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Aims:  A general protocol was derived for optimizing the production of pure, high concentration Clostridium endospore suspensions.
Methods and Results:  Two sporulation methods were developed that yielded high concentrations of notably pure Clostridium sporogenes , C. hungatei and C. GSA-1 (Greenland ice core isolate) spore suspensions (10 ml of 109 spores ml−1 with >99% purity each). Each method was derived by evaluating combinations of three sporulation conditions, including freeze drying of inocula, heat shock treatment of cultures, and subsequent incubation at suboptimal temperatures that yielded the highest percentage of sporulation. Pure spore suspensions were characterized in terms of dipicolinic acid content, culturability, decimal reduction time ( D ) value for heat inactivation (100°C) and hydrophobicity.
Conclusions:  While some Clostridium species produce a high percentage of spores with heat shock treatment and suboptimal temperature incubation, other species require the additional step of freeze drying the inocula to achieve a high percentage of sporulation.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Pure Clostridium spore suspensions are required for investigating species of medical and environmental importance. Defining the conditions for optimal spore production also provides insight into the underlying mechanisms of Clostridium sporulation.  相似文献   

A fully automated anthrax smoke detector (ASD) has been developed and tested. The ASD is intended to serve as a cost effective front-end monitor for anthrax surveillance systems. The principle of operation is based on measuring airborne endospore concentrations, where a sharp concentration increase signals an anthrax attack. The ASD features an air sampler, a thermal lysis unit, a syringe pump, a time-gated spectrometer, and endospore detection chemistry comprised of dipicolinic acid (DPA)-triggered terbium ion (Tb(3+)) luminescence. Anthrax attacks were simulated using aerosolized Bacillus atrophaeus spores in fumed silica, and corresponding Tb-DPA intensities were monitored as a function of time and correlated to the number of airborne endospores collected. A concentration dependence of 10(2)-10(6) spores/mg of fumed silica yielded a dynamic range of 4 orders of magnitude and a limit of detection of 16 spores/L when 250 L of air were sampled. Simulated attacks were detected in less than 15 min.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine whether microarray analysis could be employed for the differential identification of a range of environmental Bacillus sp. from four strains of Bacillus anthracis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Oligonucleotide probes were designed that were specific to virulence factor genes of B. anthracis (pag, lef and cap), the variable number tandem repeat region of the B. anthracis vrrA gene and to the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic transcribed spacer region (ITS) and pleiotropic regulator (plcR) regions of the Bacillus cereus subgroup species. Generic probes were also designed to hybridize with conserved regions of the 16S rRNA genes of Bacillus (as a positive control), Neisseria sp., Pseudomonas sp., Streptococcus sp., Mycobacterium sp. and to all members of the Enterobacteriaceae to allow simultaneous detection of these bacteria. Identification of B. anthracis was found to rely entirely on hybridization of DNA specific to regions of the pag, lef and cap genes. Cross-reaction was observed between B. anthracis and other Bacillus species with all the other Bacillus probes tested. Results obtained using microarray hybridizations were confirmed using conventional microbiological techniques and found to have very high comparability. CONCLUSIONS: Microarray-based assays are an effective method for the identification of B. anthracis from mixed-culture environmental samples without problems of false-positivity that have been observed with conventional PCR assays. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Identification of environmental Bacillus sp. by conventional PCR is prone to potential for reporting false-positives. This study provides a method for the exclusion of such isolates.  相似文献   

Aims: To (i) evaluate the UV radiation in the ‘C’ band/high efficient particulate air (UVC/HEPA) instrument’s potential to inactivate spores of Bacillus atrophaeus and selected Bacillus species and (ii) test whether a titanium dioxide coating inside the cylindrical HEPA filter improves the system's efficacy. Methods and Results: Known amounts of dried spore preparations of B. atrophaeus, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus stearothermophilus and Bacillus thuringiensis were exposed to the UVC lamp within a cylindrical HEPA filter for different time lengths (30 min to 48 h) and with different air flow speeds (0–235 l s?1). The log10 reduction (range 5–16 logs) of colony forming units for spores exposed to the UVC compared with the unexposed spores was significant (P < 0·0001). The addition of a titanium dioxide (TiO2) veneer to the interior surface of the HEPA filter significantly increased the inactivation of spores (P < 0·0001). Conclusions: The UVC/HEPA unit could inactivate spores of B. atrophaeus, B. cereus, B. megaterium, B. stearothermophilus and B. thuringiensis. Significance and Impact of the Study: The UVC/HEPA unit represents an effective method of decontaminating circulating air within an air‐duct system as found in a building.  相似文献   

In terms of resistance to extreme environmental stresses, the bacterial spore represents a pinnacle of evolution. Spores are highly resistant to a wide variety of physical stresses such as: wet and dry heat, UV and gamma radiation, oxidizing agents, chemicals, and extremes of both vacuum and ultrahigh hydrostatic pressure. Some of the molecular mechanisms underlying spore resistance properties have been elucidated in the laboratory, and involve both: (i) protection of vital spore macromolecules during dormancy, and (ii) repair of damaged macromolecules during germination. Our group has recently become interested in testing if the laboratory model of spore UV resistance is relevant to spore persistence in the environment. We have constructed a number of Bacillus subtilis strains which are defective in various DNA repair systems and spore structural components. Using spores of these strains, we have been exploring: (i) the types of damage induced in DNA by the UV-B and UV-A components of sunlight; (ii) the relative contribution of the major spore DNA repair systems to spore solar radiation resistance; and (iii) the role of spore structural components such as the spore coats and dipicolinic acid (DPA) in attenuation of the lethal and mutagenic effects of solar UV. The current data are reviewed with the ultimate goal of obtaining a complete model describing spore persistence and longevity in the terrestrial solar UV radiation environment. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Aim: We will validate sample collection methods for recovery of microbial evidence in the event of accidental or intentional release of biological agents into the environment. Methods and Results: We evaluated the sample recovery efficiencies of two collection methods – swabs and wipes – for both nonvirulent and virulent strains of Bacillus anthracis and Yersinia pestis from four types of nonporous surfaces: two hydrophilic surfaces, stainless steel and glass, and two hydrophobic surfaces, vinyl and plastic. Sample recovery was quantified using real‐time qPCR to assay for intact DNA signatures. We found no consistent difference in collection efficiency between swabs or wipes. Furthermore, collection efficiency was more surface‐dependent for virulent strains than nonvirulent strains. For the two nonvirulent strains, collection efficiency was similar between all four surfaces, albeit B. anthracis Sterne exhibited higher levels of recovery compared to Y. pestis A1122. In contrast, recovery of B. anthracis Ames spores and Y. pestis CO92 from the hydrophilic glass or stainless steel surfaces was generally more efficient compared to collection from the hydrophobic vinyl and plastic surfaces. Conclusions: Our results suggest that surface hydrophobicity may play a role in the strength of pathogen adhesion. The surface‐dependent collection efficiencies observed with the virulent strains may arise from strain‐specific expression of capsular material or other cell surface receptors that alter cell adhesion to specific surfaces. Significance and Impact of the Study: These findings contribute to the validation of standard bioforensics procedures and emphasize the importance of specific strain and surface interactions in pathogen detection.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended swab surface sample collection method for recovery efficiency and limit of detection for powdered Bacillus spores from nonporous surfaces. METHODS AND RESULTS: Stainless steel and painted wallboard surface coupons were seeded with dry aerosolized Bacillus atrophaeus spores and surface concentrations determined. The observed mean rayon swab recovery efficiency from stainless steel was 0.41 with a standard deviation (SD) of +/-0.17 and for painted wallboard was 0.41 with an SD of +/-0.23. Evaluation of a sonication extraction method for the rayon swabs produced a mean extraction efficiency of 0.76 with an SD of +/-0.12. Swab recovery quantitative limits of detection were estimated at 25 colony forming units (CFU) per sample area for both stainless steel and painted wallboard. CONCLUSIONS: The swab sample collection method may be appropriate for small area sampling (10 -25 cm2) with a high agent concentration, but has limited value for large surface areas with a low agent concentration. The results of this study provide information necessary for the interpretation of swab environmental sample collection data, that is, positive swab samples are indicative of high surface concentrations and may imply a potential for exposure, whereas negative swab samples do not assure that organisms are absent from the surfaces sampled and may not assure the absence of the potential for exposure. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: It is critical from a public health perspective that the information obtained is accurate and reproducible. The consequence of an inappropriate public health response founded on information gathered using an ineffective or unreliable sample collection method has the potential for undesired social and economic impact.  相似文献   

Industrial symbiosis (IS), where different entities collaborate in the management of energy, utilities, materials, or services, has been identified as an approach to improve resource efficiency and circularity in industry. This article assesses the environmental performance of an IS network with firms involved in waste management, soil, surfaces, paper, lumber, and energy. The aim is to highlight the environmental performance of an IS network and pay particular attention to the improved performance for products in the IS network. Life cycle assessment is used to compare the current IS network with a reference scenario and a potential future development. The results suggest that there are significant benefits from the IS network. Large reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and abiotic resource depletion were identified. Furthermore, large reductions in local impacts, namely eutrophication and acidification impacts are illustrated. It was shown that all firms in the network benefit from the synergies involved, with a large share of the benefits stemming from the facilitated exchanges with the waste management company. The replacement of conventional products and energy streams with bio‐based counterparts from within the network is of significant importance. Finally, the results point to the importance of the facilitation of by‐product synergies, and the significant value this creates in the region, with large potential to improve the environmental performance of firms and their products.  相似文献   

Twelve Laboratory Response Network (LRN) affiliated laboratories participated in a validation study of a macrofoam swab protocol for the recovery, detection, and quantification of viable B. anthracis (BA) Sterne spores from steel surfaces. CDC personnel inoculated steel coupons (26 cm2) with 1-4 log10 BA spores and recovered them by sampling with pre-moistened macrofoam swabs. Phase 1 (P1) of the study evaluated swabs containing BA only, while dust and background organisms were added to swabs in Phase 2 (P2) to mimic environmental conditions. Laboratories processed swabs and enumerated spores by culturing eluted swab suspensions and counting colonies with morphology consistent with BA. Processed swabs were placed in enrichment broth, incubated 24 h, and cultured by streaking for isolation. Real-time PCR was performed on selected colonies from P2 samples to confirm the identity of BA. Mean percent recovery (%R) of spores from the surface ranged from 15.8 to 31.0% (P1) and from 27.9 to 55.0% (P2). The highest mean percent recovery was 31.0% (sd 10.9%) for P1 (4 log10 inoculum) and 55.0% (sd 27.6%) for P2 (1 log10 inoculum). The overall %R was higher for P2 (44.6%) than P1 (24.1%), but the overall reproducibility (between-lab variability) was lower in P2 than in P1 (25.0 vs 16.5%CV, respectively). The overall precision (within-lab variability) was close to identical for P1 and P2 (44.0 and 44.1, respectively), but varied greatly between inoculum levels. The protocol demonstrated linearity in %R over the three inoculum levels and is able to detect between 26 and 5 × 106 spores/26 cm2. Sensitivity as determined by culture was > 98.3% for both phases and all inocula, suggesting that the culture method maintains sensitivity in the presence of contaminants. The enrichment broth method alone was less sensitive for sampled swabs (66.4%) during P2, suggesting that the presence of background organisms inhibited growth or isolation of BA from the broth. The addition of real-time PCR testing to the assay increased specificity from > 85.4% to > 95.0% in P2. Although the precision was low at the 1 log10 inoculum level in both phases (59.0 and 50.2%), this swab processing protocol, was sensitive, specific, precise, and reproducible at 2-4 log10/26 cm2 spore concentrations.  相似文献   

Aims:  Concentration of pathogens diluted in large volumes of water is necessary for their detection. An automated concentration system placed online in drinking water distribution systems would facilitate detection and mitigate the risk to public health.
Methods and Results:  A prototype concentrator based on dead-end hollow fibre ultrafiltration was used to concentrate Bacillus atrophaeus spores directly from tap water. Backflush was used to recover accumulated particulates for analysis. In field tests conducted on a water utility distribution system, 3·2 × 104–1·4 × 106 CFU ml−1 (6·1 × 106–3·0 × 108 CFU) were recovered from the filter when 2·9 × 107–1·0 × 109 CFU were spiked into the system. Per cent recovery ranged from 21% to 68% for flow volumes of 15–21 l. Tests using spore influent levels <10 CFU l−1 (spike < 1000 CFU) yielded 23–40% recovery for volumes >100 l.
Conclusions:  B. atrophaeus spores at levels <10 CFU l−1 were concentrated directly from tap water using an automated dead-end hollow-fibre ultrafiltration system.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The prototype concentrator represents a critical step towards an autonomous system that could be installed in drinking water distribution lines or other critical water lines to facilitate monitoring. Recovered samples can be analysed using standard or rapid biosensor methods.  相似文献   



Nine commercial DNA extraction kits were evaluated for the isolation of DNA from 10‐fold serial dilutions of Bacillus anthracis spores using quantitative real‐time PCR (qPCR). The three kits determined by qPCR to yield the most sensitive and consistent detection (Epicenter MasterPure Gram Positive; MoBio PowerFood; ABI PrepSeq) were subsequently tested for their ability to isolate DNA from trace amounts of B. anthracis spores (approx. 6·5 × 101 and 1·3 × 102 CFU in 25 ml or 50 g of food sample) spiked into complex food samples including apple juice, ham, whole milk and bagged salad and recovered with immunomagnetic separation (IMS).

Methods and Results

The MasterPure kit effectively and consistently isolated DNA from low amounts of B. anthracis spores captured from food samples. Detection was achieved from apple juice, ham, whole milk and bagged salad from as few as 65 ± 14, 68 ± 8, 66 ± 4 and 52 ± 16 CFU, respectively, and IMS samples were demonstrated to be free of PCR inhibitors.


Detection of B. anthracis spores isolated from food by IMS differs substantially between commercial DNA extraction kits; however, sensitive results can be obtained with the MasterPure Gram Positive kit.

Significance and Impact of the Study

The extraction protocol identified herein combined with IMS is novel for B. anthracis and allows detection of low levels of B. anthracis spores from contaminated food samples.  相似文献   

Aims: To establish a reliable protocol to extract DNA from Pasteuria penetrans endospores for use as template in multiple strand amplification, thus providing sufficient material for genetic analyses. To develop a highly sensitive PCR‐based diagnostic tool for P. penetrans. Methods and Results: An optimized method to decontaminate endospores, release and purify DNA enabled multiple strand amplification. DNA purity was assessed by cloning and sequencing gyrB and 16S rRNA gene fragments obtained from PCR using generic primers. Samples indicated to be 100%P. penetrans by the gyrB assay were estimated at 46% using the 16S rRNA gene. No bias was detected on cloning and sequencing 12 housekeeping and sporulation gene fragments from amplified DNA. The detection limit by PCR with Pasteuria‐specific 16S rRNA gene primers following multiple strand amplification of DNA extracted using the method was a single endospore. Conclusions: Generation of large quantities DNA will facilitate genomic sequencing of P. penetrans. Apparent differences in sample purity are explained by variations in 16S rRNA gene copy number in Eubacteria leading to exaggerated estimations of sample contamination. Detection of single endospores will facilitate investigations of P. penetrans molecular ecology. Significance and Impact of the Study: These methods will advance studies on P. penetrans and facilitate research on other obligate and fastidious micro‐organisms where it is currently impractical to obtain DNA in sufficient quantity and quality.  相似文献   

Environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling, the detection of species‐specific genetic material in water samples, is an emerging tool for monitoring aquatic invasive species. Optimizing eDNA sampling protocols can be challenging because there is imperfect understanding of how each step of the protocol influences its sensitivity. This paper develops a probabilistic model that characterizes each step of an eDNA sampling protocol to evaluate the protocol's overall detection sensitivity for one sample. The model is then applied to analyse how changes over time made to the eDNA sampling protocol to detect bighead (BH) and silver carp (SC) eDNA have influenced its sensitivity, and hence interpretation of the results. The model shows that changes to the protocol have caused the sensitivity of the protocol to fluctuate. A more efficient extraction method in 2013, new species‐specific markers with a qPCR assay in 2014, and a more efficient capture method in 2015 have improved the sensitivity, while switching to a larger elution volume in 2013 and a smaller sample volume in 2015 have reduced the sensitivity. Overall, the sensitivity of the current protocol is higher for BH eDNA detection and SC eDNA detection compared to the original protocol used from 2009 to 2012. The paper shows how this model of eDNA sampling can be used to evaluate the effect of proposed changes in an eDNA sampling and analysis protocol on the sensitivity of that protocol to help researchers optimize their design.  相似文献   

短小芽孢杆菌(Bacillus pumilus)是一种能引起食源性疾病的腐败菌,对其进行快速检测具有重要意义。针对短小芽孢杆菌木聚糖(xynA)基因,设计了4条特异性引物(两条内引物和两条外引物),通过条件优化,首次将一种新颖的核酸扩增技术——环介导恒温扩增技术应用于短小芽孢杆菌的快速检测。采用该技术,63℃温育1h的条件下扩增短小芽孢杆菌DNA,琼脂糖凝胶电泳得到特异性梯度条带。PCR和LAMP的检测灵敏度分别约为162和16.2拷贝每反应。结果表明,该方法检测短小芽孢杆菌特异性强、灵敏度高、操作简便、检测成本低,1h即可完成,有望发展成为快速检测短小芽孢杆菌的有效手段。  相似文献   

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