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Ribosomal intergenic spacers (IGSs) of Odontophrynus americanus 2n and 4n were cloned, restriction mapped, and partially sequenced. Three distinct regions, namely alpha, beta, and delta, were identified in the IGSs. The alpha and beta regions flanked the 28S and 18S rRNA genes, respectively, conserving an identical restriction pattern at each ploidy level. The delta region, located between alpha and beta, was highly variable in size and restriction pattern, enclosing different BamHI subrepeats (B-SR), 87- to 530-bp-long. Sequence analysis showed that B-SRs were composed mainly of different arrangements of similar blocks of sequences. Another family of repetitive sequences was found in the delta region, clustered inside large BamHI fragments. These subrepeats are 189-bp-long and, although very similar in diploid and tetraploid IGSs, show a pattern of concerted evolution. A hypothetical functional role for the 189-bp repeats is discussed in view of their predicted secondary structure and presence of potential E2 binding sites inside diploid subrepeats. Although the same structural elements were present both in diploid and tetraploid IGSs, the higher level of repeatability of tetraploid IGSs suggests that common ancestor sequences have undergone several rounds of amplification after O. americanus polyploidy.  相似文献   

Odontophrynus americanus (Amphibia, Anura) genomic DNA from diploid and tetraploid specimens was treated with restriction enzymes sensitive to cytosine and adenine methylation (5 meC and 6 meA). In both diploids and tetraploids a high proportion of the total DNA was not cleaved by 5 meC-sensitive enzymes as observed on agarose gels stained with ethidium bromide. The DNAs were transferred to nitrocellulose filters and hybridized with cloned fragments containing sequences of Xenopus laevis 28S and 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA). A high level of methylation of the ribosomal repeat units was revealed by 5 meC-sensitive enzymes in blood, liver, kidney and testis tissues. Adenine was methylated to a lesser degree and similarly in the rDNA from both germinative and somatic tissues. Comparison of the results obtained with DNA of diploids and tetraploids showed that methylation of ribosomal genes was increased in tetraploid genomes of adult frogs, but exact quantitative determinations could not be performed by this methodology. Cloning of the 28S region of the rDNA repeat unit was performed in the gtWESC vector. Restriction patterns obtained with methylation-sensitive enzymes using diploid and tetraploid derived clones confirmed the high level of methylation of the corresponding region of the ribosomal repeat unit in genomic DNAs. The implications of these results in the regulation of expression of the ribosomal genes in diploids and tetraploids are discussed.  相似文献   

The vitellogenin of Odontophrynus americanus is a large (426.5 kDa) plasmatic protein. The vitellogenin is composed of two different phosphoglycopeptides: VTG1 = 207.5 kDa and VTG2 = 202.4 kDa. The vitellins originating from the partial proteolysis of the plasmatic vitellogenin on the ovary cells are composed of lipovitellins and phosphoproteins. Lipovitellin 1 has two glycopeptides with different amino acid sequences as determined by peptide mapping (LV1 alpha, 104.6 kDa; and LV1 beta, 92.6 kDa). Lipovitellin 2 is composed of three kinds of polypeptides (LV2 alpha, 31.7 kDa; LV2 beta, 29.7 kDa; LV2 gamma, 27.8 kDa). There are three phosphopeptides in the yolk: phosvitin (PV, 37.4 kDa) and phosvettes 1 (PVT1, 27.7 kDa) and 2 (PVT2, 26.1 kDa).  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the rDNA 18S region isolated from diploid and tetraploid species of the amphibian Odontophrynus americanus was determined and used to predict the secondary structure of the corresponding 18S rRNA molecules. Comparison of the primary and secondary structures for the 2n and 4n species confirmed that these species are very closely related. Only three nucleotide substitutions were observed, accounting for 99% identity between the 18S sequences, whereas several changes were detected by comparison with the Xenopus laevis 18S sequence (96% identity). Most changes were located in highly variable regions of the molecule. A noticeable feature of the Odontophrynus 18S rRNA was the presence of unusual extra sequences in the V2 region, between helices 9 and 11. These extra sequences do not fit the model for secondary structure predicted for vertebrate 18S rRNA.  相似文献   

Specimens of O. americanus collected in eight localities from Rio Grande do Sul and four from Paraná (Brasil) were studied. Patterns of chromosomal localization and activity of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were established using the silver banding technique. It was shown that diploid and tetraploid specimens from all localities have homologues of group 4 bearing active NORs. In addition, some populations showed NOR activity on only one homologue number 5 (Uruguaiana, Prudentópolis), 8 (Itaqui) or 2 (Pato Branco). Intrapopulation polymorphism was found, some specimens showing the extra band and others not. Most cells analysed from the intestinal epithelium of an individual showed the same particular staining pattern of NORs, which were unequally stained, suggesting differences in their activity. The tetraploid genomes showed a maximum of five and a minimum of two active NORs. Diploid genomes showed two active NORs and four in the case of one specimen from Pato Branco. Four diploid populations and sympatry of 2n and 4n animals in Santa Bárbara do Sul (RS) were detected for the first time in South Brasil. Karyological evolution, as well as the meaning of number and unequal activity of NORs on tetraploid genomes are discussed.  相似文献   

The intergenic spacer (IGS) region, which is located between the 3′ end of 26S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and the 5′ end of 5S rDNA, of sixArmillaria species from Hokkaido was investigated using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR-RFLP). Restriction with onlyAlu I could distinguishA. mellea subsp.nipponica from the other species. WithAlu I andDde I,A. ostoyae andA. gallica could be distinguished from the other species. Digestion withAlu I resulted in two patterns (types A and B) ofA. singula and three patterns (types A, B, and C) ofA. jezoensis. One pattern (type B) of the former species and two patterns (types B and C) of the latter species were each different from those of the other species.Armillaria sinapina gave only oneAlu I digestion pattern, which was identical to that ofA. jezoensis (type A) andA. singula (type A). However, by digestion withDde I,A. singula (type A) could be distinguished fromA. jezoensis (type A) andA. sinapina.  相似文献   

Five genomic clones containing ribosomal DNA repeats from the gymnosperm white spruce (Picea glauca) have been isolated and characterized by restriction enzyme analysis. No nucleotide variation or length variation was detected within the region encoding the ribosomal RNAs. Four clones which contained the intergenic spacer (IGS) region from different rDNA repeats were further characterized to reveal the sub-repeat structure within the IGS. The sub-repeats were unusually long, ranging from 540 to 990 bp but in all other respects the structure of the IGS was very similar to the organization of the IGS from wheat, Drosophila and Xenopus.  相似文献   

Polyploid and diploid hybridization is a ubiquitous and evolutionarily important phenomenon in the plant world. Determining the parental species of a hybrid, however, is difficult. Molecular markers such as the nuclear ribosomal DNA gene complex, particularly its internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, have proved powerful in determining hybrid parentage. In some cases, population and genomic phenomena, such as genetic drift and concerted evolution, result in the loss of all or many of the tandemly repeated copies derived from one parental species, making the recovery of hybrid history difficult or impossible. Methods such as direct sequencing and cloning are typically used to find ITS sequences contributed from parental species, but are limited in their ability to detect rare repeat types. Here we report that repeat-specific polymerase chain reaction primers can recover rare parental ITS sequences in the Glycine tomentella polyploid complex. In three allopolyploid lineages of this complex, repeat-specific primers reliably detected rare repeats that both direct sequencing and the screening of many cloned sequences failed to detect. Other strategies, such as the use of exclusion primers, may detect rare parental repeat types in hybrids when previous hypotheses regarding the second parental species are lacking.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the potato rDNA intergenic spacer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Studies on the reproductive biology and age of amphibians provide primary information about the life history and population demographic parameters of species. Here, we describe the reproductive cycle, size–fecundity relationships, reproductive effort, sexual dimorphism and sexual maturity of Odontophrynus americanus, the flood frog, from South Brazil. A total of 96 individuals were analysed. The reproductive cycles of males and females were described through morphoanatomical analysis of testis and ovary. Age at onset of sexual maturity and estimated longevity were determined by skeletochronology. Individuals of O. americanus presented a potentially continuous reproductive cycle with a peak of reproductive activity in the warmer months. Females presented a higher reproductive investment than males. Sexual maturity was reached at around one year of age for both sexes while longevity differed between the sexes, with females living up to six years and males up to ten years. No evidence of sexual size dimorphism was found. This study is among the few that have assessed age at sexual maturity and longevity in a Neotropical anuran. Basic aspects of life history are of paramount importance because they allow comparisons and test of hypotheses to be made, which can help to build generalizations about the evolutionary meaning of ecological strategies.  相似文献   

Internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (ITS1 and ITS2) are known to play an important role in rRNA maturation, yet the mechanism of their action is still not completely understood. Comparison of the ITS1 and ITS2 nucleotide sequences for various organisms reveals conserved regions, which are potentially involved in rRNA biogenesis, and yields new information about the evolutionary divergence of the corresponding region of the genome. The rDNA fragments containing ITS2 were amplified, cloned, and sequenced for three lizard species: Darevskia armeniaca, Lacerta strigata (Lacertidae), and Agama caucasia (Agamidae). The lizard ITS2 sequences were compared with their counterparts from other organisms and proved to contain not only universally conserved elements characteristic of the consensus secondary structure of vertebrate ITS2, but also lizard-specific regions. Comparison of the ITS2 size and the distribution of homologous regions for the two lizard families made it possible to assume that evolution of the modern species involved duplication of ITS2 in the genome of their common ancestor.  相似文献   

The nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region has been characterized in the sister genera Larix and Pseudotsuga (Pinaceae). Complete sequences were obtained for seven species of Larix from North America and Eurasia and five species of Pseudotsuga from western North America and eastern Asia. ITS region lengths ranged from 1759 to 1770 bp in Larix and from 1564 to 1571 bp in Pseudotsuga. In both genera, ITS1 is three times as long as the 5.8S plus ITS2 and contains subrepeats as observed in other genera of Pinaceae. Secondary structure models predicted that the subrepeats fold into terminal stem and loop domains. ITS polymorphism detected within individuals of Larix and Pseudotsuga suggests a slow rate of concerted evolution among nrDNA loci. Except for the placement of L. sibirica, phylogenetic analyses of the ITS region agreed with previously reported restriction site analyses of Larix and Pseudotsuga. The data were not consistent with phylogenetic hypotheses for Larix based primarily upon ovulate cone characters, failing to support a derivation of the North American L. laricina from a short-bracted Eurasian lineage. The phylogenetic hypothesis did not conflict with a stepping stone model of evolution for Pseudotsuga, but a basal lineage could not be inferred for either genus.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in the South American leptodactylid frog Odontophrynus cultripes was analyzed ultrastructurally. The spermatids undergo morphological modification while still enclosed in microtubule-rich processes of Sertoli cells. Electron-dense plates resembling junctional structures appear in regions at which the spermatids lie in close contact with the surface of Sertoli cell processes. Spermatid differentiation can be divided into five distinct stages based mainly on chromatin condensation. In the late stages, the densely compacted chromatin loses reactivity to ethanolic phosphotungstic acid (E-PTA). Helical arrangements of microtubules appear in the cytoplasm that surrounds the spermatid nucleus after the second stage. The acrosomal vesicle differentiates into a cone-shaped acrosome that caps the anterior region of the nucleus. The connecting piece, located in the flagellum implantation zone, has transverse striations, and is continuous with the axial rod. The tail is formed by a 9 + 2 axoneme, an undulating membrane, and an axial rod that is rich in basic proteins as demonstrated by E-PTA staining.  相似文献   

Fusarium species causing wilt diseases in different plants were characterised by comparing nonpathogenic and different pathogenic species using rDNA RFLP analysis. The ITS (internal transcribed spacer) region of 12 isolates belonging to the section Elegans, Laseola, Mortiella, Discolor, Gibbosum, Lateritium and Sporotrichiella were amplified by universal ITS primers (ITS-1 and ITS-4) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Amplified products, which ranged from 522 to 565 bp were obtained from all 12 Fusarium isolates. The amplified products were digested with seven restriction enzymes, and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns were analysed. A dendrogram derived from PCR-RFLP analysis of the rDNA region divided the Fusarium isolates into three major groups. Assessment of molecular variability based on rDNA RFLP clearly indicated that Fusarium species are heterogeneous and most of the forma speciales have close evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Ptychostomum was first spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal (nr) DNA DNA rps4 sequences. Maximum parsimony, maximum undertaken based on analysis of the internal transcribed and by combining data from nrDNA ITS and chloroplast likelihood, and Bayesian analyses all support the conclusion that the reinstated genus Ptychostomum is not monophyletic. Ptychostomum funkii (Schwagr.) J. R. Spence (≡ Bryum funkii Schwaigr.) is placed within a clade containing the type species of Bryum, B. argenteum Hedw. The remaining members of Ptychostomum investigated in the present study constitute another well-supported clade. The results are congruent with previous molecular analyses. On the basis of phylogenetic evidence, we agree with transferring B. amblyodon Mull. Hal. (≡ B. inclinatum (Brid.) Turton≡ Bryum archangelicum Bruch & Schimp.), Bryum lonchocaulon Mull. Hal., Bryum pallescens Schleich. ex Schwaigr., and Bryum pallens Sw. to Ptychostomum.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of eight species of Saintpaulia H. Wendl., 19 species of Streptocarpus Lindl. (representing all major growth forms within the genus), and two outgroups (Haberlea rhodopensis Friv., Chirita spadiciformis W. T. Wang) were examined using comparative nucleotide sequences from the two internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The length of the ITS 1 region ranged from 228 to 249 base pairs (bp) and the ITS 2 region from 196 to 245 bp. Pairwise sequence divergence across both spacers for ingroup and outgroup species ranged from 0 to 29%. Streptocarpus is not monophyletic, and Saintpaulia is nested within Streptocarpus subgenus Streptocarpella. Streptocarpus subgenus Streptocarpus is monophyletic. The ITS sequence data demonstrate that the unifoliate Streptocarpus species form a clade, and are also characterized by a unique 47-bp deletion in ITS 2. The results strongly support the monophyly of (1) Saintpaulia, and (2) Saintpaulia plus the African members of the subgenus Streptocarpella of Streptocarpus. The data suggest the evolution of Saintpaulia from Streptocarpus subgenus Streptocarpella. The differences in flower and vegetative characters are probably due to ecological adaptation leading to a relatively rapid radiation of Saintpaulia.  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】建立厌氧真菌多样性分析方法,并研究厌氧真菌与产甲烷菌共培养液在传代过程中厌氧真菌的区系变化及共培养液中去除产甲烷菌条件下厌氧真菌多样性的变化。【方法】根据厌氧真菌ITS1序列长度多态性,设计厌氧真菌特异性引物,然后PCR扩增样品中厌氧真菌ITS1序列,在基因分析仪中分析PCR产物序列长度多态性,分析共培养液在传代过程中及共培养液中去除产甲烷菌后厌氧真菌多样性的变化。【结果】对瘤胃厌氧真菌Caecomyces属YC301菌株、Neocallimastix属菌株(YC501与YC502)的ARI  相似文献   

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