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In two-dimensional (2D) kinematic studies, limb positions in three-dimensional (3D) space observed in lateral view are projected onto a 2D film plane. Elbow and knee-joint angles that are less than 20 degrees out-of-plane of lateral-view cameras generally exhibit very little measurable difference from their 3D counterparts (Plagenhoef 1979 Environment, Behavior, and Morphology; New York: Gustav Fisher, p. 95-118). However, when limb segment angles are more than 20 degrees out-of-plane, as is often the case in locomotor studies of arboreal primates, elbow and knee angles can appear significantly more extended than they actually are. For this reason, a methodology is described that corrects 2D out-of-plane angular estimates using a series of trigonometric transformations.  相似文献   

Great apes and humans use their hands in fundamentally different ways, but little is known about joint biomechanics and internal bone variation. This study examines the distribution of mineral density in the third metacarpal heads in three hominoid species that differ in their habitual joint postures and loading histories. We test the hypothesis that micro-architectural properties relating to bone mineral density reflect habitual joint use. The third metacarpal heads of Pan troglodytes, Pongo pygmaeus, and Homo sapiens were sectioned in a sagittal plane and imaged using backscattered electron microscopy (BSE-SEM). For each individual, 72 areas of subarticular cortical (subchondral) and trabecular bone were sampled from within 12 consecutive regions of the BSE-SEM images. In each area, gray levels (representing relative mineralization density) were quantified.Results show that chimpanzee, orangutan, and human metacarpal III heads have different gray level distributions. Weighted mean gray levels (WMGLs) in the chimpanzee showed a distinct pattern in which the ‘knuckle-walking’ regions (dorsal) and ‘climbing’ regions (palmar) are less mineralized, interpreted to reflect elevated remodeling rates, than the distal regions. Pongo pygmaeus exhibited the lowest WMGLs in the distal region, suggesting elevated remodeling rates in this region, which is loaded during hook grip hand postures associated with suspension and climbing. Differences among regions within metacarpal heads of the chimpanzee and orangutan specimens are significant (Kruskal–Wallis, p < 0.001). In humans, whose hands are used for manipulation as opposed to locomotion, mineralization density is much more uniform throughout the metacarpal head. WMGLs were significantly (p < 0.05) lower in subchondral compared to trabecular regions in all samples except humans. This micro-architectural approach offers a means of investigating joint loading patterns in primates and shows significant differences in metacarpal joint biomechanics among great apes and humans.  相似文献   

Because the hand is a complex poly-articular limb, numerous methods have been proposed to investigate its kinematics therefore complicating the comparison between studies and the methodological choices. With the objective of overcoming such issues, the present study compared the effect of three local frame definitions on local axis orientations and joint angles of the fingers and the wrist. Three local frames were implemented for each segment. The “Reference” frames were aligned with global axes during a static neutral posture. The “Landmark” frames were computed using palpated bony landmarks. The “Functional” frames included a flexion–extension axis estimated during functional movements. These definitions were compared with regard to the deviations between obtained local segment axes and the evolution of joint (Cardan) angles during two test motions. Each definition resulted in specific local frame orientations with deviations of 15° in average for a given local axis. Interestingly, these deviations produced only slight differences (below 7°) regarding flexion–extension Cardan angles indicating that there is no preferred method when only interested in finger flexion–extension movements. In this case, the Reference method was the easiest to implement, but did not provide physiological results for the thumb. Using the Functional frames reduced the kinematic cross-talk on the secondary and tertiary Cardan angles by up to 20° indicating that the Functional definition is useful when investigating complex three-dimensional movements. Globally, the Landmark definition provides valuable results and, contrary to the other definitions, is applicable for finger deformities or compromised joint rotations.  相似文献   

Spontaneously acquired bipedal locomotion of an untrained Japanese monkey (Macaca fuscata) is measured and compared with the elaborated bipedal locomotion of highly trained monkeys to assess the natural ability of a quadrupedal primate to walk bipedally. The subject acquired bipedalism by himself because of the loss of his forearms and hands due to congenital malformation. Two other subjects are performing monkeys that have been extensively trained for bipedal posture and locomotion. We videotaped their bipedal locomotion with two cameras in a lateral view and calculated joint angles (hip, knee, and ankle) and inertial angle of the trunk from the digitized joint positions. The results show that all joints are relatively more flexed in the untrained monkey. Moreover, it is noted that the ankle is less plantar flexed and the knee is more flexed in mid-to-late stance phase in the untrained monkey, suggesting that the trunk is not lifted up to store potential energy. In the trained monkeys, the joints are extended to bring the trunk as high as possible in the stance phase, and then stored potential energy is exchanged for kinetic energy to move forward. The efficient inverted pendulum mechanism seems to be absent in the untrained monkeys locomotion, implying that acquisition of such efficient bipedal locomotion is not a spontaneous ability for a Japanese monkey. Rather, it is probably a special skill that can only be acquired through artificial training for an inherently quadrupedal primate.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to the cover date of the issue.  相似文献   

Kinematic variables of the vertical jump (jumping height, jump phase durations and joint angles) were measured on 39 male physical education students. In addition, kinetic parameters of the hip and knee extensors, and of the plantar flexors (maxima voluntary force and its rate of development) were recorded on the same subjects, in isometric conditions. The results demonstrated significant positive correlations between kinetic parameters of the active muscle groups and jumping height (r = 0.217-0.464). The dominant effect on these correlations was due to the knee extensors. Correlations between these parameters and the duration of the jump phases were much weaker. Correlation coefficients between kinetic parameters and limb angles in the lowest body position showed that fast force production in one muscle group was related to a significant decrease in the joint angles of distant body segments. Multiple correlation coefficients between leg extensor parameters and kinematic variables (ranging between 0.256 for the duration of the counter-movement phase and 0.616 for jump height) suggested that kinetic parameters could explain more than a quarter of the variability of this complex human movement. Therefore, the conclusion was drawn that an extended set of measurements of the relevant musculo-skeletal system parameters could predict a considerable amount of the variability of human movement. However, high correlation coefficients between the same kinetic parameters of different muscle groups suggest that not all active muscle groups have to be included in the measurements.  相似文献   

Kinematic analysis is often performed with a camera system combined with reflective markers placed over bony landmarks. This method is restrictive (and often expensive), and limits the ability to perform analyses outside of the lab. In the present study, we used a markerless deep learning-based method to perform 2D kinematic analysis of deep water running, a task that poses several challenges to image processing methods. A single GoPro camera recorded sagittal plane lower limb motion. A deep neural network was trained using data from 17 individuals, and then used to predict the locations of markers that approximated joint centres. We found that 300–400 labelled images were sufficient to train the network to be able to position joint markers with an accuracy similar to that of a human labeler (mean difference < 3 pixels, around 1 cm). This level of accuracy is sufficient for many 2D applications, such as sports biomechanics, coaching/training, and rehabilitation. The method was sensitive enough to differentiate between closely-spaced running cadences (45–85 strides per minute in increments of 5). We also found high test–retest reliability of mean stride data, with between-session correlation coefficients of 0.90–0.97. Our approach represents a low-cost, adaptable solution for kinematic analysis, and could easily be modified for use in other movements and settings. Using additional cameras, this approach could also be used to perform 3D analyses. The method presented here may have broad applications in different fields, for example by enabling markerless motion analysis to be performed during rehabilitation, training or even competition environments.  相似文献   

The relationship between shoulder pain and scapular dyskinesis (SDK) is unclear. Differences between groups with and without SDK have been demonstrated, focusing on the amount of scapular motion at specific degrees of humeral elevation. However, this approach does not consider the temporal information and shape of the scapular motion temporal series. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) may clarify this variability and advance current understanding of ‘abnormal’ movement patterns. This study aimed to evaluate the scapular kinematics in patients with shoulder pain and in asymptomatic participants with and without SDK using PCA. Data were collected in 98 participants separated in four groups: Pain + SDK (n = 24), Pain (n = 25), No Pain + SDK (n = 24), and No Pain (n = 25). Scapulothoracic kinematic data were measured with an electromagnetic tracking device during arm elevation and lowering phases. PCA and analysis of variance were used to compare the groups. The No Pain + SDK group had a progressive increasing in anterior tilt over the elevation phase compared to the Pain (effect size = 0.79) and No Pain (effect size = 0.80) groups. During the arm-lowering, the Pain + SDK group had a progressive increasing in anterior tilt over this phase in comparison to the No Pain + SDK group (effect size = 0.68). Therefore, PCA demonstrated differences in the scapular anterior tilt related to SDK and shoulder pain. The presence of SDK revealed a scapular pattern with progressive increasing in anterior tilt over the elevation phase. However, during the arm-lowering phase, asymptomatic participants with SDK changed their motion pattern, unlike the symptomatic group, reinforcing the suggested association between scapular modifications and shoulder symptoms.  相似文献   

The increased use of gait analysis has raised the need for a better understanding of how walking speed and demographic variations influence asymptomatic gait. Previous analyses mainly reported relationships between subsets of gait features and demographic measures, rendering it difficult to assess whether gait features are affected by walking speed or other demographic measures. The purpose of this study was to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the kinematic and kinetic profiles during ambulation that tests for the effect of walking speed in parallel to the effects of age, sex, and body mass index. This was accomplished by recruiting a population of 121 asymptomatic subjects and analyzing characteristic 3-dimensional kinematic and kinetic features at the ankle, knee, hip, and pelvis during walking trials at slow, normal, and fast speeds. Mixed effects linear regression models were used to identify how each of 78 discrete gait features is affected by variations in walking speed, age, sex, and body mass index. As expected, nearly every feature was associated with variations in walking speed. Several features were also affected by variations in demographic measures, including age affecting sagittal-plane knee kinematics, body mass index affecting sagittal-plane pelvis and hip kinematics, body mass index affecting frontal-plane knee kinematics and kinetics, and sex affecting frontal-plane kinematics at the pelvis, hip, and knee. These results could aid in the design of future studies, as well as clarify how walking speed, age, sex, and body mass index may act as potential confounders in studies with small populations or in populations with insufficient demographic variations for thorough statistical analyses.  相似文献   

We have combined kinematic and electromyogram (EMG) analysis of running Blaberus discoidalis to examine how middle and hind leg kinematics vary with running speed and how the fast depressor coxa (Df) and fast extensor tibia (FETi) motor neurons affect kinematic parameters. In the range 2.5–10 Hz, B. discoidalis increases step frequency by altering the joint velocity and by reducing the time required for the transition from flexion to extension. For both Df and FETi the timing of recruitment coincides with the maximal frequency seen for the respective slow motor neurons. Df is first recruited at the beginning of coxa-femur (CF) extension. FETi is recruited in the latter half of femur-tibia (FT) extension during stance. Single muscle potentials produced by these fast motor neurons do not have pronounced effects on joint angular velocity during running. The transition from CF flexion to extension was abbreviated in those cycles with a Df potential occurring during the transition. One effect of Df activity during running may be to phase shift the beginning of joint extension so that the transition is sharpened. FETi is associated with greater FT extension at higher running speeds and may be necessary to overcome high joint torques at extended FT joint angles. Accepted: 24 May 1997  相似文献   

Summary In locusts (Locusta migratoria) walking on a treadwheel, afferents of tarsal hair sensilla were stimulated via chronically implanted hook electrodes (Fig. 1). Stimuli applied to the middle leg tarsus elicited avoidance reflexes (Fig. 2). In quiescent animals, the leg was lifted off the ground and the femur adducted. In walking locusts, the response was phase-dependent. During the stance phase, no reaction was observed except occasional, premature triggering of swing movements; stimuli applied near the end of the swing phase were able to elicit an additional, short leg protraction.Central nervous correlates of phase-dependent reflex modulation were observed by recording intracellularly from motoneuron somata in walking animals. As a rule, motoneurons recruited during the swing phase showed excitatory stimulus-related responses around the end of the swing movement, correlated to the triggering of additional leg protractions (Figs. 3, 4, 5). Motoneurons active during the stance phase were often inhibited by tarsal stimulation, some showed only weak responses (Figs. 8, 9, 10). Common inhibitory motoneuron 1 was excited by tarsal stimulation during all phases of the leg movement (Figs. 6, 7). In one type of flexor tibiae motoneuron, a complex response pattern was observed, involving the inversion of stimulus-related synaptic potentials from excitatory, recorded during rest, to inhibitory, observed during long-lasting stance phases (Figs. 11, 12).The results demonstrate how reflex modulation is represented on the level of synaptic input to motoneurons. They further suggest independent gain control in parallel, antagonistic pathways converging onto the same motoneuron as a mechanism for reflex reversal during locomotion.Abbreviations CI 1 common inhibitory motoneuron (1) - EMG electromyogram - Feti fast extensor muscle of the tibia  相似文献   

Terrestrial mammals are characterized by their digitigrade limb postures, which are proposed to increase effective limb length (ELL) to achieve preferred or higher locomotor speeds more efficiently. Accordingly, digitigrade postures are associated with cursorial locomotion. Unlike most medium‐ to large‐sized terrestrial mammals, terrestrial cercopithecine monkeys lack most cursorial adaptations, but still adopt digitigrade hand postures. This study investigates when and why terrestrial cercopithecine monkeys adopt digitigrade hand postures during quadrupedal locomotion. Three cercopithecine species (Papio anubis, Macaca mulatta, Erythrocebus patas) were videotaped moving unrestrained along a horizontal runway at a range of speeds (0.4–3.4 m/s). Three‐dimensional forelimb kinematic data were recorded during forelimb support. Hand posture was measured as the angle between the metacarpal segments and the ground (MGA). As predicted, a larger MGA was correlated with a longer ELL. At slower speeds, subjects used digitigrade postures (larger MGA), however, contrary to expectations, all subjects used more palmigrade hand postures (smaller MGA) at faster speeds. Digitigrade postures at slower speeds may lower cost of transport by increasing ELL and step lengths. At higher speeds, palmigrade postures may be better suited to spread out high ground reaction forces across a larger portion of the hand thereby potentially decreasing stresses in hand bones. It is concluded that a digitigrade forelimb posture in primates is not an adaptation for high speed locomotion. Accordingly, digitigrady may have evolved for different reasons in primates compared to other mammalian lineages. Am J Phys Anthropol 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hinsen K 《Proteins》2006,64(3):795-7; discussion 798-9
The dihedral angle principal component analysis method published recently by Mu, Nguyen, and Stock, is shown to produce distortions of the free energy landscape due to the neglect of constraints in the coordinates. It is further shown that these distortions can create artificial minima and energy barriers. The rugged energy landscape that the authors find for a small peptide chain might thus be an artifact of their method.  相似文献   

Recent ecomorphological studies have shown that the predicted correlations between morphology and ecology on broad taxonomic levels are often obscured when comparing more closely related groups. Among species, comparisons of lizards often indicate very little support for adaptive radiations into novel habitats. As few population level studies have been performed, we compared body, head and limb shape between four populations of Urosaurus ornatus living in structurally distinct habitats (cliffs, rocks, trees and boulders). Surprisingly, clear correlations between habitat use and body shape among populations were found, most of which were in good accordance with a priori biomechanical predictions (e.g. flat body and head for extreme climbers; long distal hindlimb segments for jumpers and runners; narrow body and long tail for tree dwelling lizards). This indicates that populations of Urosaurus ornatus are seemingly 'adapted' to the habitat they live in. However, quantification of performance and behaviour are needed to determine the adaptive nature of these observations.  相似文献   

The large body mass and exclusively arboreal lifestyle of Sumatran orangutans identify them as a key species in understanding the dynamic between primates and their environment. Increased knowledge of primate locomotor ecology, coupled with recent developments in the standardization of positional mode classifications (Hunt et al. [1996] Primates 37:363-387), opened the way for sophisticated multivariate statistical approaches, clarifying complex associations between multiple influences on locomotion. In this study we present a log-linear modelling approach used to identify key associations between orangutan locomotion, canopy level, support use, and contextual behavior. Log-linear modelling is particularly appropriate because it is designed for categorical data, provides a systematic method for testing alternative hypotheses regarding interactions between variables, and allows interactions to be ranked numerically in terms of relative importance. Support diameter and type were found to have the strongest associations with locomotor repertoire, suggesting that orangutans have evolved distinct locomotor modes to solve a variety of complex habitat problems. However, height in the canopy and contextual behavior do not directly influence locomotion: instead, their effect is modified by support type and support diameter, respectively. Contrary to classic predictions, age-sex category has only limited influence on orangutan support use and locomotion, perhaps reflecting the presence of arboreal pathways which individuals of all age-sex categories follow. Effects are primarily related to a tendency for adult, parous females to adopt a more cautious approach to locomotion than adult males and immature subjects.  相似文献   

A foot specialized for grasping small branches with a divergent opposable hallux (hallucal grasping) represents a key adaptive complex characterizing almost all arboreal non-human euprimates. Evolution of such grasping extremities probably allowed members of a lineage leading to the common ancestor of modern primates to access resources available in a small-branch niche, including angiosperm products and insects. A better understanding of the mechanisms by which euprimates use their feet to grasp will help clarify the functional significance of morphological differences between the euprimate grasp complex and features representing specialized grasping in other distantly related groups (e.g., marsupials and carnivorans) and in closely related fossil taxa (e.g., plesiadapiforms). In particular, among specialized graspers euprimates are uniquely characterized by a large peroneal process on the base of the first metatarsal, but the functional significance of this trait is poorly understood. We tested the hypothesis that the large size of the peroneal process corresponds to the pull of the attaching peroneus longus muscle recruited to adduct the hallux during grasping. Using telemetered electromyography on three individuals of Varecia variegata and two of Eulemur rubriventer, we found that peroneus longus does not generally exhibit activity consistent with an important function in hallucal grasping. Instead, extrinsic digital flexor muscles and, sometimes, the intrinsic adductor hallucis are active in ways that indicate a function in grasping with the hallux. Peroneus longus helps evert the foot and resists its inversion. We conclude that the large peroneal tuberosity that characterizes the hallucal metatarsal of prosimian euprimates does not correlate to "powerful" grasping with a divergent hallux in general, and cannot specifically be strongly linked to vertical clinging and climbing on small-diameter supports. Thus, the functional significance of this hallmark, euprimate feature remains to be determined.  相似文献   

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