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The beds composing an unconformity at the boundary of the Mikhailovian and Venevian horizons in the Polotnyanyi Zavod quarry (Kaluga Region) are investigated. A detailed study has shown that, at the base of black “rhizoid” limestone, a pedocomplex of two paleosols of different genesis is formed. From below upwards, rocks of subaerial (Paleosol 1 of the rendzina type), subaerial–subaquatic (Paleosol 2 on bog marl), and palustrine genesis replace each other. Both paleosols display a horizontal structure of profiles; the presence of the root systems, imprints of plants, and traces of animal’s activity; the presence of soil new formations (micritic calcite with a light isotopic composition of C, Fe-concretions ). In paleosols, some geochemical indices (PWI, CIA, CIA-K), the ratios Ba/Sr, Rb/Sr, and concentration of Ga increase. The soil complex was formed under conditions of a warm subhumid climate. In the structure and lateral scale of distribution, the object investigated is comparable to the Everglades marsh landscape of Florida (United States).  相似文献   

A total of 842 white sea bream (Diplodus sargus), sampled in Banyuls-sur-Mer, were analysed to test 'genotype-phenotype' relationship for various characters related to the fitness. The results show significant differences (MLH and FIS) for the age according to the sex between females carrying out and not carrying out sexual inversion. This suggests an overdominance for old females and a genetic sex determination. The individuals laying very early during the period of reproduction are also differentiated from the individuals reproducing later in the season. These results suggest either a stable calendar of laying in time separating the individuals genetically reproducing precociously from the others and this by differential selection and/or genetic drift either a Wahlund effect among cohorts.  相似文献   

The microfloral and microfaunal assemblages of the MFZ11 foraminiferal biozone (late early SomervilleViséan; formerly V2a) are well developed in the Kiyasar section of the Sari area (central Alborz; northern Iran). Regionally, this biozone MFZ11 may be subdivided into three subzones. The lower subzone, MFZ11A, is characterized by the appearances of the algae Koninckopora tenuiramosa, coeloporellacean indet. Fourstonella fusiformis, and Nanopora anglica and, among the foraminifers, by the occurrence of Ammarchaediscus bozorgniai and the disappearance of Eoparastaffella simplex; the absence of Uralodiscus rotundus, U. spp., and primitive Glomodiscus spp. in this subzone is noticeable. The next subzone, MFZ11B1, is well characterized by the appearance of Glomodiscus spp. (G. oblongus and G. cf. miloni) and the local range zone of Pararchaediscus, a genus emended herein and interpreted as a junior synonym of Archaediscus at the involutus stage and Propermodiscus; only a few characteristic issinellacean and palaeoberesellacean algae are present in this subzone. Then, the last subzone, MFZ11B2, is characterized by Hemiarchaediscus (emended herein) and Glomodiscus miloni; the upper part of this latter subzone is only marked by the apparent absence of the archaediscids and the presence of two incertae sedis algae: Crassikamaena scabrosa and Epistacheoides bozorgniai nov. sp. These assemblages indicate that at that time, Alborz remained located on the Perigondwanan southern border of the Palaeotethys, and was probably connected with the Urals as well as the northwestern branch the Palaeotethys, from Belgium to the Donets Basin.  相似文献   

New data on the taxonomic composition of the algal flora of the Late Viséan of the Moscow Basin are discussed based on newly collected material. The algal assemblage comprises 24 taxa, 14 taxa identified to species, nine identified to genus, and one taxon not positively identified. Representatives of the genera Anthracoporella, Anthracoporellopsis, Asphaltina, Asphaltinella, Asteroaoujgalia, and Zidella are recorded for the first time from the Upper Viséan of the Moscow Basin. The large geographic ranges of these benthic calcareous algae suggest a relatively free exchange of the floral elements of the Late Viséan Moscow Basin with the remote basins of North America and the Paleotethys in the Aleksinian and Mikhailovian time. The new data fill an important gap in the current state of knowledge of Late Viséan marine algae.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the thermal constant in an experimental population of Muscina stabulans (Fallén 1817). A natural population was obtained from a livestock and their F1 generations were maintained at four constant temperatures (16 degrees C, 20 degrees C, 26 degrees C and 31 degrees C). The thermal constant was calculated by the hyperbole method using the base temperature, tb = 4.4 degrees C and the thermal constant K = 35.3 GD. Ricker's geometric regression, considering tb = 7.8 degrees C and K = 28.9 GD was also calculated.  相似文献   

K. Krainer  D. Vachard 《Facies》2015,61(1):1-23
The Kirchbach Limestone occurs in the middle part of the early Viséan to Bashkirian Hochwipfel Formation, which was deposited in a flysch basin that formed during an extensional rifting phase in the foreland of the Noric Terrane, was filled with deep-marine synorogenic sediments and closed during the Bashkirian. The Noric Terrane split off from Gondwana and drifted towards the north, closing the flysch basin, which was part of the Paleo-Tethys. The Kirchbach Limestone is composed of bioclastic mudstone and carbonate conglomerate. Microfacies of the limestone clasts include wackestone, packstone, grainstone, and rudstone with diverse fossil assemblages. Bindstone clasts are derived from very shallow, restricted environments. Other clasts are bioclastic mudstone derived from deeper settings. All the foraminifers and algae identified correspond to the upper MFZ14 biozone, after the appearance of Bradyina; in contrast, the markers of the uppermost MFZ14 (Asteroarchaediscus, Loeblichia paraammonoides, and Warnantella) and those of MFZ15 (Janischewskina, Climacammina, and Biseriella) are totally absent. The Kirchbach markers are Cribrospira mikhailovi, Bradyina cf. flosculus, Howchinia bradyana, and Eostaffella parastruvei. Revised local taxa are Mstinia, M. minima n. comb., Consobrinellopsis n. gen., and C. ex gr. consobrina n. comb. The Kirchbach Limestone is derived from a shelf area displaying various shallow-water environments from which the clasts were transported into deeper-marine environments as sediment gravity flows. Limestone clasts of the Kirchbach Limestone indicate the presence of a shallow carbonate shelf along the northern margin of the Hochwipfel flysch basin. The late Asbian (MFZ14) limestone clasts derived from this carbonate shelf were probably subaerially exposed prior to their reworking and redeposition within the flysch sediments, which are late Brigantian (MFZ15) in age. Fossiliferous carbonate shelf sediments of Viséan–Serpukhovian (Namurian) age in the Veitsch Nappe of the eastern Graywacke Zone may be remnants of this shelf. Similar trilobite faunas of Nötsch and Veitsch indicate that they were originally adjacent and probably connected to this shelf north of the flysch basin. These data confirm that the Carnic Alps were located in the Viséan Mediterranean subprovince.  相似文献   

Sequence data derived from two mitochondrial markers, 16S rRNA and COI genes, were used to infer the evolutionary history of 47 insular and mainland populations covering most of the distributional range of the northeastern Mediterranean scorpion species Mesobuthus gibbosus. Based on the estimated divergence times of Mesobuthus lineages, the temporal frame of the genus differentiation in the northeastern Mediterranean region is placed in middle Miocene (15 million years ago). The biogeographic affinities of M. gibbosus populations point towards a mainly vicariant pattern of differentiation of the species which is consistent with the geological events that transformed the Aegean region during the period from 12 to 5 million years ago. M. gibbosus is an old northeastern Mediterranean species that has retained valuable bits of genetic information, reflecting some of the oldest vicariant events that have occurred in the area. Most importantly, the history witnessed by M. gibbosus has not been obscured by more recent palaeoevents of the region. Therefore, the case of M. gibbosus is in favour of a taxon-oriented 'perception' of the natural history of a given area.  相似文献   

A synopsis of the species of Ceratomyxa Thélohan, 1892 (Myxozoa: Myxosporea: Ceratomyxidae), including a total of 147 species, is presented. For each species the relevant morphological and morphometric data are indicated, as well as the site of infection within the host and the original hosts and locality. A diagrammatic illustration of the spores is also provided.  相似文献   

The leaf-beetle Leptomona russica (Gmelin, 1790) known from the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, and Middle Asia was found in Orenburg Province for the first time. It is the first record of this species from Europe and the first record of the genus Leptomona from European Russia. The diagnostic characters of the two Russian Leptomona species are included.  相似文献   

The “calcaires à Productus” of the Montagne Noire (Aude-Hérault, southern France) are carbonate lenses embedded within a thick Carboniferous siliciclastic complex. Foraminiferal assemblages in some of the larger carbonate lenses are typically representative of the late Viséan and Serpukhovian. Eleven new species of foraminifers are described: Hemidiscopsis variabilis, H. pilleae, Planohowchinia rara, P. redondensis, Spireitlina minima, Rectoendothyra japhetensis, Mikhailovella enormis, Cribrospira? perretae, Pojarkovella occidentalis, Parabiseriella vailhanensis, and Biseriella delicata. Eight foraminiferal biozones are defined; they are based on the first occurrence of some taxa, and could be used for other regions of southern France (e.g., Mouthoumet and the Pyrenees). These biozones are informally named as A to H. Due to the problems with classical biozonations and substages in northern England as well as Belgium and northern France, the biozones established herein are mostly compared with the Russian standard substages. Thus, biozones A and B are correlated with the Mikhailovian, corresponding to the latest Asbian and earliest Brigantian in western Europe; biozones C, D and E are correlated with the Venevian, equivalent to the upper part of the early Brigantian in western Europe. Therefore, biozones A–E form part of the late and latest Viséan. The stratigraphically younger biozones F, G and H contain foraminiferal assemblages correlated with the Tarusian, Steshevian and Protvian, respectively.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the reproductive accessory gland of the parthenogenetic thrips Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Thysanoptera : Thripidae) is reported. It consists of an apical bulb and a fine gland duct. The former consists of an epithelium with secretory and duct-forming cells surrounding a large gland lumen lined with a thin cuticle and filled with dense secretion. Spent secretory cells degenerate and are eliminated from the epithelium. The gland duct is characterized by an irregular, branched lumen surrounded by a very flat epithelium. A valve controls the opening of the duct lumen. The proximal gland duct runs through a cuticular papilla that opens between the dorsal ovipositor valves. The secretions may serve for ovipositor valve lubrication and possibly to protect laid eggs. Observations of serial sections through the vagina exclude the presence of a spermatheca in this species.  相似文献   

The present work reports on a neuroanatomical study of the butterfly Pararge aegeria (Lepidoptera : Satyridae) focusing on the lamina ganglionaris underlying two different regions of the retina of the compound eye: the dorsal rim area and the large dorsal region. No differences between both lamina regions, concerning the structure of the cartridges and the morphology of the identified neurons, could be detected. After passing the basement membrane, the visual cell axons are organized in retinotopic bundles (pseudocartridges), in which the axons of the 9 visual cells (V1 and 5, D2, 4, 6, 8, H3 and 7, B9) are arranged in the same way as in the retina. In the pseudocartridge there are no synaptic contacts. Before entering the lamina cartridge, the bundles rotate 90 °. The cartridges are joined by the fibres of 4 monopolar cells (L1, L2, L3 and L4), which could be identified and located inside the lamina cartridges in serial EM-sections. Golgi impregnations revealed the morphology of these fibres. Thus, the regional specialization of the retina (dorsal rim area and large dorsal region) does not seem to be reflected at the level of the first visual neuropil. Additionally, the cartridges of both lamina regions were investigated qualitatively for synaptic contacts among fibres. In addition to monadic chemical synapses and multiple contact synapses with presynaptic ribbons, cell contacts are also facilitated by invaginations and bridges. These cellular interactions and their functional implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The Iranian Mountain Viper, Montivipera albicornuta, is a venomous snake endemic to Iran. We compared the seasonal cycle of testicular activity of 74 male specimens during a one-year period in two cold mountain climate habitats: Tarom (in Zanjan Province) and Bostanabad (in Eastern Azerbaijan Province) in northwestern Iran. The maximum testicular volume was observed in both habitats during autumn. The diameter of seminiferous tubules reached a maximum length in winter and a minimum in summer. The number of spermatids increased in autumn. Spermiogenesis occurred in spring and the maximum number of spermatozoa was reached then. In M. albicornuta in Iran, the testes were more active in autumn and spring, and spermatogenesis started in autumn and continued until mating in spring.  相似文献   

This synopsis of the species of the genus Henneguya (Myxozoa, Myxosporea, Myxobolidae) includes a total of 146 species. Morphometric and morphological (when available) features are indicated for each species. Data related to the hosts are also provided.  相似文献   

The Pacific jack Caranx caninus is a common species fished by artisanal fishermen off the coast of Colima, México. During 2002, monthly samples of morphometric data and otoliths were taken to determine age and growth. Seven age groups were identified. The highest growth, 14.4 cm, takes place during the first year of life. During the second year, C caninus grows 11.76 cm; the third year 9.61 cm; the fourth 7.85 cm; the fifth 6.41 cm and sixth year 5.24 cm. The constants of von Bertalanffy's growth equation were: L(infinity) = 83.26 cm, W(infinity) = 18.138 g, K = 0.202, t(0) = -0.283 and A(0.95) = 15 years. Growth curves of other species of the same genus were calculated in order to compare them with the one obtained in the present work. The gonadosomatic index presented higher values during November and May. The periods of more intensive feeding are from August to February.  相似文献   

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