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The objectives of this study were to evaluate routine prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart diseases (CHD) by fetal ultrasound examination in a well-defined population during the period 1994-1999 and to compare these results with the results from 1979 to 1993. This study included 80,076 consecutive pregnancies of known outcome from 1994 to 1999. CHD were classified as isolated or associated when at least one other major extra-cardiac malformation was present. Only 137 out of 688 malformed fetuses with CHD without chromosomal anomalies were detected (19.9%). The sensitivity of detection varied from 61.9% for malformations such as isolated hypoplastic left heart and single ventricle, to around 7-19% for atrial and ventricular septal defects. Prenatal detection rate of CHD was 11.4% for isolated cases, and 40.2% for multiple malformed with CHD. The gestational age at discovery varied from 16 to 36 weeks. There is no upper limit for termination of pregnancies in our country; 12.3% of all pregnancies were terminated after prenatal diagnosis. However, 62% of the pregnancies with a CHD detected prenatally were terminated. The detection rate of CHD increased during time from 9.2% during the period 1979-1988 to 13.7% during the period 1990-1993 and to 19.1% during the period 1994-1999. Our study shows large variation in the prenatal detection rate of CHD. Prenatal diagnosis of CHD is significantly higher when associated malformations are present. Cardiac defects affecting the size of the ventricles have the highest detection rate. Gestational age at discovery was 20-24 weeks for the majority of associated cardiac defects. The prenatal detection rate of CHD increased during time from 1979 to 1999.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to describe the impact of prenatal diagnosis on the birth prevalence of congenital anomalies over 21 years (1979-1999) in a well defined population in northeastern France (13,500 births per year). The material for this study came from the analysis of data from multiple sources on births and terminations of pregnancy after prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies in 279,642 consecutive pregnancies of known outcome. The study period was divided into three subgroups 1979-1988, 1989-1993 and 1994-1999. Between 1979-1988, 1989-1993 and 1994-1999, prenatal detection of congenital anomalies increased, respectively, from 12.0% to 25.5% and to 31.7%. Termination of pregnancy (TOP) increased in the same proportions during the three time periods. However, the increase of TOP was much higher for chromosomal anomalies than for nonchromosomal congenital anomalies. The birth prevalence of Down's syndrome fell by 80% from 1979-1988 to 1994-1999. Sensitivity of prenatal detection of congenital anomalies and TOPs were lower for isolated cases (only one malformation present in the fetus) than for multiple malformations in the same fetus. Sensitivity varied with the type of malformations: it was high for neural tube defect (79.7%) and urinary anomalies (50.7%) and low for congenital heart defects (16.4%). In conclusion, the introduction of routine prenatal diagnosis has resulted in a significant fall in the birth prevalence of children with congenital anomalies. However, this fall varied with the types of congenital anomalies.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) resulting from free trisomy 21 (FT21) has been largely associated with advanced maternal age. However, approximately 60% of FT21 cases are born to young couples. Thus, the etiological factors responsible for these FT21 children must differ from those proposed for maternal age-related FT21. These factors have not been defined. In this study, we analyzed the chromosomes of peripheral blood lymphocytes from three groups of couples aged ≤35 years, to identify chromosomal trisomies: Group I included 5 couples with normal offspring; Group II included 22 couples with one FT21 child; and Group III consisted of 3 couples with recurrent FT21. A total of 13,809 metaphases were analyzed with G-banding and 60,205 metaphases were analyzed with FISH using a 13/21 centromeric probe. Aneuploidy was significantly more frequent in Groups II and III. The frequencies of hyperdiploid cells were 0.19, 0.49 and 0.96% in Groups I–III, respectively. FISH analysis showed that trisomy 21 cell percentages were 0.08, 0.21 and 0.76 for Groups I–III, respectively, and were very similar to those obtained with G-banding. Trisomy 21 mosaicism was found in 2/22 couples with one FT21 offspring, and in 2/3 couples with recurrent FT21. Our data suggest that mosaicism is an important cause of FT21 offspring in young couples, and that aneuploidy is more frequent among couples with FT21 offspring. This may be related with age and other undetermined intrinsic and extrinsic factors.  相似文献   

We have investigated histologically the elevations of the skin in dorsal and lateral neck (nuchal) regions of human fetuses carrying karyotypes of trisomy 18 (Edwards' syndrome) and trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome). Cavities filled with interstitial fluid were found in the dermis, epidermal basement membrane and occasionally in the epidermis of trisomy-18 fetuses, but were not delineated by an epithelium or basement membrane as judged by the absence of immunostaining for laminin, collagen IV and collagen VII. Dilated vessels were also found at the interface between dermis and subcutis. Neither normal fetal skin nor that of trisomy-21 fetuses contained cavities or dilated vessels. In order to detect possible alterations of the extracellular matrix in trisomy-18 and trisomy-21 skin, the distribution of glycoproteins, glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans was studied immunohistochemically. In trisomy-21 and control skin, the dermis stained intensely for fibronectin, whereas the subcutis reacted only weakly. In trisomy-18 skin, the stronger staining for fibronectin appeared in the subcutis, and the prevailing collagen type was collagen III, collagen type I being absent. In the skin of trisomy-21 fetuses, collagen VI was more irregularly arranged and densely packed, whereas collagen I was more widely spaced than in normal fetuses. More hyaluronan was present in the dermis and subcutis of trisomy-21 fetuses than in that of trisomy-18 and control fetuses. A correlation seems to exist between undelimited cavities and collagen III in trisomy-18 skin, and between hyaluronan and the specific arrangement of collagen in trisomy-21 skin.Abbreviations bm Basement membrane - ep epidermis - d dermis - sc subcutis - hf hair follicle - c capillary This article is dedicated to Professor Dr. Konrad Märkel on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the prenatal detection of chromosomal abnormalities by fetal ultrasonographic examination in a large database provided by 19 Registries of Congenital Anomalies from 11 European countries. This study included 1738 cases of chromosomal abnormalities, liveborn, stillborn or termination of pregnancy regardless of maternal age from a population of 664,340 births during the period 1996 - 1998. The most frequent chromosomal anomalies were Down syndrome (n=1050), trisomy 18 (n=191), Turner syndrome (n=125), trisomy 13 (n=86), and triploidy (n=56). Fetal ultrasonographic examination resulted in the prenatal detection of 37.7% of the chromosomal abnormalities, thereby resulting in a reduction of 28.6% in their prevalence at birth due to terminations of pregnancy. The detection rate by ultrasound examination varied according to local policies of prenatal diagnosis : it was lower in countries where routine scan were not performed and higher in countries in which at least one routine anomaly scan during the second trimester of pregnancy was performed. The ultrasound detection varied according to the specific chromosomal anomaly and was lowest for Klinefelter syndrome (5.7%) and highest for triploidy (78.6%). For Down syndrome it was 26.4%. Termination of pregnancy was performed in 75.9% of the cases. Among the 655 cases detected by ultrasound, the most frequent ultrasound signs by category of chromosomal abnormalities were analysed. This study shows that ultrasound screening is an important tool in the prenatal detection of chromosomal abnormalities in Europe, leading to a significant reduction in the prevalence of livebirth children with chromosomal anomalies.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most common causes of intellectual disability, owing to trisomy of all or part of chromosome 21. DS is also associated with the development of Alzheimer disease (AD) neuropathology after the age of 40 years. To better clarify the cellular and metabolic pathways that could contribute to the differences in DS brain, in particular those involved in the onset of neurodegeneration, we analyzed the frontal cortex of DS subjects with or without significant AD pathology in comparison with age-matched controls, using a proteomics approach. Proteomics represents an advantageous tool to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the disease. From these analyses, we investigated the effects that age, DS, and AD neuropathology could have on protein expression levels. Our results show overlapping and independent molecular pathways (including energy metabolism, oxidative damage, protein synthesis, and autophagy) contributing to DS, to aging, and to the presence of AD pathology in DS. Investigation of pathomechanisms involved in DS with AD may provide putative targets for therapeutic approaches to slow the development of AD.  相似文献   

The occurrence of double aneuploidy in the same individual is a relatively rare phenomenon. We describe twin newborns with typical clinical features of Down's syndrome, of which one revealed 48,XXY,+21 GTG-band karyotype. The second newborn died 2 days after its birth, and was clinically diagnosed having Down syndrome. Due to the same clinical features of the twins, the common placenta and amniotic sac, we speculate that they were monozygotics and as a result the second newborn should also be a Klinefelter. The purpose of this report is to present a rare case of possible coincidence of double aneuploidy in newborn twins. A review of the literature showed that double trisomy (48,XXY,+21) in a twin newborn infant has never occurred.  相似文献   

This paper describes an efficient technique for the production of metaphase spreads from single blastomeres biopsied from four-cell preimplantation mouse embryos. The karyotype obtained by chromosomal analysis of single biopsied cells is shown to be fully predictive of subsequent fetal karyotype. The data in this study also demonstrate that the entire process of embryo biopsy and karyotypic analysis of biopsied blastomeres does not adversely affect the ability of biopsied embryos to form fetuses after transfer into pseudopregnant recipients. This study has potential clinical relevance in that it demonstrates that chromosomally defective embryos can be accurately identified before implantation. In addition, the techniques developed in this study may facilitate more efficient procedures for the genesis of animal models for human disorders such as Down syndrome and Alzheimers disease.  相似文献   

We present a case of a ring (21) in a mentally challenged patient with mosaicism for trisomy 21 showing karyotype 47, XY,+21/47,XY,+21(r)/46,XY, born to normal parents. The parents and female sibling were phenotypically normal. This is a unique case report from Central India, on occurrence of trisomy 21 and r (21) in the same individual born to normal parents. Also being documented for the first time is the immuno-FISH analysis revealing differential expression of hTERT and a linked over expression of TRF2 in proband, probably corresponding to a high percentage of acrocentric associations.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability, due to partial or complete triplication of chromosome 21. DS subjects are characterized by a number of abnormalities including premature aging and development of Alzheimer disease (AD) neuropathology after approximately 40 years of age. Several studies show that oxidative stress plays a crucial role in the development of neurodegeneration in the DS population. Increased lipid peroxidation is one of the main events causing redox imbalance within cells through the formation of toxic aldehydes that easily react with DNA, lipids, and proteins. In this study we used a redox proteomics approach to identify specific targets of 4-hydroxynonenal modifications in the frontal cortex from DS cases with and without AD pathology. We suggest that a group of identified proteins followed a specific pattern of oxidation in DS vs young controls, probably indicating characteristic features of the DS phenotype; a second group of identified proteins showed increased oxidation in DS/AD vs DS, thus possibly playing a role in the development of AD. The third group of comparison, DS/AD vs old controls, identified proteins that may be considered specific markers of AD pathology. All the identified proteins are involved in important biological functions including intracellular quality control systems, cytoskeleton network, energy metabolism, and antioxidant response. Our results demonstrate that oxidative damage is an early event in DS, as well as dysfunctions of protein-degradation systems and cellular protective pathways, suggesting that DS subjects are more vulnerable to oxidative damage accumulation that might contribute to AD development. Further, considering that the majority of proteins have been already demonstrated to be oxidized in AD brain, our results strongly support similarities with AD in DS.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Maternal folic acid supplementation has been associated with a reduced risk for neural tube defects and may be associated with a reduced risk for congenital heart defects and other birth defects. Individuals with Down syndrome are at high risk for congenital heart defects and have been shown to have abnormal folate metabolism. METHODS: As part of the population‐based case‐control National Down Syndrome Project, 1011 mothers of infants with Down syndrome reported their use of supplements containing folic acid. These data were used to determine whether a lack of periconceptional maternal folic acid supplementation is associated with congenital heart defects in Down syndrome. We used logistic regression to test the relationship between maternal folic acid supplementation and the frequency of specific heart defects correcting for maternal race or ethnicity, proband sex, maternal use of alcohol and cigarettes, and maternal age at conception. RESULTS: Lack of maternal folic acid supplementation was more frequent among infants with Down syndrome and atrioventricular septal defects (odds ratio [OR], 1.69; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.08–2.63; p = 0.011) or atrial septal defects (OR, 1.69; 95% CI, 1.11–2.58; p = 0.007) than among infants with Down syndrome and no heart defect. Preliminary evidence suggests that the patterns of association differ by race or ethnicity and sex of the proband. There was no statistically significant association with ventricular septal defects (OR, 1.26; 95% CI, 0.85–1.87; p = 0.124). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that lack of maternal folic acid supplementation is associated with septal defects in infants with Down syndrome. Birth Defects Research (Part A), 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary.  Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation. To explain the impact of extra chromosome 21 in the pathology of DS, gene dosage effect hypothesis has been proposed, but several investigators including our group have challenged this hypothesis. Although analysis of the sequence of chromosome 21 has been essentially completed, the molecular and biochemical mechanisms underlying the pathology are still unknown. We therefore investigated expression levels of six proteins encoded on chromosome 21 (HACS1, DYRK1A, αA-crystallin, FTCD, GARS-AIRS-GART, and CBS) in fetal cerebral cortex from DS and controls at 18–19 weeks of gestational age using Western blot analysis. Protein expression of HACS1 was significantly and remarkably decreased in DS, and the expression levels of five proteins were comparable between DS and controls suggesting that the gene dosage effect hypothesis is not sufficient to fully explain the DS phenotype. We are continuing to quantify proteins whose genes are encoded on chromosome 21 in order to provide a better understanding of the pathobiochemistry of DS at the protein level. Received July 1, 2002 Accepted July 19, 2002 Published online November 14, 2002 Acknowledgement This work was supported, in part (Dr. D. Patterson), by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD; HD17449). Authors' address: Prof. Dr. Gert Lubec, CChem, FRSC (UK), Department of Pediatrics, University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18, A-1090 Vienna, Austria, Fax: +43-1-40400-3194, E-mail: gert.lubec@akh-wien.ac.at Abbreviations: DS, Down syndrome; HACS1, hematopoietic adapter containing Src homology 3 domain and sterile α motifs; DYRK1A, dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylated and regulated kinase; αA-crystallin, alpha crystallin subunit A; FTCD, formi-minotransferase cyclodeaminase; GARS-AIRS-GART, glycinamide ribonucleotide synthetase-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide synthetase-glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase; CBS, cystathionine β-synthase; NSE, neuron specific enolase; GFAP, glial fibrillary acidic protein  相似文献   

Summary.  Down syndrome (DS) is the most frequent genetic disorder with mental retardation and caused by trisomy 21. Although the gene dosage effect hypothesis has been proposed to explain the impact of extra chromosome 21 on the pathology of DS, a series of evidence that challenge this hypothesis has been reported. The availability of the complete sequences of genes on chromosome 21 serves now as starting point to find functional information of the gene products, but information on gene products is limited so far. We therefore evaluated expression levels of six proteins whose genes are encoded on chromosome 21 (synaptojanin-1, chromosome 21 open reading frame 2, oligomycin sensitivity confering protein, peptide 19, cystatin B and adenosine deaminase RNA-specific 2) in fetal cerebral cortex from DS and controls at 18–19 weeks of gestational age using Western blot analysis. Synaptojanin-1 and C21orf2 were increased in DS, but others were comparable between DS and controls, suggesting that the DS phenotype cannot be simply explained by gene dosage effects. We are systematically quantifying all proteins whose genes are encoded on chromosome 21 in order to provide a better understanding of the pathobiochemistry of DS at the protein level. These studies are of significance as they show for the first time protein levels that are carrying out specific function in human fetal brain with DS. Received August 12, 2002 Accepted September 12, 2002 Published online January 30, 2003 Authors' address: Prof. Dr. Gert Lubec, CChem, FRSC (UK) Department of Pediatrics, University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18, A-1090 Vienna, Austria, Fax: +43-1-40400-3194, E-mail: gert.lubec@akh-wien.ac.at Abbreviations: ADAR2, adenosine deaminase RNA-specific 2; C21orf2, chromosome 21 open reading frame 2; DS, Down syndrome; NSE, neuron specific enolase; OSCP, oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein; PEP-19, peptide 19  相似文献   

Cheon MS  Kim SH  Yaspo ML  Blasi F  Aoki Y  Melen K  Lubec G 《Amino acids》2003,24(1-2):111-117
Summary.  Down syndrome (DS) is the most significant genetic disorder with mental retardation and is caused by trisomy 21. The phenotype of DS is thought to result from overexpression of a gene(s) located on the triplicated chromosome (region). An increasing body of evidence that challenge this “gene dosage effect” hypothesis, however, has been reported indicating that this hypothesis still remains to be elucidated. The availability of the complete sequence of genes on chromosome 21 could have an immediate impact on DS research, but no conclusions can be drawn from nucleic acid levels. This made us evaluate protein levels of six proteins, gene products, encoded on chromosome 21 (T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis inducing Tiam1 protein, holocarboxylase synthetase, human interferon-regulated resistance GTP-binding protein MxA, Pbx regulating protein 1, autoimmune regulator, and pericentrin) in fetal cortex from DS and controls at 18–19 weeks of gestational age using Western blot technique. None of the investigated proteins showed overexpression in DS compared to controls. Our present data showing unaltered expression of six proteins on chromosome 21 in fetal DS brain suggest that the existence of the trisomic state is not involved in abnormal development of fetal DS brain and that the gene dosage effect hypothesis is not sufficient to fully explain the DS phenotype. We are in the process of quantifying all gene products of chromosome 21 and our first results do not support the gene dosage hypothesis. Received June 27, 2002 Accepted July 19, 2002 Published online November 14, 2002 Authors' address: Prof. Dr. Gert Lubec, CChem, FRSC (UK), Department of Pediatrics, University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18, A-1090 Vienna, Austria, Fax: +43-1-40400-3194, E-mail: gert.lubec@akh-wien.ac.at Abbreviations: AIRE, autoimmune regulator; DS, Down syndrome; HCS, holocarboxylase synthetase; Prep1, Pbx regulating protein 1; Tiam1, T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1  相似文献   

Many pregnant Muslim women fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. A number of studies have reported negative life outcomes in adulthood for children who were prenatally exposed to Ramadan. However, other studies document minimal to no impact on neonatal indicators. Using data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey consisting of 45,246 observations of 21,723 children born to 9771 mothers, we contribute to the current discussion on prenatal exposure to Ramadan by examining the effects on stature (height-for-age Z-scores, weight-for-age Z-scores, and body-mass-index-for-age Z-scores: HAZ, WAZ, and BAZ, respectively) from early childhood to late adolescence (0–19 years of age). We introduce an objective mother’s religiosity indicator to improve the intention-to-treat estimations. Children were classified into three groups based on their mother’s religion-religiosity: religious Muslims, less-religious Muslims, and non-Muslims. Using cluster-robust mother fixed-effects, we found negative effects on stature for children born to religious Muslim mothers. The effects were age-dependent and timing-sensitive. For example, children born to religious Muslim mothers were shorter in late adolescence (15–19 years of age) compared to their unexposed siblings if they were prenatally exposed in the first trimester of pregnancy (HAZ difference = −0.105 SD; p-val. <0.05). Interestingly, we found positive effects on stature for exposed less-religious Muslim children that peak in early adolescence (10–14 years of age) and negative effects on stature for exposed non-Muslim children that occur only in early childhood (0–4 years of age). We nuance our discussion of health and socioeconomic factors to explain these surprising results.  相似文献   

Cheon MS  Shim KS  Kim SH  Hara A  Lubec G 《Amino acids》2003,25(1):41-47
Summary.  Down syndrome (DS) is the most frequent genetic disorder with mental retardation and caused by trisomy 21. Although the molecular mechanisms of the various phenotypes of DS could be due to overexpression of gene(s) on chromosome 21, several groups have challenged this gene dosage effect hypothesis. The near completion of the sequencing of human chromosome 21 provides unprecedented opportunities to understand the molecular pathology of DS, however, functional information on gene products is limited so far. We therefore evaluated the levels of six proteins whose genes are encoded on chromosome 21 (trefoil factor 1, trefoil factor 2, trefoil factor 3, coxsackie virus and adenovirus receptor, carbonyl reductase 1 and interferon-α receptor) in fetal cerebral cortex from DS and controls at the early second trimester using Western blot analysis. None of the investigated proteins showed overexpression in DS compared to controls suggesting that these proteins are not involved in abnormal development of fetal DS brain and that DS phenotype can not be simply explained by the gene dosage effect hypothesis. We are systematically quantifying all proteins whose genes are encoded on chromosome 21 and these studies may provide a better understanding of genotype-phenotype correlation in DS. Received November 28, 2002 Accepted March 10, 2003 Acknowledgements's of Hospital of Philadelphia, PA, (USA) and Biogen, Inc. (anti-IFNAR-1 antibody; Cambridge, USA) for kindly providing the antibodies and comments. Authors' address: Prof. Dr. Gert Lubec, CChem, FRSC (UK), Department of Pediatrics, University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18, A-1090 Vienna, Austria, Fax: +43-1-40400-3194, E-mail: gert.lubec@akh-wien.ac.at Abbreviations: AD, Alzheimer's disease; CAR, coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor; CBR1, carbonyl reductase 1; CNS, central nervous system; DS, Down syndrome; IFNs, interferons; IFNAR-1, interferon-α receptor; NSE, neuron specific enolase; TFF, trefoil factor  相似文献   

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