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In plant and algal cells, inhibition of the enzyme protoporphyrinogen oxidase (Protox) by the N-phenyl heterocyclic herbicide S-23142 causes massive protoporphyrin IX accumulation, resulting in membrane deterioration and cell lethality in the light. We have identified a 40.4 kb genomic fragment encoding S-23142 resistance by using transformation to screen an indexed cosmid library made from nuclear DNA of the dominant rs-3 mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. A 10.0 kb HindIII subclone (Hind10) of this insert yields a high frequency of herbicide-resistant transformants, consistent with frequent non-homologous integration of the complete RS-3 gene. A 3.4 kb XhoI subfragment (Xho3.4) yields rare herbicide-resistant transformants, suggestive of homologous integration of a portion of the coding sequence containing the mutation. Molecular and genetic analysis of the transformants localized the rs-3 mutation conferring S-23142 resistance to the Xho3.4 fragment, which was found to contain five putative exons encoding a protein with identity to the C-terminus of the Arabidopsis Protox enzyme. A cDNA clone containing a 1698 bp ORF that encodes a 563 amino acid peptide with 51% and 53% identity to Arabidopsis and tobacco Protox I, respectively, was isolated from a wild-type C. reinhardtii library. Comparison of the wild-type cDNA sequence with the putative exon sequences present in the mutant Xho3.4 fragment revealed a GA change at 291 in the first putative exon, resulting in a ValMet substitution at a conserved position equivalent to Val-389 of the wild-type C. reinhardtii cDNA. A sequence comparison of genomic Hind10 fragments from C. reinhardtii rs-3 and its wild-type progenitor CC-407 showed this GA change at the equivalent position (5751) within exon 10.  相似文献   

Rapid, sensitive and specific high-performance liquid chromatographic assays are described for protoporphyrinogen oxidase and ferrochelatase in human leucocytes. The enzyme reaction products were separated and quantitated by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. The optimal pH for the protoporphyrinogen oxidase assay was 8.6 and the Michaelis constant for protoporphyrinogen IX was 9.78 ± 0.96 μM (mean ± S.D.). The mean (± S.D.) activity of protoporphyrinogen oxidase in fourteen apparently healthy subjects was 0.146 ± 0.023 nmol protoporphyrin IX per min per mg protein. In one patient with variegate porphyria, the activity was 0.028 nmol protoporphyrin IX per min per mg protein. The optimal pH for ferrochelatase was 7.4 and with protoporphyrin and Zn2+ as substrates, the Michaelis constants were 1.49 and 8.33 μM, respectively. The mean activity of ferrochelatase in ten control subjects was 0.24 nM Zn—protoporphyrin or 2.05 nM Zn—mesoporphyrin formed per h per mg protein.  相似文献   

Masuda T  Suzuki T  Shimada H  Ohta H  Takamiya K 《Planta》2003,217(4):602-609
It is widely believed that ferrochelatase (protoheme ferrolyase, EC, which catalyzes the insertion of ferrous ion into protoporphyrin IX to form protoheme, exists in both plastids and mitochondria of higher plants. By in vitro import assay with isolated pea (Pisum sativum L.) organelles, it has been proposed that one of two isoforms of ferrochelatase (type 1) is dual-targeted into both plastids and mitochondria, and functions for heme biosynthesis in the both organelles. Recently, however, mitochondrial targeting of ferrochelatase is being disputed since pea mitochondria appeared to accept a variety of chloroplast proteins including the type-1 ferrochelatase of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. To clarify the precise subcellular localization of ferrochelatase in higher plants, here we investigated the subcellular localization of two types of ferrochelatase (CsFeC1 and CsFeC2) in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). In cotyledons, a significant level of specific ferrochelatase activity was detected in thylakoid membranes, but only a trace level of activity was detectable in mitochondria. Western blot analysis with specific antibodies showed that anti-CsFeC2 antiserum cross-reacted with plastids in photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic tissues. Anti-CsFeC1 did not cross-react with mitochondria, but CsFeC1 was clearly detectable in plastids from non-photosynthetic tissues. In situ transient-expression assays using green fluorescent protein demonstrated that, as well as CsFeC2, the N-terminal transit peptide of CsFeC1 targeted the fusion protein solely into plastids, but not into mitochondria. These results demonstrated that in cucumber both CsFeC1 and CsFeC2 are solely targeted into plastids, but not into mitochondria. Screening of a cucumber genomic or cDNA library did not allow any other ferrochelatase homologous gene to be isolated. The data presented here imply the reconsideration of mitochondrial heme biosynthesis in higher plants.  相似文献   

Protoporphyrinogen oxidase, the penultimate enzyme in the haem biosynthetic pathway has been purified to apparent homogeneity from bovine liver mitochondria, by a published method (Dailey, H.A. and Fleming, J.E., (1983)), with an additional ion-exchange chromatography step, using a Mono Q column on an FPLC-system. This gave a product with a 68% yield and 870-fold purification. Protoporphyrinogen oxidase (EC has an apparent Mr of 57,000 and the Km for protoporphyrinogen IX was 16.6 microM. Activity of the isolated enzyme was increased by 66% in the presence of oleic acid, and evidence was obtained for a FAD prosthetic group. Ferrochelatase (EC was purified and antibodies were raised in rabbits against ferrochelatase and protoporphyrinogen oxidase, respectively. Anti-protoporphyrinogen oxidase IgG showed marked cross-reactivity with ferrochelatase and anti-ferrochelatase IgG cross-reacted with protoporphyrinogen oxidase. In addition, radiolabelled peptides of both enzymes, generated by chymotrypsin, demonstrated common peptides when analysed by two-dimensional chromatography.  相似文献   

PPO (protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase) catalyses the flavin-dependent six-electron oxidation of protogen (protoporphyrinogen IX) to form proto (protoporphyrin IX), a crucial step in haem and chlorophyll biosynthesis. The apparent K(m) value for wild-type tobacco PPO2 (mitochondrial PPO) was 1.17 muM, with a V(max) of 4.27 muM.min(-1).mg(-1) and a catalytic activity k(cat) of 6.0 s(-1). Amino acid residues that appear important for substrate binding in a crystal structure-based model of the substrate docked in the active site were interrogated by site-directed mutagenesis. PPO2 variant F392H did not reveal detectable enzyme activity indicating an important role of Phe(392) in substrate ring A stacking. Mutations of Leu(356), Leu(372) and Arg(98) increased k(cat) values up to 100-fold, indicating that the native residues are not essential for establishing an orientation of the substrate conductive to catalysis. Increased K(m) values of these PPO2 variants from 2- to 100-fold suggest that these residues are involved in, but not essential to, substrate binding via rings B and C. Moreover, one prominent structural constellation of human PPO causing the disease variegate porphyria (N67W/S374D) was successfully transferred into the tobacco PPO2 background. Therefore tobacco PPO2 represents a useful model system for the understanding of the structure-function relationship underlying detrimental human enzyme defects.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial respiratory chain in plants, some protists and many fungi consists of the ATP-coupling cyanide-sensitive cytochrome pathway and the cyanide-resistant alternative respiratory pathway. The alternative pathway is mediated by alternative oxidase (AOX). Although AOX has been proposed to play essential roles in nutrient stress tolerance of plants and protists, the effects of sulfur (S) deprivation, on AOX are largely unknown. The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii reacts to S limitation conditions with the induced expression of many genes. In this work, we demonstrated that exposure of C. reinhardtii to S deprivation results in the up-regulation of AOX1 expression and an increased AOX1 protein. Furthermore, S-deprived C. reinhardtii cells display the enhanced AOX1 capacity. Moreover, nitrate assimilation regulatory protein (NIT2) is involved in the control of the AOX1 gene expression in the absence of S. Together, the results clearly indicate that AOX1 relates to S limitation stress responses and is regulated in a NIT2-dependent manner, probably together with yet-unknown regulatory factor(s).  相似文献   

The green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been used as a model system to study flagellar assembly, centriole assembly, and cell cycle events. These processes are dynamic. Therefore, protein targeting and protein-protein interactions should be evaluated in vivo. To be able to study dynamic processes in C. reinhardtii in vivo, we have explored the use of the green fluorescent protein (GFP). A construct containing a fusion of centrin and GFP was incorporated into the genome as a single copy. The selected clone shows expression in 25-50% of the cells. Centrin-GFP was targeted in vivo to the nuclear basal body connectors and the distal connecting fibers. At the electron microscopic level, it was also localized to the flagellar transitional regions. EM data of transformants indicate that there are some abnormalities in the centrin-containing structures. The transitional region consists of only the transverse septum or has lesions in the H-piece. The distal connecting fibers are thinner and their characteristic crossbands seem to be incomplete. Deflagellation is not affected since more than 95% of the cells deflagellate. Also basal body segregation is not affected since cells with an abnormal flagellar number were not detected. Functional studies of the centrin-GFP fusion show the characteristic calcium-induced mobility shift in SDS-PAGE. Immunofluorescence revealed that during cell division, centrin-GFP remains associated with the basal bodies. In vivo localization of the fusion protein during cell division shows that in metaphase centrin-GFP appears as two opposing spots located close to the spindle poles. The distance between the spots increases as the cells progress through anaphase and then decreases during telophase. GFP is a useful tool to study dynamic processes in the cytoskeleton of C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

Protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase (PPO), the last common enzyme of haem and chlorophyll biosynthesis, catalyses the oxidation of protoporphyrinogen IX to protoporphyrin IX. The membrane-embedded flavoprotein is the target of a large class of herbicides. In humans, a defect in PPO is responsible for the dominantly inherited disease variegate porphyria. Here we present the crystal structure of mitochondrial PPO from tobacco complexed with a phenyl-pyrazol inhibitor. PPO forms a loosely associated dimer and folds into an FAD-binding domain of the p-hydroxybenzoate-hydrolase fold and a substrate-binding domain that enclose a narrow active site cavity beneath the FAD and an alpha-helical membrane-binding domain. The active site architecture suggests a specific substrate-binding mode compatible with the unusual six-electron oxidation. The membrane-binding domains can be docked onto the dimeric structure of human ferrochelatase, the next enzyme in haem biosynthesis, embedded in the opposite side of the membrane. This modelled transmembrane complex provides a structural explanation for the uncoupling of haem biosynthesis observed in variegate porphyria patients and in plants after inhibiting PPO.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology - SlPIN8 is expressed specifically within tomato pollen, and that it is involved in tomato pollen development and intracellular auxin homeostasis. The auxin (IAA) transport...  相似文献   

Flagella are sensory organelles that interact with the environment through signal transduction and gene expression networks. We used microarray profiling to examine gene regulation associated with flagellar length change in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Microarrays were probed with fluorescently labeled cDNAs synthesized from RNA extracted from cells before and during flagellar assembly or disassembly. Evaluation of the gene expression profiles identified >100 clones showing at least a twofold change in expression during flagellar length changes. Products of these genes are associated not only with flagellar structure and motility but also with other cellular responses, including signal transduction and metabolism. Expression of specific genes from each category was further characterized at higher resolution by using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Analysis and comparison of the gene expression profiles coupled to flagellar assembly and disassembly revealed that each process involves a new and uncharacterized whole-cell response to flagellar length changes. This analysis lays the groundwork for a more comprehensive understanding of the cellular and molecular networks regulating flagellar length changes.  相似文献   

The intracellular localization of diamine oxidase (EC in rabbit kidney cortex was studied. The distribution of diamine oxidase in the subcellular fractions, obtained by modifying the classical method of Wattiaux-De Coninck, S., Rutgeerts, M.T. and Wattiaux, R. (Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1965) 105, 446-459) demonstrated that this activity is concentrated (greater than 60%) in the microsomal fraction. Biochemical and morphological data indicate a 20-30% contamination of this fraction by plasma membrane and brush border fragments. Subfractionation of the microsomes, obtained by centrifuging in a continuous sucrose-Ficoll gradient (d 1.038-1.064) for 75 min, showed that diamine oxidase is concentrated in membrane deriving from the endoplasmic reticulum. In fact the bulk of diamine oxidase activity was recovered in a subfraction of the gradient which was shown both biochemically and morphologically to derive from the endoplasmic reticulum. The possible significance of this result is discussed.  相似文献   

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