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The count of argyrophilic nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) has been proposed as a useful method for evaluating cell replication in human tumours. The current study was undertaken to compare AgNOR values in colorectal cancers with two better established methods for investigating cell proliferation such as bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) and 3[H]-thymidine (3[H]dT) labelling indices (LIs). Because some concern still exists regarding accuracy and reproducibility of AgNOR quantifying methods, we carried out a control study by independently repeating the same measurements (number, area and area per silver-stained NOR particle) in two centres with different operators and computer-assisted image analysers on 40 colorectal carcinomas. AgNOR values recorded in the two centres were strictly correlated (r= 0.75; P < 0.001 for number; r= 0.62, P < 0.01 for area; r= 0.63, P < 0.001 for area per silver-stained NOR particle) and the range of values were almost identical. Then, AgNOR values were compared with BrdUrd and 3[H]dT LIs, respectively obtained by in vivo incorporation and in vitro incubation in the same series of colorectal carcinomas. No correlation was found between AgNOR values and BrdUrd or 3[H]dT LIs. BrdUrd and 3[H]dT LIs were instead reciprocally significantly correlated. No evident correlation was seen between LIs or AgNOR values and clinico-pathological parameters of the tumour. In conclusion, in colorectal neoplasms, AgNOR values did not appear to relate with more direct parameters of cell proliferation. It follows that AgNOR reliability as a biomarker of cell proliferation remains questionable.  相似文献   

This study compares, in 2-d-old rats, the migration rates of epithelial cells on villi of the small intestine, using two labelling methods: a single [3H] thymidine injection; and cytoplasmic labelling by a single ingestion of Pu-citrate. Histoautoradiography showed negligible diffusion of Pu after the initial retention, which was mostly confined to the epithelial cells of the villi. However, after sloughing of labelled cells in the intestinal lumen, Pu was reabsorbed by the distal epithelial cells. In segments in which Pu reabsorption was negligible, the migration rates of Pu- and 3H-labelled cells were very close. These rates, expressed in micrometers, were almost constant along the length of the villus, and the Pu and 3H labelling edges reached the top of the villi in about 5 and 7 d, respectively. Once Pu retention had reached its maximum in 9 equal segments cut along the small intestine, tissue counting showed an exponential Pu release of 30-40%/d from each segment until the end of the experiment at d16. This constant release might reflect a constant cell migration rate during the period from Pu ingestion until d16.  相似文献   

Abstract. The [3H]-thymidine labelling index ([3H]TdR LI) has been used to evaluate and comparatively analyse the proliferative activity of different tumour lesions from the same patient. The analysis was performed on the primary tumour and its synchronous lymph node metastasis from 210 patients operated on for breast cancer. A direct relation was observed between the proliferative activity of the two different lesions (Spearman correlation coefficient = 0–46, P< 00001), but there was considerable scatter amongst the data. The [3H]TdR LI of primary and of metastatic lesions belonged to the same proliferation classes in only 47% of the cases. Higher or lower [3H]TdR LI values, categorized on the basis of the tertiles of the frequency distribution, occurred in the node metastasis than in the primary tumour in an almost similar percentage of the remaining cases. Menopause, receptor status and pathological features did not affect interlesion kinetic patterns. The prognostic role of the proliferative activity of the two different lesions was investigated on 107 patients with stage II tumours homogeneously treated with surgery and systemic adjuvant therapy. Relapse-free survival at 3 years was significantly affected by the proliferative activity of the primary tumour but not by that of the lymph node metastasis.  相似文献   

During tissue embryogenesis, precursor cells divide actively and eventually withdraw from the mitotic cycle before differentiation. Accurate information about the time of terminal mitosis ("birthdate") of precursors is of vital importance for studying relationships between cell proliferation and differentiation. Methods presently available for birthdate determination, based on "pulse" or "cumulative" labeling with either tritiated thymidine (3HT) or bromodeoxyuridine (BrDU) incorporated into DNA during the mitotic cycle, allow only the approximate timing of terminal mitosis. To overcome this limitation, we have developed a "window labeling" technique based on the sequential administration of 3HT and BrDU. Chick retinal precursor cell cultures were first exposed to 3HT and, after a specified time interval, also to BrDU. After 6 days the cultures were fixed and processed for BrDU immunocytochemistry and 3HT autoradiography. Three populations of cells could be easily identified: (a) unlabeled cells, representing post-mitotic cells before label exposure; (b) BrDU-labeled cells [either 3HT (+)/BrDU (+) or 3HT (-)/BrDU (+)], representing those that continue dividing after the addition of BrDU; and (c) "window-labeled" cells, 3HT (+)/BrDU (-), which are those undergoing their last round of DNA synthesis during the interval between 3HT and BrDU administration. Control experiments demonstrated that this method allows birthdate determinations with a resolution of hours or minutes and is essentially free of deleterious effects on precursor cell survival and differentiation.  相似文献   

Tumour cell recruitment of the JB-1 and L 1210 ascites tumour has been demonstrated directly by a double-labelling method with [14C]- and [3H]-thymidine (TdR). After [14C]-labelling of all proliferating tumour cells by multiple injections of [14C]TdR, recruitment of resting cells was stimulated by removal of the majority of tumour cells, i.e. by maximum aspiration of ascitic fluid. The number of recruited resting cells in the remaining tumour that re-enter the cell cycle after stimulation was demonstrated directly by a single injection of [3H]TdR given at different times after stimulation. The increase in the percentage of purely [3H]-labelled cells, i.e. recruited cells, with increasing time after stimulation, shows that recruitment is not a synchronous but a continuous process, the maximum of which occurs earlier in the case of the L 1210 than the JB-1 tumour. This suggests that there seems to be a relationship between the time required for maximum recruitment and the corresponding cell cycle parameters of the unperturbed tumour. There is a transitory increase of the growth fraction to about 100% and a considerable shortening of the cycle time at the maximum of recruitment.  相似文献   

[3H]-thymidine is commonly used to analyze the accumulation of [3H]-labeled chromatin fragments in cells undergoing apoptosis. This study shows that [3H]-thymidine incorporation within DNA is sufficient per se to inhibit growth and to induce apoptosis in canine kidney epithelial cells and porcine aorta endothelial cells. Despite high-level [3H]-thymidine-DNA labeling, rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) showed only modest inhibition of growth and induction of apoptosis compared to other cell types. Similarly to serum deprivation, apoptosis triggered by [3H]-thymidine labeling was sharply potentiated by VSMC transfection with a functional analogue of c-myc, E1A-adenoviral protein (VSMC-E1A), and was suppressed by stimulation of cAMP signaling with forskolin as well as by and Na/K pump inhibition with ouabain. Both apoptosis induction and growth suppression seen in [3H]-thymidine-treated VSMC-E1A were reduced by the pan-caspase inhibitor z-VAD.fmk. Thus, our results show that the differential efficiency of the apoptotic machinery determines cell type-specific attenuation of growth in cells with [3H]-thymidine-labeled DNA. They also demonstrate that [3H]-thymidine-treated and serum-deprived VSMC employ common intermediates of the apoptotic machinery, including steps that are potentiated by E1A-adenoviral protein and inhibited by activation of cAMP signaling as well as by inversion of the intracellular [Na+] i /[K+] i ratio.  相似文献   

Labelling index, S-phase duration and cell-cycle time of proliferating brain cells from 6-day-old chick embryos in culture were investigated autoradiographically after labelling with [3H]- and/or [14C]-thymidine. The dissociated cells were cultured in the absence or in the presence of brain extract from 8-day-old chick embryos. Cultures contained essentially two cell types, which could be easily distinguished by the size of their nuclei: small nuclei identified as belonging to precursor cells of neurons and large nuclei corresponding to astroglial cells. The labelling index of astroglial cells (16.4%) was about 2 times higher than that of the neuronal cells (9.9%). Under the influence of brain extract the labelling index of neuroblasts was nearly doubled while that of the astroglial cells remained nearly unchanged. From double-labelling experiments with [3H]- and [14C]-thymidine, the same S-phase duration of about 7 hr was found for both cell types cultured with or without brain extract. A cell-cycle duration of 39 hr for neuronal and of 29 hr for astroglial cells was found. The cycle times remained constant under the influence of brain extract. From the measured data mentioned above, a growth fraction of 50% (neuroblasts) and 68% (astroglial cells) was calculated in control cultures without brain extract. After addition of brain extract, the growth fraction increased for both cell types (neuroblasts: 92%; astroglial cells: 80%). The results demonstrate that more cells proliferate in the presence of brain extract, but the durations of the S-phase and the cell cycle remain unchanged.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of varying physiological concentrations (0, 10, 100, and 1000 ng ml−1) of oestradiol or testosterone on [3H]-thymidine incorporation by porcine granulosa and theca cells in vitro. Granulosa cells only were recovered from small (1–3-mm) follicles and both granulosa and theca cells recovered from large (4–8-mm) porcine follicles. Cells were cultured for 72 h in medium containing 10% foetal calf serum, 24 h in serum-free medium, and finally 40 h in serum-free medium containing [3H]-thymidine and appropriate steroid treatment. Although DNA per well was significantly higher (P < 0.05) at the end of culture in the theca cells than in the granulosa cells, neither steroid treatment had a significant (P > 0.1) effect on DNA concentration in either cell type. Overall, cells from small follicles incorporated significantly (P < 0.01) more [3H]-thymidine than those from medium follicles. Both oestradiol and testosterone significantly (P < 0.01) inhibited thymidine incorporation by cells from both follicle size categories, with a significant (P < 0.05) hormone × dose interaction. Finally, there was a highly significant (P < 0.001) interaction between the response of cells to different hormone concentrations and the follicle size from which they were recovered. These results indicate that both oestradiol and testosterone may act in an autocrine/paracrine manner to inhibit proliferation and encourage differentiation in follicular cells and thus are likely regulators of the later stage of antral follicle development in the pig.  相似文献   

[3H]phenoxybenzamine of high specific activity (5.3 Ci/mmol) was synthesized and its binding to isolated, viable rat liver cells was studied. Phentolamine suppressible binding of [3H]phenoxybenzamine was irreversible and saturable (EC50: 10 nM, bmax: 200 fmol/mg wet cell weight). Competition-inhibition studies showed structural and stereoselectivity compatible with α-receptors. The IC50 of unlabelled phenoxybenzamine to reduce specific binding (9 nM) or to block adrenaline-induced phosphorylase activation in the same cells (2 nM) was similar, whereas the IC50 of agonists to suppress binding was higher than their EC50's for phosphorylase activation. The results represent the first example of labelling α-adrenoceptors in intact liver cells. The sites labelled by [3H]phenoxybenzamine mediate the block of phosphorylase activation by α-adrenoceptor antagonists. However, the relationship of these sites to receptors that mediate responses to physiological, low concentrations of catecholamines remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

The synthetic androgen 17 beta-hydroxy-17 alpha-[3H]methyl-4,9,11-estratrien-3-one (R1881) has been used as photoaffinity label to characterize androgen receptors in rat prostate, in a human transplantable prostatic adenocarcinoma (PC-82) and in calf uterus. Androgen receptors preparations were partially purified either via differential chromatography on 2',5'-ADP-Sepharose (rat prostate), via anion exchange fast protein liquid chromatography (rat prostate and PC-82) or via DNA-cellulose chromatography (calf uterus). Purification factors obtained with the three different methods were: 245, 75 and 40 respectively. Photolabelling of receptor preparations was performed via irradiation with a high pressure mercury lamp either before or after partial purification. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions showed that the DNA-binding form of the androgen receptor in calf uterus cytosol is a protein with a molecular mass of approx 95 kD. The covalent attachment of [3H]R1881 to the 95 kD protein could be completely suppressed by a 200-fold molar excess of dihydrotestosterone. In rat prostate cytosol an androgen receptor with a molecular mass of approx 50 kD could be photoaffinity labelled with R1881. A similar size was found for the androgen receptor in the human prostatic adenocarcinoma. Our results show that photoaffinity labelling of androgen receptors with [3H]R1881 as ligand can be applied for characterization of partial purified androgen receptor preparations.  相似文献   

In a previous study the epidermal cell kinetics of hairless mice were investigated with bivariate DNA/anti-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) flow cytometry of isolated basal cells after BrdU pulse labelling. The results confirmed our previous observations of two kinetically distinct sub-populations in the G2 phase. However, the results also showed that almost all BrdU-positive cells had left S phase 6-12 h after pulse labelling, contradicting our previous assumption of a distinct, slowly cycling, major sub-population in S phase. The latter study was based on an experiment combining continuous tritiated thymidine [( 3H]TdR) labelling and cell sorting. The purpose of the present study was to use a mathematical model to analyse epidermal cell kinetics by simulating bivariate DNA/BrdU data in order to get more details about the kinetic organization and cell cycle parameter values. We also wanted to re-evaluate our assumption of slowly cycling cells in S phase. The mathematical model shows a good fit to the experimental BrdU data initiated either at 08.00 hours or 20.00 hours. Simultaneously, it was also possible to obtain a good fit to our previous continuous labelling data without including a sub-population of slowly cycling cells in S phase. This was achieved by improving the way in which the continuous [3H]TdR labelling was simulated. The presence of two distinct subpopulations in G2 phase was confirmed and a similar kinetic organization with rapidly and slowly cycling cells in G1 phase is suggested. The sizes of the slowly cycling fractions in G1 and G2 showed the same distinct circadian dependency. The model analysis indicates that a small fraction of BrdU labelled cells (3-5%) was arrested in G2 phase due to BrdU toxicity. This is insignificant compared with the total number of labelled cells and has a negligible effect on the average cell cycle data. However, it comprises 1/3 to 1/2 of the BrdU positive G2 cells after the pulse labelled cells have been distributed among the cell cycle compartments.  相似文献   

Photoaffinity labelling of Ca2+ channels with [3H]azidopine   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A 1,4-dihydroypyridine arylazide photoaffinity ligand, [3H]azidopine (50.6 Ci/mmol), has been synthesized. [3H]Azidopine binds reversibly with a Kd of 350 pM to guinea-pig skeletal muscle membranes in the absence of ultraviolet light. The reversible [3H]azidopine binding is inhibited steroselectively by 1,4-dihydropyridines, phenylalkylamine Ca2+ channel blockers and La3+. Covalent incorporation into membrane proteins after photolysis was investigated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. [3H]Azidopine is photoincorporated specifically into a protein of Mr approximately 145 000. The covalent labelling of the Mr approximately 145 000 band is inhibited stereoselectively by drugs and cations which block the reversible [3H]azidopine binding. It is suggested that [3H]azidopine is photoincorporated into a subunit of the putative Ca2+ channel.  相似文献   

For several malignancies, autoradiographic evaluation of the S phase cell fraction by means of [3H]-thymidine ([3H]dT) has proved a valid prognostic tool which should be included in a 'risk factor profile system' to estimate prognosis in individual patients. However, its clinical implementation requires a methodological standardization, a high feasibility and an assessment of the reproducibility of results, within and between different laboratories. The recent availability of a kit for in vitro incubation with [3H]dT and histological fixation of solid tumour specimens has contributed to the methodological simplification and standardization of the technical procedure, increasing its feasibility in several institutions. For breast cancer, preliminary results from a quality control study promoted by the Italian Society of Basic and Applied Cell Kinetics (SICCAB) showed a high inter-observer reproducibility within (r = 0.96) and between different laboratories (r = 0.93). Moreover, on a series of 20 autoradiographic samples sent to 15 different institutions, only 2% of tumours shifted from one of the cell kinetic subgroups, defined using the median [3H]dT labelling index (LI) of 2.8% as a cutoff, to the other. In addition, a marked consistency of results was observed among the different Italian institutions involved in cell kinetic studies on breast cancers, both in terms of median [3H]dT LI values and basic correlations. Periodic assessment of the reproducibility of [3H]dT LI evaluation among different laboratories is needed, especially for institutions involved in multicentre clinical protocols based on cell kinetic characteristics.  相似文献   

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