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After removal of the embryo from developing ovules of Viciafaba L. and Pisum sativum L., seed-coat exudates were collectedand the amino acid fraction of the exudate was analyzed. InV. faba, alanine was the most important compound of the aminoacid fraction. In P. sativum, alanine and glutamine were thetwo most important components, whereas only small amounts ofasparagine were present. Comparison with published data suggeststhat seed-coat exudates may differ from phloem sap in the relativeimportance of these amino acids. Pisum sativum, pea, Vicia faba, broad bean, amino acid transport, amino acid unloading, seed-coat exudate, seed development  相似文献   

After removal of the embryo from developing seeds of Vicia fabaL. and Pisum sativum L., the ‘empty’ ovules werefilled with a standard solution (pH 5.5). Seed coat exudatesof both species were collected during relatively long experiments(up to about 12 h) and the concentration of sugar (mainly sucrose),amino acids and phosphate in the exudate measured. A discussionis presented on the amino acid/sugar ratio and the phosphate/sugarratio in the seed coat exudate. A pretreatment (15 min) withp-chloromercuribenzenesulphonic acid (PCMBS) reduced the releaseof sugar, amino acids and phosphate from broad bean seed coats.After excision of ‘empty’ ovules of Vicia faba andPisum sativum from the maternal plant, 2–4 h after thistreatment a strong difference became visible between sucroserelease from excised seed coats and sucrose release from attachedseed coats. Similarly, when the rate of phloem transport ofsucrose into an ‘empty’ ovule of Vicia faba or Pisumsativum was reduced by a sub-optimal mannitol concentrationin the solution, a reduced rate of sugar release from the seedcoat could be observed. Excision and treatment with a sub-optimalmannitol concentration reduced the release of amino acids toa lesser extent than for sucrose. These treatments did not reducethe rate of phosphate release from the seed coat. Key words: Seed development, Seed coat exudate, Phloem transport  相似文献   

Excised seed-coat halves and cotyledons of developing seedsof Pisum sativum L. were incubated in a bathing medium (pH 5·5),in order to measure the release or uptake of sucrose and aminoacids. Net efflux of sucrose and amino acids was reduced bya 250 mol m –3 mannitol solution and a 400 mol m –3solution, in comparison with a 100 mol m–3 control. Thiseffect could not be observed in the case of the amino acid analogue-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB). Net uptake of labelled sucroseor valine by cotyledons and seed coats was enhanced by a highosmolality of the bathing medium. The data on AIB and the datafrom uptake experiments support the view that net efflux ofassimilates is reduced by a high solute concentration in theapoplast (e.g. 400 mol m–3 mannitol), via a stimulationof carrier-mediated sucrose and amino acid uptake into cotyledonaryand seed coat tissues. In experiments with attached empty ovulesof pea in a very early stage of development, sugar release fromthe seed coat was enhanced by a low osmolality of the apoplastsolution (e.g. 100 mol m–3 mannitol, in comparison witha 400 mol m –3 control). This paradoxical effect may beobserved when the stimulatory effect on net assimilate effluxfrom seed coat tissues is exceeding the inhibitory effect onassimilate import into the seed coat. Key words: Seed development, turgor-sensitive transport, assimilate transport  相似文献   

The apoplastic sucrose concentration at the interface between cotyledons and surrounding seed coats of developing soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr. cv Wye) was found by three indirect methods to be in the range of 150 to 200 millimolar. This is an order of magnitude higher than has been reported elsewhere for soybean. It was also higher than the overall sucrose concentrations in the cotyledons and seed coats, each of which was approximately 90 millimolar. By defoliating plants 24 hours before measurement, both the overall sucrose concentration in the cotyledons and the interfacial apoplastic sucrose concentration were reduced by three-fourths. However, there was no day/night difference in overall tissue sucrose concentration of cotyledons or seed coats from intact plants suggesting the existence of a homeostatic mechanism compensating for the diurnal photosynthetic cycle. About 7 hours were required for a tritiated polyethylene glycol-900 solution to fully permeate developing cotyledons (from ~220 milligram fresh weight embryos), implying high diffusion resistance through the tissue.

These results indicate that a high interfacial sucrose concentration may exist in vivo. They suggest that the saturable carrier-mediated component of sucrose uptake may be of little physiological significance in the outermost cell layers of the cotyledons.


After removal of the embryo from developing seeds of Vicia fabaL. and Pisum sativum L., the ‘empty’ ovules werefilled with a substitute medium (pH 5.5) and the effect of theosmolality of the medium on K+ and Mg2+ release from the seedcoat was examined. In long-term experiments (12 h or longer),with both attached and detached seed coats, the rate of K+ andMg2+ release from seed coats filled with a solution withoutosmoticum was enhanced, in comparison with release from seedcoats filled with a solution containing 400 mol m  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the transport of carbon to developingpea ovules is controlled by the water potential of the seedcoat, in both the short-term (minutes to hours) and long-term(days). At 14 d after anthesis, when the embryo just fills theseed coat, the osmotic pressure of seed coat apoplast solutionwas about 1 MPa (equivalent to 400 mOsmol kg–1). Transportof carbon into perfused attached seed coats at this stage ofdevelopment was monitored with radioactive carbon-11. Aftera small (50 mOsmol kg–1) increment in the osmotic pressureof the bathing solution, transport of carbon increased abruptly,but after about 100 min it returned towards pretreatment values.Therefore, although osmotic pressure in the sink apoplast initiallyaffected carbon import, as expected from the M  相似文献   

Phloem unloading in pea seed coats was observed by removingthe embryos from developing seeds and washing the attached coatswith a weakly buffered solution. The quantity of labelled photosynthateappearing in the washing solution varied immediately when thesolute concentration was changed, and is shown to be an osmoticresponse. This response is predicted by the Münch theoryof phloem transport with concentration dependent unloading.Respiratory inhibitors and the sulphydryl modifying reagentPCMBS had a slow effect upon the washout of tracer, which arrivedwithin the seed coat prior to inhibitor application, but completelystopped any washout of tracer arriving after its application.This time-course suggests that the inhibitors were not directlyinhibiting unloading, but preventing further tracer from enteringthe region of unloading within the seed coat. Phloem unloadingwithin the seed coats of Pisum appears to be passive and notdependent upon a PCMBS-sensitive carrier. Key words: Pisum sativum, seeds, phloem unloading  相似文献   

Asparaginase (EC was isolated from the developing seed of Pisum sativum. The enzyme is dependent upon the presence of K+ for activity, although Na+ and Rb+ may substitute to a lesser extent. Maximum activity was obtained at K+ concentrations above 20 millimolar. Potassium ions protected the enzyme against heat denaturation. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 68,300.  相似文献   

The uptake of amino acids by excised seed coat halves of developing seeds of pea (Pisum sativum L.) was characterized. The influx of L-valine and L-glutamic acid was proportional to their external concentration, with coefficients of proportionality (k) of 11.0 and 7.1 [mu]mol g-1 fresh weight min-1 M-1, respectively. The influx of L-lysine could be analyzed into a component with linear kinetics (k = 8.1 [mu]mol g-1 fresh weight min-1 M-1) and one with saturation kinetics (Michaelis constant = 6.5 mM), but the latter may have resulted from the mutual interaction between the influx of the cationic lysine and the membrane potential. The influx of the amino acids was not affected by 10 [mu]M carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, but was inhibited by about 50% in the presence of 2.5 mM p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonic acid. Conservative estimates of the permeability coefficients of the plasma membrane of seed coat parenchyma cells for lysine, glutamic acid, and several neutral amino acids were all in the range of 4 x 10-7 cm s-1 to 9 x 10-7 cm s-1, which is 4 to 5 orders of magnitude greater than those reported for artificial lipid bilayers. It is concluded that nonselective pores constitute a pathway in the plasma membrane for passive transport of amino acids. It is argued that this pathway is also used for the efflux of endogenous amino acids, the process by which nitrogen becomes available for the embryo.  相似文献   

Harley SM  Beevers L 《Plant physiology》1987,85(4):1118-1122
Four isozymes of β-N-acetylhexosaminidase (β-NAHA) from pea seeds (Pisum sativum L.) have been separated, with one, designated β-NAHA-II, purified to apparent homogeneity by means of an affinity column constructed by ligating p-aminophenyl-N-acetyl-β-d-thioglucosaminide to Affi-Gel 202. The other three isozymes have been separated and purified 500- to 1750-fold by chromatography on Concanavalin A-Sepharose, Zn2+ charged immobilized metal affinity chromatography, hydrophobic chromatography, and ion exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex. All four isozymes are located in the protein bodies of the cotyledons. The molecular weight of each isozyme is 210,000. β-NAHA-II is composed of two heterogenous subunits. The subunits are not held together by disulfide bonds, but sulfhydryl groups are important for catalysis. All four isozymes release p-nitrophenol from both p-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminide and p-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-β-d-galactosaminide. The ratio of activity for hydrolysis of the two substrates is pH dependent. The Km value for the two substrates and pH optima of the isozymes are comparable to β-NAHAs from other plant sources.  相似文献   

In shoot apices of 7-day-old dark-grown peas the addition of ammonium along with the inducer nitrate resulted in a more than two-fold increase in nitrate reductase activity. Individual amino acids, amides and amino-acid mixture could not replace the ammonium effect. Ammonium also stimulated NADH-glutamate dehydrogenase but not glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Sucrose caused a marked stimulation of nitrate reductase induction and showed synergistic effect with light. In presence of cordycepin and cycloheximide, induction of nitrate reductase was inhibited more if ammonium or sucrose was supplied along with the inducer. With actinomycin D, α-amanitin or chloramphenicol, no differential inhibition took place in presence of ammonium. The inhibition of enzyme activity by chloramphenicol and 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-l,dimethyl urea was completely relieved by sucrose. Incorporation of 14C-lysine was markedly stimulated by sucrose, but was not affected by ammonium. The effect of sucrose and light on 14C-lysine incorporation was additive. Cordycepin and cycloheximide did not have any differential effect on 14C-lysine incorporation in the presence of ammonium as well as sucrose. The inhibition of 14C-lysine incorporation caused by chloramphenicol was relieved by sucrose. Sucrose also caused a marked increase in 3H-uridine incorporation but ammonium had no effect. Actinomycin D and cordycepin blocked the sucrose dependent increase in 3H-uridine incorporation. The results suggest that ammonium mediated stimulation may depend on a regulatory protein(s) synthesized in response to ammonium, whereas sucrose acts mainly by an overall increase in RNA and protein synthesis. The effect of light does not seem to be dependent on photosynthetic light reactions.  相似文献   

4-Chloroindole-3-acetic acid (4-Cl-IAA) was shown by GC-MS analysisto be present in immature and mature seeds of Pisum sativum,but not in any other organs of this plant. Its content was maximalat one week after anthesis and decreased as the seeds matured.Only indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was detected in the other organsof P. sativum, its content being particularly high in the flowersand young pods during anthesis and the early pod set. (Received January 18, 1988; Accepted April 6, 1988)  相似文献   

Freshly isolated cotyledons from 10-day developing pea (Pisum sativum) seeds were fed radiolabeled precursors for 5 hours, and the specific radioactivity of the free and total protein amino acids was determined using a dansylation procedure. When the seven most abundant amino acids in phloem exudate of pea fruits (asparagine, serine, glutamine, homoserine, alanine, aspartate, glycine) were fed singly, their carbon was distributed widely among the aliphatic amino acids, proline and tryptophan; sporadic labeling of tyrosine and histidine also occurred. Feeding of glucose led to relatively greater labeling of aromatic amino acids including phenylalanine. The data support the involvement of known plant pathways in these interconversions. Labeling patterns were consistent with participation of the cyanoalanine pathway in the conversion of serine to homoserine, and with the synthesis of histidine from adenosine. All of the labeled amino acids were incorporated into protein.  相似文献   

Ethylene and supraoptimal levels of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid inhibit the growth of the apical hook region of etiolated Pisum sativum (var. Alaska) seedlings by stopping almost all cell divisions. Cells are prevented from entering prophase. The hormones also retard cell division in intact root tips and completely stop the process in lateral buds. The latter inhibition is reversed partially by benzyl adenine. In root tips and the stem plumular and subhook regions, ethylene inhibits DNA synthesis. The magnitude of this inhibition is correlated with the degree of repression of cell division in meristematic tissue, suggesting that the effect on cell division results from a lack of DNA synthesis. Ethylene inhibits cell division within a few hours with a dose-response curve similar to that for most other actions of the gas. Experiments with seedlings grown under hypobaric conditions suggest that the gas naturally controls plumular expansion and cell division in the apical region.  相似文献   

Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) amidosynthetases catalyzing the ATP-dependent conjugation of IAA and amino acids play an important role in the maintenance of auxin homeostasis in plant cells. A new amidosynthetase, indole-3-acetic acid:l-aspartic acid ligase (IAA-Asp synthetase) involved in IAA-amino acid biosynthesis, was isolated via a biochemical approach from immature seeds of the pea (Pisum sativum L). The enzyme was purified to homogeneity by a three-step procedure, involving PEG 6000 fractionation, DEAE-Sephacel anion-exchange chromatography, and preparative PAGE, and characterized as a 70-kDa monomeric protein by analytical gel filtration and SDS-PAGE. Rabbit antiserum against recombinant AtGH3.5 cross-reacted with the pea IAA-Asp synthetase, and a single immunoreactive polypeptide band was observed at 70 kDa. The purified enzyme had an apparent isoelectric point at pH 4.7, the highest activity at pH 8.2, preferred Mg2+ as a cofactor, and was strongly activated by reducing agents. Similar to known recombinant GH3 enzymes, an IAA-Asp synthetase from pea catalyzes the conjugation of phytohormone acyl substrates to amino acids. The enzyme had the highest synthesizing activity on IAA, followed by 1-NAA, SA, 2,4-D, and IBA, whereas activities on l-Trp, IPA, PAA, (±)JA, and 2-NAA were not significant or not detected. Of 14 amino acids tested, the enzyme had the highest activity on Asp and lower activity on Ala and Lys. Glutamate was found to be a very poor substrate and no conjugating activity was observed on the rest of the amino acids. Steady-state kinetic analysis indicated that IAA and aspartate were preferred substrates for the pea IAA-Asp synthetase. The enzyme exhibited both higher affinities for IAA and Asp (K m = 0.2 and 2.5 mM, respectively) and catalytic efficiencies (k cat/K m = 682,608.7 and 5080 s−1 M−1, respectively) compared with other auxins and amino acids examined. This study describes the first amidosynthetase isolated and purified from plant tissue and provides the foundation for future genetic approaches to explain the role of IAA-Asp in Pisum sativum physiology.  相似文献   

Enzymatically isolated vein networks from mature pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Alaska) leaves were employed to investigate the properties of sucrose loading and the effect of phytohormones and cell turgor on this process. The sucrose uptake showed two components: a saturable and a first-order kinetics system. The high affinity system (Km, 3.3 millimolar) was located at the plasmalemma (p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid and orthovanadate sensitivity). Further characterization of this system, including pH dependence and effects of energy metabolism inhibitors, supported the H+-sugar symport concept for sucrose loading. Within a physiological range (0.1-100 micromolar) and after 90 min, abscisic acid (ABA) inhibited and gibberellic acid (GA3) promoted 1 millimolar sucrose uptake. These responses were partially (ABA) or totally (GA3) turgor-dependent. In experiments of combined hormonal treatments, ABA counteracted the GA3 positive effects on sucrose uptake. The abolishment of these responses by p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid and experiments on proton flux suggest that both factors (cell turgor and hormones) are modulating the H+ ATPase plasmalemma activity. The results are discussed in terms of their physiological relevance.  相似文献   

The changes in protein content of pea cotyledons have been followed during the period from 9 to 33 days after flowering. Initially protein content increased gradually with a rapid period of deposition occurring between days 21 and 27 after flowering. After the 28th day the rate of accumulation of protein declined as the seed dehydrated and matured. At maturity the pea cotyledon contained approximately 25% protein which was divided into albumins and globulins in the ratio of 1:1.4.  相似文献   

Changes in the levels of twenty-two free amino acids and in the amino acid composition of the total protein were measured throughout the development of cotyledons of a dwarf garden pea, Pisum sativum cv Greenfeast, grown in a constant environment. A sensitive double-isotope dansylation technique was used. Fresh weight, dry weight, and protein content were also followed. Twenty of the amino acids showed synchronous changes in levels, giving a developmental pattern containing four peaks; major peaks occurred very early and very late in development. The amino acid composition of the total protein, which was always very different from that of the free amino acid pool, showed early changes to one consistent with the final storage protein composition of the seed. These changes included a 50% drop in methionine content and a 70% rise in cysteine. While the maximum free methionine level occurred early in development, that of cysteine was late.  相似文献   

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