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The effects of the carcinogen Cd(2+) on Xenopus oocyte were evaluated by Inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate (InsP(3)) assays and electrophysiological experiments. The stimulation of the Ca(2+)-dependent Cl(-) current by Cd(2+) is clearly linked to InsP(3) formation since the effects of the metal are antagonized by neomycin, heparin and caffeine. A similar inhibition of the Cd(2+) effects is observed when the oocytes are pretreated with thapsigargin. Moreover, the use of sulfhydryl groups reductors such as 2-mercaptoethanol or N-ethylmaleimide strongly suggests that the Cd(2+) response is mediated by an extracellular receptor. Finally, measurements of InsP(3) production demonstrate that Cd(2+) superfusion actually leads to a PIP(2) breakdown. We conclude that extracellular Cd(2+) evokes an increase in [Ca(2+)](i) by stimulating the emptying of the InsP(3)-sensitive Ca(2+) stores, and that it may do so by interacting with a specific cell-surface ion receptor. This putative ion receptor may be important in allowing oocytes to respond to heavy metals.  相似文献   

We have studied the histamine-induced potentiation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3))-mediated Ca(2+) release in HeLa cells. Intracellular IP(3) levels were increased by IP(3) dialysis with the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique (cell dialysis of IP(3)). Low concentrations of extracellular histamine (1 microM) accelerated the rate of IP(3)-mediated Ca(2+) release, an effect that required the coincidence of both histamine signalling and the increase in IP(3) levels. Our data suggest that the potentiation effect of histamine cannot be explained simply by agonist-induced increase in IP(3) levels. Disordering microfilaments with cytochalasin D and microtubules with colchicine caused a decrease in the histamine-induced Ca(2+) response. Furthermore, both cytochalasin D and colchicine diminished the rate of IP(3)-mediated Ca(2+) release, while only the former reduced slightly the histamine-induced potentiation effect. Remarkably, rapid inhibition of SERCA pumps with thapsigargin to avoid the depletion of internal Ca(2+) stores diminished the histamine-induced potentiation of IP(3)-mediated Ca(2+) release, without affecting the rate of IP(3)-mediated Ca(2+) release. These data indicate that histamine-induced potentiation of Ca(2+) release in HeLa cells requires active SERCA pumps and suggest that SERCA pumps are an important factor in determining the efficiency of agonist-induced Ca(2+) release.  相似文献   

Using the low-affinity fluorescent Ca(2+) indicators, Mag-Fura-2 and Mag-Fura Red, we studied light- and InsP(3)-induced Ca(2+) release in permeabilized microvillar photoreceptors of the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis. Two major components of the phosphoinositide signaling pathway, phospholipase-C and the InsP(3) receptor, were characterized immunologically and appropriately localized in photoreceptors. Whereas phospholipase-C was abudantly expressed in photoreceptive microvilli, InsP(3) receptors were found mostly in submicrovillar endoplasmic reticulum (SER). Permeabilization of the peripheral plasma membrane with saponin allowed direct measurements of luminal free Ca(2+) concentration (Ca(L)) changes. Confocal Ca(2+) imaging using Mag-Fura Red demonstrated that Ins(1,4,5)P(3) mobilizes Ca(2+) from SER. As detected with Mag-Fura-2, a brief 50ms light flash activated rapid Ca(2+) depletion of SER, followed by an effective refilling within 1min of dark adaptation after the light flash. Sensitivity to Ins(1,4,5)P(3) of the Ca(2+) release from SER in leech photoreceptors was accompanied by irreversible uncoupling of phototransduction from Ca(2+) release. Depletion of Ca(2+) stores was induced by Ins(1,4,5)P(3)(EC(50)= 4.75 microM) and the hyper-potent agonist adenophostin A (EC(50)/40nM) while the stereoisomer L-myo Ins(1,4,5)P(3) was totally inactive. Ins(1,4,5)P(3)- or adenophostin A-induced Ca(2+) release was inhibited by 0.1-1mg/ml heparin. The Ca(2+) pump inhibitors, cyclopiazonic acid and thapsigargin, in the presence of Ins(1,4,5)P(3), completely depleted Ca(2+) stores in leech photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Many important cell functions are controlled by Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores via the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP(3)R), which requires both IP(3) and Ca(2+) for its activity. Due to the Ca(2+) requirement, the IP(3)R and the cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentration form a positive feedback loop, which has been assumed to confer regenerativity on the IP(3)-induced Ca(2+) release and to play an important role in the generation of spatiotemporal patterns of Ca(2+) signals such as Ca(2+) waves and oscillations. Here we show that glutamate 2100 of rat type 1 IP(3)R (IP(3)R1) is a key residue for the Ca(2+) requirement. Substitution of this residue by aspartate (E2100D) results in a 10-fold decrease in the Ca(2+) sensitivity without other effects on the properties of the IP(3)R1. Agonist-induced Ca(2+) responses are greatly diminished in cells expressing the E2100D mutant IP(3)R1, particularly the rate of rise of initial Ca(2+) spike is markedly reduced and the subsequent Ca(2+) oscillations are abolished. These results demonstrate that the Ca(2+) sensitivity of the IP(3)R is functionally indispensable for the determination of Ca(2+) signaling patterns.  相似文献   

We have previously described a phospholipase C (PLC) activity in mammalian sperm cytosolic extracts. Here we have examined the Ca(2+) dependency of the enzyme, whether there is enough in a single sperm to account for Ca(2+) release at fertilization, and finally where in the egg is the phosphatidyl 4,5-bisphosphate, the substrate for the enzyme. As for all PLCs examined so far in vitro, we found that the boar sperm PLC activity was Ca(2+) dependent. Specific activity increased when free Ca(2+) levels were micromolar. However, even at nanomolar free Ca(2+) concentration the boar sperm PLC activity was considerable, being two orders of magnitude greater than PLC activities in other tissues. We calculated that PLC activity of a single boar sperm in a mammalian egg is enough to generate 400 nM inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP(3)) in 1 min, which may be sufficient to account for the observed Ca(2+) changes in an egg at fertilization. We fractionated sea urchin egg homogenate and examined the ability of boar sperm extract to generate InsP(3) from these fractions. The sperm PLC activity triggered InsP(3) production from a PIP(2)-enriched nonmicrosomal egg compartment that contained yolk platelets. We propose that this sperm PLC activity, which is active at nanomolar Ca(2+) levels and hydrolyzes PIP(2) from intracellular membranes, could be involved in the Ca(2+) changes observed at fertilization.  相似文献   

The neonatal mammalian skeletal muscle contains both type 1 and type 3 ryanodine receptors (RyR1 and RyR3) located in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. An allosteric interaction between RyR1 and dihydropyridine receptors located in the plasma membrane mediates voltage-induced Ca(2+) release (VICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. RyR3, which disappears in adult muscle, is not involved in VICR, and the role of the transiently expressed RyR3 remains elusive. Here we demonstrate that RyR1 participates in both VICR and Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release (CICR) and that RyR3 amplifies RyR1-mediated CICR in neonatal skeletal muscle. Confocal measurements of intracellular Ca(2+) in primary cultured mouse skeletal myotubes reveal active sites of Ca(2+) release caused by peripheral coupling between dihydropyridine receptors and RyR1. In myotubes lacking RyR3, the peripheral VICR component is unaffected, and RyR1s alone are able to support inward CICR propagation in most cells at an average speed of approximately 190 microm/s. With the co-presence of RyR1 and RyR3 in wild-type cells, unmitigated radial CICR propagates at 2,440 microm/s. Because neonatal skeletal muscle lacks a well developed transverse tubule system, the RyR3 reinforcement of CICR seems to ensure a robust, uniform, and synchronous activation of Ca(2+) release throughout the cell body. Such functional interplay between RyR1 and RyR3 can serve important roles in Ca(2+) signaling of cell differentiation and muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play a central role in cell homeostasis. Amongst others, one of the important functions of mitochondria is to integrate its metabolic response with one of the major signaling pathways - the Ca2+ signaling. Mitochondria are capable to sense the levels of cytosolic Ca2+ and generate mitochondrial Ca2+ responses. Specific mechanisms for both Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+ release exist in the mitochondrial membranes. In turn, the mitochondrial Ca2+ signals are able to produce changes in the mitochondrial function and metabolism, which provide the required level of functional integration. This essay reviews briefly the current available information regarding the mitochondrial Ca2+ transport systems and some of the functional consequences of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake  相似文献   

Dendritic spines are cellular microcompartments that are isolated from their parent dendrites and neighboring spines. Recently, imaging studies of spine Ca(2+) dynamics have revealed that Ca(2+) can enter spines through voltage-sensitive and ligand-activated channels, as well as through Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores. Relationships between spine Ca(2+) signals and induction of various forms of synaptic plasticity are beginning to be elucidated. Measurements of spine Ca(2+) concentration are also being used to probe the properties of single synapses and even individual calcium channels in their native environment.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that Ca(2+) signals evoked by action potentials or by synaptic activity within individual dendritic spines are regulated at multiple levels. Ca(2+) influx through glutamate receptors and voltage-sensitive Ca(2+) channels located on spines depends on the channel subunit composition, the activity of kinases and phosphatases, the local membrane potential and past patterns of activity. Furthermore, sources of spine Ca(2+) interact nonlinearly such that activation of one Ca(2+) channel can enhance or depress the activity of others. These studies have revealed that each spine is a complex and partitioned Ca(2+) signaling domain capable of autonomously regulating the electrical and biochemical consequences of synaptic activity.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus Nef plays an important role in AIDS pathogenesis. In addition to the well known down-regulation of cell surface receptors (CD4, MHCI), Nef is able to alter cellular signaling. Of particular interest for this study is the ability of Nef to bind with a very high affinity to SH3 domains of myelomonocyte-specific protein-tyrosine kinases of the Src family (Src-like PTK). We have therefore investigated Ca(2+) signaling in HL60 cells retrovirally transduced with wild type Nef or with a Nef mutant deficient in the SH3-interacting proline-rich motif (Nef((PXXP)4(-))). In differentiated HL60 cells, Nef markedly altered cellular Ca(2+) signaling; the amount of intracellularly stored Ca(2+) was increased, and as a consequence, store-operated Ca(2+)-influx was decreased. This effect was not observed in undifferentiated HL60 cells or in CEM T-lymphocytes and correlated with the differentiation-induced up-regulation of Src-like PTK. The Nef effect on Ca(2+) signaling depended entirely on the integrity of its PXXP motif. The Src-like PTK p56/59(hck) co-immunoprecipitated with both Nef and with the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, providing a possible mechanistic link between the viral protein and intracellular Ca(2+) stores of the host cell. Collectively, our results demonstrate that the human immunodeficiency virus 1 Nef protein manipulates intracellular Ca(2+) stores through SH3-mediated interactions in myelomonocytic cells.  相似文献   

M K Manion  Z Su  M Villain  J E Blalock 《FASEB journal》2000,14(10):1297-1306
Calmodulin (CaM), as well as other Ca(2+) binding motifs (i.e., EF hands), have been demonstrated to be Ca(2+) sensors for several ion channel types, usually resulting in an inactivation in a negative feedback manner. This provides a novel target for the regulation of such channels. We have designed peptides that interact with EF hands of CaM in a specific and productive manner. Here we have examined whether these peptides block certain Ca(2+)-permeant channels and inhibit biological activity that is dependent on the influx of Ca(2+). We found that these peptides are able to enter the cell and directly, as well as indirectly (through CaM), block the activity of glutamate receptor channels in cultured neocortical neurons and a nonselective cation channel in Jurkat T cells that is activated by HIV-1 gp120. As a consequence, apoptosis mediated by an influx of Ca(2+) through these channels was also dose-dependently inhibited by these novel peptides. Thus, this new type of Ca(2+) channel blocker may have utility in controlling apoptosis due to HIV infection or neuronal loss due to ischemia.  相似文献   

InsP(3)-evoked elementary Ca(2+) release events have been postulated to play a role in providing the building blocks of larger Ca(2+) signals. In pancreatic acinar cells, low concentrations of acetylcholine or the injection of low concentrations of InsP(3) elicit a train of spatially localized Ca(2+) spikes. In this study we have quantified these responses and compared the Ca(2+) signals to the elementary events shown in Xenopus oocytes. The results demonstrate, at the same concentrations of InsP(3), Ca(2+) signals consisting of one population of small transient Ca(2+) release events and a second distinct population of larger Ca(2+) spikes. The signal mass amplitudes of both types of events are within the range of amplitudes for the elementary events in Xenopus oocytes. However, the bimodal Ca(2+) distribution of Ca(2+) responses we observe is not consistent with the continuum of event sizes seen in Xenopus. We conclude that the two types of InsP(3)-dependent events in acinar cells are both elementary Ca(2+) signals, which are independent of one another. Our data indicate a complexity to the organization of the Ca(2+) release apparatus in acinar cells, which might result from the presence of multiple InsP(3) receptor isoforms, and is likely to be important in the physiology of these cells.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP(3)) receptor (InsP(3)R) channel, localized primarily in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane, releases Ca(2+) into the cytoplasm upon binding InsP(3), generating and modulating intracellular Ca(2+) signals that regulate numerous physiological processes. Together with the number of channels activated and the open probability of the active channels, the size of the unitary Ca(2+) current (i(Ca)) passing through an open InsP(3)R channel determines the amount of Ca(2+) released from the ER store, and thus the amplitude and the spatial and temporal nature of Ca(2+) signals generated in response to extracellular stimuli. Despite its significance, i(Ca) for InsP(3)R channels in physiological ionic conditions has not been directly measured. Here, we report the first measurement of i(Ca) through an InsP(3)R channel in its native membrane environment under physiological ionic conditions. Nuclear patch clamp electrophysiology with rapid perfusion solution exchanges was used to study the conductance properties of recombinant homotetrameric rat type 3 InsP(3)R channels. Within physiological ranges of free Ca(2+) concentrations in the ER lumen ([Ca(2+)](ER)), free cytoplasmic [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](i)), and symmetric free [Mg(2+)] ([Mg(2+)](f)), the i(Ca)-[Ca(2+)](ER) relation was linear, with no detectable dependence on [Mg(2+)](f). i(Ca) was 0.15 +/- 0.01 pA for a filled ER store with 500 microM [Ca(2+)](ER). The i(Ca)-[Ca(2+)](ER) relation suggests that Ca(2+) released by an InsP(3)R channel raises [Ca(2+)](i) near the open channel to approximately 13-70 microM, depending on [Ca(2+)](ER). These measurements have implications for the activities of nearby InsP(3)-liganded InsP(3)R channels, and they confirm that Ca(2+) released by an open InsP(3)R channel is sufficient to activate neighboring channels at appropriate distances away, promoting Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release.  相似文献   

J Marchant  N Callamaras    I Parker 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(19):5285-5299
Inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate (IP(3)) evokes Ca(2+) liberation in Xenopus oocytes as elementary events (Ca(2+) puffs) that become coupled to propagate Ca(2+) waves with increasing [IP(3)]. To investigate this transition between local and global Ca(2+) signaling, we developed an optical method for evoking rapid subcellular Ca(2+) elevations, while independently photoreleasing IP(3) and simultaneously recording confocal Ca(2+) images. Focal Ca(2+) elevations triggered waves within 100 ms of photoreleasing IP(3), compared with latencies of seconds following photorelease of IP(3) alone. Wave velocity varied with [IP(3)] but was independent of time after photorelease of IP(3), indicating that delayed wave initiation did not involve slow binding of IP(3) to its receptors. The amount of Ca(2+) required to trigger a wave was approximately 10-fold greater than the average size of puffs, and puffs showed no progressive increase in magnitude before waves initiated. Instead, Ca(2+) puffs contributed to a slow rise in basal free [Ca(2+)], which further increased puff frequency and sensitized IP(3) receptors so that individual events then triggered waves. Because the wave threshold is much greater than the size of the elementary puff, cells can employ both local and global signaling mechanisms, and the summation of stochastic behavior of elementary events allows generation of reproducible periodic waves.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+) signal has major roles in cellular processes important in tumorigenesis, including migration, invasion, proliferation, and apoptotic sensitivity. New evidence has revealed that, aside from altered expression and effects on global cytosolic free Ca(2+) levels via direct transport of Ca(2+), some Ca(2+) pumps and channels are able to contribute to tumorigenesis via mechanisms that are independent of their ability to transport Ca(2+) or effect global Ca(2+) homeostasis in the cytoplasm. Here, we review some of the most recent studies that present evidence of altered Ca(2+) channel or pump expression in tumorigenesis and discuss the importance and complexity of localized Ca(2+) signaling in events critical for tumor formation.  相似文献   

1. Two distinct patterns of Ca(2+)-mediated activation of Ca(2+)-ATPase were identified in calmodulin-depleted membranes. 2. In membranes showing no activation (type A), preincubation with micromolar concentration of cyclic AMP and ATP made possible stimulation of the enzyme while in membranes already exhibiting activation (type B), preincubation with cyclic AMP and ATP abolished the activation. 3. ATPase stimulation in type A membranes was suppressible by leupeptin. 4. Triton extractable inhibitor isolated from type A membranes was as active as that derived from type B membranes only after preincubating the membranes with cyclic AMP and ATP. 5. The inhibitor could be inactivated by alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

CD38, a multifunctional enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of intracellular Ca(2+) messengers, cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR) and nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP), is known to be expressed on platelets. However, the role of CD38 in platelets remains unclear. Our present results show that treatment of platelets with thrombin results in a rapid and sustained Ca(2+) signal, resulting from a coordinated interplay of Ca(2+)-mobilizing messengers, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, cADPR, and NAADP. By dissecting the signaling pathway using various agents, we delineated that cADPR and NAADP are sequentially produced through CD38 internalization by protein kinase C via myosin heavy chain IIA following phospholipase C activation in thrombin-induced platelets. An inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor antagonist blocked the thrombin-induced formation of cADPR and NAADP as well as Ca(2+) signals. An indispensable response of platelets relying on cytosolic calcium is the surface exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS), which implicates platelet procoagulant activity. Scrutinizing this parameter reveals that CD38(+/+) platelets fully express PS on the surface when stimulated with thrombin, whereas this response was decreased on CD38(-/-) platelets. Similarly, PS exposure and Ca(2+) signals were attenuated when platelets were incubated with 8-bromo-cADPR, bafilomycin A1, and a PKC inhibitor. Furthermore, in vivo, CD38-deficient mice exhibited longer bleeding times and unstable formation of thrombus than wild type mice. These results demonstrate that CD38 plays an essential role in thrombin-induced procoagulant activity of platelets and hemostasis via Ca(2+) signaling mediated by its products, cADPR and NAADP.  相似文献   

Tryptase, the major mast cell product, is considered to play an important role in airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness. Tryptase produces different, sometimes opposite, effects on airway responsiveness (bronchoprotection and/or airway contraction). This study was designed to examine the effect of human lung tryptase and activation of protease-activated receptor (PAR)-2 by synthetic activated peptide (AP) SLIGKV-NH(2) on Ca(2+) signaling in human airway smooth muscle (HASM) cells. Immunocytochemistry revealed that PAR-2 was expressed by HASM cells. Tryptase (7.5--30 mU/ml) induced a concentration-dependent transient relative rise in cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) that reached 207 +/- 32 nM (n = 10) measured by indo 1 spectrofluorometry. The protease inhibitors leupeptin or benzamidine (100 microM) abolished tryptase-induced [Ca(2+)](i) increase. Activation of PAR-2 by AP (1-100 microM) also induced a concentration-dependent transient rise in [Ca(2+)](i), whereas the reverse peptide produced no effect. There was a homologous desensitization of the [Ca(2+)](i) response on repeated stimulation with tryptase or AP. U-73122, a specific phospholipase C (PLC) antagonist, xestospongin, an inositol trisphosphate (IP(3))-receptor antagonist, or thapsigargin, a sarcoplamic Ca(2+)-ATPase inhibitor, abolished tryptase-induced [Ca(2+)](i) response, whereas Ca(2+) removal, in the additional presence of EGTA, had no effect. Calphostin C, a protein kinase C inhibitor, increased PAR-2 [Ca(2+)](i) response. Our results indicate that tryptase activates a [Ca(2+)](i) response, which appears as PAR-2 mediated in HASM cells. Signal transduction implicates the intracellular Ca(2+) store via PLC activation and thus via the IP(3) pathway. This study provides evidence that tryptase, which is increasingly recognized as an important mediator in airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness, is also a potent direct agonist at the site of airway smooth muscle.  相似文献   

IP3-mediated Ca(2+) release plays a fundamental role in many cell signaling processes and has been the subject of numerous modeling studies. Only recently has the important role that mitochondria play in the dynamics of intracellular Ca(2+) signaling begun to be considered in experimental work and in computational models. Mitochondria sequester large amounts of Ca(2+) and thus have a modulatory effect on intracellular Ca(2+) signaling, and mitochondrial uptake of Ca(2+), in turn, has a regulatory effect on mitochondrial function. Here we integrate a well-established model of IP3-mediated Ca(2+) signaling with a detailed model of mitochondrial Ca(2+) handling and metabolic function. The incorporation of mitochondria results in oscillations in a bistable formulation of the IP3 model, and increasing metabolic substrate decreases the frequency of these oscillations consistent with the literature. Ca(2+) spikes from the cytosol are communicated into mitochondria and are shown to induce realistic metabolic changes. The model has been formulated using a modular approach that is easy to modify and should serve as a useful basis for the investigation of questions regarding the interaction of these two systems.  相似文献   

The type 1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP(3)R1) is a ubiquitous intracellular Ca(2+) release channel that is vital to intracellular Ca(2+) signaling. InsP(3)R1 is a proteolytic target of calpain, which cleaves the channel to form a 95-kDa carboxyl-terminal fragment that includes the transmembrane domains, which contain the ion pore. However, the functional consequences of calpain proteolysis on channel behavior and Ca(2+) homeostasis are unknown. In the present study we have identified a unique calpain cleavage site in InsP(3)R1 and utilized a recombinant truncated form of the channel (capn-InsP(3)R1) corresponding to the stable, carboxyl-terminal fragment to examine the functional consequences of channel proteolysis. Single-channel recordings of capn-InsP(3)R1 revealed InsP(3)-independent gating and high open probability (P(o)) under optimal cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) conditions. However, some [Ca(2+)](i) regulation of the cleaved channel remained, with a lower P(o) in suboptimal and inhibitory [Ca(2+)](i). Expression of capn-InsP(3)R1 in N2a cells reduced the Ca(2+) content of ionomycin-releasable intracellular stores and decreased endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) loading compared with control cells expressing full-length InsP(3)R1. Using a cleavage-specific antibody, we identified calpain-cleaved InsP(3)R1 in selectively vulnerable cerebellar Purkinje neurons after in vivo cardiac arrest. These findings indicate that calpain proteolysis of InsP(3)R1 generates a dysregulated channel that disrupts cellular Ca(2+) homeostasis. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that calpain cleaves InsP(3)R1 in a clinically relevant injury model, suggesting that Ca(2+) leak through the proteolyzed channel may act as a feed-forward mechanism to enhance cell death.  相似文献   

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