population. The three study islands show a latitudinal cline with Ulva, Breaksea and Motuara Islands located 60, 190 and 810 km north of Big South Cape, respectively. Saddlebacks on Ulva and Breaksea appeared to prefer to establish breeding territories in coastal scrub, the dominant habitat feature of Big South Cape. The area of coastal scrub habitat was much smaller on Motuara, where breeding territories were instead scattered through broadleaf forest habitat. Nesting success, calculated using Mayfield's method, was significantly greater on Ulva (73%) than on Breaksea (32%) or Motuara (19%) owing primarily to higher egg fertility and hatching success. Although egg failure rates were highest on Motuara, the island least similar to Big South Cape, they were also relatively high on Breaksea where the habitat was similar to Ulva and Big South Cape. Therefore, the results only partially support the hypothesis that nesting success should decrease with increasing habitat difference associated with increasing latitudinal distance from the source population. The data from this 1-year study lay the groundwork for examining further hypotheses on the effects of reintroducing endangered species outside their contemporary range, but within their historical range.  相似文献   

Considerable attention has been given to the impact of climate change on avian populations over the last decade. In this paper we examine two issues with respect to coastal bird populations in the UK: (1) is there any evidence that current populations are declining due to climate change, and (2) how might we predict the response of populations in the future? We review the cause of population decline in two species associated with saltmarsh habitats. The abundance of Common Redshank Tringa totanus breeding on saltmarsh declined by about 23% between the mid-1980s and mid-1990s, but the decline appears to have been caused by an increase in grazing pressure. The number of Twite Carduelis flavirostris wintering on the coast of East Anglia has declined dramatically over recent decades; there is evidence linking this decline with habitat loss but a causal role for climate change is unclear. These examples illustrate that climate change could be having population-level impacts now, but also show that it is dangerous to become too narrowly focused on single issues affecting coastal birds. Making predictions about how populations might respond to future climate change depends on an adequate understanding of important ecological processes at an appropriate spatial scale. We illustrate this with recent work conducted on the Icelandic population of Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa islandica that shows large-scale regulatory processes. Most predictive models to date have focused on local populations (single estuary or a group of neighbouring estuaries). We discuss the role such models might play in risk assessment, and the need for them to be linked to larger-scale ecological processes. We argue that future work needs to focus on spatial scale issues and on linking physical models of coastal environments with important ecological processes.  相似文献   

During recent decades, over 40% of Japanese estuarine tidal flats have been lost due to coastal developments. Local populations of the saltmarsh sesarmid crab Clistocoeloma sinense, designated as an endangered species due to the limited suitable saltmarsh habitat available, have decreased accordingly, being now represented as small remnant populations. Several such populations in Tokyo Bay, have been recognised as representing distributional limits of the species. To clarify the genetic diversity and connectivity among local coastal populations of Japanese Clistocoeloma sinense, including those in Tokyo Bay, mitochondrial DNA analyses were conducted in the hope of providing fundamental information for future conservation studies and an understanding of metapopulation dynamics through larval dispersal among local populations. All of the populations sampled indicated low levels of genetic diversity, which may have resulted from recent population bottlenecks or founder events. However, the results also revealed clear genetic differentiation between two enclosed-water populations in Tokyo Bay and Ise-Mikawa Bay, suggesting the existence of a barrier to larval transport between these two water bodies. Since the maintenance of genetic connectivity is a requirement of local population stability, the preservation of extant habitats and restoration of saltmarshes along the coast of Japan may be the most effective measures for conservation of this endangered species.  相似文献   

We used the conceptual framework of the theory of natural selection to study breeding habitat preferences by an opportunistic avian predator, the black kite Milvus migrans. In Europe, black kite populations are mostly found near large networks of aquatic habitats, usually considered optimal for foraging and breeding. We hypothesized that proximity to wetlands could vary among individuals and affect their fitness, and thus be subject to natural selection. We tested the hypothesis first on a population on Lake Lugano (Italian pre‐Alps) which has been monitored for nine years, and then on seven other populations, each studied for four–five years, located along a continuum of habitat from large water bodies to scarce aquatic habitat of any kind. In the Lake Lugano population, black kite abundance was negatively related to distance to the lake in all the nine years of study, consistent with long‐term natural selection. There was evidence of ongoing directional selection on strategic nest location in three of the years, and evidence of stabilizing selection in two years. In eight of the nine years the trend was for a linear increase in fitness with increasing proximity to the lake. At the population level, results were consistent with adaptive habitat choice in relation to the previous year's spatial variation in fitness: higher associations between fitness and distance to the lake (i.e. higher selection gradients) resulted in higher density variations in the following year, in turn related to the availability of fish, the main local prey. The progressive decline of inland pairs and increase in the density of lakeshore pairs caused a directional long‐term trend of declining mean distance to the lake. Breeding near aquatic habitats was associated with higher foraging success, and higher frequency and biomass of prey deliveries to offspring. There was weak evidence of selection in other populations. The inland‐wetland gradient of habitat quality may have been affected by predation risk, as estimated by density of a major predator of adults and nestlings, the eagle owl Bubo bubo. Behavioral decisions at the level of the individual probably translated into population effects on density and distribution at various spatial scales. Populations in optimal habitats showed higher density and produced six times as many young per unit space as those in sub‐optimal habitats.  相似文献   

Changes in the distribution and abundance of bird and small mammal species at urban-wildland edges can be caused by different factors. Edges can affect populations directly if animals respond behaviorally to the edge itself or if proximity to edge directly affects demographic vital rates (an "ecotonal" effect). Alternatively, urban edges can indirectly affect populations if edges alter the characteristics of the adjacent wildland vegetation, which in turn prompts a response to the altered habitat (a "matrix" or "habitat" effect). We studied edge effects of birds and small mammals in southern Californian coastal sage scrub, and assessed whether edge effects were attributable to direct behavioral responses to edges or to animal responses to changes in habitat at edges. Vegetation species composition and structure varied with distance from edge, but the differences varied among study sites. Because vegetation characteristics were correlated with distance from edge, responses to habitat were explored by using independently-derived models of habitat associations to calibrate vegetation measurements to the habitat affinities of each animal species. Of sixteen species examined, five bird and one small mammal species responded to edge independently of habitat features, and thus habitat restoration at edges is expected to be an ineffective conservation measure for these species. Two additional species of birds and one small mammal responded to habitat gradients that coincided with distance from edge, such that the effect of edge on these species was expressed via potentially reversible habitat degradation.  相似文献   

Smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) is one of the most invasive exotic plants of saltmarshes worldwide. To understand the effects of smooth cordgrass invasion on the habitat use and selection by breeding saltmarsh birds, we compared species number and abundance of breeding birds in native reed (Phragmites australis) and smooth cordgrass-invaded habitats (reed-cordgrass mixed habitats and cordgrass monocultures) at Chongming Dongtan in the Yangtze River estuary, China. We further examined the similarity of bird communities in different habitats and habitat selection by dominant bird species. For saltmarsh generalists, species number and abundance did not differ among the habitats. For saltmarsh specialists, species number and abundance did not differ in reed monocultures and reed-cordgrass mixed habitats but were significantly lower in cordgrass monocultures than in reed monocultures and reed-cordgrass mixed habitats. ANOSIM indicated that the difference in bird communities was larger between cordgrass monocultures and the habitats with reed than between the habitats with reed. The saltmarsh specialists preferred reed monocultures, while saltmarsh generalists avoided reed monocultures. Most species indicated no selection (neither preferred nor avoided) on reed-cordgrass mixed habitats, and no species preferred the cordgrass monocultures. The use of cordgrass monocultures by the common saltmarsh birds was negatively related to their body size. This study suggests that the spread of exotic smooth cordgrass has greatly affected the species composition and structure of local bird communities and has been especially disadvantageous to the saltmarsh specialists.  相似文献   

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