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1. Using data from 71, mainly shallow (an average mean depth of 3 m), Danish lakes with contrasting total phosphorus concentrations (summer mean 0.02–1.0 mg P L?l), we describe how species richness, biodiversity and trophic structure change along a total phosphorus (TP) gradient divided into five TP classes (class 1–5: <0.05, 0.05–0.1, 0.1–0.2, 0.2–0.4,> 0.4 mg P L?1).
2. With increasing TP, a significant decline was observed in the species richness of zooplankton and submerged macrophytes, while for fish, phytoplankton and floating‐leaved macrophytes, species richness was unimodally related to TP, all peaking at 0.1–0.4 mg P L?1. The Shannon–Wiener and the Hurlbert probability of inter‐specific encounter (PIE) diversity indices showed significant unimodal relationships to TP for zooplankton, phytoplankton and fish. Mean depth also contributed positively to the relationship for rotifers, phytoplankton and fish.
3. At low nutrient concentrations, piscivorous fish (particularly perch, Perca fluviatilis) were abundant and the biomass ratio of piscivores to plankti‐benthivorous cyprinids was high and the density of cyprinids low. Concurrently, the zooplankton was dominated by large‐bodied forms and the biomass ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton and the calculated grazing pressure on phytoplankton were high. Phytoplankton biomass was low and submerged macrophyte abundance high.
4. With increasing TP, a major shift occurred in trophic structure. Catches of cyprinids in multiple mesh size gill nets increased 10‐fold from class 1 to class 5 and the weight ratio of piscivores to planktivores decreased from 0.6 in class 1 to 0.10–0.15 in classes 3–5. In addition, the mean body weight of dominant cyprinids (roach, Rutilus rutilus, and bream, Abramis brama) decreased two–threefold. Simultaneously, small cladocerans gradually became more important, and among copepods, a shift occurred from calanoid to cyclopoids. Mean body weight of cladocerans decreased from 5.1 μg in class 1 to 1.5 μg in class 5, and the biomass ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton from 0.46 in class 1 to 0.08–0.15 in classes 3–5. Conversely, phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll a increased 15‐fold from class 1 to 5 and submerged macrophytes disappeared from most lakes.
5. The suggestion that fish have a significant structuring role in eutrophic lakes is supported by data from three lakes in which major changes in the abundance of planktivorous fish occurred following fish kill or fish manipulation. In these lakes, studied for 8 years, a reduction in planktivores resulted in a major increase in cladoceran mean size and in the biomass ratio of zooplankton to phytoplankton, while chlorophyll a declined substantially. In comparison, no significant changes were observed in 33 ‘control’ lakes studied during the same period.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The shallow ponds of the nature reserve 'De Maten' form a metacommunity, in which individual ponds are highly interconnected via a system of overflows and rivulets. This study reports on the relations between cladoceran species richness and (a) connectivity patterns and (b) local environmental variables.
2. No relation was found between local species richness and three connectivity variables or dispersal pathways.
3. Spatial configuration was related to richness, but was confounded by environmental variables for 2 of 3 years. In those 2 years, there was a significant linear relation between Secchi disc depth and species richness, suggesting an important impact of the clearwater/turbid state alternative equilibria in shallow lakes in determining cladoceran richness. Only in the year in which environmental variables were unimportant did connectivity between the ponds influence species richness.
4. These results suggest that local environmental variables related to the clearwater/turbid state alternative equilibria in shallow lakes are important in determining cladoceran species richness. Connectivity and dispersal of individuals between the different ponds only act secondarily by increasing the general species richness within a pond through dispersal from ponds with different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse the importance of local and regional influences on the patterns of species richness in natural and man‐made lakes and to infer the impacts of human‐mediated introductions on these patterns. Location France. Methods Species occurrence data were gathered for 25 natural and 51 man‐made lakes. Analysis is based on regression models of local richness against their related regional richness and lake environmental variables. Results Local native richness was mostly controlled by the regional richness. Conversely, local total richness was mainly explained by local variables. These statements apply to both natural and man‐made lakes. Lacustrine systems displayed weak resistance to invaders. Main conclusions Species introductions have apparently contributed to saturate fish communities in these systems even if no clear negative effect on the survival of native species (i.e. species extinction) is detectable so far.  相似文献   

Patterns of species richness for vascular plants in China's nature reserves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Explaining the heterogeneous distribution of biodiversity across the Earth has long been a challenge to ecologists and biogeographers. Here, we document the patterns of plant species richness for different taxonomic groups in China's nature reserves, and discuss their possible explanations at national and regional scales, using vascular plant richness data coupled with information on climate and topographical variables. We found that water deficit, energy and elevation range (a surrogate of habitat heterogeneity) represent the primary explanations for variation in plant species richness of the nature reserves across China. There are consistent relationships between species richness and climate and habitat heterogeneity for different taxonomic vascular plant groups at the national scale. Habitat heterogeneity is strongly associated with plant richness in all regions, whereas climatic constraints to plant diversity vary regionally. In the regions where energy is abundant or water is scarce, plant richness patterns were determined by water and habitat heterogeneity, whereas in the region with low energy inputs, water interacting with energy, and habitat heterogeneity determined its species richness pattern. Our results also suggest that energy variables alone do not represent the primary predictor of plant richness.  相似文献   

Patterns in species richness and endemism of European freshwater fish   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aim  To analyse the patterns in species richness and endemism of the native European riverine fish fauna, in the light of the Messinian salinity crisis and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM).
Location  European continent.
Methods  After gathering native fish faunistic lists of 406 hydrographical networks, we defined large biogeographical regions with homogenous fish fauna, based on a hierarchical cluster analysis. Then we analysed and compared the patterns in species richness and endemism among these regions, as well as species–area relationships.
Results  Among the 233 native species present in the data set, the Cyprinidae family was strongly dominant (> 50% of the total number of species). Seven biogeographical regions were defined: Western Peri-Mediterranea, Central Peri-Mediterranea, Eastern Peri-Mediterranea, Ponto-Caspian Europe, Northern Europe, Central Europe and Western Europe. The highest regional species richness was observed for Central Peri-Mediterranea and Ponto-Caspian Europe. The highest endemic richness was found in Central Peri-Mediterranea. Species–area relationships were characterized by high slope values for Peri-Mediterranean Europe and low values for Central and Western Europe.
Main conclusions  The results were in agreement with the 'Lago Mare' hypothesis explaining the specificity of Peri-Mediterranean fish fauna, as well as with the history of recolonization of Central and Western Europe from Ponto-Caspian Europe following the LGM. The results also agreed with the mechanisms of speciation and extinction influencing fish diversity in hydrographical networks. We advise the use of the seven biogeographical regions for further studies, and suggest considering Peri-Mediterranean Europe and Ponto-Caspian Europe as 'biodiversity hotspots' for European riverine fish.  相似文献   

An exploration of factors influencing lotic insect species richness   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An understanding of factors that influence species richness of lotic insects is generally lacking. We present comparative data on aquatic insect species richness from several North American and other streams. Factors such as large sample numbers and drainage area (species area relationships) are not significant predictors of species richness across the streams we examined. We explore several hypotheses regarding the origins and maintenance of species richness using Upper Three Runs Creek (UTR), South Carolina, USA, as a reference stream. UTR has the highest species richness of any stream in the Western Hemisphere. Hypotheses examined included historical, regional and local processes such as: (1) Evolutionary time, (2) disturbance regime/environmental variability, (3) temperature/evolutionary-speed, (4) productivity, and (5) habitat heterogeneity. Of these hypotheses, we suggest that productivity and habitat heterogeneity appear to contribute most to the high species richness found in UTR. We believe that multidisciplinary analysis of other streams is necessary because without this crucial information our knowledge of, and desire to protect biodiversity in streams will be wanting.  相似文献   

The composition of the pelagic cladoceran species assemblages in some large, well-studied, lakes of Europe, Asia and Africa is reviewed based on original and literature data. In general, pelagic cladocerans are taxonomically less well studied than some littoral groups. Only the limnetic members of the family Sididae and some Daphnia have recently been revised, whereas knowledge of species diversity of other Daphniidae (including moinas) and Bosminidae is missing. Future detailed taxonomic studies may lead to considerable changes in understanding of limnetic zooplankton composition.  相似文献   

The total number of insect species in the world is an important if elusive figure. We use a fresh approach to estimate global insect species richness, based on biogeographic patterns of diversity of well or better documented taxa. Estimates generated by various calculations, all variations on a theme, largely serve to substantiate suggestions that insect species are likely to number around 10 million or less.  相似文献   



Species richness is a measure of biodiversity often used in spatial conservation assessments and mapped by summing species distribution maps. Commission errors inherent those maps influence richness patterns and conservation assessments. We sought to further the understanding of the sensitivity of hotspot delineation methods and conservation assessments to commission errors, and choice of threshold for hotspot delineation.


United States.


We created range maps and 30‐m and 1‐km resolution habitat maps for terrestrial vertebrates in the United States and generated species richness maps with each dataset. With the richness maps and the GAP Protected Areas Dataset, we created species richness hotspot maps and calculated the proportion of hotspots within protected areas; calculating protection under a range of thresholds for defining hotspots. Our method allowed us to identify the influence of commission errors by comparing hotspot maps.


Commission errors from coarse spatial grain data and lack of porosity in the range data inflated richness estimates and altered their spatial patterns. Coincidence of hotspots from different data types was low. The 30‐m hotspots were spatially dispersed, and some were very long distances from the hotspots mapped with coarser data. Estimates of protection were low for each of the taxa. The relationship between estimates of hotspot protection and threshold choice was nonlinear and inconsistent among data types (habitat and range) and grain size (30‐m and 1‐km).

Main conclusions

Coarse mapping methods and grain sizes can introduce commission errors into species distribution data that could result in misidentifications of the regions where hotspots occur and affect estimates of hotspot protection. Hotspot conservation assessments are also sensitive to choice of threshold for hotspot delineation. There is value in developing species distribution maps with high resolution and low rates of commission error for conservation assessments.  相似文献   

Identifying the factors determining the non-native species richness (NNSR) in a given area is essential for preventing species invasions. The relative importance of human-related and natural factors considered for explaining NNSR might depend upon both the spatial scale (i.e. the extent of the gradients sampled) and the historical context of the area surveyed. Here, using a worldwide database of freshwater fish occurrences, we tested whether the relative influence of human and ecological determinants of non-native fish species establishment at the scale of the biogeographic realm was consistent (i) with that observed worldwide, and (ii) among the different biogeographical realms. The prominent role of human activity in shaping the global (i.e. worldwide) pattern of NNSR cannot be directly extrapolated to the biogeographic realms. Furthermore, the relationships between human and ecological determinants and NNSR vary strikingly across biogeographic realms, revealing a strong context dependency of the determinants of NNSR. In particular, the human-related factors play a predominant role in explaining the establishment of non-native species in economically developed realms, while in the other realms environmental characteristics of the river basins best explained geographical patterns of NNSR. In the face of future biological invasions, considering both the spatial scale and the historical context of the surveyed area is crucial to adopt effective conservation strategies.  相似文献   

理解植物多样性变化的影响因素一直是群落生态学和生物地理学研究的重要内容。大量研究显示, 植物多样性受到海拔、古气候、现代气候、土壤养分和地上生物量等一系列因素的影响。然而, 很少有研究综合考虑这些因素对植物多样性的影响和相对重要性。本研究以北疆一年生早春短命植物为研究对象, 以2017年和2018年对32个样地调查的物种丰富度为基础, 通过一般线性模型和偏最小二乘通径模型分析了海拔、气候因素(年平均温度、冬季降水、2‒5月降水以及末次冰期以来2‒5月降水变化距平)、土壤养分(pH、土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷、碳氮比、碳磷比和氮磷比)和地上生物量与该类植物物种丰富度平均值的关系及其相对重要性。结果显示: (1)一年生早春短命植物物种丰富度与海拔、年均温度、2‒5月降水、末次冰期以来2‒5月降水变化距平、土壤pH、土壤碳氮比和地上生物量均呈现显著的单峰型关系, 而与冬季降水之间表现为先降低后增加的变化趋势, 表明该类植物多样性同时受到多种因素的影响; (2)海拔、气候因素和土壤养分不仅对该类植物物种丰富度存在显著的直接影响, 也可通过改变地上生物量进而对其物种丰富度产生间接影响; (3)这些因素中, 气候因素是影响一年生早春短命植物物种丰富度的最主要影响因素, 其次分别为地上生物量、海拔和土壤养分。海拔、土壤养分、气候因素及地上生物量共同驱动了北疆地区一年生早春短命植物丰富度的变化。  相似文献   

1. Little is known about native communities in naturally fishless lakes in eastern North America, a region where fish stocking has led to a decline in these habitats. 2. Our study objectives were to: (i) characterise and compare macroinvertebrate communities in fishless lakes found in two biophysical regions of Maine (U.S.A.): kettle lakes in the eastern lowlands and foothills and headwater lakes in the central and western mountains; (ii) identify unique attributes of fishless lake macroinvertebrate communities compared to lakes with fish and (iii) develop a method to efficiently identify fishless lakes when thorough fish surveys are not possible. 3. We quantified macroinvertebrate community structure in the two physiographic fishless lake types (n = 8 kettle lakes; n = 8 headwater lakes) with submerged light traps and sweep nets. We also compared fishless lake macroinvertebrate communities to those in fish‐containing lakes (n = 18) of similar size, location and maximum depth. We used non‐metric multidimensional scaling to assess differences in community structure and t‐tests for taxon‐specific comparisons between lakes. 4. Few differences in macroinvertebrate communities between the two physiographic fishless lake types were apparent. Fishless and fish‐containing lakes had numerous differences in macroinvertebrate community structure, abundance, taxonomic composition and species richness. Fish presence or absence was a stronger determinant of community structure in our study than differences in physical conditions relating to lake origin and physiography. 5. Communities in fishless lakes were more speciose and abundant than in fish‐containing lakes, especially taxa that are large, active and free‐swimming. Families differing in abundance and taxonomic composition included Notonectidae, Corixidae, Gyrinidae, Dytiscidae, Aeshnidae, Libellulidae and Chaoboridae. 6. We identified six taxa unique to fishless lakes that are robust indicators of fish absence: Graphoderus liberus, Hesperocorixa spp., Dineutus spp., Chaoborus americanus, Notonecta insulata and Callicorixa spp. These taxa are collected most effectively with submerged light traps. 7. Naturally fishless lakes warrant conservation, because they provide habitat for a unique suite of organisms that thrive in the absence of fish predation.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the species richness of breeding birds along a local elevational gradient and to test the following assumptions of the energy limitation hypothesis: (1) the energy flux through birds is positively correlated with above‐ground net primary productivity, (2) bird density is positively correlated with total energy flux, and (3) bird species richness is positively correlated with bird density. Location An elevational gradient from 1400 to 3700 m on Mt. Yushan, the highest mountain in Taiwan (23°28′30″ N, 120°54′00″ E), with a peak of 3952 m a.s.l. Methods We established 50 sampling stations along the elevational gradient. From March to July 1992, we estimated the density of each bird species using the variable circular‐plot method. Above‐ground net primary productivity was modelled using monthly averages from weather data for the years 1961–90. Results Bird species richness had a hump‐shaped relationship with elevation and with net primary productivity. Bird energy flux was positively correlated with net primary productivity and bird species richness was positively correlated with bird density. The relationship between bird density and energy flux was hump‐shaped, which does not support one assumption of the energy limitation hypothesis. Main conclusions The results supported two essential assumptions of the energy limitation hypothesis. However, when energy availability exceeded a certain level, it could decrease species richness by increasing individual energy consumption, which reduced bird density. Thus, energy availability is a primary factor influencing bird species richness at this scale, but other factors, such as body size, could also play important roles.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the role of multiple landscape factors on the species richness patterns of native and introduced freshwater fish. Location Mediterranean streams, south‐western Iberian Peninsula, Europe (c. 87,000 km2). Methods We used a dataset of fish occurrences from 436 stream sites. We quantified the incremental explanatory power of multiple landscape factors in native, introduced, and overall local species richness using regression analysis. First, we related variation in local species richness across river basins to regional species richness (here, the basin species pool), area and factors of climate and topography. Second, we related within‐river basin local species richness to site’s climate and topography, and spatial structure derived from Principal Coordinates of Neighbour Matrices approach, after testing for species richness spatial autocorrelation; predicted local richness was mapped. Results Patterns of local species richness across river basins were strongly associated with regional species richness for overall, native and introduced species; annual rainfall showed a significant incremental contribution to variation in introduced species richness only. Within river basins, environmental factors were associated with local richness for the three species groups, though their contributions to the total explained variation were inferior to those of spatial factors; rainfall seasonality and stream slope were the most consistent environmental correlates for all species groups, while the influence of spatial factors was most prevalent for native species. Main conclusions Landscape factors operating among and within river basins seem to play a relevant role in shaping local species richness of both native and introduced species, and may be contingent on basin‐specific contexts. Nevertheless, local factors, such as habitat characteristics and biotic interactions and human‐induced disturbances may also be at play. Multiscale approaches incorporating a multitude of factors are strongly encouraged to facilitate a deeper understanding of the biodiversity patterns of Mediterranean streams, and to promote more effective conservation and management strategies.  相似文献   

Patterns of fish species richness in the Seine River basin,France   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Variation in fish assemblage structure was examined in different rivers of the Seine Basin. Factor analysis was used to identify similarities among samples and species, and to show ichtyological changes along an upstream-downstream gradient. Fish species richness was correlated with catchment area, distance from the source and number of individuals. Relationships between species richness and number of individuals in a sample were largely an artifact of sampling.Species richness increased with river size, reached a maximum in midsize rivers, then decreased in large rivers. This species richness pattern was consistent with the model of the River Continuum Concept. However, possible causes could include greater pollution effects in large rivers. Distribution of feeding guilds was related to river size. Species richness and proportion of omnivores and piscivores increased with river size, whereas species richness and proportion of invertivores declined downstream. These patterns suggest that trophic diversity of fish assemblages may be related to food availability.  相似文献   

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