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Viruses have to encapsidate their own genomes during the assembly process. For most RNA viruses, there are sequences within the viral RNA and virion proteins needed for high efficiency of genome encapsidation. However, the roles of host proteins in this process are not understood. Here we find that the cellular DEAD-box RNA helicase DDX6 is required for efficient genome packaging of foamy virus, a spumaretrovirus. After infection, a significant amount of DDX6, normally concentrated in P bodies and stress granules, re-localizes to the pericentriolar site where viral RNAs and Gag capsid proteins are concentrated and capsids are assembled. Knockdown of DDX6 by siRNA leads to a decreased level of viral nucleic acids in extracellular particles, although viral protein expression, capsid assembly and release, and accumulation of viral RNA and Gag protein at the assembly site are little affected. DDX6 does not interact stably with Gag proteins nor is it incorporated into particles. However, we find that the ATPase/helicase motif of DDX6 is essential for viral replication. This suggests that the ATP hydrolysis and/or the RNA unwinding activities of DDX6 function in moderating the viral RNA conformation and/or viral RNA-Gag ribonucleoprotein complex in a transient manner to facilitate incorporation of the viral RNA into particles. These results reveal a unique role for a highly conserved cellular protein of RNA metabolism in specifically re-locating to the site of viral assembly for its function as a catalyst in retroviral RNA packaging.  相似文献   

DDX3, a DEAD-box RNA helicase, binds to the hepatitis C virus (HCV) core protein. However, the role(s) of DDX3 in HCV replication is still not understood. Here we demonstrate that the accumulation of both genome-length HCV RNA (HCV-O, genotype 1b) and its replicon RNA were significantly suppressed in HuH-7-derived cells expressing short hairpin RNA targeted to DDX3 by lentivirus vector transduction. As well, RNA replication of JFH1 (genotype 2a) and release of the core into the culture supernatants were suppressed in DDX3 knockdown cells after inoculation of the cell culture-generated HCVcc. Thus, DDX3 is required for HCV RNA replication.  相似文献   

RNA helicases are widely conserved key enzymes that perform multiple functions in RNA metabolism. Here, we present the cloning, expression and functional characterization of the EhDEAD1 RNA helicase in the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. According to its primary structure, EhDEAD1 is evolutionary related to yeast DED1 and human DDX3X RNA helicases, both involved in translation and cell cycle regulation. The EhDEAD1 predicted amino acid sequence exhibits the nine conserved motifs described for the DEAD-box SFII superfamily members reported in other organisms and it is evolutionary close to protozoan homologues. Purified recombinant EhDEAD1 protein presented ATPase activity and it was able to bind and unwind RNA in an ATPase-dependent manner in vitro. RT-PCR assays showed that EhDead1 gene is overtranscribed in the cell cycle S phase. Moreover, inhibition of EhDead1 gene expression by antisense RNA seemed to facilitate transition from S to G2/M phase. Intriguingly, our results showed that EhDEAD1 was unable to rescue two yeast Ded1 RNA helicase mutants affected in translation, in spite of the high sequence homology with yeast DED1.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli DEAD-box protein A (DbpA) belongs to the highly conserved superfamily-II of nucleic acid helicases that play key roles in RNA metabolism. A central question regarding helicase activity is whether the process of coupling ATP hydrolysis to nucleic acid unwinding requires an oligomeric form of the enzyme. We have investigated the structural and functional properties of DbpA by multi-angle laser light-scattering, size-exclusion chromatography, analytical ultracentrifugation, chemical cross-linking and hydrodynamic modeling. DbpA is monomeric in solution up to a concentration of 25 microM and over the temperature range of 4 degrees C to 22 degrees C. Binding of neither nucleotide (ATP or ADP) nor peptidyl transferase center (PTC) RNA, the presumed physiological RNA substrate, favor oligomerization. The hydrodynamic parameters were used together with hydrodynamic bead modeling and structural homology in conjunction with ab initio structure prediction methods to define plausible shapes of DbpA. Collectively, the results favor models where DbpA functions as an active monomer that possesses two distinct RNA binding sites, one in the helicase core domain and the other in the carboxyl-terminal domain that recognizes 23S rRNA and interacts specifically with hairpin 92 of the PTC.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that possesses a large arsenal of virulence factors enabling the pathogen to cause serious infections in immunocompromised patients, burn victims, and cystic fibrosis patients. CbrA is a sensor kinase that has previously been implied to play a role with its cognate response regulator CbrB in the metabolic regulation of carbon and nitrogen utilization in P. aeruginosa. Here it is demonstrated that CbrA and CbrB play an important role in various virulence and virulence-related processes of the bacteria, including swarming, biofilm formation, cytotoxicity, and antibiotic resistance. The cbrA deletion mutant was completely unable to swarm while exhibiting an increase in biofilm formation, supporting the inverse regulation of swarming and biofilm formation in P. aeruginosa. The cbrA mutant also exhibited increased cytotoxicity to human lung epithelial cells as early as 4 and 6 h postinfection. Furthermore, the cbrA mutant demonstrated increased resistance toward a variety of clinically important antibiotics, including polymyxin B, ciprofloxacin, and tobramycin. Microarray analysis revealed that under swarming conditions, CbrA regulated the expression of many genes, including phoPQ, pmrAB, arnBCADTEF, dnaK, and pvdQ, consistent with the antibiotic resistance and swarming impairment phenotypes of the cbrA mutant. Phenotypic and real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) analyses of a PA14 cbrB mutant suggested that CbrA may be modulating swarming, biofilm formation, and cytotoxicity via CbrB and that the CrcZ small RNA is likely downstream of this two-component regulator. However, as CbrB did not have a resistance phenotype, CbrA likely modulates antibiotic resistance in a manner independent of CbrB.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli contains five members of the DEAD-box RNA helicase family, a ubiquitous class of proteins characterized by their ability to unwind RNA duplexes. Although four of these proteins have been implicated in RNA turnover or ribosome biogenesis, no cellular function for the RhlE DEAD-box protein has been described as yet. During an analysis of the cold-sensitive growth defect of a strain lacking the DeaD/CsdA RNA helicase, rhlE plasmids were identified from a chromosomal library as multicopy suppressors of the growth defect. Remarkably, when tested for allele specificity, RhlE overproduction was found to exacerbate the cold-sensitive growth defect of a strain that lacks the SrmB RNA helicase. Moreover, the absence of RhlE exacerbated or alleviated the cold-sensitive defect of deaD or srmB strains, respectively. Primer extension and ribosome analysis indicated that RhlE regulates the accumulation of immature ribosomal RNA or ribosome precursors when deaD or srmB strains are grown at low temperatures. By using an epitope-tagged version of RhlE, the majority of RhlE in cell extracts was found to cosediment with ribosome-containing fractions. Since both DeaD and SrmB have been recently shown to function in ribosome assembly, these findings suggests that rhlE genetically interacts with srmB and deaD to modulate their function during ribosome maturation. On the basis of the available evidence, I propose that RhlE is a novel ribosome assembly factor, which plays a role in the interconversion of ribosomal RNA-folding intermediates that are further processed by DeaD or SrmB during ribosome maturation.  相似文献   

Previously, we described a novel nucleolar protein, NOP132, which interacts with the small GTP binding protein RRAG A. To elucidate the function of NOP132 in the nucleolus, we identified proteins that interact with NOP132 using mass spectrometric methods. NOP132 associated mainly with proteins involved in ribosome biogenesis and RNA metabolism, including the DEAD-box RNA helicase protein, DDX47, whose yeast homolog is Rrp3, which has roles in pre-rRNA processing. Immunoprecipitation of FLAG-tagged DDX47 co-precipitated rRNA precursors, as well as a number of proteins that are probably involved in ribosome biogenesis, implying that DDX47 plays a role in pre-rRNA processing. Introduction of NOP132 small interfering RNAs induced a ring-like localization of DDX47 in the nucleolus, suggesting that NOP132 is required for the appropriate localization of DDX47 within the nucleolus. We propose that NOP132 functions in the recruitment of pre-rRNA processing proteins, including DDX47, to the region where rRNA is transcribed within the nucleolus.  相似文献   

DEADSouth was selected in a screen for localized RNAs in Xenopus oocytes. In situ hybridization analysis shows that DEADSouth localizes to the vegetal cortex via the mitochondrial cloud early in oogenesis and segregates with germ plasm during early embryogenesis. These results lend further support for the general concept that the role of the early RNA localization pathway in Xenopus is to localize germ cell components (reviewed in King, M.L., Zhou, Y., Bubunenko, M. , 1999. BioEssays 21, 546-557). Further analysis shows that DEADSouth is a germline specific RNA, found exclusively within the germ plasm of oocytes and PGCs, as well as in male germ cells. Sequence comparisons with DEADSouth show it to be a member of a small sub-family of the DEAD-box RNA-dependent helicases related to eIF4A.  相似文献   

The p68 DEAD-box RNA helicases have been identified in diverse organisms, including yeast, invertebrates, and mammals. DEAD-box RNA helicases are thought to unwind duplexed RNAs, and the p68 family may participate in initiating nucleolar assembly. Recent evidence also suggests that they are developmentally regulated in chordate embryos. bobcat, a newly described member of this gene family, has been found in eggs and developing embryos of the ascidian urochordate, Molgula oculata. Antisense RNA experiments have implicated this gene in establishing basic chordate features, including the notochord and neural tube in ascidians (Swalla et al. 1999). We have isolated p68 homologs from chick and Xenopus in order to investigate their possible role in vertebrate development. We show that embryonic expression of p68 in chick, frog, and ascidian embryos is high in the developing brain and spinal cord as well as in the sensory vesicles. In frog embryos, p68 expression also marks the streams of migrating cranial neural crest cells throughout neural tube development and in tailbud stages, but neural crest expression is faint in chick embryos. Ascidian embryos also show mesodermal p68 expression during gastrulation and neurulation, and we document some p68 mesodermal expression in both chick and frog. Thus, as shown in these studies, p68 is expressed in early neural development and in various mesodermal tissues in a variety of chordate embryos, including chick, frog, and ascidian. Further functional experiments will be necessary to understand the role(s) p68 may play in vertebrate development.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced a gene from Lactobacillus reuteri that encodes a 56 kDa protein, which mediates autoaggregation of the bacteria. Using an antiserum raised against extracellular proteins from the pig intestinal isolate L. reuteri 1063, we screened a genomic lambda library derived from the same strain. Affinity purification of recombinant protein from the isolated lambda clones showed that one type of clone expressed a protein that efficiently aggregated the parental strain when added to the bacteria. Subcloning and introduction of the corresponding gene, here denoted aggHinto the L. reuteri type strain markedly enhanced aggregation. Furthermore, insertional inactivation of aggH in strain 1063 resulted in an autoaggregation-deficient phenotype. Finally, an affinity-purified and cleaved fusion of AggH protein and the maltose-binding protein, MBP, strongly promoted aggregation of L. reuteri 1063, whereas the uncleaved fusion protein was inactive. Sequencing of aggH revealed that the corresponding protein has extensive sequence homology to the large family of ATP-dependent DEAD-box helicases. These results are intriguing in view of earlier data on the promotion of genetic exchange in Lactobacillus by aggregation.  相似文献   

The capacity of a bacterial pathogen to produce a disease in a treated host depends on the former's virulence and resistance to antibiotics. Several scattered pieces of evidence suggest that these two characteristics can be influenced by bacterial metabolism. This potential relationship is particularly important upon infection of a host, a situation that demands bacteria adapt their physiology to their new environment, making use of newly available nutrients. To explore the potential cross‐talk between bacterial metabolism, antibiotic resistance and virulence, a Pseudomonas aeruginosa model was used. This species is an important opportunistic pathogen intrinsically resistant to many antibiotics. The role of Crc, a global regulator that controls the metabolism of carbon sources and catabolite repression in Pseudomonas, was analysed to determine its contribution to the intrinsic antibiotic resistance and virulence of P. aeruginosa. Using proteomic analyses, high‐throughput metabolic tests and functional assays, the present work shows the virulence and antibiotic resistance of this pathogen to be linked to its physiology, and to be under the control (directly or indirectly) of Crc. A P. aeruginosa strain lacking the Crc regulator showed defects in type III secretion, motility, expression of quorum sensing‐regulated virulence factors, and was less virulent in a Dictyostelium discoideum model. In addition, this mutant strain was more susceptible to beta‐lactams, aminoglycosides, fosfomycin and rifampin. Crc might therefore be a good target in the search for new antibiotics.  相似文献   

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