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The absence of sucrose, sucrose synthetase and sucrose phosphate synthetase has been demonstrated by chromatographic, enzymatic and radioisotopic metho  相似文献   

Relationships between the assimilate import rate and the activity of acid invertase and/or sucrose synthase have been investigated in the pericarp, locule and placenta of tomato fruit during development to establish the possible role of sucrose cleavage as the control step for the import of sucrose into these sink tissues. The rate of sucrose cleavage was estimated from the activities of these two enzymes as well as the ratio of hexoses to sucrose (i.e. the sucrose degradation index, SDI) in the tissues of the fruit, based on the assumption that the accumulation of hexoses is the consequence of imported sucrose being degraded by either or both of these two enzymes. The results showed that the change of sucrose synthase activity during fruit development was positively related to both the rate of dry matter accumulation in the fruit tissue and SDI. Although the role of acid invertase in regulating the rate of import during development remains uncertain, the actions of sucrose synthase on sucrose cleavage may regulate the import and compartmentation of sucrose in the early stage of tomato fruit development.  相似文献   

Two isoforms (SS I and SS II) of sucrose synthase (SS; EC were purified from Japanese pear fruit and their properties were compared. SS I mainly appeared in young fruit and SS II mainly in mature fruit. SS I and SS II were purified to the specific activity of 3.37 and 4.26 (units (mg protein)(-1)), respectively. The MW of native and subunit proteins of SS I and SS II were almost the same and both SSs seemed to be a tetramer composed of an 83 kDa polypeptide. However, the ionic charges of the native proteins and the kinetic parameters of SSs were different. Specifically, the Km value for UDP-glucose in SS I was the same as that for UDP, while the Km value for UDP-glucose in SS II was less than that for UDP. SS II easily reacted for sucrose synthesis than sucrose cleavage compared with SS I. Therefore, it is considered that SS I and SS II play different roles in the utilization of carbohydrate in young and mature fruit, respectively.  相似文献   

Changes in the protein level and phosphorylation state of sucrose synthase (SS) were studied throughout the development of Japanese pear fruit. The level of SS protein was high at the young stage, dropped with fruit enlargement and increased again with fruit maturation. Antibody against phospho-Ser reacted with SS from young fruit, but did not react with SS that had been dephosphorylated by alkaline phosphatase (AP). The activities of SS isozymes were separated by ion-exchange chromatography. It was found that the fluctuation in SS activity was caused by two SS isozymes (SSI and SSII); (SSI reacted with antibody against phospho-Ser, while SSII did not. Phosphorylation of SS affected its kinetic parameters, that is, the affinity of phosphorylated SS for UDP was higher than that of dephosphorylated SS, while it was the contrary for UDP-glucose. The reaction of dephosphorylated SS was inclined toward sucrose synthesis more than that of phosphorylated SS. Phosphorylated SS protein was most abundant in young fruit, but decreased with fruit development, while non-phosphorylated SS protein increased in mature fruit. These results suggest that SS isoforms may be affected by post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation, and that the regulation of phosphorylation may potentially control the properties and functions of SS throughout the development of Japanese pear fruit.  相似文献   

Fruit of the domestic tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) accumulate soluble sugars primarily in the form of the hexoses, glucose and fructose. In contrast, the predominant sugar in fruit of the wild tomato relative, L. chmielewskii, is sucrose. In the present study, the inheritance and linkage relations of sucrose accumulation were examined in interspecific L. esculentum x L. chmielewskii populations. In backcrosses to either the wild or domestic tomato, segregation for sucrose accumulation permitted qualitative analysis of the trait and indicated monogenic recessive control, although deviations from Mendelian inheritance were observed in some populations. This major gene, designated sucr, was mapped in F2, F3, and BC1F2 populations using a set of 95 informative RFLP and isozyme markers covering the tomato genome. A map location near the centromere of chromosome 3 was established, with tight linkage to the genomic clone TG102. Association of sucrose accumulation with yellow fruit, encoded by an allele of the r gene, permitted alignment with the classical map, thereby confirming the map location of sucr. A linkage map of the region surrounding sucr was obtained by monitoring recombination between flanking markers in the back-crosses to tomato. A cDNA clone of tomato fruit acid invertase, TIV1, was mapped to TG102 and sucr, with no recombination between the two RFLP markers observed in over 1700 meiotic products. Despite the tight linkage, TG102 and TIV1 hybridize to distinct restriction fragments, hence do not represent the same gene. The genetic data strongly suggest that sucr is an allele of the invertase gene and thus support previous biochemical studies that demonstrated low invertase activity in sucrose-accumulating fruit. L. hisutum, another low-invertase, sucrose-accumulating species, was hybridized with L. chmielewskii and the resulting F1 plants accumulated sucrose, indicating that genetic control of soluble sugar composition is conserved in these two species.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in some hemicellulose-degrading enzymes inJapanese pear fruit were studied in connection with fruit development,softening and over-ripening. These enzyme activities per fruitfresh weight were very high during the cell division and preenlargementstages, and greatly decreased in the enlargement stage. Thereafter,they again exhibited clear increase with ripening. These enzymeactivities per cell (DNA content basis), however, were roughlyconstant throughout the cell division, pre-enlargement and enlargementstages. These cell wall degrading enzymes were divided intothe following three groups by their alteration patterns withripening, i.e. the first group including polygalacturonase,exocellulase and mannanase which seems to be associated withfruit softening, the second one including arabanase, ß-glucosidaseand endocellulase and the third one including xylanase, ß-xylosidaseand ß-galactosidase, both of which seem to functionin cellular breakdown with over-ripening. 1 This paper is contribution A-87, Fruit Tree Research Station. (Received August 4, 1978; )  相似文献   

The contribution that isolated vacuoles have made to understanding sucrose storage and mobilization is reviewed briefly, with particular reference to the storage root of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Work with isolated vacuoles has shown that in this tissue sucrose is confined to the vacuole and some progress has been made in elucidating the possible mechanism of sucrose transport into the vacuole. The evidence that this is a H+: sucrose antiport, dependent on the activity of a proton-translocating ATPase is examined. It is concluded that while there is some evidence for the presence of a proton pump, a link between this and sucrose uptake has still to be established. Using isolated vacuoles it has been demonstrated that during mobilization of sucrose, hydrolysis occurs within the vacuole but the mechanism of unloading of hexoses from the vacuole remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Proteins inducible by dehydration and abscisic acid (ABA), have been identified in a number of species and have been suggested to play a role in desiccation tolerance. Recently, we identified a novel boiling-stable protein (BspA) which accumulated in shoots of aspen ( Populus tremula L.) cultured in vitro, in response to gradual water stress and ABA application (Pelah et al. 1995. Tree Physiol. 15: 673–678.). Accumulation of BspA, and of the water stress-related protein dehydrin dsp- 16 and sucrose synthase from the resurrection plant. Craterostigma plantagineum , was examined in two greenhouse-grown Populus species to investigate the relationship between the presence of the proteins and water stress tolerance. Detached leaves of Populus tomentosa lost more water than Populus popularis , resulting in a significant decrease in leaf water potential. Using electrolyte leakage analysis, it was found that detached leaves of Populus popularis are more tolerant to water stress than those of Populus tomentosa . Using western blots with the corresponding antibodies, we have found in Populus popularis accumulation of BspA and sucrose synthase due to water stress, and the constitutive presence of a dehydrin-like protein. In contrast, a low expression of BspA was found in Populus tomentosa , but not of sucrose synthase and dehydrin-like proteins. Desiccation tolerance in many tissues can be partly attributed to soluble sugars. Analysis of the amount of soluble sugars did not reveal clear-cut differences between the two species, except for significant sucrose accumulation and glucose reduction in water-stressed Populus tomentosa and increase in glucose in water-stressed Populus popularis . The data obtained points to a positive correlation between increased water stress tolerance of one poplar species as compared with another and accumulation of water stress-related proteins and sucrose synthase.  相似文献   

During banana ripening there is a massive conversion into sugars, mainly sucrose, which can account for more than 10% of the fresh weight of the fruit. An ethylene burst is the trigger of the banana ripening process but there is evidence that other compounds can act as modulators of some biochemical pathways. As previously demonstrated, gibberellic acid (GA3) can impair the onset of starch degradation and affect some degradative enzymes, but effects on the sucrose biosynthetic apparatus have not yet been elucidated. Here, the activity and amount of sucrose synthase (SuSy; E.C. and sucrose–phosphate synthase (SPS; E.C., respiration rates, ethylene production, and carbohydrate levels, were evaluated in GA3-infiltrated and non-infiltrated banana slices. The exogenous supply of gibberellin did not alter the respiration or the ethylene profile but delayed sucrose accumulation by at least 2 days. While SuSy activity was similar in control and treated slices, SPS increase and sucrose accumulation was related in treated slices. Western blotting with specific antiserum showed no apparent effects of GA3 on the amount of SuSy protein, but impaired the increase in SPS protein during ripening. The overall results indicate that although GA3 did not block carbohydrate mobilisation in a irreversibly way, it clearly affected the triggering of starch breakdown and sucrose synthesis. Also, the delayed sucrose accumulation in GA3-infiltrated slices could be explained by the disturbance of SPS activity. In conclusion, gibberellins can play an important role during banana ripening and our results also reinforce the idea of multiple regulatory components in the ripening pathway, as evidenced by the GA3 effects.  相似文献   

In the apple variety 'Usterapfel', there are two known genotypes, which differ in malic acid content. One hundred days after full bloom, low-acid fruit (LA-fruit) contained 125 micromolg(-1) dry matter (DW) of malate, while the high-acid genotype (HA-fruit) reached levels up to 627 micromolg(-1) DW. There was no difference in the catalytic activity of enzymes involved in malate metabolism, such as PEPcarboxylase, malate dehydrogenase, and NADP malic enzyme. After [14C]glucose incorporation into the excised tissue of either genotype, the organic acid fraction was labeled to approximately the same extent. Furthermore, uptake of [14C]malate was significantly lower in excised tissue of LA-fruit. These findings suggest that low malate content in LA-fruit is the result of a restricted ability to accumulate malate in apple parenchyma cells. The different ability to accumulate malate had a pronounced effect on overall carbon partitioning. However, the rate of respiration and the rate of malate synthesis was similar in both genotypes. In HA-fruit, the glycolytic flux through pyruvate kinase was increased to compensate for the carbon that accumulated in the vacuole as malate. Since malate storage in the LA-fruit was restricted, it was more easily available for gluconeogenesis, and was correlated with a three-times higher activity of PEPcarboxykinase. LA-fruit showed higher concentrations of ATP, which stimulated Glc6P and fructose-6-phosphate formation. The elevated hexosephosphate content led to an enhanced partitioning of carbon into starch (+40%), hemicellulose (+104%), and sucrose (+40%) in more mature fruit. The activation of carbohydrate synthesis resulted in a significant drop in glucose-1-phosphate (Glc1P). To meet the increased demand for Glc1P, the activities of neutral and acid invertase, hexokinase, and phosphoglucomutase were higher in LA-fruit. Glucose was a more versatile substrate for this metabolic route than was fructose. It was also evident that glycolytic flux in apple was dependent on glucose level, and that the reaction catalysed by phosphoglucomutase contributed to the regulation of carbon partitioning between malate and carbohydrate polymers.  相似文献   

Detached ears of sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) were cultured in complete liquid medium containing Ca2+(0, 3, 10 and 30 mM) and effect of this ion on the conversion of sucrose to starch with respect to the activities of amylases, sucrose synthase, sucrose phosphate synthase and soluble invertases were studied in developing grains. Presence of 3 mM Ca2+ in culture medium enhanced both accumulation of starch and activity of alpha-amylase in grain but without having any influence on the activity of beta-amylase. However, with 10 and 30 mM Ca2+, the accumulation of starch and activities of both amylases decreased and with advancement in culturing period, starch accumulation was further decreased. Irrespective of its concentration, Ca2+ enhanced the activities of sucrose synthase (synthesis), sucrose-phosphate synthase, soluble acid invertase and soluble-neutral invertase. Increase in the concentration of Ca2+ in culture medium was concomitant with an elevation in relative proportion of sucrose in the grain reflecting a net balance in per cent increase with Ca2+ in the activities of sucrose-synthesizing enzymes over sucrose-hydrolysing ones. Based on the results, it is suggested that assimilation of Ca2+ by grain is essential for maintaining high activity of alpha-amylase to generate starch primers required for the conversion of sucrose to starch during grain filling in sorghum.  相似文献   

The effect of fruit maturity on UV-B-induced post-harvest anthocyanin accumulation in red Chinese sand pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai) cultivar ‘Mantianhong’ was evaluated. During the irradiation, compared with the fruit harvested at 20 days before harvest (DBH) and 10 DBH, the mature fruit (harvested at commercial harvest date) had higher soluble solids content, soluble sugars concentration but lower firmness and starch content. In addition, higher content of anthocyanin has been detected in mature fruits than in immature fruits due to the significant increase in the expression of genes related to anthocyanin biosynthesis, especially PpCHS, PpF3H, PpANS, PpUFGT, PyMYB10 and PpbHLH in red Chinese sand pears. Hierarchical clustering analysis suggested that most genes related to anthocyanin biosynthesis showed a coordinate expression pattern. These findings are helpful in understanding the molecular mechanism of anthocyanin biosynthesis and regulation, which could lead to the development of new technologies for improving fruit color in Chinese sand pears and other fruits.  相似文献   

Bottle choice tests using liquid diets were done with Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. SD rats ingested more oil-and-sucrose-enriched milk (hi-fat) and less oil-enriched milk (hi-fat-no-carb) than sucrose-enriched (hi-carb) milk by two-bottle choice tests after they were habituated to liquid diets for 4 days. Chronic food restriction didn't increase hi-fat ingestion but hi-fat-no-carb. Rats ingested less without habituation, and overnight food deprivation increased intake. This increment was maintained after rats were free-fed. The difference in fat content of the maintenance diet had little effect on fat preference. These results showed SD rats prefer a sweet and fatty liquid diet than a sweet and lean liquid diet. Habituation and food restriction were more important than the composition of the maintenance diet to demonstrate a clear preference for the fatty liquid diet.  相似文献   

Current concepts of the factors determining sink strength and the subsequent regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in tomato fruit are based upon an understanding of the relative roles of sucrose synthase, sucrose phosphate synthase and invertase, derived from studies in mutants and transformed plants. These enzymes participate in at least four futile cycles that involve sugar transport between the cytosol, vacuole and apoplast. Key reactions are (1) the continuous rapid degradation of sucrose in the cytosol by sucrose synthase (SuSy), (2) sucrose re-synthesis via either SuSy or sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS), (3) sucrose hydrolysis in the vacuole or apoplast by acid invertase, (4) subsequent transport of hexoses to the cytosol where they are once more converted into sucrose, and (5) rapid synthesis and breakdown of starch in the amyloplast. In this way futile cycles of sucrose/hexose interchange govern fruit sugar content and composition. The major function of the high and constant invertase activity in red tomato fruit is, therefore, to maintain high cellular hexose concentrations, the hydrolysis of sucrose in the vacuole and in the intercellular space allowing more efficient storage of sugar in these compartments. Vacuolar sugar storage may be important in sustaining fruit cell growth at times when less sucrose is available for the sink organs because of exhaustion of the carbohydrate pools in source leaves.  相似文献   

A new method was devised to measure the concentration of sucrose in the free space of sugarcane stalks. The free space includes the aqueous phase of cell walls. The method differs substantially, in principle, from one used previously, but it gave the same result, namely, that sucrose concentrations in the free space can approach the level in the bulk of the tissue.  相似文献   

The action of mould enzymes on sucrose   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

The presence of sucrose and the enzymes related to sucrose metabolism, i.e. sucrose synthase (SS) (UDP-glucose: D-fructose-2-glucosyl transferase, EC, sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) (UDP-glucose: D-fructose-6-phosphate-2-glucosyl transferase, EC and invertase (β-D-fructofuranoside fructohydrolase, EC was demonstrated in Prototheca zopfii, a colorless alga. The levels of enzyme activities were lower than those obtained in Chlorella vulgaris, which is generally considered the photosynthetic counterpart of P. zopfii. Whem enzyme activities were measured in bleached cells of C. vulgaris, the levels were of the same order than those found in P. zopfii. These results would indicate that the sucrose metabolizing enzymes are not related to the algae ability to carry on photosynthesis.  相似文献   

姚绍嫦  黄鼎  谭勇  顾晋源  李良波  黄荣韶 《广西植物》2021,41(11):1939-1948
为提高牛大力块根的产量与品质,该研究以不同发育时期(移栽6、12、18、24、30、36个月)的牛大力块根为材料,采用紫外分光光度法对糖类含量及其相关酶活性进行测定,研究它们在牛大力块根发育过程中的动态变化规律。结果表明:(1)牛大力块根的生长发育进程可初步划分为形成期(移栽6~12个月)、迅速膨大期(移栽12~24个月)与稳定膨大期(移栽24~36个月)三个阶段。淀粉与蔗糖分别是牛大力块根中主要的多糖与可溶性糖。在牛大力块根发育过程中,多糖类物质的含量逐渐增加,而可溶性糖含量逐渐减少,两者之间呈显著负相关,推测可溶性糖的分解代谢有利于促进多糖类物质的积累。(2)蔗糖的分解代谢是蔗糖合酶(SUS)、蔗糖磷酸合酶(SPS)、酸性转化酶(AI)与中性转化酶(NI)等多种相关酶协同作用的结果。SUS在牛大力块根发育过程中发挥着既催化蔗糖合成,又催化蔗糖分解的双重调节作用,SUS(合成)的活性不断上升,至移栽36个月达到峰值,极显著高于其他时期; SUS(分解)的活性从移栽6个月至24个月逐渐上升,但在块根稳定膨大期稍有下降; 其净活性为催化蔗糖分解,在移栽12个月达到最高。转化酶AI和NI的活性均在块根发育过程中逐渐上升,且AI活性高于NI活性,提示AI可能在蔗糖代谢分解过程中发挥更重要的作用。该研究结果可为今后深入研究牛大力多糖类成分积累和调控机制提供理论依据,并为提高牛大力药材的产量与品质提供技术指导。  相似文献   

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