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The effects of varying P and K supplies on the growth and morphologyof white clover were investigated in a pot experiment. Plantswere treated with three rates of potassium (K) and four ratesof phosphorus (P) in factorial combination, and five harvestswere taken between August 1993 and February 1994. During establishment,shoot and leaf development were more adversely affected by Pthan by K deficiency but, by the final growth period, K deficiencywas the more limiting to growth, causing dramatic reductionsin leaf area index (LAI), numbers of growing points, and stolonand root masses. The adverse affects of K deficiency on shootdevelopment were attributed to the curtailment of petiole andlamina expansion which have major requirements for K. It wasnoted that, under K deficiency, proportionately less assimilatewas partitioned to leaf production than to stolon and root growth;this may be an adaptation enabling K-deficient plants to exploitnutrient supplies in adjacent localities. The results suggestthat, provided white clover can withstand ‘moderate’P stress during establishment, its persistence in swards willprobably be limited more by K deficiency than by low or inadequateP supplies. However, because the experiment was conducted outsidethe normal growing season and with only a single white clovercultivar, it is inappropriate to make any generalizations regardingthe effects of P and K nutrition on white clover in the field.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company Mineral nutrition, morphology, phosphorus, potassium,Trifolium repensL.  相似文献   

Miniswards of white clover (Trifolium repensL.) varieties Menna,Huia, AberCrest and AberHerald, with contrasting winter hardiness,were established from cloned material in flat boxes. The miniswardswere placed in an unheated glasshouse with natural lightingfor the winter of 1995/96. During this time there were severalperiods of cold weather. The plants experienced temperaturesat least as severe as those experienced by unprotected plantsduring preceding mild winters. Growth measurements carried outmonthly suggested the cloned genotypes were representative ofthe varieties from which they were derived. Growth continuedthroughout the experiment, particularly when expressed as appearanceof new internodes. During the coldest weather these internodeswere short, and the amount of tissue produced was small. Starchconcentration showed a complex pattern of changes during thewinter. Older internodes were the major site of starch storagein the autumn; starch was lost from these internodes duringthe winter and early spring. Starch synthesis also occurred,even during the coldest periods. Starch accumulated in all newstolon tissue. There were significant differences between varieties.AberCrest and AberHerald retained higher concentrations of starchin older stolon tissue, synthesized higher concentrations ofstarch in young tissue and retained these for longer. Therewere few differences in soluble sugar concentrations betweenvarieties, but there were significant changes during the winter.In mid-winter, sucrose and pinitol were at their highest concentrations,whereas reducing sugars were at their lowest concentrations.This study further supports the important role of starch reservesin supporting winter survival.Copyright 1998 Annals of BotanyCompany Trifolium repens; white clover; winter hardiness; starch; sugar; pinitol.  相似文献   

Growth and N-accumulation rates in leaves, stolons and rootsof individual white clover plants were studied in three experimentsusing two methods. In a growth chamber experiment, the relativedifferences between tissues were found to be almost constantfor a wide range of clover plant sizes. The stolon dry matter(DM) production was 56% and the root DM production 40% of theDM production in leaves. The N yield of stolons was 30% whileN yield in roots was 34% of N yield in leaves. The effect ofN application on these relations was investigated in a glasshouseexperiment. Application of N reduced the root:shoot N ratiofrom 0.50 to 0.28, whereas the stolon+root:leaf N ratio (i.e.for abovevs.below cutting-height tissues) was only reduced from0.97 to 0.80. In a field trial with two contrasting N regimes,growth and N accumulation were measured on individual cloverplants. Dinitrogen fixation was estimated by15N isotope dilutionbased on analysis of leaves-only or by including stolons. Usingleaves-only did not affect the calculation of percentage ofclover N derived from N2fixation (% Ndfa) since the15N enrichmentwas found to be uniform in all parts of the clover. A correctionfactor of 1.7 to account for N in below cutting-height tissueis suggested when N2fixation in white clover is estimated byharvesting the leaves only.Copyright 1997 Annals of Botany Company Leaves; N accumulation; N2fixation; 15N isotope dilution; pastures; roots; root/shoot ratio; stolons; Trifolium repensL.; white clover  相似文献   

Malinowski  D.P.  Belesky  D.P.  Fedders  J. 《Photosynthetica》1998,35(3):419-427
In a growth chamber experiment, we determined net photosynthetic rate (PN) and leaf developmental characteristics of cultivars of a relatively small-, intermediate-, and a large-leaf genotype grown under irradiance of 450-500 µmol(photon) m-2 s-1 (HI), shade [140-160 µmol(photon) m-2 s-1] (LI), and after a shade-to-irradiation (LI »HI) transfer. Differences in physiological responses of the genotypes were more pronounced in HI and LI»HI plants than in LI plants. The small- and intermediate-leaf sizes had greater PN in the first measured leaf than the large-leaf type by 70 and 63 % in HI plants, and by 23 and 18 % in LI»HI plants, respectively. Similar relationships were observed in the next developed leaf. The LI plants did not differ significantly in PN. Greater PN in the small- and intermediate-leaf size genotypes were not associated with greater total dry matter of the plant. Under irradiation, the large-leaf genotype accumulated more total nonstructural saccharides (TNS) and starch than the small- or intermediate-leaf size plants. TNS and starch concentrations in LI plants were about one-half those of HI and LI»HI plants. These results should help to develop management practices that capitalize upon the competitive features of white clover in mixed-species swards.  相似文献   

为了培育抗旱白三叶,构建了植物表达载体pBPC-P5CS,利用基因枪法转化白三叶的愈伤组织,PCR检测和Southern blot鉴定证实白三叶中已导入P5CS基因。对转P5CS基因白三叶植株的不同抗旱指标进行了分析。结果表明,与对照相比,转P5CS基因株系的抗旱能力得到了较大的提高。干旱胁迫下,与对照相比,转P5CS基因植株的脯氨酸含量和相对含水量分别比对照高20.0%-21.2%和5.6%-8.5%。  相似文献   

NORRIS  I. B. 《Annals of botany》1987,59(2):197-202
The response to different combinations of daylength (14, 15and 16 h) and day/night temperature (20/10°C, 30/15°C)of four white clover (Trifolium repens) varieties in terms offloral initiation and development was studied. More plants flowered under long days (16 h) at 30°C thanin any other combination. Varietal differences in response todaylength were large but temperature was the factor controllinginitiation. Daylength was more important in regulating peduncle length,floret and ovule numbers than was temperature. The amount ofnectar produced was lowest at the higher temperature althoughnectar concentration was unaffected by temperature. Nectar concentrationwas lowest in the shortest daylength (14 h). White clover, floral initiation, temperature, daylength  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to construct a model of aerialdevelopment of clover that takes into account morphogeneticresponses to the light environment, and to use it to analyseand understand these processes in terms of signal perceptionand integration. The plant model was interfaced with a MonteCarlo model that determines photosynthetically active radiation(PAR) and red/far-red ratio (R/FR) throughout the canopy, takinginto account the absorption, reflection and transmission oflight by individual leaves. Light intensity and quality weresensed by the plant model at discrete time intervals and atdiscrete sites of perception: apices, emerging internodes andpetiole tips. This input regulated the final size of internodesand leaves, the vertical positioning of leaves, and the branchingdelay. The empirical relations (regression functions) quantifyingthis regulation were derived from data reported in the literatureand original measurements. Simulations produced realistic visualizationsand quantitative characterizations of the modelled plants fordifferent light treatments. These results were in general agreementwith observations of real plants growing under similar conditions,suggesting that the dependence of organ size and position onlight treatments can be regarded as an integration of the responsesof individual plant organs to their local light environment.The model is used to describe the regulation of branch appearanceand the impact of self-shading on plant morphogenesis as a functionof local light environment. Copyright 2000 Annals of BotanyCompany Clover, Trifolium repens L, photomorphogenesis, plant architecture, L-system, modelling, Monte-Carlo method, competition for light, red : far-red ratio, irradiance, light quality, leaf size, self-shading  相似文献   

Scavenger enzyme activities in subcellular fractions under polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced water stress in white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were studied. Water stress decreased ascorbic acid (AA) content and catalase (CAT) activity and increased the contents of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) (measure of lipid peroxidation), and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), its various isozymes, ascorbate peroxidase (APOX), and glutathione reductase (GR) in cellular cytosol, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and peroxisomes of Trifolium repens leaves. In both the PEG-treated plants and the control, chloroplastic fractions showed the highest total SOD, APOX, and GR activities, followed by mitochondrial fractions in the case of total SOD and GR activities, whereas cytosolic fractions had the second greatest APOX activity. However, CAT activity was the highest in peroxisomes, followed by the cytosol, mitochondria, and chloroplasts in decreasing order. Although Mn-SOD activity was highest in mitochondrial fractions, residual activity was also observed in cytosolic fractions. Cu/Zn-SOD and Fe-SOD were observed in all subcellular fractions; however, the activities were the highest in chloroplastic fractions for both isoforms. Total Cu/Zn-SOD activity, the sum of activities observed in all fractions, was higher than other SOD isoforms. These results suggest that cytosolic and chloroplastic APOX, chloroplastic and mitochondrial GR, mitochondrial Mn-SOD, cytosolic and chloroplastic Cu/Zn-SOD, and chloroplastic Fe-SOD are the major scavenger enzymes, whereas cellular CAT may play a minor role in scavenging of O2 and H2O2 produced under PEG-induced water stress in Trifolium repens.  相似文献   

The extent to which phosphate can be absorbed directly fromthe outer medium by stolon internodes and contribute to thetotal accumulation of phosphate by intact plants of white clover(Trifolium repens L. cv. Blanca) was assessed in hydroponicexperiments in a controlled environment room. The uptake ofphosphate by intact roots or stolons was measured by sealinga segment (6-0 mm long) across a flow-cell in which 32P-labellednutrient solution was circulated for 24 h, the rest of the rootsystem receiving unlabelled nutrient solution. The rate of uptakeof phosphate (µmol g–1 d–1 dry wt. basis)by roots was more than 300 times that by intact stolons. Pretreatmentof stolons by gentle abrasion to remove cuticle, so as to simulatethe condition of stolons in the field, increased the uptakeof phosphate 7-fold compared with that of intact stolons. However,the potential of stolons to contribute to the P status of whitedover in the field was calculated to be small (5%). When an incision was made through the hypodermal layer of stolons,the rate of phosphate uptake greatly increased, attaining 71%of that by root segments. This increase, which was greater athigher phosphate concentrations, indicates that the suberi.zedhypodermis constitutes a major barrier to the influx of phosphatein the stolon. After withholding phosphate for different time intervals, thesubsequent rate of phosphate uptake by roots was increased 2-3-foldafter 2 d phosphate deprivation and 3-4-fold after 6 d or 13d phosphate deprivation. A higher proportion of absorbed phosphatewas transported to shoots in phosphate-deprived plants. After1 d of uptake following restoration of the phosphate supply,the concentrations of labelled phosphate in shoots were greaterthan in control plants, although the concentrations of labelin roots was less. However, the rate of uptake of phosphateby stolons, following deprivation, was not significantly increased.These results suggest that the mechanism regulating the enhancedrate of phosphate loading into the xylem, initiated by a periodof phosphate deprivation, is specific to roots and is not inducedin stolons. The results are discussed in relation to the growth and acquisitionof phosphate by white clover in the field. Key words: Nutrient deficiency, phosphate, stolons, transport (ions), Trifolium repens  相似文献   

Clones of two partially resistant and two susceptible white clover, Trifolium repens, genotypes were exposed to eggs of Heterodera trifolii and nematode development in stained roots measured at 2, 4, 7, 11, 18, 23, and 37 days after inoculation. The differences in development between nematode populations in resistant and susceptible genotypes showed that resistance operated after infection during feeding and development. At 7 days after inoculation, counts of second-stage juveniles did not differ between genotypes, whereas at 37 days more adults had developed in the susceptible than in the resistant genotypes. In a separate experiment, cysts hosted by susceptible genotypes were larger and contained more eggs than those on resistant genotypes so that the product of the values for cysts per plant and for eggs per cyst resulted in a more sensitive measure of resistance than from using cysts per plant alone.  相似文献   

In order to improve the basis for utilising nitrogen (N) fixed by white clover (Trifolium repens L.) in northern agriculture, we studied how defoliation stress affected the N contents of major plant organs in late autumn, N losses during the winter and N accumulation in the following spring. Plants were established from stolon cuttings and transplanted to pots that were dug into the field at Apelsvoll Research Centre (60°42′ N, 10°51′ E) and at Holt Research Centre (69°40′ N, 18°56′ E) in spring 2001 and 2002. During the first growing season, the plants were totally stripped of leaves down to the stolon basis, cut at 4 cm height or left undisturbed. The plants were sampled destructively in late autumn, early spring the second year and after 6 weeks of new spring growth. The plant material was sorted into leaves, stolons and roots. Defoliation regime did not influence the total amount of leaf N harvested during and at the end of the first growing season. However, for intensively defoliated plants, the repeated leaf removal and subsequent regrowth occurred at the expense of stolon and root development and resulted in a 61–85% reduction in the total plant N present in late autumn and a 21–59% reduction in total accumulation of plant N (plant N present in autumn + previously harvested leaf N). During the winter, the net N loss from leaf tissue (N not recovered in living nor dead leaves in the spring) ranged from 57% to 74% of the N present in living leaves in the autumn, while N stored in stolons and roots was much better conserved. However, the winter loss of stolon N from severely defoliated plants (19%) was significantly larger than from leniently defoliated (12%) and non-defoliated plants (6%). Moreover, the fraction of stolon N determined as dead in the spring was 63% for severely defoliated as compared to 14% for non-defoliated plants. Accumulation in absolute terms of new leaf N during the spring was highly correlated to total plant N in early spring (R2 = 0.86), but the growth rates relative to plant N present in early spring were not and, consequently, were similar for all treatments. The amount of inorganic N in the soil after snowmelt and the N uptake in plant root simulator probes (PRSTM) during the spring were small, suggesting that microbial immobilisation, leaching and gas emissions may have been important pathways for N lost from plant tissue.  相似文献   

A method was developed for assessing the three dimensional (3-D)geometric structure of white clover canopies. 3-D co-ordinatesof pre-defined points on leaves, petioles and stolons were measuredusing a Polhemus Fastrak electromagnetic 3-D digitiser. Digitisingprogressed downwards from the top of the canopy and plant partswere removed after they have been digitised. Leaflets were treatedas four quarter-ellipses, and petiole and stolons were treatedas cylinders. Leaf dimensions and areas calculated from 3-Dco-ordinates were within about 5% and 20% of direct measurementsmade with a ruler and a planimeter, respectively. Special softwareand freeware POV-Ray were used to reconstruct a virtual canopyfrom digitiser records and to calculate canopy characteristicssuch as leaf area index (LAI), petiole intersection area, andprofiles of leaflet areas and inclinations with height. It tookbetween 3 and 7 h to digitise 10 x 10 cm stands of clover andthe resulting information was considerably more comprehensiveand accurate than could have been obtained by the alternative‘point quadrat’ or ‘stratified clipping’methods.Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company White clover, Trifolium repens, geometric structure, leaf area, leaf angle, 3-D digitising  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of symbiotic fixation, distribution andfate of nitrogen (N) were studied on two successive crops ofred clover (Trifolium pratenseL.) grown outdoors in soil containersunder the Mediterranean climate of southern France. Nitrogenaseactivity was followed throughout the growing season using acetylene(C2H2) reduction assays. The distribution and transfer of symbioticallyfixed N were followed by periodic measurements of15N distributionin plants after exposure of the root systems to labelled dinitrogen(15N2). In both years there were two peaks of nitrogenase activity,one in spring and one in late summer, separated by a sharp decreaseduring the flowering period. Over the entire growth cycle, symbioticallyfixed N accounted for 61 to 96% of the total plant N. Once weekafter incorporation, 60 to 90% of N derived from the atmospherewas recovered in the aerial parts of the plants. More than 50%of this was in the leaves, but there were differences in distributionaccording to the stage of development. The maximum percentage(20–28%) recovered from nodulated roots occurred in May–June,during maximum growth of the vegetative organs, and in September.Above-ground symbiotically fixed N was highly mobile with time,moving from the rosette leaves to the leaves attached to theelongated stems and then to the seeds, where 25 to 50% of Nfixed in May and June was recovered in September. Because of:(1) the high turnover rate of leaves; and (2) the relativelyhigh N content of dead leaves, as much as 50% of the symbioticallyfixed N in a year was potentially available to the soil micro-organismsas litter. The maximum transfer was in spring and winter. Ofthe remainder, 20 to 35% was recovered in living plant partsduring regrowth in March of the second year. Transfers to andfrom the root system were less pronounced, but significant decreasesin N content of the roots occurred early in the second yearjust after foliage regrowth was initiated. It is concluded that,because of its high foliage productivity and turnover rate,and high yield of symbiotically fixed N, red clover is a goodcandidate to provide substantial amounts of N to the soil throughoutthe year and therefore restore N fertility. Red clover; Trifolium pratenseL.; forage legumes; labelled dinitrogen (15N2) reduction; acetylene reduction; nitrogen fixation; nitrogen distribution; nitrogen transfer  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that nitrogenase activity decreases dramatically after defoliation, presumably because of an increase in the O2 diffusion resistance in the infected nodules. It is not known how this O2 diffusion resistance is regulated. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that current N2 fixation (ongoing flux of N2 through nitrogenase) is involved in the regulation of nitrogenase activity in white clover (Trifolium repens L. cv Ladino) nodules. We compared the nitrogenase activity of plants that were prevented from fixing N2 (by continuous exposure of their nodulated root system to an Ar:O2 [80:20] atmosphere) with that of plants allowed to fix N2 (those exposed to N2:O2, 80:20). Nitrogenase activity was determined as the amount of H2 evolved under Ar:O2. An open flow system was used. In experiment I, 6 h after complete defoliation and the continuous prevention of N2 fixation, nitrogenase activity was higher by a factor of 2 compared with that in plants allowed to fix N2 after leaf removal. This higher nitrogenase activity was associated with a lower O2 limitation (measured as the partial pressure of O2 required for highest nitrogenase activity). In experiment II, the nitrogenase activity of plants prevented from fixing N2 for 2 h before leaf removal showed no response to defoliation. The extent to which nitrogenase activity responded to defoliation was different in plants allowed to fix N2 and those that were prevented from doing so in both experiments. This leads to the conclusion that current N2 fixation is directly involved in the regulation of nitrogenase activity. It is suggested that an N feedback mechanism triggers such a response as a result of the loss of the plant's N sink strength after defoliation. This concept offers an alternative to other hypotheses (e.g. interruption of current photosynthesis, carbohydrate deprivation) that have been proposed to explain the immediate decrease in nitrogenase activity after defoliation.  相似文献   

The morphology of white clover is very sensitive to the lightenvironment, especially to the ratio of red:far-red light andto photon irradiance. However, less is known about the effectsof blue light on clover morphogenesis. Cuttings of white cloverwere grown for 56 d in two controlled chambers receiving lightwith similar photosynthetic efficiency and phytochrome photoequilibriumstate but different levels of blue light: some plants were grownunder orange light (very low blue light, 0.02 µmol m-2s-1)or under white light containing blue light (83 µmol m-2s-1).Other plants were switched from white light to orange lightorvice versa,after 30 d. The absence of blue light modifiedthe growth habit of clover and raised the laminae in the upperlayer of the canopy by increasing petiole length, and petioleangle from the horizontal, and by raising stolons above theground surface. Moreover, the absence of blue light had no effecton total leaf area and total dry weight per plant, but increasedthe leaf area and biomass of petioles of the main axis. Largerpetioles and laminae were associated with the allocation ofmore dry weight to the petiole at the same petiole thicknessbut with thinner laminae. These results indicate that a decreasein blue light is involved in the perception of, and adaptationto, shading by the plant.Copyright 1997 Annals of Botany Company Biomass allocation; blue light; growth habit; leaf area; light quality; photomorphogenesis; Trifolium repensL.; white clover  相似文献   

Detached leaves of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were keptfor 1 h under various conditions of temperature, oxygen concentrationand light intensity. Rates of photosynthesis were measured whereappropriate and then ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase(RuBPCO) was extracted rapidly and its initial activity measuredimmediately. The extracted activity increased with increased intensity ofillumination of the leaves. Where leaves were pretreated atlow light intensity, the lower the temperature of the leavesthe higher the extracted activity of RuBPCO. At high light intensitytemperature did not affect the activity of subsequently extractedRuBPCO but the light intensity which was necessary for maximumactivity increased with temperature. Activity of RuBPCO fromleaves pretreated in the dark was least when CO2 was low andtemperature high. Leaves, pretreated at low temperatures andhigh light intensity in 20% O2, yielded higher activity in extractsthan leaves pretreated under similar conditions but in 2% O2.A relatively weak temperature response of photosynthesis atlow irradiances was associated with a decrease in extractableRuBPCO activity with increasing temperature. A strong temperaturedependence of the oxygen inhibition of photosynthesis was associatedwith lower extractable RuBPCO activity in leaves pretreatedat low oxygen concentration at low temperatures. With leavesfrom plants grown at low temperatures prior to treatment ofleaves, oxygen inhibition of photosynthesis was less temperaturedependent and activity of RuBPCO in extracts was not decreasedby low O2 at low temperatures. Differences in the activationof RuBPCO appear to influence photosynthesis and account foran absence of oxygen inhibition of photosynthesis at low temperaturesin plants grown in warm conditions. Key words: Ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase activation, Photosynthesis, Temperature, O2 effect, White clover  相似文献   

The growth, morphology and carbon allocation patterns of F1progeny white clover (Trifolium repens L.) plants selected foreither low (‘LBF’) or high (‘HBF’) frequencyof stolon branching were compared in two controlled-environmentexperiments. Selections from within both a small-leaved (‘GrasslandsTahora’) and a large-leaved (‘Grasslands Kopu’)clover cultivar were compared, and plants were grown under arelatively lenient defoliation treatment (expt 1) or under threelevels of defoliation seventy (expt 2). Carbon allocation patternswere measured by 14CO2 pulse-chase labelling using fully unfoldedleaves on the main (parent) stolon. LBF and HBF displayed consistent differences in the selectedcharacter though, within cultivars, the difference between selectionswas most pronounced for Kopu. The selections developed fundamentallydifferent branching structures resulting from differences inbranching frequency, with total branch weight per plant averaging122 mg for LBF and 399 mg for HBF (mean of both experiments).More C moved from parent stolon leaves to branches in HBF thanin LBF (mean 22.6% vs. 15.1% respectively of the 14C exportedfrom source leaves). More C also moved to stolon tissue in HBF,but, counterbalancing this and the difference in allocationto branches, less moved to developing leaves and roots on theparent stolon itself compared to LBF. However, the total weightof developing leaves and roots per parent stolon was generallygreater in HBF than in LBF, probably reflecting greater C importby these sinks from the higher number of branches present perplant in the former selection. HBF plants were consistentlylarger at harvest than LBF plants. There were no defoliationtreatment x selection interactions in C allocation patternsin expt 2. The implications of the results for plant performancein grazed pastures are discussed. Branching, carbon translocation, defoliation, growth, morphology, Trifolium repens, white clover  相似文献   

Pol  M.  Gołębiowska  D.  Miklewska  J. 《Photosynthetica》2000,37(4):537-542
In a 5-months' experiment with white clover grown in two CO2 atmospheres (AC = 350 and EC = 700 cm3 m-3) and two humidities (-0.2 and -0.8 MPa), changes in fluorescence induction parameters were investigated. Changes induced by EC did not coincide with those induced by moderate drought. Long-term EC significantly increased stationary fluorescence Fs and decreased the vitality coefficient Rfd. Moderate drought significantly shortened the fluorescence half-time and decreased the area above the induction curve Sc and the Fv/Fm ratio.  相似文献   

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