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Genomic DNA is often thought of as the stable template of heredity, largely dormant and unchanging, apart from perhaps the occasional point mutation. But it has become increasingly clear that DNA is dynamic rather than static, being subjected to rearrangements, insertions and deletions. Much of this plasticity can be attributed to transposable elements and their genomic relatives.  相似文献   

田靖  赵志虎  陈惠鹏 《遗传》2009,31(11):1067-1076
比较基因组学的研究发现: 人类基因组中约5%的序列受到选择压力的限制, 但编码序列只占其中很小一部分, 约3.5%是保守、非编码序列。这些保守非编码元件具有重要功能。可能在染色质构型(高级结构)、DNA转录和RNA加工等不同水平参与了基因的表达调控, 与哺乳动物的形态发生和人类疾病相关。文章简要综述了保守非编码元件的识别、功能及验证、起源演化以及与人类疾病的关系。  相似文献   

The preTa subfamily of long interspersed elements (LINEs) is characterized by a three base-pair "ACG" sequence in the 3' untranslated region, contains approximately 400 members in the human genome, and has low level of nucleotide divergence with an estimated average age of 2.34 million years old suggesting that expansion of the L1 preTa subfamily occurred just after the divergence of humans and African apes. We have identified 362 preTa L1 elements from the draft human genomic sequence, investigated the genomic characteristics of preTa L1 insertions, and screened individual elements across diverse human populations and various non-human primate species using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays to determine the phylogenetic origin and levels of human genomic diversity associated with the L1 elements. All of the preTa L1 elements analyzed by PCR were absent from the orthologous positions in non-human primate genomes with 33 (14%) of the L1 elements being polymorphic with respect to insertion presence or absence in the human genome. The newly identified L1 insertion polymorphisms will prove useful as identical by descent genetic markers for the study of human population genetics. We provide evidence that preTa L1 elements show an integration site preference for genomic regions with low GC content. Computational analysis of the preTa L1 elements revealed that 29% of the elements amenable to complete sequence analysis have apparently escaped 5' truncation and are essentially full-length (approximately 6kb). In all, 29 have two intact open reading frames and may be capable of retrotransposition.  相似文献   

During routine screens of the NCBI databases using human repetitive elements we discovered an unlikely level of nucleotide identity across a broad range of phyla. To ascertain whether databases containing DNA sequences, genome assemblies and trace archive reads were contaminated with human sequences, we performed an in depth search for sequences of human origin in non-human species. Using a primate specific SINE, AluY, we screened 2,749 non-primate public databases from NCBI, Ensembl, JGI, and UCSC and have found 492 to be contaminated with human sequence. These represent species ranging from bacteria (B. cereus) to plants (Z. mays) to fish (D. rerio) with examples found from most phyla. The identification of such extensive contamination of human sequence across databases and sequence types warrants caution among the sequencing community in future sequencing efforts, such as human re-sequencing. We discuss issues this may raise as well as present data that gives insight as to how this may be occurring.  相似文献   

A report on the genomics workshop 'Identification of Functional Elements in Mammalian Genomes', Cold Spring Harbor, New York, 11-13 November 2004.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), encoded by about 5% of human genes, comprise the largest family of integral membrane proteins and act as cell surface receptors responsible for the transduction of endogenous signal into a cellular response. Although tertiary structural information is crucial for function annotation and drug design, there are few experimentally determined GPCR structures. To address this issue, we employ the recently developed threading assembly refinement (TASSER) method to generate structure predictions for all 907 putative GPCRs in the human genome. Unlike traditional homology modeling approaches, TASSER modeling does not require solved homologous template structures; moreover, it often refines the structures closer to native. These features are essential for the comprehensive modeling of all human GPCRs when close homologous templates are absent. Based on a benchmarked confidence score, approximately 820 predicted models should have the correct folds. The majority of GPCR models share the characteristic seven-transmembrane helix topology, but 45 ORFs are predicted to have different structures. This is due to GPCR fragments that are predominantly from extracellular or intracellular domains as well as database annotation errors. Our preliminary validation includes the automated modeling of bovine rhodopsin, the only solved GPCR in the Protein Data Bank. With homologous templates excluded, the final model built by TASSER has a global C(alpha) root-mean-squared deviation from native of 4.6 angstroms, with a root-mean-squared deviation in the transmembrane helix region of 2.1 angstroms. Models of several representative GPCRs are compared with mutagenesis and affinity labeling data, and consistent agreement is demonstrated. Structure clustering of the predicted models shows that GPCRs with similar structures tend to belong to a similar functional class even when their sequences are diverse. These results demonstrate the usefulness and robustness of the in silico models for GPCR functional analysis. All predicted GPCR models are freely available for noncommercial users on our Web site (http://www.bioinformatics.buffalo.edu/GPCR).  相似文献   

Ultraconserved elements are stretches of consecutive nucleotides that are perfectly conserved in multiple mammalian genomes. Although these sequences are identical in the reference human, mouse, and rat genomes, we identified numerous polymorphisms within these regions in the human population. To determine whether polymorphisms in ultraconserved elements affect fitness, we genotyped unrelated human DNA samples at loci within these sequences. For all single-nucleotide polymorphisms tested in ultraconserved regions, individuals homozygous for derived alleles (alleles that differ from the rodent reference genomes) were present, viable, and healthy. The distribution of allele frequencies in these samples argues against strong, ongoing selection as the force maintaining the conservation of these sequences. We then used two methods to determine the minimum level of selection required to generate these sequences. Despite the lack of fixed differences in these sequences between humans and rodents, the average level of selection on ultraconserved elements is less than that on essential genes. The strength of selection associated with ultraconserved elements suggests that mutations in these regions may have subtle phenotypic consequences that are not easily detected in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Repetitive elements may comprise over two-thirds of the human genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transposable elements (TEs) are conventionally identified in eukaryotic genomes by alignment to consensus element sequences. Using this approach, about half of the human genome has been previously identified as TEs and low-complexity repeats. We recently developed a highly sensitive alternative de novo strategy, P-clouds, that instead searches for clusters of high-abundance oligonucleotides that are related in sequence space (oligo "clouds"). We show here that P-clouds predicts >840 Mbp of additional repetitive sequences in the human genome, thus suggesting that 66%-69% of the human genome is repetitive or repeat-derived. To investigate this remarkable difference, we conducted detailed analyses of the ability of both P-clouds and a commonly used conventional approach, RepeatMasker (RM), to detect different sized fragments of the highly abundant human Alu and MIR SINEs. RM can have surprisingly low sensitivity for even moderately long fragments, in contrast to P-clouds, which has good sensitivity down to small fragment sizes (~25 bp). Although short fragments have a high intrinsic probability of being false positives, we performed a probabilistic annotation that reflects this fact. We further developed "element-specific" P-clouds (ESPs) to identify novel Alu and MIR SINE elements, and using it we identified ~100 Mb of previously unannotated human elements. ESP estimates of new MIR sequences are in good agreement with RM-based predictions of the amount that RM missed. These results highlight the need for combined, probabilistic genome annotation approaches and suggest that the human genome consists of substantially more repetitive sequence than previously believed.  相似文献   

I elements and the Drosophila genome   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Six novel families of interspersed repetitive elements have been detected in the available human DNA sequences using computer-assisted analyses. The estimated total number of elements in the reported six families is over 17,000. Sequences representative for each family range from approximately 150 to 650 base pairs (bp) in length and are predominantly (A + T)-rich. Sequences from four families contain stretches of patchy complementarity up to 45 bp long. Member of one of the families is likely be directly involved in a multigene deletion on chromosome 14. Two of the six sequence families are homologous to 'low reiteration frequency sequences' from monkey cells, detected first in defective variants of simian virus 40. Like Alu and L1 families, the newly discovered families are probably composed of pseudogenes derived from functional genes.  相似文献   

Random isolation of gene activator elements from the human genome.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Long-range-acting gene activator elements were randomly isolated from the human genome by functional selection. HeLa cells were transfected with an enhancer trap, a plasmid containing an enhancerless xanthine-guanosine phosphoribosyltransferase (gpt) gene transcribed from the simian virus 40 early promoter, and stably transformed GPT+ cells were selected. From several transformants, human DNA sequences flanking the enhancer trap were cloned. Two gene activators (GA1 and GA2) were found in the cloned human DNAs. GA1 and GA2 showed strong enhancer activity both in a stable transformation assay and in a transient expression assay. They had functional properties similar to those of other known enhancers: GA1 and GA2 activated the expression of a linked gene over distances of at least 5 kilobases both upstream and downstream in an orientation-independent fashion. GA1 may be required for the initial establishment of gene activation but was not essential for the maintenance of active expression. GA1 and GA2 were active not only in HeLa cells but also in other types of human cells, such as neuroblastoma cells. This indicates a limited but relatively broad cell type specificity. The HeLa genome contains multiple copies of GA1, while GA2 exists once in the genome.  相似文献   

Although alterations in the genomes of somatic cells cannot be passed on to future generations, they can have beneficial or detrimental effects on the host organism, depending on the context in which they occur. This review outlines the ways in which transposable elements have important consequences for somatic cell genomes.  相似文献   

Mobile elements and genome evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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