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Summary Plastid DNA (ptDNA) in albino rice plants regenerated from pollen by anther culture was investigated by Southern blotting. Of the 20 albino plants investigated, 7 contained ptDNA that had suffered large-scale deletion. The size and location of the deletions differed among the plants. In all cases about 30 kbp of the region containing the PstI-2 fragment (15.7 kbp) had been retained. The deleted ptDNA molecules were retained in calluses derived from the roots of each albino plant.  相似文献   

Summary The in vivo fragmentation of the plastid rRNA from plants situated at different places in the evolutionary scale, with the exception ofAlgae, was analysed by electrophoresis using fully denaturing conditions. This fragmentation corresponds to an in vivo post-maturation. It exists only in some bacteria and is not random. Five main groups of fragments with the following real molecular weights (Mr) are found in 23 S:ca 0.9 × 106; 0.7 × 106; 0.45 × 106; 0.35 × 106 and 0.15 × 106. The existence of a large fragment (Mr = 0.9 × 106) corresponds to a primitive type of fragmentation found in some archaic plants. Dicotyledons and several other groups have the same pattern of 23 S fragmentation, often comprising all the fragments mentioned above, whilstGraminaceae (Monocotyledons) constitute a special group with a very predominant 0.35 × 106 dalton fragment and the absence of the 0.45 × 106 dalton fragment. The plastid 16 S rRNA in all plants studied here has aMr of 0.54 × 106 which is smaller than the 16 S ofEscbericbia coli taken as reference (0.56 × 106 dalton).  相似文献   

Plastid translation occurs on bacterial-type 70S ribosomes consisting of a large (50S) subunit and a small (30S) subunit. The vast majority of plastid ribosomal proteins have orthologs in bacteria. In addition, plastids also possess a small set of unique ribosomal proteins, so-called plastid-specific ribosomal proteins (PSRPs). The functions of these PSRPs are unknown, but, based on structural studies, it has been proposed that they may represent accessory proteins involved in translational regulation. Here we have investigated the functions of five PSRPs using reverse genetics in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. By analyzing T-DNA insertion mutants and RNAi lines, we show that three PSRPs display characteristics of genuine ribosomal proteins, in that down-regulation of their expression led to decreased accumulation of the 30S or 50S subunit of the plastid ribosomes, resulting in plastid translational deficiency. In contrast, two other PSRPs can be knocked out without visible or measurable phenotypic consequences. Our data suggest that PSRPs fall into two types: (i) PSRPs that have a structural role in the ribosome and are bona fide ribosomal proteins, and (ii) non-essential PSRPs that are not required for stable ribosome accumulation and translation under standard greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

核糖体蛋白质与核糖体RNA共同组成了核糖体,是合成蛋白质的细胞器。除参与蛋白质合成,核糖体蛋白质还具有广泛的核糖体外功能,如独立于核糖体外发挥调控基因转录、mRNA翻译、细胞的增殖、分化和凋亡等等。基于诸多的核糖体外功能,核糖体蛋白质与人类疾病密切相关,例如在先天性贫血、生长发育不全和肿瘤的发生发展过程中均发挥重要作用。本文对近年来核糖体蛋白质的核糖体外新功能及其相关疾病的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Human aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (ARSs) are normally located in cytoplasm and are involved in protein synthesis. In the present work, we found that human methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MRS) was translocated to nucleolus in proliferative cells, but disappeared in quiescent cells. The nucleolar localization of MRS was triggered by various growth factors such as insulin, PDGF, and EGF. The presence of MRS in nucleoli depended on the integrity of RNA and the activity of RNA polymerase I in the nucleolus. The ribosomal RNA synthesis was specifically decreased by the treatment of anti-MRS antibody as determined by nuclear run-on assay and immunostaining with anti-Br antibody after incorporating Br-UTP into nascent RNA. Thus, human MRS plays a role in the biogenesis of rRNA in nucleoli, while it is catalytically involved in protein synthesis in cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Summary The 5S ribosomal RNA sequences have been determined for the rhodoplast of the red algaPorphyra umbilicalis and the chloroplast of the coniferJuniperus media. The 5S RNA sequence of theVicia faba chloroplast is corrected with respect to a previous report. A survey of the known sequences and secondary structures of 5S RNAs from plastids and cyanobacteria shows a close structural similarity between all 5S RNAs from land plant chloroplasts. The algal plastid 5S RNAs on the other hand show much more structural diversity and have certain structural features in common with bacterial 5S RNAs. A dendrogram constructed from the aligned sequences by a clustering algorithm points to a common ancestor for the present-living cyanobacteria and the land plant plastids. However, the algal plastids branch off at an early stage within the plastid-cyanobacteria cluster, before the divergence between cyanobacteria and land plant chloroplasts. This evolutionary picture points to the occurrence of multiple endosymbiotic events, with the ancestors of the present algal plastids already established as photosynthetic endosymbionts at a time when the ancestors of the present land plant chloroplasts were still free-living cells.  相似文献   

Assembly of the 30S ribosomal subunit occurs in a highly ordered and sequential manner. The ordered addition of ribosomal proteins to the growing ribonucleoprotein particle is initiated by the association of primary binding proteins. These proteins bind specifically and independently to 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Two primary binding proteins, S8 and S15, interact exclusively with the central domain of 16S rRNA. Binding of S15 to the central domain results in a conformational change in the RNA and is followed by the ordered assembly of the S6/S18 dimer, S11 and finally S21 to form the platform of the 30S subunit. In contrast, S8 is not part of this major platform assembly branch. Of the remaining central domain binding proteins, only S21 association is slightly dependent on S8. Thus, although S8 is a primary binding protein that extensively contacts the central domain, its role in assembly of this domain remains unclear. Here, we used directed hydroxyl radical probing from four unique positions on S15 to assess organization of the central domain of 16S rRNA as a consequence of S8 association. Hydroxyl radical probing of Fe(II)-S15/16S rRNA and Fe(II)-S15/S8/16S rRNA ribonucleoprotein particles reveal changes in the 16S rRNA environment of S15 upon addition of S8. These changes occur predominantly in helices 24 and 26 near previously identified S8 binding sites. These S8-dependent conformational changes are consistent with 16S rRNA folding in complete 30S subunits. Thus, while S8 binding is not absolutely required for assembly of the platform, it appears to affect significantly the 16S rRNA environment of S15 by influencing central domain organization.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 7.4 kb region containing the entire plastid ribosomal RNA operon of the nongreen parasitic plant Epifagus virginiana has been determined. Analysis of the sequence indicates that all four rRNA genes are intact and almost certainly functional. In contrast, the split genes for tRNAIle and tRNAAla present in the 16S-23S rRNA spacer region have become pseudogenes, and deletion upstream of the 16S rRNA gene has removed a tRNAVal gene and most of the promoter region for the rRNA operon. The rate of nucleotide substitution in 16S and 23S rRNAs is several times higher in Epifagus than in tobacco, a related photosynthetic plant. Possible reasons for this, including relaxed translational constraints, are discussed.  相似文献   

张玉麟  王镇圭等 《遗传学报》1993,20(1):74-80,T001
以质体为单位的愈伤组织ptDNA的荧光强度变化显示出了特有的规律性,结合光培养花粉白苗叶质体结构的电镜观察及叶绿素等色素的测定等,这种规律性似提示花粉白苗的ptDNA由于发生了相继缺失而显示出高度异质性,花粉白苗的形成则在于其占优势ptDNA的严重缺失,花粉白苗ptDNA的这种相继缺失不是随机的,似反映了ptDNA顺序组织上的特点,故ptDNA发生缺失的潜在可能性具有普遍意义,它与父系细胞质体类核的消失存在着并行关系,花粉白苗的占优势ptDNA指导的植株的性状,而次要ptDNA亦在较小程度上显示出影响。  相似文献   

In six different angiosperms, mitochondrial genes for 18S and 5S rRNAs were found to be closely linked but distant from mitochondrial 26S rRNA genes.This is paper no. 5 in the series Organization and Expression of the Mitochondrial Genome of Plants  相似文献   

The ribosomal protein (r-protein) S20 is a primary binding protein. As such, it interacts directly and independently with the 5′ domain as well as the 3′ minor domain of 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in minimal particles and the fully assembled 30S subunit. The interactions observed between r-protein S20 and the 5′ domain of 16S rRNA are quite extensive, while those between r-protein S20 and the 3′ minor domain are significantly more limited. In this study, directed hydroxyl radical probing mediated by Fe(II)-derivatized S20 proteins was used to monitor the folding of 16S rRNA during r-protein association and 30S subunit assembly. An analysis of the cleavage patterns in the minimal complexes [16S rRNA and Fe(II)-S20] and the fully assembled 30S subunit containing the same Fe(II)-derivatized proteins shows intriguing similarities and differences. These results suggest that the two domains, 5′ and 3′ minor, are organized relative to S20 at different stages of assembly. The 5′ domain acquires, in a less complex ribonucleoprotein particle than the 3′ minor domain, the same architecture as observed in mature subunits. These results are similar to what would be predicted of subunit assembly by the 5′-to-3′ direction assembly model.  相似文献   

Significant cytosine demethylation in ribosomal RNA genes (18S or 25S) were detected in all four studied rice lines containing introgressed DNA from wild rice, Zizania latifolia Griseb. In each line, the changed RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) patterns produced with the methylation-sensitive enzyme (HpaII) were identical between two randomly selected individual plants both within and between generations. This indicates that the methylation changes are non-random and stably inherited. Cytosine demethylation in ribosomal RNA genes could be a major cause for the drastically altered phenotypic variations observed in the introgression lines.  相似文献   

Physical mapping of the 5S ribosomal RNA genes on rice chromosome 11   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
One 5S ribosomal RNA gene (5S rDNA) locus was localized on chromosome 11 of japonica rice by in situ hybridization. The biotinylated DNA probe used was prepared by direct cloning and direct labeling methods, and the locus was localized to the proximal region of the short arm of chromosome 11 (llpl.l) by imaging methods. The distance between the signal site and the centromere is 4.0 arbitrary units, where the total length of the short arm is 43.3 units. The 5S rDNA locus physically identified and mapped in rice was designated as 5SRrn. The position of the 5S rDNA locus reported here differs from that in indica rice; possible reasons for this difference are discussed. DNA sequences of 5S rDNA are also reported.  相似文献   

Summary Cells of embryos carrying a lethal nucleolar mutation have been maintained in vitro for extended periods of time. Normally these mutants live only 9 to 12 days after fertilization but their cells in culture will survive for more than 3 months. The extent of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis was determined in primary cultures prepared from normal embryos and nucleolar mutants having different numbers of ribosomal RNA genes. We found that the accumulation of radioactivity into rRNA for normal and mutant embryos was similar in vivo and in vitro. In primary cultures of normal embryos which have two nucleoli per cell and mutant embryos which have only one nucleolus per cell, the incorporation of radio-activity into rRNA was similar even though the normal cells have twice as many rRNA genes. Thus the mechanism which regulates dosage compensation of the rRNA genes operates both in vivo and in vitro. This work was supported by Grant GB38651 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The longevity of plant leaf organs is genetically determined. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the control of longevity are still largely unknown. Here, we describe a T-DNA-insertional mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana that confers extended leaf longevity. The mutation, termed ore4-1, delays a broad spectrum of age-dependent leaf senescence, but has little effect on leaf senescence artificially induced by darkness, abscisic acid (ABA), methyl jasmonate (MeJA), or ethylene. The T-DNA was inserted within the promoter region of the plastid ribosomal small subunit protein 17 (PRPS17) gene, and this insertion dramatically reduced PRPS17 mRNA expression. In the ore4-1 mutant, the leaf growth rate is decreased, while the maturation timing is similar to that of wild-type. In addition, the activity of the photosystem I (PSI) is significantly reduced in the ore4-1 mutant, as compared to wild-type. Thus, the ore4-1 mutation results in a deficiency in various chloroplast functions, including photosynthesis, which may decrease leaf growth. Our results suggest a possible link between reduced metabolism and extended longevity of the leaf organs in the ore4-1 mutation.  相似文献   

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