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Information on basic reproductive parameters and life-history traits is crucial for the understanding of primate evolution, ecology, social behavior, and reproductive strategies. Here, we report 4 yr of data on reproductive and life-history traits for wild female Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) at Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, northeastern Thailand. During 2 consecutive reproductive seasons, we investigated reproductive behavior and sexual swelling size in 16 females and collected 1832 fecal samples. Using enzyme immunoassays, we measured fecal estrogen and progesterone metabolites to assess ovarian activity and timing of ovulation and to ascertain conceptions and pregnancies. Timing of reproduction was strictly seasonal (births: April–July, 86% in April–June, 4 yr, n = 29; conceptions: October–February, 65% in December–January, 2 yr, n = 17). Females showed no cyclic ovarian activity outside the mating season and conceived in their first or second cycle (mean: 1.2 cycles to conception, n = 13). Gestation length was on average 164.2 d (range: 158–170, n = 10), and females had their first infant at an age of 5 yr (n = 4). Interbirth intervals were bimodally distributed, with females giving birth on average every 13.9 or 23.2 mo. Shorter interbirth intervals were linked to early parturition within the birth season. Most females displayed subcaudal sexual swellings which, however, did not reliably indicate female reproductive status or fertility. Overall, our results fall within the range of findings reported for other macaque species. These results thus add to the growing body of information available for wild macaques, facilitating comparative studies for a better understanding of interspecific differences in social and reproductive patterns.  相似文献   

We investigated the occurrence of scramble competition among Colobus vellerosus at Boabeng-Fiema, Ghana. If scramble competition had an impact on feeding efficiency among females, we expected a positive relationship between group size and the proportion of time spent feeding, day journey length, or home range size assuming resource availability is similar among the groups compared. We collected focal data on the feeding behavior of adult females and males over 11 mo (September 2000–August 2001) on 2 study groups: WW (n = 31–33 individuals) and B (n = 8–16 individuals). We also collected ranging data on group movements at half-hour intervals. The large group (WW1) had a significantly longer day journey length than the small group (B1), and females in the large group spent a significantly greater proportion of time feeding in the wet season, a period of low food availability, which suggests it may be a bottleneck period when food resources are scarce and Colobus vellerosus is close to being energy limited. The proximity data suggested females may be able to reduce or adjust for competition by having fewer neighbors when they feed and by spreading out when in a larger group. However, we found no relationship between home range size and group size or that females spent a greater proportion of time feeding than adult males did. Our results highlight the need to factor in differences in food availability when investigating scramble competition. Though equivocal, our results suggest scramble competition occurs among Colobus vellerosus, leading us to suggest there was a match with the potential competitive regime, i.e., food distribution.  相似文献   

The growth rate, reproductive aspects, and natural mortality of chimaeras and ratfish are poorly known. In this study, life-history parameters for cockfish Callorhinchus callorhynchus (Holocephali—Callorhinchidae) are estimated, which is an important fish resource exploited in Chile. Specimens were sampled from the artisanal fishery captures, from November 2006 to November 2007. The standard length (SL) of males fluctuated between 20 and 62 cm, and between 21 and 70 cm for females. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated through length-frequency data analysis using MULTIFAN. The length-weight relationship and von Bertalanffy growth parameters were significantly different for males and females, as well as the length at 50% maturity. For males a model with 5 age-classes was the best, with asymptotic length L  = 52 cm SL, growth coefficient K = 0.473 yr−1, and age at length zero t 0 = −0.690 yrs. For females the best model was represented by 10 age-classes (L  = 70.3 cm SL, K = 0.193 yr−1, t 0 = −1.158 yrs) in the length-frequency data sets. Length at 50% maturity of males was estimated in 43.7 cm SL, and in 50.2 cm SL for females. The natural mortality rate fluctuated between 0.42 and 0.82 yr−1 for males and between 0.12 and 0.37 yr−1 for females, depending upon the method used. It is concluded that C. callorhynchus is a species with life-history parameters significantly different between males and females, and such differences should be taken into account in future population dynamics analysis.  相似文献   

A preliminary analysis of 175 specimens of the white-streaked grouper, Epinephelus ongus (Serranidae), was undertaken to determine life history characteristics of the species. Sagittal otoliths, stomachs, and a subsample of gonads were removed to determine age at length, diet, and reproductive strategy. The von Bertalanffy growth equation was used to describe growth in this species and yielded the growth parameters L = 438.3, K = 0.04334, and t0 = −8.752. Fish ranged in age from 1 to 20 years. Diet was consistent with other serranid species and included crabs, shrimps, octopi, and fishes. Based on a very limited number of specimens (n = 12), the larger size and older age of males compared to females suggests that E. ongus may be a protogynous hermaphrodite.  相似文献   

Since fishery management regulations have shifted much of the groundfish trawl effort in the northeastern Pacific from the continental shelf to the slope, fishery impacts on unassessed demersal slope rockfish species like the aurora rockfish (Sebastes aurora) may have increased. Understanding the life history of these species is a critical first step in developing management strategies to protect them from overharvest. In this study we employ cross-dating methods to validate the annual periodicity of growth increments and investigate the age, growth and maturity of aurora rockfish, a species for which life history information is quite limited. Specimens were collected on an opportunistic basis from Oregon commercial landings and from research cruises, over the years 2003–2006. Age was estimated for 438 individuals using otoliths processed via the break-and-burn method. The maximum estimated age was 118 years for females (n = 324) and 81 years for males (n = 114). The von Bertalanffy growth function showed that males grow faster and reach a smaller maximum size than females (males: L inf = 34, K = 0.09, t 0 = −1.9; females: L inf = 37, K = 0.06, t 0 = −5.5), though both sexes demonstrate relatively slow growth. Visual assessment of ovaries showed that the aurora rockfish is a synchronous spawner with parturition occurring in May and June off Oregon. Female age and length at 50% maturity were calculated at 12.6 years and 26 cm, respectively (n = 307). Maturity and age data provided evidence for a protracted adolescence in this species.  相似文献   

Many cooperatively breeding societies are characterized by high reproductive skew, such that some socially dominant individuals breed, while socially subordinate individuals provide help. Inbreeding avoidance serves as a source of reproductive skew in many high‐skew societies, but few empirical studies have examined sources of skew operating alongside inbreeding avoidance or compared individual attempts to reproduce (reproductive competition) with individual reproductive success. Here, we use long‐term genetic and observational data to examine factors affecting reproductive skew in the high‐skew cooperatively breeding southern pied babbler (Turdoides bicolor). When subordinates can breed, skew remains high, suggesting factors additional to inbreeding avoidance drive skew. Subordinate females are more likely to compete to breed when older or when ecological constraints on dispersal are high, but heavy subordinate females are more likely to successfully breed. Subordinate males are more likely to compete when they are older, during high ecological constraints, or when they are related to the dominant male, but only the presence of within‐group unrelated subordinate females predicts subordinate male breeding success. Reproductive skew is not driven by reproductive effort, but by forces such as intrinsic physical limitations and intrasexual conflict (for females) or female mate choice, male mate‐guarding and potentially reproductive restraint (for males). Ecological conditions or “outside options” affect the occurrence of reproductive conflict, supporting predictions of recent synthetic skew models. Inbreeding avoidance together with competition for access to reproduction may generate high skew in animal societies, and disparate processes may be operating to maintain male vs. female reproductive skew in the same species.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to measure zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) concentration in human semen and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in seminal plasma and correlate the results with sperm quality. Semen samples were obtained from men (N = 168) undergoing routine infertility evaluation. The study design included two groups based on the ejaculate parameters. Group I (n = 39) consisted of males with normal ejaculate (normozoospermia), and group II (n = 129) consisted of males with pathological spermiogram. Seminal Zn and Fe were measured in 162 samples (group I, n = 38; group II, n = 124) and SOD activity in 149 samples (group I, n = 37; group II, n = 112). Correlations were found between SOD activity and Fe and Zn concentration, and between Fe and Zn concentration. SOD activity was negatively associated with volume of semen and positively associated with rapid progressive motility, nonprogressive motility, and concentration. Negative correlation was stated between Fe concentration and normal morphology. Mean SOD activity in seminal plasma of semen from men of group I was higher than in seminal plasma of semen from men of group II. Fe concentration was higher in teratozoospermic males than in males with normal morphology of spermatozoa in group II. Our results suggest that Fe may influence spermatozoa morphology.  相似文献   

In many cooperatively breeding societies, only a few socially dominant individuals in a group breed, reproductive skew is high, and reproductive conflict is common. Surprisingly, the effects of this conflict on dominant reproductive success in vertebrate societies have rarely been investigated, especially in high-skew societies. We examine how subordinate female competition for breeding opportunities affects the reproductive success of dominant females in a monogamous cooperatively breeding bird, the Southern pied babbler (Turdoides bicolor). In this species, successful subordinate reproduction is very rare, despite the fact that groups commonly contain sexually mature female subordinates that could mate with unrelated group males. However, we show that subordinate females compete with dominant females to breed, and do so far more often than expected, based on the infrequency of their success. Attempts by subordinates to obtain a share of breeding impose significant costs on dominant females: chicks fledge from fewer nests, more nests are abandoned before incubation begins, and more eggs are lost. Dominant females appear to attempt to reduce these costs by aggressively suppressing potentially competitive subordinate females. This empirical evidence provides rare insight into the nature of the conflicts between females and the resultant costs to reproductive success in cooperatively breeding societies.  相似文献   

One of the most widely accepted explanations for the difference in the sex bias between mammals and birds is that male-biased dispersal in mammals is due to the preponderance of polygynous mating systems exhibited by this class, whereas birds are predominantly monogamous. Spectral tarsiers (Tarsius spectrum) are unusual in that they exhibit variation in its mating system. Although the majority of spectral tarsier groups are monogamous, ca. 15% are polygynous. If mating system influences dispersal, then I predicted that the polygynous groups would exhibit male biased dispersal whereas I predicted that the dispersal patterns of the monogamous groups would be analogous to that exhibited by birds, specifically female biased. Alternatively, I hypothesized that ecological variation may influence dispersal habits in this species. Specifically, I predicted that polygynous groups would exhibit greater habitat quality than monogamous groups. The 2 hypotheses are not mutually exclusive. On the basis of 14 individuals birdbanded between 1994 and 1999, I determined that individuals of both sexes were equally likely to disperse (males, n = 5; females, n = 9). Males dispersed twice as far as females did. The mean dispersal distance for males was 660 m, and for females it was 266 m. Females (77%) were more likely to form a territory adjacent to the parental territory than were males (20%). Individuals exhibited relatively high amounts of site fidelity (86%) that were related to physical characteristics of the sleeping site. Adults that dispersed a second time (n = 4) initially resided in trees that were shorter and had a smaller diameter-at-breast height than the trees of individuals that exhibited site fidelity. The results of my study partly support the parental mating system hypothesis and also support the habitat quality hypothesis.  相似文献   

Extreme sexual dimorphism suggests that the South American electric fish, Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus Hopkins (Copeia 1991:151–161, 1991) is polygynous. No field studies have been conducted on the social behavior of this common gymnotiform species, in part because their nocturnal habits and densely vegetated habitat precludes direct observation in the field. We conducted mark–recapture studies on B. pinnicaudatus in Uruguay to gather indirect evidence of their breeding system. Sex ratios of adults were highly skewed toward females 2–3 weeks into the breeding season. Females moved twice as far as males on average (p = 0.016) and movement tracks of individual females overlapped one another but those of males did not. These data support the hypothesis that B. pinnicaudatus is polygynous or polygynandrous, and suggest that they use space in a manner consistent with exploded lek polygyny or iteroparous nest site polygynandry models. Fish detected within 2 m of each other were more aggregated than chance, both day and night, suggesting they maintain social groupings or alerting networks.  相似文献   

A better understanding of a species’ reproductive physiology can help conservation programs to manage primates in the wild and develop assisted reproductive technologies in captivity. We investigated whether measurements of fecal progestin and estrogen metabolites obtained by a radioimmunoassay could be used to monitor the ovarian cycle of Alouatta caraya. We also compared the occurrence of vaginal bleeding with the hormone profiles. We collected fecal samples from 3 adult and 1 subadult captive female over 5 mo and performed vaginal cytology for the adults. The interval between fecal progestin surges in the adult females was 19.11 ± 2.14 d (n = 18 cycles). Fecal progestin concentrations remained at basal values for 9.83 ± 2.21 d (n = 18) and rose to elevated values for 9.47 ± 0.72 d (n = 19). The subadult female showed basal levels of fecal estrogen and progestin concentrations throughout the study, suggesting that our hormone measurements are valid to monitor the ovarian cycle. Bleeding periods coincided with basal levels of fecal estrogens and progestin at intervals of 19.8 ± 0.9 d and lasted for 4.1 ± 1.0 d. Although we obtained these data from only 3 individuals, the results indicate that this species likely has a menstrual-type ovarian cycle. These data provide the first endocrine profile for the Alouatta caraya ovarian cycle and are similar to results obtained for other howler species. This similarity is important for comparative studies of howlers, allowing for a better understanding of their reproductive physiology and contributing to a critical information base for managing Alouatta species.  相似文献   

In this paper I examine behavioral strategies used by male and female tamarins to increase individual reproductive opportunities while continuing to maintain a high level of group cohesion and social cooperation. Tamarins of the genus Saguinus are characterized by social groups generally composed of more than one adult of each sex, but a breeding system in which only a single female in each group gives birth. The breeding sovereignty of a single dominant female limits the reproductive opportunities of subordinate females as well as the reproductive opportunities of resident adult males.1-3 Despite extreme variability in year-to-year reproductive success among members of the same social group, field studies indicate that within-group intrasexual aggression and fighting are rare, and that both breeding and nonbreeding individuals expend time and energy cooperatively caring for young, defending productive feeding sites, and assisting in food harvesting activities.4-11 In fact, Caine12 has argued that “co-operation, tolerance, and flexibility” are the primary themes of tamarin social interactions (p. 218). A major question that remains unanswered, however, is how such high levels of cooperation could have evolved in a social system characterized by emigration of both adult males and females from the natal group, polyandrous mating, and intense reproductive competition.  相似文献   

Human-induced habitat fragmentation might seriously affect behavioural patterns and the survival of species whose ecological requirements strongly depend on specific environmental conditions. We compared the genetic structure and dispersal patterns of 2 populations of Alouatta caraya (Plathyrrhini, Atelidae) to understand how habitat reduction and fragmentation affect gene flow in this species. We sampled individuals from 7 groups living in continuous forest (CF, n = 46, 22 males and 24 females), and 11 groups that inhabit a fragmented forest (FF, n = 50, 24 males and 26 females). FST values based on 11 microsatellite loci showed a recent genetic differentiation among groups in the FF. In contrast, the CF showed no differentiation among groups. Further, FST values between sexes, as well as kinship relationships, also exhibited differences between habitats. In the CF, both males and females disperse, leading to nondifferentiated groups composed of adults that are not close relatives. Conversely, in the FF, some groups are differentiated, males disperse more than females, and groups are composed of closely related adult females. Our results suggest that habitat fragmentation modifies the dispersal patterns of black-and-gold howlers. These differences between habitats may reflect a reduced gene flow, providing genetic evidence that suggests that habitat fragmentation severely limits the howler’s ability to disperse. An increasing level of isolation due to uncontrolled deforestation may cause similar loss of genetic diversity on other arboreal primates, and nonprimates that depend on forest continuity to disperse, reducing their abilities to cope with environmental changes.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal interactions among individual members of populations can have direct applications to habitat management of mountain lions (Puma concolor). Our objectives were to evaluate home range overlap and spatial/temporal use of overlap zones (OZ) of mountain lions in Arizona. We incorporated spatial data with genetic analyses to assess relatedness between mountain lions with overlapping home ranges. We recorded the space use patterns of 29 radio-collared mountain lions in Arizona from August 2005 to August 2008. We genotyped 28 mountain lions and estimated the degree of relatedness among individuals. For 26 pairs of temporally overlapping mountain lions, 18 overlapped spatially and temporally and eight had corresponding genetic information. Home range overlap ranged from 1.18% to 46.38% ( [`(x)] = \text24.\text43 \overline x = {\text{24}}.{\text{43}} , SE = 2.96). Male–male pairs were located within 1 km of each other on average, 0.04% of the time, whereas male–female pairs on average were 3.0%. Two male–male pairs exhibited symmetrical spatial avoidance and two symmetrical spatial attractions to the OZ. We observed simultaneous temporal attraction in three male–male pairs and four male–female pairs. Individuals from Tucson were slightly related to one another within the population (n = 13, mean R = 0.0373 ± 0.0151) whereas lions from Payson (n = 6, mean R = −0.0079 ± 0.0356) and Prescott (n = 9, mean R = −0.0242 ± 0.0452) were not as related. Overall, males were less related to other males (n = 20, mean R = −0.0495 ± 0.0161) than females were related to other females (n = 8, mean R = 0.0015 ± 0.0839). Genetic distance was positively correlated with geographic distance (r 2 = 0.22, P = 0.001). Spatial requirements and interactions influence social behavior and can play a role in determining population density.  相似文献   

Ulrich Sinsch 《Oecologia》1997,112(1):42-47
The migratory capacity of metamorphs and their later integration into local breeding populations was studied in a Bufo calamita metapopulation inhabiting the northern Rhineland, Germany (1991–1994). A new tagging method allowed unequivocal distinction among metamorphs (n = 1,709), which originated either from the spring-breeding cohort in 1991 and 1992 or from the summer-breeding cohort in 1991. The life history of batch-marked individuals was followed until adulthood, focusing on postmetamorphic dispersal, choice of breeding locality and timing of adult reproduction. Almost all metamorphs left the patches used for breeding within a few weeks after emergence. They were found at about the same density in all favourable microhabitats in a radius of up to 2 km around their native patch. This demonstrates that even small toadlets (6–11 mm snout-to-vent length) migrate distances of several hundred metres within a short time and that they significantly help prevent local extinction in sink populations (rescue effect). Recaptures of reproductive adults originating from tagged metamorphs were limited to males belonging to the 1997 spring and summer cohorts. The absence of recaptured females was probably due to their greater vagility and later sexual maturation. First-breeding males (2 years old) without exception joined the breeding cohort from which they originated: early breeders originated from spawn of the spring cohort, mid-summer breeders from spawn of the summer cohort. This result is in accordance with the hypothesis that the integration of first breeders to a specific breeding cohort is genetically controlled in central European natterjacks. The exchange of individuals between different cohorts in the same patch is considerably less than the migratory exchange between the same breeding cohorts among local populations, as predicted from the allozyme data. Received: 28 October1996 / Accepted: 4 June 1997  相似文献   

In captive callitrichid primates, female reproductive function tends to vary with social status. However, little is known about the interplay between these factors in wild groups. We report observations on normative ovarian function in dominant and subordinate female golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) living in wild groups. We monitored ovarian status by measuring, via enzyme immunoassay, concentrations of excreted pregnanediol glucuronide (PdG) and estrone conjugates (E1C) in fecal samples collected noninvasively from individuals in social groups in the Poço das Antas Biological Reserve, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Dominant breeding females demonstrated steroid levels similar to those previously reported for wild cotton-top tamarin females, with statistically significant rises during pregnancy. The duration of elevation of fecal steroids in breeding females was ca. 4 mo, which corresponds with estimates of gestation from captive studies. Low steroid concentrations from December to June suggest a seasonally-related period of infertility in female golden lion tamarins. Dominant and subordinate females demonstrated several differences in endocrine function. In general, younger females living in intact natal family groups showed no evidence of ovarian cyclicity. We noted endocrine profiles consistent with ovulation and subsequent pregnancy for behaviorally subordinate females living in groups with unrelated males or in which a reversal in female dominance status occurred. Results suggest that in addition to changes in female reproductive endocrinology associated with puberty, the regulation of reproduction in females in wild callitrichid groups can be sensitive to status and relatedness to breeding males.  相似文献   

Several growth hypotheses have been tested to investigate why males of the sequential hermaphrodite, Mediterranean rainbow wrasse, Coris julis (Linnaeus, 1758), are relatively larger than females of the same age. Individual growth trajectories were estimated to test these hypotheses. A good linear relationship between otolith size and body size was observed (r 2  = 0.71, n = 609), thus, past somatic growth of any specific fish can be inferred from the longitudinal data described by the width of annual increments in the otolith. These data were successfully analyzed by a non-linear mixed-effect model (von Bertalanffy growth model) using a Bayesian approach. The results obtained suggest that Mediterranean rainbow wrasse secondary males are relatively larger than females because 1) fish that change sex are already the larger individuals in their age group (specifically those with higher growth rate, k secondary males  = 0.199 and k females  = 0.161) and 2) they experience a growth spurt after sex change. The differences in growth observed in this species and in other protogynous hermaphrodites could be related to differences in social organization, which, in turn, are related to differences in the sex change mechanisms.  相似文献   

We recently reported (Michael & Zumpe: American Journal of Primatology 15:157–170, 1988) evidence for the hypothesis that copulations by pairs of rhesus monkeys are linked more closely to the ovulatory phase of the female's menstrual cycle when a male has access to several females in different cycle phases rather than access to females in the same cycle phase. We have now used data from this earlier study to assess the role of female dominance. Artificial menstrual cycles were induced with hormone injections in two of four ovariectomized females in eight social groups (each consisting of one male and four females). The artificial cycles were either synchronized or offset by 7-day increments. There were differences in the behavioral interactions of the higher-ranking (dominant) and lower-ranking (subordinate) hormone-treated females in each group. The amount of male sexual activity received by dominant and subordinate females differed little, but dominant females initiated significantly more sexual activity (P<.0001) than did subordinate females. Dominant females were significantly more aggressive (P<.0001) toward other females and received more direct and redirected aggression from males. Males generally initiated and maintained more social contacts with dominant than with subordinate females, and dominant females were less active than subordinates in initiating and maintaining social interactions with males. The findings provide new evidence for both female mate competition and mate choice by males for higher-ranking females.  相似文献   

In many group living animal species, individuals use aggression to gain and maintain social dominance to secure access to ecological resources and potential mates. While social dominance has many fitness benefits, there are also potential costs associated with frequent agonistic interactions and status display. One potential cost of social dominance is oxidative stress, the imbalance of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant capacity. In the cichlid species Astatotilapia burtoni, dominant males are aggressive, hold a breeding territory, and have an activated reproductive system resulting in larger gonads. Subordinate males are submissive, school with females, and are nonreproductive. Females are submissive under natural conditions, but in a female-only group, a dominance hierarchy will form with dominant females taking on male-typical behaviours including aggression, territory defence, and increased androgen levels. However, in contrast to males, social dominance is not linked to increased activation of the reproductive system in females, allowing us to test whether social dominance alone exposes individuals to increased oxidative stress. We compared dominant and subordinate females in female-only groups in five markers of oxidative stress. Dominant females did not have higher levels of oxidative damage compared to same-sex subordinates. This result contrasted to the trend in males in which dominant males had higher oxidative damage than their subordinate counterparts. Our findings suggest that the oxidative cost of social dominance is limited and support the notion that previously reported associations between high rank and increased oxidative stress is most likely driven by increased investment in reproduction.  相似文献   

Freshly deposited third instar Glossina morsitans centralis larvae were infected with the tsetse DNA virus by microinjection, and at emergence adult males were separated from the females and fed on rabbit blood every second day for 8 days. A control group treated with sterile saline were handled similarly. They were dissected, and comparative observations made on the appearance and size of the accessory reproductive glands (ARG) in infected and control males. Regularly fed 8-day-old males from infected and control groups were mated to 2-day-old normal females obtained from the insectay. After separation from copula, the females were dissected and the uteri examined for the presence and quality of the spermatophore. The spermathecae were also examined for insemination. ARG tissues from the control and virus infected regularly fed 8-day-old male flies were fixed and processed for electron microscopic studies. The ARGs from control flies were found to be milky in appearance, whereas those from virus-infected flies were transparent in most parts. The ARGs from virus-infected males were significantly smaller in diameters (F = 42.26, p < 0.0001) and shorter (F = 200.4, p < 0.0001) than those of the controls. Most of the virus-infected males failed to form a complete spermatophore, whereas almost all the controls formed complete spermatophore as observed in the uteri of the female mates (Χ2 = 111.661, p < 0.0001). The infected males that formed partial spermatophores and those that did not form any at all failed to inseminate their female mates. Histological studies of the ARGs revealed some lesions in the epithelial cells characterized by degeneration of cytoplasmic organelles and detachment of the muscle layer from the basal plasma membrane. However, no virus particles were observed in the affected cells. Received: 18 November 1998 / Accepted: 10 December 1998  相似文献   

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