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Respiration rate, respiration control and ADP of liver mitochondria were studies in one-, ten-, and twenty-day-old rats born of females who had received subcutaneous insulin injections (0.25 U/100 g body weight) on days 5-7, 11-13 and 19-21 of pregnancy or glucose (1 g/100 g body weight, in the morning before feeding). Caprylate, an intermediate of the lipid metabolism, was used as the substrate for oxidation. In the control, caprylate oxidation in one-day old rats occurred at a low rate without providing for synthesis of ATP from ADP and phosphate. Insulin administration and alimentary hyperglycemia in females on days 5-7 of pregnancy had no significant effect on respiration rate of liver mitochondria in progeny of all ages tested. Administration of the above preparations on days 11-13 and 19-21 of pregnancy improved caprylate oxidation in mitochondria of the newborn rats. In other series the difference between experiments and the control was insignificant. Metabolic changes in the newborns are shown to be related to hyperinsulinemia in pregnant females.  相似文献   

Adrenalin content in the brain, liver and adrenal glands under the effect of cold stress grows by 314, 500 and 56% as compared to the control. A single administration of the delta-sleep inducing peptide (DSIP) in a dose of 12 microgram/100 g to intact animals makes the adrenalin content in the brain higher 1, 3, 6 and 24h after administration; two and three days later the adrenalin content in the brain does not change. The amount of adrenalin in the liver of the same animals increases 1, 3, 6 h and 1, 2, 3 days after DSIP administration. Intraperitoneal administration of DSIP induces an increase of the adrenalin level in the adrenal glands of rats an hour and a day after administration. Two days later the level of adrenaline decreases by 41%; 3, 6 h and 3 days after DSIP administration the content of adrenaline remains unchanged. As a result of the DSIP administration in a dose of 12 micrograms/100 g to the animals in the state of cold stress, the content of adrenalin increases in the rat brain by 129, in the liver--by 300, adrenal glands--by 44% as compared with the control.  相似文献   

Severe and chronic stress may interfere with adolescent neuronal plasticity that turns the juvenile brain into an adult brain increasing the vulnerability to develop anxiety disorders. It is well-known from adult stress research that there is a large individual differentiation in stress vulnerability. The current study is aimed at the individual resilience and vulnerability to adolescent social stress. Two strains of rats that differ in social behavioral skills were subjected to social stress during adolescence. In three experiments we studied short and long term effects of adolescent social stress using a water conflict test in different contexts. Wistar rats which had been socially defeated on postnatal days 45 and 46 showed, following water deprivation, a strong decrease in the total amount of water consumed and time spent drinking when tested 2 days and 3 weeks later in the context where they received the defeat experience. Also a strong increase in drinking latency was noticed in the context of the previous defeat. No differences in these parameters were found between defeated and non-defeated wild-type rats. The results of the water conflict test in an environment where no association with the previous defeat experience was present showed that the adolescent social stress did not induce a generalized anxiety.In conclusion, the water conflict test is a useful tool to measure the influence of social defeat on the motivation to obtain resources under conditions with different stimulus properties. In addition, our data suggest the importance of the strain used in adolescent stress experiments. The fact that Wistar rats showed a strong association with the context at adulthood whereas no effect was observed in the wild-type rats shows that victim characteristics are important determining factors for the long term effects of adolescent social stress.  相似文献   

Effects of stress on pregnancy in the rat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

In experiments on Wistar albino rats, it has been shown that exposition of animals to a temperature 40-41 degrees C from the first to the last day of gestation selectively inhibits intestinal transport of glucose in offsprings. At the same time, membrane hydrolysis of lactose and the absorption of the produced glucose increase, maltose utilization remaining essentially unaffected.  相似文献   

Metabolism of radium including the transfer to the fetus through the placenta was studied during three successive pregnancies 92, 155, and 213 days after injection of 226Ra in young female rats. The cumulative fecal and urinary excretions of 226Ra in a 213-day period following injection were about 30 and 15% injected dose (%ID), respectively, most of them occurring during the first 42 days. The excretions were similar in both the pregnant and control (unmated) rats. The whole-body burden of radium (mostly in the skeleton) determined by actual analysis of the entire body was similar in the two groups and was about 53, 48, and 44 %ID at the first, second, and third pregnancy, respectively. Pregnancy alone, therefore, did not significantly affect metabolism of radium. At 20 days of gestation the mean placental content of radium was 0.005, 0.0045, and 0.0036 %ID in the first, second, and third litter, respectively; the corresponding mean fetal content was 0.01, 0.008, and 0.005 %ID. The radium burden of the full-term neonate (21-22 days) was 0.014 and 0.011 %ID for the first and second delivery, respectively. The total amount calculated of radium transferred from the mother to the 8-10 fetuses in a litter did not exceed about 0.3% of the maternal content per each pregnancy. Comparison of the ratio of radium and calcium in the fetus and maternal skeleton shows that there is a Ra-Ca discrimination during their passage from the mother to the fetus.  相似文献   

Adolescence is an important period for the development of adult social competences. Social stress during adolescence may contribute not only to an inadequate social development but also to adult vulnerability to social anxiety. There seems to be a clear individual differentiation, however, in the vulnerability to the long-term negative consequences of social stress. The current study further explores this individual vulnerability and is aimed at the influence of social stress during adolescence on adult social anxiety and its context specificity. Rats from different strains (Wistar and Wild-type Groningen rats) were exposed to the resident-intruder paradigm five times during 10 min each in the period between postnatal day 45 and 58. Three and 7 weeks later, the animals were re-exposed to the context in the presence of either a dominant male or an anestrous female behind a wire mesh screen. Wistar rats that were socially defeated spent less time exploring the social stimulus in comparison with socially defeated Wild-type rats and their non-defeated controls. We conclude that the stressed Wistar rat shows signs of generalized social anxiety indicating that the Wistar rat can be considered as a vulnerable phenotype to effects of adolescent social stress.  相似文献   

Dynamics of ultrastructural changes in the sensomotor cortex neurons has been studied on the 21st, 30th and 60th days of life in offspring born by the rats given 20% alcohol (2 g/kg) during pregnancy. Moderate antenatal alcoholization produces certain disturbances in the ultrastructure of the cortical neurons and their dendrites. This is manifested as presence of retardation signs in maturation of nervous cell populations, as dystrophic changes in the neurons and their dendrites and display of reparative character with their own dynamics in the postnatal period of ontogenesis. The first two categories of the ultrastructural changes in the cortical neurons are more manifested at early stages of the postnatal development of the offspring, and the reparative processes--at the age of two months. Despite the presence of the reparative shifts, the dystrophic changes of the neurons of hypoxic character are present up to the period of sexual maturation. This demonstrates that the antenatal alcoholic intoxication in the offspring is manifested in the postnatal ontogenesis for a long time.  相似文献   

The endocrine pancreas during pregnancy and lactation in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The percentage of endocrine tissue in the whole pancreas, the volume density of the insulin producing beta-cells, the non-fasting plasma glucose level and the plasma insulin level were studied in pregnant rats and in puerperal lactating and non-lactating rats. During pregnancy there was a progressive rise in the percentage of endocrine tissue, in the volume density of the beta-cells and in the insulin level in peripheral blood. Plasma glucose levels declined during pregnancy. A lower plasma glucose level, a lower plasma insulin level, a lower percentage of endocrine tissue and a lower volume density of the beta-cells was found in lactating compared to non-lactating rats.  相似文献   

Relatively high levels of interferon were achieved in rat sera by intracardial inoculation with Sindbis virus followed 15 min later by intraperitoneal application of dimethylsulfoxide. At intervals when interferon titres reached the maximum, the levels of complement were decreased as compared with the control group of rats. Single administration of dimethylsulfoxide did neither induce interferon nor influence the complement levels in sera of rats of the Dobrá Voda breed tested. Similar results were obtained with concentrated Newcastle disease virus inoculated intraperitoneally. Of interest is the finding that properdin levels seem to increase at the same time as interferon.  相似文献   

In experiments on rats it was shown that after 20 Gy irradiation dopamine and homovanilic acid content increases in the caudate nucleus and limbic structures of the forebrain: dopamine disappears more readily when its biosynthesis is blocked. The rate of the mediator degradation in the brain increases by 1.5-2 times, and the rate of the synthesis, by 3-5 times at early times after irradiation.  相似文献   

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