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Infraspecific cytogenetical variation was studied in a diverse collection of five non-cultivated and cultivatedCucumis sativus accessions. The individual chromosomes of different accessions could be identified by the C-banding pattern and chromosome measurements. About 40–50% of the genomic area are made up of heterochromatin inC. sativus. The non-cultivated accessions exhibit more heterochromatin and lower chiasma frequencies per pollen mother cell than cultivated accessions. There is infraspecific variation in C-banding pattern, karyomorphology and multinucleolate cells. The use of C-banding in infraspecific classification is discussed.  相似文献   

A new synthetic species,Cucumis hytivus J.-F. Chen & J. H. Kirkbr. (2n=38), obtained by doubling the number of chromosomes in the sterile interspecific F1 hybrid (2n=19) betweenC. sativus L. (2n=14) andC. hystrix Chakr. (2n=24), is described.  相似文献   

Abstract The karyomorphology of three species in Dipentodon (Dipentodontaceae), Perrottetia (Celastraceae), and Tapiscia (Tapisciaceae), namely Dipentodon sinicus, Perrottetia racemosa, and Tapiscia sinensis, was investigated in the present study. Recent molecular research has discovered close relationships among these three genera, which has led to the establishment of the order Huerteales with Perrottetia being placed in Dipentodontaceae. Herein we report the chromosome numbers of D. sinicus and P. racemosa for the first time, and present their karyotype formulas as 2n = 34 = 22 sm + 12 st (D. sinicus), 2n = 20 = 11 m + 9 sm (P. racemosa), and 2n = 30 = 22 m(2SAT) + 8sm (T. sinensis). Asymmetry of their karyotypes is categorized to be Type 3B in D. sinicus, Type 2A in P. racemosa, and Type 2A in T. sinensis. Each of the species shows special cytological features. Compared with Perrottetia, Dipentodon has a different basic chromosome number, a higher karyotype asymmetry, and different karyomorphology of its interphase nuclei, mitotic prophase, and metaphase. Thus, on the basis of these results, we have reservations regarding the suggestion of placing Dipentodon and Perrottetia together in the family Dipentodontaceae.  相似文献   

Abstract The karyomorphology of three species in Dipentodon (Dipentodontaceae), Perrottetia (Celastraceae), and Tapiscia (Tapisciaceae), namely Dipentodon sinicus, Perrottetia racemosa, and Tapiscia sinensis, was investigated in the present study. Recent molecular research has discovered close relationships among these three genera, which has led to the establishment of the order Huerteales with Perrottetia being placed in Dipentodontaceae. Herein we report the chromosome numbers of D. sinicus and P. racemosa for the first time, and present their karyotype formulas as 2n= 34 = 22 sm + 12 st (D. sinicus), 2n= 20 = 11 m + 9 sm (P. racemosa), and 2n= 30 = 22 m(2SAT) + 8sm (T. sinensis). Asymmetry of their karyotypes is categorized to be Type 3B in D. sinicus, Type 2A in P. racemosa, and Type 2A in T. sinensis. Each of the species shows special cytological features. Compared with Perrottetia, Dipentodon has a different basic chromosome number, a higher karyotype asymmetry, and different karyomorphology of its interphase nuclei, mitotic prophase, and metaphase. Thus, on the basis of these results, we have reservations regarding the suggestion of placing Dipentodon and Perrottetia together in the family Dipentodontaceae.  相似文献   

Meiosis in seven interspecificCucumis hybrids has been analysed i.a. inC. metuliferus ×C. zeyheri, where the parents belong to different sections. In the triploid hybrids a remarkably high number of trivalents has been found. Additional data from literature on geographical distribution, cucurbitacins, flavonoid patterns, isozymes, C-banding, genome size, DNA amount and chloroplast DNA are used to discuss species relationships and evolution. The African cross-compatible group is divided into theMyriocarpus subgroup with the diploid speciesC. africanus, C. myriocarpus subsp.leptodermis and subsp.myriocarpus, and theAnguria subgroup withC. anguria, C. dipsaceus, C. ficifolius, C. prophetarum, C. zeyheri and all polyploids (exceptC. heptadactylus). It is argued that the Asian subg.Melo with x = 7 is derived from the African subg.Cucumis with x = 12; the latter contains all the polyploid species and has the most common basic chromosome number of theCucurbitaceae. This phylogenetic advance is interpreted with concepts of the quantum model of evolution.  相似文献   

The European orchidsOrchis mascula, O. pallens and their hybrids have been analysed by enzyme electrophoresis on starch gels. The two species differ in the electrophoretic mobilities of four out of eight enzymes tested. Three enzymes, phosphoglucomutase, phosphoglucoisomerase and malic enzyme exhibit typical heterozygote patterns in the hybrid plants demonstrating the presence of both differing parental alleles. Thus, species identification is easy by the electrophoretic analysis of a low number of enzyme loci, and hybrids are detectable even if morphological characters fail.  相似文献   

Lee YI  Chang FC  Chung MC 《Annals of botany》2011,108(1):113-121

Background and Aims

Lady''s slipper orchids (Paphiopedilum) are of high value in floriculture, and interspecific hybridization has long been used for breeding improved cultivars; however, information regarding the genome affinities of species and chromosome pairing behaviour of the hybrids remains almost unknown. The present work analyses the meiotic behaviour of interspecific hybrids by genomic in situ hybridization and cytologically evaluates the genomic relationships among parental species.


Eight interspecific F1 hybrids of Paphiopedilum species in various subgenera or sections were investigated in this study. The chromosome behaviour in meiosis of these interspecific hybrids was analysed and subjected to genomic in situ hybridization and fluorescent in situ hybridization.

Key Results

Genomic in situ hybridization was demonstrated as an efficient method to differentiate between Paphiopedilum genomes and to visualize the chromosome pairing affinities in interspecific F1 hybrids, clarifying the phylogenetic distances among these species. Comparatively regular chromosome pairing observed in the hybrids of P. delenatii × P. bellatulum, P. delenatii × P. rothschildianum and P. rothschildianum × P. bellatulum suggested high genomic affinities and close relationships between parents of each hybrid. In contrast, irregular chromosome associations, such as univalents, trivalents and quadrivalents occurred frequently in the hybrids derived from distant parents with divergent karyotypes, such as P. delenatii × P. callosum, P. delenatii × P. glaucophyllum, P. rothschildianum × P. micranthum and P. rothschildianum × P. moquetteanum. The existence of multivalents and autosyndesis demonstrated by genomic in situ hybridization in this study indicates that some micro-rearrangements and other structural alterations may also play a part in differentiating Paphiopedilum species at chromosomal level, demonstrated as different chromosome pairing affinities in interspecific hybrids.


The results indicate that genome homology and the interaction of genetic factors, but not chromosome number nor karyotype similarity, determine the chromosome pairing behaviour in Paphiopedilum hybrids.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridizations were carried out between the two tetraploidsElymus caucasicus andE. longearistatus, and 23 tetraploids and hexaploids ofElymus containing SH, SY, SYH, and SYW genomes and representing various geographical regions. Meiotic pairing was studied in the two target species and their hybrids. It is concluded from this study that (i) interspecific hybridization is fairly easy to perform although strong reproductive barriers exist between the species; (ii)Elymus caucasicus andE. longearistatus are allotetraploids, and share the diverged SY genomes; (iii) the divergence of SY genomes is correlated with the geographic distance between theElymus spp. studied.  相似文献   

The thickened shoot bases ofNeoalsomitra podagrica carry spines of an undescribed nature: they represent morphologically phyllodes. A closed ring of sclerenchyma originating from the fusion of vascular bundle sheaths is responsible for the rigidity of these organs. Contrary to their cylindric structure these phyllodes are to be considered as bifacial. Between the region of phyllodial spines and foliage leaves there is a transition zone with petiole spines characterized by secondary loss of rudimentary leaf blades.
Herrn Prof. Dr.W. Leinfellner zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Plastid DNA (ptDNA) probes were used in RFLP analysis to determine ptDNA inheritance in interspecific hybrids in Zantedeschia. Biparental and maternal ptDNA inheritance was found in albino hybrids between the evergreen species Z. aethiopica and several winter-dormant species. From two albino hybrids, different types of ptDNA were detected in shoots derived from different parts of an embryo. This result indicates that plastids were sorted out during embryo development. Only maternal ptDNA was detected in the hybrids of Z. aethiopica × Z. odorata (a summer-dormant species) but paternal, biparental, and maternal ptDNA were found in the hybrids of the reciprocal cross. Z. odorata × Z. aethiopica. By correlating these ptDNA inheritance patterns with the leaf colour (albino, pale-green, and green) of the hybrids, it is suggested that the Z. odorata plastome is incompatible with the Z. aethiopica genome. The Z. aethiopica plastome is partially compatible with the Z. odorata genome but the development of Z. aethiopica plastids appears to be blocked by the presence of the Z. odorata plastids.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of 26 enzyme coding genes was conducted on accessions of threeCitrullus species and the relatedPraecitrullus fistulosus andAcanthosicyos naudinianus. The isozyme phylogeny of the genusCitrullus and the related species was constructed based on pairwise measurements of the respective genetic distances between the species and races.P. fistulosus andA. naudinianus form two distinct outgroups toCitrullus which is characterized by two main clusters: The first includes twoC. colocynthis races and the second,C. lanatus andC. lanatus var.citroides, which are more closely related to each other than they are toC. ecirrhosus. The isozyme phylogeny is consistent with the variability in six seed protein bands and with the crossability relations among the examined species.  相似文献   

Summary Three triploid (2n=3x=36) blueberry hybrids were obtained by hand-pollinating approximately 7,000 flowers of tetraploid highbush blueberry cultivars (based on Vaccinium corymbosum L.) with pollen from the diploid species V. elliottii Chapm. Meiotic analysis of these triploids revealed trivalents, bivalents and univalents in all metaphase I cells, with lagging chromosomes evident at anaphase I. Pollen of the three triploids was mostly aborted and did not stain with acetocarmine. However, the three triploids did produce from 0.9%–1.3% giant pollen grains that stained with acetocarmine and were present as monads, dyads or triads, rather than the normal tetrads. Pollination of 10,853 flowers of hexaploid V. ashei Reade cultivars with pollen from the triploids produced 266 berries, which averaged fewer than two fully-developed seeds per berry. One triploid clone showed partial female fertility when crossed to hexaploids, self-pollinated, or intercrossed with other triploids. Ploidy levels of the resulting hybrids were determined.Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 8672  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the mechanisms of seed failure in intraspecific and interspecific crosses of Solanum two diploid, S. commersonii and Group Phureja, and one tetraploid species, S. acaule, species were crossed and the seeds were analyzed for embryo and endosperm development. Many seeds of certain crosses observed seven days after pollinations were found to contain abnormal embryos and degenerating endosperms. In some cases seeds contained an embryo with no endosperm, or an endosperm with no embryo. Other interspecific crosses which were predicted to fail actually produced seeds with normally developed embryos and endosperms. To further characterize the intra- and interspecific embryos and endosperms the nuclear DNA was measured. There are several ways to explain the ploidy levels of embryos and endosperms among the crosses, the occurrence of unreduced gametes in some cases and genomic instability in other cases. The latter resulted in chromosome loss at meiotic and mitotic divisions. Genomic balance in interspecific seeds is critical to both embryo and endosperm development.Scientific Journal Series Article No. 14636 of the Minnesota Experiment Station  相似文献   

The highly specialized, two-celled hairs fringing the anthers ofCyclanthera pedata (L.)Schrad. and its relatives aid in pollination by producing a glue which sticks the coarse pollen grains onto insect visitors. This was proven by direct observations, confirming older assumptions. The adhesive is extruded from the big basal cell which bursts upon the slightest touch to the small top cell.—Turgor and, possibly, swelling pressure of the sticky material, are responsible for plasmoptysis and ejaculation. Cell contraction is due to tension of cuticular clips and, to a minor degree, to elasticity of the pectinic wall. A preformed apical dehiscence line disrupts when the top cell is bent aside.—The anthers hairs of a flower develop synchronously. From light and electron microscopic observations, the adhesive appears not to be a product of internal secretion. It originates from the endopolyploid giant nucleus of the basal cell, which finally degenerates by liquefying and swelling. The numerous peculiar elaioplasts apparently do not contribute to the hair's function.—The anther hairs are homologous to, and possibly have evolved from the so-called explosion hairs occurring on the green parts of manyCucurbitaceae.
Herrn Professor Dr.Walter Leinfellner zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Intergeneric hybridization betweenElymus anthosachnoides (2n = 28,SSYY) andPsathyrostachys huashanica (2n = 14,NN) was performed. Three hybrid plants, obtained via embryo rescue, were intermediate between the parents in morphology and developed vigorously, but were completely sterile. The mean chromosome configuration was 19.48 I + 0.76 II per cell in the hybrids at meiotic metaphase I. This result indicates thatE. anthosachnoides andP. huashanica are distantly related and that there is little or no homoeology betweenN (P. huashanica) andS orY (E. anthosachnoides) genomes.  相似文献   

The morphology and meiotic behaviour of pollen mother cells were studied in hybrids involvingLeymus multicaulis (2n = 28) ×Psathyrostachys huashanica (2n = 14),L. multicaulis ×P. juncea (2n = 14), andL. secalinus (2n = 28) ×L. multicaulis. Chromosome pairing was almost identical in theL. multicaulis ×P. huashanica, andL. multicaulis ×P. juncea hybrids, in which it averaged 7.30 univalents + 6.69 bivalents + 0.096 trivalents and 7.48 univalents + 6.75 bivalents, respectively. The meiotic pairing in the two hybrids indicated that oneL. multicaulis genome was closely homologous with theP. huashanica andP. juncea genomes. BothP. huashanica andP. juncea are possibly donors of oneL. multicaulis genome. Chromosome pairing in theL. secalinus ×L. multicaulis hybrid averaged 4.49 univalents + 11.71 bivalents + 0.02 trivalents, indicating that the genomes ofL. multicaulis andL. secalinus are to some degree homologous. However, they are sufficiently differentiated to insure species distinctness.  相似文献   

Lomatium, the largest genus of Apiaceae in western North America, includes many narrow endemics whose relationships are uncertain. Although no infrageneric classification exists forLomatium, several informal groups have been recognized. TheEuryptera group comprises seven narrowly endemic species distributed primarily in California. We conducted parsimony and maximum likelihood (ML) analyses using sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA from species of theEuryptera group and several other species ofLomatium. When considered with distribution, morphological, and cpDNA data, the ITS analyses are consistent with the monophyly of theEuryptera group and suggests that speciation in this group has occurred through geographical divergence. Inferences from ITS data also identify putative progenitors of the polyploidEuryptera species.  相似文献   

Arachis batizocoi Krap. & Greg. is a suggested B genome donor to the cultivated peanut,A. hypogaea L. Until recently, only one accession of this species was available in U.S.A. germplasm collections for analyses and species variability had not been documented. The objective of this study was to determine the intraspecific variability ofA. batizocoi to better understand phylogenetic relationships in sect.Arachis. Five accessions of the species were used for morphological and cytological studies and then F1 intraspecific hybrids analyzed. Some variation was observed among accessions—for example, differences in seed size, plant height and branch length. The somatic chromosomes of accessions 9484, 30079, and 30082 were nearly identical, whereas, the karyotypes of accessions 30081 and 30097 have several distinct differences. For example, 30081 had significantly more asymmetrical chromosomes 2 and 6 and more median chromosomes 7 and 10, and 30097 had significantly more asymmetrical chromosomes 3 and 10 and more median chromosomes 1 and 5 than accessions 9484, 30079, and 30082. All F1 hybrids among accessions were highly fertile. Meiotic observations indicated that hybrids among accessions 9484, 30079, or 30082 had mostly bivalents. However, quadrivalents were observed when either 30081 or 30097 was crossed with the above three accessions and 30081 × 30097 had quadrivalents, hexavalents and octavalents. The presence of translocations is the most likely cause of multivalent formation inA. batizocoi hybrids. Cytological evolution via translocations has apparently been an important mechanism for differentiation in the species.Paper No. 12382 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27695-7643.  相似文献   

In vitro pollen germination of five species and two interspecific hybrids from the genus Brassica was tested in four media. Genetically fixed differences in the demands for optimal pollen germination among species were found. The experiments were designed to define optimal content of mineral salts, sugar, and PEG for every investigated species or hybrids. The differences found among species are discussed in relation to the evolutionary trend.  相似文献   

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