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Release of spermatozoa from the receptaculum seminis of Schistocerca vaga was studied by means of electrical and mechanical stimulation. Electrical stimulation of the receptaculum nerve, or the ductus aperture nerve, leads to release of spermatozoa from the receptaculum seminis, provided the spermathecal innervation is intact. Mechanical stimulation of the ductus aperture in the genital chamber also leads to sperm release, provided the neural loop, ductus aperture/terminal abdominal ganglion/receptaculum seminis, has not been interrupted at any point. Ten somata in the terminal abdominal ganglion, including 6 dorsal unpaired medial (DUM) neurons, innervate the receptaculum seminis; some of these somata may be neurosecretory. Approximately 80 presumed sensory axons run from the ductus aperture to the same ganglion. On the basis of these neuroanatomical data and the results of electrical and mechanical stimulation, a schema of how the release mechanisms operate in S. vaga is proposed.  相似文献   

The effects of carcass size and male presence on clutch size in Nicrophorus quadripunctatus were examined. Male presence increased clutch size and improved the female's ability to produce replacement clutches. Clutch size was also related to carcass size. There was a negative correlation between number of clutches and clutch size for most carcass sizes. We conclude that N. quadripunctatus is potentially iteroparous and hypothesize that reproductive energy is reserved for brood failure.  相似文献   

In the present study, we present the full sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the African desert locust Schistocerca gregaria gregaria. The size of 15625 bp reported matches very well with mitochondrial genomes of other Orthopteriodea. The mitochondrial genome comprises 13 protein‐coding genes, two ribosomal RNAs and 22 t‐RNAs with two t‐RNA (trnD and trnK) rearrangements that are typical for the taxon Caelifera. We compared the sequence with 12 mitochondrial genes of Schistocerca gregaria flaviventris and Schistocerca americana and used some of these data to construct phylogenetic trees, which confirm the close relationship between the two subspecies S. g. flaviventris and S. g. gregaria. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 296–305.  相似文献   

Nine pairs of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers that amplify polymorphic microsatellite loci in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal), were developed using a magnetic bead‐based enrichment protocol. A sample of 48 locusts collected during the 1993 and 1995 upsurge periods in Eritrea, East Africa, were genotyped. The number of alleles per locus ranged from six to 20; the average was 12.67. Allelic distributions were significantly different between samples from different localities.  相似文献   

Abstract. Volatiles from solitary-reared (solitarious) and crowd-reared (gregarious) adult male desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), were quantitatively and qualitatively different.In particular, solitarious males did not emit phenylacetonitrile, a key component of the aggregation pheromone produced by gregarious adult males.In laboratory bioassays, solitarious and gregarious adults of both sexes responded similarly to the natural aggregation pheromone blend, the major pheromone component phenylacetonitrile, and a synthetic pheromone blend comprising benzaldehyde, guaiacol, phenylacetonitrile and phenol.EAG measurements showed significant differences in the responsiveness of adults of the two phases to the four synthetic components at high doses; however, the general response patterns were similar.These results suggest that the gregarious adult male aggregation pheromone may play a role in the arrestment and subsequent recruitment of solitarious individuals into gregarious or gregarizing groups during the early stages of a locust outbreak.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts that genital structures in isolated populations are likely to diverge, but male genitalia are often species-specific, which led to the idea that male genitalia are relatively invariable within species. Previous allometric studies collectively suggested that male genitalia are intraspecifically invariable in size compared with external body parts. We investigated whether male genitalia are invariable in shape in three populations of a grasshopper Schistocerca lineata Scudder, 1899, using two independent methods of geometric morphometric analyses. Specifically, we focused on the idea that male genitalia are complex structures consisting of many functionally different components, and studied how these individual parts diverge among three populations. Individual components of male genitalia show different population-level divergence, resulting in the mosaic pattern of genital divergence. Individual components diverge independently from each other. Body size is positively correlated with genitalia size, but is significantly correlated with the shape of only one of the three genital structures we measured. Thus, different components of male genitalia may be influenced by different evolutionary processes. This study is the first to show that components of complex genitalia evolve separately within a species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 289–301.  相似文献   

The South American locust Schistocerca cancellata (Serville) was the most serious agricultural pest in Argentina during the first half of the last century and remains as a threat when preventive control measures are relaxed in the outbreak area. In this study, we analysed in the laboratory, the effectiveness of 26 fungal strains (isolated from both insects and soil collected in Argentina) for S. cancellata control and determined the relationship between the chitinase, protease and lipase levels in these fungi and their insecticidal activities. We observed that Beauveria bassiana (isolate LPSC 1067) caused the highest mortality (90±1.03%), the highest values of chitinolytic, proteolytic and lipolytic activity were 6.13±0.05, 2.56±0.11 and 2.33±0.47, respectively, and the lowest median lethal time was 5.96 days. This is the first time that a wide variability in chitinase, protease and lipase activity as well as in virulence has been reported in a representative sample of different entomopathogenic fungal strains from Argentina.  相似文献   

Host plant use and availability were determined in early nymphal and adult-stage Schistocerca emarginata (=lineata) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) populations at six localities in Texas, USA. Early instar nymphal populations were feeding almost exclusively on either Ptelea trifoliata (Rutaceae) or Rubus trivialis (Rosaceae). This study represents the first demonstration of a geographic structure of host plant specificity in a polyphagous grasshopper. Recognizing this geographic structure required investigations of both developmental and geographical variation in host plant use. Nymphal diet breadths were significantly less than adult diet breadths at four of six localities and smaller overall when pooled nymphal and adult diet breadths were compared among sites. Neither restricted nymphal mobility nor host plant availability accounted for the observed differences in host plant use between developmental stages and among localities. Evidence suggests that the differences in host use among populations are due to host-plant-associated genetic differentiation. Received: 4 June 1998 / Accepted: 10 March 1999  相似文献   

Chromosome spreads, prepared from testes of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria, were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) after varying periods of preincubation in trypsin. The emphasis of the study was on the appearance of heterochromatin. A trypsin pretreatment of 5 sec resulted in a smooth surface on the chromatin throughout and the heterochromatin was highly electron-emissive. The facultatively heterochromatic X chromosome was clearly visible in interphase spermatogonia and in pachytene and late prophase I spermatocytes. Chromomeres of autosomal bivalents could be recognized in pachytene cells. Centromeric heterochromatin segments were very prominent in autosomes of late prophase I spermatocytes and some chromosomes showed interstitial and telomeric bands. Longer trypsin treatment (10 sec) resulted in a fine globular surface on the chromatin; however, the electron emission of heterochromatic chromosome segments was lower under these conditions. The result of trypsin pretreatment of euchromatin differed only slightly from that of the heterochromatin. Extensive trypsin treatment (20 sec) did not alter further the relative electron emission of heterochromatin and euchromatin, but the regular globular appearance was lost, apparently owing to damage on the chromatin surface. The loss of electron emission from the centromeric heterochromatin of the autosomes and the facultatively heterochromatic X chromosome after extended trypsin treatment suggests a central role of proteins in mediating the heterochromatic status in meiotic chromo somes of the locust. Information obtained using scanning electron microscopy of chromosome spreads is complementary to that obtained by C-banding in that facultative heterochromatin is visualized with particular clarity.  相似文献   

The significance of female choice in shaping mating systems remains problematic. The following study clearly documents female preferences in a species of grasshopper,Schistocerca americana, over the course of 3 years. Three sets of animals were observed in an outdoor seminatural cage. Females were found to mate more often with large, heavy males. Furthermore, remating by a female within a week was less likely if she mated with a large or heavy male. Because females were found to oviposit 2 days after a mating on average, these large heavy males may also be chosen cryptically (as defined in the literature) and father more offspring.  相似文献   

Take-off activity of the desert locust,Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.), phasegregaria, was studied in a temperature-controlled laboratory environment and possible relationships with certain meteorological factors were analysed. A statistically significant relationship between the passage of cold fronts and an increased take-off rate was found. The reaction of the locusts could not be correlated to changes in VLF electromagnetic radiation or to the atmospheric pressure.  相似文献   

Aedes albopictus (Skuse) is an invasive mosquito species found across the southern U.S. with range expansion into many northern states. Intra‐ and interspecific larval competition have been evaluated for Ae. albopictus with respect to subsequent adult size, immature and adult survivability, and its capacity to vector pathogens as an adult. However, limited data are available on egg production as related to larval rearing conditions. Because Ae. albopictus is a container‐inhabiting mosquito that oviposits in resource‐limited habitats, it is found under variable density‐dependent conditions. Therefore, we examined the impact of specific rearing conditions on Ae. albopictus clutch size and adult body size; comparing the egg production values and wing lengths from known developmental densities to those from field‐collected populations. Field populations varied significantly among collection sites in mean clutch size (23 to 46). These clutch sizes were comparable to the mean clutch sizes of females reared at the larval densities of nine (20 eggs) and three (53 eggs) larvae per 3 ml of water in the laboratory. Field populations experienced density‐dependent effects impacting adult mosquito size. Mosquitoes from the four sample sites had mean wing lengths of 1.99, 2.47, 2.51, and 2.54 mm, which were less than the mean wing length of mosquitoes reared at larval densities of three larvae per 3 ml of water (2.57 mm).  相似文献   

Optimal clutch size of the chestnut gall-wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), was examined in galls on wild and resistant chestnut trees in 1988 and 1989. The rate of escape success of newly-emerged adults from galls was an average of 60%, irrespective of cell numbers per gall. Dry mass per cell of a gall (as an index of nutritive condition) decreased with increasing cell number per gall, but was proportional to the mean number of mature eggs of new adults per gall. The number of cells per gall that occurred most frequently did not agree with that attained by the maximum survival rate from young larva to adult emergence of the gall-wasp. This discrepancy was examined from the viewpoint of three factors: 1) quality of offspring, 2) defensive response of the host plant causing mortality of the gall-wasp before cell formation, and 3) fitness per gall vs. fitness per egg. It is concluded that the third factor is most likely to be the one best in explaining the discrepancy.  相似文献   

Azadirex (azadirachtin and other biologically active extracts from neem trees) has been shown to have considerable potential to be used in integrated pest management systems based on its growth regulator/insecticide properties. Less well known are the antifeedant properties. The feeding-deterrent properties of a commercial azadirex formulation (Azatrol EC) were evaluated using both no-choice and choice tests, the American grasshopper, Schistocerca americana (Drury), and four host plants [savoy cabbage, Brassica oleracea variety capitata L.; cos (romaine) lettuce, Lactuca sativa variety longifolia Lam.; sweet orange, Citrus sinensis variety Hamlin L.; and peregrina, Jatropha integerrima Jacq.]. These studies demonstrated that azadirex application can significantly affect the feeding behavior of grasshoppers. Some degree of protection can be afforded to plants that differ markedly in their innate attractiveness to the insect, although the level of protection varies among hosts. The tendency of grasshoppers to sometimes feed on azadirex-treated foliage suggests that it will be difficult to prevent damage from occurring at all times, on all hosts. No evidence of rapid habituation to azadirex was detected. Rapid loss of efficacy was observed under field conditions, suggesting that daily retreatment might be necessary to maintain protection of plants from feeding.  相似文献   

An account is given of the effect of implanted male accessory glands on oogenesis and oviposition in unmated Schistocerca gregaria.  相似文献   

Svensson  Jan-Erik 《Hydrobiologia》1997,344(1-3):155-161
An enclosure experiment was performed to test for direct predationeffects on fecundity and adult body size of the copepod Eudiaptomus gracilis in the field. By introducing a high densityof fish (15 underyearling roach, Rutilus rutilus, per 350litre enclosure) and documenting the short-term effects on traitsin a rapidly decreasing prey population, responses to changes inthe phytoplankton community were minimized. After 68 hours ofpredation, clutch size and frequency of females carrying eggs weresignificantly lower in fish enclosures. Female density was moreaffected than male density. Predation selected against large bodysize in both sexes but less so in females, leading to an increasedsexual size dimorphism. The results agree with predictions based onprey selectivity in fish. Predation risk should increase withclutch size and body size since these traits increase theconspicuousness of prey. The size of the highly visible egg-clutchmay be more important than body size. Female body size wasuncorrelated to clutch size, which may explain the weaker sizeeffect among females and the changed sexual sizedimorphism.  相似文献   

Within-population variation in the traits underpinning reproductive output has long been of central interest to biologists. Since they are strongly linked to lifetime reproductive success, these traits are expected to be subject to strong selection and, if heritable, to evolve. Despite the formation of durable pair bonds in many animal taxa, reproductive traits are often regarded as female-specific, and estimates of quantitative genetic variation seldom consider a potential role for heritable male effects. Yet reliable estimates of such social genetic effects are important since they influence the amount of heritable variation available to selection. Based on a 52-year study of a nestbox-breeding great tit (Parus major) population, we apply “extended” bivariate animal models in which the heritable effects of both sexes are modeled to assess the extent to which males contribute to heritable variation in seasonal reproductive timing (egg laying date) and clutch size, while accommodating the covariance between the two traits. Our analyses show that reproductive timing is a jointly expressed trait in this species, with (positively covarying) heritable variation for laydate being expressed in both members of a breeding pair, such that the total heritable variance is 50% larger than estimated by traditional models. This result was robust to explicit consideration of a potential male-biased environmental confound arising through sexually dimorphic dispersal. In contrast to laydate, males’ contribution to heritable variation in clutch size was limited. Our study thus highlights the contrasting extent of social determination for two major components of annual reproductive success, and emphasizes the need to consider the social context of what are often considered individual-level traits.  相似文献   

An account is given of the oviposition of females paired with males unable to transfer spermatophores. Various influences of the male accessory gland on the gonotrophic cycle are discussed.  相似文献   

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