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Mutualisms require protection from non‐reciprocating exploiters. Pseudomyrmex workers that engage in an obligate defensive mutualism with Acacia hosts feed exclusively on the sucrose‐free extrafloral nectar (EFN) that is secreted by their hosts, a behaviour linking ant energy supply directly to host performance and thus favouring reciprocating behaviour. We tested the hypothesis that Acacia hosts manipulate this digestive specialisation of their ant mutualists. Invertase (sucrose hydrolytic) activity in the ant midguts was inhibited by chitinase, a dominant EFN protein. The inhibition occurred quickly in cell‐free gut liquids and in native gels and thus likely results from an enzyme–enzyme interaction. Once a freshly eclosed worker ingests EFN as the first diet available, her invertase becomes inhibited and she, thus, continues feeding on host‐derived EFN. Partner manipulation acts at the phenotypic level and means that one partner actively controls the phenotype of the other partner to enhance its dependency on host‐derived rewards.  相似文献   

Mycoplasms are known as pathogens of economic and medical interest in plants, animals and man. Here, we show a positive correlation between the presence of Mycoplasma-like symbionts in their isopod hosts and survivorship on low-quality food. Most isopods that survived feeding on a cellulose-based low-quality diet for 90 days harboured 'Candidatus Hepatoplasma' in their midgut glands, while those that died within 90 days mostly either harboured no or other bacterial symbionts. We detected 'Candidatus Hepatoplasma' in all but one of the examined species of terrestrial isopods from different habitats and locations, suggesting an evolutionarily ancient association between terrestrial isopods and their Mycoplasma-like symbionts. Phylogenetic analyses clustered symbionts from different populations of the same isopod species together, and clearly distinguished between symbionts of different isopod species, indicating host-specificity of 'Candidatus Hepatoplasma', although a previous study provided evidence for environmental symbiont transmission. Nonetheless, horizontal exchange of symbionts between species may have been possible in evolutionary earlier stages, as suggested by only limited congruency of phylogenetic trees of hosts and symbionts. Another symbiont, 'Candidatus Hepatincola porcellionum', was only detected in midgut glands of the most terrestrial tribe of isopods (Crinocheta), suggesting an evolutionarily younger host-symbiont association. This symbiont proved to be negatively correlated with host longevity, even on high-quality food.  相似文献   

The symbiosis between marine bioluminescent Vibrio bacteria and the sepiolid squid Euprymna is a model for studying animal-bacterial Interactions. Vibrio symbionts native to particular Euprymna species are competitively dominant, capable of outcompeting foreign Vibrio strains from other Euprymna host species. Despite competitive dominance, secondary colonization events by invading nonnative Vibrio fischeri have occurred. Competitive dominance can be offset through superior nonnative numbers and advantage of early start host colonization by nonnatives, granting nonnative vibrios an opportunity to establish beachheads in foreign Euprymna hosts. Here, we show that nonnative V. fischeri are capable of rapid adaptation to novel sepiolid squid hosts by serially passaging V. fischeri JRM200 (native to Hawaiian Euprymna scolopes) lines through the novel Australian squid host E. tasmanica for 500 generations. These experiments were complemented by a temporal population genetics survey of V. fischeri, collected from E. tasmanica over a decade, which provided a perspective from the natural history of V. fischeri evolution over 15,000-20,000 generations in E. tasmanica. No symbiont anagenic evolution within squids was observed, as competitive dominance does not purge V. fischeri genetic diversity through time. Instead, abiotic factors affecting abundance of V. fischeri variants in the planktonic phase sustain temporal symbiont diversity, a property itself of ecological constraints imposed by V. fischeri host adaptation.  相似文献   

It is increasingly evident that for a number of high-profile pathogens, transmission involves both direct and environmental pathways. Much of the distinguished evolutionary theory has, however, focused on each of transmission component separately. Herein, we use the framework of adaptive dynamics to study the evolutionary consequences of mixed transmission. We find that environmental transmission can select for increased virulence when direct transmission is low. Increasing the efficiency of direct transmission gives rise to an evolutionary bi-stability, with coexistence of different levels of virulence. We conclude that the overlooked contribution of environmental transmission may explain the curious appearance of high virulence in pathogens that are typically only moderately pathogenic, as observed for avian influenza viruses and cholera.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop and analyze several populaion-dynamic models of an environmentally transmitted symbiotic parasite infecting an isolated population of susceptible hosts. In our most basic model infection acts only to decrease the average lifetime of the infected host, parasites are only transmitted to uninfected hosts, there is no recovery from infection, and the rate of parasite transmission is an increasing function of the level of parasite virulence. It is shown that invasion of the parasite-free equilibrium cannot occur for virulence levels that are either too high or too low. We then incorporate a number of modifications to the model, among them the possibility that host fertility is reduced by infection, and that transmission rate depends additionally on susceptible host density. It is shown that the essential nature of the conditions for invasion are preserved. Thus, natural selection for intermediate virulence is a generic property of a broad class of population models.  相似文献   

Because of the importance of plasmids in many bacterial associations with plants and animals, we determined the occurrence and distribution of plasmid DNA in symbioticVibrio fischeri from the light organ of the sepiolid squidEuprymna scolopes. Analyses of 225 isolates of symbioticV. fischeri from 25 individual squids revealed an overall plasmid-carriage rate of 56%. A large plasmid (39 kb) was detected in 96% of those isolates carrying plasmids, and multiple small plasmids were found to co-occur with one of the large plasmids in 81% of plasmid-carrying strains. In addition, these plasmids appear to be restricted toV. fischeri strains isolated fromE. scolopes and from seawater at sites of squid populations. We were unable to assign a role or function to these plasmids, but they do not carry genes required for the establishment of the light organ symbiosis. We conclude that the essential bacterial symbiotic determinants must be encoded on the chromosome and that the plasmids may carry genes that are important for the survival of theseV. fischeri strains outside of the symbiotic association.  相似文献   

Within hours after colonization of the light organ of the squid Euprymna scolopes by its bacterial symbiont Vibrio fischeri, the symbiont triggers morphogenesis of the light organ. This process involves the induction of apoptosis in the cells of two superficial ciliated epithelial fields and the gradual regression of these surface structures over a 96-h period. In this study, microscopic examination of various squid tissues revealed that host hemocytes specifically migrate into the epithelial fields on the surface of the light organ, a process that begins before any other indication of symbiont-induced morphogenesis. Experimental manipulations of symbiont-signal delivery revealed that hemocyte infiltration alone is not sufficient to induce regression, and high numbers of hemocytes are not necessary for the induction of apoptosis or the initiation of regression. However, studies with mutant strains of V. fischeri that show a defect in the induction of hemocyte infiltration provided evidence that high numbers of hemocytes facilitate the regression of the epithelial fields. In addition, a change in hemocyte gene expression, as indicated by the up-regulation of the C8 subunit of the proteasome, correlates with the induction of light organ morphogenesis, suggesting that bacteria-induced molecular changes in the hemocytes are required for the participation of these host cells in the regression process.  相似文献   

The coevolution of interacting species can lead to codependent mutualists. Little is known about the effect of selection on partners within verses apart from the association. Here, we determined the effect of selection on bacteria (Xenorhabdus nematophila) both within and apart from its mutualistic partner (a nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae). In nature, the two species cooperatively infect and kill arthropods. We passaged the bacteria either together with (M+), or isolated from (M?), nematodes under two different selection regimes: random selection (S?) and selection for increased virulence against arthropod hosts (S+). We found that the isolated bacteria evolved greater virulence under selection for greater virulence (M?S+) than under random selection (M?S?). In addition, the response to selection in the isolated bacteria (M?S+) caused a breakdown of the mutualism following reintroduction to the nematode. Finally, selection for greater virulence did not alter the evolutionary trajectories of bacteria passaged within the mutualism (M+S+ = M+S?), indicating that selection for the maintenance of the mutualism was stronger than selection for increased virulence. The results show that selection on isolated mutualists can rapidly breakdown beneficial interactions between species, but that selection within a mutualism can supersede external selection, potentially generating codependence over time.  相似文献   

Squids from the genus Euprymna (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) and their symbiotic bacteria Vibrio fischeri form a mutualism in which vibrios inhabit a complex light organ within the squid host. A host-mediated daily expulsion event seeds surrounding seawater with symbiotically capable V. fischeri that environmentally colonize newly hatched axenic Euprymna juveniles. Competition experiments using native and non-native Vibrio have shown that this expulsion/re-colonization phenomenon has led to cospeciation in this system in the Pacific Ocean; however, the genetic architecture of these symbiotic populations has not been determined. Using genetic diversity and nested clade analyses we have examined the variation and history of three allopatric Euprymna squid species (E. scolopes of Hawaii, E. hyllebergi of Thailand, and E. tasmanica from Australia) and their respective Vibrio symbionts. Euprymna populations appear to be very genetically distinct from each other, exhibiting little or no migration over large geographical distances. In contrast, Vibrio symbiont populations contain more diverse haplotypes, suggesting both host presence and unidentified factors facilitating long-distance migration structure in Pacific Vibrio populations. Findings from this study highlight the importance of how interactions between symbiotic organisms can unexpectedly shape population structure in phylogeographical studies.  相似文献   

Mutualism based on reciprocal exchange of costly services must avoid exploitation by ‘free‐rides’. Accordingly, hosts discriminate against free‐riding symbionts in many mutualistic relationships. However, as the selective advantage of discriminators comes from the presence of variability in symbiont quality that they eliminate, discrimination and thus mutualism have been considered to be maintained with exogenous supply of free‐riders. In this study, we tried to resolve the ‘paradoxical’ co‐evolution of discrimination by hosts and cooperation by symbionts, by comparing two different types of discrimination: ‘one‐shot’ discrimination, where a host does not reacquire new symbionts after evicting free‐riders, and ‘resampling’ discrimination, where a host does from the environment. Our study shows that this apparently minor difference in discrimination types leads to qualitatively different evolutionary outcomes. First, although it has been usually considered that the benefit of discriminators is derived from the variability of symbiont quality, the benefit of a certain type of discriminators (e.g. one‐shot discrimination) is proportional to the frequency of free‐riders, which is in stark contrast to the case of resampling discrimination. As a result, one‐shot discriminators can invade the free‐rider/nondiscriminator population, even if standing variation for symbiont quality is absent. Second, our one‐shot discriminators can also be maintained without exogenous supply of free‐riders and hence is free from the paradox of discrimination. Therefore, our result indicates that the paradox is not a common feature of evolution of discrimination but is a problem of specific types of discrimination.  相似文献   

Mutualism-network studies assume that all interacting species are mutualistic partners and consider that all links are of one kind. However, the influence of different types of links, such as cheating links, on network organization remains unexplored. We studied two flower-visitation networks (Malpighiaceae and Bignoniaceae and their flower visitors), and divide the types of link into cheaters (i.e. robbers and thieves of flower rewards) and effective pollinators. We investigated if there were topological differences among networks with and without cheaters, especially with respect to nestedness and modularity. The Malpighiaceae network was nested, but not modular, and it was dominated by pollinators and had much fewer cheater species than Bignoniaceae network (28% versus 75%). The Bignoniaceae network was mainly a plant–cheater network, being modular because of the presence of pollen robbers and showing no nestedness. In the Malpighiaceae network, removal of cheaters had no major consequences for topology. In contrast, removal of cheaters broke down the modularity of the Bignoniaceae network. As cheaters are ubiquitous in all mutualisms, the results presented here show that they have a strong impact upon network topology.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal vent gastropods of the genus Alviniconcha are unique among metazoans in their ability to derive their nutrition from chemoautotrophic gamma- and epsilon-proteobacterial endosymbionts. Although host-symbiont relationships in Alviniconcha gastropods from the Central Indian Ridge in the Indian Ocean and the Mariana Trough in the Western Pacific have been studied extensively, host-symbiont relationships in Alviniconcha gastropods from the Southwest Pacific remain largely unknown. Phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene sequences of host gastropods from the Manus, North Fiji, and Lau Back-Arc Basins in the Southwest Pacific has revealed a new host lineage in a Alviniconcha gastropod from the Lau Basin and the occurrence of the host lineage Alviniconcha sp. type 2 in the Manus Basin. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequences of bacterial endosymbionts, two gamma-proteobacterial lineages and one epsilon-proteobacterial lineage were identified in the present study. The carbon isotopic compositions of the biomass and fatty acids of the gastropod tissues suggest that the gamma- and epsilon-proteobacterial endosymbionts mediate the Calvin-Benson cycle and the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle, respectively, for their chemoautotrophic growth. Coupling of the host and symbiont lineages from the three Southwest Pacific basins revealed that each of the Alviniconcha lineages harbors different bacterial endosymbionts belonging to either the gamma- or epsilon-Proteobacteria. The host specificity exhibited in symbiont selection provides support for the recognition of each of the host lineages as a distinct species. The results from the present study also suggest the possibility that Alviniconcha sp. types 1 and 2 separately inhabit hydrothermal vent sites approximately 120 m apart in the North Fiji Basin and 500 m apart in the Manus Basin.  相似文献   

Mechanism of lignin biodegradation caused by basidiomycetes and the history of lignin biodegradation studies were briefly reviewed. The important roles of fungal extracellular ligninolytic enzymes such as lignin and manganese peroxidases (LiP and MnP) were also summarized. These enzymes were unique in their catalytic mechanisms and substrate specificities. Either LiP or MnP system is capable of oxidizing a variety of aromatic substrates via a one-electron oxidation. Extracellular fungal system for aromatic degradation is non-specific, which recently attracts many people working in a bioremediation field. On the other hand, an intracellular degradation system for aromatic compounds is rather specific in the fungal cell. Structurally similar compounds were prepared and metabolized, indicating that an intracellular degradation strategy consisted of the cellular systems for substrate recognition and metabolic response. It was assumed that lignin-degrading fungi might be needed to develop multiple metabolic pathways for a variety of aromatic compounds caused by the action of non-specific ligninolytic enzymes on lignin. Our recent results on chemical stress responsible factors analyzed using mRNA differential display techniques were also mentioned.  相似文献   

On the evolution of non-specific mutualism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has been argued that mutualisms are non-specific when mutualistic interactions are weak and transient, and become more specific as interactions increase in strength. However, this runs counter to the observation that there exist tightly linked mutualisms of great antiquity that are highly nonspecific. Here we argue that mutualism generates positive, interspecific, frequency-dependent selection, which acts as a cohesive evolutionary force, discouraging evolution of specificity. A simple mathematical model is constructed to analyse the evolution of a community consisting of two guilds of species with mutualistic between-guild interactions, two competing species in each guild and two genetically distinct phenotypes within each species. With some simplifying assumptions, the trajectories in the neighbourhood of the only interior equilibrium point are determined analytically in terms of interactions between individuals. These show that the equilibrium is locally stable (no evolution) when there is little differentiation between phenotypes in mutualistic and interspecific, competitive interactions. On the other hand, when there is strong differentiation between phenotypes in their mutualistic interactions, the equilibrium is unstable and the community starts to evolve towards non-specificity. There are, however, two forces counteracting this tendency which, if sufficiently potent, cause evolution towards specificity. The first is generated by strong differentiation between phenotypes in interspecific competition; the second is caused by specificity which already exists between species in their mutualistic interactions. Thus, the tendency for non-specificity or specificity to evolve depends on the interplay between antagonistic and mutualistic interactions in the community. We illustrate these results with some numerical examples and, finally, survey some data on specificity of mutualisms in the light of the analysis.  相似文献   

Symbiosis specificity in the legume: rhizobial mutualism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Legume plants are able to engage in root nodule symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria, collectively called rhizobia. This mutualistic association is highly specific, such that each rhizobial species/strain interacts with only a specific group of legumes, and vice versa. Symbiosis specificity can occur at multiple phases of the interaction, ranging from initial bacterial attachment and infection to late nodule development associated with nitrogen fixation. Genetic control of symbiosis specificity is complex, involving fine-tuned signal communication between the symbiotic partners. Here we review our current understanding of the mechanisms used by the host and bacteria to choose their symbiotic partners, with a special focus on the role that the host immunity plays in controlling the specificity of the legume - rhizobial symbiosis.  相似文献   

Carbon : nitrogen : phosphorus (C : N : P) stoichiometry can underlie physiological and life history characteristics that shape ecological interactions. Despite its potential importance, there is much to learn about the causes and consequences of stoichiometric variation in terrestrial consumers. Here we show that treehoppers (Publilia modesta) tended by ants (Formica obscuripes) contained lower N concentrations than treehoppers on plants from which ants were excluded. Ant presence also affected nutrient concentrations in host plants: on plants with ants, leaves contained uniformly low concentrations of N; on plants without ants, N concentrations were low only in the few leaves fed upon by treehoppers at the time of collection. We suggest treehopper feeding reduces leaf nutrient levels and ants positively affect treehopper abundance, producing a top–down effect on plant quality. Determining the causes of these stoichiometric changes should help elucidate factors guiding the dynamics of conditional mutualisms between ants and homopterans.  相似文献   

为验证榕树与其传粉榕小蜂这一严格的、一对一的互利共生系统中是否存在寄主惩罚效应,作者于2007年在云南省西双版纳热带植物园中对雌雄同株的垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina)进行了单果放蜂实验。将为垂叶榕传粉的榕小蜂(Eupristina koningsbergeri)处理成带粉和不带粉的两组,每组又分一只和两只两个水平,分别放进单个隐头花序果中。结果发现:没有传粉榕小蜂进入的隐头花序果会很快终止发育并脱落;而在放了传粉榕小蜂的隐头花序果里,除少数几个放一只不带粉的外,隐头花序果基本都能完成其生活史。但是,带粉雌蜂繁殖的后代小蜂数量显著高于没有带粉的雌蜂,特别是在放两只蜂的处理中。研究结果说明传粉榕小蜂的主动传粉对其繁殖不是必需的,但是主动传粉能增加其繁殖成功的几率。这些结果预示着寄主惩罚效应在榕-蜂互惠系统中发挥着作用。  相似文献   

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