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Targeted mRNA localization is a likely determinant of localized protein synthesis. To investigate whether mRNAs encoding mitochondrial proteins (mMPs) localize to mitochondria and, thus, might confer localized protein synthesis and import, we visualized endogenously expressed mMPs in vivo for the first time. We determined the localization of 24 yeast mMPs encoding proteins of the mitochondrial matrix, outer and inner membrane, and intermembrane space and found that many mMPs colocalize with mitochondria in vivo. This supports earlier cell fractionation and microarray-based studies that proposed mMP association with the mitochondrial fraction. Interestingly, a number of mMPs showed a dependency on the mitochondrial Puf3 RNA-binding protein, as well as nonessential proteins of the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) complex import machinery, for normal colocalization with mitochondria. We examined the specific determinants of ATP2 and OXA1 mRNA localization and found a mutual dependency on the 3' UTR, Puf3, Tom7, and Tom70, but not Tom20, for localization. Tom6 may facilitate the localization of specific mRNAs as OXA1, but not ATP2, mRNA was mislocalized in tom6Δ cells. Interestingly, a substantial fraction of OXA1 and ATP2 RNA granules colocalized with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and a deletion in MDM10, which mediates mitochondria-ER tethering, resulted in a significant loss of OXA1 mRNA localization with ER. Finally, neither ATP2 nor OXA1 mRNA targeting was affected by a block in translation initiation, indicating that translation may not be essential for mRNA anchoring. Thus, endogenously expressed mRNAs are targeted to the mitochondria in vivo, and multiple factors contribute to mMP localization.  相似文献   

Cap hydrolysis is a critical step in several eukaryotic mRNA decay pathways and is carried out by the evolutionarily conserved decapping complex containing Dcp2 at the catalytic core. In yeast, Dcp1 is an essential activator of decapping and coactivators such as Edc1 and Edc2 are thought to enhance activity, though their mechanism remains elusive. Using kinetic analysis we show that a crucial function of Dcp1 is to couple the binding of coactivators of decapping to activation of Dcp2. Edc1 and Edc2 bind Dcp1 via its EVH1 proline recognition site and stimulate decapping by 1000-fold, affecting both the K(M) for mRNA and rate of the catalytic step. The C-terminus of Edc1 is necessary and sufficient to enhance the catalytic step, while the remainder of the protein likely increases mRNA binding to the decapping complex. Lesions in the Dcp1 EVH1 domain or the Edc1 proline-rich sequence are sufficient to block stimulation. These results identify a new role of Dcp1, which is to link the binding of coactivators to substrate recognition and activation of Dcp2.  相似文献   

Synthesis of the poly(A) tail of mRNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires recruitment of the polymerase Pap1 to the 3' end of cleaved pre-mRNA. This is made possible by the tethering of Pap1 to the Cleavage/Polyadenylation Factor (CPF) by Fip1. We have recently reported that Fip1 is an unstructured protein in solution, and proposed that it might maintain this conformation as part of CPF, when bound to Pap1. However, the role that this feature of Fip1 plays in 3' end processing has not been investigated. We show here that Fip1 has a flexible linker in the middle of the protein, and that removal or replacement of the linker affects the efficiency of polyadenylation. However, the point of tethering is not crucial, as a fusion protein of Pap1 and Fip1 is fully functional in cells lacking genes encoding the essential individual proteins, and directly tethering Pap1 to RNA increases the rate of poly(A) addition. We also find that the linker region of Fip1 provides a platform for critical interactions with other parts of the processing machinery. Our results indicate that the Fip1 linker, through its flexibility and protein/protein interactions, allows Pap1 to reach the 3' end of the cleaved RNA and efficiently initiate poly(A) addition.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRs) commonly regulate translation from target mRNA 3' untranslated regions (UTRs). While effective miR-binding sites have also been identified in 5' untranslated regions (UTRs) or open reading frames (ORFs), the mechanism(s) of miR-mediated regulation from these sites has not been defined. Here, we systematically investigate how the position of miR-binding sites influences translational regulation and characterize their mechanistic basis. We show that specific translational regulation is elicited in vitro and in vivo not only from the 3'UTR, but equally effectively from six Drosophila miR-2-binding sites in the 5'UTR or the ORF. In all cases, miR-2 triggers mRNA deadenylation and inhibits translation initiation in a cap-dependent fashion. In contrast, single or dual miR-2-binding sites in the 5'UTR or the ORF yield rather inefficient or no regulation. This work represents the first demonstration that 5'UTR and ORF miR-binding sites can function mechanistically similarly to the intensively investigated 3'UTR sites. Using single or dual binding sites, it also reveals a biological rationale for the high prevalence of miR regulatory sites in the 3'UTR.  相似文献   

Erythroid precursor cells lose the capacity for mRNA synthesis due to exclusion of the nucleus during maturation. Therefore, the stability and translation of mRNAs that code for specific proteins, which function in late stages of maturation when reticulocytes become erythrocytes, are controlled tightly. Reticulocyte 15-lipoxygenase (r15-LOX) initiates the breakdown of mitochondria in mature reticulocytes. Through the temporal restriction of mRNA translation, the synthesis of r15-LOX is prevented in premature cells. The enzyme is synthesized only in mature reticulocytes, although r15-LOX mRNA is already present in erythroid precursor cells. Translation of r15-LOX mRNA is inhibited by hnRNP K and hnRNP E1, which bind to the differentiation control element (DICE) in its 3' untranslated region (3'UTR). The hnRNP K/E1-DICE complex interferes with the joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit to the 40S subunit at the AUG. We took advantage of the inducible human erythroid K562 cell system that fully recapitulates this process to identify so far unknown factors, which are critical for DICE-dependent translational regulation. Applying RNA chromatography with the DICE as bait combined with hnRNP K immunoprecipitation, we specifically purified the DEAD-box RNA helicase 6 (DDX6) that interacts with hnRNP K and hnRNP E1 in a DICE-dependent manner. Employing RNA interference and fluorescence in situ hybridization, we show that DDX6 colocalizes with endogenous human (h)r15-LOX mRNA to P-body-like RNP granules, from which 60S ribosomal subunits are excluded. Our data suggest that in premature erythroid cells translational silencing of hr15-LOX mRNA is maintained by DDX6 mediated storage in these RNP granules.  相似文献   

Puf proteins regulate mRNA degradation and translation through interactions with 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs). Such regulation provides an efficient method to rapidly alter protein production during cellular stress. YHB1 encodes the only protein to detoxify nitric oxide in yeast. Here we show that YHB1 mRNA is destabilized by Puf1p, Puf4p, and Puf5p through two overlapping Puf recognition elements (PREs) in the YHB1 3′ UTR. Overexpression of any of the three Pufs is sufficient to fully rescue wild-type decay in the absence of other Pufs, and overexpression of Puf4p or Puf5p can enhance the rate of wild-type decay. YHB1 mRNA decay stimulation by Puf proteins is also responsive to cellular stress. YHB1 mRNA is stabilized in galactose and high culture density, indicating inactivation of the Puf proteins. This condition-specific inactivation of Pufs is overcome by Puf overexpression, and Puf4p/Puf5p overexpression during nitric oxide exposure reduces the steady-state level of endogenous YHB1 mRNA, resulting in slow growth. Puf inactivation is not a result of altered expression or localization. Puf1p and Puf4p can bind target mRNA in inactivating conditions; however, Puf5p binding is reduced. This work demonstrates how multiple Puf proteins coordinately regulate YHB1 mRNA to protect cells from nitric oxide stress.  相似文献   

All arthropod-borne flaviviruses generate a short noncoding RNA (sfRNA) from the viral 3′ untranslated region during infection due to stalling of the cellular 5′-to-3′ exonuclease XRN1. We show here that formation of sfRNA also inhibits XRN1 activity. Cells infected with Dengue or Kunjin viruses accumulate uncapped mRNAs, decay intermediates normally targeted by XRN1. XRN1 repression also resulted in the increased overall stability of cellular mRNAs in flavivirus-infected cells. Importantly, a mutant Kunjin virus that cannot form sfRNA but replicates to normal levels failed to affect host mRNA stability or XRN1 activity. Expression of sfRNA in the absence of viral infection demonstrated that sfRNA formation was directly responsible for the stabilization of cellular mRNAs. Finally, numerous cellular mRNAs were differentially expressed in an sfRNA-dependent fashion in a Kunjin virus infection. We conclude that flaviviruses incapacitate XRN1 during infection and dysregulate host mRNA stability as a result of sfRNA formation.  相似文献   

mRNA定位是一种基因转录后水平的重要调控机制,对细胞的生理活动和分化发育都有着极其重要的作用。在芽殖酵母有丝分裂中,ASH1 mRNA在子细胞芽尖因不对称定位表达抑制了子细胞交配类型的转换。本综述介绍了芽殖酵母ASH1 mRNA定位的分子机制。  相似文献   

Herrero AB  Moreno S 《The EMBO journal》2011,30(10):2008-2018
Lsm1 forms part of a cytoplasmic protein complex, Lsm1-7-Pat1, involved in the degradation of mRNAs. Here, we show that Lsm1 has an important role in promoting genomic stability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Budding yeast cells lacking Lsm1 are defective in recovery from replication-fork stalling and show DNA damage sensitivity. Here, we identify histone mRNAs as substrates of the Lsm1-7-Pat1 complex in yeast, and show that abnormally high amounts of histones accumulate in lsm1Δ mutant cells. Importantly, we show that the excess of histones is responsible for the lsm1Δ replication-fork instability phenotype, since sensitivity of lsm1Δ cells to drugs that stall replication forks is significantly suppressed by a reduction in histone gene dosage. Our results demonstrate that improper histone stoichiometry leads to genomic instability and highlight the importance of regulating histone mRNA decay in the tight control of histone levels in yeast.  相似文献   

Muhlrad D  Parker R 《The EMBO journal》2005,24(5):1033-1045
A major mechanism of eukaryotic mRNA degradation initiates with deadenylation followed by decapping and 5' to 3' degradation. We demonstrate that the yeast EDC1 mRNA, which encodes a protein that enhances decapping, has unique properties and is both protected from deadenylation and undergoes deadenylation-independent decapping. The 3' UTR of the EDC1 mRNA is sufficient for both protection from deadenylation and deadenylation-independent decapping and an extended poly(U) tract within the 3' UTR is required. These observations highlight the diverse forms of decapping regulation and identify a feedback loop that can compensate for decreases in activity of the decapping enzyme. Surprisingly, the decapping of the EDC1 mRNA is slowed by the loss of Not2p, Not4p, and Not5p, which interact with the Ccr4p/Pop2p deadenylase complex. This indicates that the Not proteins can affect decapping, which suggests a possible link between the mRNA deadenylation and decapping machinery.  相似文献   

The quality of data from microarray analysis is highly dependent on the quality of RNA. Because of the lability of RNA, steps involved in tissue sampling, RNA purification, and RNA storage are known to potentially lead to the degradation of RNAs; therefore, assessment of RNA quality and integrity is essential. Existing methods for estimating the quality of RNA hybridized to a GeneChip either suffer from subjectivity or are inefficient in performance. To overcome these drawbacks, we propose a linear regression method for assessing RNA quality for a hybridized Genechip. In particular, our approach used the probe intensities from the .cel files that the Affymetrix software associates with each microarray. The effectiveness and the improvements of the proposed method over the existing methods are illustrated by the application of the method to the previously published 19 human Affymetrix microarray data sets for which external verification of RNA quality is available.  相似文献   

Yeast and human Clp1 proteins are homologous components of the mRNA 3′-cleavage-polyadenylation machinery. Recent studies highlighting an association of human Clp1 (hClp1) with tRNA splicing endonuclease and an intrinsic RNA-specific 5′-OH polynucleotide kinase activity of hClp1 have prompted speculation that Clp1 might play a catalytic role in tRNA splicing in animal cells. Here, we show that expression of hClp1 in budding yeast can complement conditional and lethal mutations in the essential 5′-OH RNA kinase module of yeast or plant tRNA ligases. The tRNA splicing activity of hClp1 in yeast is abolished by mutations in the kinase active site. In contrast, overexpression of yeast Clp1 (yClp1) cannot rescue kinase-defective tRNA ligase mutants, and, unlike hClp1, the purified recombinant yClp1 protein has no detectable RNA kinase activity in vitro. Mutations of the yClp1 ATP-binding site do not affect yeast viability. These findings, and the fact that hClp1 cannot complement growth of a yeast clp1Δ strain, indicate that yeast and human Clp1 proteins are not functional orthologs, despite their structural similarity. Although hClp1 can perform the 5′-end-healing step of a yeast-type tRNA splicing pathway in vivo, it is uncertain whether its kinase activity is necessary for tRNA splicing in human cells, given that other mammalian counterparts of yeast-type tRNA repair enzymes are nonessential in vivo.  相似文献   

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