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The bright coloured, highly venomous coral snakes, Leptomicrurus, Micrurus and Micruroides (family Elapidae) and a series of harmless or mildly toxic mimics form an important component of the snake fauna of the Americas. Coral snake patterns are defined as any dorsal pattern found in any species of venomous coral snake and/or any dorsal pattern containing a substantial amount of red, pink or orange distributed so as to resemble that of some species of venomous coral snake. The components of coral snake colouration are described and four principal dorsal patterns are recognized: unicolour, bicolour, tricolour and quadricolour. The tricolour patterns may be further clustered based on the number of black bands or rings separating the red ones as: monads, dyads, triads, tetrads or pentads. A detailed classification of all coral snake colour patterns is presented and each pattern is illustrated. The taxonomic distribution of these patterns is surveyed for mimics and the 56 species of highly venomous coral snakes. Among the latter, the most frequent encountered patterns are tricolour monads, tricolour triads and bicolour rings, in that order. No venomous coral snakes have a tricolour dyad, tricolour tetrad or quadricolour pattern. As many as 115 species of harmless or mildly toxic species, c. 18% of all American snakes, are regarded as coral snake mimics. The colouration and behavioural traits of venomous coral snakes combine to form a significant antipredator defence of an aposematic type. The mimics in turn receive protection from predators that innately or through learning avoid coral snake colour patterns. The precise resemblances in colouration between sympatric non-coral snakes and venomous coral snakes and the concordant geographic variation between the two strongly support this view. Batesian mimicry with the highly venomous coral snakes as the models and the other forms as the mimics is the favoured explanation for this situation. It is further concluded that a number of species in the genera Elaphe, Farancia, Nerodia and Thamnophis, although having red in their colouration, should not be included in the coral snake mimic guild.  相似文献   

Eye camouflage and false eyespots: chaetodontid responses to predators   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synopsis The roles of eye camouflage and eyespots are examined within the genusChaetodon as are the various theories explaining the evolutionary significance of the brilliant colors. While eye camouflage is not common among reef fishes, 91% of the 90 species ofChaetodon, have eyemasks (82) or black heads (4). Eye camouflage occurs concomitantly with diurnal false eyespots in 45.5% (41 of 90) of the species. Diurnal false eyespots serve to misdirect attacks by predators and/or to advertise unpalatability. False eyespots are located on areas of the body which allow escape and survival following an attack. Data suggesting that predators learn about the undesirability of butterflyfishes are presented. Butterflyfishes are inactive at night, forage during the day and spawn at dusk. It is unlikely that nocturnal color changes are useful in conspecific interactions and are therefore believed to provide visual cues to potential predators. Nocturnal eyespots probably function to intimidate potential predators but could also remind them of unpalatability. The aggression release hypothesis (Lorenz 1962, 1966) to explain the brilliant coloration of chaetodontids is not supported because butterflyfish coloration changes and few species are territorial. The species recognition hypothesis (Zumpe 1965) is not supported by results of field experiments. The disruptive coloration hypothesis (Longley 1917) is rejected as a general explanation for poster coloration but does explain the prevalence of eyebars ofChaetodon spp. The aposematic hypothesis (Gosline 1965) is supported by morphology, behavior, a lack of predation and field observations. The possibility of Mullerian mimicry is suggested. It is concluded that the primary selective force behind chaetodontid coloration, particularly eyespots, has been predation and color patterns have evolved to minimize this threat.  相似文献   

The initial evolution of aposematic and mimetic antipredator signals is thought to be paradoxical because such coloration is expected to increase the risk of predation before reaching a stage when predators associate it effectively with a defense. We propose, however, that constraints associated with the alternative strategy, cryptic coloration, may facilitate the evolution of antipredator signals and thus provide a solution for the apparent paradox. We tested this hypothesis first using an evolutionary simulation to study the effect of a constraint due to habitat heterogeneity, and second using a phylogenetic comparison of the Lepidoptera to investigate the effect of a constraint due to prey motility. In the evolutionary simulation, antipredator warning coloration had an increased probability to invade the prey population when the evolution of camouflage was constrained by visual difference between microhabitats. The comparative study was done between day-active lepidopteran taxa, in which camouflage is constrained by motility, and night-active taxa, which rest during the day and are thus able to rely on camouflage. We compared each of seven phylogenetically independent day-active groups with a closely related nocturnal group and found that antipredator signals have evolved at least once in all the diurnal groups but in none of their nocturnal matches. Both studies lend support to our idea that constraints on crypsis may favor the evolution of antipredator warning signals.  相似文献   

Identifying the genetic basis of mimetic signals is critical to understanding both the origin and dynamics of mimicry over time. For species not amenable to large laboratory breeding studies, widespread color polymorphism across natural populations offers a powerful way to assess the relative likelihood of different genetic systems given observed phenotypic frequencies. We classified color phenotype for 2175 ground snakes (Sonora semiannulata) across the continental United States to analyze morph ratios and test among competing hypotheses about the genetic architecture underlying red and black coloration in coral snake mimics. We found strong support for a two‐locus model under simple Mendelian inheritance, with red and black pigmentation being controlled by separate loci. We found no evidence of either linkage disequilibrium between loci or sex linkage. In contrast to Batesian mimicry systems such as butterflies in which all color signal components are linked into a single “supergene,” our results suggest that the mimetic signal in colubrid snakes can be disrupted through simple recombination and that color evolution is likely to involve discrete gains and losses of each signal component. Both outcomes are likely to contribute to the exponential increase in rates of color evolution seen in snake mimicry systems over insect systems.  相似文献   

Since all forms of mimicry are based on perceptual deception, the sensory ecology of the intended receiver is of paramount importance to test the necessary precondition for mimicry to occur, that is, model‐mimic misidentification, and to gain insight in the origin and evolutionary trajectory of the signals. Here we test the potential for aggressive mimicry by a group of coral reef fishes, the color polymorphic Hypoplectrus hamlets, from the point of view of their most common prey, small epibenthic gobies and mysid shrimp. We build visual models based on the visual pigments and spatial resolution of the prey, the underwater light spectrum and color reflectances of putative models and their hamlet mimics. Our results are consistent with one mimic‐model relationship between the butter hamlet H. unicolor and its model the butterflyfish Chaetodon capistratus but do not support a second proposed mimic‐model pair between the black hamlet H. nigricans and the dusky damselfish Stegastes adustus. We discuss our results in the context of color morphs divergence in the Hypoplectrus species radiation and suggest that aggressive mimicry in H. unicolor might have originated in the context of protective (Batesian) mimicry by the hamlet from its fish predators rather than aggressive mimicry driven by its prey.  相似文献   

We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the gastropod grazer Trochus niloticus in controlling epilithic algae and enhancing coral recruitment on artificial substrata on coral reefs where the biomass of herbivorous fishes was low due to heavy fishing pressure. Hatchery‐reared, subadult trochus were stocked onto pallet balls (small artificial reefs composed of concrete and limestone aggregate) at a density of approximately four individuals per square meter (external surface area). This density was re‐established with releases of new trochus each month for 6 months. At the end of the experiment, there were no significant differences in algal biomass, cover and community composition, or the density of coral recruits on substrata with and without trochus. High monthly attrition of stocked trochus on the pallet balls, apparently due mainly to predation by octopus, did not allow the evaluation of the efficiency of the trochus enhancement, at the desired density, as a restoration tool. However, at the lower trochus densities (circa 1 m?2), which occurred as a result of predation in this study, no apparent enhancement of algal grazing or coral recruitment were observed. The surprisingly high predation of stocked trochus in a heavily fished and gleaned reef site stresses the importance of understanding all the factors affecting the survival of stocked animals. To help mitigate predation of trochus, artificial habitat with refuge spaces that allow the grazers to escape predation could be provided and individuals of a larger size could be released.  相似文献   

There is a recent surge of evidence supporting disruptive coloration, in which patterns break up the animal's outline through false edges or boundaries, increasing survival in animals by reducing predator detection and/or preventing recognition. Although research has demonstrated that false edges are successful for reducing predation of prey, research into the role of internal false boundaries (i.e. stripes and bands) in reducing predation remains warranted. Many animals have stripes and bands that may function disruptively. Here, we test the possible disruptive function of wing band patterning in a butterfly, Anartia fatima, using artificial paper and plasticine models in Panama. We manipulated the band so that one model type had the band shifted to the wing margin (nondisruptive treatment) and another model had a discontinuous band located on the wing margin (discontinuous edge treatment). We kept the natural wing pattern to represent the false boundary treatment. Across all treatment groups, we standardized the area of colour and used avian visual models to confirm a match between manipulated and natural wing colours. False boundary models had higher survival than either the discontinuous edge model or the nondisruptive model. There was no survival difference between the discontinuous edge model and the nondisruptive model. Our results demonstrate the importance of wing bands in reducing predation on butterflies and show that markings set in from the wing margin can reduce predation more effectively than marginal bands and discontinuous marginal patterns. This study demonstrates an adaptive benefit of having stripes and bands.  相似文献   

Many animals are toxic or unpalatable and signal this to predators with warning signals (aposematism). Aposematic appearance has long been a classical system to study predator–prey interactions, communication and signalling, and animal behaviour and learning. The area has received considerable empirical and theoretical investigation. However, most research has centred on understanding the initial evolution of aposematism, despite the fact that these studies often tell us little about the form and diversity of real warning signals in nature. In contrast, less attention has been given to the mechanistic basis of aposematic markings; that is, ‘what makes an effective warning signal?’, and the efficacy of warning signals has been neglected. Furthermore, unlike other areas of adaptive coloration research (such as camouflage and mate choice), studies of warning coloration have often been slow to address predator vision and psychology. Here, we review the current understanding of warning signal form, with an aim to comprehend the diversity of warning signals in nature. We present hypotheses and suggestions for future work regarding our current understanding of several inter-related questions covering the form of warning signals and their relationship with predator vision, learning, and links to broader issues in evolutionary ecology such as mate choice and speciation.  相似文献   

In order to further characterize the function of coloration in plants as defense against herbivory, two types of thorn mimicry are described: (1) A unique type of weapon (thorn) automimicry (within the same individual) that was previously known only in animals, and (2) mimicry of aposematic colorful thorns, by colorful elongated and pointed plant organs (buds, leaves and fruit) that, despite their appearance, are not sharp. Some thorny plants including dozens of species of Agave, one species of Aloe and a palm species have thorn-like imprints or colorations on their leaves, constituting thorn automimicry by giving the impression of more extensive thorns. The mimicry of aposematic colorful thorns is a typical case of Batesian mimicry, but the thorn automimicry is a special intra-organismic Batesian mimicry. I propose that both types of mimicry serve as anti-herbivore mechanisms.  相似文献   

Mimetic species evolve colours and body patterns to closely resemble poisonous species and thus avoid predation (Batesian mimicry), or resemble beneficial or harmless species in order to approach and attack prey (aggressive mimicry). Facultative mimicry, the ability to switch between mimic and non-mimic colours at will, is uncommon in the animal kingdom, but has been shown in a cephalopod, and recently in a marine fish, the bluestriped fangblenny Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos, an aggressive mimic of the juvenile cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus. Here we demonstrate for the first time that fangblennies adopted mimic colours in the presence of juvenile cleaner fish; however, this only occurred in smaller individuals. Field data indicated that when juvenile cleaner fish were abundant, the proportion of mimic to non-mimic fangblennies was greater, suggesting that fangblennies adopt their mimic disguise depending on the availability of cleaner fish. Finally, measurements of spectral reflectance suggest that not only do mimic fangblennies accurately resemble the colour of their cleaner fish models but also mimic other species of fish that they associate with. This study provides insights into the cues that control this remarkable facultative mimicry system and qualitatively measures its accuracy.  相似文献   

In Batesian mimicry, a harmless species (the ‘mimic’) resembles a dangerous species (the ‘model’) and is thus protected from predators. It is often assumed that the mimetic phenotype evolves from a cryptic phenotype, but it is unclear how a population can transition through intermediate phenotypes; such intermediates may receive neither the benefits of crypsis nor mimicry. Here, we ask if selection against intermediates weakens with increasing model abundance. We also ask if mimicry has evolved from cryptic phenotypes in a mimetic clade. We first present an ancestral character-state reconstruction showing that mimicry of a coral snake (Micrurus fulvius) by the scarlet kingsnake (Lampropeltis elapsoides) evolved from a cryptic phenotype. We then evaluate predation rates on intermediate phenotypes relative to cryptic and mimetic phenotypes under conditions of both high- and low-model abundances. Our results indicate that where coral snakes are rare, intermediate phenotypes are attacked more often than cryptic and mimetic phenotypes, indicating the presence of an adaptive valley. However, where coral snakes are abundant, intermediate phenotypes are not attacked more frequently, resulting in an adaptive landscape without a valley. Thus, high-model abundance may facilitate the evolution of Batesian mimicry.  相似文献   

Animals possess a range of defensive markings to reduce the risk of predation, including warning colours, camouflage, eyespots and mimicry. These different strategies are frequently considered independently, and with little regard towards predator vision, even though they may be linked in various ways and can be fully understood only in terms of predator perception. For example, camouflage and warning coloration need not be mutually exclusive, and may frequently exploit similar features of visual perception. This paper outlines how different forms of protective markings can be understood from predator perception and illustrates how this is fundamental in determining the mechanisms underlying, and the interrelation between, different strategies. Suggestions are made for future work, and potential mechanisms discussed in relation to various forms of defensive coloration, including disruptive coloration, eyespots, dazzle markings, motion camouflage, aposematism and mimicry.  相似文献   

In this paper, I investigate the use of artificial neural networks in the study of prey coloration. I briefly review the anti-predator functions of prey coloration and describe both in general terms and with help of two studies as specific examples the use of neural network models in the research on prey coloration. The first example investigates the effect of visual complexity of background on evolution of camouflage. The second example deals with the evolutionary choice of defence strategy, crypsis or aposematism. I conclude that visual information processing by predators is central in evolution of prey coloration. Therefore, the capability to process patterns as well as to imitate aspects of predator's information processing and responses to visual information makes neural networks a well-suited modelling approach for the study of prey coloration. In addition, their suitability for evolutionary simulations is an advantage when complex or dynamic interactions are modelled. Since not all behaviours of neural network models are necessarily biologically relevant, it is important to validate a neural network model with empirical data. Bringing together knowledge about neural networks with knowledge about topics of prey coloration would provide a potential way to deepen our understanding of the specific appearances of prey coloration.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that bilateral symmetry may impose a costfor animals relying on camouflage because symmetric color patternsmight increase the risk of detection. We tested the effect ofsymmetry on crypsis, carrying out a predation experiment withgreat tits (Parus major) and black-and-white–patterned,artificial prey items and background. First, we found that detectiontime was significantly longer for a highly cryptic, asymmetricpattern based on a random sample of the background than forits symmetric variants. Second, we were able to arrange theelements of a prey pattern in a way that the resulting asymmetricpattern was highly cryptic and, furthermore, its symmetric variantwas highly cryptic as well. We conclude that symmetry may imposea substantial cost on cryptic patterns, but this cost variesamong patterns. This suggests that for prey, which predatorstypically view from an angle exposing their symmetry, selectionfor pattern asymmetry may be less important and selection fordecreased detectability cost of symmetry may be more importantthan previously thought. This may help to understand the existenceof so many prey with cryptic, symmetric color patterns.  相似文献   

Two, logically distinct but sometimes compatible, mechanismsof camouflage are background-matching and disruptive coloration.In the former, an animal's coloration comprises a random sampleof the background, and so target–background discriminationis impeded. In the latter, object or feature recognition iscompromised by placing bold, high-contrast colors so that theybreak up the prey's body into apparently unconnected objects.Recent experimental evidence for the utility of disruptive colors,above and beyond that conferred by background matching, hasbeen based on artificial prey with patterns lacking a planeof symmetry. However, it is plausible that the bilateral symmetrypresent in natural prey may compromise the efficiency of disruptivecoloration, on account of the potency of symmetry as a cue invisual search. In this study, we tested this prediction in thefield, by tracking the "survival" under bird predation of artificialmothlike targets placed on oak trees. These had background-matchingcolor patches placed either disruptively or nondisruptivelyand with or without bilateral symmetry. We found that symmetryreduced the effectiveness of both nondisruptive and disruptivebackground-matching coloration to a similar degree so that thenegative effects of symmetry on concealment are no greater fordisruptive than nondisruptive patterns.  相似文献   

Many ladybird beetles respond to a potential predation event by `reflex bleeding' or secreting a noxious defensive chemical that is similar to hemolymph. Both adults and larvae show this response. Reflex bleeding is known to reduce predator attack rates and increase prey survival after an attack, especially when reflex bleeding is employed in combination with other cues such as odor and warning coloration. In this experiment, we examined how variability in the number of reflex bleeding events and food quality in the larval stage of the aposematic ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis affected elytral color, development time, and terminal size in adults. Effects of reflex bleeding were subtle and may have been influenced by diet treatments. Adult color did not differ between bleed treatment groups but beetles that reflex bled tended to take longer to develop and grow to smaller sizes than control group beetles. There were clear and strong effects of larval diet on adult phenotype: an ad libitum pollen diet resulted in paler adult coloration, shorter development time, and larger adult size relative to a limited-availability aphid diet. Our results suggest that the best environment for producing bright-red coloration may not be the best environment for favorable expression of life history characters, especially under stressful conditions. Interactions between different life history stages of H. axyridis are also discussed. Received: 20 April 1997 / Accepted: 30 September 1997  相似文献   

The false cleanerfish Aspidontus taeniatus, which resembles the bluestreak cleaner wrasse Labroides dimidiatus, is one of the best-known examples of mimicry in vertebrates. This mimicry system has been viewed as an aggressive mimicry to bite fish fins. However, recent field studies have reported that large individuals of the false cleanerfish often form groups and jointly raid damselfish nests to eat eggs that are guarded by their parents. The benefits of group behavior have been reported in a variety of animals. In the case of false cleanerfish, parental defense of territorial damselfishes is the main factor that constrains the availability of nutritionally valuable food resources. Here, we conducted field observations on the reefs of Okinawa, and found that the false cleanerfish formed groups of 2–12 individuals when they raided breeding nests of 13 species of damselfishes (Pomacentridae) and one species of triggerfish (Balistidae). Since the cleaner wrasse does not form such groups, the feeding groups of the false cleanerfish are assumed to reduce the effectiveness of mimicry. However, our results showed that the group behavior has two effects: a dilution effect, which reduces the risk of being attacked by egg-guarding fish, and an increase in foraging efficiency. We conclude that the false cleanerfish need to form foraging groups during egg-eating because the mimicry has no effect on parental damselfishes.  相似文献   

祁冲  刁颖  袁丽丽 《四川动物》2007,26(1):213-215,220
长期进化过程中,猎物形成了对捕食者先天的敏感性。捕食风险对小型哺乳动物的影响主要包括行为的改变、神经环路的激活和内分泌的变化。行为的改变包括抑制运动活动、降低非防御行为以及改变生活环境。一些研究用c-fos免疫组化的方法测定了大鼠在暴露于猫的气味后大脑被激活的区域,主要包括中间杏仁核、下丘脑腹内侧区、背内侧区、前乳头状核和导水管周围灰质(periaqueductal gray)。猎物对捕食应激的反应还表现在一些内分泌指标的改变,一些激素如皮质酮(Corticoserone,CORT)和促肾上腺皮质激素(Adrenocorticotropic hormone,ACTH)的含量会显著的增加,同时在一些雄性动物中,睾丸激素的含量会有所降低。捕食者和猎物的关系近年来已经成为很多学科研究的有用工具。  相似文献   

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