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Two new esterolytic assays of the pineapple stem bromelains are described. They use as substrates the p-nitrophenyl esters of Nα-CBZ-l-lysine (CLN) and N-CBZ-glycine (CGN). The activity is monitored by the direct spectrophotometric measurement of the enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of these esters at 340 nm. The bromelains are rapidly activated with 1 mm l-cysteine at pH 4.6 for the CLN assay and pH 6.1 for the CGN assay. EDTA has no measurable effect. The sensitivities of the assays approach 10 μg/ml in a reaction time of 3 min.  相似文献   

Hydrolyses of N-acylated peptide ester substrates by various serine alkaline proteinases from bacterial and mold origin were compared using Ac- or Z-(Ala)m-X-OMe (m = 0-2 or 0-3; X = phenylalanine, alanine, and lysine) as esterase substrates. The results indicated that the esterase activities of these enzymes were markedly promoted by elongating the peptide chain from P1 to P2 or P3 with alanine, irrespective of the kind of the amino acid residue at the P1-position (amino acid residues in peptide substrates are numbered according to the system of Schechter and Berger (1)). The effect of the kind of amino acid residue at the P2-position was further determined using Z-X-Lys-OMe (X = glycine, alanine, leucine, or phenylalanine) as esterase substrates. Alanine was the most efficient residue as X with subtilisins and Streptomyces fradiae Ib enzyme, while leucine or phenylalanine were most efficient with the enzymes from Streptomyces fradiae II, Aspergillus sojae, and Aspergillus melleus. All the serine alkaline proteinases tested in this study were sensitive to Z-Ala-Gly-PheCH2Cl, the dependence of inhibition on the inhibitor concentration differed among the enzymes.  相似文献   

G I Rhyu  W J Ray  J L Markley 《Biochemistry》1985,24(18):4746-4753
1H and 31P NMR pH titrations were conducted to monitor changes in the environment and protonation state of the histidine residues and phosphoserine group of rabbit muscle phosphoglucomutase on binding of metal ions at the activating site and of substrate (glucose phosphate) at the catalytic site. Imidazole C epsilon-H signals from 8 of the 10 histidines present in the free enzyme were observed in 1H NMR spectra obtained by a spin-echo pulse sequence at 470 MHz; their pH (uncorrected pH meter reading of a 2H2O solution measured with a glass electrode standardized with H2O buffer) titration properties (in 99% 2H2O) were determined. Three of these histidine residues, which have pKa values ranging from 6.5 to 7.9, exhibited an atypical pH-dependent perturbation of their chemical shifts with a pHmid of 5.8 and a Hill coefficient of about 2. Since none of the observed histidines has a pKa near 5.8, it appears that these three histidines interact with a cluster consisting of two or more groups which become protonated cooperatively at this pH. Binding of Cd2+ at the activating site of the enzyme abolishes the pH-dependent transition of these histidines; hence, the putative anion cluster may constitute the metal ion binding site, or part of it. Two separate 31P NMR peaks from phosphoserine-116 of the phosphoenzyme were observed between pH 6 and 9. Apparently, the metal-free enzyme exists as a pH-dependent mixture of conformers that provide two different environments, I and II, for the enzymic phosphate group; the transition of the phosphate group between these two environments is slow on the NMR time scale.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The active site titration for various proteinases relies on the development of optimal enzyme titrants for each proteinase, but these titrants are only available for a limited number of proteinases. We have described a new active site titration method applicable to various kinds of endoproteinases using small quantities of the enzymes. This method was carried out by using alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) as a titrant and a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system. When the proteinase solution was treated with alpha 2M, the active proteinase was trapped by alpha 2M. In this reaction alpha 2M does not usually complex with inactive proteinase. After the reaction of proteinase with an excess of alpha 2M, the reaction mixture is applied to an HPLC gel column to separate the uncomplexed enzyme from the one complexed with alpha 2M. The active proteinase is complexed and eluted with alpha 2M, but the inactive proteinase is eluted at the original elution volume. The same amount of the enzyme was also applied to the column. From the decrease of the peak height at the elution position of the uncomplexed proteinase, we can estimate the ratio between enzymatically active proteinases and total proteinases. To test the usefulness of this method, we applied this method to chymotrypsin and trypsin whose activities were predetermined by conventional active site titration, and there was good agreement between both results. With this new method, we can estimate a proteinase activity with as little as 200 ng of the enzyme, a very small amount compared with those required in conventional methods.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Kinetic characterization of enzymes and analogous catalysts such as catalytic antibodies requires knowledge of the molarity of functional sites. Various stoichiometric titration methods are available for the determination of active-site concentrations of some enzymes and these are exemplified in the second part of this article. Most of these are not general in that they require the existence of certain types of either intermediate or active-site residues that are susceptible to specific covalent modification. Thus they are not readily applicable to many enzymes and they are rarely available currently for titration of catalytic antibody active sites. In the first part of the article we discuss a general kinetic method for the investigation of active-site availability in preparations of macromolecular catalysts. The method involves steady-state kinetics to provide Vmax and Km and single-turnover first-order kinetics using excess of catalyst over substrate to provide the analogous parameters k(obs)lim and K(m)app. The active-site contents of preparations that contain only active catalyst (Ea) and inert material (Ei) may be calculated as [Ea](T) = Vmax)/k(obs)lim. This is true even if nonproductive binding to E(a) occurs. For polyclonal catalytic antibody preparations, which may contain binding but noncatalytic material (Eb) in addition to Ea and Ei, the significance of Vmax/k(obs)lim is more complex but provides an upper limit to E(a). This can be refined by consideration of the relative values of Km and the equilibrium dissociation constant of EbS. Analysis of the Ea, Eb, Ei system requires the separate determination of Ei. For catalytic antibodies this may be achieved by analytical affinity chromatography using an immobilized hapten or hapten analog and an ELISA procedure to ensure the clean separation of Ei from the Ea + Eb mixture.  相似文献   

The biochemical mechanism of action of prolactin is unknown. This hormone enters the blood stream and binds to receptors predominantly in the monomeric form. A structural analysis of mammalian and piscine prolactin based on the present-day concepts of proteolytic processing of the hormone molecules in target tissues has been carried out. The experimental data suggest that prolactin molecules are protected from exopeptidase influence by their terminal cyclic peptides. The highly conservative proline-2 residues increase the resistance of the mammalian hormone N-terminal fragment to the effects of many aminopeptidases. Structurally the C-terminal cyclic peptides of prolactin, growth hormone and placental lactogen were shown to be homologous to peptides inhibiting trypsin-like proteinases. A structural analysis of the N-terminal domain of mammalian prolactin revealed the important role of Pro-2 and Pro-4 residues at positions adjacent with and inside the disulfide moiety. It is assumed that these proline residues and the cyclic structure are necessary for the manifestation of the inhibiting effect of the mammalian prolactin N-terminal dodecapeptide on proline-specific proteinases. It is assumed that proteolytic degradation of prolactin molecules in target tissues may induce the secretion of functionally active peptides.  相似文献   

Isothermal titration calorimetry has been applied to the determination of the kinetic parameters of chitinases (EC by monitoring the heat released during the hydrolysis of chitin glycosidic bonds. Experiments were carried out using two different macromolecular substrates: a soluble polymer of N-acetylglucosamine and the insoluble chitin from crab shells. Different experimental temperatures were used in order to compare the thermodependence of the activity of two chitinases from the psychrophile Arthrobacter sp. TAD20 and of chitinase A from the mesophile Serratia marcescens. The method allowed to determine unequivocally the catalytic rate constant k(cat), the activation energy (E(a)) and the thermodynamic activation parameters (DeltaG(#), DeltaH(#), DeltaS(#)) of the chitinolytic reaction on the soluble substrate. The catalytic activity has also been determined on insoluble chitin, which displays an effect of substrate saturation by chitinases. On both substrates, the thermodependence of the activity of the psychrophilic chitinases was lower than that observed with the mesophilic counterpart.  相似文献   

We have used a stopped-flow apparatus to reinvestigate reports, based on the observation of "burst" kinetics, of an intermediate prior to the acyl-enzyme complex in hydrolysis reactions of anilides catalyzed by trypsin and elastase [M. W. Hunkapiller, M. D. Forgac and J. H. Richards (1976) Biochemistry 15, 5581-5588; D. D. Petkov (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 523, 538-541; A. L. Fink and P. Meehan (1979) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 76, 1566-1569; P. Compton and A. L. Fink (1980) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 93, 427-431]. We studied the hydrolysis of several anilide substrates by bovine and porcine trypsin and porcine elastase between -30 degrees C and 20 degrees C. In no case did we record true "burst" kinetics. We show that confusion spectral changes can arise from incomplete mixing, thermal gradients, or heterogeneity of the substrate. We conclude that there is no solid spectroscopic evidence at present for the existence of a tetrahedral intermediate in the hydrolysis of amides by serine proteinases. The substrate N-acetyl-L-alanyl-L-prolyl-L-alanine 4-nitroanilide is a mixture of two isomers trans and cis about the L-alanyl-L-propyl peptide bond. It appears that elastase hydrolysis the cis isomer more rapidly than the trans isomer and this could lead to false "burst" kinetics. We describe the construction of the stopped-flow apparatus designed for cryoenzymology used for this work that has novel features and is adaptable to a variety of spectrophotometers. Solutions can be handled under anaerobic conditions. A window allows the drive syringes to be observed or exposed to light for photochemical experiments. The apparatus operates over the temperature range -35 degrees C to + 25 degrees C. The dead time is under 5 ms. A recording system is described that permits one to follow reactions over a wide time scale covering half-time of the order of several milliseconds to hours.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of the aromatic tetra-benzamidine derivative tetra-p-amidinophenoxy-neo-pentane (TAPP) on the catalytic properties of beta-trypsin (EC, alpha-thrombin (EC, factor Xa (EC, Lys77-plasmin (EC and beta-kallikrein-B (EC was investigated (between pH 2 and 8, I = 0.1 M; T = 37 +/- 0.5 degrees C), and analyzed in parallel with that of benzamidine, commonly taken as a molecular inhibitor model of serine proteinases. Over the whole pH range explored, TAPP and benzamidine show the same values of the dissociation inhibition constant (Ki) for beta-trypsin; at variance with the affinity of TAPP for alpha-thrombin, factor Xa, Lys77-plasmin and beta-kallikrein-B which is higher than that found for benzamidine association around neutrality, but tends to converge in the acidic pH limb. On lowering the pH from 5.5 to 3.0, values of Ki for TAPP binding to beta-trypsin as well as for benzamidine association to all the enzymes investigated decreased thus reflecting the pK-shift, upon inhibitor binding, of a single ionizing group. Over the same pH range, values of Ki for TAPP binding to alpha-thrombin, factor Xa, Lys77-plasmin and beta-kallikrein-B may be described as depending on the pK-shift, upon inhibitor association, of two equivalent proton-binding amino acid residues. Considering the X-ray three-dimensional structures and the computer-generated molecular models of serine proteinases: TAPP and :benzamidine adducts, the observed binding behaviour of TAPP and benzamidine to the enzymes considered has been related to the inferred stereochemistry of proteinase: inhibitor contact region(s).  相似文献   

Two fluorogenic derivatives of amino acids are proposed as substrates for the purpose of enzymatic assay: N-benzyloxycarbonyl-phenylalanine-4-methyl umbelliferyl ester (substrate-1) and tert-butyloxycarbonyl-alanine-4-methyl-umbelliferyl ester (substrate-II). Chymotrypsin-like (hydrolysis of substrate-1), elastase-like (hydrolysis of substrate-II) esterase activity of bovine pancreatic chymotrypsin, activities of cathepsin G and elastase from human, porcine and rat neutrophils and esterase activity of human, porcine and rat serum were assayed. Differences in the level of chymotrypsin-like and elastase-like activities of human, porcine and rat serum were established. Activities of purified elastase and cathepsin G from human and animal neutrophils were shown to have no significant distinctions.  相似文献   

A series of dipeptide derivatives of Rhodamine, each containing an arginine residue in the P1 position and one of ten representative benzyloxycarbonyl (Cbz)-blocked amino acids in the P2 position, has been synthesized, purified and characterized as substrates for serine proteinases. These substrates are easily prepared with high yields. Cleavage of a single amide bond converts the non-fluorescent bisamide substrate into a highly fluorescent monoamide product. Macroscopic kinetic constants for the interaction of these substrates with bovine trypsin, human and dog plasmin, and human thrombin are reported. Certain of these substrates exhibit extremely large specificity constants. For example, the kcat./Km for bovine trypsin with bis-(N-benzyloxycarbonylglycyl-argininamido)-Rhodamine [(Cbz-Gly-Arg-NH)2-Rhodamine] is 1 670 000 M-1 X S-1. Certain of these substrates are also highly selective. For example, the most specific substrate for human plasmin, (Cbz-Phe-Arg-NH2)-Rhodamine, is not hydrolysed by human thrombin, and the most specific substrate for human thrombin, (Cbz-Pro-Arg-NH)2-Rhodamine, is one of the least specific substrates for human plasmin. Comparison of the kinetic constants for hydrolysis of the dipeptide substrates with that of the single amino acid derivative, (Cbz-Arg-NH)2-Rhodamine, indicates that selection of the proper amino acid residue in the P2 position can effect large increases in substrate specificity. This occurs primarily as a result of an increase in kcat. as opposed to a decrease in Km and, in certain cases, is accompanied by a large increase in selectivity. Because of their high degree of sensitivity and selectivity, these Rhodamine-based dipeptide compounds should be extremely useful substrates for studying serine proteinases.  相似文献   

Eglin c, turkey ovomucoid third domain, and bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Kunitz) are all standard mechanism, canonical protein inhibitors of serine proteinases. Each of the three belongs to a different inhibitor family. Therefore, all three have the same canonical conformation in their combining loops but differ in their scaffoldings. Eglin c (Leu45 at P1) binds to chymotrypsin much better than its Ala45 variant (the difference in standard free energy changes on binding is -5.00 kcal/mol). Similarly, turkey ovomucoid third domain (Leu18 at P1) binds to chymotrypsin much better than its Ala18 variant (the difference in standard free energy changes on binding is -4.70 kcal/mol). As these two differences are within the +/-400 cal/mol bandwidth (expected from the experimental error), one can conclude that the system is additive. On the basis that isoenergetic is isostructural, we expect that within both the P1 Ala pair and the P1 Leu pair, the conformation of the inhibitor's P1 side chain and of the enzyme's specificity pocket will be identical. This is confirmed, within the experimental error, by the available X-ray structures of complexes of bovine chymotrypsin Aalpha with eglin c () and with turkey ovomucoid third domain (). A comparison can also be made between the structures of P1 (Lys+)15 of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Kunitz) ( and ) and of the P1 (Lys+)18 variant of turkey ovomucoid third domain (), both interacting with chymotrypsin. In this case, the conformation of the side chains is strikingly different. Bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor with (Lys+)15 at P1 binds to chymotrypsin more strongly than its Ala15 variant (the difference in standard free energy changes on binding is -1.90 kcal/mol). In contrast, turkey ovomucoid third domain variant with (Lys+)18 at P1 binds to chymotrypsin less strongly than its Ala18 variant (the difference in standard free energies of association is 0.95 kcal/mol). In this case, P1 Lys+ is neither isostructural nor isoenergetic. Thus, a thermodynamic criterion for whether the conformation of a P1 side chain in the complex matches that of an already determined one is at hand. Such a criterion may be useful in reducing the number of required X-ray crystallographic structure determinations. More importantly, the criterion can be applied to situations where direct determination of the structure is extremely difficult. Here, we apply it to determine the conformation of the Lys+ side chain in the transition state complex of a substrate with chymotrypsin. On the basis of kcat/KM measurements, the difference in free energies of activation for Suc-AAPX-pna when X is Lys+ and X is Ala is 1.29 kcal/mol. This is in good agreement with the corresponding difference for turkey ovomucoid third domain variants but in sharp contrast to the bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Kunitz) data. Therefore, we expect that in the transition state complex of this substrate with chymotrypsin, the P1 Lys+ side chain is deeply inserted into the enzyme's specificity pocket as it is in the (Lys+)18 turkey ovomucoid third domain complex with chymotrypsin.  相似文献   

The function of the long propeptides of fungal proteinases is not known. Aspergillus fumigatus produces a 33-kDa serine proteinase of the subtilisin family and a 42-kDa metalloproteinase of the thermolysin family. These extracellular enzymes are synthesized as preproenzymes containing large amino-terminal propeptides. Recombinant propeptides were produced in Escherichia coli as soluble fusion proteins with glutathione S-transferase or thioredoxin and purified by affinity chromatography. A. fumigatus serine proteinase propeptide competitively inhibited serine proteinase, with a Ki of 5.3 x 10(-6) M, whereas a homologous serine proteinase from A. flavus was less strongly inhibited and subtilisin was not inhibited. Binding of metalloproteinase propeptide from A. fumigatus to the mature metalloenzyme was demonstrated. This propeptide strongly inhibited its mature enzyme, with a Ki of 3 x 10(-9) M, whereas thermolysin and a metalloproteinase from A. flavus were not inhibited by this propeptide. Enzymatically inactive metalloproteinase propeptide complex could be completely activated by trypsin treatment. These results demonstrate that the propeptides of the fungal proteinases bind specifically and inhibit the respective mature enzymes, probably reflecting a biological role of keeping these extracellular enzymes inactive until secretion.  相似文献   

Kinetic constants (Km,Kcat) are derived for the hydrolysis of a number of chromogenic peptide substrates by the aspartic proteinase from HIV-2. The effect of systematic replacement of the P2 residue on substrate hydrolysis by HIV-1 and HIV-2 proteinases is examined.  相似文献   

Data on study of action plasma inhibitors on activity of pancreatic proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin) and plant proteinases (papain, bromelain), included in composition of enzyme mixes, used for orally application are submitted. It is established, that serine proteases are more sensitive to inactivation of plasma inhibitors, than cysteine enzymes. Main inhibitor of the papain and bromelain is alpha-2-macroglobulin in complex with which they preserve significant part of initial activity. A high-sensitivity method of determination of activity enzyme combinations, enabling to detect nanograms of them in presence of plasma inhibitors is offered. It can be used for study pharmacokinetic and optimization of enzyme mixes application in clinical practice.  相似文献   

蛇毒丝氨酸蛋白酶(snake venome serine proteinases,SVSP)是分布于多种蛇毒中的一类蛋白质水解酶,它们与凝血及纤溶系统关系密切,具有一定的临床应用价值。本文主要介绍了几种空间结构已知的SVSP在结构上的特征,以及由此而产生的底物特异性及生化特性的差异,显示了天然SVSP中存在着与功能相关的结构变异多样性,这为进一步开发及医学利用SVSP提供了有益的信息。  相似文献   

QSAR studies for piperazinylalkylisoxazole analogues were conducted by hologram QSAR (HQSAR) and comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) to explain the binding affinities of 264 ligands acting on dopamine D(3) receptor. The HQSAR was assessed by r(2) value of 0.917 and cross validated q(2) value of 0.841. In the CoMFA, r(2) is 0.919 and cross validated q(2) is 0.727. The results provide the tools for predicting the affinity of related compounds and guiding the design of new ligands.  相似文献   

J L Markley  I B Iba?ez 《Biochemistry》1978,17(22):4627-4640
Reversible unfolding of bovine chymotrypsinogen A in 2H2O either by heating at low pH or by exposure to 6 M guanidinium chloride results in the exchange of virtually all the nitrogen-bound hydrogens that give rise to low-field 1H NMR peaks, without significant exchange of the histidyl ring Cepsilon1 hydrogens. These preexchange procedures have enabled the resolution of two peaks, using 250-MHz correlation 1H NMR spectroscopy, that are attributed to the two histidyl residues of chymotrypsinogen A. Assignments of the Cepsilon1 hydrogen peaks to histidine-40 and -57 were based on comparison of the NMR titration curves of the native zymogen with those of the diisopropylphosphoryl derivative. Two histidyl Cepsilon1 H peaks were also resolved with solutions of preexchanged chymotrypsin Aalpha. The histidyl peaks of chymotrypsin Aalpha were assigned by comparison of NMR titration curves of the free enzyme with those of its complex with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Kunitz). The NMR titration curves of histidine-57 in the zymogen and enzyme and histidine-40 in the zymogen exhibit two inflections; the additional inflections were assigned to interactions with neighboring carboxyl groups: aspartate-102 in the case of histidine-57 and aspartate-194 in the case of histidine-40 of the zymogen. In bovine chymotrypsinogen A in 2H2O at 31 degrees C, histidine-57 has a pK' of 7.3 and aspartate-102 a pK' of 1.4, and the histidine-40-aspartate-194 system exhibits inflections at pH 4.6 and 2.3. In bovine chymotrypsin Aalpha under the same conditions, the histidine-57-aspartate-102 system has pK' values of 6.1 and 2.8, and histidine-40 has a pK' of 7.2. The results suggest that the pK' of histidine-57 is higher than the pK' of aspartate-102 in both zymogen and enzyme. A significant difference exists in the structure and properties of the catalytic center between the zymogen and activated enzyme. In addition to the difference in pK' values, the chemical shift of histidine-57, which is highly abnormal in the zymogen (deshielded by 0.6 ppm), becomes normalized upon activation. These changes may explain part of the increase in the catalytic activity upon activation. The 1H NMR chemical shift of the Cepsilon1 H of histidine-57 in the chymotrypsin Aalpha-pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Kunitz) complex is constant between pH 3 and 9 at a value similar to that of histidine-57 in the porcine trypsin-pancreatic trypsin inhibitor complex [Markley, J.L., and Porubcan, M. A. (1976), J. Mol. Biol. 102, 487--509], suggesting that the mechanisms of interaction are similar in the two complexes.  相似文献   

Active site titration by a reversible tight-binding inhibitor normally depends on prior knowledge of the inhibition constant. Conversely, the determination of tight-binding inhibition constants normally requires prior knowledge of the active enzyme concentration. Often, neither of these quantities is known with sufficient accuracy. This paper describes experimental conditions under which both the enzyme active site concentration and the tight-binding inhibition constant can be determined simultaneously from a single dose-response curve. Representative experimental data are shown for the inhibition of human kallikrein.  相似文献   

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