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Genetic benefits are potentially the most robust explanation of the controversial issue of evolutionary maintenance of polyandry, but the unambiguous demonstration of such benefits has been hindered by the possibility of their confusion with maternal effects. Previous research has shown that polyandrous bulb mite females produce daughters with higher fecundity than monandrous females. Here, we investigate whether this effect arises because polyandrous females invest more in their offspring, or because their offspring inherit 'good genes' from their fathers. Females were mated with either one or four (different) males. However, by sterilizing three of the four males with ionizing radiation, we eliminated any chance of sexual selection (in the polyandrous treatment) so that any differences in the female mating regimes must have been owing to maternal effects. Polyandry had no significant effect on daughter fecundity, thus indicating that any previously documented effects must have been genetic. This was further supported by a significant association between fathers' offensive sperm-competitive ability and the fecundity of their daughters. The association with fathers' sperm defensive ability was not significant, and neither was the association between fathers' sperm competitiveness and sons' reproductive success. However, sons of polyandrous females had lower reproductive success than sons of monandrous females. This shows that the maternal effects of polyandry should be taken into account whenever its costs and benefits are being considered.  相似文献   

Female insects that mate multiply tend to have increased lifetime fitness, apparently because of greater access to male-derived resources (e.g. sperm, nuptial gifts) that elevate fertility/fecundity. Experiments that standardize the number of matings per female also show that polyandry can improve aspects of offspring performance, most notably early embryo survival (egg hatching success). This improvement is widely attributed to genetic benefits which would arise if polyandrous females skew paternity to produce fitter offspring. In two separate experiments with field crickets (Teleogryllus commodus) polyandrous females (two, three or four mates) did not have higher egg hatching success than monandrous females (effect sizes: r = 0.03 and 0.08 for the respective experiments), which is consistent with our finding of no sire effect on hatching success. Polyandry also had no effect on post-hatching offspring survival. Polyandrous females' offspring took significantly longer to mature but their sons were not heavier and their daughters were actually significantly smaller than those of monandrous females. Finally, after controlling for relative male size, monandrous females' sons were more successful when directly competing for a mate.  相似文献   

Given the costs of multiple mating, why has female polyandry evolved? Utetheisa ornatrix moths are well suited for studying multiple mating in females because females are highly polyandrous over their life span, with each male mate transferring a substantial spermatophore with both genetic and nongenetic material. The accumulation of resources might explain the prevalence of polyandry in this species, but another, not mutually exclusive, possibility is that females mate multiply to increase the probability that their sons will inherit more‐competitive sperm. This latter “sexy‐sperm” hypothesis posits that female multiple mating and male sperm competitiveness coevolve via a Fisherian runaway process. We tested the sexy‐sperm hypothesis by using competitive double matings to compare the sperm competition success of sons of polyandrous versus monandrous females. In accordance with sexy‐sperm theory, we found that in 511 offspring across 17 families, the male whose polyandrous mother mated once with each of three different males sired significantly more of all total offspring (81%) than did the male whose monandrous mother was mated thrice to a single male. Interestingly, sons of polyandrous mothers had a significantly biased sex ratio of their brood toward sons, also in support of the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Although classically thought to be rare, female polyandry is widespread and may entail significant fitness benefits. If females store sperm over extended periods of time, the consequences of polyandry will depend on the pattern of sperm storage, and some of the potential benefits of polyandry can only be realized if sperm from different males is mixed. Our study aimed to determine patterns and consequences of polyandry in an amphibian species, the fire salamander, under fully natural conditions. Fire salamanders are ideal study objects, because mating, fertilization and larval deposition are temporally decoupled, females store sperm for several months, and larvae are deposited in the order of fertilization. Based on 18 microsatellite loci, we conducted paternity analysis of 24 female‐offspring arrays with, in total, over 600 larvae fertilized under complete natural conditions. More than one‐third of females were polyandrous and up to four males were found as sires. Our data clearly show that sperm from multiple males is mixed in the female's spermatheca. Nevertheless, paternity is biased, and the most successful male sires on average 70% of the larvae, suggesting a ‘topping off’ mechanism with first‐male precedence. Female reproductive success increased with the number of sires, most probably because multiple mating ensured high fertilization success. In contrast, offspring number was unaffected by female condition and genetic characteristics, but surprisingly, it increased with the degree of genetic relatedness between females and their sires. Sires of polyandrous females tended to be genetically similar to each other, indicating a role for active female choice.  相似文献   

Females often mate with several different males, which may promote sperm competition and increase offspring viability. However, the potential benefits of polyandry remain controversial, particularly in birds where recent reviews have suggested that females gain few genetic benefits from extra‐pair mating. In tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), we found that females with prior breeding experience had more sires per brood when paired to genetically similar social mates, and, among experienced females, broods with more sires had higher hatching success. Individual females breeding in two consecutive years also produced broods with more sires when they were more genetically similar to their mate. Thus, experienced females were able to avoid the costs of mating with a genetically similar social mate and realize fitness benefits from mating with a relatively large number of males. This is one of the first studies to show that female breeding experience influences polyandry and female fitness in a natural population of vertebrates. Our results suggest that the benefits of polyandry may only be clear when considering both the number of mates females acquire and their ability to modify the outcome of sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts that paternal quality should drive female investment in progeny. We tested whether polyandrous female side-blotched lizards, Uta stansburiana, would adjust within-clutch progeny investment according to sire phenotypes. In two different years, polyandrous females selectively used sperm from larger sires to produce sons and used sperm from smaller sires to produce daughters. This cryptic sperm choice had significant effects on progeny survival to maturity that were consistent with sexually antagonistic effects associated with sire body size. Large sires produced sons with high viability and small sires produced daughters with high viability. These results are consistent with our previous findings that alleles for male body size have different fitness effects in male and female progeny. Breeding experiments in the laboratory indicate that results from the wild are more likely due to female choice than biased sperm production by males. Our results demonstrate highly refined gender-specific female choice for sperm and indicate that sire body size may signal the quality of sons or daughters that a sire will produce.  相似文献   

Polyandry, i.e. mating with multiple males within one reproductive event, is a common female mating strategy but its adaptive function is often unclear. We tested whether polyandrous females gain genetic benefits by comparing fitness traits of monandrous (mated twice with a single male) and polyandrous (mated twice with two different males) female bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus. We raised the offspring in the laboratory until adulthood and measured their body size, before releasing them to outdoor enclosures to overwinter. At the onset of the breeding season in the following spring, we found that offspring of polyandrous females performed significantly better at reproduction than those of monandrous females. This was mainly due to sons of polyandrous females producing significantly more offspring than those of monandrous females. No significant differences were found for offspring body mass or winter survival between the two treatments. Our results appear to provide evidence that bank vole females gain long-term benefits from polyandry.  相似文献   

Some of the genetic benefit hypotheses put forward to explain multiple male mating (polyandry) predict that sons of polyandrous females will have an increased competitive ability under precopulatory or post‐copulatory competition via paternally inherited traits, such as attractiveness or fertilization efficiency. Here, we tested these predictions by comparing the competitive ability of sons of experimentally monandrous and polyandrous female bank voles (Myodes glareolus), while controlling for potential material and maternal effects. In female choice experiments, we found no clear preference for sons of either monandrous or polyandrous mothers. Moreover, neither male type was dominant over the other, indicating no advantage in precopulatory male contest competition. However, in competitive matings, sons of polyandrous mothers significantly increased their mating efforts (mating duration, intromission number). In line with this, paternity success was biased towards sons of polyandrous mothers. Because there was no evidence for maternal effects, our results suggest that female bank voles gain genetic benefits from polyandry.  相似文献   

Predispersal copulation and unpredictable environment facilitate the evolution of female-biased dispersal in species, where females are functionally monandrous. Females should migrate and reproduce over different habitats to spread their risks due to environmental fluctuation. On the other hand, males do not have to disperse because their risks are spread by their mating partners who produce their offspring in different habitats. However, when females are functionally polyandrous, it is expected that they will not contribute to spreading the male's risk extensively. Therefore, by simulation with the individual based model, the present study evaluated how female polyandry influences the sexual difference in dispersal timing. This model revealed that when females are polyandrous, the timing of female remating and sperm priority patterns have an important influence on the evolution of sex-biased dispersal. Particularly when female remating is not synchronized with dispersal or when last-male sperm precedence does not exist, female-biased dispersal is evolved.  相似文献   

Whether sexual selection increases or decreases female fitness is determined by the occurrence and relative importance of sexual-conflict processes and the ability of females to choose high-quality males. Experimentally enforced polyandry and monogamy have previously been shown to cause rapid evolution in the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria. Flies from polyandrous lines invested more in reproductive tissue, and this investment influenced paternity in sperm competition, but came at a cost to immune function. While some fitness consequences of enforced polyandry or monogamy have been examined when flies mate multiply, the consequences for female fitness when singly copulated remain unexplored. Under a good-genes scenario females from polyandrous lines should be of higher general quality and should outperform females from monogamous lines even with a single copulation. Under sexual conflict, costly adaptations will afford no advantages when females are allowed to mate only once. We investigate the lifetime reproductive success and longevity of females evolving under enforced monogamy or polyandry when mating once with males from these selection regimes. Females from polyandrous lines were found to have lower fitness than their monogamous counterparts when mating once. They died earlier and produced significantly fewer eggs and offspring. These results suggest that sexual conflict probably drove evolution under enforced polyandry as female fitness did not increase overall as expected with purely good-genes effects.  相似文献   

Females of many animal species are polyandrous, and there is evidence that they can control pre- and post-mating events. There has been a growing interest in consequences of polyandry for male and female reproductive success and offspring fitness, and its evolutionary significance. In several taxa, females exhibit mate choice both before and after mating and can influence the paternity of their offspring, enhancing offspring number and quality, but potentially countering male interests. Studying female mating biology and in particular post-copulatory female control mechanisms thus promises to yield insights into sexual selection and the potential of male-female coevolution. Here, we highlight the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), a storage pest, as a model system to study polyandry, and review studies addressing the effects of polyandry on male sperm competitive ability and female control of post-mating events. These studies show that the outcome of sperm competition in the red flour beetle is influenced by both male and female traits. Furthermore, recent advances suggest that sexual conflict may have shaped reproductive traits in this species.  相似文献   

Although females may require only one mating to become inseminated, many female animals engage in costly mating with multiple males. One potential benefit of polyandrous mating is gaining parental investment from multiple males. We developed two game theoretic models to explore this possibility. Our first model showed that male care of multiple females' offspring evolves when male help substantially increases offspring fitness, future mating opportunity is limited, and group size is small. In our second model, we assumed that males invest in the offspring of former mates and evaluated the fitness consequences of female monogamous and polyandrous mating strategies. Females benefit only from limited polyandry, that is, mating with several males. Polyandry is discouraged because females must share male investment with other polyandrous females, and paternal care is likely to experience diminishing returns. Females may enhance their access to male investment by competing with rival females and monopolizing investment, however. The results support the argument that females can gain paternal investment by mating with several males in small social groups (e.g., dunnocks Prunella modularis). The results do not support the argument that females can gain paternal investment from pronounced multiple mating in large social groups, however, as observed in many primate species.  相似文献   

Female Drosophila melanogaster remate more frequently than necessary to ensure fertilization. We tested whether polyandrous females gain genetic benefits for their offspring by (1) selecting secondary sires of higher genetic-quality than original partners or (2) because post-copulatory mechanisms bias fertilizations towards genetically superior males. We screened 119 hemiclones of males for lifetime fitness then selected eight hemiclones (four of extreme high fitness and four of extreme low fitness) and mated them to virgin females. Females were then given the opportunity to remate with males of benchmark-genetic quality and their propensity to remate (fidelity) and sperm displacement scored. A female's fidelity and her level of sperm displacement varied depending on which hemiclone she mated first, but not on male-genetic quality. These findings indicate that female remating and sperm displacement are strongly influenced by male genotype, but provide no evidence that these traits contribute to adaptive female choice to obtain superior genes for offspring.  相似文献   

Why do females mate multiply? A review of the genetic benefits   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The aim of this review is to consider the potential benefits that females may gain from mating more than once in a single reproductive cycle. The relationship between non-genetic and genetic benefits is briefly explored. We suggest that multiple mating for purely non-genetic benefits is unlikely as it invariably leads to the possibility of genetic benefits as well. We begin by briefly reviewing the main models for genetic benefits to mate choice, and the supporting evidence that choice can increase offspring performance and the sexual attractiveness of sons. We then explain how multiple mating can elevate offspring fitness by increasing the number of potential sires that compete, when this occurs in conjunction with mechanisms of paternity biasing that function in copula or post-copulation. We begin by identifying cases where females use pre-copulatory cues to identify mates prior to remating. In the simplest case, females remate because they identify a superior mate and 'trade up' genetically. The main evidence for this process comes from extra-pair copulation in birds. Second, we note other cases where pre-copulatory cues may be less reliable and females mate with several males to promote post-copulatory mechanisms that bias paternity. Although a distinction is drawn between sperm competition and cryptic female choice, we point out that the genetic benefits to polyandry in terms of producing more viable or sexually attractive offspring do not depend on the exact mechanism that leads to biased paternity. Post-copulatory mechanisms of paternity biasing may: (1) reduce genetic incompatibility between male and female genetic contributions to offspring; (2) increase offspring viability if there is a positive correlation between traits favoured post-copulation and those that improve performance under natural selection; (3) increase the ability of sons to gain paternity when they mate with polyandrous females. A third possibility is that genetic diversity among offspring is directly favoured. This can be due to bet-hedging (due to mate assessment errors or temporal fluctuations in the environment), beneficial interactions between less related siblings or the opportunity to preferentially fertilise eggs with sperm of a specific genotype drawn from a range of stored sperm depending on prevailing environmental conditions. We use case studies from the social insects to provide some concrete examples of the role of genetic diversity among progeny in elevating fitness. We conclude that post-copulatory mechanisms provide a more reliable way of selecting a genetically compatible mate than pre-copulatory mate choice. Some of the best evidence for cryptic female choice by sperm selection is due to selection of more compatible sperm. Two future areas of research seem likely to be profitable. First, more experimental evidence is needed demonstrating that multiple mating increases offspring fitness via genetic gains. Second, the role of multiple mating in promoting assortative fertilization and increasing reproductive isolation between populations may help us to understand sympatric speciation.  相似文献   

The genetic incompatibility avoidance hypothesis as an explanation for the polyandrous mating strategies (mating with more than one male) of females of many species has received significant attention in recent years. It has received support from both empirical studies and a meta-analysis, which concludes that polyandrous females enjoy increased reproductive success through improved offspring viability relative to monandrous females. In this study we investigate whether polyandrous female Drosophila simulans improve their fitness relative to monandrous females in the face of severe Wolbachia-associated reproductive incompatibilities. We use the results of this study to develop models that test the predictions that Wolbachia should promote polyandry, and that polyandry itself may constrain the spread of Wolbachia. Uniquely, our models allow biologically relevant rates of incompatibility to coevolve with a polyandry modifier allele, which allows us to evaluate the fate of the modifier and that of Wolbachia. Our empirical results reveal that polyandrous females significantly reduce the reproductive costs of Wolbachia, owing to infected males being poor sperm competitors. The models show that this disadvantage in sperm competition can inhibit or prevent the invasion of Wolbachia. However, despite the increased reproductive success obtained by polyandrous females, the spread of a polyandry modifier allele is constrained by any costs that might be associated with polyandry and the low frequency of incompatible matings when Wolbachia has reached a stable equilibrium. Therefore, although incompatibility avoidance may be a benefit of polyandry, our findings do not support the hypothesis that genetic incompatibilities caused by Wolbachia promote the evolution of polyandry.  相似文献   

I have examined the adaptive significance of polyandry using the Australian field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. Previous studies of polyandry have examined differences in offspring production by females mated multiply to a single male or females mated multiply to different males. Here I combine this approach with a study of parentage of offspring produced in the later group. Females mated to two different males had a higher proportion of their eggs hatching than did females mating twice with a single male. Offspring fitness parameters were not effected. There was little evidence to suggest that females elevate their hatching success via fertilizing their eggs with sperm from genetically compatible males. Although the average paternity points towards random sperm mixing, there was considerable individual variation in sperm competition success. Patterns of parentage were consistent across females mating twice or four times. Sperm competition success was not related to offspring viability or performance. Thus, the notion that competitively superior sperm produce competitively superior offspring is not supported either. The mechanism underlying increased hatching success with polyandry requires further study.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of polyandry for sexual selection, the reasons why females frequently mate with several males remain poorly understood. A number of genetic benefits have been proposed, based on the idea that by taking multiple mates, females increase the likelihood that their offspring will be sired by genetically more compatible or superior males. If certain males have intrinsically “good genes,” any female mating with them will produce superior offspring. Alternatively, if some males have genetic elements that are incompatible with a particular female, then she may benefit from polyandry if the sperm of such males are less likely to fertilize her eggs. We examined these hypotheses in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). By allocating females identical numbers of matings but different numbers of mates we investigated the influence of number of mates on female fecundity, and both short- and long-term offspring fitness. This revealed no effect of number of mates on number of eggs laid. However, hatching success of eggs increased with number of mates. This effect could not be attributed to nongenetic effects such as the possibility that polyandry reduces variance in the quantity or fertilizing ability of sperm females receive, because a control group receiving half the number of copulations showed no drop in hatching success. Offspring did not differ in survival, adult mass, size, or development time with treatment. When males were mated to several different females there were no repeatable differences between individual males in the hatching success of their mate's eggs. This suggests that improved hatching success of polyandrous females is not due to certain males having genes that improve egg viability regardless of their mate. Instead, our results support the hypothesis that certain males are genetically more compatible with certain females, and that this drives polyandry through differential fertilization success of sperm from more compatible males.  相似文献   

Explanations for the evolution of polyandry often center on the idea that females garner genetic benefits for their offspring by mating multiply. Furthermore, postcopulatory processes are thought to be fundamental to enabling polyandrous females to screen for genetic quality. Much attention has focused on the potential for polyandrous females to accrue such benefits via a sexy‐ or good‐sperm mechanism, whereby additive variation exists among males in sperm competitiveness. Likewise, attention has focused on an alternative model, in which offspring quality (in this context, the sperm competitiveness of sons) hinges on an interaction between parental haplotypes (genetic compatibility). Sperm competitiveness that is contingent on parental compatibility will exhibit nonadditive genetic variation. We tested these models in the Australian cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus, using a design that allowed us to partition additive, nonadditive genetic, and parental variance for sperm competitiveness. We found an absence of additive and nonadditive genetic variance in this species, challenging the direct relevance of either model to the evolution of sperm competitiveness in particular, and polyandry in general. Instead, we found maternal effects that were possibly sex‐linked or cytoplasmically linked. We also found effects of focal male age on sperm competitiveness, with small increments in age conferring more competitive sperm.  相似文献   

Although mating is costly, multiple mating by females is a taxonomically widespread phenomenon. Theory has suggested that polyandry may allow females to gain genetic benefits for their offspring, and thus offset the costs associated with this mating strategy. For example, the good sperm hypothesis posits that females benefit from mating multiply when genetically superior males have increased success in sperm competition and produce high quality offspring. We applied the powerful approach of experimental evolution to explore the potential for polyandry to drive evolutionary increases in female fitness in house mice, Mus domesticus. We maintained polygamously mated and monogamously mated selection lines of house mice for 14 generations, before determining whether selection history could account for divergence in embryo viability. We found that males from lineages evolving with post-copulatory sexual selection sire offspring with increased viability, suggesting that polyandry results in the production of higher quality offspring and thus provides long-term fitness benefits to females.  相似文献   

Female mate choice can result in direct benefits to the female or indirect benefits through her offspring. Females can increase their fitness by mating with males whose genes encode increased survivorship and reproductive output. Alternatively, male investment in enhanced mating success may come at the cost of reduced investment in offspring fitness. Here, we measure male mating success in a mating arena that allows for male–male, male–female and female–female interactions in Drosophila melanogaster. We then use isofemale line population measurements to correlate male mating success with sperm competitive ability, the number of offspring produced and the indirect benefits of the number of offspring produced by daughters and sons. We find that males from populations that gain more copulations do not increase female fitness through increased offspring production, nor do these males fare better in sperm competition. Instead, we find that these populations have a reduced reproductive output of sons, indicating a potential reproductive trade‐off between male mating success and offspring quality.  相似文献   

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