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Tricorythodes molinerii sp. n. is described and illustrated based on nymphs from southeastern Brazil. The new species can be distinguished from other species of Tricorythodes Ulmer by the following characters: 1) genal projection present; 2) maxillary palp bi-segmented, with short apical seta; 3) pronotum with well developed anterolateral projection; 4) dorsum of fore femora with a transverse row of setae; 5) tarsal claws without marginal denticles and with one submarginal denticle on each side; 6) operculate gills triangular, shaded with black, and with whitish mark in subbasal zone; and 7) very large size.  相似文献   

Editor's Note     
A new species of Apobaetis is described based on nymphs and male imago, and the male imago of A. fiuzai. Specimens were collected in the state of Amazonas, northern region of Brazil. Apobaetis hamadae sp. n. can be easily distinguished from the other congeners by the following combination of characteristics: male imago: (1) abdominal colour pattern; (2) area between forceps not excavated medially. Nymphs: (1) distal margin of labrum with shallow medial emargination and with four to five spatulated setae near midline; (2) maxillary palp 1.4× longer than galea-lacinia; (3) tarsal claws 1.2× times longer than tarsus. The male imago of A. fiuzai can be easily distinguished by the following characteristics: (1) abdominal colour pattern; (2) area between segments I of forceps with a deep V emargination.  相似文献   

Simognathus coreensis n. sp. is described on the basis of the specimens collected from Youngdeok, the east coast of South Korea. This is the first record of this genus from Korea. Diagnostic features are as follows: big cornea present on ocular plate, covering major portion of it; lateral claws II–IV with accessory process which contain about 5 minute (meaning `very small') teeth, and lateral claws smooth ventrally; prominent foveae on all telofemora; anterodorsal and posterodorsal plate subequal; lateral side of anterior epimeral plate foveate. This species is similar to S. corneatus Otto and S. exoticus Otto. Dissimilarities are discussed. Abbreviations: AD, anterodorsal plate; AE, anterior epimeral plate; ds, dorsal setae of idiosoma I; GA, genitoanal plate; GO, genital opening; PE, posterior epimeral plate; EP I, epimeral process I; PGS, perigenital setae; P1-P3, first to third palpal segment; SGS, subgenital seta.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(3):731-735
A new species of Coccidohystrix Lindinger, intercepted by plant quarantine in Japan from imported Madagascar plant species, Pachypodium inopinatum Lavranos (Apocynaceae), and Pachypodium sp., is herein described and illustrated based on adult female. The new species is quite distinct in the genus in having anterior and posterior ostioles and trilocular pores on marginal cerarii and on elevated dorsal cerarii. The species is similar to Coccidohystrix primigenia Gavrilov-Zimin from Madagascar in having some morphological features mentioned above. However, the new species differs from C. primigenia in lacking multilocular pores on the dorsum, having fewer circuli, having numerous translucent pores on the back side surface of the hind tibiae, having 7–9 conical setae on anal lobe marginal cerarii, having only 2–3 conical setae on penultimate cerarii and having only 1–5 (mostly 1–2) conical setae on submarginal dorsal cerarii. An identification key for the genus, including the new species, is also provided.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9CEDFC41-D0C9-4569-9E7D-317B02AE424F  相似文献   

Amblyomma anicornuta n. sp. (Acari: Ixodidae) is described based on adults and nymphs ex deer (Artiodactyla: Cervidae) and wild pigs (Artiodactyla: Suidae) from Luzon, Philippines. Adults of A. anicornuta n. sp. are similar to those of several Asian and Australasian species of Amblyomma Koch, 1844 with a 4/4 dental formula on the hypostome but can be distinguished by the colouration and pattern of punctations on the conscutum in the male and scutum in the female, the absence of a marginal groove on the conscutum in the male, the possession of long, thick, prominent setae on the alloscutum in the female, projections on anal valves and sclerotised ring around them in the male, a large median sclerite ventrally in the male, as well by the shape of the genital aperture in the female and the size and shape of spurs on coxae I–IV in both sexes. The nymph of A. anicornuta n. sp. is somewhat similar to that of A. babirussae Schulze, 1933 and A. geoemydae (Cantor, 1847) but can be distinguished by the colouration pattern on the scutum, the presence of dorsal cornua and the size of the spurs on coxae I–IV.  相似文献   

Three new species of Antricola (Acari: Argasidae) are described from adult specimens collected on bat guano in different caves in Brazil. The female of Antricola guglielmonei n. sp. is easily determined by the presence of 2 smooth, depressed areas lacking setae in the posterolateral portions of the dorsum of the idiosoma, together with the partial fusion of the tubercles in the anteromedian portion of the idiosoma. The male of this species has a small spiracular plate surrounded by a pattern of tubercles disposed concentrically in its dorsal portion. Both sexes have cervical grooves very slightly marked. Antricola delacruzi n. sp. represents the only Antricola species with the dorsum of the idiosoma devoid of tubercles in both sexes and with scarce and minute setae placed over the smooth cuticle. The female of A. inexpectata n. sp. is known only from a few specimens. In this species, lines of smooth cuticle lacking setae separate the tubercles of the dorsum. In addition, there are 3 clumps of plumose setae close to the spiracular plate, in the ventrolateral portions of the idiosoma, in 3 well-delimited regions over cuticular thickenings. These 3 species share the peculiarity of a Haller's organ with the anterior pit bearing only 7 + 2 setae. The collection of these new species in Brazilian caves greatly expands the known range of the genus. A key to the adults of all known species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

The male of Ixodes abrocomae Lahille, 1916 (Acari: Ixodidae) is redescribed and the female described for the first time from specimens collected on the rodents Abrothrix longipilis (Waterhouse), A. olivaceous (Waterhouse) and Phyllotis xanthopygus (Waterhouse) at Coquimbo, Chile. The males of I. abrocomae are peculiar in having the combination of the following features: length and width less than 2 mm and 1 mm, respectively; hypostome notched with two rows of stout denticles and several small internal denticles; article II of the palpi with two conspicuous dorsal setae; coxa I with two subequal spurs; coxae II–IV with a single spur plus an indication of a second spur; and a scutum with long, scattered hairs except for the glabrous postero-median field which reaches to the marginal fold. The females of I. abrocomae are peculiar in possessing a combination of: a pointed hypostome, with a 3/3 dentition of flared denticles; a long, narrow scutum with few ‘hairs’ and with punctations which are especially numerous in the posterior region; a triangular basis capituli, with oval porose areas lacking definitive borders and separated by the width of one area, and a sinuous posterior margin with small cornuae; one spur on coxae I–IV; and conspicuous setae on the interno-dorsal face of palpal article II and the ventral face of article I. Sequences of 16S rDNA were identical for male and female I. abrocomae, but differ by 3.8% and 5.5% from sequences of their closest relatives, I. stilesi Neumann, 1911 and I. sigelos Keirans, Clifford & Corwin, 1976, respectively. Characters enabling the separation of I. abrocomae from Ixodes spp. distributed in the southwestern Neotropics are presented. Records of I. abrocomae in different climatic areas and on different, widely distributed rodent hosts indicate that this species may be present beyond its known Chilean territorial range (Regions III and IV).  相似文献   

The biological attachment device on the tarsal appendage of the earwig, Timomenus komarovi (Insecta: Dermaptera: Forficulidae) was investigated using field emission scanning electron microscopy to reveal the fine structural characteristics of its biological attachment devices to move on smooth and rough surfaces. They attach to rough substrates using their pretarsal claws; however, attachment to smooth surfaces is achieved by means of two groups of hairy tarsal pads. This biological attachment device consists of fine hairy setae with various contact sizes. Three different groups of tenent setae were distinguished depending on the cuticular substructure of the endplates. Two groups of setae commonly had flattened surfaces, and they were covered with either spoon‐shaped or spatula‐shaped endplates, respectively. While the flattened tip setae were distributed at the central region, the pointed tip setae were characteristically found along the marginal region. There were no obvious gender‐specific differences between fibrillar adhesive pads in this insect mainly because the forceps‐like pincers are used during copulation to grasp the partner.  相似文献   

记述新革螨属1新种:泰安新革螨Neogamasus taianensis Ma et Sun, sp. nov.,并对峨眉常革螨Vulgarogamasus emeishanensis Ma et Wang.1996和异形新革螨Neogamasus anomalus Ma et Yan,1998进行补充描述。  相似文献   

Presently the inter-generic structure of the Ilyocryptus Sars, 1862 is not clear, and we regard as `sordidus-like' all the species with (1) incomplete moulting, (2) valves without lateral horns or other remarkable structures, (3) non-distal position of anus on postabdomen, (4) long lateral setae on the postabdomen, which reaches the anus; (5) single or doubled teeth on preanal margin of postabdomen. Available material on sordidus-like forms of Ilyocryptus Sars, 1862 (Anomopoda, Branchiopoda) from North America was investigated. We also analyzed a limited amount of material similar to I. sordidus s. str., but not enough to be presented now. Three other conventional species were found and redescribed: the exclusively North American I. gouldeni Williams, 1978, as well as I. cuneatus?tifter, 1988 and I. spinosus?tifter, 1988, both described earlier from Europe. An original analysis of the differences between all species was performed. A new sordidus-like species, I. bernerae n. sp., from a single locality in South Carolina, U.S.A., is described. The main diagnostic features of this new species within sordidus-like members of the Ilyocryptusare: thin and sharp dorsal keel; exclusively single preanal teeth, greatly increasing in size in basal direction; lateral setae on postabdomen, not decreasing in size basad; absence of denticles on base of postabdomen; complete absence of any denticles on distal and middle portion of ventral margin of postabdominal claws; distalmost spine on claw base longer than basalmost; bases of antennules compressed against each other (although not touching); slightly different armature of two sides of lateral swimming setae; presence of small hooks on tips of lateral swimming setae; distal segments of setae on trunk of limb I setulated only in basal portion; sensillum on gnathobase II curved.  相似文献   

A morphology-based phylogenetic analysis of the eight species of Rhombognathides (Acari: Halacaridae) demonstrated some evolutionary tendencies of character transformation. In the course of the evolution of Rhombognathides, idiosomal plates increased in size or fused. Simple filiform setae transformed into spiniform or bipectinate setae. The number of tarsal claws, the length of median claw and leg chaetotaxy of telofemora and tibiae were reduced. The fusion or expansion of dorsal plates, transformation from filiform to other setal forms, and reduction of leg setae would have recurrently occurred in halacarid evolution. The claw structure most likely reflects adaptation to specific habitat.  相似文献   

The Halieutichthys aculeatus species complex is reviewed. Members of this clade are distinguished by the presence of tubercles on the tail and a reticulate dorsal pigmentation pattern. Three species are recognized, including two species new to science. A neotype is chosen for H. aculeatus. Halieutichthys bispinosus n. sp. is characterized by having relatively strong tubercles on the dorsal surface, a row of tubercles almost always present dorsal to the orbit, both sphenotic tubercles well developed and sharp, trifid principal tubercles on the disk margin with anterior spinelet enlarged, dense arrangement of tubercles on the tail and a comparatively large adult body size. Halieutichthys intermedius n. sp. can be distinguished from congeners by having both sphenotic tubercles strongly reduced, the tubercles almost always absent dorsal to the orbit, principal tubercles on the disk margin uniformly short and blunt tubercles, with all spinelets generally reduced.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Phlaeothripidae from dead wood in Malaya is described, with an equally well-developed tarsal tooth and hamus on each leg, and many long barbed setae arising from elongate tubercles on the dorsal surface. The species is named after the collector, the late Floyd Andre, whose publications on Thysanoptera are also listed.  相似文献   

An unusual species of Leptophlebiidae is described based on males, females, and nymphs from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. As a consequence of its distinct characteristics on all stages, a new genus is established. The new genus can be distinguished from other South American Leptophlebiid genera mostly by: Adults: vein MA of fore wings asymmetrical; hind wings with costal projection well developed, Sc ending at cross vein near costal projection; tarsal claws dissimilar, one blunt other acute; projections of styliger plate forming two well developed lobes with rounded apex, ventrally obstructing view of the penes; penes fused on basal half, each lobe with a ventral furrow and a long and slender spine directed anteriorly. Nymphs: Head prognathous, wider than labrum; labrum with prominent median emargination, with three subtle crenulations; body flattened; hind wings pads present; tarsal claws with over 20 denticles, subapical denticle much larger than remaining denticles; gills long and narrow, present on abdominal segments I-VII; posterolateral projections present on abdominal segments VIII-IX. Phylogenetic analyses conducted based on a previously published data matrix that included other South America leptophlebiid genera placed Poranga nessimiani gen. nov. et sp. nov. as sister to Bessierus + Perissophlebioides. In most analyses this clade was recovered within the Farrodes complex. Nymphs of the new taxa are particularly similar to Bessierus, whereas adults share the very acute costal projection on hind wings seen in non-dipterous members of the Farrodes complex.  相似文献   

A. A. Kotov 《Hydrobiologia》1996,341(3):187-196
We investigated the morphology of adult and juvenile stages of females and males of Bosmina longispina Leydig from a North Icelandic population. There are additional setae near the basis of the second antenna and between its branches in adult males, not described in Bosmina, but known from other Anomopoda. New features of female morphology are also found. The development of the first limb and postabdomen of the male is described in detail. In juvenile males of B. longispina (belonging to subgenus Eubosmina), characteristics of morphology, similar to those in adult males of other subgenera are found.Abbreviations af antennal flap - as additional setae of male - bs basis of seta of clasper - bc basis of postabdominal claws - ch clasper hook - cl clasper - cs seta of clasper - cw claws of postabdomen - de distal endite of the first limb - dr dorsal row of denticles on male postabdomen - df dorsal fold of carapace - eh ejector hooks of limb I - ep epipodite - ex exopodite - fp frontal head pore - fs frontal seta - hs hair sensilla - in incision of juvenile male postabdomen - ir interrupted rows of setules on postabdomen - Ip lateral head pore - mp median head pore - mpr maxillar process of limb I - mr main row of denticles on postabdominal claws - pe predistal endite of limb I - pf preantennal fold of valve - pl plate above postabdominal setae - ps postabdominal setae - rs rudimentary setae - sr second row of denticles near basis of claws - vf ventral fold of valve - vr ventral row of denticles on male postabdomen  相似文献   

马立名 《蛛形学报》2010,19(1):14-19
对短毛寄螨Parasitus brachychaetus Ma,1986;王氏寄螨Parasitus wangdunqingi Ma,1995;二刺寄螨Parasitus bispinatus Ma,1996;北方糙革螨Trachygamasus borealis Ma et Wang,1996;三尖常革螨Vulgarogamasus trifidus Ma,1987和甘肃常革螨Vulgarogamasus gansuensis Ma,1987进行了补充描述。  相似文献   

Three species of chromadorids two of which are new to science are described from bottom samples of Lake Tana, L. Ziway and River Abbay, Ethiopia. Achromadora inflata n. sp. and Ethmolaimus zullinii n. sp. are characterized by a uniquely inflated and offset anterior end. The latter is an exception in its genus also by its possession of a well developed dorsal tooth and inconspicuous ventrosublateral denticles. Prodesmodora nurta Zullini, 1988 is reported here for the first time out of its type locality and is described in detail. SEM pictures of Ethmolaimus zullinii n. sp. and Prodesmodora nurta, and complete setae maps of the three species are also presented.Abbreviations used ABE = anterior body end - ABW = anal body width - Amph = amphid - Amph W = amphidial fovea width - CBW = corresponding body width - CSL = cephalic setae length - Ddent = dorsal denticle - GL = gonad length - L = length - LM = light microscope - LRW = lip region width - MBW = maximum body width - n = number of specimens - NR = nerve ring from the anterior end - PBE = posterior body end - Ph L = pharyngeal length (neck length) - PrL = prerectal length - RL = rectal length - SEM = scanning electron microscope - V-A = distance from vulva to anus - Vdent = ventral denticle - W = width  相似文献   

The distal parts of the legs of Sceliphron caementarium (Sphecidae) and Formica rufa (Formicidae) are documented and discussed with respect to phylogenetic and functional aspects. The prolegs of Hymenoptera offer an array of evolutionary novelties, mainly linked with two functional syndromes, walking efficiently on different substrates and cleaning the body surface. The protibial-probasitarsomeral cleaning device is almost always well-developed. A complex evolutionary innovation is a triple set of tarsal and pretarsal attachment devices, including tarsal plantulae, probasitarsomeral spatulate setae, and an arolium with an internal spring-like arcus, a dorsal manubrium, and a ventral planta. The probasitarsal adhesive sole and a complex arolium are almost always preserved, whereas the plantulae are often missing. Sceliphron has retained most hymenopteran ground plan features of the legs, and also Formica, even though the adhesive apparatus of Formicidae shows some modifications, likely linked to ground-oriented habits of most ants. Plantulae are always absent in extant ants, and the arolium is often reduced in size, and sometimes vestigial. The arolium contains resilin in both examined species. Additionally, resilin enriched regions are also present in the antenna cleaners of both species, although they differ in which of the involved structures is more flexible, the calcar in Sceliphron and the basitarsal comb in Formica. Functionally, the hymenopteran distal leg combines (a) interlocking mechanisms (claws, spine-like setae) and (b) adhesion mechanisms (plantulae, arolium). On rough substrate, claws and spine-like setae interlock with asperities and secure a firm grip, whereas the unfolding arolium generates adhesive contact on smooth surfaces. Differences of the folded arolium of Sceliphron and Formica probably correlate with differences in the mechanism of folding/unfolding.  相似文献   

The stridulatory structures that occur in Meleoma Fitch, Brinckochrysa Tjeder and Chrysocerca Weele (Neuroptera : Chrysopidae) have been examined for the first time, using scanning electron microscopy. The structures are made up of rows of tubercles, formed by modified microtrichia and setae or sclerotized plates, situated laterally on the second abdominal segment and inner surface of the hind femora. Although superficially similar in the 3 genera, the stridulatory structures have different derivations, and have probably arisen in the Chrysopidae on separate occasions. The arrangement of tubercles within each genus varies among species, and is sexually dimorphic. Sound is thought to be produced by rubbing the abdomen against the hind femora and probably forms part of a courtship display.  相似文献   

Mature larvae and pupae of Metachorema griseum Schmid are described for the first time. The known distribution of the genus includes the province of Neuquén in Argentina and central and southern Chile. The distinctive characters of the larvae of this genus are: (1) prothoracic sternite consisting of a wide subrectangular central sclerite and a pair of elongated lateral sclerites, (2) anterior femora with a narrow basodistal process, (3) anterior tibia and tarsus fused and (4) anal prolegs with a short lateral sclerite with basal spine and claws simple with ventral spine and two ventral setae.  相似文献   

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