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C. J. Jefferies  P. Brain 《Planta》1984,160(1):52-58
Cross-compatible pollen tubes were cultured in detached flowers of apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Cox's Orange Pippin). Although the culture method was simple, the detached flowers proved to be adequate for our requirements, and after pollination they were incubated at 12 constant temperatures from 3·5° C to 33·5° C and sampled at intervals for microscopy. S-shaped growth curves (Gompertz function) were fitted to measurements of pollen-tube penetration within the styles, and each of the Gompertz parameters was expressed as a function of temperature. The model was defective at temperatures below 6° C, but a modification is described which improves this deficiency and yields a ten-parameter empirical model with temperature and incubation time as inputs, and pollen penetration as its output. An application of the model is described in which it provides a numerically integrated output of pollentube penetration from a series of temperature records. Potential uses for the model include predictions of pollen penetration for experimental use and testing for small differences in pollen-tube response to temperature, between cultivars, or between experimental treatments.  相似文献   

Summary Cytochemical detection of ATPase activity in the pollen grain (PG) and pollen tube (PT) of Agapanthus umbelatus showed that the enzymes concerned presented specific patterns of membrane distribution according to their ionic dependencies and to the timecourse of germination and tube growth. In the pollen tubes Ca2+-ATPases were mainly localized in mitochondria and ER membranes, while Mg2+-ATPases were found especially in the tonoplast and in the membrane of the P-particles. K+-ATPases showed a high activity at the plasma membrane. In the pollen grain similar patterns of ATPase activity were observed. The highest activity of all three types was observed at the plasma membrane of the grain and at the intine and inner exine layers of the cell wall. The activity observed in the pollen grain cell wall decreased with germination time. In vivo germination studies in the presence of specific inhibitors of the ATPases showed patterns of inhibition that could be correlated with the corresponding ATPase putative role.The results are discussed in terms of the ultrastructural organization of the PG and PT, especially those correlated with (1) formation and maintenance of ionic gradients throughout the PT, (2) polarized growth and (3) hydrodynamics of PT elongation.Abbreviations PT Pollen tube - PG pollen grain - PTW pollentube wall - PGW pollen-grain wall - ER endoplasmic reticulum - NEM N-ethylmaleimide  相似文献   

Summary In vitro pollen germination of Agapanthus umbellatus follows a logistic-type curve. It has a lag phase, which corresponds to pollen grain (PG) hydration, followed by an exponential phase — initial pollentube (PT) growth. The lag phase is characterized by an increase of about 40% in the volume of the PG as a result of the hydration process. During the exponential phase the PT emerges, and 40 min later it possesses an ultrastructural organization with a typical two-layer wall and four well-defined zones: the apical, sub-apical, nuclear and vacuolar zones. In this period the material transported by the Golgi vesicles seems to be mostly incorporated into the pollen-tube wall (PTW). Stereological analysis showed that the increase in tube volume is correlated with the increase in the vacuolar compartment at the PG level. The decrease in the relative volume occupied by the mitochondria, generative cell and vegetative nucleus in the PG suggests that these organelles move to the PT. A correlation between the disappearance of lipid droplets in the lag phase and the metabolic reactions that take place during hydration is suggested.Abbreviations PT Pollen tube - Pg pollen grain - PTW pollen-tube wall  相似文献   

Summary In incompatible (intramorph) pollinations of the heterostylousPrimula vulgaris, pollen germination or tube growth may be partially inhibited in several sites associated with the stigma or style. Blockage may occur, a) on the stigma surface through the failure of germination or of pollen tube penetration after germination, b) in the stigma head during the passage of the tube through the specialized transmitting tissue of the head, or c) in the transmitting tract of the style. None of the barriers is complete, and the prohibition of selfing or intramorph crossing depends upon the cumulative screening effect of one following upon the other. In both morphs, the germination of incompatible pollen on the stigma is enhanced in high ambient relative humidity, but many tubes still fail to penetrate the stigma. Those that do are retarded or blocked in their growth in the transmitting tissues of the stigma head and style. Crude extracts from the tissues of the stigma head and style show some differential effect on the growth of pollen tubesin vitro, and dialysates of extracts containing high molecular weight fractions show a consistent differential effect, those from thrum tissues retarding thrum tubes while having a lesser effect on pin tubes, and those from pin tissues retarding pin tubes while having lesser effect on thrum. It is suggested that the factors influencing tube growth are present in the intercellular secretions of the transmitting tract.  相似文献   

J. Kenrick  V. Kaul  E. G. Williams 《Planta》1986,169(2):245-250
In self-incompatible Acacia retinodes Schldl. var. uncifolia J.M. Black there is no inhibition of self pollen tubes before entry into the ovule, but the frequency of fertilized embryo sacs observed after self pollination is only 0.09–0.24 of that observed after outcrossing. Fluorescence- and light-microscope studies of sectioned, squashed or cleared whole ovules indicate that most self pollen tubes are arrested within the first or second layer of cells of the nucellus. The probability that nucellar arrest represents a primitive feature of self-incompatibility is discussed.  相似文献   

The results of studies of Micrasterias rotata (Grev.) Ralfs, M. thomasiana Archer (biradiate and uniradiate forms) and Closterium sp. using one- and two-dimensional vibrating probes show that transcellular ionic currents are detectable only around cells undergoing expansion of the primary cell wall (half-cell); current enters local regions of expansion and exits over both the rigid surface of the secondary wall and regions of the primary wall where hardening of the wall prevents further expansion. Current densities remain at steady levels until expansion stops with maturation of the primary wall, whereupon currents are no longer detectable. The temporal and spatial correlation between the currents and regions of wall expansion is particularly evident because morphogenesis of the half-cell is a determinate process. Measurements of inward currents ranged from 0.1 to 5.4 A · cm–2, and outward currents ranged from-0.05 to -1.5 A · cm–2 measured at 18 from the cell surface. The results of ion substitution and channel-blocker studies indicate that the currents may be carried at least in part by Ca2+, Cl, H+ and K+ ions. The possible role of a Ca2+ influx during tip growth in desmids is discussed.This work was conducted at the National Vibrating Probe Facility, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., USA. Dr. Lionel F. Jaffe, Director of the Facility, and Dr. Jeremy D. PickettHeaps, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, provided valuable guidance and support, and gave unstinting encouragement during these studies. Dr. Franklin M. Harold provided support for the writing of this paper during C.L.T.'s postdoctoral year at the National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Research, Denver. Mr. Alan Shipley and Mr. Steve Dixon provided talented technical assistance. C.L.T. is grateful for support received from a National Institutes of Health Pre-doctoral Training Grant in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of Colorado. The work was supported by N.I.H. grants 5 P41 RR01395 and 3 P41 RR01395-02S1 (to L.F.J.), National Science Foundation grants No. BSR 82 14199 and PCM 83 09331 (to J.P.-H.), and No. DCB 86 18694 (to F.M.H.).  相似文献   

Summary 1. Voltage-activated ionic currents of three identified neurons ofLymnaea stagnalis L. were compared in control snails and in animals having been exposed to a cadmium- or lead-enriched environment for 2 weeks. We determined the presence, amplitude, and changes, if any, in the current-voltage characteristics of calcium and potassium currents in each of the three neurons from each of the three groups of animals. Finally, we have compared the effects of acute administration of Cd2+ or Pb2+ on neurons from control and chronically exposed animals.2. Chronic exposure to cadmium resulted in a near doubling of the high voltage-activated calcium current.3. No differences were found in the effects of acute application of Cd2+ or Pb2+ on neurons of pretreated and control animals. Cadmium was a potent blocker of the Ca current in either case, while lead caused only a 20% inhibition of the Ca current in neurons of both control and lead-exposed animals.4. Potassium currents were affected in both Cd2+- and Pb2+-exposed animals. While the sustained outward current was not influenced noticeably, the fast K current was affected in different ways in different neurons. Some did not show this current in the controls but expressed it in neurons from the exposed animals. Other neurons showed the current in the controls and its depression in exposed animals. Acute application of cadmium did not modulate the K current, but lead enhanced the peak amplitude of the transient K current in neurons of both exposed and control snails.  相似文献   

M. G. Mina  A. Goldsworthy 《Planta》1991,186(1):104-108
Weak externally applied electric currents changed the natural electrical pattern surrounding cells from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) suspension cultures. The artificial currents were applied transversely to short filaments of cells placed between a microelectrode lose to the filament surface and a large platinum electrode some distance away. The natural current patterns before and after electrical treatment were measured with a vibrating probe. Significant effects were confined to the cell adjacent to the microelectrode. Currents with densities of 100 A · cm–2 at the cell surface applied for 10 min or 3 A · cm–2 for several hours caused a localized increase in the natural current entering the part of the cell which had been nearest the positive electrode. There was no corresponding local increase in current leaving from the opposite side of the cell. Instead, the extra current appeared to leave over a relatively large area. The overall effect was a tendency for the cell to repolarize transversely with a greater proportion of its transcellular currents flowing in the direction of the current applied. The effect was measurable for several hours after the external current was discontinued and may be evidence for a natural mechanism by which neighbouring cells entrain one another's polarities during differentiation. The effect of external currents on cells growing in a 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) medium (which suppresses differentiation) was qualitatively the same as on cells in an indole-3-acetic acid medium (which promotes differentiation). If anything, the response was greater in 2,4-D, implying that the disruptive effect of 2,4-D on cell and tissue polarization is not a consequence of it preventing cells sensing the transcellular currents of their neighbours.Abbreviation 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid The authors are indebted to the Agricultural and Food Research Council of the U.K. for financial support and to the Royal Society for the provision of the vibrating probe.  相似文献   

Summary Initially non-polar protoplasts of the green algaMougeotia will regenerate to re-establish their original cylindrical cell shape. The orientation of the growth axis of regenerating protoplasts held in agarose was independent of both the direction of incident white light and gravity. Protoplasts elongated parallel to applied DC electric fields of approx. 0.2 Vcm–1 (1 mV/protoplast) and greater, with an increasing percentage oriented with increasing field strength. At the maximum field strength used (10 mV/cell), 53% of protoplasts were oriented within +- 10° of the 0/180° axis of the field. In untreated controls, the orientation of elongation was random. Protoplast survival was unaffected by field treatment. Some protoplasts (up to 37% in 10 mV/cell fields) formed outgrowths towards the cathode and occasionally towards the anode. Regenerating protoplasts in fields displayed the normal sequence of microtubule reorganization. This means that the positioning of the ordered symmetrical array of microtubules centred on two foci that appears within 3 to 4 h, and the subsequent organization of microtubules by 8 to 12 h into a band that intersects both foci and which is transverse to the axis of elongation (Galway and Hardham 1986), may be controlled by externally applied electric fields. In the region of this microtubule band, the applied field causes the plasma membrane to be stretched parallel to the field (Bryant and Wolfe 1987). We suggest that microtubules may become oriented perpendicular to the direction of field-induced membrane stretching, and that membrane stretching may be one of the orienting mechanisms for membrane-linked microtubules in elongating plant cells.Abbreviations PBS phosphate buffered saline - PMM protoplast maintenance medium - DMM dilute maintenance medium - MES 2(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - TRIS tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - ANOVA analysis of variance  相似文献   

Summary The structure and organization of the cytoskeleton in the vegetative cell of germinated pollen grains and pollen tubes ofPyrus communis was examined at the ultrastructural level via chemical fixation and freeze substitution, and at the light microscopic level with the aid of immunofluorescence of tubulin and rhodamine-phalloidin.Results indicate that cortical microtubules and microfilaments, together with the plasma membrane, form a structurally integrated cytoskeletal complex. Axially aligned microtubules are present in cortical and cytoplasmic regions of the pollen grain portion of the cell and the distal region of the pollen tube portion. Cytoplasmic bundles of microfilaments are found in association with elements of endoplasmic reticulum and vacuoles. Axially aligned microfilaments are also found in this region, associated with and independent of the microtubules. Microtubules are lacking in the subapical region where short, axially aligned microfilaments are found in the cell cortex. In the apical region, which also lacks microtubules, a 3-dimensional network of short microfilaments occurs. Microfilaments, but not microtubules, appear to be associated with the vegetative nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro pollen-tube growth in maize was studied using an in vitro pollination system. In the cut-silk method, ovaries with silks were placed on medium in vitro, whereafter the silk was cut and the upper part of the silk was pollinated. Pollen tubes were not able to bridge the space between the two silk parts. Even when silk parts were tightly connected, pollen tubes still were not able to pass the cut ends and reach the lower silk part. Pollen-tube growth rates and the direction of tube growth were not influenced by the presence or absence of an ovary. Prepollination did not have any influence on pollen-tube growth rate. Measurements of pollen-tube growth rate also showed that there was no population effect, i.e. growth rate was not stimulated by pollination with an excess of pollen grains. We found that the direction in which maize pollen grew was determined only by the positioning of the silk hairs.  相似文献   

M. Cresti  F. Ciampolini  G. Sarfatti 《Planta》1980,150(3):211-217
No differences have been observed in vivo between Lycopersicum peruvianum compatible and incompatible pollen during activation and pollen tube emission and organization, that is until 4 h and 30 min after pollination. During pollen activation the main events are the setting free of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) cisterns which were stacked in the mature pollen, the increase in the number of polysomes, and a great activity of the dictyosomes. Immediately after germination of the vegetative nucleus and the generative cell move into the tube, the generative cell diviting to form the male gametes; the tube then becomes organized in four zones. This series of changes is similar to what has already been observed in vitro except that in vitro the generative cell remains undivided and the whole process from seeding to tube organization takes 3 h instead of 4 h and 30 min after pollination, as it does in vivo. Our findings are compatible with the main models of the tube inhibition mechanism proposed till now.Abbreviations RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - GC generative cell - VN vegetative nucleus - GP germinative pore Research performed under C.N.R. (Italian National Research Council) program Biology of Reproduction  相似文献   

Summary In Primula obconica, a species with a heteromorphic self-incompatibility system, the distinction between compatible and incompatible pollen tubes takes place on the stigma surface in thrum flowers, self tubes growing randomly over the papillar cells. No differences were seen between self and cross tube behaviour on the pin stigma surface, but self tubes were inhibited within the stigmatic tissue with differences in tube length evident after 24 h. The stigma surface bears a proteinaceous pellicle and binds the lectin Concanavalin A. Removal of the stigma removes the incompatibility barrier in mature gynoecia. Bud pollination shows that pollen tubes cannot grow in a normal manner on immature stigmas; the random growth of tubes over the stigma surface resembles that of mature thrum selfs. Fewer compatible tubes reach the style base of young gynoecia and smaller numbers of seeds are set than in mature flowers. Pin and thrum pollen grains germinate and grow in aqueous media, thrum tubes growing longer than pin. The presence of H3BO4 and CaCl2 in the growth medium promotes tube elongation and lengths equivalent to compatible styles can be obtained. The pollen grains have proteinaceous materials in their walls which diffuse out on moistening. Prolonged washing in aqueous media removes these materials but the incompatibility reaction remains unchanged. Thus the incompatibility reaction is between pollen tubes and stigmatic tissue and differs from the homomorphic, sporophytic system where pollen wall proteins elicit the incompatibility response.  相似文献   

Pollen tube dynamics following different competition regimes were studied in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.). In the process from pollination to fertilization, a constant reduction in the number of pollen tubes that travel along the style is observed. There could be two main causes of this reduction. One is a physical or physiological constraint consisting of the progressive decrease in the reserves and space available for pollen tube growth along the transmitting tissue of the style, and the other is genetic interaction both among the male gametophytes and between the male gametophytes and the female tissues of the flower. To evaluate the roles that these two forces play in reducing the number of pollen tubes that travel along the style, pistils were subjected to various pollen competition regimes by applying different mixtures of live and dead pollen onto the stigmata. The results obtained were similar when the experiment was repeated with different genotypes over 2 years, both in the laboratory and in the field. The role of stylar constriction is important, but it is not the only cause of pollen tube attrition because with low pollen loads fewer pollen tubes reach the different parts of the style than could fit therein. The fact that under different pollen competition regimes the number of pollen tubes is reduced by the same proportion in each stylar level indicates that genetic interactions play an important role in the control of pollen tube attrition.  相似文献   

J. I. Hormaza  M. Herrero 《Protoplasma》1999,208(1-4):129-135
Summary Differences in pollen performance in higher plants can result in significant selective advantages for some particular genotypes leading to both gametophytic and sexual selection. However, the possibility of selection among male gametophytes has been questioned since natural selection could lead to the fixation of alleles for the best competing male genotypes. These two apparently conflicting hypotheses could be reconciled if pollen performance, rather than operating in absolute terms, could be modulated by the pistilar genotype. Thus, pollen performance in vivo and in vitro has been compared in four sweet cherry (Primus avium L.) cultivars. Differences among the cultivars studied have been recorded in the speed and final pollen germination percentages both in vivo and in vitro. The results obtained show that the female genotype also modulates the final result of pollen performance. These two factors are not merely additive but, on the contrary, the interaction between them affects pollen behavior in vivo. This fact has clear implications for gametophytic and sexual selection since the best male-female combinations can be favored and this could explain the variability observed for pollen performance in nature.  相似文献   

Summary InLymnaea stagnalis, mesoderm induction occurs at the 24-cell stage, when the apical tip of the macromere 3D establishes a close contact with a number of micromeres. Via its tip, the macromere 3D is supposed to receive an inductive signal from the micromeres, resulting in the determination of the mesodermal stem cell 4d at the next division. In view of the possibility that transcellular ionic currents might somehow be involved, either in the processes that bring about this particular configuration of blastomeres or in the induction process itself, we mapped the electric field around the embryo during the 24-cell stage, using a vibrating probe. We detected a reversal of the current direction as compared to the uncleaved egg, whilst the polarity of the field along the animal-vegetal axis was maintained. We also mapped the localization of Ca2+-stimulated AT-Pase, an enzyme that drives the Ca2+-efflux from the cell. We found that this enzyme is localized exclusively along the cytoplasmic face of the apical plasma membrane of macromere 3D, and that its presence is restricted to the period from 110 to 135 min after the fifth cleavage, when there is close contact between macormere 3D and the micromeres. Since the localization of the Ca2+-stimulated ATPase coincides both in time and space with the induction of the mesoderm-mother cell, we suggest that localized calcium fluxes may play a role in this induction process.  相似文献   

Effects of heavy metals on pollen tube growth and ultrastructure   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
T. Sawidis  H. -D. Reiss 《Protoplasma》1995,185(3-4):113-122
Summary The influence of different concentrations of the heavy metals cadmium (Cd2+), cobalt (Co2+), copper (Cu2+), iron (Fe2+ and Fe3+), mercury (Hg2+), manganese (Mn2+), and zinc (Zn2+), plus aluminium (Al3+) (a toxic metal in polluted areas), on pollen germination and tube growth ofLilium longiflorum was investigated using light microscopy. Effects could be observed with 3 M and 100 M of heavy metal, added as chloride salts to the medium. Cd2+, Cu2+, and Hg2+, showed the greatest toxicity, whereas germination and growth rate was less affected by Mn2+. Affected tubes showed swelling of the tip region. Tubes treated with Cd2+, Co2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Hg2+, and Mn2+ were also prepared for ultrastructural studies. In all cases, the main effect was abnormal cell wall organization, mostly at the tip, where round, fibrillar aggregates, the shape and size of secretory Golgi vesicles were formed. They built up a loose network which could be up to 10 m thick compared to untreated tubes where the cell wall was composed of thin layers of long fibrils and about 100 nm thick. Cd2+ was the only metal which produced effects at the intracellular level: organelle distribution within the tip region appeared disorganized. A general mechanism of heavy metal action on pollen tube growth is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary During the first four mitotic division cycles of Lymnaea stagnalis embryos, we have detected cell cycle-dependent changes in the pattern of transcellular ionic currents and membrane-bound Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activity. Ionic currents ranging from 0.05 to 2.50 A/cm2 have been measured using the vibrating probe technique. Enzyme activity was detected using Ando's cytochemical method (Ando et al. 1981) which reveals Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase localization at the ultrastructural level, and under high-stringency conditions with respect to calcium availability, it reveals Ca2+-stimulated ATPase. The ionic currents and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase localization have in common that important changes occur during the M-phase of the cell cycles. Minimal outward current at the vegetal pole coincides with metaphase/anaphase. Maximal inward current at the animal pole coincides with the onset of cytokinesis at that pole. Ca2+-stimulated ATPase is absent from one half of the embryo at metaphase/anaphase of the two- and four-cell stage, whereas it is present in all cells during the remaining part of the cell cycle. Since fluctuations of cytosolic free calcium concentrations appear to correlate with both karyokinesis and cytokinesis, we speculate that part of the cyclic pattern of Ca2+-stimulated ATPase localization and of the transcellular ionic currents reflects the elevation of cytosolic free calcium concentration during the M-phase. Offprint requests to: D. Zivkovic  相似文献   

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