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Phylogenetic relationships of gecarcinucoid freshwater crabs were investigated, based on morphology of the male second gonopod. In addition, a comparison of sequences from the mitochondrial large subunit rRNA gene helped to resolve the phylogeny of this group and relationships to other Old World freshwater crabs. As a result, we recognise two sister groups within the Gecarcinucoidea, the African Deckeniidae and the Asian Gecarcinucidae. Deckeniidae includes three monophyletic clades, the Deckeniinae in East Africa and on the Seychelles, the West African Globonautinae and the Malagasy Hydrothelphusinae. Gecarcinucidae comprises two sister groups, the Gecarcinucinae with representatives in Sri Lanka, India and southeast Asia, and the Parathelphusinae in India, southeast Asia, the Sundaic Islands and Australia. Interpretation of our phylogenetic results leads us to propose a new biogeographic hypothesis for the Gecarcinucoidea. Most likely, the gecarcinucoid freshwater crabs have an African origin; their distribution can be explained by successive events of dispersal. This model can be correlated with palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatological data for the Cenozoic, suggesting a gecarcinucoid dispersal to Asia via the “Lemurian Stepping-Stones”, a chain of islands in the West-Indian Ocean that were emergent in times of low sea levels during the Oligocene.  相似文献   

An assessment of the global freshwater crab diversity is presented. A total of 1,476 species in 14 families are currently known from all zoogeographical regions (except Antarctica), including 1,306 species in eight exclusively freshwater families (Pseudothelphusidae, Trichodactylidae, Potamonautidae, Deckeniidae, Platythelphusidae, Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae and Parathelphusidae). Estimates of true freshwater crab diversity including likely numbers of undescribed taxa suggest that the field remains largely in a “discovery” phase. Main ideas on the origins, diversification, and phylogeny of true freshwater crabs are briefly discussed. The economic importance of freshwater crabs is also highlighted. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Phylogenetics of Cancer crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura).   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We used morphological, mitochondrial DNA sequence, paleontological, and biogeographical information to examine the evolutionary history of crabs of the genus Cancer. Phylogenies inferred from adult morphology and DNA sequence of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene were each well resolved and well supported, but differed substantially in topology. Four lines of evidence suggested that the COI data set accurately reflected Cancer phylogeny: (1) in the phylogeny inferred from morphological data, each Atlantic species was sister taxon to an ecologically similar Pacific species, suggesting convergence in morphology; (2) a single trans-Arctic dispersal event, as indicated by the phylogeny inferred from COI, is more parsimonious than two such dispersal events, as inferred from morphology; (3) test and application of a maximum likelihood molecular clock to the COI data yielded estimates of origin and speciation times that fit well with the fossil record; and (4) the tree inferred from the combined COI and morphology data was closely similar to the trees inferred from COI, although notably less well supported by the bootstrap. The phylogeny inferred from maximum likelihood analysis of COI suggested that Cancer originated in the North Pacific in the early Miocene, that the Atlantic species arose from a North Pacific ancestor, and that Cancer crabs invaded the Atlantic from the North Pacific 6-12 mya. This inferred invasion time is notably prior to most estimates of the date of submergence of the Bering Strait and the trans-Arctic interchange, but it agrees with fossil evidence placing at least one Cancer species in the Atlantic about 8 mya.  相似文献   

蟹类精子超微结构的比较研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
应用光镜和电镜,比较研究了三疣梭子蟹,中华绒螯蟹和长江华溪蟹的成熟精子。揭示3种蟹精子都是不能游动的无鞭毛精子,呈球形,前后略扁,精子前端出现一光滑的小圆面,圆面四周有内陷的沟环。沟环之后,精子表面凹凸不平,并伸出多数辐射臂。3种蟹精子均为高度特化的细胞,外被质膜,内含细胞核,顶体及退化的细胞质。  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the ovary during development and yolk production is poorly known in Brachyura and Majoidea in particular. Here, we describe the histology, histochemistry and ultrastructure of the adult ovarian cycle in four Mithracidae species from three different genera: Mithrax hispidus, Mithrax tortugae, Mithraculus forceps and Omalacantha bicornuta. All species showed a similar pattern of ovarian development and vitellogenesis. Macroscopically, we detected three stages of ovarian development: rudimentary (RUD), developing (DE) and mature (MAT); however, in histological and ultrastructural analyses, we identified four stages of development. The oocytes of the RUD stage, during endogenous vitellogenesis, have basophilic cytoplasm filled with dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum. The reticulum lumen showed many granular to electron-dense materials among the different stages of development. The Golgi complexes were only observed in the RUD stage and are responsible for releasing vesicles that merge to the endogenous or immature yolk vesicles. At the early DE stage, the oolemma showed many coated and endocytic vesicles at the cortex. The endocytic vesicles merge with the endogenous yolk to form the exogenous or mature yolk vesicles, always surrounded by a membrane, characterizing exogenous vitellogenesis. The exogenous yolk vesicles comprise glycoproteins, showing only neutral polysaccharides. At the late DE stage, endocytosis still occurs, but the amount of endogenous yolk decreases while the exogenous yolk increases. The late DE stage is characterized by the beginning of chorion production among the microvilli. The MAT stage is similar to the late DE, but the endogenous yolk is restricted to a few cytoplasmic areas, the ooplasma is filled with exogenous yolk, and the oolemma has very few coated vesicles. In the MAT stage, the chorion is fully formed and shows two electron-dense layers. The ovarian development of the species studied has many similarities with the very little known Majoidea in terms of the composition, arrangement and increment of the yolk vesicles during oocyte maturation. The main differences are in the vitellogenesis process, where immature yolk formation occurs without the direct participation of the mitochondria but with the participation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum in the endogenous phase.  相似文献   

Commensal pea crabs inhabiting bivalves have a high reproductive output due to the extension andfecundity of the ovary. We studied the underlying morphology of the female reproductive system in the Pinnotheridae Pinnotheres pisum, Pinnotheres pectunculi and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres using light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Eubrachyura have internal fertilization: the paired vaginas enlarge into storage structures, the spermathecae, which are connected to the ovaries by oviducts. Sperm is stored inside the spermathecae until the oocytes are mature. The oocytes are transported by oviducts into the spermathecae where fertilization takes place. In the investigated pinnotherids, the vagina is of the “concave pattern” (sensu Hartnoll 1968 ): musculature is attached alongside flexible parts of the vagina wall that controls the dimension of its lumen. The genital opening is closed by a muscular mobile operculum. The spermatheca can be divided into two distinct regions by function and morphology. The ventral part includes the connection with vagina and oviduct and is regarded as the zone where fertilization takes place. It is lined with cuticle except where the oviduct enters the spermatheca by the “holocrine transfer tissue.” At ovulation, the oocytes have to pass through this multilayered glandular epithelium performing holocrine secretion. The dorsal part of the spermatheca is considered as the main sperm storage area. It is lined by a highly secretory apocrine glandular epithelium. Thus, two different forms of secretion occur in the spermathecae of pinnotherids. The definite role of secretion in sperm storage and fertilization is not yet resolved, but it is notable that structure and function of spermathecal secretion are more complex in pinnotherids, and probably more efficient, than in other brachyuran crabs. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Some unidentified planktonic larval stages have been assignedto the Calappidae using Rice's key of Brachyura families. Zoeastage I from the eastern region of the Algerian coast (westernMediterranean Sea) has been attributed, according to Manningand Holthuis (1980), to Calappa granulata (L.), the only recordedrepresentative of the family from the Mediterranean Sea. Zoealstages 1-lV from the Jordanian coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, NorthernRed Sea, have been reported to the subfamily Matutinae. Comparisonsof larvae of Calappa and of Hepatus and then, of larvae of Hepatusand of Matuta, show that Hepatus larvae are more closely relatedto those of Calappa, while those of Matuta are clearly distinct.It s suggested to place the genus Hepatus with the Calappinae.Guinot (1966. 1978) placed some genera, including Hepatus. ina 'unit parthenoxystomienne, lea Aethrinae'. Larval developmentis unknown for Aethra, Actaeomorpha. Hepatella andOsachila.However, comparison of Hepatus larvae with those of Parthenopidaeshows that larval characters, particularly the setation of theendopod of the first maxilliped, are not conclusive for supportingsuch a regrouping. Moreover, the Calappidae have a combinationof primitive and advanced features which suggest that theirgrouping in the Oxystomata seems more likely to be an adaptationto a similar way of life. The morphotypal taxon Oxystornatahas been definitively rejected by Guinot (1978).  相似文献   

Freshwater crab sister group relationships with marine eubrachyuran families were investigated. A morphology-based cladistic analysis was conducted on representatives of the freshwater crab families Deckeniidae, Gecarcinucidae, Parathelphusidae, Potamidae, Potamonautidae, Pseudothelphusidae, and Trichodactylidae using a disparate assemblage of marine heterotreme and thoracotreme brachyurans as possible sister groups. The monophyly of the freshwater crabs sensu lato is falsified. The family Trichodactylidae and the marine portunid subfamily Carcininae form basal groups within the superfamily Portunoidea. The monophyly of the Pseudothelphusidae and the Paleotropical freshwater crab families is supported, and this clade is the sister group of the Thoracotremata (Gecarcinidae, Grapsidae s.l., and Ocypodoidea). The origin, groundplan, and diversification of freshwater crabs are discussed in the context of previously published scenarios of their evolution.  相似文献   

A crab Planes marinus Rathbun, 1914 was found on a drifting buoy in Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan). The crab probably arrived in the bay with subtropical waters penetrating into this area during the summer period.  相似文献   

Eleven species of Geothelphusa have been reported from southwestern Taiwan (Tainan, Kaohsiung and the northern part of Pingtung counties): G. albogilva Shy, Ng, and Yu, 1994; G. ancylophallus Shy, Ng, and Yu, 1994; G. caesia Shy, Ng, and Yu, 1994; G. lili Chen, Cheng, and Shy, 2005; G. nanhsi Shy, Ng, and Yu, 1994; G. neipu Chen, Cheng, and Shy, 1998; G. olea Shy, Ng, and Yu, 1994; G. pingtung Tan and Liu, 1998; G. shernshan Chen, Cheng, and Shy, 2005; G. tsayae Shy, Ng, and Yu, 1994 and G. wutai Shy, Ng, and Yu, 1994. Comparisons of DNA sequences encoding parts of the mitochondrial large subunit (16S) rRNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) genes revealed three major clades, of which one is the species G. ancylophallus, and the other two are species groups here referred to as the G. olea and G. pingtung clades. Geothelphusa ancylophallus is geographically restricted and adapted to an ecologically challenging habitat with an unstable water supply and uneven topology. The G. olea clade (G. olea, G. caesia, G. nanhsi, G. tsayae, and G. wutai) is widely distributed throughout central-western and southwestern Taiwan. The G. pingtung clade (G. pingtung, G. neipu and G. shernshan) is confined to southwestern Taiwan between the previously defined southernmost clades of G. tawu, G. albogilva, and G. ferruginea, and the G. olea clade to the north. It includes an isolated population on distant Chaishan Mountain near Taiwan Strait, which probably dispersed from the peripheral hills of the Central Range during the early Pleistocene. The available genetic evidence indicates that the differential coloration observed in members of the G. olea and G. pingtung clades is not reflected in mtDNA, appears to be dependent on environmental conditions, food, etc., and has little value as a taxonomic character. Possible geological events and climatic factors responsible for the historic isolation of the different freshwater crab clades in southwestern Taiwan are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1 Foraging of the freshwater crab Potamon fluviatile was studied by recording the activity of seventy-eight specimens in a 50 m2 pool in a Tuscan stream during early summer. Foraging was related both to the organic content of the substrate and to the crabs' oxygen consumption. During this period, adult females underwent "second vitellogenesis". with abundant deposition of yolk in oocytes.
2. A dispotic distribution (not accompanied by agonistic interactions, but 'peacefully' based on size) was observed within the foraging area. Larger animals (mostly males) fed on the rare patches of vegetable debris, which presented the highest organic content. Conversely, smaller specimens were relegated lo the poorer substrates, such as the stream banks.
3. The females extended and diversified their foraging areas by also venturing into terrestrial habitats, in contrast to the more sedentary and aquatic males. This behaviour (which was not accompanied by a different energetic output) resulted in a more proteinaceous diet (even when the N-content of vegetable debris fell drastically), and in a significant increase in fats and the hepatopancreas index.
4. The reserves of energetic substances are presumed to sustain the highly expensive vitellogenesis, with the production of macrolecithal eggs. The females' behaviour as energy maximizers' seemed to be under a strong selective pressure, since their reproductive success is directly related to the efficient harvesting of food.  相似文献   

Gall crabs are obligate associates of stony corals in which they induce skeletal modifications. In some cryptochirid species, females live in open depressions accessible to males; while in others, females are rather isolated in semiclosed galls, which necessitates elaborate sperm storage capabilities by the female. In this study we investigate the female gross morphology and reproductive systems of Fungicola syzygia lodged in semiclosed flattened pits, Opecarcinus cathyae with semiopen pits and Pseudocryptochirus viridis from shallow open depressions using line drawings and histological methods. The general morphology of the cryptochirids' reproductive systems is uniform and conforms to other thoracotreme brachyurans: paired muscular vaginae of the concave pattern lead from the sternal gonopores into paired seminal receptacles where sperm is stored. The seminal receptacle is internally lined by distinct types of epithelia: a cuticle underlined by a columnar epithelium ventrally, a monolayered secretory epithelium dorsally and a multilayered transfer tissue where the oviducts enter the seminal receptacle. In all studied specimens, the seminal receptacle contained free spermatozoa; however, in specimens of Pseudocryptochirus viridis it also contained spermatophores, indicating a recent insemination. In contrast to most other brachyurans ovaries of the investigated cryptochirids extend into the pleon. The specific degree of ovary extension differs between the studied species and is closely related to female body shape.  相似文献   

The Brachyura, within the decapod crustaceans, is one of the most species-rich taxa with up to 10 000 species. However, its phylogenetic history, evolution and fossil record remain subjects of controversy. In our study, we examined the phylogenetic relationships of the Brachyura based on morphological characters of the foregut. The cladistic analysis supports a monophyletic Brachyura including the Dromiidae and Raninidae. A clade comprising Dromiidae and Dynomenidae forms the most basal assemblage within the Brachyura, followed by the Homolidae and Latreilliidae. As a result, neither Podotremata nor Archaeobrachyura form a clade. In contrast, foregut data suggest that the classical taxon Oxystomata, comprising Calappidae, Parthenopidae, Dorippidae, Leucosiidae, Cymonomidae and Raninidae, is monophyletic. This makes the Heterotremata paraphyletic or polyphyletic. A newly established taxon, Neobrachyura, embraces some representatives of the Heterotremata and the monophyletic Thoracotremata.  相似文献   

The false spider crabs of the family Hymenosomatidae are one of the most poorly known group of brachyuran crabs in Southeast Asia. This is largely attributed to their small size and cryptic behaviour. Despite the many studies of decapods in Southeast Asia, only eleven species of hymenosomatids are known. Of these, two genera and six species were only described in the last two years. From Singapore the largest number of species (five) has been reported probably because it has been the best explored, while from Thailand three species and Peninsular Malaysia two species are known. There are no published records of hymenosomatids from Borneo or Java. The hymenosomatid fauna is perhaps best known in Australia and New Zealand. It is anticipated that when proper collections are made and studies implemented, the Southeast Asian hymenosomatid fauna will prove to be more diverse than what has been reported. The ecology of the Southeast Asian species is reviewed, especially in the view that two species are completely freshwater, one of which is a troglobite. Most species are littoral or sublittoral in habit and very sensitive to human activities (e.g. pollution).  相似文献   

Pea crabs of the subfamily Pinnotherinae (Pinnotheridae) have a high investment in reproduction and an outstanding reproductive output, probably as an adaptation to the required increase in reproductive rate due to the pinnotherids small size and their parasitic, host‐dependant way of life. In the present study, we investigate the male internal reproductive structures and the ultrastructure of spermatozoa of Pinnotheres pisum and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres by histological methods and both scanning‐ and transmission electron microscopy. In the Brachyura, the male internal reproductive systems generally consist of paired testes and corresponding vasa deferentia where spermatozoa develop and mature. Spermatozoal ultrastructure of the investigated pinnotherids conforms to the thoracotreme type, however, N. pinnotheres has an accessory opercular ring and a periopercular rim, neither of which are present in spermatozoa of P. pisum. Spermatozoa are enclosed within spermatophores in the secretory proximal vas deferens. Two types of secretions were observed in P. pisum and N. pinnotheres: an electron dense substance secreted in the proximal vas deferens involved in spermatophore formation, and large electron‐luscent vesicles constituting the seminal plasma in the medial and distal vas deferens. The medial vas deferens is strongly widened compared to other brachyurans to purpose storing spermatophores embedded in seminal plasma. Tubular appendices, which produce and store large amounts of seminal plasma, arise from the distal region of the vas deferens. The appendices extend into the ventral cephalothorax and also in the first pleomere. The latter being an exceptional location for reproductive structures among male brachyurans. J. Morphol. 274:1312–1322, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Five species belonging to two genera of pinnotherid crabs are reported from the Yellow Sea. Two are new to science, namely: Sakaina glabra sp. nov. and Sakaina granulata sp. nov.; while three species are recorded for the first time from China: Pinnaxodes majorOrtmann, 1894, Pinnaxodes mutuensisSakai, 1939, and Sakaina japonicaSerène, 1964. Sakaina glabra can be easily distinguished from congeners by lacking a thick rim of pubescence along the anterolateral margin of the carapace. Sakaina granulata closely resembles S. asiatica (Sakai, 1933), but differs mainly in having a row of granule-like denticles along the anterolateral margin of its carapace.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of a brachyuran crab, Allograea tomentosa n. gen. and n. sp., of the family Bythograeidae, collected at a hydrothermal vent locality south of the Easter Microplate (31 degrees 09'S) on the southern East Pacific Rise, is described. The genus Allograea is distinguished by lacking modifications of the fronto-orbital region, and by the absence of coloured fields and setal patches on the carapace and chelipeds. The body and legs are smooth but densely covered by a brown tomentum, the eyestalks are not reduced, but the cornea is unfaceted and unpigmented. Comparison of mitochondrial DNA sequences among all known bythograeid genera confirms the novelty of this taxon.  相似文献   

Comparative ultrastructure of majoid spermatozoa belonging to 23 species, in 19 genera and five families, is considered, with new data on Schizophrys aspera; S. rufescens (Majidae, Majinae); Camposcia retusa (Inachidae); Pyromaia tuberculata (Inachoididae); and Huenia heraldica and Menaethius monoceros (Epialtidae, Epialtinae). The oregoniid Chionoecetes opilio, and inachids Cyrtomaia furici, Platymaia rebierei, Macropodia longirostris and Inachus phalangium, possibly with Camposcia retusa, but not Podochela riisei, appear to form a group. Within the inachids, Macropodia and Inachus are especially close. A domed central acrosome zone, seen in most inachid sperm, in majines (both Schizophrys species), in pisines (Oxypleurodon orbiculatus and O. stuckiae) and epialtines (Huenia heraldica and Menaethius monoceros), appears to be an autapomorphy of these majoids. A peripheral acrosome zone is seen in the inachid Grypacheus hyalinus, two inachoidids (P. tuberculata and Stenorhynchus seticornis) and the majid Maja squinado. Pyromaia tuberculata differs from other inachoidids in having a slightly dome‐shaped operculum. The mithracine Macrocoeloma trispinosum (Majidae) sperm more closely resembles Inachoididae, than Inachidae. Spermatologically, the family Majidae and the subfamily Majinae are not homogeneous. Spermatozoal ultrastructure does not support a majoid–hymenosomatid relationship and is equivocal with regard to the placement of Cryptochiridae in either the Thoracotremata or Heterotremata, the prominent operculum strongly differentiates cryptochirids from Majoidea.  相似文献   

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