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The oldest webspinners, Sinembia rossi gen. et sp. nov. and Juraembia ningchengensis gen. et sp. nov. , are described in the new family Sinembiidae fam. nov. from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China. They differ from the Cretaceous and more recent Embiodea in several plesiomorphic characters, namely they have a long ovipositor, three‐segmented cerci, eyes situated on the posterolateral angles of the head, and the prothoracic prescutum is absent: these characters suggest habits that strongly differ from those of the recent taxa. The loss of the ovipositor and the reduction in the number of cerci can no longer be considered as synapomorphies of the ((Embiodea + Zoraptera) + Plecoptera) and (Embiodea + Zoraptera) clades, respectively.  相似文献   

A new tribe, Palaeorhopalotriini Legalov, n. tribe, new genera, Electranthribus Legalov, n. gen. (type species: Electranthribus zherikhini n. sp.), Palaeorhopalotria Legalov, n. gen. (type species: Palaeorhopalotria neli n. sp.), Eoceneithycerus Legalov, n. gen. (type species: Eoceneithycerus carpenteri n. sp.), Succinorhynchites Legalov, n. gen. (type species: S. alberti n. sp.), Palaeophelypera Legalov, n. gen. (type species: Palaeophelypera kuscheli n. sp.) and Archaeocallirhopalus Legalov, n. gen. (type species: A. larssoni n. sp.) and new species, Electranthribus zherikhini Legalov, n. sp. (Anthribidae: Anthribinae: Zygaenodini) from Baltic amber, Succinometrioxena bachofeni Legalov, n. sp. from Baltic amber, Palaeorhopalotria neli Legalov, n. sp. (Belidae: Oxycoryninae: Allocorynitae) from Alès-Monteils, Upper Eocene, Eoceneithycerus carpenteri Legalov, n. sp. (Ithyceridae: Ithycerinae) from USA Lower Eocene, Succinorhynchites alberti Legalov, n. sp. (Rhynchitidae: Rhynchitini: Perrhynchitina) from Baltic amber, Ceutorhynchus succinus Legalov, n. sp. (Curculionidae: Baridinae: Ceutorhynchini) from Baltic amber, Palaeophelypera kuscheli Legalov, n. sp. (Entiminae: Hyperini: Cepurina) from Baltic amber, and A. larssoni Legalov, n. sp. (Entiminae: Cneorhinini alaeophelypera) from Baltic amber are described. Isotheinae Scudder 1893, n. syn. is synonymised to the tribe Rhynchitini Gistel, 1848. Trichapiina Alonso-Zarazaga 1990, n. syn. is synonymised to the subtribe Toxorhynchina Scudder 1893. Phialodes durus (Heer 1865), n. placem. and n. comb. is transferred from the genus Attelabus Linnaeus, 1758 to the genus Phialodes Roelofs, 1874.  相似文献   

毛蚊科是双翅目长角亚目的一类昆虫,其种类丰富,广布世界各地.毛蚊化石记录较为丰富,但往往都是保存于湖相沉积地层中,琥珀中的化石较为罕见.本文根据缅甸北部克钦地区产出的白垩纪中期琥珀中保存的昆虫标本建立了 1新属新种——缅甸白垩叉毛蚊(Cretpenthetria burmensis gen.et sp.nov.),归入...  相似文献   

Thorictus gibbosus sp. n. can be distinguished from T. foveicollis Rtt. by a very strongly convex basal part of the pronotum, the presence of two deep depressions near its basal margin, and in the shape of the humeral prominences and thoracic trichomes. T. medvedevi sp. n. differs from the two above species in the shape of the body, the presence of fine carinae near the pronotal depressions, the shape of the thoracic trichomes. T. medvedevi additionally differs from T. gibbosus in the shape of the humeral prominences and the less strongly convex basal part of the pronotum.  相似文献   

Deux nouveaux genres et six espèces nouvelles sont décrits de Guyane française, à savoir: Diplozona emboíiata n. sp., Guianocoris unicolor n. g., n. sp., Lundioides couturíerin. gen, n. sp., Neella guiana n. sp., Phytocorís guianus n. sp. et Phytocorís jugatus n. sp. La nouvelle combinaison Guianocoris ruber (Carvalho & Carpintero 1991a) n. comb, est proposée. Deux espèces sont redécrites et illustrées: Sthenaridea carvalhoi Schuh & Schwartz 1988 et Proboscidotyius nigrosquamis (Maldonado 1969). Les genitalias femelles d’lridopeplus pellucidipennis Bergroth 1910 sont décrits pour la premiere fois, ainsi que le mâle d’Henicocnemis luctuosa (Stål 1860). La variabilité de Monalonion annulipes Signoret 1858 est mise en évidence. Quatorze espèces sont signalées comme nouvelles pour la faune de Guyane: Fuivius bisbistiilatus (Stål 1860), F. satipoensis Carvalho & Costa 1994 Henicocnemis Iuctuosa (Stål 1860), Horcisoides punctatus (Carvalho 1976), Maxacalinus cuiabanus Carvalho 1976, Notholopus coreoides Carvalho 1975, N. cuiabanus Carvalho 1975, Proboscidotyius nigrosquamis (Maldonado 1969), Sthenaridea carvalhoi Schuh & Schwartz 1988, Taedia bananaiensis Carvalho & Costa 1994, T. cajabiana Carvalho 1976, T. coimbrai Carvalho 1975, T. compactoides Carvalho 1975 et T. xinguana Carvalho 1975, ce qui porte la liste provisoire des Miridae du Dèpartement à 46 espèces.  相似文献   

Five new species, Petrobius caucasicus sp. n., Trigoniophthalmus presimplex sp. n., T. divnogorski sp. n., T. kislovodski sp. n., and T. adigei sp. n. (Machilidae), are described from the Caucasus. A key to all the known species of the genus Trigoniophthalmus is given. Two subgenera (Trigoniophthalmus s. str., Trigoniocellus subgen. n.) in the genus Trigoniophthalmus are described. 2 + 2 retractile vesicles are present on abdominal segments II–IV in the species of Trigoniocellus subgen. n. and on II–V abdominal segments in Trigoniophthalmus s. str. Analysis of the evolution and phylogenetic relations between the species of the genus Trigoniophthalmus is performed for the first time. The formation of bristletails of the genus Trigoniophthalmus appears to occur in the Caucasian mountain province of the European area, from where they penetrated to the Central European mixed province and the Mediterranean subarea. Among the described species of the genus, T. kislovodski is distinguished by the greatest number of plesiomorphic states of morphological characters.  相似文献   

Four new species of Typhlocharis (Carabidae: Anillini) are described from the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, assigned to the baetica species group. T. prima sp.n. , T. secunda sp.n. and T. tertia sp.n. (from La Palma del Condado, Huelva, Spain) are syntopic, and T. quarta sp.n. (from Barrancos, Beja, Portugal) is the first species of the group with umbilicate series 4 + 4. They represent, respectively, the southernmost and westernmost distribution data for the group. The baetica group remains well defined and includes ten species. The diagnosis is simplified, with the confirmation that many morphological features characteristic of this group are widespread within the genus. The defining character is the presence of denticles in apical margin of elytra, not associated to the seventh stria or to the elytral suture. The new species provide morphological data that suggest the baetica and silvanoides groups are closely related. Distribution of both groups in the south of the Iberian Peninsula and the presence of morphological characters that are considered plesiomorphic are coherent with the hypothesis of betic‐riffain origin of the genus. They also support the hypothesis of easy alteration of the umbilicate pattern between closely related species and the independent origin of apical denticles in the group compared with those present in other species of the genus. The presence of three well‐differentiated size ranges in syntopic populations suggest ecological diversification to avoid interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Polybrachia Ivanov, Polybrachia macrolamellosa sp. n. and P. romanovi sp. n., found at two stations in the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic Ocean on cruises 11 and 43 of the R/V Akademik Kurchatov (1971 and 1985–1986) are described. The material was collected in the Scotia Sea (off northern Elephant Isle, at a depth of 3110 m) and in the South Sandwich Trench (8004–8116 m). The main distinctive features of the new species are the extremely large cuticular plaque (up to 88 µm in maximum diameter) on the trunk metameric papillae in P. macrolamellosa sp. n. and the very long cephalic lobe (Lcl/Df is about 2) in P. romanovi sp. n.Original Russian Text Copyright ¢ 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Smirnov.  相似文献   


The family Acanthoclinidae includes 10 species: Acanthoclinus fuscus Jenyns, 1842; Taumakoides littoreus ((Forster) Bloch & Schneider, 1801); T. rua n. sp.; T. marilynae n. sp.; T. matti n. sp.; Belonepterygion fasciolatum (Ogilby, 1889); Beliops xanthokrossos n. gen. et sp.; Acanthoplesiops indicus (Day, 1888); A. hiatti Schultz, 1953; and A. psilogaster n. sp. Acanthoclinus quadridactylus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) and A. trilineatus Griffin, 1933, are reduced to synonymy under Taumakoides littoreus ((Forster) Bloch & Schneider, 1801).

Osteological and morpological character states, between and within genera, suggest that Acanthoclinus and Taumakoides are close to the stock from which the family is derived. There is also compelling evidence that T. matti is the least specialised species of Taumakoides. Progressive specialisation is evident in the remaining genera, with Acanthoplesiops being the most highly specialised.

The family occurs primarily in shallow waters of the Indian and western Pacific oceans; most of the species are found about New Zealand. The centre of origin of the Acanthoclinidae was probably on the Indian-Australian Plate (which includes the New Zealand continental shelf). Acanthoplesiops hiatti and A. indicus are considered to be endemics of the Pacific and African plates, respectively.

A key to species is included.  相似文献   

The following new species of Apioninae weevils (Coleoptera: Brentidae) are described from Dominican amber. Toxorhynchus leptorhinusn. sp., Toxorhynchus robustusn. sp., Toxorhynchus amphioculusn. sp., Toxorhynchus atriartusn. sp., Toxorhynchusatriantenusn. sp. and Toxorhynchus hispaniolicusn. sp. are members of the Toxorhynchus decoloratum species group. Toxorhynchus microsomusn. sp., Toxorhynchus stenelytrusn. sp., Toxorhynchus dominicanusn. sp., Toxorhynchus convexusn. sp., Toxorhynchus fuscocorpusn. sp., Toxorhynchus hispidulusn. sp. and Toxorhynchus convexoculusn. sp. are members of the Toxorhynchus sordidum species group. A new subtribe, Stenapiina n. subtribe of the tribe Toxorhynchini, is erected. New species Apionion homochrononn. sp.,Apionion kallimosumn. sp.,Apionion formoculusn. sp. and Stenapion levigatumn. sp. are described. The dominate species of the genus Toxorhynchus and especially those in the Toxorhynchus decoloratum and Toxorhynchus sordidum species groups in Dominican amber are now absent from the West Indies. A systematic update of extant representatives of Apioninae in Hispaniola is provided.http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:2D4A59DB-E804-4B45-8773-C027A8AD5A02  相似文献   

Abstract This paper deals with six new species of the genus Microterys, collected from Zhejiang, Fujian, Yunnan and Guangdong Provinces. They are M. metaceronemae Xu, sp. n. M. nuticaudatus Xu, sp. n. M. postmarginis Xu, sp. n. M. pseudonietneri Xu, sp. n. M. unicoloris Xu, sp. n. and M. zhaoi Xu, sp. n. The host of these parasitoids are Metaceronema japonica on Camellia oleosa Cerococcus muratae on Magnolia officinalis, Coccus hesperidum on citrus, Ceroplastes japonicus on citrus, Chloropulvinaria aurantii, Laccifer lacca Ceroplastes japonicus and Kerria lacca (Homoptera: Coccidoidea)  相似文献   

Angelopteromyia korneyevi Mohamadzade Namin, sp. n. from Iran is described and figured. The new species is similar to other species of Angelopteromyia in having abdominal spiracles 5 of females not approximated medially, as well as clypeus extended postero-ventrally, antenna shorter than face, and R1 and R4+5 setulose on dorsal side. It differs from other species of Angelopteromyia by having mostly brown wing with 3 hyaline crossbands and a few hyaline spots, and dark brownish basal and costal cells without hyaline spots.  相似文献   


Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius), Leanobium marmoratum (Lea), Leanobium flavomaculatum n.sp., Serianotus punctilatera kermadecensis n.ssp., and Dorcatomiella ornata Español are recorded from the Kermadec Islands. This fauna is relatively poor, probably because of the small size and limited diversity of the islands. Affinities are with New Zealand (L. flavomaculatum), Norfolk Island (L. marmoratum), and Lord Howe Island (S. punctilatera kermadecensis). D. ornata is strongly endemic, though other species of Dorcatomiella occur on the Marianas and Tahiti.  相似文献   


Eulimindae (Prosobranchia) of the New Zealand region that parasitise echinoderms are recorded and discussed. Fuscapex ophioacanthicola n.gen. & sp. is parasitic on Ophioacantha sp., Ophieulima fuscoapicata n.sp. is a parasite of Ophioactis profundi Lütken & Mortensen, Punctifera ophiomoefrae n.gen. & sp. lives partly buried among the radial shields of Ophiomoeris projecta Matsumato, and Stilapex sp. is recorded, but not described, from Ophiothrix oliveri Benham (all hosts ophiuroids). Stilifer sp. lives in galls in an undescribed oreasterid (Asteroidea). Annulobalcis marshalli n.sp. is described from Crotalometra rustica (A. H. Clark) (Crinoidea). Eulima infrapatula Murdoch & Suter is transferred to Sabinella Monterosato and recorded from Ogmocidaris benhami Mortensen; Fusceulima goodingi n.sp. is described from Centrostephanus rodgersi (A. Agassiz) (both hosts echinoids). Two earlier records of sea urchin parasites from New Zealand are discussed, and the species are referred to Pelseneeria.  相似文献   


Oribotritia contortula n. sp., O. contraria n. sp., O. teretis n. sp., Rhysotritia bifurcata n. sp., Microtritia contraria n. sp., M. glabrata n. sp., Hoplophthiracarus bisulcus n. sp., Austrophthiracarus pulchellus n. sp., and Notophthiracarus claviger n. sp. are described from New Zealand.

The genera of Oribotritia Jacot, Rhysotritia Märkel & Meyer, Hoplophthiracarus Jacot, and Austrophthiracarus Balogh & Mahunka are new records for New Zealand.  相似文献   

The genus Acropsilus Mik, 1878 is reported from China for the first time. Seven species are described as new to science: Acropsilus guangdongensis sp. n., A. guangxiensis sp. n., A. jinxiuensis sp. n., A. luoxiangensis sp. n., A. yunnanensis sp. n., A. zengchengensis sp. n. and A. zhuae sp. n. A key is given to separate these Chinese species.  相似文献   

Eight new species of the genus Tricoma are described from the Mediterranean: Tricoma (Tricoma) apophysis sp.n., Tricoma (T.) latispicula sp.n., Tricoma (T.) corsicana sp.n., Tricoma (T.) pygmaea sp.n., Tricoma (T.) vincxae sp.n., Tricoma (T.) duopapillata sp.n., Tricoma (T.) setosa sp.n. and Tricoma (Quadricoma) tripapillata sp.n.. All are noteworthy for being small.  相似文献   

The isolation of endophytic actinomycetes from surface-sterilized tissues of 36 plant species was made using humic acid–vitamin (HV) agar as a selection medium. Of the 330 isolates recovered, 212 were from roots, 97 from leaves and 21 isolates from stems with a prevalence of 3.9, 1.7 and 0.3%, respectively. Identification of endophytic actinomycetes was based on their morphology and the amino acid composition of the whole-cell extract. Most isolates were classified as Streptomyces sp. (n = 277); with the remainder belonging to Microbispora sp. (n = 14), Nocardia sp. (n = 8) and Micromonospora sp. (n = 4). Four isolates were unclassified and 23 were lost during subculture. The most prevalent group of isolates were the Streptomyces sp. occurring in 6.4% of the tissue samples of Zingiber officinale. Scanning electron microscopy investigation of this plant revealed that 7.5% of the root and 5% of the leaf samples contained endophytes. Three of the Streptomyces sp. isolates strongly inhibited Colletotrichum musae, five were very active against Fusarium oxysporum and two strongly inhibited growth of both test fungi.  相似文献   

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