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Glossoscolex bergi (Glossoscolecidae) is a giant earthworm from the rainforest of Misiones (Argentina). The large size of its aestivation chamber and the meniscate burrows connected to it allow us to describe morphological details and reinterpret some characteristics of the fossil counterpart Castrichnus incolumis. The concavity of menisci, either in the burrow or in those pellets lining the chamber, shows concentric ridges and radiating striae that result from the impression of the last segments of the body. The meniscate burrows associated to the chamber are different from described ichnospecies of Taenidium, because of the surface texture of the meniscus. The aestivation chamber was produced during an atypical four-month drought in a region that lacks a seasonal climate. This suggests that Castrichnus incolumis would be also an indicator of drought periods even in non seasonal climates.  相似文献   

Two large (500-700 mm) species of Martiodrilus Michaelsen, 1937 are described from central Panama and southern Colombia. Both have polystomate nephridia, some reduced head segments, and complex folded typhlosoles. The first two conditions arc known from M. crassus Rosa 1896 and Thamnodriloides yunkeri Gates 1968. The systematic importance of polystomate nephridia and segment loss cannot be resolved without further information. Segment loss is common and variable within other glossoscoleeid genera. The two species differ as follows, the characteristics of M. olivaceous given first: tubercula pubertatis in xvii-xxv vs xviii-xxiv; small blood vessels parallel to the commissures and connected to the calciferous glands in vii-ix vs lacking these vessels; dorsal trunk ending in v vs ending in vii; intestinal nephridia with 40-50 nephrostomes vs 20-30; peptonephridia all stomate vs peptonephridia astomate in iv-vii; genital setae with 11 gouges in each of three rows, gouges ending 75 microns from tip vs 9 or 10 gouges per row, ending 200 microns from tip; spermathecae 1-4 pairs per segment each with its own duct vs 2 pairs per segment, the two of a side sharing a common duct.  相似文献   

A new epiphytic Orthotrichum species ( Orthotrichum spiculatum F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka sp. nov. ) is described from the sierra of Córdoba (Argentina). The new species has most of the characteristics of subgenus Pulchella (Schimp.) Vitt, but it is unique because of having eight exostome teeth pairs and 16 broad, strongly papillose endostome segments. Additionally, its upper leaves have green, acuminate, dentate–spiculate apices.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 477–482.  相似文献   

A new species of Tullbergia from Argentina is described and illustrated; it is differentiated from Tullbergia paranensis by the number of vesicles of postantennal organ, pseudocelli shape and its formulae and the number of dorsal sensilla on Ant. IV. In addition a key for the identification of the members of the family from Argentina is included.  相似文献   

Three species of Cercophora were found during a survey of the biodiversity of microfungi in northwest Argentina. Cercophora argentina possesses a unique combination of morphological characters and is described as a new species, while C. costaricensis and C. solaris are reported as new records for Argentina. Other species of Cercophora known from this region include C. natalita and C. coprogena, which is fully illustrated for the first time and determined herein to be a synonym of C. californica. All other species are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Steciow MM 《Mycologia》2003,95(5):934-942
Brevilegnia ensenadensis sp. nov. is described from litter (floating twigs, leaves, and roots) in a man-made, polluted channel near a petroleum refinery, in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The species is illustrated and compared with other species of the genus; it can be identified by the preponderance of smooth or papillate oogonia, with a distinctive irregular inner wall, borne in bent or coiled oogonial stalks, which are terminal, lateral or of the intercalary position. The oogonia often are irregular in shape, and the oospheres mostly are immature. The single oospore is eccentric inside the great oogonia, and the species develops mainly diclinous antheridial branches and has fewer monoclinous and androgynous ones.  相似文献   

Juan C. Paggi 《Hydrobiologia》1992,231(3):141-151
I. elegans n.sp. from the Parana River, northeastern Argentina is proposed and its morphological features are compared with those of the apparently related I. agilis. Its outstanding characteristics are the long 2rd to 5th setae of ventral margin of the valves, the rudimentary nature of defensive setae, the low number of spines in the preanal lobe of postabdomen and the unequality of the length of the setae in the outer distal lobe of first trunk limbs.Finding of this new species suggests that I. agilis would be a complex of species and its records should be revised.  相似文献   

Uronychia clapsae sp. n. was discovered in an artificial channel that drains an endorheic area from the “sandy Pampa” into the upper basin of Salado River, Buenos Aires, Argentina. This euplotid measures 56–112 μm × 42–70 μm in vivo, is oval in shape and the buccal field is enormous, occupying ca. 80% of body length. It is characterized by having two macronuclear nodules and one micronucleus; usually 10 anterior and invariably three posterior membranelles; right end of paroral hook-like; buccal cirrus base about 3.5–6.0 μm long; invariably four frontal, two ventral, three left marginal, four transverse, and three caudal cirri; six dorsal kineties, kinety 1 with 15–22 dikinetids. Most Uronychia species were recorded in marine habitats, while this new isolate was found in a slightly saline, inland water body. Taxonomic and nomenclatorial concerns on some species assigned to Uronychia are also discussed.  相似文献   

Carlos Parra-O 《Brittonia》2000,52(4):320-324
Morella chevalieri is described as new and is illustrated; it grows in the Andes in northern Argentina and southern and central Bolivia. A key that differentiates this new species from the monoeciousMyrica pubescens is presented. The dioecious Morella chevalieri is characterized by the following: leaf blade elliptic to narrowly elliptic, margin serrate (at least in the distal 2/3); staminate flowers with one or no secondary bracts (if present, linear or band-shaped) and secondary bracts in the pistillate flower 2–3 (seldom 4).
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra aMorella chevalieri como nueva especie; se distribuye en los Andes de la parte norte de Argentina y de las partes sur y central de Bolivia. Se presenta una clave que diferencia a esta nueva especie de la monóicaMyrica pubescens. La dióica Morella chevalieri se reconoce por los siguientes caracteres: lámina de la hoja elíptica o angostamente elíptica, margen aserrada (al menos en las dos terceras partes distales); flores estaminadas sin o con una bráctea secundaria (esta con forma linear o acintada) y brácteas secundarias de la flores pistiladas de 2 a 3 (raramente 4).

Nine species belonging to two distinct groups within the genus Dichogaster Beddard, 1888 are described from material collected on the volcanic section of the island of Guadeloupe. The species Dichogaster arborea, D. caesitifusca, D. callaina, D. girija and D. basseterrensis all inhabit the leaf tanks of bromeliads and share the following anatomical characteristics: spermathecal pores on the trailing edges of segments, spermathecal axis differentiated into ampulla, internally fluted central chamber and duct, penial setae long and slender, testes and funnels free, prostomium undivided or divided by two grooves, simple single typhlosole and a pair of dorsal caeca on the mid-intestine. Dichogaster athena also inhabits bromeliads, but lacks the above characteristics and male reproductive organs, and is more similar to the remaining species. The three remaining species, D. guadeloupensis, D. matoubensis and D. musciphila , with lateral typhlosoles, no intestinal caeca, simpler spermathecal structure, prostomiums divided by a single groove and short penial setae, all inhabit soils of montane forests. The division of Dichogaster based on muscularity of the proventriculus wall is shown to be unsupportable, since thickness of the wall is size-related.  相似文献   

Johnsson  R. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):427-430
A new species of Acontiophorus belonging to the family Asterocheridae was found in Ushuaia, Patagonia, southern Argentina. The new species is distinctive in having 9-segmented antennule, five setae on terminal endopodal segment of leg 1, seven elements on terminal segment of leg 1 and leg 4 exopods, and characteristic setation on maxillule lobes. This combination of characteristic features does not occur in any other species of the genus. The genus Acontiophorus is recorded for the first time from the South Atlantic.  相似文献   

Five species of Tubificidae are recorded from Antarctic waters: Torodrilus lowryi Cook, 1970, Torodrilus sp. (subfamily Rhyacodrilinae), Marionidrilus antarcticus sp. n., M. weddellensis sp. n., and Thalassodrilus bicki sp. n. (subfamily Phallodrilinae); only T. lowryi was known from Antarctica before. The status of the two Southern Hemisphere genera Torodrilus Cook, 1970, and Marionidrilus Erséus, 1992, are discussed; although the taxonomic position of the two new species of Marionidrilus is somewhat uncertain. Thalassodrilus bicki , however, appears closely related to Northern Hemisphere taxa.  相似文献   

A review of the Argentinean specimens ofHaplopappus Cass. has revealed two new species from Mendoza province, both of the sectionHaplopappus:H. boelkei, unique by its caespitose habit and long petiolate leaves, andH. mendocinus, related toH. macrocephalus (Less.) DC.,H. ochagavianus Phil. andH. tiltilensis Phil.  相似文献   

A new oligochaete family, Randiellidae, is established for R. multitheca sp.n. (from the continental shelf off the east coast of the U.S.A.), R. litoralis sp.n. (from Oregon, U.S.A.), R. caribaea sp.n. and R. minuta sp.n. (both from Guadeloupe and Martinique), all members of a new marine genus Randiella. The species are characterized by small single-pointed and somewhat sigmoid somatic setae, slender (generally hair-like) modified genital setae in segment X, sperm funnels in X (if one pair), or in X and XI (if two pairs), very simple male ducts lacking atria, clitellum over XII-XIII, and multiple spermathecae in VII and/or VIII.  相似文献   

Solanum homalospermum (Solanum subgen.Leptostemonum) is described and illustrated from central Argentina.Solanum homalospermum is characterized by having heteromorphic gynoecia, strongly flattened seeds, unequal anthers, and gemmiferous roots.  相似文献   

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