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Growth in crustaceans is characterized by ontogenetic differentiation during the development of their body structures, so studies on relative growth are widely applied in this group. In this study, the growth pattern of the body structures was verified through the analysis of relative growth, and then, morphological sexual maturity of the mangrove crab Aratus pisonii (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) was estimated. The carapace width (CW), cheliped propodus length (PL), cheliped propodus height (PH), propodus width (PW), abdomen width (AW), and first pleopod length (FPL) of the crabs were measured. The relationships that best showed changes in the allometric coefficient among demographic categories were FPL vs. CW for males and AW vs. CW for females. This study verified the increased size of the cheliped in terms of length, width, and height, which occurred mainly in adult males. This increase reflects the importance of this structure in the reproductive processes of A. pisonii. For females, the increase in abdomen growth reflects their reproductive potential, since it is a structure that provides protection for eggs.  相似文献   

The ecology of tropic hydroids on the rocky shore of Santa Marta, Colombia, was studied from January 1971 to April 1972. Main interests concentrated on vertical distribution, temporal succession, activity, maturity, population density, shape and growth of colonies, and on type of settlement. These aspects have been related to quantitative data and to variations in biotic and abiotic factors. The results are compared with those obtained on other types of shores, viz. artificial and sandy shores. They indicate that local abiotic differences in water quality are influenced, above all, by the sequence of dry and rainy seasons. In a rapidly changing abiotic environment, life cycles and ontogenetic stages (settlement, growth, maturity) follow each other faster than in a static environment. With increasing water depth, the density of the hydroid populations decreases, while the size of single colonies increases. In addition, with increasing depth, the length of the maturity period increases. For the same species, the time of attainment of maturity may be different in different localities. Hydroid species with short life cycles settle faster than species with long life cycles. Hydroid polyps may counteract environmental perturbations by changes in activity. Distribution and zonation of hydroid populations depend to a high degree on water movement, sun orbit, and shade-spending coastal profiles.  相似文献   

Chromosome counts and detailed karyotype analyses are presented forI. attica (2n = 16), andI. mellita andI. reichenbachii (both 2n = 24). Karyotypes differ in symmetry, number of telocentrics, occurrence of heteromorphic chromosome pairs, etc. For Western Anatolia first unequivocal records ofI. attica and local differentiation ofI. mellita are demonstrated. The Balkan and West-UkrainianI. reichenbachii appears not to be indigenous to Anatolia.

T.(T.)vicinus(Edwards,1914)(附近杵蚊)在我国有比较广泛的记载。它和bam-busa(Yamada,1917)(竹生杵蚊)近似。Edwards的原描述比较简单,并限于成蚊。实际两者的主要区别除了Edwards提到的本种前足跗瓜的特征外在于:vicinus雄蚊第九腹节背叶宽而末端高度倾斜,各具刚毛25根以上,幼虫的栉齿至少部分生在骨片上,腹刷毛  相似文献   

Free leucine, valine, proline, tyrosine, alanine, taurine, glutamic acid, and glycine are present in both blood and muscle of Panulirus longipes (Milne Edw.). Arginine is present in muscle only. Five unidentified ninhydrin-positive spots appeared in thin-layer chromatograms of blood, and four in chromatograms of muscle.Non-protein, ninhydrin-positive substances (NPS) in muscle do not appear to function in the moulting process. Concentrations averaged 278 mM/kg wet weight of muscle and NPS were the most abundant of organic osmotically active substances (total ions were 325 mM/kg). Trimethylamine oxide and glycine betaine together amounted to a further 121 mM.With lowered salinity, NPS concentrations in muscle were sharply reduced within 24 h, but with increased salinity, concentrations rose slowly over 7 days suggesting that NPS are produced by intracellular processes. When rock lobsters were fully adapted to salinities ranging from 25 to 45‰ concentrations of muscle NPS were linearly related to external salinity. When the salinity was lowered the blood was initially flooded with NPS, concentrations reaching a maximum at 12 h, and returning to normal after 72 h. Gastric fluid concentrations also rose, and evidence indicates that a large part of the NPS lost from muscle is excreted into the external water via the gastric fluid. At a salinity of 30‰, 56 % of the NPS lost from muscle appears in the external water, the remainder being excreted as ammonia; at 27‰, 82 % of NPS was excreted into the water, the remainder as ammonia.It is concluded that a changing external salinity would cause a continual loss of NPS from the body of a decapod crustacean. Although wasteful of nitrogenous compounds, such a process is of high survival value in permitting osmotic adjustment in the absence of more efficient mechanisms, such as those present in teleost fishes.  相似文献   

W. Foissner 《Hydrobiologia》1984,119(3):193-208
The morphology, infraciliature, and ecology of 8 species of the ciliate family Amphileptidae were investigated. A new species, Litonotus trichocystiferus nov. spec., and some new combinations and synonyms are described., Improved diagnoses are given for the genera Litonotus, Amphileptus, and Opisthodon.

Understanding and predicting species range-expansions and biological invasions is an important challenge in modem ecology because of rapidly changing environments. Recent studies have revealed that consistent within-species variation in behavior (i.e. animal personality) can be imperative for dispersal success, a key stage in the invasion process. Here we investigate the composition and correlation of two important personality traits associated with invasion success, activity and boldness, and how they are connected to sex and individual size in a newly colonised population of the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis in Lake Vanem, Sweden. We found no effect of sex or size on behavioral expressions orE. sinensis but a clear positive correlation between boldness and activity. In addition, this study generates important baseline data for monitoring behavioral develop ment, and thereby changing ecological impact, of an invading population over time. This has implications for predicting ecological effects of invasive species as well as for managing ecological invasions.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 3 Textabbildungen.Herrn Prof. H. Kappert zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

The highly invasive Chinese mitten crabs (Eriocheir sinensis) was studied to reveal the genetic relationship between three none self-sustainable population within the Polish Oder and Vistula River and Lake V?nern in Sweden. Crabs from self-sustainable populations were collected from the Elbe River (Germany), San Francisco Bay (USA) and five Asian river estuaries. Both parsimony and maximum likelihood analysis of the nuclear ITS 1 and ITS 2 regions reveal a similar topological pattern. The mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequence had too low resolution to be informative. The Oder River haplotypes showed high sequence similarities to both the Elbe population and/or the native spawning areas in China. The Vistula River showed haplotypic similarity to specimens from the Oder River in Poland or the Elbe River. Also high sequence similarities were observed to the specimens from the Swedish Lake V?nern indicating to an origin from the River Elbe. Minor changes in evolutionary interpretation exist depending on how gaps are treated and the analytic method. There is a complex movement involving back and forth transoceanic colonization of the Chinese mitten crab haplotypes. Invasion routes are discussed in relation to ship transfer routes and canal waterways.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Von 1973–1978 wurden systematische Beringungen und regelmäßige Nestkontrollen einer Drs-Population im Fränkischen Weihergebiet (Nordbayern) durchgeführt (Auswertung von 487 Nestkarten). Die vorhandene Trs-Population wurde nicht systematisch erfaßt (645 Nestkarten).Der Bestand der einzelnen Teilpopulationen des Drs schwankte im Untersuchungszeitraum; die gesamte Population blieb annähernd konstant.Die Nestabstände benachbarter Drs-Bruten innerhalb eines günstigen Schilfstreifens lagen zwischen 7 m und ca. 300 m. Das kolonieartige Brüten der Trs wird mit Beispielen belegt.Medianer Legebeginn des Drs war der 29. Mai, der des Trs der 13. Juni. Der nach Erreichen des Maximums im Legemuster folgende Abfall war beim Drs deutlich steiler als beim Trs. Die mittlere Gelegegröße des Drs betrug 4,73, die des Trs 3,85 Eier. Bei beiden Arten fand eine Gelegegrößenreduktion mit fortschreitender Brutzeit statt.Das Schlüpfen der Jungen erfolgte beim Drs überwiegend am 12. bis 14. Tag nach Ablage des letzten Eies, beim Trs am 11. bis 13. Die Brutdauer betrug meist 14 (Drs) bzw. 13 (Trs) Tage.Beim Drs waren 59,7 % der Nester erfolgreich. Der Ausfliegeerfolg, bezogen auf erfolgreiche Nester, betrug 73,2 %, der Gesamtbruterfolg demnach 43,7 %. Beim Trs ergaben sich entsprechend die Werte 66,6 %, 82,9 % und 55,2 %. Auch die durchschnittliche Anzahl flügger Jungvögel pro Brutnest lag beim Drs mit 2,00 etwas niedriger als beim Trs mit 2,15. Als Reproduktions-rate des Drs wurde ein Wert von 2,24 flüggen Jungen pro errechnet. Für den Trs wird die Reproduktionsrate wesentlich höher geschätzt.Die Verluste wurden nach Ursachen aufgeschlüsselt, wobei besonders verglichen mit gleichaltrigen Trs die vielfach größere Empfindlichkeit nestjunger Drs gegen Regen und Kälte auffiel.In zwei Fällen konnten für Drs- Zweitbruten mittels Beringung nachgewiesen werden. Beobachtungen an Trs gaben zu Vermutungen von Zweitbruten bei dieser Art Anlaß.Bigamie wurde beim Drs mehrfach mittels Farbberingung nachgewiesen. Aus den Nestabständen konnte im Untersuchungsgebiet nicht auf monogames oder polygames Verhalten der Drs geschlossen werden. Es werden Angaben über Alter und Verhalten polygamer in verschiedenen Jahren gemacht. Paarzusammenhalt am Vorjahresbrutplatz wurde beim Drs mittels Beringung einmal nachgewiesen.Die meisten überlebenden der als Brutvögel beringten Drs kehrten ins Untersuchungsgebiet zurück, von den überlebenden nestjung beringten dagegen etwa ein Drittel. 3 nestjung beringte Trs wurden nach 1 bzw. 2 Jahren im Untersuchungsgebiet zur Brutzeit kontrolliert.Ein Drittel der Drs-Population stammte aus dem Untersuchungsgebiet. 2 nestjung beringte aus 78 km und 500 km Entfernung wurden als Brutvögel kontrolliert. Alter der Brutvögel 1–9 Jahre.An Beispielen wird die räumliche und zeitliche Einnischung beider Arten beschrieben.
Studies onAcrocephalus arundinaceus andscirpaceus: Population trends, breeding biology, and ecology
Summary Results of 6 years (1973–1978) of systematic ringing and regular nest controls of a great reed warbler population in Northern Bavaria are given (data of 487 nests) as well as results on a population of the reed warbler (data of 645 nests).Numbers of great reed warblers fluctuated in different parts of the study area. The whole population, however, remained fairly constant.Data on the arrival of males in the breeding area are given.Distances between neighbouring nests of great reed warblers varied from 7 to about 300 m. Differences in nest densities in the reed warbler could be found.The mean first egg laying dates in the great reed warbler and the reed warbler were May 29 and June 13 respectively. The great reed warbler showed a distinct steeper decrease in its egg laying pattern than the smaller species. Average clutch size in the great reed warble was 4.73 eggs and 3.85 eggs in the reed warbler. In both species clutch size decreased during the season.Great reed warbler nestlings hatched on the 12th to 14th day after the last egg had been laid, reed warbler nestlings on the 11th to 13th day. The incubation period was mainly 14 days in the great reed warbler and 13 days in the reed warbler.In the great reed warbler 59.7 % of the nests were successful. The fledging success of successful nests was 73.2 %, accordingly the total nest success was 43.7 %. The corresponding data in reed warbler were 66.6 %, 82.9 % and 55.2 %. On average great reed warblers produced 2.00 fledglings per clutch, reed warblers 2.15. In the great reed warbler a reproduction rate of 2.24 fledglings per female was calculated. The reproduction rate in reed warbler was estimated substantially higher.Great reed warbler nestlings were much more sensitive to rain and cold weather than reed warbler nestlings of the same age.Two great reed warbler males were proved to make a second brood. The same is supposed for the other species but could not be proved so far.Polygyny was proved several times in the great reed warbler. Age and behaviour of polygynous males in different years are reported. Two great reed warblers were found breeding with their former mates at last year's breeding place.Most of the great reed warblers ringed as breeding birds returned into the study area. Nearly one third of the great reed warbler nestlings returned for breeding. Three reed warblers ringed as nestlings could be controlled in the study area during breeding period after 1 year and 2 years respectively.Distances of returned great reed warblers in relation to their birth places and their former breeding places are specified.One third of the great reed warbler population originates from the study area. Two females breeding in the study area were ringed as nestlings 78 km and 500 km apart.One-year-old to nine-year-old great reed warblers were found breeding. Data on the age composition of breeding birds are given.Plant species supporting the nests of great reed warbler and reed warbler were investigated. Differences in the spatial and temporal habitat selection of both species are described.

Zusammenfassung Die Imagines von Micropterna spp. übersommern, manchmal in großer Abundanz, in Höhlen. Zur Erklärung der sehr großen quantitativen und qualitativen Unterschiede dieser Besiedlung in verschiedenen Höhlen wurden markierte Exemplare von Micropterna nycterobia in verschiedenen Richtungen und Entfernungen (bis zu 3 km) vom Eingang der Eisensteinhöhle (Niederösterreich) freigelassen. Sie fanden sich im Frühsommer zu nur 1–5% in der Höhle ein, aber ziemlich unabhängig von der Entfernung des Aussetzungsortes und vom individuellen Schlüpftermin. Später im Sommer Freigelassene wanderten nicht mehr in die Höhle ein. Es wird daher vermutet, daß die Migration dieser Tiere nicht gezielt auf Höhlen gerichtet ist und Massenansammlungen in bestimmten Höhlen nur dann zustandekommen, wenn in der Nähe ein besonders reich besiedelter Bach fließt. — Obwohl die Tiere scheinbar in völliger Dunkelheit sitzen, ist nicht auszuschließen, daß ihre Gonadenentwicklung von der Tageslänge abhängt, wie es bei Insekten allgemein üblich ist. Durch Exponieren von lichtempfindlichem Material wurde nachgewiesen, daß sich die Tiere in der Höhle nur dort aufhalten, wohin noch geringe Lichtmengen dringen.
Summary The adults of Micropterna spp. estivate in caves, but there are considerable differences in abundance and species composition among different caves. Marking-recapture experiments were carried out with M. nycterobia near and in the Eisenstein cave in Lower Austria. Individuals released in early summer in distances up to 3 km from the cave returned and were recaptured there at rates of only 1–5%, but more or less independent of the distance from place of release and of the individual date of emergence. Later in the summer released Micropterna no longer immigrated. It is supposed that the migration of the adults of this species is not exclusively directed to caves, and that high abundance in a given cave depends mainly on mass occurrence of the larval stages in a nearby running stream. By exposure to light-sensitive material it was demonstrated that the caddis flies rest in the cave only in the region of weak illumination. They avoid total darkness. Therefore, we have not excluded that the development of their gonads depends, as is usual in insects, on day length.

This computational study is intended to shed light on the crystalline and molecular structure, together with the hydrogen bonding (H-bonding) differences between two forms of native cellulose. DFT calculations were carried out to characterize the 17O, 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) parameters in cellulose Iα and Iβ with the B3LYP functional employing the 6–311++G7 and 6–31+G1 basis sets. Geometry optimization revealed that the average HB length is shortened by 0.01–0.08 Å when the chains are aligned, whereas the average bond angle increases by about 4–8° exhibiting the enhancement of HB strength. For the isolated cellotetramer chains, the isotropic 17O–H chemical shifts were plotted as a function of HB length. Our results indicated that as the HB length in cellotetramer Iα increases, the 17O–H chemical shift isotropy increases, but this parameter changes in the opposite direction for the other structure. Moreover, B3LYP/6–311++G7 calculations reveal that there is an acceptable correlation between the calculated 13C chemical shifts of the two structures and their experimental values.  相似文献   

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