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We investigated the sperm characteristics of four cloned male cats (Felis catus) to assess their reproductive potential. Fresh and frozen-thawed sperm were assessed for motility, viability, and morphology, and their functional competence was evaluated by in vitro fertilization (IVF) of domestic cat oocytes. All fresh semen characteristics varied among cats and collection times. Sperm concentration (× 106/mL) of Cat A (512 ± 140, range 368 to 685) was significantly higher, whereas that of Cat C (335 ± 92, range 274 to 469) was significantly lower than that of Cloned B (459 ± 159, range 336 to 510) and control cats (680 ± 452, range 360 to 479). After thawing, motility and progressive motility of sperm from Cat B were significantly lower than that of the other cloned and control cats. The curvilinear, straight line, and average path velocities of sperm from Cat B were significantly higher, whereas the straightness was lower, than that of the other cloned and control cats. Frozen sperm from Cats A, B, and C successfully fertilized oocytes (cleavage = 74.4%, 71.4%, and 86.2%, respectively) and produced embryos that developed to the blastocyst stage after IVF/In vitro culture (IVC) (34.4%, 26.7%, and 48.0%) at frequencies similar to the cleavage rate (82.0%) and blastocyst rate (43.9%) obtained with sperm from the control male. In conclusion, seminal characteristics of cloned male cats did not differ markedly from those of our noncloned, control male cats.  相似文献   

Semen cryopreservation is affected by individual differences and use of clones animal from the same source is the main tool to eliminate genetic variation. Among many nutrients that are necessary for fertility, essential fatty acids and antioxidants are vital for production of healthy sperm by improving sperm membrane integrity and protecting sperm from oxidative stress. The goal of the current study was to investigate whether a flax seed oil or/and Vitamin E dietary supplementation could improve semen quality of cloned bucks following semen cryopreservation. Accordingly, eight adult cloned Bakhtiari bucks were divided randomly into four groups. Bucks were offered a base diet of hay and concentrate. The concentrate was enriched with flax seed oil, 30 gr/kg body weight/day (OIL), Vitamin E (VIT), 3 gr/kg body weight/day, or combined flax seed oil and the vitamin E (OIL-VIT). The concentrate with no supplements was considered as control group (CONT). Both flax seed oil and Vitamin E supplements were added to the total diet. The bucks were fed with their corresponding diets for a total of 9 weeks while sperm collection was carried out within 10–14 weeks. Ejaculates were diluted with Andromed® and were frozen in liquid nitrogen. Sperm parameters and reactive oxygen species (ROS) contents were evaluated following freezing/thawing. According to the results of our study, dietary supplementation with flax seed oil, or/and Vitamin E can improve sperm motility, vitality and number of sperm with intact plasma membrane following freezing-thawing. But the degree of improvement in these parameters was significantly higher when Flax seed oil and vitamin E were co-supplemented.  相似文献   

The use of sex-sorted sperm by the dairy industry is often limited by the geographical distance between potential sires and the sex-sorting facility. One method that may be used to overcome this limitation is sex-sorting sperm that have been previously frozen, or transported to the sorting facility as cooled liquid semen. In this study the in vivo fertility of frozen-thawed, sex-sorted, re-frozen-thawed (FSF) and cooled, sex-sorted, frozen-thawed (CSF) bull sperm was determined after artificial insemination (AI) of Holstein heifers. Semen from two bulls was frozen in straws, or transported to the sorting facility in an egg yolk diluent at 5 °C over 24 h. Thawed or re-warmed semen was processed through a PureSperm® density gradient, and sperm were sorted for sex and frozen (2 or 4 × 106 sperm/straw). Synchronised heifers (n = 183) were inseminated with either non-sorted control sperm (Control; 20 × 106 dose) or with FSF or CSF ‘X’ sperm (2 or 4 × 106/dose). Pregnancy rates (detected at 7–9 weeks) after AI with control sperm were higher than with FSF or CSF sperm (57.4 vs. 4.1 and 7.3% respectively; p < 0.001). There was a significant difference between bulls (Bull 1: Control 63.0%, FSF 8.6%, CSF 10.0%; Bull 2: Control 45.5%, FSF 0%, CSF 4.8%; p = 0.001). Five out of six (83.3%) pregnancies produced with sexed sperm were lost after pregnancy diagnosis. The exception was one heifer inseminated with CSF sperm (2 million sperm dose), which produced a heifer calf. In the non-sorted control group, three pregnancies were lost (8.3%) and three stillbirths occurred (8.3%). The low fertility and high rate of pregnancy loss in the sexed groups, in addition to environmental influences, may be attributed to impaired sperm function caused by sex-sorting and re-freezing, leading to poor embryo quality or altered gene expression. More precise timing of insemination and higher sperm doses might improve the fertility of FSF sperm. Moreover, the in vitro function of double-frozen sexed compared with non-sorted sperm requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Fertility is one of the most economically important traits in farm animals, due to the direct and indirect costs associated to low pregnancy rates. Thus, one of the priority goals in animal reproduction is to predict the performance that the semen doses will have in vivo based on the quality values obtained in laboratory assays. Attempts have been made for getting a predictive model of fertility of frozen-thawed sperm in dairy goats, but similar studies have not been conducted for chilled goat buck sperm doses that are mostly used for artificial insemination in many countries including Spain. We study how parameters of in vitro sperm quality and characteristics of Murciano-Granadina dairy goats may affect the in vivo fertility obtained after artificial insemination with semen doses chilled at 4 °C. Moreover, this information was used for obtaining predictive models of the fertility. Sixty-three ejaculates from 13 males were used to prepare chilled doses for the insemination of 495 goats over 13 sessions. Fresh and chilled sperm were evaluated for motility and plasma membrane integrity with a computer-assisted sperm analysis system and flow cytometry, respectively. Fertility was determined at parturition, according to the kidding goats. Overall fertility was 59.6%. Pearson’s correlation coefficients between in vivo fertility and quality variables of fresh sperm were not significant and were low (below 0.34 in absolute value) for chilled sperm. Females’ characteristics had a low negative impact on fertility (correlation coefficients of ?0.19 with age, ?0.20 with parturitions and ?0.11 with total milk yield obtained in the best lactation). Fixed and mixed logistic regression procedures were used trying to explain the fertility results. None of the models accurately predicted fertility, but the best models included the percentage of total motile sperm or average path velocity from fresh semen, age of the females and the session effect (uncontrolled environmental effects). These analyses showed that primiparous goats were 2.42 times more likely to get pregnant than goats that had kidded four or more times. Our field assay data on fertility in Murciano-Granadina dairy goats highlighted the importance of making quality controls of sperm, of choosing the doses presenting high percentages of motile sperm exhibiting regular trajectories and of selecting the youngest goats for AI, after their first kidding. Efforts should continue to obtain better predictive models for improving fertility in goat dairy herds.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the reproductive ability of transgenic female dogs born bysomatic cell nuclear transfer and to determine inheritance of the red fluorescent protein (RFP) transgene. The four founder transgenic bitches (F0) reached puberty at 340.8 ± 39.6 days after birth and were bred with wild-type male dogs by natural mating or by artificial insemination. The bitches all became pregnant and successfully delivered 13 puppies (F1), of which two females were bred with wild-type dogs to deliver 7 offspring (F2), including 1 stillbirth. Among the 19 live offspring, 10 puppies showed emission of RFP under UV light and the presence of the RFP transgene was confirmed by genomic PCR and Southern blot analyses. In conclusion, transgenic RFP female dogs exhibited normal reproductive ability and expression of the transgene was demonstrated in F1 and F2 generations.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the effect of powdered coconut water extender (ACP-106c) on the proportion of female puppies born. Twenty French Bulldog bitches were subjected to natural mating (NM) and, during the subsequent two estrus periods, were bred by intravaginal artificial insemination (AI), using chilled semen (from the same males) diluted in Tris-egg yolk (AI-Tris) or ACP-106c (AI-ACP-106c). Fresh semen was cooled to 5 °C and maintained at that temperature for 6 h, rewarmed (37 °C for 30 s), and used for AI. Pregnancy and whelping rates following NM were both 100% and were both 90.0% following AI with either extender. Litter size (mean ± SD) was 5.4 ±1.1, 4.7 ± 2.0, and 5.1 ± 2.0 (P > 0.05) for NM, AI-Tris, and AI-ACP-106c, respectively. Furthermore, for these groups, the number of female vs. male puppies born were 2.6 ± 0.6 vs. 2.8 ± 1.0, 2.2 ± 1.0 vs. 2.5 ± 1.1, and 3.4 ± 1.6 vs. 1.8 ± 1.2 (P < 0.05 for AI-ACP-106c only). In conclusion, our hypothesis was supported; AI of semen in ACP-106c extender resulted in a significantly higher proportion of female puppies. Furthermore, this extender yielded acceptable litter size and rates of pregnancy and whelping.  相似文献   

This study investigates changes in sexual motivation over the duration of a partnership in a population sample stratified by age. The results replicate and extend the findings of a previous study that was based on a sample of college students. In the samples of 30- and 45-year-olds, male sexual motivation remains constant regardless of the duration of the partnership. Female sexual motivation matches male sexual motivation in the first years of the partnership and then steadily decreases. In the sample of 60-year-olds, male sexual motivation always exceeds female sexual motivation, and both are little affected by duration of the partnership. This pattern is clearly evident for some measures of sexual motivation and less so or not at all for others. Interpretations of the current results from social constructivism or from mainstream psychology are difficult to conceive. The results seem more intelligible from an evolutionary perspective as reflections of evolved design for sexual motivation, fine-tuned to the different conditions governing the reproductive success of males and females. In this view male sexual motivation promotes a constant frequency of copulation in order to guard against cuckoldry. Female sexual motivation, in contrast, promotes copulation to solve the adaptive problem of procuring male resources by establishing and maintaining a pair bond. Dr. Dietrich Klusman is a psychologist at the Institute of Medical Psychology, University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany. His research focus is sexual motivation.  相似文献   

This study compared the field fertility outcomes in frozen–thawed (FT) sperm from boar ejaculates with different freezability (good, GFE/poor, PFE) while testing the reliability of the post-cervical artificial insemination (post-CAI) in FT sperm. The assay was conducted over eight months with 86 weaned sows being inseminated by post-CAI. Every ejaculate in a total of 26 from 15 Piétrain boars was divided into a refrigerated semen portion (FS; control treatment) and a cryopreserved portion (FT sperm), and the ejaculates were in turn classified as GFE or PFE in function of the sperm progressive motility and viability at 240 min post-thaw. As result, one of four possible treatments was randomly given to each sow: FS-GFE, FS-PFE, FT-GFE and FT-PFE. The number of pregnant and farrowing sows in FT-GFE did not significantly differ from those of FS control treatments. Contrarily, the probabilities of pregnancy were two times lower after inseminations with FT-PFE (P < 0.05) compared to FT-GFE, which indicates that ejaculates with high post-thaw sperm progressive motility and viability are more likely to result in pregnancies than those with poor in vitro sperm function. There were no differences in litter size or the risk of backflow among treatments. Further trials are required to determine the optimal volume and concentration of FT sperm in post-CAI to obtain a more reliable method for farmers interested in cryopreserved sperm.  相似文献   

In order to obtain a more standardised semen motility evaluation, Varkens KI Nederland has introduced a computer assisted semen analysis (CASA) system in all their pig AI laboratories. The repeatability of CASA was enhanced by standardising for: 1) an optimal sample temperature (39 °C); 2) an optimal dilution factor; 3) optimal mixing of semen and dilution buffer by using mechanical mixing; 4) the slide chamber depth, and together with the previous points; 5) the optimal training of technicians working with the CASA system; and 6) the use of a standard operating procedure (SOP). Once laboratory technicians were trained in using this SOP, they achieved a coefficient of variation of < 5% which was superior to the variation found when the SOP was not strictly used. Microscopic semen motility assessments by eye were subjective and not comparable to the data obtained by standardised CASA. CASA results are preferable as accurate continuous motility dates are generated rather than discrimination motility percentage increments of 10% motility as with motility estimation by laboratory technicians. The higher variability of sperm motility found with CASA and the continuous motility values allow better analysis of the relationship between semen motility characteristics and fertilising capacity. The benefits of standardised CASA for AI is discussed both with respect to estimate the correct dilution factor of the ejaculate for the production of artificial insemination (AI) doses (critical for reducing the number of sperm per AI doses) and thus to get more reliable fertility data from these AI doses in return.  相似文献   

Recloned dogs derived from adipose stem cells of a transgenic cloned beagle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oh HJ  Park JE  Kim MJ  Hong SG  Ra JC  Jo JY  Kang SK  Jang G  Lee BC 《Theriogenology》2011,75(7):1221-1231
A number of studies have postulated that efficiency in mammalian cloning is inversely correlated with donor cell differentiation status and may be increased by using undifferentiated cells as nuclear donors. Here, we attempted the recloning of dogs by nuclear transfer of canine adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (cAd-MSCs) from a transgenic cloned beagle to determine if cAd-MSCs can be a suitable donor cell type. In order to isolate cAd-MSCs, adipose tissues were collected from a transgenic cloned beagle produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) of canine fetal fibroblasts modified genetically with a red fluorescent protein (RFP) gene. The cAd-MSCs expressed the RFP gene and cell-surface marker characteristics of MSCs including CD29, CD44 and thy1.1. Furthermore, cAd-MSCs underwent osteogenic, adipogenic, myogenic, neurogenic and chondrogenic differentiation when exposed to specific differentiation-inducing conditions. In order to investigate the developmental potential of cAd-MSCs, we carried out SCNT. Fused-couplets (82/109, 75.2%) were chemically activated and transferred into the uterine tube of five naturally estrus-synchronized surrogates. One of them (20%) maintained pregnancy and subsequently gave birth to two healthy cloned pups. The present study demonstrated for the first time the successful production of cloned beagles by nuclear transfer of cAd-MSCs. Another important outcome of the present study is the successful recloning of RFP-expressing transgenic cloned beagle pups by nuclear transfer of cells derived from a transgenic cloned beagle. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that adipose stem cells can be a good nuclear donor source for dog cloning.  相似文献   

Variance components of sperm quality traits were estimated in a paternal line of rabbits selected on the basis of daily weight gain (DG, g/day) between 28 and 63 days of age. Features of the marginal posterior distributions for the genetic variance ratios, variance due to non-additive plus environmental permanent male effects, and variance due to litter of birth effects with respect to phenotypic variance are reported. The correlation between sperm quality traits and the selection criteria were also estimated. Nine sets of two-trait analyses were performed involving 12 908 DG records, 2231 ejaculates corresponding to 412 males, and 14 700 animals in the pedigree file. Heritability values (h2) of sperm quality traits commonly evaluated in a classic spermiogram were 0.18, 0.19, and 0.12 for normal acrosome status (NAR) (%, percentage of sperm with intact acrosome), sperm abnormalities (ANR) (%, percentage of sperm abnormalities), and sperm motility (MOT) (%, percentage of total motile sperm cells), respectively. The h2 of some motion computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) Parameters 0.09, 0.11, 0.10, 0.11, 0.11 and 0.11 for average path velocity (VAP) (μm/sec; average path velocity), straight-line velocity (VSL) (μm/sec; straight-line velocity), curvilinear velocity (VCL) (μm/sec; curvilinear velocity), linearity index (LIN) (%, linearity index), amplitude of lateral head displacement (ALH) (μm; amplitude of the lateral head displacement) and straightness (STR) (%, straightness) were also estimated. Permanent environmental effects were lower than the corresponding values of h2 and varied between 0.04 and 0.14. Genetic correlations between DG and sperm traits showed a high interval of highest density of 95% (HPD)95% (interval of highest density of 95%). However, there is some consistent evidence of the negativity of the genetic correlations of DG with NAR and MOT (−0.40 and −0.53, respectively). Permanent correlations were low, including the zero in the HPD95%. Litter birth correlations between DG with LIN and STR showed that a favorable effect for growth could be detrimental for them (−0.47 and −0.53). Therefore, as the magnitude of the genetic correlations does not seem very high, it may be possible to define a selection index, including some sperm quality traits that allow improvement of DG without diminishing the semen quality.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2020,20(4):460-464
In the past, semen parameters have been the primary diagnostic criteria used to establish male infertility. However, with the exception of sperm motility, which is known to be linked to rates of in vitro fertilization success, these parameters are generally unreliable at accurately predicting the potential fertility of a couple. More recent research has suggested that sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) may be a more robust and reliable means of predicting assisted reproductive outcomes.The present study aimed to assess the relationship between sperm motility, sperm DFI, and rates of clinical pregnancy by analyzing data from 3000 couples dealing with infertility. Using the most recent semen analysis reports available from male partners in these couples, we assessed these parameters and found that the lower the sperm DFI value, the higher the rate of clinical pregnancy. When we assessed the correlation between sperm DFI, sperm motility, and clinical pregnancy, we observed a strong negative correlation between DFI and motility, but observed no significant relationship between sperm motility and pregnancy rates. These results thus indicate that the measurement of DFI via a sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) may be a valuable tool for analyzing semen in order to better predict and improve pregnancy rates in infertile couples.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the effects of reproductive tract score (RTS) on reproductive performance in beef heifers bred by timed artificial insemination followed by natural service (AI-NS) or by natural service only (NSO). Angus cross beef heifers (n = 2660) in the AI-NS group were artificially inseminated at a fixed time (5- or 7-day CO-Synch + controlled internal drug release protocol) once, then exposed to bulls 2 weeks later (bull-to-heifer ratio = 1:40–1:50) for the reminder of the 85-day breeding season. Angus cross beef heifers (n = 1381) in NSO group were submitted to bulls (bull-to-heifer ratio = 1:20–1:25) for the entire 85-day breeding season. Heifers were reproductive tract scored from 1 (prepubertal) to 5 (cyclic) 4 weeks before, and were body condition scored (BCS) from 1 (emaciated) to 9 (obese) at the beginning of breeding season. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed 70 days after AI for AI-NS group and 2 months after the end of breeding season for both groups. Heifers in both groups were well managed and of similar age (14.9 ± 0.4 [AI-NS] and 14.7 ± 0.8 [NSO] months). Pregnancy rates (PRs) and number of days to become pregnant were calculated using PROC GLIMMIX and PROC LIFETEST procedures of SAS. Adjusting for BCS (P = 0.07), expressed estrus (P < 0.05), year (P < 0.05), and BCS by year interaction (P < 0.05), the AI-PR was greater for heifers in AI-NS group with higher RTS (P < 0.0001; 40.7%, 48.3%, 57.6%, and 64.6% for RTS of 2 or less, 3, 4, and 5, respectively). Controlling for BCS (P < 0.05), year (P < 0.05) and the breeding season pregnancy rates (BS-PRs) were greater for heifers in the AI-NS group with higher RTS (P < 0.01; 81.2%, 86.5%, 90.4%, and 95.2% for RTS of 2 or less, 3, 4, and 5, respectively). Similarly, adjusting for BCS, year (P < 0.05), the BS-PR was greater for heifers in NSO group with higher RTS (P < 0.01; 79.7%, 84.3%, 88.4%, and 90.2% for RTS of 2 or less, 3, 4, and 5, respectively). Heifers with higher RTS in both groups became pregnant earlier in the breeding season compared with heifers with lower RTS (log-rank statistics: P < 0.0001). Heifers in the AI-NS group become pregnant at a faster rate compared with those in the NSO group (P < 0.01). The BS-PR for heifers with RTS 5 was different between AI-NS and NSO groups (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, the RTS influenced both the number of beef heifers that became pregnant during the breeding season and the time at which they become pregnant. Furthermore, irrespective of RTS, heifers bred by NSO required more time to become pregnant than their counterparts in herds that used timed AI. The application of RTS system is reliant on the use of synchronization protocol. The application of RTS for selection may plausibly remove precocious females with lower RTS. On the contrary, application of RTS would help select heifers that will become pregnant earlier in breeding season.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted to increase fertility with AI of flow-sorted, sexed bovine sperm. In the first trial, a novel competitive fertilization approach was used to compare pressures (30 psi vs 50 psi) for sorting sperm. Both X- and Y-sperm were sorted to approximately 95% purity at 30 and at 50 psi; X-50 + Y-30 (and the converse) were mixed in equal numbers for AI of heifers. Fetal sex divulged which treatment produced the pregnancy; 82% of pregnancies resulted from the 30 psi treatment (P < 0.05). Based on a similar approach, a new-pulsed laser did not damage sperm any more than the previous standard continuous wave laser. In a large field trial, sorting sperm at 40 psi increased pregnancy rates in heifers relative to 50 psi (42.3% vs 34.1%, n = 367/group, P < 0.05). Storing sperm for 20 h before sorting at 40 psi decreased pregnancy rates from 42.3% (n = 367) to 36.8% (n = 368; P < 0.05). Breeding heifers with sexed sperm 55-56 h after CIDR removal and PGF resulted in 34% (n = 32) pregnant, compared to 49% (n = 35) with fixed-time insemination 67-68 h after CIDR removal (P > 0.1). Lactating dairy cows pre-screened for normal reproductive tracts when OvSynch injections (GnRH, prostaglandin, GnRH) were initiated, had similar (P > 0.1) pregnancy rates to timed AI, with 10 × 106 sexed sperm (43.9%, n = 57), 2 × 106 sexed sperm (40.5%, n = 57) and 10 × 106 unsexed control sperm (55.6%, n = 58). A final field trial with unselected, lactating dairy cows resulted in similar pregnancy rates for 2 × 106 sexed sperm in 0.25 mL straws (25.0%, n = 708) and 0.5 mL straws (24.4%, n = 776), but lower (P < 0.05) than unsexed control sperm (37.7%, n = 713). Younger cows and those >84 days in milk had the highest pregnancy rates for both sexed and unsexed sperm. These studies improved sperm sexing procedures, and provided insight into appropriate commercial use of sexed sperm.  相似文献   

Allurin, a 21 kDa protein isolated from egg jelly of the frog Xenopus laevis, has previously been demonstrated to attract frog sperm in two-chamber and microscopic assays. cDNA cloning and sequencing has shown that allurin is a truncated member of the Cysteine-Rich Secretory Protein (CRISP) family, whose members include mammalian sperm-binding proteins that have been postulated to play roles in spermatogenesis, sperm capacitation and sperm–egg binding in mammals. Here, we show that allurin is a chemoattractant for mouse sperm, as determined by a 2.5-fold stimulation of sperm passage across a porous membrane and by analysis of sperm trajectories within an allurin gradient as observed by time-lapse microscopy. Chemotaxis was accompanied by an overall change in trajectory from circular to linear thereby increasing sperm movement along the gradient axis. Allurin did not increase sperm velocity although it did produce a modest increase in flagellar beat frequency. Oregon Green 488-conjugated allurin was observed to bind to the sub-equatorial region of the mouse sperm head and to the midpiece of the flagellum. These findings demonstrate that sperm have retained the ability to bind and respond to truncated Crisp proteins over 300 million years of vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis of 58 boars at an artificial insemination (AI) centre revealed the presence of a reciprocal chromosome translocation, rcp(1;11)(q−;p+), in two Duroc boars. Pedigree analysis of these two boars suggested familial transmission of the chromosome rearrangement. The reproductive consequences of this translocation were determined in a herd of sows that had received semen doses from these and other boars. All sows underwent multiple AI, with different groups established retrospectively depending on the percentage of semen doses provided by the carrier boars ([number of carrier boar doses/total number doses provided] x 100): 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%. The fertility rates (percentage of successful multiple AIs/total multiple AIs) recorded for multiple AI including semen doses from the carrier boars were not significantly different from those recorded when all semen doses were supplied by normal-karyotype boars. A reduction in litter size of 29.38% was observed, however, in litters sired by one of the carrier boars when its participation in multiple AI was 100%. The number of live-born piglets per litter gradually decreased (P < 0.05) as the percentage participation in multiple AI (25, 50, or 75%) of the carrier boar increased. In addition, both carrier boars sired some piglets with signs of cleft palate and complex malformations of the front legs; these died soon after birth. In conclusion, the boars carrying the translocation rcp(1;11)(q−;p+) showed reduced reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Information about reproductive physiology in the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) would generate knowledge that could be useful in the management of the Swedish lynx population based on the knowledge about their reproductive potential and population development. Age-related differences in ovulation and implantation rates would affect the reproductive output and the development of the population. The aims of this study were to evaluate a protocol for collection of reproductive data from carcasses by comparisons with published field data and to generate data about reproduction in the Swedish lynx. Reproductive organs from 120 females that were harvested between March 1 and April 9 from 2009 to 2011 were collected and evaluated macroscopically for placental scars. Females had their first estrus as yearlings but did not have their first litter until the next season. Pregnancy rates were lower in 2-year-old females than in females aged 3 to 7 years but did not differ significantly from females aged 8 to 13 years (54.5%, 95.6%, and 75.0%, respectively). CL from the present season were morphologically distinctly different from luteal bodies from previous cycles (LBPC). All females ≥3 years had macroscopically visible LBPC, whereas only 67% of 22 to 23 months old females had one to three LBPC and no females <1 year of age had LBPC. Females aged 34 to 35 months had up to eight LPBC, whereas the highest number of LBPC counted in females ≥3 years of age was 11. These data would be in agreement with only one estrus per season and LBPC from at least three previous reproductive seasons in older females. The number of LBPC was significantly correlated with the weight of the ovaries rs = 0.648, P < 0.001) and the age of the animals (rs = 0.572, P < 0.001). Uterine weight differed significantly with the stage of the reproductive cycle and was highest for mature females in the luteal phase of the cycle. The estrous period, defined as occurrence of ovarian follicles lasted from March 5 to April 1 in this material. In conclusion, this study confirms that useful information about lynx reproduction can be collected from reproductive organs retrieved after the death of the animals. Continuous monitoring of lynx reproductive organs would therefore make a valuable contribution to collection of field data, gathering information that can be useful for the management of lynx populations and potentially for the lynx as an indicator of environmental disturbances.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry sex-sorting technology was developed in 1989. However, it is only the bovine species in which offspring of the desired sex are obtained at a commercial level. The aim of the present work was to evaluate efficiency parameters when using fresh sexed semen in a large-scale equine commercial embryo transfer program. During the 2009, 2010 and 2011 breeding seasons, 938 synchronized cycles were artificially inseminated. One hundred (10.6%) mares failed to ovulate, and for the remaining 838 useable cycles, 887 doses of sexed semen were used, representing 1.06 doses per cycle. In general, 435 (51.9%) out of 838 flushing performed resulted in the recovery of at least one embryo and 496 (59.1%) embryos were recovered, including twins and triplets. Pregnancy rate at 25 days achieved 81.5% (one embryo transferred per recipient). Embryo recovery rate was not statistically different either between preovulatory and postovulatory artificially inseminated mares or when increased quantities of sexed sperm per dose were used (15–45 million) (P > 0.05). A broad variation in embryo recovery rate was observed between the different stallions used in this study. Sex accuracy of the sex sorting assessed by ultrasound fetal sex determination was 90.3%. Finally, overall efficiency (female embryo pregnancies per useable cycles) was 39% (325/838), meaning that to obtain a female pregnancy of at least 75 days it was necessary to perform 2.5 flushing.  相似文献   

After 80 years of the commercial application of artificial insemination (AI) in the cow, the method still has numerous benefits over natural insemination including worldwide gene improvement. The efficiency of insemination depends, among many other factors, on the delivery of an appropriate number of normal spermatozoa to the appropriate reproductive tract site at the appropriate time of estrus. The metabolic clearance of steroid hormones and pregnancy associated glycoproteins and the negative effects of different types of stress related to high milk production makes the high-producing dairy cow a good animal model for addressing factors affecting fertility. Nevertheless, extensive studies have shown a positive link between high milk production in an individual cow and high fertility. When a cow becomes pregnant, the effect of pregnancy loss on its reproductive cycle is also a topic of interest. This paper reviews the factors of a noninfectious nature that affect the fertility of lactating dairy cows following AI. Special attention is paid to factors related to the cow and its environment and to estrus confirmation at insemination. Pregnancy maintenance during the late embryonic/early fetal period is discussed as a critical step. Finally, the use of Doppler ultrasonography is described as an available research tool for improving our current understanding of the health of the genital structures and conceptus.  相似文献   

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