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Henrique J. Oliveira Marcella D. Aperibense André Yves Rafaela R. Machado Diego J. Santana Henrique C. Costa 《Austral ecology》2023,48(5):983-998
Among populations of the same species, the diet composition varies depending on the environment, given the variation in diversity and abundance of available prey. Since Thoropa miliaris is a habitat specialist in reproduction, we tested the hypothesis that this specialization is also verified in its diet. We carried out the work in 10 localities in Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira, south-eastern Brazil, where we collected frogs and evaluated prey availability. The environment did not provide significant variation in the diet of T. miliaris, and Formicidae was the prey category selectively consumed in greater volume, frequency and abundance in both mountain ranges. Therefore, we can state that T. miliaris has a selective diet on ants. 相似文献
Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia 《动物学研究》2006,27(3):225-234
Leptodactylus labrosus属于陆地坐-等型的捕食者,其食物包括地表的、掘地的及飞行昆虫,其中蚂蚁数量最多。曾有报道Bothrops asper是其天敌。L.labrosus主要栖息于落叶及半落叶林潮湿的环境中,偶尔也栖息于常绿林中。L.labrosus分布于厄瓜多尔西海岸的北部、中部、南部;秘鲁西海岸的北部、中部,分布地海拔可达600 m;及位于南厄瓜多尔和北秘鲁海拔高达1 300 m的干燥的安第斯山谷。其分布地区包括了厄瓜多尔和秘鲁海岸的潮湿的、季节性干燥的森林。在安第斯山脉斜坡的潮湿地带,L.labrosus与其他3种细趾蟾科的分布区重叠,但表现为生境分离。其分布特征与其他几种活动区域受限的两栖动物相似。Tumbesian地区应被认为是地方特有两栖动物的分布区。Choco和Tumbesian的中间区域是L.labrosus与其他细趾蟾科的生境分布重叠区,其生态及气候特征使其形成了独特的动物区系,包括几种地方特有物种。因此该地区应被划为西厄瓜多尔地方种区域。 相似文献
Renan Manoel de Oliveira Ana Cristina Schilling Mirco Solé 《Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment》2019,54(1):10-21
To coexist, two species should use available resources in different ways. These differences may happen in three different dimensions: temporal, spatial and trophic. In frogs, differences in trophic dimensions are mainly due to different sizes and types of ingested prey. We studied the diet of two syntopic Pithecopus species, addressing prey selectivity and sharing of food resources. Fieldwork was undertaken at the Michelin Ecological Reserve, southern Bahia, between the years 2011 and 2012. Stomach contents were retrieved using a flushing procedure and data on prey availability was obtained. Of the 16 invertebrate categories found in the environment, 11 were consumed by P. rohdei and 12 by P. nordestinus, features that characterize a generalist diet. The most abundant category in the diet of P. nordestinus was Diptera while Hemiptera was the most consumed prey category for P. rohdei. Trophic niche overlap was high considering the size of ingested prey and lower for categories. The selectivity index showed that both species used the resources available in the environment in a slightly different way. The differences found concerning trophic ecology of these two species seem to be sufficient to allow coexistence in the studied area. 相似文献
M. L. Ponssa 《Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research》2008,46(3):249-266
The genus Leptodactylus is predominantly Neotropical (a few species have colonized the southern Neartic region) and is distributed from Texas to Argentina and on certain Caribbean islands. Leptodactylus was divided into five groups of species: Leptodactylus melanonotus , Leptodactylus ocellatus, Leptodactylus fuscus , Leptodactylus pentadactylus and Leptodactylus marmoratus . Among these, the L. fuscus group is the one with most species, with 27 taxa. Characters unverified in most of the species are used to define the L. fuscus group. However, the monophyly of the group has never been tested rigorously in a quantitative phylogenetic context. Thus, the main goal of this study was to test such monophyly and to construct a phylogeny of the L. fuscus group. A matrix of 114 characters scored across 43 taxa was constructed, with 31 characters taken from external morphology, 58 from adult skeletons, 16 from larval chondrocranium, 5 from ethology and 4 from morphometric data were included. Out of all the species examined, 23 belonged to the ingroup and 20 to the outgroup. The data set was analysed with implied weights, by using TNT software. The monophyly of the group was strongly supported in the fittest cladogram obtained. The optimizations of some characters on this hypothesis support traditional evolutionary hypotheses. The optimizations also suggest the presence of paedomorphic character states in some species, which is also discussed. 相似文献
黄土高原马栏林区主要植物种的生态位研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
应用L ev ins、Shannon-W iener生态位宽度公式和P ianka生态位重叠公式,定量研究了黄土高原马栏林区主要植物种的生态位宽度和生态位重叠特征,同时对主要种在演替系列上的生态位变化规律进行了分析.结果表明,在该地区森林群落演替系列中,乔木种生态位宽度的平均水平小于灌木种,建群种的生态位宽度小于主要伴生种;生态位宽度较大的种与其它各物种间生态位重叠的平均值较大,生态位宽度较小的种则相反,甚至没有重叠.由于物种生物生态学特性的不同和环境的异质性,具较宽生态位的物种间的生态位重叠也可能较小,生态位宽度较窄的物种间也可能有较大的生态位重叠,同属植物种对间也存在生态位重叠较大的情况.主要乔木和灌木种的生态位特征反映了森林群落演替的变化规律,该地区呈现出以自然恢复为主,同时又伴随着人为干扰的森林群落次生演替系列. 相似文献
Flavia M. Lucena Teodoro Vaske Jim R. Ellis Carl M. O'Brien 《Environmental Biology of Fishes》2000,57(4):423-434
The stomach contents of 516 Pomatomus saltatrix and 506 Cynoscion guatucupa from southern Brazil were examined. Both species preyed primarily upon teleosts and crustaceans and occasionally squid. Seasonal variation in the diet was related to prey availability in the area, confirming the opportunistic feeding behaviour of both species. During the summer, P. saltatrix preyed upon four prey species (Loligo sanpaulensis, Artemesia longinaris, Mullus argentinae and Paralonchurus brasiliensis), whereas in the autumn and winter Engraulis anchoita was the predominant prey. C. guatucupa similarly preyed upon A. longinaris and P. brasiliensis during the summer, with juvenile C. guatucupa and E. anchoita also consumed. The latter species was an important dietary constituent during other seasons, as were A. longinaris (autumn), Umbrina canosai (winter), Trachurus latami and euphausids (spring). Although P. saltatrix had a broader diet than C. guatucupa during the summer, the latter species had a broader diet overall. Diet breadths were lower from autumn to spring, due to the predominance of E. anchoita in the diet of both species. This restricted diet resulted in significant intra- and inter-specific diet overlap during the winter but, because of the seasonal abundance of E. anchoita, the high levels of diet overlap do not necessarily indicate competition. 相似文献
Trophic differentiation in the phylogenetically young Cyprinodon species flock (Cyprinodontidae, Teleostei) from Laguna Chichancanab (Mexico) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
JOACHIM HORSTKOTTE ULRIKE STRECKER 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2005,85(1):125-134
Analysis of the gut contents of six syntopic Cyprinodon species from Laguna Chichancanab, Mexico, shows that the supposed basal form, C. beltrani , feeds on detritus and has the longest gut. All other species have significantly shorter guts. Whereas C. simus exclusively ingests detritus despite short gut length, all other species additionally rely on different benthic invertebrates. Each species has developed specific preferences: C. labiosus (amphipods), C. verecundus (bivalves), C. maya (ostracods and gastropods) and C. esconditus (ostracods and chironomid larvae). However, all of them ingest a minimum of c. 40% detritus. According to Schoener's index, pairwise niche overlap varies from c. 40% to over 95% in the species flock. Contrary to this, there is almost no overlap between the members of the flock and the only other native fish species, Gambusia sexradiata , which feeds nearly exclusively on terrestrial arthropods dropping on the water surface. Recently, the cichlid genus Oreochromis and the characid Astyanax fasciatus gained access to the lake. The cichlids show moderate to high niche overlap, whereas in A. fasciatus it is low. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 125–134. 相似文献
Tiziano Bo Stefano Fenoglio Manuel Jesús Lpez‐Rodríguez Jos Manuel Tierno de Figueroa 《International Review of Hydrobiology》2008,93(2):167-174
Two Perlidae species, Dinocras cephalotes and Perla bipunctata, were studied in a river in Spain with the objectives of: a) describing their diets; b) detecting differences between size classes; c) analyzing niche breadth; and d) assessing the degree of niche overlap between both species and size classes. Dinocras cephalotes and Perla bipunctata nymphs fed mainly on Baetidae and immature Chironomidae. We did not detect significant differences in the quantity of ingested detritus, algae, and leaf pieces. Niche breadth was very low, although both species presented a high niche overlap. P. bipunctata seems to select some prey items throughout its nymphal development, whereas D. cephalotes augments its diet with other prey items as it grows. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
Anastomoneura gen. nov. and A. guahybae sp. nov. are described and illustrated based on adult male and female specimens from the Mantiqueira mountain range, Minas Gerais State. This is the third genus recorded of the family Odontoceridae from South America. The new genus is characterized by the forewing anastomosis of veins R4 and R5 and male genitalia with a unique, tubular, projection dorsad to the plates of tergite X. 相似文献
Diet of Buffy Tufted-Eared Marmosets (Callithrix aurita) in a Forest Fragment in Southeastern Brazil
The feeding ecology of the Atlantic forest marmosets (Callithrix spp.) in southeastern Brazil is poorly known, and few studies have focused on buffy tufted-eared marmosets, Callithrix aurita. We determined the food items and investigated the seasonal variation in the diet of a group of four Callithrix aurita in a 17-ha semideciduous forest fragment in southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil. We recorded daily feeding activities between October 1994 and September 1995 using scan sampling at 5-min intervals. The marmosets devoted feeding time to gums (50.5%), fruits (11%), and animal prey (38.5%) in a total of 499 records. Plant resources comprised 27 species from 16 families. They used Acacia paniculata (Mimosoideae, Leguminosae), the main gum source (82%), year-round. Maclura tinctoria (Moraceae) was the fruit species that they consumed most (22%). The marmosets preyed on caterpillars (33%), katydids (5%), and homopterans (4%). Feeding on fruits varied seasonally and was inversely related to gum feeding. Consumption of animal prey remained constant over the year. The wide and year-round dependence on gum suggests that Acacia may play a critical role in marmoset persistence in forest fragments. 相似文献
放牧活动对小型啮齿动物种群数量的影响是草原生态系统研究中的热点问题,确定绵羊和小型啮齿动物的营养生态位关系对于草原生态系统的管理具有重要的作用。运用粪便显微分析法分析了内蒙古草原动物生态研究站大型野外围栏内布氏田鼠和绵羊在6—9月份的食谱组成,确定两种草食动物食性选择和营养生态位的变化,从食物利用途径揭示放牧活动对布氏田鼠种群数量的影响方式及二者之间的竞争与共存关系。研究结果表明:围栏中共有23种植物,其中糙隐子草、克氏针茅、羊草和刺藜是围栏中的优势植物;布氏田鼠共取食10种植物,绵羊共取食8种植物,禾本植物为两种动物的主要采食植物。布氏田鼠和绵羊的喜食植物种类都存在季节性变化;除7月外,两种动物的食物多样性与围栏植物多样性有显著的正相关关系,表明动物的食性选择受植物资源变化的影响。布氏田鼠和绵羊具有很高的营养生态位重叠度,除8月(0.691)外,6、7、9月份的营养生态位重叠度均高于0.9,表明二者之间存在激烈的食物竞争;放牧活动极显著地降低了禾本科植物的地上生物量,导致布氏田鼠的食物数量减少;放牧处理下布氏田鼠的喜食植物的物种数和营养生态位宽度(除9月)增加,导致布氏田鼠的食物质量... 相似文献
M. Arista P. E. Oliveira P. E. Gibbs S. Talavera 《Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany)》1997,110(6):496-502
The phenology, major floral characteristics, breeding systems and fruiting success of two co-occurring species of Hirtella: H. glandulosa and H.gracilipes (Chrysobalanaceae) were studied in Central Brazil. The two species occur as trees in mesophyllous forests but H. glandulosa is frequent also in dense savanna areas. Both species flower at the end of the dry season (September) and have flowers with one-day longevity. In both species flowers produce nectar and are pollinated exclusively by butterflies. The number of visits recorded and pollination rate in each species were significantly different and indicate that pollinators prefer H. glandulosa flowers. Natural and controlled fruit sets were low in both species. The index of self-incompatibility (ISI) was 0.17 in H. glandulosa and 0.86 in H. gracilipes. Although ISI in H. glandulosa could denote an incompatibility system, the presence of fruits with aborted embryos at different degrees of development point to an inbreeding depression situation. Low pollen viability and fruit set in H. gracilipes suggested reproductive problems which may be linked to hybridization events. 相似文献
One hundred seventy-two frogs (Leptodactylus chaquensis) were collected from November 2002 to November 2003, in agricultural (n = 132) and nonagricultural (n = 40) areas. Both sites are near the city of Corrientes, Argentina. The main goals of this study were as follows: (1) to determine the helminth parasite community in agricultural and nonagricultural habitats; (2) to analyze the relationships between helminth parasites and site of infection, frog body size, and gender; (3) to identify and examine covariation and association of helminth communities; and (4) to determine the mean richness and diversity of parasite communities. The helminth compound community of this amphibian species consisted of 24 species: 19 in agricultural habitats and 18 in nonagricultural habitats. The mean richness, mean diversity, and evenness of helminths were significantly different between the habitats (P < 0.05). The body size of the host was the important factor in determining parasite richness. Both habitats exhibited differences in community ordination. The helminth species in the 2 habitats exhibited the same interspecific relationships, although differences were observed in the intensity of infection. 相似文献
Morphologically cryptic species act as a wild card when it comes to biodiversity assessments and conservation, with the capacity to dramatically alter our understanding of the biological landscape at the taxonomic, ecological, biogeographic, evolutionary, and conservation levels. We discuss the potential effects that cryptic species may have on biodiversity assessments and conservation, as well as some of the current issues involving the treatment of cryptic species both at taxonomic and conservation levels. In addition, using a combination of advertisement call and morphological data, we describe a new species of the Leptodactylus marmoratus group from the upper Amazon basin, and we assess how cryptic species can affect conservation assessments of species in the Leptodactylus marmoratus group by examining how recent findings affect our understanding of the distribution of what is assumed to be a widespread Amazonian species, Leptodactylus andreae. 相似文献
Abstract In a ‘restinga’ habitat of southeastern Brazil, we studied the food habits and the microhabitat use of two lizards with distinct foraging modes: the tropidurid Tropidurus torquatus, a sit-and-wait predator, and the teiid Cnemidophorus ocellifer, a wide forager. The diet of the two species differed strongly, indicating a low level of similarity in their trophic niche. The sit-and-wait predator fed mainly on mobile prey, whereas the wide forager fed mainly on sedentary prey (larvae). The spatial niche breadth of T. torquatus was larger than that of C. ocellifer. Despite interspecific differences, the two species overlapped greatly in micro-habitat use. The data indicate that at Linhares the two lizard species differed more in food resources than in microhabitat, and that most of the food differences reflect the foraging patterns of the species. 相似文献
Chondrocranial morphology of leptodactylid frogs is scarcely known and has not been completely described for any species of Leptodactylus. We describe the diversity of chondrocranial morphology in the genus Leptodactylus based on the analysis of 22 species, representing the four species groups: the fuscus Group, ocellatus Group, melanonotus Group, and pentadactylus Group. Furthermore, 26 characters are identified and used in a phylogenetic analysis. The phylogenetic analysis using Physalaemus, Crossodactylus, and Hylodes as outgroups suggests two monophyletic clades within Leptodactylus: the melanonotus-ocellatus clade and the pentadactylus-fuscus clade. However, it does not support the monophyly of the species groups as currently recognized and it suggests a paraphyletic Leptodactylus. Enforcing the monophyly of the ingroup, i.e., Leptodactylus, results in the same major two clades of Leptodactylus. Leptodactylus riveroi, a taxon previously unassigned to any species group, appears most closely related to the melanonotus-ocellatus clade based on chondrocranial characteristics. J. Morphol. 238:287–305, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Abstract: The reproductive biology of two shrub species of Diplusodon (Lythraceae), D. hirsutus and D. orbicularis, was studied. Their distribution is restricted, mainly associated with "campos rupestres", a montane biome in SE Brazil. Both species proved to be self-compatible but because of herkogamy they are greatly dependent on visitors to effect pollination. The main pollinators are medium-sized bees. In experiments where pollinators were excluded or discouraged the percentage of abscised fruits was total or extremely high; most of these fruits dropped within the first two weeks after pollination in D. orbicularis and three weeks in D. hirsutus. The percentage of surviving fruits from control or manual pollination was higher in D. orbicularis ( ca. 70 %) than in D. hirsutus ( ca. 50 %). Seed set was very variable, with slightly lower means in D. hirsutus. Within each species the mean seed set was similar in self-, cross-pollinated fruits, and controls. In both species, the similarity between control and manual pollination fruit survival curves suggests that factors other than pollen limitation are the cause of abortion in the study area. The high rate of abscission, which was also observed in unmanipulated fruits, was attributed to resource limitation. In D. hirsutus this was caused by drought during seed development. In D. orbicularis it was enhanced by nutrient drain by shoot-galling flies. The lack of selective abortion of either selfed fruits or fruits with a small number of seeds may be a useful mechanism to overcome this detrimental effect which is felt later during fruit development. 相似文献