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Food subsidies have the potential to modify ecosystems and affect the provision of goods and services. Predictable Anthropogenic Food Subsidies (PAFS) modify ecosystems by altering ecological processes and food webs. The global concern over the effects of PAFS in ecosystems has led to development of environmental policies aimed at curbing the production or ultimately banning of PAFS. However, the effects of reducing or banning PAFS are not known. We explore the consequences of PAFS removal in a marine ecosystem under two scenarios: 1) gradual reduction, or 2) an abrupt ban, using a mass balance model to test these hypotheses–The reduction or loss of PAFS will: i) modify trophic levels and food webs through effects on foraging by opportunistic species, ii) increase the resilience of opportunistic species to food shortages, and iii) modify predator–prey interactions through shifts in prey consumption. We found that PAFS lower the trophic levels of opportunistic scavengers and increase their food pathways. Scavengers are able to switch prey when PAFS are reduced gradually but they decline when PAFS are abruptly banned. PAFS reduction to a certain minimal level causes a drop in the ecosystem’s stability. We recommend gradual reduction of PAFS to a minimal level that would maintain the ecosystem’s stability and allow species exploiting PAFS to habituate to the food subsidy reduction.  相似文献   

One challenge in merging community and ecosystem ecology is to integrate the complexity of natural multitrophic communities into concepts of ecosystem functioning. Here, we combine food‐web and allometry theories to demonstrate that primary production, as measured by the total nutrient uptake of the multitrophic community, is determined by vertical diversity (i.e. food web's maximum trophic level) and structure (i.e. distributions of species and their abundances and metabolic rates across trophic levels). In natural ecosystems, the community size distribution determines all these vertical patterns and thus the total nutrient uptake. Our model suggests a vertical diversity hypothesis (VDH) for ecosystem functioning in complex food webs. It predicts that, under a given nutrient supply, the total nutrient uptake increases exponentially with the maximum trophic level in the food web and it increases with its maximum body size according to a power law. The VDH highlights the effect of top–down regulation on plant nutrient uptake, which complements traditional paradigms that emphasised the bottom–up effect of nutrient supply on vertical diversity. We conclude that the VDH contributes to a synthetic framework for understanding the relationship between vertical diversity and ecosystem functioning in food webs and predicting the impacts of global changes on multitrophic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Ongoing anthropogenic change is altering the planet at an unprecedented rate, threatening biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning. Species are responding to abiotic pressures at both individual and population levels, with changes affecting trophic interactions through consumptive pathways. Collectively, these impacts alter the goods and services that natural ecosystems will provide to society, as well as the persistence of all species. Here, we describe the physiological and behavioral responses of species to global changes on individual and population levels that result in detectable changes in diet across terrestrial and marine ecosystems. We illustrate shifts in the dynamics of food webs with implications for animal communities. Additionally, we highlight the myriad of tools available for researchers to investigate the dynamics of consumption patterns and trophic interactions, arguing that diet data are a crucial component of ecological studies on global change. We suggest that a holistic approach integrating the complexities of diet choice and trophic interactions with environmental drivers may be more robust at resolving trends in biodiversity, predicting food web responses, and potentially identifying early warning signs of diversity loss. Ultimately, despite the growing body of long-term ecological datasets, there remains a dearth of diet ecology studies across temporal scales, a shortcoming that must be resolved to elucidate vulnerabilities to changing biophysical conditions.  相似文献   

Human activities provide food resources for animals that are predictable in space and/or time. These resources, sometimes referred to as predictable anthropogenic food subsidies (PAFS), can be either the result of human‐generated waste or provided intentionally, sometimes as a conservation measure. Some PAFS, including landfills, are used by common species. However, little information exists about the effects that these feeding points have on rarer species that feed there, some of which are of conservation concern. This study focuses on the influence of PAFS and their spatial location on the distribution of territories of the endangered Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus. We analysed a population in the NE Iberian Peninsula that has in recent decades expanded its range. We used both null model and linear model analyses to ascertain the effect of PAFS and other covariates on the occupancy of territories by the study species. PAFS appeared to play an important role in territory selection by Egyptian Vultures, as occupied territories were nearer landfills than expected by chance. Furthermore, the distance from PAFS (landfills and vulture feeding stations, or ‘restaurants’) played an important role in the probability of territory occupancy by Egyptian Vultures, in addition to other environmental variables such as surface areas of rocky south‐facing slopes, human settlement and the proximity of conspecifics. However, recent EU legislation aims to phase out open‐air landfills to reduce the negative environmental effects of these facilities. This could have an undesired impact on the endangered species that use these feeding points. We recommend management measures that can control abundant pest species but, in the long term, other measures as supplementary feeding should be considered to counteract the probable negative effect of the disappearance of landfills on endangered species.  相似文献   

Warming and eutrophication are two of the most important global change stressors for natural ecosystems, but their interaction is poorly understood. We used a dynamic model of complex, size‐structured food webs to assess interactive effects on diversity and network structure. We found antagonistic impacts: Warming increases diversity in eutrophic systems and decreases it in oligotrophic systems. These effects interact with the community size structure: Communities of similarly sized species such as parasitoid–host systems are stabilized by warming and destabilized by eutrophication, whereas the diversity of size‐structured predator–prey networks decreases strongly with warming, but decreases only weakly with eutrophication. Nonrandom extinction risks for generalists and specialists lead to higher connectance in networks without size structure and lower connectance in size‐structured communities. Overall, our results unravel interactive impacts of warming and eutrophication and suggest that size structure may serve as an important proxy for predicting the community sensitivity to these global change stressors.  相似文献   

Loss of biodiversity and nutrient enrichment are two of the main human impacts on ecosystems globally, yet we understand very little about the interactive effects of multiple stressors on natural communities and how this relates to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Advancing our understanding requires the following: (1) incorporation of processes occurring within and among trophic levels in natural ecosystems and (2) tests of context‐dependency of species loss effects. We examined the effects of loss of a key predator and two groups of its prey on algal assemblages at both ambient and enriched nutrient conditions in a marine benthic system and tested for interactions between the loss of functional diversity and nutrient enrichment on ecosystem functioning. We found that enrichment interacted with food web structure to alter the effects of species loss in natural communities. At ambient conditions, the loss of primary consumers led to an increase in biomass of algae, whereas predator loss caused a reduction in algal biomass (i.e. a trophic cascade). However, contrary to expectations, we found that nutrient enrichment negated the cascading effect of predators on algae. Moreover, algal assemblage structure varied in distinct ways in response to mussel loss, grazer loss, predator loss and with nutrient enrichment, with compensatory shifts in algal abundance driven by variation in responses of different algal species to different environmental conditions and the presence of different consumers. We identified and characterized several context‐dependent mechanisms driving direct and indirect effects of consumers. Our findings highlight the need to consider environmental context when examining potential species redundancies in particular with regard to changing environmental conditions. Furthermore, non‐trophic interactions based on empirical evidence must be incorporated into food web‐based ecological models to improve understanding of community responses to global change.  相似文献   

Predator diversity and abundance are under strong human pressure in all types of ecosystems. Whereas predator potentially control standing biomass and species interactions in food webs, their effects on prey biomass and especially prey biodiversity have not yet been systematically quantified. Here, we test the effects of predation in a cross‐system meta‐analysis of prey diversity and biomass responses to local manipulation of predator presence. We found 291 predator removal experiments from 87 studies assessing both diversity and biomass responses. Across ecosystem types, predator presence significantly decreased both biomass and diversity of prey across ecosystems. Predation effects were highly similar between ecosystem types, whereas previous studies had shown that herbivory or decomposition effects differed fundamentally between terrestrial and aquatic systems based on different stoichiometry of plant material. Such stoichiometric differences between systems are unlikely for carnivorous predators, where effect sizes on species richness strongly correlated to effect sizes on biomass. However, the negative predation effect on prey biomass was ameliorated significantly with increasing prey richness and increasing species richness of the manipulated predator assemblage. Moreover, with increasing richness of the predator assemblage present, the overall negative effects of predation on prey richness switched to positive effects. Our meta‐analysis revealed strong general relationships between predator diversity, prey diversity and the interaction strength between trophic levels in terms of biomass. This study indicates that anthropogenic changes in predator abundance and diversity will potentially have strong effects on trophic interactions across ecosystems. Synthesis The past centuries we have experienced a dramatic loss of top–predator abundance and diversity in most types of ecosystems. To understand the direct consequences of predator loss on a global scale, we quantitatively summarized experiments testing predation effects on prey communities in a cross‐system meta‐analysis. Across ecosystem types, predator presence significantly decreased both biomass and diversity of prey, and predation effects were highly similar. However, with increasing predator richness, the overall negative effects of predation on prey richness switched to positive ones. Anthropogenic changes in predator communities will potentially have strong effects on prey diversity, biomass, and trophic interactions across ecosystems.  相似文献   

Ecological communities show great variation in species richness, composition and food web structure across similar and diverse ecosystems. Knowledge of how this biodiversity relates to ecosystem functioning is important for understanding the maintenance of diversity and the potential effects of species losses and gains on ecosystems. While research often focuses on how variation in species richness influences ecosystem processes, assessing species richness in a food web context can provide further insight into the relationship between diversity and ecosystem functioning and elucidate potential mechanisms underpinning this relationship. Here, we assessed how species richness and trophic diversity affect decomposition rates in a complete aquatic food web: the five trophic level web that occurs within water-filled leaves of the northern pitcher plant, Sarracenia purpurea. We identified a trophic cascade in which top-predators--larvae of the pitcher-plant mosquito--indirectly increased bacterial decomposition by preying on bactivorous protozoa. Our data also revealed a facultative relationship in which larvae of the pitcher-plant midge increased bacterial decomposition by shredding detritus. These important interactions occur only in food webs with high trophic diversity, which in turn only occur in food webs with high species richness. We show that species richness and trophic diversity underlie strong linkages between food web structure and dynamics that influence ecosystem functioning. The importance of trophic diversity and species interactions in determining how biodiversity relates to ecosystem functioning suggests that simply focusing on species richness does not give a complete picture as to how ecosystems may change with the loss or gain of species.  相似文献   

So far, seed limitation as a local process, and dispersal limitation as a regional process have been largely neglected in biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research. However, these processes can influence both local plant species diversity and ecosystem processes, such as biomass production. We added seeds of 60 species from the regional species pool to grassland communities at 20 montane grassland sites in Germany. In these sites, plant species diversity ranged from 10 to 34 species m−2 and, before manipulation, diversity was not related to aboveground biomass, which ranged from 108 to 687 g m−2. One year after seed addition, local plant species richness had increased on average by six species m−2 (29%) compared with control plots, and this increase was highest in grasslands with intermediate productivity. The increased diversity after adding seeds was associated with an average increase of aboveground biomass of 36 g m−2 (14.8%) compared with control plots. Thus, our results demonstrate that a positive relationship between changes in species richness and productivity, as previously reported from experimental plant communities, also holds for natural grassland ecosystems. Our results show that local plant communities are dispersal limited and a hump‐shaped model appears to be the limiting outline of the natural diversity–productivity relationship. Hence, the effects of dispersal on local diversity can substantially affect the functioning of natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

Invasive ecosystem engineers (IEE) are potentially one of the most influential types of biological invaders. They are expected to have extensive ecological impacts by altering the physical–chemical structure of ecosystems, thereby changing the rules of existence for a broad range of resident biota. To test the generality of this expectation, we used a global systematic review and meta‐analysis to examine IEE effects on the abundance of individual species and communities, biodiversity (using several indices) and ecosystem functions, focusing on marine and estuarine environments. We found that IEE had a significant effect (positive and negative) in most studies testing impacts on individual species, but the overall (cumulative) effect size was small and negative. Many individual studies showed strong IEE effects on community abundance and diversity, but the direction of effects was variable, leading to statistically non‐significant overall effects in most categories. In contrast, there was a strong overall effect on most ecosystem functions we examined. IEE negatively affected metabolic functions and primary production, but positively affected nutrient flux, sedimentation and decomposition. We use the results to develop a conceptual model by highlighting pathways whereby IEE impact communities and ecosystem functions, and identify several sources of research bias in the IEE‐related invasion literature. Only a few of the studies simultaneously quantified IEE effects on community/diversity and ecosystem functions. Therefore, understanding how IEE may alter biodiversity–ecosystem function relationships should be a primary focus of future studies of invasion biology. Moreover, the clear effects of IEE on ecosystem functions detected in our study suggest that scientists and environmental managers ought to examine how the effects of IEE might be manifested in the services that marine ecosystems provide to humans.  相似文献   

Multiple anthropogenic pressures including the widespread introductions of non‐native species threaten biodiversity and ecosystem functioning notably by modifying the trophic structure of communities. Here, we provided a global evaluation of the impacts of non‐native species on the isotopic structure (δ13C and δ15N) of freshwater fish communities. We gathered the stable isotope values (n = 4030) of fish species in 496 fish communities in lentic (lakes, backwaters, reservoirs) and lotic (running waters such as streams, rivers) ecosystems throughout the world and quantified the isotopic structure of communities. Overall, we found that communities containing non‐native species had a different isotopic structure than communities without non‐native species. However, these differences varied between ecosystem types and the trophic positions of non‐native species. In lotic ecosystems, communities containing non‐native species had a larger total isotopic niche than communities without non‐native species. This was primarily driven by the addition of non‐native predators at the top of the food chain that increased δ15N range without modifying the isotopic niche size of native species. In lentic ecosystems, non‐native primary consumers increased δ15N range and this was likely driven by an increase of resource availability for species at higher trophic levels, increasing food chain length. The introduction of non‐native secondary consumers at the centre of the isotopic niche of recipient communities decreased the core isotopic niche size, the δ13C range of recipient communities and the total isotopic niche of coexisting native species. These results suggested a modified contribution of the basal resources consumed (e.g. multi‐chain omnivory) and an increase level of competition with native species. Our results notably imply that, by affecting the isotopic structure of freshwater fish communities at a global scale, non‐native species represent an important source of perturbations that should be accounted for when investigating macro‐ecological patterns of community structure and biotic interactions.  相似文献   

Jacob A. Cram 《Molecular ecology》2015,24(23):5767-5769
Marine microbes make up a key part of ocean food webs and drive ocean chemistry through a range of metabolic processes. A fundamental question in ecology is whether the diversity of organisms in a community shapes the ecological functions of that community. While there is substantial evidence to support a positive link between diversity and ecological productivity for macro‐organisms in terrestrial environments, this relationship has not previously been verified for marine microbial communities. One factor complicating the understanding of this relationship is that many marine microbes are dormant and are easily dispersed by ocean currents, making it difficult to ensure that the organisms found in a given environmental sample accurately reflect processes occurring in that environment. Another complication is that, due to microbes great range of genotypic and phenotypic variability, communities with distantly related species may have greater range of metabolic functions than communities have the same richness and evenness, but in which the species present are more closely related to each other. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Galand et al. (2015) provide compelling evidence that the most metabolically active communities are those in which the nondormant portion of the microbial community has the highest phylogenetic diversity. They also illustrate that focusing on the active portion of the community allows for detection of temporal patterns in community structure that would not be otherwise evident. The authors’ point out that the presence of many dormant organisms that do not contribute to ecosystem functioning is a feature that makes microbial ecosystems fundamentally different from macro‐ecosystems and that this difference needs to be accounted for in microbial ecology theory.  相似文献   

The functional role of producer diversity in ecosystems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Over the past several decades, a rapidly expanding field of research known as biodiversity and ecosystem functioning has begun to quantify how the world's biological diversity can, as an independent variable, control ecological processes that are both essential for, and fundamental to, the functioning of ecosystems. Research in this area has often been justified on grounds that (1) loss of biological diversity ranks among the most pronounced changes to the global environment and that (2) reductions in diversity, and corresponding changes in species composition, could alter important services that ecosystems provide to humanity (e.g., food production, pest/disease control, water purification). Here we review over two decades of experiments that have examined how species richness of primary producers influences the suite of ecological processes that are controlled by plants and algae in terrestrial, marine, and freshwater ecosystems. Using formal meta-analyses, we assess the balance of evidence for eight fundamental questions and corresponding hypotheses about the functional role of producer diversity in ecosystems. These include questions about how primary producer diversity influences the efficiency of resource use and biomass production in ecosystems, how primary producer diversity influences the transfer and recycling of biomass to other trophic groups in a food web, and the number of species and spatial /temporal scales at which diversity effects are most apparent. After summarizing the balance of evidence and stating our own confidence in the conclusions, we outline several new questions that must now be addressed if this field is going to evolve into a predictive science that can help conserve and manage ecological processes in ecosystems.  相似文献   

Large, herbivorous mammals have profound effects on ecosystem structure and function and often act as keystone species in ecosystems they inhabit. Density-dependent processes associated with population structure of large mammals may interact with ecosystem functioning to increase or decrease biodiversity, depending on the relationship of herbivore populations relative to the carrying capacity (K) of the ecosystem. We tested for indirect effects of population density of large herbivores on plant species richness and diversity in a montane ecosystem, where increased net aboveground primary productivity (NAPP) in response to low levels of herbivory has been reported. We documented a positive, linear relationship between plant-species diversity and richness with NAPP. Structural equation modeling revealed significant indirect relationships between population density of herbivores, NAPP, and species diversity. We observed an indirect effect of density-dependent processes in large, herbivorous mammals and species diversity of plants through changes in NAPP in this montane ecosystem. Changes in species diversity of plants in response to herbivory may be more indirect in ecosystems with long histories of herbivory. Those subtle or indirect effects of herbivory may have strong effects on ecosystem functioning, but may be overlooked in plant communities that are relatively resilient to herbivory.  相似文献   

Riparian ecosystems play an important role in modulating a range of ecosystem processes that affect aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Butterflies are a major herbivore in terrestrial ecosystems and are also common in riparian ecosystems. Since butterflies use plants for larval food and adult nectar sources in riparian ecosystems, butterfly diversity can be utilized to evaluate riparian ecosystems. We compiled butterfly data from 33 sites in three riparian ecosystem types across the country and compared butterfly diversity in terms of number of species and quality index in relation to riparian environmental variables. Number of butterfly and plant species was not different among three riparian habitat types. Additionally, there was no significant ecological variable to distinguish the butterfly communities on three riparian habitats. Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling ordination showed that butterfly communities in three riparian ecosystem types differed from each other, and butterfly riparian quality index was the main variable for butterfly assemblages. Five indicator species for moor and another five species for riverine riparian ecosystems were identified. Three and one indicator species for moor and riparian ecosystems, respectively, were plant specialists, while 44 butterflies were general feeders, feeding on a wide range of hostplants in several habitats. These results suggest that butterfly species use actively riparian habitats for nectar and larval food, and the butterfly riparian quality index can be employed to track faunal change in riparian habitats, which are frequently threatened by disturbances such as water level and climate changes, and invasive species.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms that organize biodiversity is central in ecology and conservation. Beta diversity links local (alfa) and regional (gamma) diversity, giving insight into how communities organize spatially. Metacommunity ecology provides the framework to interpret regional and local processes interacting to shape communities. However, the lack of metacommunity studies for large vertebrates may limit the understanding and compromise the preservation of ecosystem functions and services. We aim to understand the mechanisms underlying differences in species composition among vertebrate scavenger communities ? which provide key ecosystem functions, e.g. carrion consumption ? within a metacommunity context. We obtained species richness and abundances at scavenger communities consuming ungulate carcasses monitored through motion‐triggered remote cameras in seven terrestrial ecosystems in Spain. We partitioned beta diversity to decompose incidence‐based (species presence/absence) and abundance‐based dissimilarities into their components (turnover/balanced variation and nestedness/abundance gradient, respectively). We identified the environmental factors explaining the observed patterns. The vertebrate scavenger metacommunity consisted of 3101 individuals from 30 species. Changes in composition among ecosystems were mostly (> 84%) due to species or individual replacement (i.e. turnover or balanced variation). Species or individual loss/gain (i.e. nestedness or abundance gradient) accounted for 13–16% of these changes. Mean carcass weight, elevation and habitat diversity were the main factors explaining species/individual replacement. Our findings suggest that local processes such as species‐sorting through habitat heterogeneity would dominate scavenger metacommunity dynamics together with stochastic forces (i.e. related to carrion unpredictability and scavenging being a widespread strategy among vertebrates). The presence of structured patterns (i.e. nestedness) in beta diversity could reflect a role of deterministic processes: mass‐effects through dispersal and defaunation. Vultures are long‐distance foragers and functionally dominant species, which would connect local assemblages within the metacommunity, supporting scavenger diversity and functions across space. These results highlight the importance of managing vertebrate scavenger assemblages within a metacommunity context.  相似文献   

The Agaricomycotina are a phylogenetically diverse group of fungi that includes both saprotrophic and mycorrhizal species, and that form species – rich communities in forest ecosystems. Most species are infrequently observed, and this hampers assessment of the role that environmental heterogeneity plays in determining local community composition and in driving β‐diversity. We used a combination of phenetic (TRFLP) and phylogenetic approaches [Unifrac and Net Relatedness Index (NRI)] to examine the compositional and phylogenetic similarity of Agaricomycotina communities in forest floor and surface soil of three widely distributed temperate upland forest ecosystems (one, xeric oak – dominated and two, mesic sugar maple dominated). Generally, forest floor and soil communities had similar phylogenetic diversity, but there was little overlap of species or evolutionary lineages between these two horizons. Forest floor communities were dominated by saprotrophic species, and were compositionally and phylogenetically similar in all three ecosystems. Mycorrhizal species represented 30% to 90% of soil community diversity, and these communities differed compositionally and phylogenetically between ecosystems. Estimates of NRI revealed significant phylogenetic clustering in both the forest floor and soil communities of only the xeric oak‐dominated forest ecosystem, and may indicate that this ecosystem acts as a habitat filter. Our results suggest that environmental heterogeneity strongly influences the phylogenetic β‐diversity of soil inhabiting Agaricomycotina communities, but has only a small influence on forest floor β‐diversity. Moreover, our results suggest that the strength of community assembly processes, such as habitat filtering, may differ between temperate forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2017,23(11):4946-4957
Agricultural intensification is a leading cause of global biodiversity loss, which can reduce the provisioning of ecosystem services in managed ecosystems. Organic farming and plant diversification are farm management schemes that may mitigate potential ecological harm by increasing species richness and boosting related ecosystem services to agroecosystems. What remains unclear is the extent to which farm management schemes affect biodiversity components other than species richness, and whether impacts differ across spatial scales and landscape contexts. Using a global metadataset, we quantified the effects of organic farming and plant diversification on abundance, local diversity (communities within fields), and regional diversity (communities across fields) of arthropod pollinators, predators, herbivores, and detritivores. Both organic farming and higher in‐field plant diversity enhanced arthropod abundance, particularly for rare taxa. This resulted in increased richness but decreased evenness. While these responses were stronger at local relative to regional scales, richness and abundance increased at both scales, and richness on farms embedded in complex relative to simple landscapes. Overall, both organic farming and in‐field plant diversification exerted the strongest effects on pollinators and predators, suggesting these management schemes can facilitate ecosystem service providers without augmenting herbivore (pest) populations. Our results suggest that organic farming and plant diversification promote diverse arthropod metacommunities that may provide temporal and spatial stability of ecosystem service provisioning. Conserving diverse plant and arthropod communities in farming systems therefore requires sustainable practices that operate both within fields and across landscapes.  相似文献   

1. Pacific salmon are a textbook example of migratory animals that transfer nutrients between ecosystems, but little is known about how salmon‐derived nutrients (SDN) affect the biodiversity of recipient freshwater ecosystems. We examined paleolimnological records from six Alaskan lakes to define how changes in SDN from sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) influenced sedimentary diatom community structure and beta‐diversity among lakes and through time. 2. Using an isotopic mixing model, we showed that SDN loading could account for >80% of the lake total nitrogen budgets and strongly regulated diatom community composition. Spatial dissimilarity in diatom communities was positively related to differences in SDN among lakes (r2 = 0.69, P < 0.01, n = 10). Likewise, temporal dissimilarity in diatom communities was positively related to differences in SDN in a sediment core with substantial variation in salmon spawner dynamics between 1700 and 1950 AD (r2 = 0.34, P < 0.01, n = 19). Finally, beta‐diversity metrics quantifying temporal turnover within each lake’s sediment record were also positively related to the variance in SDN loading among lakes (r2 = 0.88, P < 0.05, n = 5). Mean SDN was only negatively correlated to temporal diatom beta‐diversity. 3. Spatially subsidised systems often receive temporally variable resource inputs, and thus, it is not surprising that, unlike previous studies, we found that resource variability was the key driver of community composition and beta‐diversity. In habitats that receive strongly fluctuating external nutrient loads, environment heterogeneity may overweigh stochastic community processes. In addition, freshwater diatoms are characterised by great dispersal capabilities and short life cycles and therefore may be a more sensitive indicator for evaluating the role of resource variability than previously used model organisms. These results suggest that productivity–diversity relationship vary with the nature of nutrient loading and the life history of the community studied. 4. Overall, our study highlights that the transport of nutrients by sockeye salmon across ecosystem boundaries is a significant driver of algal community and biodiversity in nursery lakes, mainly through changing the magnitude of nutrient variation. As such, freshwater species diversity in regions like the U.S. Pacific Northwest may become impoverished where there have been long‐term declines in salmon populations and decreases in nutrient variability among lakes.  相似文献   

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