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【目的】构建嗜虫书虱Liposcelis entomophila (Enderlein)在不同环境条件下的种群增长模型,为粮库书虱种群预测预报提供基础数据和理论模型。【方法】通过构建嗜虫书虱实验种群生命表,分析温度、湿度、食物破碎率和种群初始密度对嗜虫书虱种群数量动态的影响,验证种群的指数增长模型,并拟合温湿度与内禀增长率的函数关系。【结果】在温度26-34℃,湿度65%-85%,食物破碎率4%-12%的条件下,温度和湿度对发育历期有显著影响,三者对种群数量趋势指数、净增殖率、内禀增长率的影响均不显著。三者对种群增长影响的主次顺序为:温度>湿度和食物破碎率。嗜虫书虱种群增长的最适条件为温度34℃、相对湿度85%、食物破碎率12%。当种群初始密度为0.26-1.04头/cm2时,嗜虫书虱种群数量呈指数增长。【结论】在22-34℃,相对湿度65%-85%的环境中,嗜虫书虱种群数量动态与温度和湿度的关系可以拟合为Nt=N0EXP[(0.002 96T+0.021 67RH-0.037 2)t]。  相似文献   

Both sexes of Ophiodopelma glyptocephalum sp.n. are described and illustrated. The species is unique in the Psocoptera by its specialized head morphology in the male. The female entirely lacks the unusual morphological structures on the head. These structures of hypothetically sensory and/or secretory function may prove to be correlated with particular behavioral elements and to play an important role in sexual life. With regard to general morphology the new species is similar to the previously known species of the genus Ophiodopelma Enderlein, 1908.  相似文献   

The genera Ptycta Enderlein, 1925, and Copostigma Enderlein, 1903, are defined as a monophyletic complex based on the morphology of the male terminalia. Ptycta is redefined as those species of the Copostigma–Ptycta complex with forewing veins Rs+M fused for a short distance. Two new species of Ptycta from Japan are described, P. recava sp. nov. and P. johnsoni sp. nov., increasing the number of Japanese species to four, along with P. parvidentata Tsutsumi, 1964, and P. micromaculata Thornton, Lee, and Chui, 1972. Distributional information and illustrations of each species, and a key to Japanese species of Ptycta are included.  相似文献   

Abstract Three species of Neurosema are recognized: N.apicalis McLachlan (redescribed, lectotype designated), N. sp. ( N.apicalis sensu Enderlein – mis-identification) and N.pulchra sp.n., and a key to these is given. Separation of genera in the Calopsocidae is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The identity of Simulium murmanum is re-established by designation of lectotype and paralectotype. The species is common and widespread in the northern Holarctic Region and has up to now been reported from the Nearctic Region as S. corbis and from the Palaearctic Region as S. relictum (and S. rostratum, auct., nec Lundstrüm).  相似文献   

研究嗜虫书虱触角的超微结构及其在交配行为中的作用,对于其生物学和行为学具有重要的意义。本研究利用Quanta 250型扫描电镜对嗜虫书虱触角超微结构进行研究,在Lei CAEZ4HD型解剖镜下用WPI500374型显微剪刀分别剪去雌、雄虫触角及触角不同部位后,利用Smartzoom 5型超景深显微镜观察其交配行为。研究结果表明,嗜虫书虱雌、雄虫触角形态类似,均属于线状触角,由柄节、梗节和鞭节组成,鞭节分13个亚节,成虫触角感受器主要有微毛形感受器、刺形感受器(SC1、SC2)、锥形感受器(SB1、SB2)和B9hm氏鬃毛4类感受器6种形态,绝大部分触角感受器分布在雌雄触角的背面、腹面和外侧面,两性间触角感器的类型和分布无明显差异,但数量差异明显(雌、雄虫感受器的数量分别约为8280和7240)。嗜虫书虱触角在交配行为中起到重要的作用,其中雌虫触角的梗节在交配过程中起主要作用,其次是柄节,再次是鞭节;雄虫触角的鞭节部位起着主要的作用,其次是柄节和梗节。结合其交配行为并参考其他昆虫触角感受器的研究结果,推测雌虫触角柄节和梗节上分布的B9hm氏鬃毛和雄虫触角鞭节上分布的微毛形感受器在两性识别中起着主要作用,雌、雄虫触角上分布的两种刺形感受器(SC1、SC2)和两种锥形感受器(SB1、SB2)在交配过程中有机械感受的作用。本研究结果为嗜虫书虱的行为生物学、化学生态学和电生理学的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

With the phase-out and impending ban of methyl bromide, sulfuryl fluoride is among the most promising alternative fumigant insecticides for control of stored-product insect pests. It has been evaluated for control of several stored-product insect pests, but there are few data available on its efficacy for control of stored-product psocids (Psocoptera). We evaluated sulfuryl fluoride for control of different life stages of the psocids Liposcelis paeta Pearman, L. entomophila (Enderlein), L. bostrychophila Badonnel, L. decolor Pearman, and Lepinotus reticulatus Enderlein (Trogiidae) in 48-hr trials at 27.5 degrees C. Adults and nymphs were susceptible to sulfuryl fluoride. Complete (100%) adult and nymphal mortality was recorded at concentrations between 4 and 8 g/m3, except for L. decolor for which all adults were only killed at 24 g/m3. Eggs were tolerant to sulfuryl fluoride. Complete egg mortality was achieved at 24 and 72 g/m3 for L. reticulatus and L. decolor, respectively. Survival of L. paeta eggs was recorded even after exposure to 96 g/m3. Given that the highest United States label concentration for sulfuryl fluoride for a 48-h exposure interval is 31.25 g/m3, our study indicates that high doses and/or longer exposures are needed for complete mortality of eggs of L. decolor and L. paeta. Moreover, the present work suggests that there is considerable variation in efficacy of sulfuryl fluoride for control of different psocid species.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Previous classification of the insect order Psocoptera has relied on morphological characters. Psocoptera are generally divided into three suborders: Trogiomorpha, Troctomorpha, and Psocomorpha. Traditional classification divides the Psocomorpha into four infraorders (Homilopsocidea, Caeciliusetae, Psocetae and Epipsocetae), but a recent morphological cladistic study removed Archipsocidae from Homilopsocidea and Hemipsocidae from Psocetae. We investigated the phylogenetic relationships within the suborder Psocomorpha using DNA sequences from the nuclear 18S and mitochondrial 16S, 12S and cytochrome oxidase I genes. Phylogenetic analyses of these gene sequences supported monophyly for Psocomorpha. In addition, monophyly of the traditional subgroups Caeciliusetae and Psocetae was generally supported. Monophyly of Homilopsocidea was not supported, and Archipsocus is removed from this group. Although the molecular phylogeny is generally consistent with recent cladistic studies of morphological characters, we found no evidence that Hemipsocidae should be removed from Psocetae.  相似文献   

Golub NV  Nokkala S 《Folia biologica》2001,49(3-4):153-156
Karyotypes of two bark-lice species Amphipsocus japonicus End. and Dasypsocus japonicus End. (Amphipsocidae, Psocomorpha, Psocoptera) were studied for the first time. D. japonicus displayed 2n = 16 (14 + XX/X0). The XX/X0 sex chromosome system observed in this species is characteristic of the order Psocoptera. A. japonicus showed 2n = 16 (14 + neo-XY). This is the first observation of the neo-XY sex determination system in Psocoptera. In this species a large amount of constitutive heterochromatin was found in the original X-part of the neo-X chromosome.  相似文献   

The state of development of advanced embryos of the direct‐developing Ecuadorian caecilian Caecilia orientalis (Caeciliidae: Gymnophiona: Amphibia) was examined. Because it is established that development is correlated with reproductive modes in a number of features, we included comparison with taxa that represent the major reproductive modes and all of the modern normal tables and ossification sequences. The embryos of C. orientalis most closely resemble those of stage 47/48 Gegeneophis ramaswamii, an Indian caeciliid, and stage 47/48 Hypogeophis rostratus, a Seychellian caeciliid, both direct developers, in details of bone mineralization, chondrocranial degeneration, and vertebrogenesis. They are most like stage 45 H. rostratus in external features (gills, pigmentation, etc.). They are less similar to prehatchings of Ichthyophis kohtaoensis, an ichthyophiid with free‐living larvae, and to fetuses of the viviparous caeciliid Dermophis mexicanus and the viviparous typhlonectid Typhlonectes compressicauda at comparable total lengths in both skeletal development and external features. The similarity of developmental features among the direct‐developers suggests a correlation with mode of life history. A noteworthy feature is that C. orientalis has an armature of multiple rows of teeth on the lower jaw with tooth crowns that resemble the “fetal” teeth of viviparous taxa and that are covered with a layer of oral mucosal epithelium until full development and eruption, but the upper jaw bears a single row of widely spaced, elongate, slightly recurved teeth that resemble those of the adult. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Obligate thelytokous parthenogenesis and, more rarely,facultative thelytoky are known to occur in psocids. The formerphenomenon is known in 28 species. The latter is known onlyin two species, both of which have obligatorily thelytokousforms as well as bisexual ones. Attempts to force thelytokousfemales to mate have been carried out for four nominal species.All have failed. Differences in color or color pattern betweenthe bisexual and thelytokous forms of a nominal species havebeen observed in two instances. In Echmepteryx hageni this seemsto involve divergence where the two forms occur sympatricallybut on different habitats. Investigations of geographic distributionof bisexual and thelytokous forms of a nominal species showin several cases that the thelytokous forms are much more widespreadthan the bisexual ones. In eastern United States, bisexual formstend to occur peripherally and in ecologically unusual areas.The areas of occurrence of bisexual populations may be relictual,and some of them may have been Pleistocene refugia. Most ofthese areas correspond to areas where coniferous trees now forman important part of the forest.  相似文献   

T.R  NEW 《Systematic Entomology》1983,8(1):121-126
Abstract The egg, oviruptor and first instar larva of Osmylops sejunctus (Walker) are described and figures. Karval features of possible phylogenetic value are discussed, and the larva is compared with that of Nymphes leach, the only other nymphid for which information is available.  相似文献   

The first three zoeal stages of the portunid crab Macropipus tuberculatus (Roux, 1830) are described and illustrated from laboratory-reared material obtained from one ovigerous crab captured in the western Mediterranean Sea. Zoeae of M.tuberculatus can be distinguished from other known polybiinid species from the northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean waters by a combination of meristic and morphometric features, especially by the number of setae in the outer lobe of the maxilla endopod. Larval morphology presents additional evidence supporting the split of the genus Macropipus into the genera Liocarcinus and Macropipus sensu stricto based on adult characters.   相似文献   

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