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J D Procunier  R J Dunn 《Cell》1978,15(3):1087-1093
The topography of an entire redundant locus was analyzed by both genetic and molecular means. Three mutants (min0, min1, min2) allelic to the 5S rRNA genetic locus on chromosome 2 of D. melanogaster were isolated. Flies exhibit a mutant phenotype when hemizygous for a min allele, but flies having two doses are wild-type. Saturation hybridization experiments show that the alleles are gross defieciencies each deleting an equal amount of 5S DNA. Each of the three mutant min alleles produces a distinct temperature-sensitive viability phene, and thus they are suggested to be pseudoalleles within the same redundant locus. Using the segmental aneuploid method (Lindsley et al., 1972), the 5S gene cluster was subdivided into proximal and distal halves. Both saturation hybridization experiments and genetic tests show that each half contains about eighty 5S genes. The complementation of the min alleles with the proximal and distal halves of the cluster indicates that both halves function independently. We present evidence which supports the model that all of the 160 5S genes are arranged as a single continuous cluster of tandem repeats with no large interdispersive DNA segments not complementary to 5S rRNA.  相似文献   

Members of many species tend to congregate, a behavioral strategy known as local enhancement. Selective advantages of local enhancement range from efficient use of resources to defense from predators. While previous studies have examined many types of social behavior in fruit flies, few have specifically investigated local enhancement. Resource‐independent local enhancement (RILE) has recently been described in the fruit fly using a measure called social space index (SSI), although the neural mechanisms remain unknown. Here, we analyze RILE of Drosophila under conditions that allow us to elucidate its neural mechanisms. We have investigated the effects of general volatile anesthetics, compounds that compromise higher order functioning of the type typically required for responding to social cues. We exposed Canton‐S flies to non‐immobilizing concentrations of halothane and found that flies had a significantly decreased SSI compared with flies tested in air. Narrow abdomen (na) mutants, which display altered responses to anesthetics in numerous behavioral assays, also have a significantly reduced SSI, an effect that was fully reversed by restoring expression of na by driving a UAS‐NA rescue construct with NA‐GAL4. We found that na expression in cholinergic neurons fully rescued the behavioral defect, whereas expression of na in glutamatergic neurons did so only partially. Our results also suggest a role for na expression in the mushroom bodies (MBs), as suppressing na expression in the MBs of NA‐GAL4 rescue flies diminishes SSI. Our data indicate that RILE, a simple behavioral strategy, requires complex neural processing .  相似文献   

The odorant-binding protein (OBP) functions in chemosensation in insects. Two OBP genes, Obp57d and Obp57e, are involved in the evolution of the unique host-plant preference in Drosophila sechellia. Comparative analysis of the Obp57d/e genomic sequences in the Drosophila melanogaster species group has revealed that the rapid evolution of Obp57d and Obp57e has resulted in functional divergence between the two genes. Here, using D. melanogaster knockout strains generated by gene targeting, we examined the roles of Obp57d and Obp57e in behavioral response to a series of fatty acids. In the taste-based oviposition-site preference assay, the knockout flies showed stronger preference for acids than wild-type flies, indicating that the normal functions of Obp57d and Obp57e are associated with the suppression of positive preference for C6-C9 acids. Heterozygotes for each knockout haplotype also exhibited a significantly different behavioral response compared with wild-type flies, suggesting that Obp57d and Obp57e have a gene dosage effect on behavior. In contrast, the wild-type and knockout flies exhibited similar responses in the feeding assay and the odor-based free-walking assay, suggesting that the two OBPs' contribution to feeding and olfactory behaviors is small. Taken together, our results demonstrated that each of Obp57d and Obp57e in D. melanogaster contributes to the determination of reproductive sites, suggesting that the two OBP genes play an important role in ecological adaptation of Drosophila.  相似文献   

The amyloid beta-protein (Abeta), implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD), is a proteolytic metabolite generated by the sequential action of beta- and gamma-secretases on the amyloid precursor protein (APP). The two main forms of Abeta are 40- and 42-amino acid C-terminal variants, Abeta40 and Abeta42. We recently described a difluoro ketone peptidomimetic (1) that blocks Abeta production at the gamma-secretase level [Wolfe, M. S., et al. (1998) J. Med. Chem. 41, 6-9]. Although designed to inhibit Abeta42 production, 1 also effectively blocked Abeta40 formation. Various amino acid changes in 1 still resulted in inhibition of Abeta40 and Abeta42 production, suggesting relatively loose sequence specificity by gamma-secretase. The alcohol counterparts of selected difluoro ketones also lowered Abeta levels, indicating that the ketone carbonyl is not essential for activity and suggesting that these compounds inhibit an aspartyl protease. Selected compounds inhibited the aspartyl protease cathepsin D but not the cysteine protease calpain, corroborating previous suggestions that gamma-secretase is an aspartyl protease with some properties similar to those of cathepsin D. Also, since the gamma-secretase cleavage sites on APP are within the transmembrane region, we consider the hypothesis that this region binds to gamma-secretase as an alpha-helix and discuss the implications of this model for the mechanism of certain forms of hereditary AD.  相似文献   

We have used a Golgi staining procedure in Drosophila melanogaster to examine the structure of individual neurons in the visual systems of the Canton-S wild-type strain, of flies expressing mutations at the Glued, rough, glass, and uneven loci, all of which affect the organization of the visual system, and of genetic mosaics involving the Glued and uneven loci. We have found that the structure of the neurons studied in the wild type is quite similar to that reported for other diptera and that the mutants studied evidence a variety of abnormalities in neuronal morphology, each mutant being characterized by a different spectrum of aberrations. The genetic mosaic analysis of the Glued and uneven loci showed that the structure of individual neurons in the optic lobes is profoundly influenced by the genotype of the cells projecting to that region from the compound eye but that the final form attained by a neuron is not solely controlled by that factor.  相似文献   

The Baz/Par-3-Par-6-aPKC complex is an evolutionarily conserved cassette critical for the development of polarity in epithelial cells, neuroblasts, and oocytes. aPKC is also implicated in long-term synaptic plasticity in mammals and the persistence of memory in flies, suggesting a synaptic function for this cassette. Here we show that at Drosophila glutamatergic synapses, aPKC controls the formation and structure of synapses by regulating microtubule (MT) dynamics. At the presynapse, aPKC regulates the stability of MTs by promoting the association of the MAP1Brelated protein Futsch to MTs. At the postsynapse, aPKC regulates the synaptic cytoskeleton by controlling the extent of Actin-rich and MT-rich areas. In addition, we show that Baz and Par-6 are also expressed at synapses and that their synaptic localization depends on aPKC activity. Our findings establish a novel role for this complex during synapse development and provide a cellular context for understanding the role of aPKC in synaptic plasticity and memory.  相似文献   

Previous studies (Overton et al., Mutation Res., 1989) on specific revertibility of 81 his-3 mutants have shown a correlation between complementation pattern and presumed genetic alteration similar to that shown by ad-3B mutants. In the present study, restriction enzyme analyses were used to further characterize the genetic alterations in individual his-3 mutants. The restriction fragment banding patterns of the majority of mutants were identical with that shown by wild-type 74-OR23-1A and were consistent with expectations based on previous data suggesting that they resulted from single base-pair alterations (Overton et al., Mutation Res., 1989). His-3 mutants with altered banding patterns were only found among those with polarized complementation patterns or noncomplementing mutants. One of the mutants with a polarized complementation pattern, 1-189-83, and another noncomplementing mutant, 1-189-85, are associated with genetic alterations proximal to the his-3 locus. In one other mutant, 1-226-565 (with a polarized complementation pattern), an insertion of approx. 2 kb has occurred in the proximal region of the his-3 locus. Two other mutants, 1-155-270 and 1-155-276 (both noncomplementing), contained a large insertion of approx. 12.8 kb in the proximal region of the his-3 locus.  相似文献   

X Liu  Q A Yu  Z S Huang  L J Zwiebel  J C Hall  M Rosbash 《Neuron》1991,6(5):753-766
The per gene of D. melanogaster influences or participates in the generation of biological rhythms. Previous experiments have identified the head as the location from which per exerts its effect on circadian rhythms. To localize further this region and to examine the effects of altered levels and altered spatial expression patterns of the per gene on circadian rhythms of locomotor activity, we have characterized transformed lines containing per gene constructs missing substantial cis-acting regulatory information. The data suggest that wild-type levels of per gene expression are necessary in only a small fraction of the nervous system for near wild-type periods, whereas a larger fraction of per-expressing cells in the brain contributes to the strength of the circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

Grini PE  Jürgens G  Hülskamp M 《Genetics》2002,162(4):1911-1925
The female gametophyte of higher plants gives rise, by double fertilization, to the diploid embryo and triploid endosperm, which develop in concert to produce the mature seed. What roles gametophytic maternal factors play in this process is not clear. The female-gametophytic effects on embryo and endosperm development in the Arabidopsis mea, fis, and fie mutants appear to be due to gametic imprinting that can be suppressed by METHYL TRANSFERASE1 antisense (MET1 a/s) transgene expression or by mutation of the DECREASE IN DNA METHYLATION1 (DDM1) gene. Here we describe two novel gametophytic maternal-effect mutants, capulet1 (cap1) and capulet2 (cap2). In the cap1 mutant, both embryo and endosperm development are arrested at early stages. In the cap2 mutant, endosperm development is blocked at very early stages, whereas embryos can develop to the early heart stage. The cap mutant phenotypes were not rescued by wild-type pollen nor by pollen from tetraploid plants. Furthermore, removal of silencing barriers from the paternal genome by MET1 a/s transgene expression or by the ddm1 mutation also failed to restore seed development in the cap mutants. Neither cap1 nor cap2 displayed autonomous seed development, in contrast to mea, fis, and fie mutants. In addition, cap2 was epistatic to fis1 in both autonomous endosperm and sexual development. Finally, both cap1 and cap2 mutant endosperms, like wild-type endosperms, expressed the paternally inactive endosperm-specific FIS2 promoter GUS fusion transgene only when the transgene was introduced via the embryo sac, indicating that imprinting was not affected. Our results suggest that the CAP genes represent novel maternal functions supplied by the female gametophyte that are required for embryo and endosperm development.  相似文献   

Four clones containing different transposable elements were isolated from a genomic library of Drosophila algonquin. Each clone was hybridized to salivary-gland chromosomes of three lines of D. algonquin and two lines of D. affinis. The estimated copy number in D. algonquin of the four element families varied from 59 to 333. The occupancy per site varied from 0.64 to 0.75. Thus the transposable portion of the D. algonquin genome is dominated by a few high-copy-number elements, each characterized by high occupancies. The copy number and occupancy values were very similar in D. affinis. This differs from the situation in D. melanogaster mobile middle-repetitive DNA, which has at least 30 and perhaps as many as 100 different families of mobile elements, with copy numbers ranging from 5 to 100. When several lines have been examined, elements in D. melanogaster are revealed to have very low occupancies. The four D. algonquin elements do not hybridize with D. melanogaster DNA, but they did hybridize with 15 obscura-group species, thereby revealing a pattern that is consistent with concerted evolution.  相似文献   

Spontaneous mutants of human rhinovirus 14 resistant to WIN 52084, an antiviral compound that inhibits attachment to cells, were isolated by selecting plaques that developed when wild-type virus was plated in the presence of high (2 micrograms/ml) or low (0.1 to 0.4 micrograms/ml) concentrations of the compound. Two classes of drug resistance were observed: a high-resistance (HR) class with a frequency of about 4 x 10(-5), and a low-resistance (LR) class with a 10- to 30-fold-higher frequency. The RNA genomes of 56 HR mutants and 13 LR mutants were sequenced in regions encoding the drug-binding site. The HR mutations mapped to only 2 of the 16 amino acid residues that form the walls of the drug-binding pocket. The side chains of these two residues point directly into the pocket and were invariably replaced by bulkier groups. These findings, and patterns of resistance to related WIN compounds, support the concept that HR mutations may hinder the entry or seating of drug within the binding pocket. In contrast, all of the LR mutations mapped to portions of the polypeptide chain near the canyon floor that move when the drug is inserted. Because several LR mutations partially reverse the attachment-inhibiting effect of WIN compounds, these mutants provide useful tools for studying the regions of the capsid structure involved in attachment. This paper shows that the method of escape mutant analysis, previously used to identify antibody binding sites on human rhinovirus 14, is also applicable to analysis of antiviral drug activity.  相似文献   

The circadian clock of Drosophila melanogaster is thought to include rhythmic expression of period gene. Recent studies suggested, however, that a per-less oscillation is also involved in the regulation of circadian locomotor rhythms. In the present study, we examined the existence and the property of the possible per-less oscillation using arrhythmic clock mutant flies carrying per (01), tim(01), dClk(Jrk) or cyc(01), which lack rhythmic per expression. When temperature cycles consisting of 25 degrees C and 30 degrees C with various periods (T=8-32 hr) were given, wild-type (Canton-S) flies showed locomotor rhythms entrained to temperature cycles over a wide range of period (T=8-32 hr) in constant light (LL) while only to T=24 hr in constant darkness (DD). The mutant flies showed rhythms synchronizing with the given cycle both under LL and DD. In per(01) and tim(01) flies, the phase of a major peak slightly changed dependent on Ts in DD, while it did not in dClk(Jrk) and cyc(01) flies. When they were transferred from a constant temperature to a temperature cycle under DD, several cycles were necessary to establish a clear temperature entrainment in per(01) and tim (01) flies. These results suggest that per(01) and tim(01) flies have a temperature-entrainable weak oscillatory mechanism and that the per-less oscillatory mechanism may require dClk and cyc. In addition, per (01) and tim(01) flies changed from thermoactive in DD to cryoactive in LL, while dClk(Jrk) and cyc(01) flies did not. It is thus suggested that dClk and cyc are also involved in determining the light-associated temperature preference in per(01) and tim(01) flies.  相似文献   

Duvernell DD  Eanes WF 《Genetics》2000,156(3):1191-1201
As part of a larger study contrasting patterns of variation in regulatory and nonregulatory enzymes of the central metabolic pathways we have examined the molecular variation in four uncharacterized hexokinase genes unique to muscle, fat body, and testis in Drosophila melanogaster, D. simulans, and D. yakuba. Earlier isoenzyme studies had designated these genes as Hex-A, Hex-C, and Hex-t. There are two tightly linked testes-specific genes designated here as Hex-t1 and Hex-t2. Substantial and concordant differences across species are seen in levels of both amino acid and silent polymorphism. The flight muscle form Hex-A is the most conserved followed by the fat body hexokinase Hex-C and testis-specific hexokinases Hex-t1 and Hex-t2. While constraints acting at the amino acid level are expected, the silent polymorphisms follow this pattern as well. All genes are in regions of normal recombination, therefore hitchhiking and background selection are not likely causes of interlocus differences. In D. melanogaster latitudinal clines are seen for amino acid polymorphisms at the Hex-C and Hex-t2 loci. There is evidence for accelerated amino acid substitution in Hex-t1 that has lost residues known to be associated with glucose and glucose-6-phosphate binding. D. simulans shows substantial linkage phase structuring that suggests historical population subdivision.  相似文献   

Loss of function mutations in genes of the achaete-scute complex (ASC) or in the gene vnd of D. melanogaster result in neural hypoplasia. Two types of defects contribute to the development of the neural hypoplasic phenotype: a lower than normal proportion of neuroblasts delaminate from the neuroectoderm, and there is abundant cell death in the neural primordium during later stages. In addition, we found that increasing the copy number of ASC wild-type alleles leads to effects opposite to those caused by their deletion. All of these results indicate that the function of these genes is required for the commitment of neuroectodermal cells as neuroblasts and that the loss of these genetic functions causes the cells either to take on an epidermal fate or to die.  相似文献   

The suppressor of forked, su(f) locus is one of a class of loci in Drosophila whose mutant alleles are trans-acting allele-specific modifiers of transposable element-insertion mutations at other loci. Mutations of su(f) suppress gypsy insert alleles of forked and enhance the copia insert allele white apricot. Our investigations of su(f) include genetic and molecular analyses of 19 alleles to determine the numbers and types of genetic functions present at the locus. Our results suggest the su(f) locus contains multiple genetic functions. There are two distinct modifier functions and two vital functions. One modifier function is specific for enhancement and the other for suppression. One vital function is required for normal ecdysterone production in the third larval instar, the other is not. We present a restriction map of the su(f) genomic region and the results of an RFLP analysis of several su(f) alleles.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that seriously threatens women's health, and luminal-like cancer subtypes account for the majority of the cases. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among DNA methylation, gene expression profile, and the tumor-immune microenvironment of luminal-like breast cancer, and to identify the potential key genes that regulate immune cell infiltration in luminal-like breast cancer. The ESTIMATE algorithm was applied to calculate immune scores and stromal scores of patients with breast cancer. Kaplan-Meier curves were generated for survival analysis. The clusterProfile package was used for Gene Ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analysis. The protein-protein interaction (PPI) network was constructed using the STRING database and Cytoscape software. Correlations between ADCY6 expression and immune cell infiltration-related pathways were analyzed by gene set variation analysis. R software was used for the statistical analysis and figure generation. Disease-free survival was higher in the immune score-high group than it was in the immune score-low group, while the stromal score had no correlation with prognosis. There were 515 genes that differed in both gene expression and DNA methylation levels, and these genes were mainly enriched in immune process-related pathways. ADCY6 was enriched in module A of the PPI network. Patients with downregulation and hypermethylation of ADCY6 associated with a better prognosis. ADCY6 expression was negatively correlated with the activation of immune process-related signaling pathways, immune checkpoint receptors, and ligands, except for CLEC4G. DNA methylation was found to be involved in the regulation of the key cellular pathways of luminal-like breast cancer immune cell infiltration. Additionally, ADCY6 was identified as a prognostic factor involved in the DNA methylation-regulated immune processes in luminal-like breast cancer.  相似文献   

Sexually competent females of Telmessus cheiragonus (helmet crab) release two pheromones that elicit grasping and copulation behaviors in males (Kamio et al., 2000, 2002, 2003). Our study aimed to use behavioral and electrophysiological techniques to identify the site of reception of these sex pheromones. In behavioral experiments, either the inner or the outer flagella of the antennules were ablated bilaterally from male crabs, and responses of male crabs to female odor were examined. When the inner flagella were surgically ablated, the sexual response (i.e., grasping and copulation behavior) of male crabs was not significantly changed relative to control animals that had their second antennae ablated. In contrast, the sexual response was significantly reduced when the outer flagella of the antennules were ablated, suggesting that the outer flagellum is the receptor organ that detects the sex pheromones. In electrophysiological experiments, urine, which in females contains the pheromone that elicits grasping behavior by males but does not contain the pheromone eliciting copulation, whose release site is not known, was tested. Female and male urine as well as shrimp extract evoked phasic responses of chemosensory afferents innervating aesthetasc sensilla on the outer flagellum of male crabs. The response of the afferents had significantly higher magnitude and lower threshold when female urine was applied. Thus, behavioral and electrophysiological observations suggest that in male helmet crabs, the outer flagellum of the antennule is the chemosensory organ that detects female sex pheromone.  相似文献   

Th-cell differentiation is highly influenced by the local cytokine environment. Although cytokines such as IL-12 and IL-4 are known to polarize the Th-cell response towards Th1 or Th2, respectively, it is not known whether these cytokines instruct the developmental fate of uncommitted Th cells or select cells that have already been committed through a stochastic process. We present an individual based model that accommodates both stochastic and deterministic processes to simulate the dynamic behaviour of selective versus instructive Th-cell development. The predictions made by each model show distinct behaviours, which are compared with experimental observations. The simulations show that the instructive model generates an exclusive Th1 or Th2 response in the absence of an external cytokine source, whereas the selective model favours coexistence of the phenotypes. A hybrid model, including both instructive and selective development, shows behaviour similar to either the selective or the instructive model dependent on the strength of activation. The hybrid model shows the closest qualitative agreement with a number of well-established experimental observations. The predictions by each model suggest that neither pure selective nor instructive Th development is likely to be functional as exclusive mechanisms in Th1/Th2 development.  相似文献   

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