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We describe the development of and amplification conditions for microsatellite primers isolated from the caddisfly Drusus discolor. Eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed and screened for variability using 37 individuals from two populations from central Europe. The primers yielded an average of 8.6 alleles per loci. No linkage disequilibrium between loci was detected, while three loci showed deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in one of the two tested populations.  相似文献   

Non-innervated macrotrichia and microtrichia, thick-walled chemoreceptors and three kinds of thin-walled chemoreceptors are present on the antennal flagellum of Frenesia missa. One of the thin-walled receptors, the plate organ, is of a type not previously recorded for any insect. About four times as many plate organs are present on the flagellum of the male as on that of the female. They occur also on the maxillary and labial palps.  相似文献   

1. The effects of spawning coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) on the limnephilid caddisfly Ecclisomyia conspersa were evaluated by experimentally excluding salmon from the upper 14‐m stretch of a spawning channel by a wire‐meshed fence. Density, and development and growth rates, of larvae upstream of the fence (without salmon) were compared with those downstream (with salmon). 2. Larval density in the stretch with salmon declined during spawning, but increased again after spawning subsided and the carcasses of dead fish became available. In the stretch with salmon, larval density on salmon carcasses was seven to 37 times greater than on the adjacent channel substratum. The rate of larval development in the stretch with salmon was greater than that in the stretch without salmon. Two months after carcasses became available, 98% of larvae sampled from the stretch with salmon were in the fifth instar, compared to only 23% from the stretch without salmon. Body weight of E. conspersa in the stretches with and without salmon increased by an average of 3.04 and 2.38 mg, respectively, over a 6‐month period. 3. 15N values of larvae from the stretch with salmon increased following the arrival of the fish, suggesting that the larvae were feeding on salmon‐derived material, such as eggs and carcasses, which contain a high proportion of the heavier stable isotope. In contrast, 15N values of larvae from the stretch without salmon remained relatively constant throughout the experiment. The availability of salmon carcasses as a high‐quality food source late in larval development may increase survival and fecundity of E. conspersa. 4. These substantial differences were consistent with the view that they were due to the experimental exclusion of salmon and salmon carcasses from the upstream stretch, though the study was un‐replicated and thus precludes ascribing causation more definitely.  相似文献   

Here we report the development of 10 microsatellite loci for the alpine caddisfly, Allogamus uncatus. Polymorphism as detected in 24 individuals ranged from three to 17 alleles per locus, and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.087 to 0.864. These primers will enable research on the genetic population structure of this species, the extent of gene flow among alpine permanent and temporary streams, and the genetic consequences of extinction/recolonization events.  相似文献   

Glyphopsyche irrorata has adapted to live in ponds with fluctuating water levels and ponds exhibiting winter drought by passing the winter as an adult in the terrestrial environment.
Larvae, which hatch in May and pupate in late August, are detritivorous shredders. Males and females emerge in September, with a sex ratio of one and commence mating in the autumn. The entire population has mated by May at which time females oviposit in the water. Adult males and females are present in equal numbers in the spring and have similar longevities approaching a maximum of 8 to 9 months.  相似文献   

Abstract. A revision and phylogenetic analysis of the Neotropical genus Chimarrhodella Lestage is presented. Four described species are recognized, C.galeata (Martynov), C.peruviana (Ross), C.ulmeri (Ross) and C.nigra Flint. In addition, five new species are described, C.costaricensis sp.n. (Costa Rica), C.tapanti sp.n. (Costa Rica), C.flinti sp.n. (Venezuela), C.pilcopata , sp.n. (Peru) and C.tobagoensis sp.n. (Tobago). These species are organized into two monophyletic species groups, designated here the Galeata Group and the Peruviana Group. The Galeata Group is characterized by having male genitalia with tergum X possessing well developed lateral lobes bearing sclerotized, spine-like processes and includes C.galeata, C.costaricensis, C.flinti, C.pilcopata and C.tapanti. The Peruviana Group is characterized by having male genitalia with tergum X only slightly divided apically, tergum IX bearing hook-like processes posteriorly, and female genitalia with segment VIII much elongated in comparison to the Galeata Group and includes C.peruviana, C.nigra, C.tobagoensis and C.ulmeri. Records of the genus from Costa Rica and Tobago represent significant extensions of the known range for the genus, previously unknown north of Panama. A key to males and known females and a species-level phylogenetic analysis are included.  相似文献   

Fish-based index of biotic integrity (F-IBI) is widely used to assess river ecosystems. With survey data from the Yellow River fishery resources in the 1980s and 2008, fish composition and abundance, vertical distribution, trophic structure, reproductive guilds and tolerance in the river’s upstream, midstream, downstream, and estuary were examined, and F-IBI systems were established for each reach to assess river ecosystem health. Results showed that compared to the 1980s, the number of fish species in 2008 sharply declined in the midstream and downstream reaches, percentage of benthic fish species decreased in upstream and estuary, the number and percentage of omnivorous species decreased in all reaches, and percentage of tolerant fish species increased 15 times in upstream but decreased in midstream and downstream. The F-IBI scores in the four reaches in the 1980s were all higher than those in 2008 and decreased from upstream to estuary; the healthy conditions indicated by F-IBI scores in the 1980s were “good,” “fair,” “poor,” and “fair” from upstream to estuary and “degraded” to “poor” in all the reaches in 2008. This indicated that the river ecosystem has degraded from the 1980s to 2008. This was also shown by variations in water chemistry.  相似文献   

The taxonomy and systematics of the New Caledonian endemic caddisfly genus Gracilipsodes Sykora, 1967 (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae: Grumichellini) are reviewed. Seven new species represented by males are described and illustrated: Gracilipsodes aoupiniensis sp. nov. , Gracilipsodes aureus sp. nov. , Gracilipsodes aurorus sp. nov. , Gracilipsodes grandis sp. nov. , Gracilipsodes koghiensis sp. nov. , Gracilipsodes lanceolatus sp. nov. , and Gracilipsodes robustus sp. nov. Molecular phylogenetic analyses are applied to discern the relationships among the species of the genus and their closest relatives, based on sequence characters from the nuclear gene translation elongation factor-1α (EF-1α) and the three mitochondrial genes cytochrome oxidase I (COI), COII, and ribosomal large subunit (16S). The data are analyzed using parsimony and Bayesian inference, revealing a monophyletic Gracilipsodes with the eastern Australian monotypic genus Triplexa as its closest relative. Gracilipsodes is in turn divided into two major lineages.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 153 , 425–452.  相似文献   

Takao Nozaki 《水生昆虫》2013,35(4):301-302
Stenophylax festivus Navás, 1920 is transferred to genus Hydatophylax and Hydatophylax intermedius Schmid, 1964 is its junior synonym. Matsumura (1931) incorrectly recorded this species as Astenophylax grammicus McLachlan from Hokkaido, Japan.  相似文献   

The host acceptance behavior of the Japanese aquatic wasp,Agriotypus gracilis Waterston, an ectoparasitoid of the sand case building caddisfly,Goera japonica Banks was investigated in the laboratory. Female wasps were observed to enter the water by walking down a stone protruding from the water surface. Antennae were held backward and not utilized in searching for hosts under the water. Female wasps examined hosts from the outside of their cases by 2 consecutive steps, “turning” and “probing”. Turning behavior, in which female wasps move between the anterior and posterior ends of host cases, may be related to the measurement of case size. Host stages are considered to be discriminated by probing, in which females probe host cases with their sheathing ovipositors. Female wasps most frequently accepted and oviposited on pupal and prepupal hosts.  相似文献   

高燕  刘斯宇  杨光  姚云志  任东 《昆虫知识》2012,49(2):543-555
本文详细总结和回顾了世界毛翅目化石研究简史,列出已发表的化石种类名录、分布及年代,共37科、193属、661种(包括中国发现的4科9属15种),描述了不同地质时期主要毛翅目化石的分类单元和分布地区。简要介绍了毛翅目分类系统及系统发育、不同地质时期毛翅目化石的产地及时代。初步分析了目前该类群所存在的一些问题,并对今后的研究工作进行了展望。  相似文献   

The position of Helicopsyche borealis (Hagen) (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae) larvae on the substratum surface is dependent on the current regime but varies with larval size. All size classes of larvae chose significantly different positions on the substratum under high versus low current velocities. All size classes preferred exposed surfaces under low current velocities. Small larvae preferred the upper surfaces of substrata under low current velocities and were physically displaced under high current velocities. Larger larvae also occurred on upper surfaces, but were more evenly dispersed over all surfaces than smaller larvae, and tended to aggregate on down-stream faces of rocks during high flow.  相似文献   

记述伪突沼石蛾属5新种:钩肢伪突沼石蛾Pseudostenophylax uncatus,sp.nov.,河北伪突沼石蛾P.hebeiensis,sp.nov.,青海伪突沼石蛾P.qinghaiensis,sp.nov.,侧凸伪突沼石蛾P.latiproceris和莫氏伪突沼石蛾P.morsei,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Triplectides itatiaia sp. nov. is described from specimens collected on the Itatiaia massif, Mantiqueira mountain range, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The new species can be distinguished by the presence of hind wing fork I petiolate, the long dorsal excision of segment X and the flat, apically rounded mesal lobes. Female and immature stages are unknown. A key to the Brazilian species in the genus is provided.  相似文献   

龙建国  黄五龙  张建云  龙泽权 《生态科学》2004,23(3):236-239,243
针对生活在水流速度较快的湖南省柘溪水电站一带河床大量发生的原双栖纹石蛾(Amphipsyche proluta)来说采用一般的防治措施都很难付诸实施,或者只能是治标,不能治本。经1997年至2000年的调查研究和试验分析得知人为去掉河底大型石块,加深河水深度,减缓流速,以破坏适宜于该石蛾幼虫生存的生态环境,引进生态致死因子,是从根本上杜绝该石蛾发生的较为理想的办法。  相似文献   

A brief overview of the history of faunistic studies in Russia during the past century is presented. The existence of 643 species of 148 genera (28 families) is reported according to the results of the long-term investigation of the Russian fauna of the Trichoptera. There are 4 regional faunas of Trichoptera in Russia: Boreal European, Caucasian, Siberian, and Far Eastern. The tasks and prospects of the future studies are considered.  相似文献   

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