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Titimbera n. gen. is erected based on the males of three new species from South and Central America: T. amazonica n. sp. from the Amazon region, Brazil; T. titi n. sp. from Venezuela and T. laselvensis n. sp. from Costa Rica. The combination of bare eyes and wing membrane; antenna without strong apical seta; scalpellate acrostichals in mid scutum; costa strongly extended; R4+5 ending opposite to M3+4; Cu1 strongly curved to slightly sinuous; anal point sitting high on tergite IX, nearly parallel-sided with bluntly rounded apex; and club-shaped to subtriangular gonostylus with distinct heel will separate the genus from all other orthoclads.  相似文献   

Cardiocladius moreloensis sp. n. is described and figured based on adult males collected in Morelos State in Mexico. Males of C. brasiliensis Oliveira, 1949 and C. travassosi Oliveira, 1951 are redescribed and figured based on new material from São Paulo State in Brazil. The generic diagnosis is expanded, and a key to the males of the Neotropical Cardiocladius species is presented.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:EE8B2267-3362-4A1F-BED6-0A1E35D7D480  相似文献   

Larvae of the blackfly Simulium noelleri Friederichs aggregate at high populatio n densities on dams and spillways at the outlet of ponds. When displaced into the water column from their point of attachment, larvae can secrete silk threads as "life-lines" which enable them to maintain a link to the substratum an d up which they can climb to regain their original position. Experiments were conducted in a laboratory pond outlet to investigate this use of silk threads, larvae being displaced by means of forceps. It was demonstrated that: (i) the length of thread produced , and the speed of climbing the thread are independent of larval size; (ii) within limits, the speed of climbing was independent of both the length of the thread and the time already spent climbing, and (iii) speed of climb became more rapid as larvae neared the point of attachment. The range of locomotion in blackfly larvae is then discussed.  相似文献   

Palms are considered key species in tropical forests and represent a source of food for the community of frugivores in times of scarcity. Palms have also been used as a model to investigate how the processes of dispersal and seed predation are affected by fragmentation and alteration of tropical forests. This study examines the dispersal and seed predation of Syagrus romanzoffiana in two insular environments of different sizes (1500 ha and 50 ha) and faunal compositions, both located in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest in Santa Catarina State, Brazil. We recorded 13 species of animals considered consumers and dispersers of fruits and seeds of S. romanzoffiana at the larger study area (Peri Lagoon Municipal Park, Santa Catarina Island) and five species on Campeche Island. In these areas, the rates of dispersal were high (Peri 57.5% to 75.5% and Campeche 81.5% to 93.0%, based on the removal experiments). In the smaller area, despite the low faunal richness, the coatis (Nasua nasua), introduced in the island were important seed dispersers. Only in Peri occurred predation by rodents (rates of 4%) due to the presence of agoutis (Dasyprocta azarae) and there was no post-dispersal predation by insects. The greatest loss of seeds (52% in both locations, based on sampling of seeds accumulated under parent plants) were caused by predation of Revena rubiginosa (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), of which oviposition occurs in the pre-dispersal phase. Besides this factor, about 40% of the seeds showed up without endosperm. However, high seed production seems to compensate for these losses, with significant seedling stock of S. romanzoffiana in both areas.

Palmeiras são consideradas espécies-chave em florestas tropicais representando fonte de alimento para a comunidade de frugívoros em épocas de escassez. Palmeiras também têm sido usadas como modelo de estudo na avaliação de como os processos de dispersão e predação de sementes são afetados pela fragmentação e alteração das florestas tropicais. Este estudo examina a dispersão e predação das sementes de Syagrus romanzoffiana em dois ambientes insulares de diferentes tamanhos (1500ha e 50ha) e composições faunísticas, ambos localizados em área de Mata Atlântica no Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Foram registradas 13 espécies de animais considerados consumidores e dispersores dos frutos e sementes de S. romanzoffiana na maior área estudada (Parque Municipal da Lagoa do Peri, Ilha de Santa Catarina) e cinco espécies na Ilha do Campeche. Nestas áreas, as taxas de dispersão foram altas (Peri 57,5% a 75,5% e Campeche 81,5% a 93,0%, com base em experimentos de remoção). Na menor área, apesar da baixa riqueza faunística, os quatis (Nasua nasua), introduzidos nessa ilha, foram importantes dispersores das sementes. Somente ocorreu predação por roedores no Peri (taxas de 4%) devido à presença de cotias (Dasyprocta azarae) e não houve predação pós-dispersão causada por insetos. A maior perda de sementes (52% em ambas as localidades, com base em amostragem de sementes acumuladas sob plantas-mãe) foi causada por predação de larvas de Revena rubiginosa (Coleoptera, Curculionidae), cuja oviposição ocorre na fase de pré-dispersão. Além deste fator, cerca de 40% das sementes mostravam-se sem endosperma. Contudo, a alta produção de sementes parece compensar essas perdas, havendo expressivo estoque de plântulas de S. romanzoffiana em ambas as áreas.  相似文献   

Pseudorthocladius cristagus sp. n. is described as male imago. It differs from all other members of the genus Pseudorthocladius v. d. Wulp except P. pilosipennis Brundin by having setae on the wing membrane. It can be separated from P. pilosipennis by having a gonostylus with a prominent crista dorsalis and an outer corner or heel. The species was collected with emergence traps from a helocrene spring in northern Luxemburg.  相似文献   

Based on larvae, pupae and adults of Australian and New Zealand Orthocladiinae (Chironomidae) midges, a genus new to science, Anzacladius , is described. Two species, A. numbat Cranston sp. n. and A. kangaroo Cranston sp. n., are described from temperate Australia (both western and south-eastern). A. kiwi Cranston sp. n. is described from both North and South Islands, New Zealand: association of the pharate pupa with its putative larva used sequence similarity of the CO1 ( cytochrome oxidase 1 ) gene. Pupal exuviae, the major stage for species recognition, show the genus occurs in running waters, especially in Australian acidic and sandy-bedded creeks, and Anzacladius species are found also in perched lakes of Queensland's Cooloolla region and Fraser Island. Previous morphological phylogenetic studies (under the code 'SO3') indicate a relationship to austral genera Botryocladius Cranston & Edward, Naonella Boothroyd and Echinocladius Cranston.  相似文献   

Two genera of chironomine Chironomidae are reported: Anuncotendipes , gen. n., type species Anuncotendipes australotropicus sp. n. and included Anuncotendipes kakadu sp. n., and Nandeva Wiedenbrug, Reiss and Fittkau as new to Australia for the species Nandeva fittkaui sp. n. The pupa and adults are known for each genus, but the larvae only for Anuncotendipes . The female of Nandeva is described for the first time. Pupal exuviae of both genera occur in smaller streams in the wet tropics of Far North Queensland, and A. kakadu is lotic in the Northern Territory. Phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily Chironominae at generic level suggests that Anuncotendipes is a sister genus to Rheomus in the Harnischia -complex of genera. Nandeva shows convergent resemblance to the tribe Tanytarsini, but more likely belongs to an austral radiation of Chironomini including Nilodosis Keiffer, Fissimentum Cranston and Nolte and Imparipecten Freeman. These genera show tropical Gondwanan tracks linking Australia with the Afrotropics and Neotropics.  相似文献   

New records and distributional notes of Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera) are provided for four protected areas in the state of Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil. Additionally, we also present new records and update of distributional ranges from Brazil and the Neotropical Region. In total, 810 specimens belonging to 35 genera within the subfamilies Chironominae (22 taxa), Tanypodinae (11 taxa) and Orthocladiinae (2 taxa) were found. The subfamilies Chironominae and Tanypodinae predominated. Axarus Roback, 1980 Roback, S.S. (1980), ‘New name for Anceus Roback nec Anceus Risso’, Entomological News, 91, 32.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] and the Tanytarsus ortoni-group were recorded for the first time in the state of Pernambuco, while Nanocladius Kieffer, 1913a Kieffer, J.J. (1913b), ‘Nouvelle étude sur les Chironomides de l'Indian Museum de Calcutta’, Records of the Indian Museum, 9, 119197. [Google Scholar] was recorded for the first time in the Northeast Region of Brazil. Our results make evident how much and where current knowledge of the northeastern Brazil chironomids remains fragmentary.  相似文献   

本文记录狭摇蚊属一中国新纪录种:麦氏狭摇蚊Stenochironomus(Stenochironomus)macateei(Malloch).标本保仔于南开大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

Adult chironomids were collected by light trap operations, sweeping grasses with insect nets, and aspiration of light‐attracted adults at various localities. All collected specimens were slide‐mounted and identified. Six species new to science were found and named: Rheotanytarsus pseudopentapoda n. sp., Cricotopus byeonsanensis n. sp., Cricotopus parajogantertius n. sp., Limnophyes bukhandecimus n. sp., Limnophyes simensis n. sp. and Orthocladius jeongnungensis. Two species, Ainuyusuroka tuberculatum (Tokunaga) and Pseudosmittia nishiharaensis Sasa and Hasegawa, are found for the first time in Korea. All species are fully described with illustrations. This is the first report of the genus Ainugusurika in Korea.  相似文献   

Wang  Xinhua  Saether  Ole A. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,468(1-3):181-183
Hanocladius longipes gen. nov., sp. nov. from Oriental China is described from the male imago. The long metatarsus, the very broad, scale-like virga and the conspicuously scalpellate acrostichals distinguish the genus from all of the known genera in Orthocladiinae.  相似文献   

Sternopygus castroi n. sp. is described as a new species of sternopygid Neotropical freshwater fish from the Rio Cuieiras, tributary of Rio Negro, Amazonas State, Brazil. It differs from the other species of the genus by a combination of characters. Three new synapomorphies for Sternopygus are reported. Only Sternopygus species present a membranous integumental subopercular fold originating postero-ventrally in the opercular region, running anteriorly to the isthmus region. In Sternopygus, the membranous opercular opening is wide and S-shaped (wide but fleshy in Gymnotus). In Sternopygus there is also a medial cephalic fleshy fold at the ventral margin of the opercular membrane, directed forward and ventrally to the isthmus, surrounding the anal pore anteriorly, just behind the subopercular flap.  相似文献   

Wang  X. H.  S  sgmaelig;ther  O. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,362(1-3):103-106
Quiniella lii gen. nov., sp. nov. from China is describedas male imago. The genus share bare eyes, wing and squama and extended costa with most members of the Parakiefferiella group sensu S\sgmaelig;ther (1983), and the absence of a scutaltubercle, hump or microtrichial tuft and strongly developedvirga with Krenosmittia Thienemann & Krüger, but isamong other distinguished by a unique trifid gonostylus. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

记述拟枝角摇蚊属Paracladopelma 1新种:短鞭拟枝角摇蚊P.demissum sp.nov.。该新种触角比AR低,为0.60;肛尖具中肋;第9背板后缘肩形;第9背板带V型;上附器远端膨大,向外侧成三角形突起状,亚顶端具2根大刚毛,且内侧密被小刚毛;抱器端节两侧平行,中部内弯。模式标本存放于南开大学生命科学学院摇蚊学研究室。  相似文献   

中国拟毛突摇蚊属一新种(双翅目:摇蚊科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
记述了采自中国西藏自治区的拟毛突摇蚊属1新种:三叉拟毛突摇蚊Paratrichocladius tridens sp.nov..该种与本属已知种的主要区别为:下附器发达并向外延伸,顶端圆形;阳茎内突色深部分明显骨化,呈三叉状,抱器端节细长,顶端有一小突状的业端背脊.  相似文献   

Stenochironomus falcifer sp. n. is described and figured based on the characters of a male adult. The species was collected in Malaise traps in the Serra Furada State Park (PAESF), in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. It can be separated from all other species of Stenochironomus Kieffer, 1919 Kieffer, J.J. (1919), ‘Chironomiden der Nördlichen Polarregion’, Entomologische Mitteilungen, 8, 4048. [Google Scholar] by its unique thorax pigmentation, with two dark patches on the lateral vittae, brownish postnotum and dark stripes on the scutum, and also by the combination of a narrow, parallel-sided anal point, inferior volsella with a stout apical seta, rounded posterior margin of the tergite IX and green metallic eyes.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:3646E02D-7E3F-487A-BED1-A7937AFF8040  相似文献   

记述了摇蚊亚科中国新纪录属--脊突摇蚊属Cyphomella Seether,1977.给出了膜脊突摇蚊 C.cornea S(ae)ther,1977的详细描述、绘图以及世界脊突摇蚊属雄成虫分种检索表.标本保存于南开大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

The genus Pseudorthocladius Goetghebuer, 1943 from China, including 12 species, is reviewed. Five new species, P. (P.) binarius sp. n., P. (P.) cylindratus sp. n., P. (P.) digitus sp. n., P. (P.) ovatus sp. n. and P. (P.) paucus sp. n. are described and illustrated as adult males. P. (P.) cristagus Stur & Sæther, 2004, P. (P.) jintutridecima (Sasa, 1996), P. (P.) macrovirgatus Sæther & Sublette, 1983, P. (P.) morsei Sæther & Sublette, 1983, P. (P.) uniserratus Sæther & Sublette, 1983, P. (L.) wingoi Sæther & Sublette, 1983 are newly recorded in Oriental Region. A key to the males of Pseudorthocladius in China is presented.  相似文献   

A new genus is described for a new species, Obscuriphora sheppardi , collected in Warwickshire, England. The genus shows some resemblance to Plethysmochaeta Schmitz and Kuenburgia Schmitz. In the British fauna Obscuriphora is most likely to be confused with Conicera Meigen and Gymnoptera Lioy.  相似文献   

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