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Endodermal Nodal-related signals and mesoderm induction in Xenopus   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In Xenopus, mesoderm induction by endoderm at the blastula stage is well documented, but the molecular nature of the endogenous inductive signals remains unknown. The carboxy-terminal fragment of Cerberus, designated Cer-S, provides a specific secreted antagonist of mesoderm-inducing Xenopus Nodal-Related (Xnr) factors. Cer-S does not inhibit signalling by other mesoderm inducers such as Activin, Derrière, Vg1 and BMP4, nor by the neural inducer Xnr3. In the present study we show that Cer-S blocks the induction of both dorsal and ventral mesoderm in animal-vegetal Nieuwkoop-type recombinants. During blastula stages Xnr1, Xnr2 and Xnr4 are expressed in a dorsal to ventral gradient in endodermal cells. Dose-response experiments using cer-S mRNA injections support the existence of an endogenous activity gradient of Xnrs. Xnr expression at blastula can be activated by the vegetal determinants VegT and Vg1 acting in synergy with dorsal (beta)-catenin. The data support a modified model for mesoderm induction in Xenopus, in which mesoderm induction is mediated by a gradient of multiple Nodal-related signals released by endoderm at the blastula stage.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are multipotent progenitors, capable of producing diverse cell types upon differentiation. Recent studies have identified significant heterogeneity in both the fates produced and genes expressed by different premigratory crest cells. While these cells may be specified toward particular fates prior to migration, transplant studies show that some may still be capable of respecification at this time. Here we summarize evidence that extracellular signals in the local environment may act to specify premigratory crest and thus generate diversity in the population. Three main classes of signals-Wnts, BMP2/BMP4 and TGFbeta1,2,3-have been shown to directly influence the production of particular neural crest cell fates, and all are expressed near the premigratory crest. This system may therefore provide a good model for integration of multiple signaling pathways during embryonic cell fate specification.  相似文献   

In avians and mice, trunk neural crest migration is restricted to the anterior half of each somite. Sclerotome has been shown to play an essential role in this restriction; the potential role of other somite components in specifying neural crest migration is currently unclear. By contrast, in zebrafish trunk neural crest, migration on the medial pathway is restricted to the middle of the medial surface of each somite. Sclerotome comprises only a minor part of zebrafish somites, and the pattern of neural crest migration is established before crest cells contact sclerotome cells, suggesting other somite components regulate the pattern of zebrafish neural crest migration. Here, we use mutants to investigate which components regulate the pattern of zebrafish trunk neural crest migration on the medial pathway. The pattern of trunk neural crest migration is aberrant in spadetail mutants that have very reduced somitic mesoderm, in no tail mutants injected with spadetail morpholino antisense oligonucleotides that entirely lack somitic mesoderm and in somite segmentation mutants that have normal somite components but disrupted segment borders. Fast muscle cells appear dispensable for patterning trunk neural crest migration. However, migration is abnormal in Hedgehog signaling mutants that lack slow muscle cells, providing evidence that slow muscle cells regulate the pattern of trunk neural crest migration. Consistent with this idea, surgical removal of adaxial cells, which are slow muscle precursors, results in abnormal patterning of neural crest migration; normal patterning can be restored by replacing the ablated adaxial cells with ones transplanted from wild-type embryos.  相似文献   

Notch signaling plays a well-described role in regulating the formation of neurons from proliferative neural precursors in vertebrates but whether, as in flies, it also specifies sibling cells for different neuronal fates is not known. Ventral spinal cord precursors called pMN cells produce mostly motoneurons and oligodendrocytes, but recent lineage-marking experiments reveal that they also make astrocytes, ependymal cells and interneurons. Our own clonal analysis of pMN cells in zebrafish showed that some produce a primary motoneuron and KA' interneuron at their final division. We investigated the possibility that Notch signaling regulates a motoneuron-interneuron fate decision using a combination of mutant, transgenic and pharmacological manipulations of Notch activity. We show that continuous absence of Notch activity produces excess primary motoneurons and a deficit of KA' interneurons, whereas transient inactivation preceding neurogenesis results in an excess of both cell types. By contrast, activation of Notch signaling at the neural plate stage produces excess KA' interneurons and a deficit of primary motoneurons. Furthermore, individual pMN cells produce similar kinds of neurons at their final division in mib mutant embryos, which lack Notch signaling. These data provide evidence that, among some postmitotic daughters of pMN cells, Notch promotes KA' interneuron identity and inhibits primary motoneuron fate, raising the possibility that Notch signaling diversifies vertebrate neuron type by mediating similar binary fate decisions.  相似文献   

Specifying multiple cell types from a population of initially equivalent cells is a fundamental process in the development of all multicellular organisms. Neural development in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster provides an excellent venue in which to examine mechanisms of cell fate specification. Inhibitory cell–cell interactions mediated by genes of the Notch-Delta signaling pathway govern the selection of neural and epidermal fates among cells with equivalent developmental potential in a process termed lateral inhibition. Recent data on the roles of genes such as Notch, Delta, and kuzbanian warrant a rethinking of the lateral inhibition model. Furthermore, evidence for a positive signaling pathway promoting the neural fate among equivalent cells suggests that this mechanism acts in addition to lateral inhibition to specify cell fate. A balance of opposing signals may be necessary to correctly partition cells of different types from an initially homogeneous population of cells. BioEssays 20 :209-214, 1998. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Regulation is the replacement of lost, undifferentiated embryonic cells by neighboring cells in response to environmental signals. Neural crest cells, embryonic cells unique to craniates, are good candidates for studies of regulation because they are pluripotent, and thus might be able to alter their behavior in response to environmental signals. This study investigated regulation for the loss of trunk neural crest (TNC) cells, specifically pigment derivatives, in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. The first part of the study clarifies and extends what has previously been described on normal patterns of TNC migration and differentiation. These data were then used to address the hypothesis that there is regulation for loss of TNC, and that regulation would vary with the amount removed, the position or stage of removal. Zebrafish TNC cells are large and numerous. SEM and Dil labeling revealed that TNC cells undergo several successive waves of 'sheet' and 'segmental' migration, beginning as early as the 12 somite stage. Dil-labeled TNC cells often migrated several somite lengths anteriorly and posteriorly along the trunk axis to form glial cells, ganglia, pigment, ectomesenchyme and tail reticular cells. Regulation occurred on a sliding scale, ranging from complete to incomplete. Defects in development and/or pigmentation occurred if large regions of TNC cells were removed, or if cells were removed from anterior (cardiac) and posterior (tail) extremities of the trunk. Melanophores were the cell type most visibly affected by TNC extirpations. Otherwise, pigmentation was remarkably normal. We propose that the completeness of regulation largely depends upon healing of the overlying epidermis.  相似文献   

The dorsal ectoderm of the vertebrate gastrula was proposed by Nieuwkoop to be specified towards an anterior neural fate by an activation signal, with its subsequent regionalization along the anteroposterior (AP) axis regulated by a graded transforming activity, leading to a properly patterned forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord. The activation phase involves inhibition of BMP signals by dorsal antagonists, but the later caudalization process is much more poorly characterized. Explant and overexpression studies in chick, Xenopus, mouse and zebrafish implicate lateral/paraxial mesoderm in supplying the transforming influence, which is largely speculated to be a Wnt family member. We have analyzed the requirement for the specific ventrolaterally expressed Wnt8 ligand in the posteriorization of neural tissue in zebrafish wild-type and Nodal-deficient embryos (Antivin overexpressing or cyclops;squint double mutants), which show extensive AP brain patterning in the absence of dorsal mesoderm. In different genetic situations that vary the extent of mesodermal precursor formation, the presence of lateral wnt8-expressing cells correlates with the establishment of AP brain pattern. Cell tracing experiments show that the neuroectoderm of Nodal-deficient embryos undergoes a rapid anterior-to-posterior transformation in vivo during a short period at the end of the gastrula stage. Moreover, in both wild-type and Nodal-deficient embryos, inactivation of Wnt8 function by morpholino (MO(wnt8)) translational interference dose-dependently abrogates formation of spinal cord and posterior brain fates, without blocking ventrolateral mesoderm formation. MO(wnt8) also suppresses the forebrain deficiency in bozozok mutants, in which inactivation of a homeobox gene causes ectopic wnt8 expression. In addition, the bozozok forebrain reduction is suppressed in bozozok;squint;cyclops triple mutants, and is associated with reduced wnt8 expression, as seen in cyclops;squint mutants. Hence, whereas boz and Nodal signaling largely cooperate in gastrula organizer formation, they have opposing roles in regulating wnt8 expression and forebrain specification. Our findings provide strong support for a model of neural transformation in which a planar gastrula-stage Wnt8 signal, promoted by Nodal signaling and dorsally limited by Bozozok, acts on anterior neuroectoderm from the lateral mesoderm to produce the AP regional patterning of the CNS.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, specification of the dorso-ventral axis requires Wnt signaling, which leads to formation of the Nieuwkoop center and the Spemann organizer (dorsal organizer), through the nuclear accumulation of beta-catenin. Zebrafish bozozok/dharma (boz) and squint (sqt), which encode a homeodomain protein and a Nodal-related protein, respectively, are required for the formation of the dorsal organizer. The zygotic expression of boz and sqt in the dorsal blastoderm and dorsal yolk syncytial layer (YSL) was dependent on the maternally derived Wnt signal, and their expression at the late blastula and early gastrula stages was dependent on the zygotic expression of their own genes. The dorsal organizer genes, goosecoid (gsc) and chordin (din), were ectopically expressed in wild-type embryos injected with boz or sqt RNA. The expression of gsc strictly depended on both boz and sqt while the expression of din strongly depended on boz but only partially depended on sqt and cyclops (cyc, another nodal-related gene). Overexpression of boz in embryos defective in Nodal signaling elicited the ectopic expression of din but not gsc and resulted in dorsalization, implying that boz could induce part of the organizer, independent of the Nodal proteins. Furthermore, boz; sqt and boz;cyc double mutants displayed a severely ventralized phenotype with anterior truncation, compared with the single mutants, and boz;sqt;cyc triple mutant embryos exhibited an even more severe phenotype, lacking the anterior neuroectoderm and notochord, suggesting that Boz/Dharma and the Nodal-related proteins cooperatively regulate the formation of the dorsal organizer.  相似文献   

In cranial skeletal development, the establishment of the ectomesenchymal lineage within the cranial neural crest is of great significance. Fgfs are polypeptide growth factors with diverse functions in development and metabolism. Fgf20b knockdown zebrafish embryos showed dysplastic neurocranial and pharyngeal cartilages. Ectomesenchymal cells from cranial neural crest cells were significantly decreased in Fgf20b knockdown embryos, but cranial neural crest cells with a non-ectomesnchymal fate were increased. However, the proliferation and apoptosis of cranial neural crest cells were essentially unchanged. Fgfr1 knockdown embryos also showed dysplastic neurocranial and pharyngeal cartilages. The present findings indicate that Fgf20b is required for ectomesenchymal fate establishment via the activation of Fgfr1 in zebrafish.  相似文献   

《Developmental neurobiology》2017,77(10):1206-1220
Adult neurogenesis occurs more commonly in teleosts, represented by zebrafish, than in mammals. Zebrafish is therefore considered a suitable model to study adult neurogenesis, for which the regulatory molecular mechanisms remain little known. Our previous study revealed that neuroepithelial‐like neural stem cells (NSCs) are located at the edge of the dorsomedial region. We also showed that Notch signaling inhibits NSC proliferation in this region. In the present study, we reported the expression of Wnt and Shh signaling components in this region of the optic tectum. Moreover, inhibitors of Wnt and Shh signaling suppressed NSC proliferation, suggesting that these pathways promote NSC proliferation. Shh is particularly required for maintaining Sox2‐positive NSCs. Our experimental data also indicate the involvement of these signaling pathways in neural differentiation from NSCs. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 77: 1206–1220, 2017  相似文献   

Origin and organization of the zebrafish fate map   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
We have analyzed lineages of cells labeled by intracellular injection of tracer dye during early zebrafish development to learn when cells become allocated to particular fates during development, and how the fate map is organized. The earliest lineage restriction was described previously, and segregates the yolk cell from the blastoderm in the midblastula. After one or two more cell divisions, the lineages of epithelial enveloping layer (EVL) cells become restricted to generate exclusively periderm. Following an additional division in the late blastula, deep layer (DEL) cells generate clones that are restricted to single deep embryonic tissues. The appearance of both the EVL and DEL restrictions could be causally linked to blastoderm morphogenesis during epiboly. A fate map emerges as the DEL cell lineages become restricted in the late blastula. It is similar in organization to that of an amphibian embryo. DEL cells located near the animal pole of the early gastrula give rise to ectodermal fates (including the definitive epidermis). Cells located near the blastoderm margin give rise to mesodermal and endodermal fates. Dorsal cells in the gastrula form dorsal and anterior structures in the embryo, and ventral cells in the gastrula form dorsal, ventral and posterior structures. The exact locations of progenitors of single cell types and of local regions of the embryo cannot be mapped at the stages we examined, because of variable cell rearrangements during gastrulation.  相似文献   

Midline signals regulate retinal neurogenesis in zebrafish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Masai I  Stemple DL  Okamoto H  Wilson SW 《Neuron》2000,27(2):251-263
In zebrafish, neuronal differentiation progresses across the retina in a pattern that is reminiscent of the neurogenic wave that sweeps across the developing eye in Drosophila. We show that expression of a zebrafish homolog of Drosophila atonal, ath5, sweeps across the eye predicting the wave of neuronal differentiation. By analyzing the regulation of ath5 expression, we have elucidated the mechanisms that regulate initiation and spread of neurogenesis in the retina. ath5 expression is lost in Nodal pathway mutant embryos lacking axial tissues that include the prechordal plate. A likely role for axial tissue is to induce optic stalk cells that subsequently regulate ath5 expression. Our results suggest that a series of inductive events, initiated from the prechordal plate and progressing from the optic stalks, regulates the spread of neuronal differentiation across the zebrafish retina.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid has been linked to pattern formation in the vertebrate anteroposterior axis. This report describes the spatial and temporal distributions of both endogenous retinoic acid and retinoic acid synthase activity along the anteroposterior axis of neurulating zebrafish embryos, as detected by a transient transgenic assay and by a zymography bioassay. Both retinoic acid levels and synthase activity were found to be highest in anterior regions of the trunk at all of the stages which were analysed. The drug disulfiram inhibited retinoic acid synthase activity in the zebrafish trunk both in vitro and in vivo, and reduced retinoic acid levels in vivo. Disulfiram treatment of neurulating embryos resulted in larvae with hypertrophic wavy notochords, shortened spinal cords and deformed pectoral fins. The results support the hypothesis that retinoic acid plays a role in the coordination of axial patterning at the developing node/zone of involution, as well as in the subsequent development of anterior trunk structures such as the fins.  相似文献   

In vertebrate embryos, streams of cranial neural crest (CNC) cells migrate to form segmental pharyngeal arches and differentiate into segment-specific parts of the facial skeleton. To identify genes involved in specifying segmental identity in the vertebrate head, we screened for mutations affecting cartilage patterning in the zebrafish larval pharynx. We present the positional cloning and initial phenotypic characterization of a homeotic locus discovered in this screen. We show that a zebrafish ortholog of the human oncogenic histone acetyltransferase MOZ (monocytic leukemia zinc finger) is required for specifying segmental identity in the second through fourth pharyngeal arches. In moz mutant zebrafish, the second pharyngeal arch is dramatically transformed into a mirror-image duplicated jaw. This phenotype resembles a similar but stronger transformation than that seen in hox2 morpholino oligo (hox2-MO) injected animals. In addition, mild anterior homeotic transformations are seen in the third and fourth pharyngeal arches of moz mutants. moz is required for maintenance of most hox1-4 expression domains and this requirement probably at least partially accounts for the moz mutant homeotic phenotypes. Homeosis and defective Hox gene expression in moz mutants is rescued by inhibiting histone deacetylase activity with Trichostatin A. Although we find early patterning of the moz mutant hindbrain to be normal, we find a late defect in facial motoneuron migration in moz mutants. Pharyngeal musculature is transformed late, but not early, in moz mutants. We detect relatively minor defects in arch epithelia of moz mutants. Vital labeling of arch development reveals no detectable changes in CNC generation in moz mutants, but later prechondrogenic condensations are mispositioned and misshapen. Mirror-image hox2-dependent gene expression changes in postmigratory CNC prefigure the homeotic phenotype in moz mutants. Early second arch ventral expression of goosecoid (gsc) in moz mutants and in animals injected with hox2-MOs shifts from lateral to medial, mirroring the first arch pattern. bapx1, which is normally expressed in first arch postmigratory CNC prefiguring the jaw joint, is ectopically expressed in second arch CNC of moz mutants and hox2-MO injected animals. Reduction of bapx1 function in wild types causes loss of the jaw joint. Reduction of bapx1 function in moz mutants causes loss of both first and second arch joints, providing functional genetic evidence that bapx1 contributes to the moz-deficient homeotic pattern. Together, our results reveal an essential embryonic role and a crucial histone acetyltransferase activity for Moz in regulating Hox expression and segmental identity, and provide two early targets, bapx1 and gsc, of moz and hox2 signaling in the second pharyngeal arch.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence indicates that paracrine signals from endothelial cells play a role in tissue differentiation and organ formation [1-3]. Here, we identify a novel role for endothelial cells in modulating hepatocyte polarization during liver organogenesis. We find that in zebrafish, the apical domain of the hepatocytes predicts the location of the intrahepatic biliary network. The refinement of hepatocyte polarization coincides with the invasion of endothelial cells into the liver, and these endothelial cells migrate along the maturing basal surface of the hepatocytes. Using genetic, pharmacological, and transplantation experiments, we provide evidence that endothelial cells influence the polarization of the adjacent hepatocytes. This influence of endothelial cells on hepatocytes is mediated at least in part by the cell-surface protein Heart of glass and contributes to the establishment of coordinately aligned hepatocyte apical membranes and evenly spaced intrahepatic conduits.  相似文献   

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