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The multiple drug resistance protein 1 (MRP1 or ABCC1) transports anticancer drugs and normal cell metabolites. Leucotriene C(4) (LTC(4)) is one of the highest affinity substrates of MRP1. In this study, we have synthesized and characterized a novel photoreactive azido analogue of LTC(4) (AALTC(4)). The specificity of AALTC(4) binding to MRP1 was confirmed using an LTC(4)-specific monoclonal antibody. Moreover, binding with radioiodinated [(125)I]AALTC(4) (or IAALTC(4)) to MRP1 was dramatically competed with unmodified LTC(4) and to a lesser degree by glutathione (GSH). Oxidized glutathione (GSSG) slightly increased IAALTC(4) binding to MRP1, while MK571, verapamil, and vincristine inhibited IAALTC(4) binding to MRP1. Using AALTC(4) together with a panel of epitope-specific and LTC(4)-specific monoclonal antibodies, we identified LTC(4) binding sites in MRP1. Western blotting of large tryptic fragments of MRP1 with three well-characterized epitope-specific mAbs (MRPr1, QCRL1, and MRPm6) showed LTC(4) binding in both the N- and C-terminal halves of MRP1. Furthermore, a peptide corresponding to the N-terminal membrane-spanning domain of MRP1 (MSD0) was photoaffinity labeled by AALTC(4), indicating that MSD0 contains an LTC(4) binding site. Higher resolution mapping of additional LTC(4) binding sites was obtained using eight MRP1 variants with each containing hemaglutanin A (HA) epitopes at different sites (at amino acid 4, 163, 271, 574, 653, 938, 1001, or 1222). MRP1 variants were photoaffinity labeled with IAALTC(4) and digested with trypsin to isolate specific regions of MRP1 that interact with LTC(4). These results confirmed that sequences in MSD0 interact with IAALTC(4). Other regions that were photoaffinity labeled by IAALTC(4) include TM 10-11, TM 16-17, and TM 12, shown previously to encode MRP1 drug binding site(s). Together, our results show a high-resolution map of LTC(4) binding domains in MRP1 and provide the first direct evidence for LTC(4) binding within MSD0.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1) is an ATP-dependent transporter of structurally diverse organic anion conjugates. The protein also actively transports a number of non-conjugated chemotherapeutic drugs and certain anionic conjugates by a presently poorly understood GSH-dependent mechanism. LY475776is a newly developed (125)I-labeled azido tricyclic isoxazole that binds toMRP1 with high affinity and specificity in a GSH-dependent manner. The compound has also been shown to photolabel a site in the COOH-proximal region of MRP1's third membrane spanning domain (MSD). It is presently not known where GSH interacts with the protein. Here, we demonstrate that the photactivateable GSH derivative azidophenacyl-GSH can substitute functionally for GSH in supporting the photolabeling of MRP1 by LY475776 and the transport of another GSH-dependent substrate, estrone 3-sulfate. In contrast to LY475776, azidophenacyl-[(35)S] photolabels both halves of the protein. Photolabeling of the COOH-proximal site can be markedly stimulated by low concentrations of estrone 3-sulfate, suggestive of cooperativity between the binding of these two compounds. We show that photolabeling of the COOH-proximal site by LY475776 and the labeling of both NH(2)- and COOH- proximal sites by azidophenacyl-GSH requires the cytoplasmic linker (CL3) region connecting the first and second MSDs of the protein, but not the first MSD itself. Although required for binding, CL3 is not photolabeled by azidophenacyl-GSH. Finally, we identify non-conserved amino acids in the third MSD that contribute to the high affinity with which LY475776 binds to MRP1.  相似文献   

The benzothiophene LY329146 reverses the drug resistance phenotype in multidrug resistance protein (MRP1)-overexpressing cells when dosed in combination with MRP1-associated oncolytics doxorubicin and vincristine. Additionally, LY329146 inhibited MRP1-mediated uptake of the MRP1 substrate LTC4 into membrane vesicles prepared from MRP1-overexpressing cells.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1) is an ATP-dependent efflux pump that can confer resistance to multiple anticancer drugs and transport conjugated organic anions. Unusually, transport of several MRP1 substrates requires glutathione (GSH). For example, estrone sulfate transport by MRP1 is stimulated by GSH, vincristine is co-transported with GSH, or GSH can be transported alone. In the present study, radioligand binding assays were developed to investigate the mechanistic details of GSH-stimulated transport of estrone sulfate by MRP1. We have established that estrone sulfate binding to MRP1 requires GSH, or its non-reducing analogue S-methyl GSH (S-mGSH), and further that the affinity (Kd) of MRP1 for estrone sulfate is 2.5-fold higher in the presence of S-mGSH than GSH itself. Association kinetics show that GSH binds to MRP1 first, and we propose that GSH binding induces a conformational change, which makes the estrone sulfate binding site accessible. Binding of non-hydrolyzable ATP analogues to MRP1 decreases the affinity for estrone sulfate. However, GSH (or S-mGSH) is still required for estrone sulfate binding, and the affinity for GSH is unchanged. Estrone sulfate affinity remains low following hydrolysis of ATP. The affinity for GSH also appears to decrease in the post-hydrolytic state. Our results indicate ATP binding is sufficient for reconfiguration of the estrone sulfate binding site to lower affinity and argue for the presence of a modulatory GSH binding site not associated with transport of this tripeptide. A model for the mechanism of GSH-stimulated estrone sulfate transport is proposed.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1) is a 190 kDa member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of transmembrane transporters that is clinically relevant for its ability to confer multidrug resistance by actively effluxing anticancer drugs. Knowledge of the atomic structure of MRP1 is needed to elucidate its transport mechanism, but only low resolution structural data are currently available. Consequently, comparative modeling has been used to generate models of human MRP1 based on the crystal structure of the ABC transporter Sav1866 from Staphylococcus aureus. In these Sav1866-based models, the arrangement of transmembrane helices differs strikingly from earlier models of MRP1 based on the structure of the bacterial lipid transporter MsbA, both with respect to packing of the twelve helices and their interactions with the nucleotide binding domains. The functional importance of Tyr324 in transmembrane helix 6 predicted to project into the substrate translocation pathway was investigated.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein (MRP)1/ABCC1 transports organic anionic conjugates and confers resistance to cytotoxic xenobiotics. In addition to two membrane spanning domains (MSDs) typical of most ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, MRP1 has a third MSD (MSD0) of unknown function. Unlike some topologically similar ABCC proteins, removal of MSD0 has minimal effect on function, nor does it prevent MRP1 from trafficking to basolateral membranes in polarized cells. However, we find that independent of cell type, the truncated protein accumulates in early/recycling endosomes. Using a real-time internalization assay, we demonstrate that MSD0 is important for MRP1 retention in, or recycling to, the plasma membrane. We also show that MSD0 traffics independently to the cell surface and promotes membrane localization of the core-region of MRP1 when the two protein fragments are coexpressed. Finally, we demonstrate that MSD0 becomes essential for trafficking of MRP1 when the COOH-terminal region of the protein is mutated. These studies demonstrate that MSD0 and the COOH-terminal region contain redundant trafficking signals, which only become essential when one or the other region is missing or is mutated. These data explain apparent differences in the trafficking requirement for MSD0 and the COOH-terminal region of MRP1 compared with other ABCC proteins.  相似文献   

The 190-kDa multidrug resistance protein MRP1 (ABCC1) is a polytopic transmembrane protein belonging to the ATP-binding cassette transporter superfamily. In addition to conferring resistance to various antineoplastic agents, MRP1 is a transporter of conjugated organic anions, including the cysteinyl leukotriene C(4) (LTC(4)). We previously characterized the ATPase activity of reconstituted immunoaffinity-purified native MRP1 and showed it could be stimulated by its organic anion substrates (Mao, Q., Leslie, E. M., Deeley, R. G., and Cole, S. P. C. (1999) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1461, 69-82). Here we show that purified reconstituted MRP1 is also capable of active transport of its substrates. Thus LTC(4) uptake by MRP1 proteoliposomes was osmotically sensitive and could be inhibited by two MRP1-specific monoclonal antibodies. LTC(4) uptake was also markedly reduced by the competitive inhibitor, S-decyl-glutathione, as well as by the MRP1 substrates 17 beta-estradiol 17-beta-(d-glucuronide), oxidized glutathione, and vincristine in the presence of reduced glutathione. The K(m) for ATP and LTC(4) were 357 +/- 184 microm and 366 +/- 38 nm, respectively, and 2.14 +/- 0.75 microm for 17 beta-estradiol 17-beta-(d-glucuronide). Transport of vincristine required the presence of both ATP and GSH. Conversely, GSH transport was stimulated by vincristine and verapamil. Our data represent the first reconstitution of transport competent purified native MRP1 and confirm that MRP1 is an efflux pump, which can transport conjugated organic anions and co-transport vincristine together with GSH.  相似文献   

Inorganic arsenic is an established human carcinogen, but its metabolism is incompletely defined. The ATP binding cassette protein, multidrug resistance protein (MRP1/ABCC1), transports conjugated organic anions (e.g. leukotriene C(4)) and also co-transports certain unmodified xenobiotics (e.g. vincristine) with glutathione (GSH). MRP1 also confers resistance to arsenic in association with GSH; however, the mechanism and the species of arsenic transported are unknown. Using membrane vesicles prepared from the MRP1-overexpressing lung cancer cell line, H69AR, we found that MRP1 transports arsenite (As(III)) only in the presence of GSH but does not transport arsenate (As(V)) (with or without GSH). The non-reducing GSH analogs L-gamma-glutamyl-L-alpha-aminobutyryl glycine and S-methyl GSH did not support As(III) transport, indicating that the free thiol group of GSH is required. GSH-dependent transport of As(III) was 2-fold higher at pH 6.5-7 than at a more basic pH, consistent with the formation and transport of the acid-stable arsenic triglutathione (As(GS)(3)). Immunoblot analysis of H69AR vesicles revealed the unexpected membrane association of GSH S-transferase P1-1 (GSTP1-1). Membrane vesicles from an MRP1-transfected HeLa cell line lacking membrane-associated GSTP1-1 did not transport As(III) even in the presence of GSH but did transport synthetic As(GS)(3). The addition of exogenous GSTP1-1 to HeLa-MRP1 vesicles resulted in GSH-dependent As(III) transport. The apparent K(m) of As(GS)(3) for MRP1 was 0.32 microM, suggesting a remarkably high relative affinity. As(GS)(3) transport by MRP1 was osmotically sensitive and was inhibited by several conjugated organic anions (MRP1 substrates) as well as the metalloid antimonite (K(i) 2.8 microM). As(GS)(3) transport experiments using MRP1 mutants with substrate specificities differing from wild-type MRP1 suggested a commonality in the substrate binding pockets of As(GS)(3) and leukotriene C(4). Finally, human MRP2 also transported As(GS)(3). In conclusion, MRP1 transports inorganic arsenic as a tri-GSH conjugate, and GSTP1-1 may have a synergistic role in this process.  相似文献   

Deeley RG  Cole SP 《FEBS letters》2006,580(4):1103-1111
Multidrug resistance protein (MRP) 1 belongs to the 'C' branch of the ABC transporter superfamily. MRP1 is a high-affinity transporter of the cysteinyl leukotriene C(4) and is responsible for the systemic release of this cytokine in response to an inflammatory stimulus. However, the substrate specificity of MRP1 is extremely broad and includes many organic anion conjugates of structurally unrelated endo- and xenobiotics. In addition, MRP1 transports unmodified hydrophobic compounds, such as natural product type chemotherapeutic agents and mutagens, such as aflatoxin B(1). Transport of several of these compounds has been shown to be dependent on the presence of reduced glutathione (GSH). More recently, GSH has also been shown to stimulate the transport of some conjugated compounds, including sulfates and glucuronides. Here, we summarize current knowledge of the substrate specificity and modes of transport of MRP1 and discuss how the protein may recognize its structurally diverse substrates.  相似文献   

Besides being a (Na+,K+)-ATPase inhibitor, high doses of the hormone ouabain have also been reported to modulate both the expression and activity of proteins belonging to the ATP binding cassette family of transporters, such as ABCC7 (CFTR), ABCB1 (P-glycoprotein), and ABCC1 (MRP1). Although these proteins are present in the kidney, only ABCB1 has a putative physiological role in this organ, secreting endobiotics and xenobiotics. In the present work, we studied the relationship between ouabain and ABCC1 expression and function, aiming to establish a physiological role for ouabain. It was observed that prolonged (24 h) but not short (30 min) incubation with 1 nmol/L or higher ouabain concentrations decreased the expression of ABCC1 protein and induced its mRNA expression. This decrease was rapidly reversible, reaching control levels after incubation of cells in ouabain-free medium for 3 h, denoting a hormonal action. Moreover, concentrations equal or higher than 100 nmol/L ouabain also induced impairment of ABCC1 activity, increasing the accumulation of carboxyfluorescein diacetate, an ABCC1 fluorescent substrate. Because ouabain is now accepted as an endogenous hormone, our results suggest that ABCC1 is regulated by hormones related to body volume control, which may have implications for the treatment of hypertensive cancer patients. Moreover, providing ABCC1 is expressed in several other tissues, such as brain, testis, and the immune system, and is related to the transport of glutathione, it is possible that ouabain release may control a number of functions within these organs and tissues by modulating both the expression and the activity of ABCC1.  相似文献   

Zhang DW  Nunoya K  Vasa M  Gu HM  Theis A  Cole SP  Deeley RG 《Biochemistry》2004,43(29):9413-9425
Human multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1) is an ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter that confers resistance to many natural product chemotherapeutic agents and can transport structurally diverse conjugated organic anions. MRP1 has three polytopic transmembrane domains (TMDs) and a total of 17 TM helices. Photolabeling and mutagenesis studies of MRP1 indicate that TM11, the last helix in the second TMD, may form part of the protein's substrate binding pocket. We have demonstrated that certain polar residues within a number of TM helices, including Arg(593) in TM11, are determinants of MRP1 substrate specificity or overall activity. We have now extended these analyses to assess the functional consequences of mutating the remaining seven polar residues within and near TM11. Mutations Q580A, T581A, and S585A in the predicted outer leaflet region of the helix had no detectable effect on function, while mutation of three residues close to the membrane/cytoplasm interface altered substrate specificity. Two of these mutations affected only drug resistance. N597A increased and decreased resistance to vincristine and VP-16, respectively, while S605A decreased resistance to vincristine, VP-16 and doxorubicin. The third, S604A, selectively increased 17beta-estradiol 17-(beta-d-glucuronide) (E(2)17betaG) transport. In contrast, elimination of the polar character of the residue at position 590 (Asn in the wild-type protein) uniformly impaired the ability of MRP1 to transport potential physiological substrates and to confer resistance to three different classes of natural product drugs. Kinetic and photolabeling studies revealed that mutation N590A not only decreased the affinity of MRP1 for cysteinyl leukotriene 4 (LTC(4)) but also substantially reduced the binding of ATP to nucleotide binding domain 1 (NBD1). Thus, polar interactions involving residues in TM11 influence not only the substrate specificity of MRP1 but also an early step in the proposed catalytic cycle of the protein.  相似文献   

The apical multidrug resistance protein MRP2 (symbol ABCC2) is an ATP-dependent export pump for anionic conjugates in polarized cells. MRP2 has only 48% amino acid identity with the paralog MRP1 (ABCC1). In this study we show that purified recombinant MRP2 reconstituted in proteoliposomes is functionally active in substrate transport. The Km values for ATP and LTC4 in the transport by MRP2 in proteoliposomes were 560 microM and 450 nM, respectively. This transport function of MRP2 in proteoliposomes was dependent on the amount of MRP2 protein present and was determined to 2.7 pmol x min(-1) x mg MRP2(-1) at 100 nM LTC4. Transport was competitively inhibited by the quinoline derivative MK571 with 50% inhibition at about 12 microM. Our data document the first reconstitution of transport-active purified recombinant MRP2. Binding and immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that MRP2 preferentially associates with the chaperone calnexin, but co-reconstitution studies using purified MRP2 and purified calnexin in proteoliposomes suggested that the LTC4 transport function of MRP2 is not dependent on calnexin. The purified, transport-active MRP2 may serve to identify additional interacting proteins in the apical membrane of polarized cells.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1) is an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) polytopic membrane transporter of considerable clinical importance that confers multidrug resistance on tumor cells by reducing drug accumulation by active efflux. MRP1 is also an efficient transporter of conjugated organic anions. Like other ABC proteins, including the drug resistance conferring 170-kDa P-glycoprotein (ABCB1), the 190-kDa MRP1 has a core structure consisting of two membrane-spanning domains (MSDs), each followed by a nucleotide binding domain (NBD). However, unlike P-glycoprotein and most other ABC superfamily members, MRP1 contains a third MSD with five predicted transmembrane segments with an extracytosolic NH(2) terminus. Moreover, the two nucleotide-binding domains of MRP1 are considerably more divergent than those of P-glycoprotein. In the present study, the first structural details of MRP1 purified from drug-resistant lung cancer cells have been obtained by electron microscopy of negatively stained single particles and two-dimensional crystals formed after reconstitution of purified protein with lipids. The crystals display p2 symmetry with a single dimer of MRP1 in the unit cell. The overall dimensions of the MRP1 monomer are approximately 80 x 100 A. The MRP1 monomer shows some pseudo-2-fold symmetry in projection, and in some orientations of the detergent-solubilized particles, displays a stain filled depression (putative pore) appearing toward the center of the molecule, presumably to enable transport of substrates. These data represent the first structural information of this transporter to approximately 22-A resolution and provide direct structural evidence for a dimeric association of the transporter in a reconstituted lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Characterization of rhodamine 123 as functional assay for MDR has been primarily focused on P-glycoprotein-mediated MDR. Several studies have suggested that Rh123 is also a substrate for MRP1. However, no quantitative studies of the MRP1-mediated efflux of rhodamines have, up to now, been performed. Measurement of the kinetic characteristics of substrate transport is a powerful approach to enhancing our understanding of their function and mechanism. In the present study, we have used a continuous fluorescence assay with four rhodamine dyes (rhodamine 6G, tetramethylrosamine, tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester, and tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester) to quantify drug transport by MRP1 in living GLC4/ADR cells. The formation of a substrate concentration gradient was observed. MRP1-mediated transport of rhodamine was glutathione-dependent. The kinetics parameter, k(a) = V(M)/k(m), was very similar for the four rhodamine analogs but approximately 10-fold less than the values of the same parameter determined previously for the MRP1-mediated efflux of anthracycline. The findings presented here are the first to show quantitative information about the kinetics parameters for MRP1-mediated efflux of rhodamine dyes.  相似文献   

ABC transporters from the multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) subfamily are glutathione S-conjugate pumps exhibiting a broad substrate specificity illustrated by numerous xenobiotics, such as anticancer drugs, herbicides, pesticides and heavy metals. The engineering of MRP transporters into plants might be interesting either to reduce the quantity of xenobiotics taken up by the plant in the context of “safe-food” strategies or, conversely, in the development of phytoremediation strategies in which xenobiotics are sequestered in the vacuolar compartment. In this report, we obtained Arabidopsis transgenic plants overexpressing human MRP1. In these plants, expression of MRP1 did not increase plant resistance to antimony salts (Sb(III)), a classical glutathione-conjugate substrate of MRP1. However, the transporter was fully translated in roots and shoots, and targeted to the plasma membrane. In order to investigate the functionality of MRP1 in Arabidopsis, mesophyll cell protoplasts (MCPs) were isolated from transgenic plants and transport activities were measured by using calcein or Sb(III) as substrates. Expression of MRP1 at the plasma membrane was correlated with an increase in the MCPs resistance to Sb(III) and a limitation of the metalloid content in the protoplasts due to an improvement in Sb(III) efflux. Moreover, Sb(III) transport was sensitive to classical inhibitors of the human MRP1, such as MK571 or glibenclamide. These results demonstrate that a human ABC transporter can be functionally introduced in Arabidopsis, which might be useful, with the help of stronger promoters, to reduce the accumulation of xenobiotics in plants, such as heavy metals from multi-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) express the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters P-glycoprotein (ABCB1) and multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1; ABCC1). Functionally, both these transporters have been described to be required for efficient DC and T cell migration. In this study, we report that MRP1 activity is also crucial for differentiation of DC. Inhibition of MRP1, but not P-glycoprotein, transporter activity with specific antagonists during in vitro DC differentiation interfered with early DC development. Impaired interstitial and Langerhans DC differentiation was characterized by 1) morphological changes, reflected by dropped side scatter levels in flow cytometric analysis and 2) phenotypic changes illustrated by maintained expression of the monocytic marker CD14, lower expression levels of CD40, CD86, HLA-DR, and a significant decrease in the amount of cells expressing CD1a, CD1c, and Langerin. Defective DC differentiation also resulted in their reduced ability to stimulate allogeneic T cells. We identified the endogenous CD1 ligands sulfatide and monosialoganglioside GM1 as MRP1 substrates, but exogenous addition of these substrates could not restore the defects caused by blocking MRP1 activity during DC differentiation. Although leukotriene C(4) was reported to restore migration of murine Mrp1-deficient DC, the effects of MRP1 inhibition on DC differentiation appeared to be independent of the leukotriene pathway. Though MRP1 transporter activity is important for DC differentiation, the relevant MRP1 substrate, which is required for DC differentiation, remains to be identified. Altogether, MRP1 seems to fulfill an important physiological role in DC development and DC functions.  相似文献   

The multidrug resistance protein MRP1 is an ATP-dependent transporter of organic anions and chemotherapeutic agents. A significant number of ionizable amino acids are found in or proximal to the 17 transmembrane (TM) helices of MRP1, and we have investigated 6 of these at the cytoplasmic interface of TM13-17 for their role in MRP1 expression and transport activity. Opposite charge substitutions of TM13 Arg(1046) and TM15 Arg(1131) did not alter MRP1 expression nor did they substantially affect activity. In contrast, opposite charge substitutions of TM16 Arg(1202) and Glu(1204) reduced protein expression by >80%; however, MRP1 expression was not affected when Arg(1202) and Glu(1204) were replaced with neutral or same-charge residues. In addition, organic anion transport levels of the R1202L, R1202G, and R1202K mutants were comparable with wild-type MRP1. In contrast, organic anion transport by E1204L was substantially reduced, whereas transport by E1204D was comparable with wild-type MRP1, with the notable exception of GSH. Opposite charge substitutions of TM16 Arg(1197) and TM17 Arg(1249) did not affect MRP1 expression but substantially reduced transport. Mutants containing like-charge substitutions of Arg(1197) or Arg(1249) were also transport-inactive and no longer bound leukotriene C(4). In contrast, substrate binding by the transport-compromised E1204L mutant remained intact. Furthermore, vanadate-induced trapping of azido-ADP by E1204L was dramatically increased, indicating that this mutation may cause a partial uncoupling of the catalytic and transport activities of MRP1. Thus, Glu(1204) serves a dual role in membrane expression of MRP1 and a step in its catalytic cycle subsequent to initial substrate binding.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein (MRP1) utilizes two non-equivalent nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) to bind and hydrolyze ATP. ATP hydrolysis by either one or both NBDs is essential to drive transport of solute. Mutations of either NBD1 or NBD2 reduce solute transport, but do not abolish it completely. How events at these two domains are coordinated during the transport cycle have not been fully elucidated. Earlier reports (Gao, M., Cui, H. R., Loe, D. W., Grant, C. E., Almquist, K. C., Cole, S. P., and Deeley, R. G. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 13098-13108; Hou, Y., Cui, L., Riordan, J. R., and Chang, X. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 20280-20287) indicate that intact ATP is observed bound at NBD1, whereas trapping of the ATP hydrolysis product, ADP, occurs predominantly at NBD2 and that trapping of ADP at NBD2 enhances ATP binding at NBD1 severalfold. This suggested transmission of a positive allosteric interaction from NBD2 to NBD1. To assess whether ATP binding at NBD1 can enhance the trapping of ADP at NBD2, photoaffinity labeling experiments with [alpha-(32)P]8-N(3)ADP were performed and revealed that when presented with this compound labeling of MRP1 occurred at both NBDs. However, upon addition of ATP, this labeling was enhanced 4-fold mainly at NBD2. Furthermore, the nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue, 5'-adenylylimidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP), bound preferentially to NBD1, but upon addition of a low concentration of 8-N(3)ATP, the binding at NBD2 increased severalfold. This suggested that the positive allosteric stimulation from NBD1 actually involves an increase in ATP binding at NBD2 and hydrolysis there leading to the trapping of ADP. Mutations of Walker A or B motifs in either NBD greatly reduced their ability to be labeled by [alpha-(32)P]8-N(3)ADP as well as by either [alpha-(32)P]- or [gamma-(32)P]8-N(3)ATP (Hou et al. (2000), see above). These mutations also strongly diminished the enhancement by ATP of [alpha-(32)P]8-N(3)ADP labeling and the transport activity of the protein. Taken together, these results demonstrate directly that events at NBD1 positively influence those at NBD2. The interactions between the two asymmetric NBDs of MRP1 protein may enhance the catalytic efficiency of the MRP1 protein and hence of its ATP-dependent transport of conjugated anions out of cells.  相似文献   

Tricyclic isoxazoles were identified from a screen as a novel class of selective multidrug resistance protein (MRP1) inhibitors. From a screen lead, SAR efforts resulted in the preparation of LY 402913 (9h), which inhibits MRP1 and reverses drug resistance to MRP1 substrates, such as doxorubicin, in HeLa-T5 cells (EC(50)=0.90 microM), while showing no inherent cytotoxicity. Additionally, LY 402913 inhibits ATP-dependent, MRP1-mediated LTC(4) uptake into membrane vesicles prepared from the MRP1-overexpressing HeLa-T5 cells (EC(50)=1.8 microM). LY 402913 also shows selectivity ( approximately 22-fold) against the related transporter, P-glycoprotein, in HL60/Adr and HL60/Vinc cells. Finally, when dosed in combination with the oncolytic MRP1 substrate vincristine, LY 402913 delays the growth of MRP1-overexpressing tumors in vivo.  相似文献   

Klein M  Burla B  Martinoia E 《FEBS letters》2006,580(4):1112-1122
In many different plant species, genes belonging to the multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP, ABCC) subfamily of ABC transporters have been identified. Following the discovery of vacuolar transport systems for xenobiotic or plant-produced conjugated organic anions, plant MRPs were originally proposed to be primarily involved in the vacuolar sequestration of potentially toxic metabolites. Indeed, heterologous expression of different Arabidopsis MRPs in yeast demonstrates their activity as ATP-driven pumps for structurally diverse substrates. Recent analysis of protein-protein interactions and the characterization of knockout mutants in Arabidopsis suggests that apart from transport functions plant MRPs play additional roles including the control of plant transpiration through the stomata. Here, we review and discuss the diverse functions of plant MRP-type ABC transporters and present an organ-related and developmental analysis of the expression of Arabidopsis MRPs using the publicly available full-genome chip data.  相似文献   

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