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生物多样性丧失与保护的经济分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在阐述生物多样性丧失现状的基础上,分析了生物多样性丧失的根源不在于物种和生境本身,而在于当今引导人们经济活动的经济体系,特别是其中的价格体系没有全面准确地反映出生物多样性的各种价值,致使人类社会无代价地滥用生物资源和破坏生态环境,提出了加强生物多样性保护的经济措施就在于运用生态经济规律对当今不完善的经济体系进行修正。  相似文献   

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and chemical pollution are planetary-scale emergencies requiring urgent mitigation actions. As these “triple crises” are deeply interlinked, they need to be tackled in an integrative manner. However, while climate change and biodiversity are often studied together, chemical pollution as a global change factor contributing to worldwide biodiversity loss has received much less attention in biodiversity research so far. Here, we review evidence showing that the multifaceted effects of anthropogenic chemicals in the environment are posing a growing threat to biodiversity and ecosystems. Therefore, failure to account for pollution effects may significantly undermine the success of biodiversity protection efforts. We argue that progress in understanding and counteracting the negative impact of chemical pollution on biodiversity requires collective efforts of scientists from different disciplines, including but not limited to ecology, ecotoxicology, and environmental chemistry. Importantly, recent developments in these fields have now enabled comprehensive studies that could efficiently address the manifold interactions between chemicals and ecosystems. Based on their experience with intricate studies of biodiversity, ecologists are well equipped to embrace the additional challenge of chemical complexity through interdisciplinary collaborations. This offers a unique opportunity to jointly advance a seminal frontier in pollution ecology and facilitate the development of innovative solutions for environmental protection.  相似文献   

The fully vegetated summits of the table mountains that form the Guayana Highlands (GH), in northern South America, hold amazing biodiversity and endemism levels, and unique vegetation types. In spite of their present‐day healthy appearance, their biota is seriously threatened of habitat loss by upward displacement, because of the projected warming for the end of this century. Available data are still insufficient for a definite assessment, but preliminary estimations based on representative endemic vascular plant species show that roughly one‐tenth to one‐third of them would loss their habitat with the 2–4°C temperature increase predicted for the region by AD 2100. Given the underlying endemism, the eventual loss of biodiversity will be of global nature. Other mountain ranges around the world with similar characteristics of the GH, namely topographical isolation, high endemism and absence of nival stage because of the lower altitude, would be under similar unexpected risk, and should be urgently considered for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Key global indicators of biodiversity decline, such as the IUCN Red List Index and the Living Planet Index, have relatively long assessment intervals. This means they, due to their inherent structure, function as late‐warning indicators that are retrospective, rather than prospective. These indicators are unquestionably important in providing information for biodiversity conservation, but the detection of early‐warning signs of critical biodiversity change is also needed so that proactive management responses can be enacted promptly where required. Generally, biodiversity conservation has dealt poorly with the scattered distribution of necessary detailed information, and needs to find a solution to assemble, harmonize and standardize the data. The prospect of monitoring essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) has been suggested in response to this challenge. The concept has generated much attention, but the EBVs themselves are still in development due to the complexity of the task, the limited resources available, and a lack of long‐term commitment to maintain EBV data sets. As a first step, the scientific community and the policy sphere should agree on a set of priority candidate EBVs to be developed within the coming years to advance both large‐scale ecological research as well as global and regional biodiversity conservation. Critical ecological transitions are of high importance from both a scientific as well as from a conservation policy point of view, as they can lead to long‐lasting biodiversity change with a high potential for deleterious effects on whole ecosystems and therefore also on human well‐being. We evaluated candidate EBVs using six criteria: relevance, sensitivity to change, generalizability, scalability, feasibility, and data availability and provide a literature‐based review for eight EBVs with high sensitivity to change. The proposed suite of EBVs comprises abundance, allelic diversity, body mass index, ecosystem heterogeneity, phenology, range dynamics, size at first reproduction, and survival rates. The eight candidate EBVs provide for the early detection of critical and potentially long‐lasting biodiversity change and should be operationalized as a priority. Only with such an approach can science predict the future status of global biodiversity with high certainty and set up the appropriate conservation measures early and efficiently. Importantly, the selected EBVs would address a large range of conservation issues and contribute to a total of 15 of the 20 Aichi targets and are, hence, of high biological relevance.  相似文献   

Despite the recognised conservation value of phylogenetic diversity, little is known about how it is affected by the urbanisation process. Combining a complete avian phylogeny with surveys along urbanisation gradients from five continents, we show that highly urbanised environments supported on average 450 million fewer years of evolutionary history than the surrounding natural environments. This loss was primarily caused by species loss and could have been higher had not been partially compensated by the addition of urban exploiters and some exotic species. Highly urbanised environments also supported fewer evolutionary distinctive species, implying a disproportionate loss of evolutionary history. Compared with highly urbanised environments, changes in phylogenetic richness and evolutionary distinctiveness were less substantial in moderately urbanised environments. Protecting pristine environments is therefore essential for maintaining phylogenetic diversity, but moderate levels of urbanisation still preserve much of the original diversity.  相似文献   

Over the last century the temporal and spatial distribution of light on Earth has been drastically altered by human activity. Despite mounting evidence of detrimental effects of light pollution on organisms and their trophic interactions, the extent to which light pollution threatens biodiversity on a global scale remains unclear. We assessed the spatial extent and magnitude of light encroachment by measuring change in the extent of light using satellite imagery from 1992 to 2012 relative to species richness for terrestrial and freshwater mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. The encroachment of light into previously dark areas was consistently high, often doubling, in areas of high species richness for all four groups. This pattern persisted for nocturnal groups (e.g., bats, owls, and geckos) and species considered vulnerable to extinction. Areas with high species richness and large increases in light extent were clustered within newly industrialized regions where expansion of light is likely to continue unabated unless we act to conserve remaining darkness. Implementing change at a global scale requires global public, and therefore scientific, support. Here, we offer substantial evidence that light extent is increasing where biodiversity is high, representing an emerging threat to global biodiversity requiring immediate attention.  相似文献   

无数证据表明,地球可能正经历着有史以来的第六次物种大灭绝。在这一背景下,研究生物多样性丧失机制及其对生态系统功能的影响具有重要意义。从先前的相关研究中,已逐渐清晰地认识到造成多样性丧失的几大机制,并对这些机制发生的空间尺度有了一定了解。然而,空间本身对多样性丧失研究的影响仍被该领域的很多研究所忽视。因为生物多样性丧失过程发生在不同空间尺度中,所造成的多样性丧失格局也具有不同的空间尺度特征。忽略空间信息很可能会对多样性丧失等相关研究造成很大干扰,甚至得出错误的结论,其结果也很难正确地运用于不同空间尺度的多样性保护当中。整合空间信息已成为当前生物多样性丧失研究,乃至整个生态学研究的前沿和热点之一。为促进这一趋势在国内的发展,将结合多样性丧失的估计与监测、几大多样性丧失机制(全球环境变化与生境片段化、生物入侵等)来阐述空间信息对当前及今后多样性丧失机制研究的重要性,并用实例展示未充分考虑空间信息而可能造成的后果。最后探讨我国当前科技条件下进行整合空间信息的生物多样性丧失等研究的可行性。  相似文献   

城市公园和郊区公园生物多样性评估的指标   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
陈波  包志毅 《生物多样性》2003,11(2):169-176
随着城市化进程的加快,城市的生物多样性不可避免地受到城市化的各种影响,城市及其郊区的生物多样性保护越来越受到人们的重视。城市公园与郊区公园中往往具有高度多样化的生境,并保存着某些自然植被片段和动物物种,那里的生物多样性较高。可见,在城市和郊区的生物多样性保护中,公园生物多样性的保护是一个非常关键的环节,而对其生物多样性的评估又是有效保护的基础。目前,我国生物多样性评估方面的研究工作多集中于物种水平,而对生境的研究较少,但实践证明,保护生境比保护物种更为重要。本文介绍了比利时学者Hermy & Cornelis在比利时西佛兰德省的Loppem市立公园的保护实践中构建的一种对城市公园和郊区公园中的生物多样性进行评估的方法。该方法从两个方面展开:生境多样性和物种多样性。在生境水平上,首先对各种生境单元进行分类,这些单元被分为面状、线状和点状要素。针对每种要素,分别计算了Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和饱和度指数。饱和度指数是实际的多样性指数与最大可能的多样性指数之比。在物种水平上,使用了物种数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和饱和度指数来评估公园中的高等植物、蝴蝶、两栖动物和饲养的鸟类等物种。这样,就获得了20个生物多样性指标,根据这些指数就可以对Loppem市立公园内的生物多样性进行评估。结合我国生物多样性评估工作的实际要求,文章最后对上述方法进行了讨论,指出该方法对我国公园的生物多样性评估工作具有借鉴意义,但在运用时各地需要结合本地的实际情况。  相似文献   

Summary The Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) allows the creation of tradable Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) derived from across the ecosystem sector via project‐level baseline and credit activities: it is the first national offset scheme in the world to broadly include farming and forestry projects. Because these activities have the potential to produce both biodiversity and climate change benefits, a crucial outcome is for widespread uptake of the policy. However, the design, complexity and cost of the CFI project development process, and low prices as a result of ACCUs trading in the voluntary market, will all likely militate against this. This article shows how international politics and policy surrounding the Kyoto Protocol have influenced the design of the CFI, with its potential to proliferate complex and narrow methodologies and counter‐productive approaches to integrity standards such as permanence. The article shows that despite the pressing need to integrate biodiversity and climate change considerations as equally important challenges, their global integration remains poorly articulated. Biodiversity considerations are also not integrated into the CFI but, rather, are dealt with indirectly through safeguard measures that avoid perverse incentives and unintended harm, and as an optional co‐benefit via the development of an index. This article suggests that we need to move past the shackles of Kyoto towards streamlined and standardized approaches such as risk‐based assessments and the use of regional baselines. Using regionally specific baselines such as for avoided deforestation would allow landholders to opt‐in to regional‐scale mitigation opportunities. Activities that Australia accounts for, such as reforestation and deforestation, should also be able to opt‐in for coverage under the Clean Energy Act (and out of the voluntary carbon market) to obtain a secure price.  相似文献   

The coincidence of people and biodiversity in Europe   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A positive correlation between human population density and species richness has been recorded across the tropics. Here I investigate whether this correlation holds true for Europe. Analyses reveal a positive correlation between human population density and plant (rho = 0.505), mammal (rho = 0.471) and reptile and amphibian (rho = 0.556) species richness. The results are largely concordant with those obtained in similar studies for Africa. However, contrary to previous analyses, the correlation found between people and breeding bird species richness (rho = 0.186) was weak. Of three measures of endemism used, only combined European endemic species richness correlated with human density (rho = 0.437). Richness among combined restricted‐range European endemics was not correlated (rho = 0.095) with human density, while richness among all combined restricted‐range species was only weakly correlated with human density (rho = 0.167). The results partially support the idea of a correlation between people and biodiversity, although there are some important exceptions. Discussion of possible mechanisms underling the observed patterns is undertaken.  相似文献   

分子生态学研究与运行多样性保护   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
分子生态学的发展揭开了生物多样性保护研究的新篇章,分子技术的应用克服了传统生态学法中的一些难题,如野外调查周期长,分辨率有限,实验条件不易控制等,应用各种分子标记(如:RFLP,VNTR,RAPD,DNA测序等)可以分析种群地理格局和异质种群动态,确定种群间的基因流,研究瓶颈效应对种群的影响以及确定个体间的亲缘关系等等,所有这些研究都是指导物种保护和淑危种群的恢复所必要的,种或品系特异性的分子标记技术能够解决形态分类中的模糊现象,确定基于遗传物质的谱系关系,还可以用来分析近缘种间杂交问题,这些问题的解决有助于确定物种优先保护顺序,选择保护地工,近年来引起重视的主要组织人性复合体(MHC)NDA异分析可能会在研究种群对疾病的易感性第一系列种群特异性问题方面非常有用,随着分子技术的不断发展,会有更多的保护生物学问题得到解决,尤其是结合野外调查统计数据应用多个分子标记对目标种群进行研究,所得到的结果会更精确,更有说服力。  相似文献   

香港的生物多样性及其保育工作   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
香港位于热带,属海洋性气候。地势崎岖多山,山地约占全港总面积的3/4。城市发展多集中在沿海平坦地带。目前香港的城市和乡镇面积约占总面积的20%,农地约占5%(当中大部份已遭荒废),余下的均为郊野地区,这包括天然林和人工林(约占14%)、灌丛(约占36%)及草地(约占17%)。由于良好的气候和地理条件,形成了众多不同的生态环境,使总面积仅1090 km2的弹丸之地孕育出种类多样的动植物,生物多样性十分丰富。香港约有2500种原生植物,包括被子植物约1900种,裸子植物7种,蕨类植物220多种及苔藓植物300多种。动物方面,已记录的野生哺乳类动物有40多种,鸟类超过459种,两栖类23种,爬行类70多种。昆虫种类繁多,其中蜻蜓目100多种,鳞翅目2200多种(蝴蝶200多种,蛾类2000多种)。有很多是国家保护物种和特有种。植物方面属国家一级保护的有1种——刺桫椤(Alsophila spinulosa);国家二级保护的有6种,如四药门花(Tetrathryrium subcordatum);国家三级保护的有8种,如穗花杉(Amentotaxus argotaenia)。此外,香港特有种有16种,例如紫萁科(Osmundaceae)的粤紫萁(Osmunda mildei)、马兜铃科(Aristolochiaceae)的香港细辛(Asarum hongkongense)和兰科(Orchidaceae)的谢氏卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum tseanum)。动物方面有9种属国家一级保护,例如中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis);79种属国家二级保护。特有种则有卢氏小树蛙(Philautus romeri)、包氏双足蜥(Dibamus bogadeki)及多种昆虫。为了保护丰富的野生动植物及其栖息的环境,香港特别行政区政府制定了一些法例并推行了不少保护措施,例如设立了21个郊野公园和14个特别地区,占全港陆地总面积约38%。此外,还成立了2个禁区、3个海岸公园和1个海洋保护区。另一方面,政府还设立了59个“具特殊科学价值地点”,以保护及研究各种动植物、生态系统和特殊的地质地貌。香港地少人多,总人口超过600万,是世界上人口最稠密的地区之一。多年来香港这个生物宝库不断地遭受人类活动的威胁,近年来由于人口急剧上升,对土地需求迫切,不少郊野地区被开发利用,环境污染亦日益严重。此外,一些野生植物因具有药用价值、观赏价值或其他用途而遭盗伐或采集。上述种种因素已使香港野生动植物及其生境受到严重损害,一些物种更濒于灭绝,进行生物多样性的保育工作刻不容缓。因此,香港确实需要制定整体的生物多样性保护策略。有鉴于此,香港大学生态及分类学系于1996年展开了一项为期3年的香港生物多样性调查,以增加对动植物资源现况的了解,为保护香港的珍稀濒危物种和日益恶化的自然环境提出补救方案,并为制订长远的保育策略奠定基础。  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification is best considered as the level of human appropriation of terrestrial net primary production. The global value is set to increase from 30%, increasing pressures on biodiversity. The pressures can be classified in terms of spatial scale, i.e. land cover, landscape management and crop management. Different lowland agricultural landscapes in Great Britain show differences among these pressures when habitat diversity and nutrient surplus are used as indicators. Eutrophication of plants was correlated to N surplus, and species richness of plants correlated with broad habitat diversity. Bird species diversity only correlated with habitat diversity when the diversity of different agricultural habitats was taken into account. The pressures of agricultural change may be reduced by minimizing loss of large habitats, minimizing permanent loss of agricultural land, maintaining habitat diversity in agricultural landscapes in order to provide ecosystem services, and minimizing pollution from nutrients and pesticides from the crops themselves. While these pressures could potentially be quantified using an internationally consistent set of indicators, their impacts would need to be assessed using a much larger number of locally applicable biodiversity indicators.  相似文献   

生物多样性的经济价值   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
生物多样性的总经济价值包含了它的可利用价值(use value, UV)和非利用价值(non-use values, NUV)。可利用价值可以被进一步分成直接利用价值(direct use values, DUV),间接利用价值(indirect use values, IUV)和可选择价值(option values, OV),即可能的利用价值。非利用价值主要是存在价值(existence values, EV)。生物多样性所提供的使用价值常常不能就地实现,而可能会通过某种通道,在空间上的流动,到达一个具备适当外部条件的地区,实现其使用价值。我们称这种现象为生物多样性价值在空间上的流动。  相似文献   

Here we review the current situation of endangered butterflies in Korea and describe the causes of their decline. Because no details regarding the changes in butterfly populations across the country were available, we selected candidate butterfly species based on a score sheet sent to six specialists in Korea. Twenty species were finally selected and assessed. As a result, 3 critically endangered, 14 endangered and 3 vulnerable species were identified. We attempted to identify the possible causes of decline by addressing habitat loss (grassland or riparian grassland), forest succession, warmer temperature, over‐collecting and loss of symbiont ants. We discuss the causal factors with the current situation of butterfly populations in Korea.  相似文献   

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