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Slowly growing populations (TD = 70 to 80 min) of Streptococcus faecium (S. faecalis ATCC 9790) were synchronized by selection after sucrose gradient fractionation. The cell cycle was approximated by correlating the patterns of DNA accumulation and cell division. More specifically, the beginning of cell cycle was equated with the beginning of a rapid linear increase in DNA accumulation. The DNA content of the culture approximately doubled during the period of accumulation, which lasted about 51 min. The period of rapid DNA accumulation, was followed by a period of reduced accumulation that lasted about 24 min. During synchronized growth, cell numbers increased rapidly in coordination with the period of rapid DNA accumulation and exhibited a plateau during the period of reduced DNA accumulation. In contrast, RNA and protein appeared to accumulate exponentially throughout the cell cycle at the same rate as culture mass.  相似文献   

Cell buoyant densities were determined by centrifugation in Percoll gradients containing exponential-phase cells of Streptococcus faecium ATCC 9790 grown at a mass doubling time of about 33 min. This bacterium showed the highest average density values (1.13 g/ml) measured to date for any eucaryotic or procaryotic organism. Fractions having the highest densities were enriched with cells that were in the process of dividing or had just divided. These high-density fractions were also enriched with cells that had newly initiated sites of cell wall growth. It appears that S. faecium shows minimum cell densities in the midportion of its cycle.  相似文献   

Buoyant density fluctuations during the cell cycle of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A simple rapid method for preparing synchronous cultures of Bacillus subtilis has been used to investigate changes in density during the cell cycle. Asynchronous cells separated on a stepped Percoll density gradient had a mean cell density of 1.117 g ml-1±0.004. Samples from a synchronous culture exhibited variation (ca. 1.5%) in mean cell density which was greatest at the onset of cell division. An asynchronous control culture showed little variation in density. These results are discussed in relation to previous work on Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Cell buoyant densities of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were determined for rapidly growing asynchronous and synchronous cultures by equilibrium sedimentation in Percoll gradients. The average cell density in exponentially growing cultures was 1.1126 g/ml, with a range of density variation of 0.010 g/ml. Densities were highest for cells with buds about one-fourth the diameter of their mother cells and lowest when bud diameters were about the same as their mother cells. In synchronous cultures inoculated from the least-dense cells, there was no observable perturbation of cell growth: cell numbers increased without lag, and the doubling time (66 min) was the same as that for the parent culture. Starting from a low value at the beginning of the cycle, cell buoyant density oscillated between a maximum density near midcycle (0.4 generations) and a minimum near the end of the cycle (0.9 generations). The pattern of cyclic variation of buoyant density was quantitatively determined from density measurements for five cell classes, which were categorized by bud diameter. The observed variation in buoyant density during the cell cycle of S. cerevisiae contrasts sharply with the constancy in buoyant density observed for cells of Escherichia coli, Chinese hamster cells, and three murine cell lines.  相似文献   

Buoyant density constancy during the cell cycle of Escherichia coli   总被引:19,自引:14,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Cell buoyant densities were determined in exponentially growing cultures of Escherichia coli B/r NC32 and E. coli K-12 PAT84 by equilibrium centrifugation in Percoll gradients. Distributions within density bands were measured as viable cells or total numbers of cells. At all growth rates, buoyant densities had narrow normal distributions with essentially the same value for the coefficient of variation, 0.15%. When the density distributions were determined in Ficoll gradients, they were more than twice as broad, but this increased variability was associated with the binding of Ficoll to the bacteria. Mean cell volumes and cell lengths were independent of cell densities in Percoll bands, within experimental errors, both in slowly and in rapidly growing cultures. Buoyant densities of cells separated by size, and therefore by age, in sucrose gradients also were observed to be independent of age. The results make unlikely any stepwise change in mean buoyant density of 0.1% or more during the cycle. These results also make it unlikely that signaling functions for cell division or for other cell cycle events are provided by density variations.  相似文献   

Analysis of the distribution of autoradiographic grains around cells of Streptococcus faecium which had been either continuously or pulse-labeled with tritiated thymidine (mass doubling time, 90 min) showed a non-Poisson distribution even when the distribution of cell sizes in the populations studied was taken into account. These non-Poisson distributions of grains were assumed to reflect the discontinuous nature of chromosome replication. To study this discontinuous process further, we fitted an equation to the grain distribution observed for the pulse-labeled cells that assumed that in any population of cells there were subpopulations in which there were zero, one, or two replicating chromosomes. This analysis predicted an average time for chromosome replication and for the period between completion of rounds of chromosome replication and division of 55 and 43 min, respectively, which were in excellent agreement with estimates made by other techniques. The present investigation extended past studies in indicating that the initiation and completion of rounds of chromosome replication are poorly phased with increases in cell volume and that the amount of chromosome replication may be different in different cell halves.  相似文献   

The lipid composition of Streptococcus faecium (S. faecalis ATCC 9790) was analyzed at various growth rates. Diphosphatidylglycerol and the non-ionic lipid fraction containing diacylglycerols and neutral glycolipids appeared to accumulate relative to cellular mass as the culture mass doubling time increased from 30 to 80 min. Within the same range of doubling times the non-ionic lipid fraction appeared to become substantially enriched with diacylglycerols. All lipid species and cellular lipoteichoic acid accumulated relative to the cellular mass at doubling times exceeding 80 min, although diacylglycerol accumulation exceeded that of all other compounds studied.  相似文献   

Synchronized, slowly growing (TD = 70 to 80 min) cultures were used to study several wall-associated parameters during the cell cycle: rate of peptidoglycan synthesis, septation, and cellular autolytic activity. The rate of peptidoglycan synthesis per cell declined during most of the period of chromosome replication (C), but increased during the latter part of C and into the period between chromosome termination and cell division (D). An increase in cellular septation was correlated with the increased rate of peptidoglycan synthesis. Cellular autolytic capacity increased during the early portion of C, reached a maximum late in C or early in D, and declined during D. Inhibition of DNA synthesis during C prevented the decline in autolytic capacity at the end of the cell cycle, caused a slight reduction in the rate of peptidoglycan synthesis, delayed but did not prevent septation, and prevented the impending cell division by inhibiting cell separation. Inhibition of DNA synthesis during D did not prevent the increase in autolytic capacity during the next C phase, but, once again, prevented the decline at the end of the subsequent cycle. Thus, increased autolytic capacity at the beginning of the cell cycle did not seem to be related to chromosome initiation, whereas decreased autolytic capacity at the end of the cell cycle seemed to be related to chromosome termination. The data presented are consistent with the role of autolytic enzyme activity in the previously proposed model for cell division of S. faecium (G.D. Shockman et al., Ann. N.Y Acad. Sci. 235:161-197, 1974).  相似文献   

Cultures of Enterococcus faecium growing at various rates were examined for timing of cell division cycle events by using the method of residual divisions and a morphological analysis. Both methods gave essentially the same timing for the onset of D1 (completion of chromosome replication) and of D2 (completion of septation). Frequencies of cells exhibiting a phase-reversed center in bovine serum albumin at various growth rates were determined. The data fit a model in which rapidly growing cells increase in refractive index (which is assumed to represent central density) at completion of the chromosome replication cycle involved in the ongoing division, whereas slowly growing cultures increase in central density at the time of completion of septation. There was no correlation between the timing of increase in central density and the timing of initiation of new sites of surface growth.  相似文献   

Treatment of Streptococcus faecium ATCC 9790 with sublytic concentrations of beta-lactam antibiotics revealed two different division blocks in the cell division cycle. One block, induced by N-formimidoyl thienamycin and methicillin, occurred before the completion of chromosome replication, whereas the other, induced by cefoxitin and cephalothin, took place later in the cycle. In addition, these antibiotics gave rise to distinct morphological forms; the antibiotics acting at the earlier block point produced mainly "dumbbells," whereas those affecting the later time formed "lemons." When used in combination N-formimidoyl thienamycin and cefoxitin exerted synergistic killing on this strain. These data suggest that beta-lactam antibiotics have at least two sites of action in S. faecium.  相似文献   

Segregation was studied by measuring the positions of autoradiographic grain clusters in chains formed from single cells containing on average less than one radiolabeled chromosome strand. The degree to which chromosomal and cell wall material cosegregated was quantified by using the methods of S. Cooper and M. Weinberger, dividing the number of chains labeled at the middle. This analysis indicated that in contrast to chromosomal segregation in Escherichia coli and, in some studies, to that in gram-positive rods, chromosomal segregation in Streptococcus faecium was slightly nonrandom and did not vary with growth rate. Results were not significantly affected by strand exchange. In contrast, labeled cell wall segregated predominantly nonrandomly.  相似文献   

We studied the steady-state responses to changes in growth rate of yeast when ethanol is the sole source of carbon and energy. Analysis of these data, together with data from studies where glucose was the carbon source, allowed us to distinguish a "universal" growth rate response (GRR) common to all media studied from a GRR specific to the carbon source. Genes with positive universal GRR include ribosomal, translation, and mitochondrial genes, and those with negative GRR include autophagy, vacuolar, and stress response genes. The carbon source-specific GRR genes control mitochondrial function, peroxisomes, and synthesis of vitamins and cofactors, suggesting this response may reflect the intensity of oxidative metabolism. All genes with universal GRR, which comprise 25% of the genome, are expressed periodically in the yeast metabolic cycle (YMC). We propose that the universal GRR may be accounted for by changes in the relative durations of the YMC phases. This idea is supported by oxygen consumption data from metabolically synchronized cultures with doubling times ranging from 5 to 14 h. We found that the high oxygen consumption phase of the YMC can coincide exactly with the S phase of the cell division cycle, suggesting that oxidative metabolism and DNA replication are not incompatible.  相似文献   

The penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) of 209 cell division (or growth) temperature-sensitive mutants of Streptococcus faecium were analyzed in this study. A total of nine strains showed either constitutive or temperature-sensitive conditional damage in the PBPs. Analysis of these nine strains yielded the following results: one carried a PBP 1 constitutively showing a lower molecular weight; one constitutively lacked PBP 2; two lacked PBP 3 at 42 degrees C, but not at 30 degrees C; one was normal at 30 degrees C but at 42 degrees C lacked PBP 3 and overproduced PBP 5; two were normal at 42 degrees C and lacked PBP 5 at 30 degrees C; one constitutively lacked PBP 5; and one carried a PBP 6 constitutively split in two bands. The mutant lacking PBP 3 and overproducing PBP 5 continued to grow at 42 degrees C for 150 min and then lysed. Revertants selected for growth capability at 42 degrees C from the mutants altered in PBPs 5 and 6 maintained the same PBP alterations, while those isolated from the strains with altered PBP 1 or lacking PBP 2 or PBP 3 showed a normal PBP pattern. Penicillin-resistant derivatives were isolated at 30 degrees C from the mutants lacking PBP 2 and from that lacking PBP 3. All these derivatives continued to show the same PBP damage as the parents, but overproduced PBP 5 and grew at 42 degrees C. These findings indicate that high-molecular-weight, but not low-molecular-weight, PBPs are essential for cell growth in S. faecium. This is in complete agreement with previous findings obtained with a different experimental system. On the basis of both previous and present data it is suggested that PBPs 1, 2, and 3 appear necessary for cell growth at optimal temperature (and at maximal rate), but not for cell growth at a submaximal one (or at a reduced rate), and an overproduced PBP 5 is capable of taking over the function of PBPs 1, 2, and 3.  相似文献   

Streptococcus faecium var. casselifavus, nov. var   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Streptococcus faecium var. casseliflavus is a gram-positive, spherical cell. The cells occur chiefly as pairs within chains and elongate to ogive-shaped cells during growth. Growth is good on 5% bile salts-agar and in broth at 10 C, and in broth adjusted to pH 9.6 or containing 6.5% NaCl, but many strains fail to grow at 45 C. Litmus is reduced rapidly prior to formation of an acid curd. Few strains release ammonia from arginine or serine. The organism is not proteolytic and does not produce H(2)S or acetylmethylcarbinol, reduce nitrate, decarboxylate tyrosine, or produce slime on sucrose-agar. Most strains survive heating to 60 C for 30 min. It produces gray colonies on potassium tellurite agar, reduces 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium-HCl to a pink color, and ferments cellobiose, dextrin, maltose, mannose, and sorbitol, thus resembling S. faecalis. Like S. faecium, it produces peroxidase but not catalase on heated blood media, dissimilates malate, and ferments arabinose, melibiose, and salicin, but not melezitose. Like both species, it ferments dextrose, galactose, lactose, mannitol, sucrose, trehalose, and citrate. Properties peculiar to the variant include the high pH limiting initiation and termination of growth; the fermentation of alpha-methyl-d-glucoside, raffinose, and xylose; motility; and growth without blue button formation in ethyl violet broth. The water-soluble, pale lemon-yellow pigment is released into the aqueous phase only after the cell envelope is altered by fat solvents. The bacterium thrives as an epiphyte on plants.  相似文献   

The buoyant density of whole cells of Streptococcus faecium varies with growth rate and during the cell cycle. Two possible explanations for this were explored: (i) the density of cell walls may vary, and (ii) the proportions of wall and cytoplasm may vary. We tested the first possibility by isolating walls from chilled, unfixed populations of S. faecium cells and fractionating them on Percoll density gradients. Mean cell wall density averaged 4% less than whole-cell density and did not vary significantly with growth rate. In addition, walls isolated from heavy and light fractions of a population of cells did not differ significantly in density. Thus, variation in the density of isolated cell walls could not account for the observed variation in whole-cell density within or between populations. Using previously published measurements of the physical dimensions of S. faecium cells, we also found that the relative proportions of wall and cytoplasm (see the second possibility above) could not account for the observed changes in whole-cell buoyant density.  相似文献   

The cell densities of Escherichia coli strains B/rA, BrF, and K-12 (OV-2) were measured at several growth rates and found to be very near 1.105 g/ml in all cases. Ninety percent of the cells of any exponentially growing population banded at densities differing less than 0.75% from the mean. Synchronized populations of B/rA selected as newborn cells were found to keep their density constant for longer than one generation time. However, if selection was based on cell size, by sedimentation through a sucrose gradient, cell density was found to be almost 2% lower than that of newborn cells, but it reached normal values before the first division had taken place. These results meant that mass and volume during the lifetime of the bacterial cell followed parallel kinetics. It was unlikely that density could regulate any event of the lifetime of a cell; on the contrary, density seemed to be a physical parameter that was well controlled during the bacterial growth.  相似文献   

A chemically-defined medium was developed which supported growth of Streptococcus faecium and permitted synthesis of urease. This streptococcus cannot utilize ammonia and needs a complex medium, but its requirements are probably provided in the rumen. The specific activity of urease was inversely related to growth and in no medium was there high growth and high urease activity. Anaerobic culture and the presence of urea in the medium were essential for urease activity, but not for growth.  相似文献   

Nucleic acids, bacteriophages, phage capsids, and a DNA-capsid complex have been centrifuged to an equilibrium buoyant density in sodium iothalamate density gradients. Nucleic acids have comparatively high hydrations and are less dense than proteins in these gradients. Sodium iothalamate gradients can be used to separate DNA from RNA, single-chain DNA from double-chain DNA and to separate bacteriophage T7 and λ deletion mutants from the respective wild-type phage.The DNA packaged in bacteriophage T7 appears to be less hydrated than free DNA in sodium iothalamate gradients. There is evidence that the hydration of DNA packaged in phage T7 is restricted by the volume of the phage head. The total volume of phage T7 was estimated to be 1.32 × 10−16 ml. The volume available to package phage T7 DNA was estimated to be 2.2 times the volume of the B form of T7 DNA.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional reconstruction methods were applied to electron micrographs of Streptococcus faecium to study the initiation of cell wall growth sites during a nutritional shift experiment. Upon lowering the mass doubling time from 76 to 33 min by the addition of excess glutamate, the formation of new cell wall growth sites accelerated above the old steady-state rate at about the same time (10 to 15 min) as did mass, RNA, protein, cell numbers, and autolytic capacity but considerably before DNA (30 min) and peptidoglycan (20 min) synthesis did. During the shift, the average range of cell volumes over which new wall growth sites were introduced did not change significantly. However, upon the shift there was an increase in the frequency of cells having new sites, which was due to the faster-growing cells initiating more new sites in peripheral locations before division. After a transition period, the number of new sites per milliliter of culture increased at a rate that paralleled that of the culture mass. These findings support a model in which new sites are introduced when cells grow to a relatively constant, growth rate-independent size, while the rate at which sites form and grow increases with the growth rate. In this model, chromosome synthesis does not regulate the formation of new sites of cell wall growth, but existing sites cannot be completed until rounds of chromosome synthesis are completed.  相似文献   

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