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《基本医疗保险药品目录》的制定,对保证参保人员的合理用药需求、保障参保人员的合法权益以及降低不合理用药支出等方面具有重要作用。从临床实践的角度对2010版《江苏省医保药品目录》执行效果进行科学评价,探讨《医保药品目录》实施中存在的问题,为目录的调整提供政策建议。  相似文献   

目的 分析某省级三甲医院对《江苏省基本医疗保险药品目录》的执行效果。方法 选取江苏省某省级三级医院为研究对象,比较分析城镇职工医保患者和自费患者的药品使用情况。结果 新版《医保药品目录》能基本满足该院临床治疗需求;对门诊医保患者费用控制具有显著作用,但对住院医保患者的药品费用控制效果不明显,对不同疾病药品费用控制效果不一。结论 建立和完善严格的用药考核制度,需加强中高档药物使用的监管,并增加相应的适应症限制,应考虑将临床治疗可供选择、药价适应的药品纳入目录。  相似文献   

总结我国药品供应保障体系建设的成就,分析当前存在的主要问题,侧重探讨药品制造业的发展、药品创新潜力、中药和民族药发展。建议加大药品研发投入强度,提高我国药品研发和创新能力;充分利用我国丰富的中药和民族药资源,重视中医药发展;科学完善并严格实施药品审批制度,避免低水平重复;提高《国家基本医疗保险药品目录》的时效性,完善药品供应保障政策法规。  相似文献   


???? 制定药品目录是保障一国健康福利水平和控制药品费用的有效措施之一。通过归纳澳大利亚、法国、日本以及荷兰等国药品目录的制定中的成功之处,为完善我国基本医疗保险药品目录制定提出建议。


目的 基于常见病、多发病的视角界定基层医疗卫生机构的基本医疗服务范围。方法 以广东省A市为例,根据该市基本医疗保险参保人的微观数据,统计分析了该市的常见病、多发病,并对该市128个医疗机构进行问卷调查。结果 分别确定了社区卫生服务中心104个病种、乡镇卫生院101个病种、社区卫生服务站38个病种和村卫生室34个病种作为四类基层医疗卫生机构的基本医疗服务范围。结论 应依据四类基层医疗卫生机构的基本医疗服务范围从诊疗项目、药品目录、基层首诊制等方面进行政策调整与完善。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国医药事业的发展,很多新医药进入市场和各大医院,随着药物种类的增多,安全用药和药物科学管理的重要性随之凸显,因此,加强医院的药物科学管理,合理使用临床药品,是保证医药安全的重要措施。医护人员和药品管理人员作为药物的使用人员和储存人员,是药物管理的重要人员,笔者以自身在医院的多年工作经验,结合《中华人民共和国药品管理法实施条例》的相关规定,提出医院药物科学管理的方法及策略,希望对医院的工作人员有所帮助。  相似文献   

药学专业培养具备药学学科基本理论、基本知识和实验技能,能在药品生产、检验、流通、使用和研究与开发领域从事鉴定、药物设计、一般药物制剂及临床合理用药等方面工作的高级科学技术人才《。药物分析》是药学专业的专业主干课程,笔者结合教学实践,对药学专业《药物分析》课程的教学改革和教学方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

生物制品GMP(WHO,1992)目录1.本指南范围2.原则3.人员4.厂房和设备5.动物设施及管理6.生产7.标签8.批加工记录(格式)和分发记录9.质量保证和质量控制1本指南范围本指南系作为《药品GMP》(见WHOTRS,NO.823)的补充。生...  相似文献   

在对湖北省基层医疗机构实施基本药物制度现状总结的基础上,以系统论为指导,从理论上分析县级公立医院改革对基层医疗机构实施基本药物制度的影响,得出在县级公立医院改革特别是县级公立医院取消药品加成的过程中应配套相应措施:包括合理扩大基本药物省增补目录,将基层医疗机构基本药物补助纳入预算管理,建立多元化的基层医疗机构补偿途径,建立完善的县乡双向转诊模式等,以保证基层医疗机构有效实施基本药物制度和县级公立医院改革顺利推进。基层医疗机构顺利实施基本药物制度是落实医改政策的重要工作之一,各地政府在推进县级医院改革的过程中,应系统考虑调整相关卫生政策。  相似文献   

利用2009年上海市医疗机构药品集中招标采购数据库,分析上海基层医疗机构的实际用药现状,为上海市制定基层医疗机构基本药物的最终配备方案提供参考,以判断基本药物“307+X”配备模式在上海市基层医疗机构中实施的可行性。综合分析,“307+X”模式在上海实施具有可行性,但需要做好防止加重社区“配药难”现象的有效措施,做实收支两条线管理和遴选“X”时需要考虑国家基本药物目录本身的不足。  相似文献   



Urban population in China is mainly covered by two medical insurance schemes: the Urban Employee Basic Medical Insurance (UEBMI) for urban employees in formal sector and the Urban Resident Basic Medical Insurance (URBMI) for the left urban residents, mainly the unemployed, the elderly and children. This paper studies the effects of UEBMI and URBMI on health services utilisation in Shaanxi Province, Western China.


Cross-sectional data from the 4th National Health Services Survey - Shaanxi Province was studied. The propensity score matching and the coarsened exact matching methods have been used to estimate the average medical insurance effect on the insured.


Compared to the uninsured, robust results suggest that UEBMI had significantly increased the outpatient health services utilisation in the last two weeks (p<0.10), whilst the significant effect on hospitalisation was evident in the CEM method (p<0.10). The effect of URBMI was limited in that although being insured was associated with higher health services utilisation, compared with the uninsured, none of the improvement was statistically significant (p>0.10). It was also found that compared with the uninsured, basic medical insurance enrollees were more likely to purchase inpatient treatments in lower levels of hospitals, consistent with the incentive of the benefit package design.


Basic Medical insurance schemes have shown a positive but limited effect on increasing health services utilisation in Shaanxi Province. The benefit package design of higher reimbursement rates for lower level hospitals has induced the insured to use medical services in lower level hospitals for inpatient services.  相似文献   

在编研《中国生物物种名录》第一卷第五分册(蔷薇科–叶下珠科)的过程中,根据最新的研究结果提出国产蔷薇科蕨麻属植物的12个新组合。  相似文献   

?????? 目的 了解患者购药行为及其影响因素。方法 对501名门诊患者进行问卷调查,了解其就诊购药行为,对调查数据进行描述性分析。结果 就诊后97.08%的调查对象选择在医院药房购药,73.33%的患者没有外出购药的意识,认为医院药品质量比零售药店药品好的有43.54%,认为药店药品更便宜的占55.83%。结论 患者的购药习惯、认识水平,医院和药品厂商对处方流动的人为限制,以及现有医疗保险制度不利于处方流动。  相似文献   


Study Objectives

Health care utilization has progressively increased, especially among Medical Aid beneficiaries in South Korea. The Medical Aid classifies beneficiaries into two categories, type 1 and 2, on the basis of being incapable (those under 18 or over 65 years of age, or disabled) or capable of working, respectively. Medical Aid has a high possibility for health care utilization due to high coverage level. In South Korea, the national health insurance (NHI) achieved very short time to establish coverage for the entire Korean population. However there there remaine a number of problems to be solved. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the differences in health care utilization between Medical Aid beneficiaries and Health Insurance beneficiaries.

Methods & Design

Data were collected from the Korean Welfare Panel Study from 2008 to 2012 using propensity score matching. Of the 2,316 research subjects, 579 had Medical Aid and 1,737 had health insurance. We also analyzed three dependent variables: days spent in the hospital, number of outpatient visits, and hospitalizations per year. Analysis of variance and longitudinal data analysis were used.


The number of outpatient visits was 1.431 times higher (p<0.0001) in Medical Aid beneficiaries, the number of hospitalizations per year was 1.604 times higher (p<0.0001) in Medical Aid beneficiaries, and the number of days spent in the hospital per year was 1.282 times higher (p<0.268) for Medical Aid beneficiaries than in individuals with Health Insurance. Medical Aid patients had a 0.874 times lower frequency of having an unmet needs due to economic barrier (95% confidence interval: 0.662-1.156).


Health insurance coverage has an impact on health care utilization. More health care utilization among Medical Aid beneficiaries appears to have a high possibility of a moral hazard risk under the Health Insurance program. Therefore, the moral hazard for Medical Aid beneficiaries should be avoided.  相似文献   

?????? 目的 评价我国医疗保险规制效果,筛选优先干预措施,为建立有效的医院规制体系提供依据。方法 运用文献研究法明确现行医疗保险规制策略,通过问卷调查法调查策略实施情况,运用加权TOPSIS综合评价法对医疗保险规制的主要策略进行多维度综合评价。 结果 医疗保险支付方式是下一步规制改革的首要内容,接下来依次为医疗保险定点机构管理及医疗保险筹资和费用补偿。结论 在促进后付制(按项目付费)向预付制转变的同时,积极探索多种支付方式的结合运用。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe simultaneous improvement of the security capability of China Health Insurance System and its development in the last decade remains uncertain. This study measures the status and trends of reimbursement levels of the China Health Insurance System, as well as to offer policy advice to subsequent insurance reforms.MethodsThe National Reimbursement Ratio was created to determine the reimbursement level of the national health insurance system based on total health expenditure and the covered population. Chinese total health expenditure data from 2004 to 2011 were extracted from China’s Health Statistics according to the standards of the International Classification for Health Accounts by Healthcare Financing.ResultsIn 2011, the medical expenditure per capita in China was USD 130.95 and the National Reimbursement Ratio was 26.39%. The National Reimbursement Ratio showed an intense transition from 2004 to 2011, with a sharp decrease from 98.51% in 2004 to 22.44% in 2009, and then a small increase to 26.39% in 2011.ConclusionThe National Reimbursement Ratio was effective in revealing the reimbursement level of the national health insurance system and in predicting its trends. The challenge to China’s healthcare reform is to switch from increasing insurance coverage to guaranteeing a steady increase in government input and building a powerful supervision mechanism.  相似文献   



Many sub-Saharan countries, including Ghana, have introduced policies to provide free medical care to pregnant women. The impact of these policies, particularly on access to health services among the poor, has not been evaluated using rigorous methods, and so the empirical basis for defending these policies is weak. In Ghana, a recent report also cast doubt on the current mechanism of delivering free care – the National Health Insurance Scheme. Longitudinal surveillance data from two randomized controlled trials conducted in the Brong Ahafo Region provided a unique opportunity to assess the impact of Ghana’s policies.


We used time-series methods to assess the impact of Ghana’s 2005 policy on free delivery care and its 2008 policy on free national health insurance for pregnant women. We estimated their impacts on facility delivery and insurance coverage, and on socioeconomic differentials in these outcomes after controlling for temporal trends and seasonality.


Facility delivery has been increasing significantly over time. The 2005 and 2008 policies were associated with significant jumps in coverage of 2.3% (p = 0.015) and 7.5% (p<0.001), respectively after the policies were introduced. Health insurance coverage also jumped significantly (17.5%, p<0.001) after the 2008 policy. The increases in facility delivery and insurance were greatest among the poorest, leading to a decline in socioeconomic inequality in both outcomes.


Providing free care, particularly through free health insurance, has been effective in increasing facility delivery overall in the Brong Ahafo Region, and especially among the poor. This finding should be considered when evaluating the impact of the National Health Insurance Scheme and in supporting the continuation and expansion of free delivery care.  相似文献   

刘博  童毅华  李娟  杨利琴  何兴金 《广西植物》2017,37(10):1335-1338
笔者在编研《中国生物物种名录》第1卷第3分册(百合科——五桠果科)的过程中,发现百合科两个物种在《中国植物志》和Flora of China中均使用了错误的名称,需要做出新处理。其中,有斑百合的正确名称应为Lilium concolor var.pulchellum(Fisch.)Baker,而非《中国植物志》使用的晚出等名Lilium concolor var.pulchellum(Fisch.)Regel,黄花油点草的正确名称应为Tricyrtis maculata(D.Don)J.F.Macbr.,而非Flora of China使用的Tricyrtis pilosa Wall.。  相似文献   

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