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对臭腹腺蝗Zonocerus variegatus中肠内水分和营养物的流动和吸收进行了研究,以期确定其流动模式及在该虫对氰化氢适应方面的意义。对中肠细胞进行了组织切片观察;测定了K+, Na+和蛋白质沿中肠的浓度梯度,并观察了中肠对K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+和甲基蓝的通透性。结果表明,中肠(胃和胃盲囊)组织上结构相似,均由具有纹状边缘的柱状细胞构成。营养物质在中肠不同部分的浓度不同。测试物在整个中肠中流动,中肠各段均参与了食物和水分的吸收。臭腹腺蝗肠内没有像大多数直翅目昆虫那样自后肠的液流逆向流动。肠溶物的单向流动可以防止有毒物质的积累,使臭腹腺蝗成功耐受木薯叶中的氰化氢。  相似文献   

通过对臭腹腺蝗Zonocerus variegatus(直翅目:锥头蝗科)6个若虫期及成虫期主消化道和胃盲囊分段进行解剖和测量,对其胃盲囊的异速生长和功能特性进行了研究。结果表明,胃盲囊和主消化道的生长是不同速的。胃盲囊前段较后段生长速率更高,但两者生长速率显著相关。消化道和胃盲囊的平均长度亦显著相关。随年龄增长,消化道的生长速率降低,而胃盲囊的生长速率上升。与胃盲囊前段功能相同,胃盲囊后段亦具有消化和吸收功能,被认为能在营养缺乏的旱季起到增加肠胃吸收面的功能。  相似文献   

应用血球计数器统计了胚后发育期臭腹腺蝗Zonocerus variegatus中存在的血细胞类型和数目。从1龄幼虫至成虫的发育阶段中共观察到6种血细胞类型,即原血细胞 (PRS)、 浆血细胞 (PLS)、粒细胞 (GRS)、珠血细胞 (SPS)、绛色细胞(OES) 和adipohaemocytes (ADS)。不过,在1龄幼虫期未发现OES。在这6种血细胞中,PLS的总平均数最高,OES的总平均数最低。成虫期的血细胞数目显著高于其他发育阶段(P<0.05),而1龄幼虫和2龄幼虫期的血细胞数目不存在显著差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在了解臭腹腺蝗 Zonocerus variegatus 中碳水化合物的消化。【方法】依次通过CM-Sepharose CL-6B 阳离子交换、QAE Sephadex A-50阴离子交换以及Sephadex G-100凝胶过滤,对臭腹腺蝗中肠的酶粗提取液(其中α-淀粉酶和纤维素酶的比活性分别为283±1.72 U/mg和 17±0.83 U/mg)进行了纯化。最后通过层析将共存的酶分离成α-淀粉酶和纤维素酶。【结果】这两种酶都是单体,α-淀粉酶分子量为38 kDa ,纤维素酶分子量为21 kDa。α-淀粉酶对淀粉的Km 值为 13.8±1.29 mg/mL,Vmax为3 883±52.25 U/mg pro;而纤维素酶对羧甲基纤维素底物的 Km 值为5.03±0.57 mg/mL ,Vmax为433.00±5.24 U/mg pro 。臭腹腺蝗α-淀粉酶能以不同的效率水解原淀粉,纤维素酶也能不同程度水解各种纤维材料。α-淀粉酶的水解活性在pH 6和40℃下最高,而纤维素酶的水解高活性在pH 9和45℃下最高。【结论】 从番木瓜 Carica papaya 种子中分离到蛋白类抑制剂,发现它们是这两种酶的有效抑制剂,说明这些蛋白抑制剂(CpAI和 CpCI)如果在害虫取食的作物上过量表达,则可能有利于害虫防治。尽管纤维类和淀粉类物质可能都显著提供该害虫的能量需求,但是动力学分析表明臭腹腺蝗更偏向于淀粉类食物。  相似文献   

印象初  叶保华  印展 《昆虫学报》2009,52(11):1244-1248
本文对中国橄蝗属Tagasta Bolivar, 1905进行了系统的分类研究, 该属同似橄蝗属Pseudomorphacris Carl, 1916 近似, 其不同之处为前胸背板侧片后下角近乎直角, 后翅为红色或玫瑰色, 雄性尾须短而直, 不向上弯曲。本文共记述产于中国的橄蝗属7种, 包括1新种。并附该属中国已知7种的检索表。  相似文献   

滇西斑腿蝗科的新属和新种记述(直翅目:蝗总科)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文记述自云南省西部横断山地区斑腿蝗科一新属二新种,即清水蝗属Qinshuiacris,gen,nov。绿清水蝗Qinshuiacrisvirdis,sp.nov。及突缘拟凹背蝗Pseudoptygonotusprominemarg inis.sp.nov。模式标本保存在陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   

郑哲民  谢令德 《昆虫学报》2007,50(5):508-511
研究了分布于中国野蝗属的种类,记述了一个新种,即黑翅野蝗Fer nigripennis sp. nov.,并提供了分种检索表。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

本文记述采自四川青城山及重庆缙云山蝗虫1新属2新种,即斑腿蝗科的降背蝗属Gibbitergum,gen.nov;青城山隆背蝗Gibbitergum qingchengshanensis,sp.nov.及红角腹露蝗Fruhstorferiola rubicornis,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   

扩增并测定了我国癞蝗科短鼻蜱属8种蝗虫的线粒体COⅡ基因序列(585 bp),利用Clustal X和MEGA对序列的碱基组成、转换颠换、遗传距离等进行分析,探讨了COⅡ基因在该属的分子进化特征.结果显示:碱基组成上,A T含量较高,为70.4%,其中密码子第3位A T含量最高,达到81.9%;在氨基酸组成上,变异率为12.8%;短鼻蝗属8种昆虫的遗传距离在0.003~0.111之间.  相似文献   

记述斜翅蝗属Eucoptacra Bolivar的研究历史、在中国分布的种类及1新种,即斑腿斜翅蝗E.maculifemura sp.nov.,该新种近似于秉汉斜翅蝗E.binghami Uvarov及大眼斜翅蝗E.megaocula Wang et al.,主要区别于上2种为颜面隆起在触角之间部分的宽度为眼间距宽的1.5倍;后足第1跗节明显宽于第3跗节;后足股节外侧具3个大黑斑。新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Weekly captures from January 2000 to January 2002 enabled us to study the abundance and life cycle of the variegated grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae), in the humid forest zone of Southern Cameroon. We found that Z. variegatus was present throughout the year in the forest reserve and the human‐influenced zones of Yaounde and Mbalmayo in two univoltine populations, which had unequal abundance and durations. The separation of the two populations was clearer in the Yaounde and Mbalmayo developed zones than in the Mbalmayo forest reserve (undeveloped zone). The abundance of Z. variegatus varied according to the post‐embryonic stage, sex, year and season. Hatching and coupling took place during the dry and rainy seasons, whereas oviposition occurred only in the rainy season. In Cameroon, the type of life cycle of Z. variegatus observed in the humid forest zone of the south is different from that of the “Sudanian and Sahelian” zones.  相似文献   

Pyrgomorpha vignaudii (Guérin‐Méneville, 1849) is a pest of a wide variety of crop plants in Africa. To facilitate the search for a sustainable strategy against this pest, we have studied the post‐embryonic development, morphology and reproduction on Manihot esculenta in the laboratory. Five‐hundred and two larvae at the first stage of development obtained in the laboratory were individually reared in cages. Post‐embryonic development passed through seven stages. The total number of days spent for larval development varied from 77 to 108. The mean duration of development of stages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 larvae were, respectively, 16.48 ± 0.43, 14.40 ± 0.55, 13.70 ± 0.61, 15.07 ± 0.84, 15.21 ± 1.31 and 16.21 ± 1.27 days. After the final molt, the females of P. vignaudii take an average of 12.7 ± 1.04 days before the first mating. The time between the first mating and first oviposition ranged from 14 to 34 days (averagely 25.2 ± 4.62 days). The females realized one to nine ovipositions during their lives. The number of eggs per egg‐pods (ootheca) varied from 16 to 93 with a mean of 45.31 ± 3.51. Our results provide valuable information for the search for a control strategy against P. vignaudii.  相似文献   

Fifth-instar Erinnyis ello larvae eat 2.1 times their own weight per day of Euphorbia pulcherrima leaves, with a coefficient of digestibility of 45% and an efficiency of food conversion into tissue of 25%. The food takes about 150 min to go through the gut. Midgut contents have a pH of 9.3–9.8, depending on the region. Cellulase is absent from the gut in E. ello. Significant gut hydrolase activities are found only in midgut. Amylase and trypsin occur in the midgut tissue and contents and in regurgitated material, whereas aminopeptidase, α-glucosidase, β-glucosidase and trehalase are found in major amounts in the midgut tissue, in minor amounts in the midgut contents and are absent from regurgitated material. The results support the hypothesis that digestion starts in the endoperitrophic space under the action of amylase and trypsin and is largely completed in the ectoperitrophic space through the catalytic action of several oligomer and dimer hydrolases. Involvement of a membrane-bound aminopeptidase in the terminal digestion of oligopeptides cannot, at present, be excluded. The finding that less than 7% of the total amylase and trypsin are excreted, after a time identical to the passage time of the food bolus, leads to the proposal for the existence of some mechanism by which those enzymes are recovered from the undigested food before it is excreted.  相似文献   

Belonidae are unusual in that they are carnivorous but lack a stomach and have a straight, short gut. To develop a functional morphological model for this unusual system the gut contents and alimentary tract morphology of Tylosurus gavialoides and Strongylura leiura ferox were investigated. The posterior orientation of the majority of the pharyngeal teeth supports the swallowing of whole large prey, but not their mastication. Mucogenic cells are abundant in the mucosa lining, particularly the esophagus, and their secretions are likely to protect the gut lining from damage while lubricating passage of the prey. Esophagus, anterior intestine, posterior intestine, and rectum all have highly reticulate mucosae. The anterior three gut sections are distensible to accommodate the passage of prey. However, following ingestion large prey are passed to the highly distensible posterior intestine where they rest head first against the ileorectal valve. Alimentary pH ranges from neutral to weakly acidic. Fish prey is digested head first with the head being largely digested while the remainder of the body is still intact. The nondistensibility of the rectum and the small aperture provided by the ileorectal valve suggest the products of intestinal digestion are either small particulates or fluids that pass into rectum where they are absorbed. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aims of this paper have been to describe (1) the general structure of the compound eye of the spittle bug Philaenus spumarius, (2) the eye's post-embryonic development, (3) photomechanical changes upon dark/light adaptation in the eye, and (4) how leaving the semi-aquatic foam bubble and turning into an adult affects the organization of the eye. Spittle bugs, irrespective of size or sex, possess apposition type compound eyes. The eye's major components (i.e. facet, cornea, cone and rhabdom) grow rather isometrically from the smallest nymph to the adult. Photomechanical changes can occur during both nymphal and adult phases and manifest themselves through pigment granules and mitochondria migrating to and away from the rhabdom, and rhabdom diameters varying with time of day and ambient light level. When a nymph transforms into an adult, its compound eyes’ dorsoventral axes widen, facet diameters increase, facet shapes turn from circular to pentagonal and hexagonal, the cornea thickens and the rhabdoms become thinner. The agile adults, free from the foam that surrounds the nymphs, can be expected to need their vision more than the nymphs, and the changes in eye structure do, indeed, indicate that the adults have superior visual acuity. A thicker cornea in the adults reduces water loss and protects the compound eye from mechanical and light-induced damage: protection given to the nymphs by their foam bubbles.  相似文献   

The external structure, i.e. number and distribution of sensillae on male and female antennae of 12 species of grasshoppers belonging to Pamphaginae, Catantopinae, Oedipodinae and Gomphocerinae in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia was investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Five major types of antennal sensillae were detected - trichoid, long basiconic, short basiconic, slender and short basiconic, and coeloconic sensillae. Total number of antennal sensillae varied among different sexes, subfamilies, feeding groups, life forms and eco-forms. Males showed significantly more sensillae than females, due to presence of more short basiconic and coeloconic sensillae. Species under Catantopinae showed more long basiconic sensillae than the others. The Oedipodinae had the highest number of slender and short basiconic sensillae and coeloconic sensillae, followed by Catantopinae and Gomphocerinae; while Pamphaginae had the fewest. The total number of sensillae showed the same trend for these two types amongst the subfamilies as well, species which prefer habits on the ground possessed fewer antennal sensillae than species which prefer to stay on plants. The maximal number of antennal sensillae were observed in hygrophytous species,Chorthippus albomarginatus, in the 12 grasshopper species investigated, although the data is not statistically significant. The general trend which emerged was that species feeding on grass possessed more antennal sensillae, particularly coeloconic sensillae, compared to other feeding group species.  相似文献   

To reduce the impact on the environment and enhance the sustainability of resources, it is necessary to promote and strengthen the use of landrace cultivars that advocate regenerative agriculture. In this study, the growth and development as well as the anaerobic digestion (AD) of six different landrace cultivars, two commercial hybrids cultivars and a public genotype of Sorghum bicolor have been evaluated. The landrace cultivars, in general, presented greater heights, biomass yields and compactness shoots as well as similar or an improvement in grain production compare to the commercial varieties. The AD of the different sorghum straws was performed in batch mode at mesophilic temperature (35°C). The landrace cultivar Zahina (ZH) obtained the highest final methane yield (413 ± 79 NL CH4 kg−1 VS, volatile solids) but the landrace cultivars Zahina gigante (ZHG) and Trigomillo (TG) were the ones that obtained the highest methane per biomass production (13.7 and 12.7 NL CH4 shoot unit−1, respectively). By contrast, the commercial varieties were the ones that obtained the lowest methane yields. Two mathematical models, first-order kinetics and the Transference Function model, were used to fit the experimental data with the aim of describing and simulating the anaerobic biodegradation of these S. bicolor straw varieties and obtaining the kinetic constants. Both models allowed for adequately fitting the experimental results of methane production with time. In particular, the fastest biomethanization occurred using the commercial variety PR88Y20 (PR88) (specific rate constant k = 0.148 ± 0.008 days−1), while the slowest one was obtained from Panizo (PAN) variety (k = 0.064 ± 0.005 days−1). In addition, the highest values of the maximum methane production rate, Rm, were attained for the varieties ZH and PR88, which were 87.1% and 71.3% higher than that achieved for the PAN variety, which exhibited the lowest value.  相似文献   

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